We were sold a lie

2328  2018-03-13 by highhandedturtle

Trump supporters- do you see it yet? I saw it months ago, the man i supported lied to us. The swamp will never be drained, in fact its thriving. A CIA director just became one of the most important pieces of our federal government. A deputy director who was personally involved in torture and destruction of evidence now runs the largest spy organization both domestic and foreign. This forum has become nearly as bad as /r/thedonald as of late. I know I’m gonna get downvoted. I know I’m gonna catch shit. But I cant sit here and let this just get swept under the rug.


Then don’t support him. No need to indoctrinate others to your beliefs.

I did support him, i supported him more than i have any other candidate for public office in my entire life. I believed him when he said we have to “drain the swamp” i believed him when he told us that he supported the right to bear arms. I bought into his “common man” mentality even though he obviously wasn’t the common man. If you can’t look through him and see who he is objectively then this sub is further gone than i thought

People have a varying spectrum of beliefs, and do or do not have faith in him for a litany of reasons that may or may not be different from yours. Quit painting this sub with your broad fucking brush.

Props for seeing that he's not who you thought he'd be.


Anybody else out there reading this shit? Hello?

I read it. So what.

Well we see your first mistake, one does not "trust a politician". Even am imitation one.

Lying is what they do. It is the reason so many lawyers become politicians... they are professional liars.

This is like citizen101 material.

Its not so much that I trusted him as much as it is I expected something radically different than what I got. Even if he had been totally opposite of my political views I would have given him a chance because im sick of business as usual

Many of the people who voted for him were people that typically didn't vote, historically.

The 20-50 uneducated working class men. Got suckered and swayed the vote.

I still can't believe that Donald Trump is your president. It seems like a joke almost. Well it was on the Simpsons I guess. A couple times.

What will be a real testement of America is if he makes it to the next election and how he does then

Trump 2020. I hold several graduate degrees. You don’t understand the Trump phenomenon at all. You’re spewing emotion based talking points.

Right. Crazy talk. I call bullshit on every point you made

I actually laughed out loud at this. The "several graduate degrees" part got me. r/iamverysmart is calling.

Maybe he will be old enough to vote in 2020

And after all that he was still the best choice...by far.

There was always no choice.

What would happen with 51% spoiled ballots?

I really don't have a dog in the fight. I suspect at least one if not both Bush elections were rigged and honestly feel like our national elections are usually rigged not by Russians but by the usual suspects who own banking and by proxy pretty much everything else.

that said there's been no evidence that the Russians changed a single vote. I don't see why the DNC gets away with sabotaging Bernie Sanders' primary campaign. At the least thats outright fraud against anyone who donated money or significant time to either campaign under the impression that it was a fair contest. We should start our outrage with what can be proven.

I too agree that the US elections have been fraudulent from electronic voting machine shenanigans to dead people voting there is enough evidence for this to be a certainty.

How the public is not more up in arms over this is unfathomable.

I guess the paring down of the education system and the heavy metals in everything are taking effect.

I think you might be one of the most open minded people if you went from supporting Trump to realizing that he's a total fraud. It takes guts to stick to believing in Trump, as valueless as it may be, and it takes even more guts to stop believing in something that took so much effort to in the first place.

I feel you man.

I've been watching as he's kept up the ridiculous reality show of distractions While quietly doing exactly what you said in the OP. If anyone thinks any of this immigration nonsense, endless gun control blather, pronstar affairs, or anything else that's pretty much clogging the news is the real story then at this point they have to be really trying hard to keep their heads in the sand.

yes, because if you don't like it it's indoctrination right?

Nah, but trying to get an entire forum to rally around your belief with horribly stated and sourced materials is, friendo.

Isn't that the point of this sub?

No the point of this sub is to provide a platform to the self-proclaimed free thinkers to discuss conspiratory topics. Not to promote homogenous thought and echo chambers. Thought that would be pretty clear from the description this sub has given itself in the “about this community” section.

We’ve been sold lies for a century, but this particular liar is at least entertaining. King troll Trump

I don’t know how this administration could be supported by anyone, Jeff Sessions alone is enough to disillusion them. I adamantly supported the guy until I realized he’s just lying scum.


Yeah, and he's not going to build the wall either. Nothing good will come from Trump. At all.

Only if you don't pay taxes. If you do, you have likely already benefitted. I know I have. Nevermind my IRA. And nevermind trade deals like TPP and NAFTA.

So you're saying the only thing you care about is personal wealth? Sounds about right.

Nope, I clearly didn't say that. Its one good thing that has come out of Trump's Presidency. You could really use some work on your reading comprehension, no offense.

Well the only thing you mentioned as a retort to "nothing good will come from trump" were your personal finances.

No shit, that is at least one good thing that has already come from Trump. And its illogical to interpret that as meaning that all I care about is personal wealth. I even mentioned trade in there, making it even more illogical to assume that all I care about is personal wealth. Hope this helps.

You don't care about personal wealth?

I personally care about this country and all the people in it.

And the wars our taxes fund! /S

I’d like to think I’d die for this country so I do love this country more than personal wealth

That answer doesn't make any sense.

Compared to what? Do I care if somebody gives me $5k? Of course I do, that's a lot of money. Do I care if that same person that gave me $5k gives $10 million dollars to the guy next to me that already has millions and millions of dollars? Well all of a sudden that $5k doesn't seem so great.

People on this sub rail against Big Pharma, media conglomerates, the military industrial complex, shady billionaires, etc... etc... Well, guess who benefits THE MOST out of everybody else from these tax cuts? I'll just go ahead and spell it out, it's Big Pharma, media conflomerates, the military industrial complex, shady billionaires, etc... etc...

There is no way to logically reconcile being AGAINST corporate control of our population and our country but FOR this tax cut.

Who cares if the guy next to you gets $10 million? Does that make your $5,000 less valuable? What a stupid answer to a simple question.

Actually yes, objectively if Person A and Person B each have a set amount of money, and Person A receives $5,000 while Person B receives $10 million dollars, Person A's share of the overall pool of wealth has decreased. So yes, as the people around you receive more money and you receive less, your share of overall wealth becomes smaller.

Your hypothesis only works if (1) each person starts with the same amount, (2) the overall pool is a set amount, and (3) A and B are the only two people in the equation.

Your model means nothing in a world of fiat money, interest, and other humans creating capital. So, your model is meaningless and still doesn't address the actual question.

If you're communist, just say it. Then we could have a relevant conversation, instead of pretending that we're talking about the same thing.

The question was: do you care about personal wealth? Your answer was: I only care about monetary wealth if everyone receives the same amount.

Just for clarification, if everyone has the same amount of personal wealth, do they really have "wealth?" Isn't what makes it "wealth" in the first place the fact that it's more than average?

You think a temporary 2% tax cut for individuals and higher taxes on small businesses so that multi-national corporations can get a permanent 14% tax cut is a good thing? Who do think is going to pay for 1 trillion they've added to the budget deficit?

Yes, any tax cuts are a good thing. Taxes are a joke. Personally, I'm saving over $3K this year. That's definitely a good thing for me.

Ah yes, the classic capitalist mentality. "I don't care if the nation sells its soul to China to finance a feast for the rich, I'm sure they'll leave some breadcrumbs for me!" The elites are hollowing out everything we once stood for and every now and then hand out small prizes, so that short-sighted materialists like yourself will be too preoccupied by their slightly fancier new automobile to notice the fall of civilisations.

TLDR. After the first sentence I could tell your ignorance would make the rest of it worthless trash.

You won't argue it cause you know it's true

You're willing to overlook the complete shit show Trump and his administration is because you have more money in your pocket.

Man, you need a mirror if you're looking for ignorance.

Good argument r/politics guy

Hey, I don't have a horse in this race but I do want to say you're a big cunt.

Its actually very satisfying when a bunch of shills and morons downvote me and respond to me with dumb comments. It just gives me even more confidence that I am in the right. If a bunch of degenerates were agreeing with me, I would be concerned.

Don't care if you think you're right. Just wanted to tell you you're a minge.

You're the one that didn't answer the question initially! He was just pointing out your avoidance of a legit issue raised. 😂

TFW you post in T_D and still think you have room to talk about anyone else's subreddit affiliations.


If I am so ignorant, surely you would be able to come up with a better counterargument than an empty ad hominem?

Trump's cabinet plunging America into greater and greater debt

The president only proposes a budget. Congress actually writes it and passes it. The entire federal government can't spend one penny with congressional approval. The biggest problem in this country is ignorant people like you who think the president is some kind of supreme authority.

You say that as if Trumps party doesn't control both the house and senate.

You are not making any sense whatsoever. Mr Trump proposed the current budget and the fact that it has to go through Congress first does not in any way relieve him of responsibility.

RedYagoda fiddles while Rome burns.

Congrats on the Costco membership!

Whatever. At least I don't have to listen to that screeching, cackling harpy in a pants suit for four years. My god that broad is annoying. It's no wonder Bill was sliding it to fat interns after living with that... that... THING for twenty years.

n to that screeching, cackling harpy in a pants suit for four years. My god that broad is annoying. It's no wonder Bill was sliding it to fat interns after living with that... that... THING for twenty years.

This is the kind of retarded thinking you think is harmless but just ends up fucking everyone. STUPID

I miss Obama. When Obama was behind something truly evil, you could feel the Machiavellian genius and fire up real hate towards him. Trump is so dumb that if he does something evil you're not even getting mad at him, you're getting mad at his stupidity. It's not fun.

When was Obama for something good? I think Trump sucks too. Who would have guessed a multi millionaire would get elected and then go on to serve his own interests? And no one saw it coming?
Clinton would have been worse. Basically, anyone qualified wouldn't want the job.

Hillary would have been much worse. That bitch is the reptilian that kickstarted David Icke's career.

You keep telling yourself that as Trump and co. proceed to bone you without lube - it'll maybe help with the trauma

That's the kind of response I'd expect from a close and narrow minded liberal

keep telling yourself that, and please keep attacking people with one-liners calling them ‘liberals’. It’s working, but not having the effect you’re hoping for.

And another braindead liberal response, exactly as I expected. Instant projection, assuming that the people who care about facts and reason are just emotionally unwell people like yourself trying to get a kick out of committing the grave sin of disagreeing with generation tide pod's communism 2.0. When you're mentally unstable and project that onto others, it's very challenging to consider that perhaps the person disagreeing with you is actually saying what they think and not trying to get an "effect" out of you.

Uncivilized, mindless, disrespectful, ignorant, and meaningless talk, all at once from a successfully brainwashed liberal is one of the most predictable things nowadays. If someone disagrees with you, they're obviously a Trump supporting neo Nazi fascist racist just like CNN told you they were. I don't need to remind you of that though, because putting it all out in the open really kills the immersion of the fantasy world where you and other highly educated woke activists are saving America from neo Nazis and Russian spies by harassing people and screaming.

Obama denuked Syria and essential Iran. Expanded medical coverage, and the financial recovery after Bush.

Also destroyed Libya and Syria.

Yeah bailing out Wall Street was such a great thing and entering Syria was totally necessary


Making sure all those Americans could see a doctor was pretty freaking evil. He doubled down when he expanded Childrens Health Insurance too.

I never saw anything truly evil about Obama. He was far more hawkish militarily than anyone had anticipated, but it did lead to a lot of dead terrorists including Osama bin Laden.

People were comparing him to the anti-christ, but in comparison to Trump, he was a Saint.

Obamacare was a fucking disaster, are you kidding me? Healthcare costs and premiums have been spiraling out of control the entire time. The entire system is right out of a nightmare. There is some real 1984 doublethink going on in this thread.

