Why isn't there any news article posted on Reddit about the Austin package bombing?

50  2018-03-13 by [deleted]



Major shilling or bots going on here. Honestly this sub has died significantly since post 2016 Election. I feel the range of content is being muffled with bullshit while the real content is downvoted to oblivion.

Only browse new from now on.

Reddit as a whole died significantly during the last election cycle, however the level of censorship and astroturfing occurring in the last few months across the entire internet, is unbelievable.

agreed...i've seen the dramatic change in this sub over the last few years....we're losing the free speech/information battle.

Because the mods don't do fucking shit around here.

Plenty of posts on r/austin

Maybe people are being shadow banned from this sub.

It was on r/news yesterday, pretty close to the top if I remember right. I could be wrong about it's positioning though.

I saw it as well

I haven't seen any post. Just heard it about on the radio and on CBS. If this attacks where thought to be from any other skin color people it would've been plaster all over the front page. I'm just saying.

You're just trying to push an agenda.

Because then "Trump kept us safe" will be challenged.

This statement doesn't make sense.

They are in the middle of a guns are bad campaign and showing that guns are not the most dangerous tool that can be abused for domestic terrorism would highlight their stupidity.

Dingv ding ding!!!

This isn't an article but it is a short video confirming that they were connected. It was posted in this subreddit yesterday and I think I found it on the subs front page. Are you specifically asking about text articles?


I've only ever heard of the bombings on conspiracy sub reddits and once I remember seeing it on my Facebook news.

I saw warnings about a false flag in TX earlier this month , on instagram

This statement doesn't make sense.