I wouldnt call it a fucking disaster. It still provided coverage to millions of Americans who were priced out under the old system and it held insurance companies accountable.

We could have gone single payer, but it was a non starter. Nobody else had any better plans to put on the table. The fact remains the system was broken before Obamacare and while it had its faults, it still covered more Americans than ever before.

Healthcare costs have always been rising and outpacing inflation. premiums had been escalating for years. We actually saw rates decrease after Obamacare was implemented based on the percentages they had been rising before it was passed. Our small business saw rates go down than what we had been paying before Obamacare, much of that a result of being able to shop rates side by side on the exchange. The competition on exchanges caused insurance companies to lower rates to attract more customers.

Obamacare, while its had its problems and could use some tweeks, was a net benefit for American citizens who could no longer be denied coverage or care and left to die by the insurance companies.

The doublethink is believing the prior system was somehow superior when it left Americans to die in order to preserve profit. We're the richest nation in the world and the only country that spends 3/4's of a trillion dollars on defense that thinks healthcare for our citizens will bankrupt us.

You're pretty much just reciting DNC propaganda. So it provided coverage to millions of Americans, perhaps, while making sure that millions more could never afford to go to the doctor. What good is it to have health insurance if you can't afford to use it? The only benefit is we get to point at a number and say how many more people now have health insurance. Even the language you are using, "health coverage", is loaded to hide the fact that it doesn't really cover anything for the average person who was forced to buy into the system. There were only two small slices of the population that were helped by Obamacare:

  1. People with income just above the federal poverty level living in a state which chose not to expand Medicaid. These people were eligible for "cost sharing reduction" programs which made their premiums and deductibles affordable with mediocre coverage networks. This was a temporary bandaid intended only to sell Obamacare as palatable, helpful program.

  2. People with major, chronic health problems with costs that greatly exceed the maximum out of pocket limits and premium totals on any plans that existed prior to Obamacare. Many (not all) of these people have always been leeches on the system with health problems caused by lifestyle choices, and many of them previously relied entirely on emergency room care which they would very likely never pay back.

Other than that, every other person in the country ended up spending more and getting less from the healthcare industry. The healthcare industry became less personal and more bloated with expensive enforcement of regulation. Healthcare costs rose out of control as insurance companies were essentially bailed out on the losses that they took in negotiating prices with healthcare providers. Hospitals could always charge more because insurance companies would always pay it because ultimately the government would back them up on their losses. If some schmuck goes to collections on their coinsurance, no big deal because we already got the lion's share of the supposed cost from the insurance company. Suddenly, there is no more incentive to price things at a realistic level.

In the past, they would sell the debt off to collections agencies and write the loss off for tax purposes, but they still greatly preferred when people would pay their bill in full. There was a genuine pressure to keep costs to a realistic level so that people have a chance of paying what they actually owe. When you shove a $6,000+ bill in their face for a quick evaluation at the ER, suddenly it's a joke and people give up on paying. But if they have health insurance, guess what? They get that $5700 no matter what! So what do we do? Mandate health insurance!!! Absolute insanity that was destroying our country one day at a time.

Give me a break. Reciting propaganda because it actually did help?

You're the one with the propaganda with talking points to trash Obamacare. You couldnt even begin to tell me how the prior system was better or what a better plan is. Your argument is Obamacare sucks because costs but cant tell us what a better plan is. I guess letting Americans die when its completely preventable over money is a better plan.

  1. So basically it worked great for people that didnt live in republican states because those idiots decided not to expand medicare making the coverage unaffordable for the low income consituents in their state.

  2. People with chronic illnesses have always been a drain on the system. Either then went to the emergency room for care they couldnt pay for that ended up getting shifted to ratepayers, or they finally got insurance where the maximum out of pocket expenses were capped. At least they finally had insurance and werent getting charged the non-insured rates that the insured public would assume in rate increases.

I dont know why you think that people ended up spending more and getting less. We spent less and got a better plan with Obamacare. Before our small business was paying more for an HMO. Now we have a silver PPO we're paying $50 less for. We even added dental insurance with the savings. Rates went down again on our renewal. Obamacare actually saved our small business money. Healthcare costs were actually rising out of control before Obamacare, something you refuse to acknowledge that is reflected in all the data.

Ironically, the mandate for health insurance was a Republican idea. The only reason Obamacare mandated insurance was to please Republicans because he knew they wouldnt bite on extending Medicare to all Americans, which would have been the moral and most economic solution to the problem. The fact is Republicans had no plan that was better, all they did was trash Obamacare for 8 years. They still cant tell us what their replacement plan is and you cant say with a straight face the prior system was somehow better. You want to say I'm regurgitating propaganda? Look at you with all the same tired talking points and no solutions.

The fact is healthcare should be a human right. If we can create the worlds most technologically advanced military on the taxpayers dime, we can do the same thing for healthcare. We could save billions this very instant if we allowed Medicare to negotiate drug prices as the single largest healthcare provider in the nation.

Yes, healthcare should be a human right. As someone who needs surgeries STILL for a degenerative joint disorder, I can't afford it thanks to Obamacare. The fact that, because of my age and my marital status, I have to pay over $600 a month if I want coverage put me in the red every. single. month. Why? Because I didn't earn enough for breaks. Let me repeat: I... did... NOT... earn... ENOUGH.

It got to a point that paying for the medical flat out was less expensive.

And I still haven't gotten my surgeries that I desperately need.

So don't you fucking talk about how good Obamacare is, because you are clearly one of the people who didn't actually need it. Sit down.

Did you shop your rates on the exchange?

Did your state expand Medicare?

Based on your degenerative joint disorder, were you able to get coverage before?

I'm glad we both believe healthcare is a human right.

You are totally right on. My good friend is a low income single mom and got totally screwed by Obamacare fines. Outrageous that people would support such a program.

This comment proves that you aren't old enough to have been paying for health insurance before 2008. Obamacare literally placed limits on the amount that health insurance premiums could rise year over year.

That's a meaningless distinction without looking at the details. Yes, the premium rises were limited, but those limits became a joke going into 2017 and beyond. Again, it was sold to short-sighted people that wanted to get something right then without realizing how terrible the system would become in just a few short years.

Just like the recently passed tax plan?

That's not the worst point I've encountered here tonight, but the two situations are qualitatively different. The provisions in the tax bill that you are referring to will automatically go up for a vote to renew before they expire. Unfortunately, opposition resulted in a weaker bill than I would have liked, but we finally have some essential reforms to the totally insane tax code. If a future Congress decides to make the unpopular move and vote against renewing those cuts while keeping an otherwise sound bill, then that will be on them.

Why don't we look at the details then?

The total average family plan cost increased by 43 percent from 2008 to 2016, but it went up more than double that rate — 97 percent — from 2000 to 2008.

Source: FactCheck.org.

I challenge you to find any evidence that individual or family health insurance premiums rose more during the 10 years after Obamacare than they did during the 10 years prior.

Is that what they called it, Childrens Health Insurance? CHI? I never even noticed that. That entire administration was nothing but money laundering and graft for Chicago gangsters.

It's actually called CHIP. Then there is also SCHIP which is a supplemental program.

And of course, you make some allegation the entire administration was money laundering for Chicago gangsters. I'd ask for proof, but I know it doesnt exist.

I guess I could say the same thing about this current administration except replace Chicago with Russia. The only difference is I could prove it.

It’s CHIP. When people holler about defunding Medicaid, it’s not the fabled “welfare queen” that they are taking health care from, it’s these kids.

Ugh, all he did for me was tax me for the insurance I don't have. I don't make over 10k and the only tax I had to pay in 2016 was for "Obamacare" I didn't use. Yes, I probably qualified for an exemption, but the fact that I pay for my doctor bills (I'm healthy, don't even see the doctor once a year).

The only people The Healthcare Act helped was the insurance companies bottom line.

To be fair, even T_D hates Sessions at this point.

Or... so I've heard, anyway.

My favorite is "Zyklon" Ben Garrison comics that seem to flip on Sessions every couple weeks.

1, 2, 3, 4.

I don't get the first one. When was Sessions ever seen as a strong man of any sort?

The blogosphere will lionize anyone in Washington who stands up against the MIC/deep state. Even that weenie Harry Reid got the same treatment when he stood up against the (then failing) Iraq war.

MIC? Man in control?

AH, thanks. I've been on the road too long. Missed that one.

why in your view is that bad? is he not just trying to get states to actually enforce laws

I didn't say it was bad

I apologize, I misunderstood the reason for your post, I thought you were supporting the idea that jeff sessions sucks. I would argue it is the job of the state to enforce both federal and state laws, since the states receive funding and support for the federal government. Whether federal laws should supercede state laws would have to be on a case by case basis depending on the content of laws, cause I believe there are certain powers afforded to the states by the constitution.

Everyone thinks Jeff Sessions sucks

I guess I’m no one then


First step is acceptance.

Does he always have to overlabel things? Does he think his audience is too realize the symbolism?

He's a great artist, but he overcrowds every comic. They're so noisy. You don't have to squeeze an angry Hillary into half of your comics. Like William Shakespeare said, "Keep it simple, stupid"

No, he knows a big percentage is.

“State’s Rights”

Would this be considered propaganda?

T_D hates everyone in the cabinet. They hate everyone except their daddy figure, but they can't seem to understand that Trump is the one who's appointing all these people they hate.

That’s so weird... it’s almost like it’s a sub to celebrate one particular person or something!

One reason ppl still support Trump is the media’s coverage of him. There are a million and one horrible things about Trump’s administration, but CNN et al have focused on one thing: Russia. To a Trump supporter, it can look like Trunp is just the victim of unfair attacks. If the media was not so shamefully pro-corporate, they could, for instance, cover Trump’s budget proposal in depth, and expose to the American people how corrupt and fucked up his administrstion is. They could cover the corporate ties of all the people he has appointed. And so on.

I’ve seen all of those things covered by the corporate media.

Its literally the only reason I know about them. Its not like I've been sitting in the whitehouse myself.

I think a lot of people tend to forget while they're bitching about media coverups, that the only reason they know this shit is because of the media, directly or indirectly.

Agreed. The media is far from blameless but it’s weird to say they haven’t covered things they definitely have covered.

No, my media speaks the truth. Yours is mainstream, agenda-driven garbage. I bet you didn't even know there was a gay frog problem in this country.

Yeah if you actually looked at the media you are criticizing you'd see them covering what you are accusing them of ignoring...

None of the people who say this shit have actually watched CNN in years. Half the shit they're accused of makes no sense to people who actually watch. It's funny that most of the people making these accusations give Fox a free pass.

My favorite question when I see someone shit on the "MSM" is "Where do you get your news?"

99% of the time they will dodge the question.

I don’t think you’re actually paying attention. The media does cover all those things.

The problem with this is majority people have either don't have capacity to understand sly hand of corporate corruptions or they have capacity but don't have patience to go through the details. Think about two or three degree separated corporate donations, thousands of dollars paid for the corporate talk shows. Again this applies for both sides of the aisle.

Never trust.

plugs ears na na na na CNN only covers Russia na na na na na na na na na fake news na na na na na na na na enemies of the people na na na na na na

unplugs ears CNN should cover other topics

more than 90% of news regarding Trump are negative. Do Obama get 90% of negative news? During Obama era, how many corporate news outlets is sucking Obama's dick compare to how many news outlet is sucking Trump's dick. The only reason that I believe Trump might be the guy is because of all these negative news from corporate media and Hollywood opposing him. They love Trump when he just a reality star but hate Trump to the bone when he became the president of the United States.

It make you think why the media and Hollywood is on the war path to take down Trump. Is it because Trump is not their guy?

since this sub reddit is /r/conspiracy. Do you guys even think about why so many media is giving free blow job to Obama but Trump is not "presidential" because Trump say shits that you don't like?

I'm not a Trump supporter and didn't vote for either but it really make me think why Trump is so hated after he won and the hate is all generated by the media.

He’s been this way his entire life. Have you people been living under a rock or something?

There's article after article going back to the 70s-80s documenting Trump's idiocy.

Not everyone paid attention to politics much before this shitstorm. Some people need to catch up and it's best to let them because the more people that understand this the better. It's better to help people than shoot them down for not knowing what you might know.

Trump wasn’t even IN politics until relatively recently and he was famous for decades as a scumbag huckster racist asshole.

Not everyone paid attention to Trump before this either.

Well, have you ever heard of the Brooklyn Bridge before?


Let me tell you about this bridge that I own that I'd like to sell you.

You see the problem here?

Paid attention to/heard of are two very different things.

If one of them ran for president I'd pay more attention

if you payed attention to trump how did you not see him for what he was then?

I did. I didn't vote for that fuck nut.

mb, your comments sounded like it

Fuck no. That dude could have a heart attack now and I wouldn't give 2 fucks. What about my comments made you think I voted for that chucklefuck?

My point is that you apparently did no research at all and just threw your support behind the guy with the cheapest hats and fanciest toilet.

Look man I want to be nice and thank you for realizing you were on the losing side, and I will say those things

but you need to understand what a fucking idiot you are, reassess the way you approach decisions like this, and do everything you can to never make a mistake like this in the future.

It's great whenever an alcoholic realizes he needs help but if that epiphany comes after he T-bones a minivan full of kids, then it's a little fucking late.

Do better next time.

Thank you for being honest.

It's great whenever an alcoholic realizes he needs help but if that epiphany comes after he T-bones a minivan full of kids, then it's a little fucking late.


i mean that’s not entirely true... he’s been a local political figure here in new york for almost two decades. he regularly talked politics and shopped running for mayor

Grew up in the NYC Metro area and was aware of the charlatan back in the early 80's. He hasn't changed at all, it's just gotten worse.

Yeah, I think about that sometimes. NY'er's are well versed that he's a con man that people watch like a car crash. It had to have hit just a little harder when he got elected.

LOL, there's a reason American banks stopped lending him money. It's because they realized he was full of shit decades ago. If only the rest of America had realized this.

Yeah. The trail was laid indeed. And poor folks voting for a rich (con) man is a one of the oldest tricks there is...

You realize that people have different political beliefs right? Jeff sessions would not deter everyone.

Jeff Sessions alone should be enough to disillusion them.

I honestly have no idea how this little turd didn't signal the end of support from Libertarians and young GOPers.

To me DeVos is the one who seems to get the most bullshit, but Sessions is just absolutely vile. The War on Drugs, Private Prisons, asset forfeiture? All the favorite awful failed policies.

How could you adamantly support him? Please tell me how he wasn't scum from the get-go.

I don’t know how this administration could still be supported by anyone

Has any administration in your lifetime really done a good job of serving the middle class?

I don’t know how this administration could still be supported by anyone

The Trump Administration is fantastic for wealthy Americans and American corporations. Since it's the wealthy who control the flow of information in the media, they use media outlets such as Fox News and Breitbart to convince poor voters that the Trump Administration is fighting for them.

Also, the economy is doing well. When it stops doing so well.. Well, there'll be a reckoning.

What if I told you that you can support some things Trump does and not others?

That can be said of any president. Obama doing these things would have been chaos, to conservatives. Likewise, trump doing the things Obama did would have been chaos to liberals.

Trump doing the things Obama did would objectively be less chaotic.

Trump wearing a tan suit while asking for dijon mustard? You don't see the absolute chaos in that?

AKA, every presidential election winner ever, everywhere.

Lots of first timers out there.

This exactly.

It blows my mind how many people don't understand what the phrase wishy-washy is. How many seemed surprised by posturing or empty promises.

It's ok though. The first time the tooth fairy doesn't show up it sucks. The next time it's just another tooth.

I'd like to pretend things will mellow after Trump is out, but it really feels like interwebs and media have turned politics into a blood sport.

58 percent of adult Reddit users were aged 18 to 29. A lot of people don't have the life experience. They only know Obama and Trump, and that's okay. Everyone learns eventually that they're all liars and snakes.

Trump lies pretty much every time he speaks. They may be smaller lies, or lies by omission of context, but they're lies nonetheless.

To expect any kind of honesty after he lies about so many provable and trivial things is absurd.

Can you tell me which specific lies you have in mind? I've never gotten a good answer on this. Every example I've ever been pointed to is not really a lie when you look at the details for more than a few seconds.

He started right off the bat with his inauguration claims. Then the constant boasting that the electoral college is rigged against republicans. Those are the glaring examples off the top of my head, because they were proven false and yet he continues to repeat them.

He lied about his contacts/investments with Russia during the campaign, which is a pretty big deal.

He lied about releasing his tax returns after winning the election.

He lied about his role in the release of the basketball players that were caught shoplifting in China.

He lied about hiring, "The best people" - his staff turnover is historically high.

He lied about having a plan to repeal and replace Obamacare (on day one).

The lies are constant, even if they're small, like using over-exaggeration and hyperbole, like today's tweet:

California’s sanctuary policies are illegal and unconstitutional and put the safety and security of our entire nation at risk. Thousands of dangerous & violent criminal aliens are released as a result of sanctuary policies, set free to prey on innocent Americans. THIS MUST STOP!

If we don’t have a wall system, we’re not going to have a country. Congress must fund the BORDER WALL & prohibit grants to sanctuary jurisdictions that threaten the security of our country & the people of our country. We must enforce our laws & protect our people!

I mean this shit is ridiculous coming from the sitting president. There's a reason politicians have to be careful with their words, or at least there used to be.

Most of the time his dishonesty is just him spouting his hyperbolic opinion, which he uses to rile up his base and divide the country. He's doing so using the office the President, so we must hold his statements to the highest standard. Sadly, this makes it seem like people are nitpicking and picking on him, but in reality it's just holding him to the same standard as any other politician.

Then there's the hypocrisy - many of the things he criticized Obama for (on Twitter, so it's easy to prove), he's doing to a larger extent. His hypocrisy with golfing is glaring, and hypocrisy is a form of lying.

He started right off the bat with his inauguration claims.

Even fucking Snopes can't call that one a lie, and you KNOW they would if they could prove it. They call it "Unproven" for like 50 different reasons. However, in reality, it's VERY LIKELY that more people watched his inauguration, both here and around the globe, simply because the internet is so much more widespread than it was four or eight years ago.

Then the constant boasting that the electoral college is rigged against republicans.

Again, how is this a lie? He made an off-hand jest about how it's hard on Republicans when Democrats get such a big advantage with California. This is true. Republicans do have to win votes in a wider geographic area because most Democrats are concentrated in California and other major population centers like New York.

He lied about his contacts/investments with Russia during the campaign, which is a pretty big deal.

Give me the specifics. I think you're getting mixed up on two things. One is that President-elect Trump rightfully and legally made contact with the Russians and many other foreign leaders during the transition period. The other is that there is no proof that Donald Trump was instructing communication or even aware that communication was happening, for example in the case of George Popadopoulos. Really, the devil is in the details, so let's see them. You can't claim a lie without providing details. Surely you know that.

He lied about releasing his tax returns after winning the election.

First of all, he has complied with legal requirements on financial disclosures. Second of all, he may still release these tax returns. You may not like the way he is handling this, but once again it's false, or at best premature, to call this a lie.

He lied about his role in the release of the basketball players that were caught shoplifting in China.

Do you have an update on this story? Were they not facing up to ten years in jail under Chinese law?

He lied about hiring, "The best people" - his staff turnover is historically high.

First of all, your opinions don't factor into whether or not something is a lie. How is having a high turnover rate a lie? He was upfront about this from the beginning! He always said that he was going to keep most Obama-era Federal employees on during the transition until a complete review could be done, and many of them were then replaced. This is what Donald Trump is famous for. Have you ever heard of The Apprentice? There is another layer to this as well, because he spoke and written about planning his administration in stages. He wants certain people for certain stages and then replaces them for the next stage. You may not like that, but how the fuck is that a lie?

He lied about having a plan to repeal and replace Obamacare (on day one).

Literally on day one, he signed an executive order explicitly instructing Federal employees to do everything in their power to mitigate penalties and burdens associated with Obamacare. His American Healthcare Act was ready to go almost immediately. It failed to pass by one vote. Again, not a lie.

The lies are constant, even if they're small, like using over-exaggeration and hyperbole, like today's tweet:

The only part of that tweet that is possibly hyperbolic is the "If we don't have a wall system, we're not going to have a country." However, not really a lie if he believes the underlying sentiment behind that hypothetical to be true.

Most of the time his dishonesty is just him spouting his hyperbolic opinion, which he uses to rile up his base and divide the country. He's doing so using the office the President, so we must hold his statements to the highest standard. Sadly, this makes it seem like people are nitpicking and picking on him, but in reality it's just holding him to the same standard as any other politician.

I don't think this is fair. Most of the nitpicking that I see appears to be intentional misrepresentation of reasonable statements. Like the gun control issue where people spread a lie that he said he wanted to take everyone's guns. I think the people calling him a liar are the ones who are not being careful. People are mistaking things they dislike about the President with factual lies.

Then there's the hypocrisy - many of the things he criticized Obama for (on Twitter, so it's easy to prove), he's doing to a larger extent. His hypocrisy with golfing is glaring, and hypocrisy is a form of lying.

We have to be careful here too. I was told he was a hypocrite for signing more Executive Orders than any previous administration. As it turns out, the vast majority of those were simply overturning past Executive Orders. Oops! No hypocrisy. Regarding golfing, it really comes down to a question of whether Trump he thinks he is doing a better job overall (obviously, he does think that). From his perspective, he could taunt Obama by calling him out for golfing when he was doing such a terrible job as President. Then he would take it a step further and wish that all he would do is golf rather than making terrible decisions as President. That's his opinion. On the other hand, Trump is working extremely hard as President, by all accounts, this much is fact. It's a matter of opinion whether or not you believe he is doing a better job. Even if he plays golf frequently, it is still very likely that he is putting more hours into the job than his predecessor. That's just the way Trump operates and always has. He's a workaholic and balances it out with golf as a recreation. However, it's not just a recreation for Trump, as we can see in countless pictures he is always out golfing with politicians and foreign visitors. Many people have said that the most important deals are made on the golf course. Having his "second White House" literally on a golf resort makes that particularly easy.

I don't even care about the golf issue much. Maybe he was hypocritical, maybe he shouldn't have made such a fuss about golfing if he was going to golf a lot. Sure. I get that. But, in my estimation, the biggest lie of all is the notion that he lies constantly. It's really easy to read a list like yours and have a knee-jerk reaction, but if we're being honest the provable, factual lies are practically non-existent.

Again, how is this a lie? He made an off-hand jest about how it's hard on Republicans when Democrats get such a big advantage with California. This is true. Republicans do have to win votes in a wider geographic area because most Democrats are concentrated in California and other major population centers like New York.

He continuously stated it about the entire country, not just California. The only reason he won is because of the electoral college.

Give me the specifics. I think you're getting mixed up on two things. One is that President-elect Trump rightfully and legally made contact with the Russians and many other foreign leaders during the transition period.

He lied about the Trump corporation's business dealings in Russia during the campaign. He said they have nothing to do with Russia, which was clearly a lie.

Literally on day one, he signed an executive order explicitly instructing Federal employees to do everything in their power to mitigate penalties and burdens associated with Obamacare. His American Healthcare Act was ready to go almost immediately. It failed to pass by one vote. Again, not a lie.

This is not what he said on the campaign, but i'll give that it's just another example of a politician making promises he can't keep. Too bad he was too arrogant about how he would easily find a solution for it.

Most of the nitpicking that I see appears to be intentional misrepresentation of reasonable statements.

This is why politicians are careful with their words - they are responsible for how reasonable people can interpret their words. It may be a 'misinterpretation' to you, but all that matters is if a reasonable person could interpret his statement in a way. Trump seems to intentionally make statements that can be interpreted in many ways, some of them nefarious.

On the other hand, Trump is working extremely hard as President, by all accounts, this much is fact.

How is this a fact? Everything we've heard about his schedule is amateur hour.

Even if he plays golf frequently, it is still very likely that he is putting more hours into the job than his predecessor. That's just the way Trump operates and always has. He's a workaholic and balances it out with golf as a recreation.

This is straight bullshit. I don't really care that much about golfing either, it's the hypocrisy.

Many people have said that the most important deals are made on the golf course. Having his "second White House" literally on a golf resort makes that particularly easy.

You've drunken the kool-aid.

hmm, well now that you got a nice detailed response I hope we can trust you will never make this claim again.

His "detailed response" was exactly the same crap we see pushed around everywhere. Not a single one of those is a lie if you bother to look at the details critically.

How about the lie that Donald Trump is a billionaire? He's not. This article explains some of his dealings with Deutsche Bank, which prove his lack of solvency. Moreover, you should know, Deutsche Bank is not a bank that actual New York real estate tycoons do serious business with. Those big players, the Bloombergs and the Dursts and such, they deal with bigger, much more established banks like Mellon and Merchants. The big established banks in NY won't touch Donald Trump because his businesses lose too much money and Trump never pays it back, going bankrupt instead. If someone loans you money, you promise to pay it back. If you never intended to actually pay it back, you fucking lied. If you borrowed 100 bucks from me, then you refuse to pay it back and when you borrowed it you hid the fact that you never could actually pay it back, you lied to me.

Also, Trump University was a big fucking lie. In fact, there's a legal term for that sort of lie, it's called fraud. Why would you pay $25 million in settlements for fraud when you supposedly didnt lie? (Also, wasn't he the guy that said he never settled? Another lie.)

I'm copying below some details on Trump's bankruptcies from WaPo.

Trump’s companies have filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection, which means a company can remain in business while wiping away many of its debts. The bankruptcy court ultimately approves a corporate budget and a plan to repay remaining debts; often shareholders lose much of their equity.

Trump’s Taj Mahal opened in April 1990 in Atlantic City, but six months later, “defaulted on interest payments to bondholders as his finances went into a tailspin,” The Washington Post’s Robert O’Harrow found. In July 1991, Trump’s Taj Mahal filed for bankruptcy. He could not keep up with debts on two other Atlantic City casinos, and those two properties declared bankruptcy in 1992. A fourth property, the Plaza Hotel in New York, declared bankruptcy in 1992 after amassing debt.

PolitiFact uncovered two more bankruptcies filed after 1992, totaling six. Trump Hotels and Casinos Resorts filed for bankruptcy again in 2004, after accruing about $1.8 billion in debt. Trump Entertainment Resorts also declared bankruptcy in 2009, after being hit hard during the 2008 recession.

Why the discrepancy? Perhaps this will give us an idea: Trump told Washington Post reporters that he counted the first three bankruptcies as just one.

You've gotten plenty of good answers. You just choose not to believe them.

Yeah, I choose not to believe something is a lie when it is factually not a lie. I guess I should just give up and accept that Donald Trump is a liar because people don't like him and really, really want to believe that he is the biggest liar ever.

If only someone could point to a single, clear example of a factually verifiable lie.

Yes, you should accept he's a liar. You can keep on supporting him, but just know that you're supporting an extremely dishonest man whose word means nothing. Personally, I don't support people like that, but you do you.

If you can show me a single clear example of a factually verifiable lie, then I will take all of this back right now. Here's a hint. If you have to twist his statement or twist the meaning of the word lie, then it's not a lie.

No you won't. You'll cling to technicalities and torture semantics within an inch of its life because you don't want to admit you're wrong.

Here's another possibility. You have been so brainwashed by mainstream media propaganda that you have convinced yourself of reality which is itself a lie. When somebody is caught in a lie, it is a fairly black and white matter. If he is not actually been caught in a lie in that sense, then it is a baseless attack against his character to claim that he lies all the time.

No, "reality is itself a lie" is not a possibility. Try to stay here with me in this dimension.

By any reasonable definition of the word "liar," Donald Trump is a liar. This is a fact. He had a reputation as a liar long before he ever ran for office. Want to know why? Because he lies a lot. People who lie a lot are liars.

I think I'm starting to understand the problem. You don't even seem to realize that you literally just twisted my words into something qualitatively different than what I actually said. That actually explains a lot about this whole conversation. That is the explanation for about 90% of the supposed Trump lies that I have been shown.

Just so you are aware, having a reputation for being a liar is not the same thing as being a liar. This is a classic logical fallacy.

You know a lot of people with reputations as liars who don't lie a lot? That kind of stigma doesn't materialize out of thin air.

I've tried to refrain from doing this, because you're programmed to disbelieve anything negative about Trump, especially something from the MSM, but here's a bigass list.. Have at it.

It's remarkable what is happening right now. How could I be programmed to disbelieve anything negative about Trump when almost all media is negative about Trump? Unless you mean it's because I see provably false attacks against him every single day. The natural consequence of that is to distrust further attacks against him, sure.

Literally every single thing I have read in that list is bullshit, by the way, and it's not even hard to see if you set your bias aside for 2 seconds.

  1. He was not for the Iraq war. Misrepresentation of his words. They attacked him about this during the debates and any thinking person could see the deceitful strategy at play.
  2. Sometimes he takes a guess about something which he doesn't remember precisely and he gets the details wrong. He probably should be careful not to do that kind of off-the-cuff thing, but it's just not the same thing as a lie. This comment applies to almost half of these "lies". You can tell he's doing this because he always uses language like "I guess" or "I think". He's actually being honest about the fact that he's not certain about what he's about to say. That's not how lies work.
  3. The jury is still out on illegal voting and voter fraud and the issue has been elevated to DHS because the state-level panel did find sufficient evidence to warrant further investigation.
  4. Multiple situations where they say it's a lie because there is no evidence to support what he is saying when in fact there is also no evidence to suggest the he is lying. For example: no evidence of paid protesters. Give me a fucking break. That story will break soon enough. It's not a lie when you may still be proven right. An unproven claim is not a lie, no matter how much you think he is wrong.
  5. Multiple situations where the opinion of the writer differs from the opinion of the President and they call that a lie. Fuck this noise. You realize this is an opinion article, right?

I could go on and on. This is outright delusional. It's like people are losing their minds and just looking desperately for anything to back up their irrational hatred for Donald Trump.

All I'm asking you to do is keep an open mind. When the mainstream media works this hard to attack someone, you might want to consider the possibility that there is a good reason for it. If you think it's because they have journalistic integrity, then I don't think we can get anywhere in this conversation.

Another situation where he literally says "I guess..." which indicates that he's not sure about what he's about to say. Sure, he should probably be more careful about making off-the-cuff statements like that, but he is always honest about this uncertainty.

What, you think he looked up on Wikipedia right before that and thought, "Hehehe, nobody will catch me if I lie about this verifiable piece of information"? Anyway, in context, he was talking about Republican victories, so it was yet another mistake to bring up Obama. I won't accuse that young reporter of lying by intentionally ignoring the context of the discussion to make Trump appear more incorrect. But, Trump overlooked H.W., that's a fact. Otherwise, what he said would have been correct.

where he literally says "I guess..."

So is your argument that something is never a lie of you preface it with “I guess”? Is that really how far gone you are?

off-the-cuff statements like that,

This is a press conference that he prepared talking points for.....

Anyway, in context, he was talking about Republican victories

Then why did he only clarify that after being called out?

Regardless, in context, he wasn’t. Full paragraph:

I'm here following through on what I pledged to do. That's all I'm doing. I put it out before the American people, got 306 electoral college votes. I wasn't supposed to get 222. They said there's no way to get 222. 230 is impossible. 270, which you need — that was laughable. We got 306. Because people came out and voted like they have never seen before. So that's how it goes. I guess it was the biggest electoral college win since Ronald Reagan. In other words, the media is trying to attack our administration because they know we are following through on pledges that we made, and they are not happy about it for whatever reason


So would you admit that you just lied there?

won't accuse that young reporter of lying by intentionally ignoring the context

You mean staying verifiable facts?

And, again, he didn’t ignore context. Can you show me the context from the full transcript I provided?

But, Trump overlooked H.W., that's a fact. Otherwise, what he said would have been correct.

So if you ignore reality he was correct?

Ok, from the same clip, he said the following:

“I'm here following through on what I pledged to do. That's all I'm doing. I put it out before the American people, got 306 electoral college votes. I wasn't supposed to get 222. They said there's no way to get 222. 230 is impossible. 270, which you need — that was laughable. We got 306. “

He only had 304. So is that a big old mistake too or a lie?

By virtue of intent, it was clearly an honest mistake.

Why are you assuming his intent?

The missing context here is that he had similar recent discussions regarding the difficulty of a Republican electoral victory. "They said..." is referring to MSM analysis and commentary which incorrectly predicted his loss. The numbers he was throwing out were examples of what we're the best case scenario for him. You are correct that I made a mistake here as well (didn't I just say mistakes happen?). Around the same time he made similar boasts which were explicitly focused on the difficulties faced by Republicans due to the big electoral advantage of California. His point was that Republicans have to campaign in a much larger number of states. In this context, he was rather unclear, I agree. I have been posting from a phone this afternoon, so my apologies for not checking that more carefully. I appreciate your attention to detail; a welcome change from nearly everyone in this conversation.

However, I stand by the fact that all of these inconsistencies were mistakes fueled by the excitement of the moment and his unexpected win. I base that off of the fact that the alternative is absolutely ludicrous. Nobody would intentionally lie about something so easy to verify. He was obviously thrown off for a moment and taken in excitement. The "I guess..." Is a clear sign that he is not speaking from a place of confidence. Mistakes happen. I won't discount that. He said "Opama" instead of "Obama" in his SOTU. Nobody is perfect, but I see no evidence that he is in the habit of telling lies.

You're hopeless and everything this sub stands against ideologically- you'd support Pol Pot if you were born in Cambodia in the 60s. Seriously how do you live with yourself when you've delegated all truthseeking to a stranger whose transparently a huckster? Name a day of his presidency or his campaign, I'll show you a lie from it.

Name a day of his presidency or his campaign, I'll show you a lie from it.

Alright. Yesterday, 3/13/18.

That's more than a bit weak. They basically couldn't figure out what he meant. Obviously the Democratic leadership of California isn't begging for the wall because they want to secure the Hispanic vote and perhaps they even want illegal immigrants to vote for them. They call it "taco bowl engagement" (language used by the DNC, not my own).

However, California law enforcement, border patrol agents in particular, have a very different perspective on the matter. He spent the entire visit speaking directly to border patrol agents and officers asking what they need to secure the border and then makes your quoted statement in that context. It was incredibly easy to understand what he meant by his statement. The Democratic leadership and Politifact are "mystified" because Trump was not speaking to them. If anything he was taking a sarcastic jab at the leadership while relaying the message of the people putting their lives on the line every day.

I'm sorry, but that wasn't a lie. It's called trolling. You're going to have to use your own critical thinking here. Whether or not Politifact says "pants on fire" is not a metric for whether or not something is a lie.

“The State of California is begging us to build a wall.” “The state” can either mean a majority of the populace, or the government, both of whom are deeply against the wall. It’s a lie so obvious it doesn’t bear analysis. Do you know what a lie is?

Sorry, but state border patrol agents also speak on behalf of the State of California, and they do want the wall. This is another example of Trump bypassing the corrupt leadership and speaking directly to the people who matter in the conversation.

He didn't say border patrol agents he said "the State."

state border patrol agents also speak on behalf of the State of California

Objectively, facially, transparently incorrect. That's like saying anesthesiologists speak on behalf of New York. Firefighters speak on behalf of Alabama. Dogwalkers speak on behalf of Oregon. No they don't. "The State" means the majority, or the leadership. You're wrong. Deep down you know you're wrong. You just don't care, compliance with big Trump is more important than coherence. You're a fascist slave.

You had an opportunity to make a real argument and then went off the deep end. Obviously state law enforcement agents speak on behalf of their state more so than dogwalkers or anesthesiologists. Border patrol agents are not just licensed by the state, they are legal conduits for state authorized action such as arrest and detention. Law enforcement are part of state government. They are the lowly nuts and bolts of the state, and the system would collapse without them. This is how Trump trolls the media and you have to admit it's kind of funny.

You're a fascist slave.

You call me a slave while Donald Trump is the first politician I have ever seen take a strong public stand against the fascist mind control mainstream media. He doesn't get every detail right and he is an unapologetic troll, but the claim that he is some kind of fascist is hilariously unrealistic.

You had an opportunity to make a real argument and then went off the deep end. Obviously state law enforcement agents speak on behalf of their state more so than dogwalkers or anesthesiologists. Border patrol agents are not just licensed by the state, they are legal conduits for state authorized action such as arrest and detention. Law enforcement is part of state government. They are the lowly nuts and bolts of the state, and the system would collapse without them.

Border patrol agents are federal so that's all wrong and wouldn't mean anything if it were right. It's still wrong to say "the State." One profession is never "the state" that's an openly nonsensical statement.

They are the lowly nuts and bolts of the state, and the system would collapse without them. This is how Trump trolls the media and you have to admit it's kind of funny.

"The President said a wrong thing on purpose to "trigger" people! Tomorrow he's gonna declare himself a life term to troll libruls! Hilarious!"

You call me a slave while Donald Trump is the first politician I have ever seen take a strong public stand against the fascist mind control mainstream media. He doesn't get every detail right and he is an unapologetic troll, but the claim that he is some kind of fascist is hilariously unrealistic.

I'm sure your favorite russian conspiracy blog told you that.

Border patrol agents are federal so that's all wrong

You're right about this, of course, but make no mistake that California law enforcement want the wall, particularly near the border. Listen to the full context of that quote:


There is more to that statement than meets the eye. There is a lot of truth to what he is saying.

So a lie is only a lie when it isn’t in service of your preconceived notions

I'm saying it's not clear whether or not it was a lie. How do we know the Democratic leadership are being truthful? They have a major law enforcement crisis on their hands. Who knows what the State government is actually discussing with DHS? Maybe they really do need a wall in certain areas, as the President claims. They sure as hell aren't going to admit that publicly because it's politically unpopular in their state.

So based on absolutely nothing except your will to worship big trumper, they’re secretly begging... for something they’re fighting tooth and nail against... that would do nothing... for a problem you claim exists without citation...? You’d sooner believe that than that the guy who lies every day lies again. Yeah. Fascist slave. Not really a person so much as a meat puppet on a spine. Dance, monkey.

that would do nothing... for a problem you claim exists without citation...

I see where you are coming from now, if that's what you think about border security. In the video I just linked to you moments ago, a 25 year veteran of US Border Patrol explained how dramatically they transformed the region by putting up a scrap metal wall. Both sides of the border became safer. He literally described it as a "chaotic environment" before the wall. People were afraid to live anywhere near the border until they put up a wall and "reestablished law and order". This is a scrap metal wall that they can easily cut holes through and climb over, and still it is that important.

Removed. Rule 10.

And what about his constantly saying 306? More nerves even though he said it in other instances other than this?

Nobody would intentionally lie about something so easy to verify.

So what you’re saying is that he’s not a liar, he is just so massively incompetent he can’t even do basic fact checking before he makes a press conference to the world?

but I see no evidence that he is in the habit of telling lies.

Well you’re making obvious excuses like you’re the victim of domestic abuse, it’s pretty clear why you don’t see it.

I think it was a whirlwind time for him in a lot of ways. All efforts were put towards planning his administration and he was the recipient of a great deal of new information which is shared only with the new President. I think he made a couple of public missteps during this time, but his mind was on to more important matters. We see the fruits of this consideration coming to bear in North Korea already.

Well you’re making obvious excuses like you’re the victim of domestic abuse

The only people I see acting abusively in this story are people like you who are unable to give Trump fair consideration and have irrational hatred towards those who do.

Still avoiding the question about 306?

I think it was a whirlwind time for him in a lot of ways.

Yet he still, after a year, makes these “mistakes”?

What’s that called when you’re constantly making “mistakes” and repeating false information?

fruits of this consideration coming to bear in North Korea already.

Lol, Kim has been wanting to sit down with a US president for years, it gives him legitimacy and he can say that he made the US “crawl to the negotiating table”.

give Trump fair consideration and have irrational hatred

I’ve given him fair consideration, I just call lies as I see them and call out those that make excuses. Here is a massive list of his lies with annotated sources proving they are lies: https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2017/06/23/opinion/trumps-lies.html

Still avoiding the question about 306?

No, that was exactly the point of my last comment. He made some mistakes with ultimately irrelevant numbers while being quite preoccupied with building his cabinet and planning his administration.

Yet he still, after a year, makes these “mistakes”?

The evidence you provided was from February 2017, shortly after inauguration. Did you just make a mistake or do you have evidence that he continues to say 306 a year later?

Lol, Kim has been wanting to sit down with a US president for years, it gives him legitimacy and he can say that he made the US “crawl to the negotiating table”.

Watch this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y0xEoKRHRi4

You're so far off base. He is treating this situation so much differently than the past several administrations. He told Kim in no uncertain terms that he has one last chance to wise up and cut the bullshit or they are going to fucking kill him where he stands before he can blink. Past administrations focused on PR and sent food to the regime. The only person crawling to the negotiating table is Kim, as he begs for his life, and he will give up all power in the process. A dramatic victory without bloodshed. Just wait and see how wrong you are.

Here is a massive list of his lies with annotated sources proving they are lies:

More propaganda which I already addressed here:


Actually, propaganda is too strong of a word for a shitty NYT opinion piece.

made some mistakes with ultimately irrelevant numbers

He stated it on multiple occasions outside of this speech. What do you call repeating something that is not true?

Did you just make a mistake

You said this was “another example of him saying I guess” meaning he has done that multiple times, right?


Already seen it. My point stands.

The only person crawling to the negotiating table is Kim, as he begs for his life, and he will give up all power in the process.

Or he’ll nuke a city and kill millions.

Just wait and see how wrong you are.

He’s unable to pass healthcare with his party in power in Congress, I’ve already seen how “great” his negotiating skills are.

propaganda is too strong of a word for a shitty NYT *opinion piece

Can’t attack the argument so you attack the source? Nice.

He stated it on multiple occasions outside of this speech. What do you call repeating something that is not true?

Hang the fuck on. If we're going to quibble over details, then you should address the detail I just called you on. Did he claim 306 or get other electoral details wrong a year after the election, or not? The example you gave was from February 2017. Did he continue to make that mistake months later or not? You claimed that he did.

I'll admit that he fumbled the numbers pretty badly that day. We all have our stupid moments. That's perhaps the worst one I have seen from Trump's presidency. Still, not a lie, which was the premise of this entire thread.

Can’t attack the argument so you attack the source? Nice.

Actually my main attack was the fact that it is an opinion piece, which are not written by serious journalists or vetted by editors to the same level as a legitimate news piece. An opinion piece from any source is not very good evidence to bring to a discussion.

Don't get distracted by my last paragraph. I want to know what you meant by:

Yet he still, after a year, makes these “mistakes”?

Admit you mistook the year of the event in question, or else explain what you meant. If you can't do either of those, don't even bother responding.

then you should address the detail I just called you on.

You misunderstand a comment is not me mistaking a detail. He is still saying things that need to be explained by you and his supporters over a year later.

Did he claim 306

He claimed 306, Conway claimed 306 Spicer claimed 306, did they all have jitters?

Still, not a lie,

What do you call repeating false information?

the fact that it is an opinion piece, which are not written by serious journalists

It has sources backing up every claim.....

But here is a non opinion one: https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.washingtonpost.com/amphtml/news/fact-checker/wp/2018/01/20/president-trump-made-2140-false-or-misleading-claims-in-his-first-year/

vetted by editors

Trump should probably get one of those for his twitter and statements, huh?

Admit you mistook the year of the event

What? He gets caught in lies constantly, yet you’ll still find ways to explain them away.

Here is one from the other month fact checking his speech full of lies: https://www.google.com/amp/s/mobile.nytimes.com/2018/02/24/us/trump-cpac-speech-factcheck.amp.html

You do know that Trump did actually win 306 electoral votes in the election, right?

Lol, it’s 304:




Did Trump win 304 or 306 electoral votes? Trump won states (and one district in Maine) worth 306 electoral votes (this map). However, two Texas electors did not cast their actual ballots for him, so history will record Trump as winning 304 electoral votes.

Can’t claim an electoral vote if electoral delegates don’t vote for you.

No, it's actually a perfectly reasonable distinction. He won 306 electoral votes in the election. I didn't say he got 306 electoral votes because he got 304 electoral votes. But he did win 306 electoral votes in the election. Every example of people saying 306 comes down to the highly unusual faithless electors.

He won 306 electoral votes in the election.

He didn’t, because he did not get the votes. Nothing in our electoral process says the electoral college has to vote for the person that got the popular vote in that state, it’s the whole point of the electoral college. Come on, this is civics 101 and another example of you deploying mental gymnastics to defend trump.

But he did win 306 electoral votes

You can’t win a vote till it’s cast, can you?

From November 8th to December 19th, the number was 306. Everyone talked about 306. They are called "pledged delegates" and he won 306 pledged delegates. I know how the electoral college works. Many states do have laws preventing faithless electors, others do not. Regardless, it is highly unusual for delegates to go against the pledged votes won in their state.

So yes, he won 306 electoral votes according to the will of the people. He received 304 due to a political stunt. Not a big deal. The point is there is an obvious reason for the confusion over that number.

From November 8th to December 19th

And that press conference was when? Mid January.

he won 306 electoral votes according to the will of the people.

By the same logic Clinton won the ejection due to the will of the people by getting the most votes. But that’s not how our process goes, so she didn’t and trump only received 304 electoral votes.

due to a political stunt.

It’s due to our electoral process. Again, you can’t claim a vote you did not receive.

obvious reason for the confusion

That trump is easily confused or that he’s clinging to those two extra votes?

Or that he didn’t face check just like he didn’t with the Reagan crap?

Yes, he's clinging to those 2 extra votes because he had just spent more than a month being congratulated on his 306 pledged delegates. Obviously the result is what it is: 304. But it's a perfectly understandable thing to bring up 306 later on. That doesn't make it a lie. I could see an argument for petty, but I don't think he made a big fuss about it. Either way, it was not a lie.

but I don't think he made a big fuss about it.

Except to brag that it was the biggest electoral win since Reagan when it was obviously not?

Either way, it was not a lie.

It’s just not the truth and not reality?

Kudos for sticking with that conversation for so long. After exchanging about 4 comments with that guy, I threw in the towel. It was just too pathetic.

Goddamn. Do you have zero self respect or what? I mean lmao how pathetic.

This is a list that only goes from january 2016 to november 2016.

But how about something worse than a lie? How about an incident in which several executives of Trump's casinos died while he was going bankrupt? Their deaths meant they couldn't testify against him to a grand jury probe.

Trump was selected, they wanted him president. Once you realize that...

Any sources to support this claim? Genuinely curious.

Just the source of conspiracy that our votes don't count and TPTB wouldn't let anyone run the country that they didn't deem fit for their agenda...

I guess we could look back to 2012 and Grover Norquist's CPAC speech where he outlined what the GOP wanted from a leader; this was in reference to having bite the bullet and go for Romney, but as a line of thought it's easily applicable to the current incumbent, certainly in terms of getting the Ryan budget passed.

All we have to do is replace Obama. ... We are not auditioning for fearless leader. We don't need a president to tell us in what direction to go. We know what direction to go. We want the Ryan budget. ... We just need a president to sign this stuff. We don't need someone to think it up or design it. The leadership now for the modern conservative movement for the next 20 years will be coming out of the House and the Senate.

The requirement for president?

Pick a Republican with enough working digits to handle a pen to become president of the United States. This is a change for Republicans: the House and Senate doing the work with the president signing bills. His job is to be captain of the team, to sign the legislation that has already been prepared.

This is a comforting conspiracy theory, as it suggests the support that was enough to get him elected is much less and not a reflection of the current state of the world. Woot woot Deep State!

He was the perfect candidate. Proved voting matters, got us all angry at each other, distractions left and right, threw a stick in the spokes of any legitimate conspiracy theory. Internet was getting out of control and information was spreading too wide.

Easiest way to control a population is to make them think they're free. They got a slow boil going and we're bitching about whose got more space in the pot.

The main reason this is downvoted is because it goes against the shill narrative that /r/conspiracy is T_D 2.0, but I'm sure a few donald supporters also downvoted, just out of habit.

I guess calling it at the donald 2.0 might have been a little much but anyone who cant see the influence and tilt to the right on this sub is blind

I'm not denying it, because /r/politics is now bought by corporations who have closed that sub to non-corporate sources. Combine that with an American public dumb enough to think Trump is anti-establishment and there you go! But if they are at all literate, this sub will soon disavow them of all partisan loyalty.

Also I will personally make it up and slant this whole fucking thing to the left.

Thanks I can't stand when it's leaning to one side, my pencils roll right off the desk

This post has over 1000 upvotes. Your point is irrelevant.

Do you honestly think hillary would have been better?

I don't think that's OP's point. But if that's the road we are taking Bernie might have been.

Where did i state this?

Yes. For fucks sake yes. This stupid counter needs to end. Everyone who ran would have been better than Trump except Ted Cruz. Give me a spineless President Rubio, or an ineffectual Sanders, or a boring Kasich, or a completely predictable Clinton episode 3 over the perpetual shitshow that is the current Administration. ANYONE would have done a much better job.

Think what you will about Trump but for the last time, this sub isn’t the Donald 2.0.

Either you know that because you comment here regularly and can clearly see the Shareblue brigades or you are just making shit up.

Seriously, I see only "THIS IS TD_2.0" and other vomit constantly, and have yet to see a pro-Trump post or comment(and I mean PRO-TRUMP, not anti-Establishment/anti-MSM) get any significant traction.

In EVERY single Russia thread there are brigades with the usual "TD_2.0," <insert strawman on Trump supporters here>, "something something this confirms collusion!", "muh 13 indictments," etc. Please do let me know if I forgot a talking point.

I've been saying this a lot, but organic users can see through the bullshit. Let them have their circlejerks.

these fake users want to play identity politics in a conspiracy sub. everyone just downvote, report, call it out and move on. don’t waste time around here

There are plenty of both sides on this sub. I see posts leaning both ways all the time. The best part is watching the right wingers call the left "Sharia brigade" and the left call the right "Russians". Nobody that disagrees with me could ever be real!!!

The subs changed. There was certainly a time of pro-Trump support.

link it

Yep any pro trump comments are regularly at -20/30 while anything anti trump is upvoted high. Yet this place is TD 2.0!! Ridiculous, doesn’t match at all with what they are saying anyone can clearly see it.

I mean this is clearly a slide thread. Where's the conspiracy? What are we supposed to be discussing? What kind of supporter turns on someone at the drop of a dime over one appointment? Who knows why he did this. Remember the calm before the storm? It feels like the storm is getting closer.

When I go to the bar I am the minority - No I didn't vote for Trump. For fun, I ask them about the coal industry coming back, or the Wall, or the swamp draining. I never fail to start an argument. Nothing has changed and nothing will. I read a quote once - "If you think who sits in the Oval office is the problem, you don't know the problem"

What Trump offered from a distance appeared to be a safe haven from liberal insanity for those who wanted to live their lives the way it was before these SJWs showed up gleefully working to destroy the parts of our culture we'd grown to love and hold dear to us since it's inception. Up close, it was actually the insane people telling the truth with their delusions and mania mixed up with it.

Some people find this to be Machiavellian genius, but it isn't. It's just bullshitting. Homeless people lie better than Trump every day to get by.

So you thought Trump would somehow stop people from complaining about the sexy waifus you want in your video games? (For the record I love my sexy waifus too).

What the hell are you talking about

Sorry, I think I read into that too much, wasnt trying to be an ass. Out of curiosity then what are the Paris of our culture you think SJWs are destroying?

Toughness, individuality, free market, limited government subservient to the citizens, respect for the limitations on government granted by the tradition of the bill of rights, masculinity and femininity, open inquiry, and a bunch of other shit.

I'm hesitant to name every single thing because not all the same liberals are doing it and conservatives do a lot of these too. It's hard to back up all my claims when I just name a bunch of stuff.


If your idea of toughness is never taking advice and doing whatever the fuck you want, no matter how it screws you or the people you supposedly care about.


Yeah, putting on a red hat and blindly following the will of Dear Leader, ostracizing anyone who dares to speak up about one of his insane plans not being the best decision ever made is super individualistic.

free market

The market is a ravenous wolf that wants to devour everything in its path. It was in the cage for a reason. You can be a bleeding heart hippie and let it out, but all it's going to do is eat your heart. This isn't really a Trump thing, though; if the past several decades haven't gotten it through everyone's heads that the much-lauded benefits of the "free market" are fucking fairytales, I suppose nothing will.

limited government subservient to the citizens

The citizens didn't even get the President they voted for. The party in control of all three branches of government and most states aren't even the fucking majority. They keep themselves in power through gerrymandering and voter suppression, and every passing year they do even more to consolidate their power and make it harder to vote them out. When they're done suppressing all the blacks or Hispanics or poors or liberals or whatever other fucking group they're targeting, they will move on to portioning up the white Christian male demographic in one form or another. That they are so gung-ho about voter suppression and media consolidation shows you which path the citizens can take to remove their politicians is most feared: it's not armed revolution, it's public outcry and voting. And the people who've most trumpeted their willingness to revolt should things get "out of hand" are the guys now refusing to cry out.

Oh, and it's increasingly more beholden to big business interests. "Drain the swamp" in-fucking-deed.

respect for the limitations on government

The administration is openly flouting ethics rules and actual laws and is cruising by on that without a care because Congress is complicit. When they move to get what they want, the Bill of Rights isn't going to stop them--and the same people now "championing" that collection of amendments are going to roll the fuck over and let it happen. Fess up; the Bill of Rights and the Constitution aren't values to these people, they're a fucking bludgeon to be wielded against "the enemy", and ignored whenever it applies to them.

masculinity and femininity

A single view of each that was never truly representative of America as a whole from a specific time period that has been fantasized and fetishized to a ridiculous degree. Just as Trump is a poor man's idea of a rich man, he's a beta cuck's idea of an alpha male. He's a strongman, not a strong man; a raging idiot man-child who best appeals to basement-dwelling virgins who blame, paradoxically, their inability to get a date on every woman being a slut. Fucking pathetic.

open inquiry

Jesus Christ, just try to get a straight answer out of anyone in this administration.

You live in Tumblr screenshots and think every woman has six piercings and neon hair and is just itching to kill the male gender or give them hormone therapy. I'd say this is merely the opposite side of the coin as the truly nutzo "SJWs" who think all men are seeking a return to the days when women were chattel, but they're more fucking right on that point than a bunch of 4chan incels who think baristas will turn every child gay.

Holy fuck. I agree with your comments and I still feel like I got fucking slapped in the face.

For somebody that takes issue with "SJWs" you certainly have a major victim complex.

Never seen a bigger safe space than T_D in my life. I commented ONE TIME to try and bring an honest discussion and was banned. Snowflake central.

/r/conservative isn't much better. I said one time that I thought most republican politicians didn't really care all that much about abortion and were just using it as a wedge issue to wrangle evangelicals and I got banned super quick. Guess I struck a nerve.

That's a good point on abortion though. Much like the Democrats pretending to give a shit about worker's rights. They're all rich fucks, how far removed is Hillary from a minimum wage worker's life? I'd ask her but I don't have $100,000 for a speech.

Politicians will say what they need to say to push the voter's buttons.

Hahahahahah, OK guy, sure thing. Nothing beats throwing out individual adjectives with no supporting evidence. It sounds more like a perfume commercial than a retort.

Toughness? What toughness? Who is being tough on what?

Individuality? Huh? I've never seen a more uniform and "step in line" group of people than the MAGA crowd. The same crowd that wants to strip individual rights away from people that aren't like them.

Limited government? In what world is a government where the AG ignores state law limited? Imposing tarriffs is also LITERALLY THE COMPLETE EXACT OPPOSITE, L-I-T-E-R-A-L-L-Y, of a free market.

Masculinity? Femininity? I mean, what? Seriously? This is what you people come up with? Guess what, if you weren't feeling "masculine" before Trump, it's probably a you problem. Try a testosterone supplement or go to the gym more often.

I don't feel like arguing against a bunch of vapid marketing slogans so good day to you.

And yet another example of a mentally and emotionally unstable liberal getting extremely angry over the internet and thinking I'm a Trump supporter and depicting Trump supporters as evil idiots. Animalistic and socially inept behavior from open minded highly internet educated liberals was predictable once again.

Huh? You sound so insanely tribalistic I can't even remotely relate. Keep on keeping on.

On the internet, no matter how loud you scream, no one can hear you. All you're doing is conditioning yourself to get sudden high blood pressure.

Got it.

I thought this might interest you!

I am not attacking you or insulting you, I am just here to Listen.

Toughness, individuality, free market, limited government subservient to the citizens, respect for the limitations on government granted by the tradition of the bill of rights, masculinity and femininity, open inquiry, and a bunch of other shit.

What is your definition of femininity? What were you taught growing up about what femininity is?

I'm hesitant to name every single thing because not all the same liberals are doing it and conservatives do a lot of these too. It's hard to back up all my claims when I just name a bunch of stuff.

wasnt trying to be an ass

while visibly being an ass lol.

Can't expect anything more out of liberals. Liberals love attacking people but the minute it's done back to them it's fascist right wing racist tyranny.

I honestly hoped this sub at least was passed falling for presidents having any real say over what goes on. It’s a face, a patsy and a fall guy

That quote is referring to the common man is what's going on.

Wait some of you actually believed this millionaire would help us? Lol

Small loan of a million dollarsaire

Still richer than you, you seem salty as fuck.

Yep when he said that shit I knew. I'm a person who usually is anti conspiracy. When he said that shit all I thought was. " this fuck has no idea what it's like to be a normal human. Like he has no idea what it's like to say. Fuck I gotta charge this to American express because I don't get paid in 2 days. I'll pay it back. ( doesn't pay it back) . Beyond personal finance issues. He has no idea what it's like to be an average american. Fuck him and everyone who thought he would make a change. People were jinxed. He won't and will not make America great again. Especially when he said people who don't stand for the flag shpuld be arrested. He's a traitor to the real.america.

Can you imagine going your entire life without ever knowing the stress of how you will pay rent or if you can afford to fix that problem with your car. He must have an entirely different perspective on the world that almost no one has. Anyone who thought he would help the average person is daft.

It has not been easy for him. He started off small in Brooklyn with a small loan of a----

I didn't think he would help us, I just thought he was better than Clinton, which he still is. However this is the problem with the 2 party system. You get to choose between eating shit or eating shit with some chocolate sauce on it.

which he still is.

It's quite obvious he isn't, they are two sides of the same coin.

It’s not chocolate sauce, it’s actually just more shit.

which he still is.

based on what? i mean i don't support clinton and didn't in the election, but you can't know that he is better by any metric.

also, your pessimism is understandable, and a feature of the system, not a bug. you (as in trump supporters not just you personally) were sold some kind of hope of change. and guess, was a conman is con. so here we are, a bunch of disillusioned people basing their politics not on any kind of collective hope or will, but petty grievances and drummed up vengeance.

Or you could support a candidate you actually believe in and defy the 2 party system. Changes will never be made if people just accept it and play along to their game.

I hear it all the time, my vote will be wasted.... You are 100% right, vote your conscience, if everyone did we may end up with a government that reflects the people it governs. The two party system has a built in fail safe with the excuse "I would have voted for the whatever party candidate, but they can't win." Candidates outside the two party realm can and will if we make our votes count.


The problem is that people talking about changing the two party system do nothing for four years and then vote for Jill Stein or whatever Libertarian is running. If you believe the Greens or the Libertarians are better, you need to support them at local and state levels first. Build a national party from the ground up. When that party is established, you field national candidates and eventually get to the presidency. Voting third party every four years and doing dick for the rest of the time won't do anything. Political parties don't start from the top and work down. Problem is the Greens and Libertarians have no interest in this. Jill Stein ran to stoke her who. What's she doing now? Is she helping her party organize and raise money to field candidates in local and state elections? Nope. She'll just have another vanity run in 2020 and nothing at all will change.

I can't upvote you enough for this. People only talk about third parties around presidential elections, but those are not the more important times for these parties. Politics like this have to start locally and grow nationally.

I voted 3rd party because I will never vote for a candidate I can't believe in. I'm a pretty moderate though. I've voted mostly R, but went for D in the 2004 because of 9/11. If the R's would support more civil rights in the future, I'd be more likely to support them over the D's, yet they consistently vote against LGBT and women and I cannot support that. I will always vote for the person over the party. I am a firm believer that if we removed the letter after the candidates name, we would find ourselves voting for the best candidate rather than the party it represents.

Trump was the first president to openly support gay marriage BEFORE being elected.

Trump also elected the most notorious anti-LGBT person to head the DOJ. Actions speak louder than words, especially coming from a foul mouthed piece of shit liar. He's also notorious for flio flopping so his words mean literally NOTHING to me.

Have you watched this CGP grey video? First past the post creates a two party system. It's an organic byproduct of how we count votes.

Once we are at the stage of voting in a democracy, it's already game over. If plato is to be believed

huh? I read that 3x and still couldn't make sense of what point you are trying to make.

It's from plato's republic. Democracy is a debased form of government that is on the lowest end of the scale of freedom, just before a society slips into complete authoritarianism

So a theory?

Well, look around you.

I'm looking, but I don't know what I'm supposed to be looking for exactly.

You can play dumb if you want

Not my mission.

To make two points:

we don't have a democracy. Officially it is a representative democracy (far from the fears of Plato)

Our voting system sucks because of the size of our nation and the fact that our vote is "lost" if our first choice candidate loses... Which forces us to vote against our fears instead of voting for our hopes.

Exactly. The United States desperately need a preferential voting system, where if the ballot paper has x number of candiates, you number every candidate from 1 to x.

The way preferential voting works, if your first preference doesn't get enough votes, your votes passes to your second preference and so on. If your vote can make a difference to the outcome, it will.

I've been saying the same thing for the last two election cycles. It's depressing that the only ones that can change it are the people that it would hurt the most. :(

Or you could support a candidate you actually believe in and defy the 2 party system.

Yeah, voting Green wouldn't support the GOP or anything...

OH WAIT... Maybe that was just one candidate though, Surely they were the only one... SURELY

It's not my fault people got played and lied to by their candidates. There were about 900 candidates for President they could have voted for.

I think it's crazy that people still think the political 2 party system is anything but a farce.

You think Clinton vs Trump wasn't planned? We literally are given two turds who will do the same things and work for the puppet master behind the scenes. Same agenda. Same goal. Different time frames.

He has revived and is allowing some of Clinton's key ideas :() fucking rich against the poor.

What would have happened if Hilary was nominated and not Trump?

Right now: Our regulatory agencies protecting the people have been highjacked by corporate interests with the dismantling of the EPA, DeVos with no teaching credentials and head of a multi-level marketing scheme is head of the Department of Education, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau wants to dismantle, the FCC is rolling back consumer protections.

We're still drone striking people and have US TROOPS IN BOTH SYRIA AND AFGHANISTAN.

Government surveillance was re-authorized and Trump wouldn't even declassify something as old as the old JFK files, let alone all the other bad shit the government knows and does.

I fucking hate hilary, but you people keep defending trump with "b-b-but she was worse!".

You fear she was bought out by banks and corporate interests, then Trump sells out our agencies and consumer protections to corporate interests.

The difference is that HRC would have continued the looting of the country under the table, as Obama and every President since at least Carter. Trump is blatant, which helps more people understand the absurdities of the system. Trump is a symptom of the systemic rot of the Republic, he's not the cause.

Obama instituted Dodd-frank and put restrictions on banks. The Clean Power Plan and environmental regulations such as preventing surface mining that causes pollutants to enter the water supply through storm-water run-off. Empowering the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau which intervenes for consumers. Remember Wells Fargo's and the CFPB cracking down on them?

Remember when Obama didn't institute the leader of a multilevel marketing scheme with literally no work experience or history in education (DeVos) and then DeVos redirected school resources to private charter schools reducing the resources for the neediest?

There's a clear fucking difference. Clearly more needs to be done and I have a lot of beef with Obama for things such as drone strikes and not being tougher on corporations.

But this whole "they're both the same" argument is complete non-sense and runs contrary to what's happening in our agencies right now.

Obama instituted Dodd-frank and put restrictions on banks

Ahh yes, toothless Dodd-Frank, which has subsequently been largely repealed via Bipartisan efforts. Obama let everyone responsible for '08 off with a slap on the wrist. His cabinet was hand-picked by CitiBank.

Remember when Obama didn't institute the leader of a multilevel marketing scheme with literally no work experience or history in education (DeVos) and then DeVos redirected school resources to private charter schools reducing the resources for the neediest?

Remember when obama had his cabinet recommended by CitiBank then proceded to let everyone responsible for '08 off, remember the "bail out" where Main Street payed for Wall Street? How about his abandonment of the Public Option in committee, and the bullshit Insurance Corporate handout that is Obamacare?

There's a clear fucking difference. Clearly more needs to be done and I have a lot of beef with Obama for things such as drone strikes and not being tougher on corporations.

No, there's not. Obama was a Neocon centrist Warmonger, just like Bush, just like HRC, just like Trump. You've just fallen for a few bones like some toothless environmental legislation or Liz Warrens committee which has also been rendered largely useless through Bipartisanship. There is. No. Difference. The Republic was fucked either way- HRC wanted a no-fly zone in Syria and escalation with Russia either way. War in the Middle East and Korea would still be on the table.

Not to mention the economics- Obama, HRC, Trump, all follow the Neoliberal way of Corporatism and deregulation disguised as toothless legislation. Wake up. There was no good option in '16, HRC was bad, Trump was bad, Obama was bad...there were no good options. Don't pretend the Democrats and HRC are somehow "better", otherwise you're obviously playing into the 2-Party trap.

Neither Party represents the interests of the citizens- they are the representatives of Class interests, and those class interests aren't yours.

If Dodd-frank is toothless and does nothing, why does it need to be repealed? I agree I want MORE protections, but why does it even need to be repealed if it's toothless?

I'm not sure why you're so focused on Wall Street, yet want "toothless" regulations on banks repealed.

Can you please explain why environmental regulations that prevent surface mining that causes pollutants to enter the water supply through storm-water run-off and zero regulations on them is no difference please?

Don't vote for a neocon/corporatist in a primary, the two parties aren't monolithic entities.

If Dodd-frank is toothless and does nothing, why does it need to be repealed?

Because they couldn't even stomach any sort of pretend regulations. They wanted to sell CDO's again, they wanted to get back to business as usual, and they wanted to make sure that it was known who had the power. Doesn't matter if it was toothless..they wanted it gone anyways.

I'm not sure why you're so focused on Wall Street, yet want "toothless" regulations on banks repealed.

I don't want regulation repealed, nice straw man tho. I wanted real regulation in the first place. It took almost 70 years to repeal the last of the New Deal reforms and Dodd-Frank wasn't anything close to Glass-Steagall.

Can you please explain why environmental regulations that prevent surface mining that causes pollutants to enter the water supply through storm-water run-off and zero regulations on them is no difference please?

Because it doesn't actually get us anywhere? It doesn't transition to a Green economy, it doesn't end reliance on fossil fuels...it's a soundbyte that has a good cause but at heart does nothing.

Don't vote for a neocon/corporatist in a primary, the two parties aren't monolithic entities.

They are Big Tent organizations and currently the factions at the top are both Corporatist shills. HRC and Obama represented the Corporate side of the Party, with its agenda and donor base. Bernie represented the Populists...well they cheated Bernie out of the Primary, went on to lose to a reality TV star, and still focus more energy on swinging Left towards the grassroots.

The Democratic Party needs stormed from the ground up by the People. This is happening, slowly, with organizations formed in the wake of Bernies campaign like Our Revolution. 8 State Parties have been taken from the Corporatists, and Cali would have been too, if the Party hadn't literally stuffed ballots to keep Kimberly Ellis out.

No one deserves your vote because they are a Democrat, or because they won the Primaries. If their record shows that they are a Neoliberal/Neocon warmonger, they shouldn't be voted for, especially under the pathetic guise of "lesser of two evils". It's time we start standing up for integrity again, and replace these centrist fools with real progressives.

We accomplish this, as I said, through the grassroots. The smallest organizational unit of the Democratic Party is the Precinct. Precinct Chairs vote for County Chairs, who vote for State Chairs, who vote for National chairs. This is how we take the Party from the cold dead hands of the Corporatists like HRC or Obama. Until this is done, I will not be voting for a Dem unless they align with my beliefs. 8 State Parties is a good start.

Caldem cheating link- http://observer.com/2017/06/california-democratic-party-chair-race-ineligible-votes/

Downvote bots. I want to see someone contradict your points with facts. Fuck this pussy ass sub

Meh, that's just kinda what happens when posts here hit r/all and get shared around the anti-Trump subs (as this one was). "People" on Reddit hate the Left just as much as the Right...only the MSM approved Centrist narrative is allowed.

Mine and others calls for a cleansing of the corrupt Democratic Party and Direct Action by the Grassroots is just too much for some...

It's funny because at least Hillary's base would have held her accountable if she sold out the office to corporate interests. Trump's base thinks selling out to corporations and foreign interests is a good thing.

There's actually something to that. With Hillary both sides would be scrutinizing her. With Trump just one is.

I guess you don't remember when it was Trump versus 15 other more qualified Republican candidates. That was when people had an actual choice that wasn't just the lesser of two evils. They just chose poorly.

How is he better than Clinton? The man is off the hinges. He cannot accept that he is wrong, double downs on everything.

You get to choose between eating shit or eating shit with some chocolate sauce on it.

So you just ate shit?

Yeah, and you chose the shit without the chocolate sauce.

No. He’s a Billionare.

This comment isnt helpful.

This person has just done something no one in my family or co-workers who supported Trump have yet to do - admit they’ve had an epiphany.

Millions of our neighbors were had by this presidential scammer but Lol’ing them when they are seeking public redemption after realizing they’ve been bamboozled seems wrong.

It's large scale brainwashing, and as this administration crumbles there are going to be a lot of people who will have their whole world shattered.

A really hope people don't go too nuts with the 'I told you so's.

I think your comment has some validity, but I can understand why so many find these epiphanies less than impressive.

At this point, Trump's misdeeds and flaws are so numerous, it'd be a bit like one of the Manson family rejecting Charlie. "Okay, that's great and all, but you still have just a few things to answer for..."

How could someone be so misguided to think Trump or this Republican Party had a plan, strategy or even any sense of direction? How did all these people vote for him or swallow his propaganda?

The fact that only now people are coming to their senses is a deeply worrying reflection of modern day America

These people should be named and shamed as they handed this imbecile power

What I think many people are losing sight of is that many votes to Trump weren't exactly "FOR" Trump it was more an "AGAINST" Hillary vote. My initial vote for Trump was because I wanted to do anything I could to ensure Hillary would not become President. Mission accomplished there. My support went from against Hillary, For Trump, and now....if I'm being honest with myself.....I don't know what the heck is going on these days. I know (or at least believe) the Democrats/Liberals are horrible and ruining many facets of society (micro-aggressions and gender fluidity? really? fuck off) but the more I learn about Trump it's like what is going on man? Why is Kushner getting security revoked while up to his eyes in debt? Why are there always these odd/weird things going on in your White House? Why are so many people getting fired? I like to think "hey at least he's transparent" but at this point he's just this focal point to fixate on and keep us distracted (IMO). Example: the other day I'm driving home from work listening to the radio and this lady chimes in out of nowhere she's like "But what about Stormy Daniels? Like how crazy would it be if THAT'S what took down Trump" and my first thoughts were A) Clinton did it first IN OFFICE and B) how fucking retarded does one need to be to think an affair WELL before being in office have any grounds to impeach a President? Well.....after driving a few miles I realized "wait a minute......who the fuck cares about any of that? there has to be something more important to discuss?"

I'm in a weird place. My faith in the man I voted for has dwindled considerably. I still don't like liberals and I don't like even more that even as I type this and being open I should be smart enough to know the "us v them" strategy is actively working on me. Sucks man.

Your honesty is refreshing and I can sense your frustration with how things turned out once Trump got in. But I still don’t understand why anyone bought into his promises.

He was a raging psycho on his campaign trail. Unhinged, rude, lacking direction and morals so his presidency was never going to be anything other than carnage and confusion.

Also the excuse that people didn’t want to elect Hilary so voted for Trump is idiotic. The same thing happened in the UK over Brexit, many didn’t know what it would involve or the implications but voted as they wanted something different, now the UK is fucked. Why waste the vote if you don’t know what it’s about, the same applied to Trump!

I hope you your sake and as well as ours things get better but it does look bleak.

See that's where I disagree. On the campaign trail I saw someone different and someone brash I didn't see a "raging psycho" and I still don't. I also, and yeah I know I've had a change of heart, will never say that Trump is stupid/moronic/idiotic whatever. You DO NOT become a billionaire President by being dumb. It logistically and logically does not compute. (do not mistake this for a full fledged defense. some people just have different views)

But yeah a vote against Hillary I stand by. I still think she is the absolute worst.

I don’t this he is necessarily dumb but he lacks the class and morals to hold that position in office. The United States get involved in so much world politics and trade but Trump throws all known processes out of the window and does what he wants.

This is no way to run office or a country. It’s unpredictable and at times dangerous.

This is without mentioning his xenophobic attitude towards non-white people, non-Americans, his view and treatment of women and a whole list of other issues. I wish for Trump and his whole family to be banished to the depths of hell.

But I think we’ll have to agree to disagree on some of these things. :)

It's important to remember while A% of Trump's support was racist, B% was sexist, C% hates gays, D% is single issue anti abortion, E% votes R straight ticket, there was F% that was naive ...and that's unfortunate....some people aren't used to having a politician lie through their teeth, "everyone gets better healthcare and covers everyone, coal is back, factories will reopen, maga"....it sounds nice.... They should have done their research but they just wanted help and they weren't able to understand how the Democrats would have helped them if they'd only given them a chance.

Don’t forget the enormous G% that was NeverHillary. If the Democratic party hadn’t sold itself to the devil they could have beat Trump with anybody...of course they probably wouldn’t have had to because Trump likely wouldn’t have won the Primary if Hillary’s team hadn’t asked their media buddies to promote “Extreme candidates like Trump and Cruz” in an effort to set up an easy oponent for the General.

Literally the only people in my family who support Trump didn't go to college. And they continue to support him as he go is against every populist claim he made during the campaign to get elected. Some people are too stupid to ever realize they were conned

Until my dying breath I will laugh at Trump supporters.

Some of us don't give a shit about being helpful anymore. We did tell them so and we were right and it did blow up in their faces and they should feel bad. They should be fucking horrified and begging for forgiveness. We don't have time to worry about their feelings, we need to worry about taking the country back as soon as possible before their moronic monster wreaks more irreversible havoc. We're pissed off and we have every right to be and we have every right to let them know so that maybe they fucking listen next time. Fuck the higher ground. The Republicans have rendered the higher ground approach utterly innefective for the last couple of decades. It's time for scorched earth. Fuck their feelings and fuck their opinions and fuck their dignity. Enough is enough.

Take some fucking responsibility. Next time don’t run a monster on your side and you will beat the monster the other side is running.

Oh please, there were what, 12 Republican candidates? And this was the guy they chose? I voted for Bernie, but 90% of the shit Republicans and conspiracy nuts believe about Hillary is straight up tin foil hat insane made up bullshit and they bought it without a second thought. They're like a cult. She's no worse than any other career politician. And I'm not going to get into some big debate with you about it, so don't bother. If you honestly believe she's a "monster" you fell for their bullshit and you're probably retarded.

No, man. I read thousands of Podesta Emails. I watched the video of her giddily cackling about Ghadafi being killed after her state department refused to answer his ambassador's calls when they were begging her not to go to war.

I too am worried about foreign influence and was terribly concerned about the 10's of millions of dollars flowing into the Clinton Foundation from middle eastern governments.

I worry about escalating war, and took deadly serious her promise to establish a no fly zone over Syria....which was as likely to lead us to a shooting war with Russia as anything in history.

She is dishonest. Her behavior is criminal. I'm not just talking about her total bullshit email scandal lies. I'm not talking about Whitewater (where both their business Partners and Bill Lt. Governor were convicted but we are expected to believe that they were squeaky clean). All I need to know that I would never ever vote for her is the Marc Rich Pardon that Bill sold in exchange for a donation to Hillary's Senate campaign and only wasn't pursued because the republicans had the Starr investigation backfire on them so badly.

Hillary Clinton is totally unscrupulous and just as much of a liar as Trump is, although she is a bit smarter about it and get's a far bigger pass from the media. She had no business on the Presidential ticket, and if the Democrats had run a decent candidate Trump would not be in office today.

Did you read the part where I said I'm not going to get into an argument so don't bother?

Then why even reddit if you wont stand by your words, you fucking weaksauce.

I stand by every word. That doesn't mean I'm obligated to descend into the tenth circle of conspiracy theory hell with every nut job that lays the bait out. I have better things to do with my life.

Minced words for "i'll backpedal and gtfo after I lay a big deuce"


So she's the exact equivalent of every other presidential candidate in history. My goodness, what a fucking monster she was. Clutch your pearls harder.

Don’t fucking Blame me. I didn’t vote for him.

We tried running goody two shoes Romney and what happened? Racist sexist Nazi one again. Dems can't fucking help themselves. Any R running has and will gotten the same treatment.

So guess what? We put someone in there immune to their bullshit games. The funny thing is they haven't learned a damn thing. Gonna be somehow even more hilarious watching him win a 2nd term.

What was stopping the Republicans from voting for someone like Kasich or Rand Paul? They chose Trump, Hilary is just another excuse for them to hide behind. Thy could've voted for a moderate in the primary but no they wanted to 'MAGA' and be Trump's bitch.

Well, the Hillary campaign asking their media pals to promote the extreme republicans so that they would have an easy oponent in the General certainly didn’t help...but no I certainly don’t absolve the Republicans of responsibility. It just drives me crazy that the Democrats refuse to acknowledge they allowed their primary to be stolen by a candidate so bad that she couldn’t manage to beat a dishonest moron who was obviously out of his depth. We democrats are burning all our energy in a pointless “resist” movement when we should be focusing on fixing the DNC and making sure that a good candidate that can win is up in 2020.

How fucking dense are you? Yeah, we'll take responsibility for how the DNC utterly defied the will of the people and rigged the primaries against Sanders. We took responsibility by championing Sanders and were robbed of it. Don't fucking sit there and talk about taking responsibility for the current mess because the Democrats ran Hillary regardless of what its party actually wanted.

AND what have you done about the corruption in your own party?? Fucking nothing. You are having Womens marches against Trump and pushing "Resist" Memes while you leave the group that stole your own party away from you in power. Focus on fixing that so that we don't have a repeat of this whole fiasco in 2020.

Amen to that. Trump supporters should feel ashamed. All the signs of Trump being a terrible Presidenti candidate were quite apparent during his campaign and even well before that.

You're right, there is no time for feelings. We need to get this man out of office and start restoring our democratic institutions for the sake of country. We don't need to convince Trump supporters they are wrong, we just need to turn out and vote and speak up because there a lot more us than them in this country. The vast majority of them are a lost cause.

There was also plenty of people who voted for Trump because they knew their situation wouldn't change under Clinton so they voted Trump because they thought maybe somehow if they threw a brick through the window of the government establishment something might change. Like Bill Burr said, it wasn't just a bunch of racist white guys who came out of the forest to vote for Trump.

You are just as brainwashed as them if you think these people can be "helped."

Here is some advice: Don't count on these people (conservatives) to do anything but fuck things up. They knew what they chose. They chose Trump out of a pool of a dozen other people at the RNC. They were attracted to his arrogance, ignorance, and lack of experience.

You really believe people that stupid can be depended on? Ha! HA! haHAA! HAHAHAHAHA!


If you knowingly voted for someone that liked to grab women by the pussies, you deserve an I Told You So. You don't need to know jack shit about a politician if they are condoning and participating in the sexual assualt of women.

It's as simple as having the bare minimum of human decency and not voting for a fucking admitted rapist.

The OP isn't helpful and paints OP as a victim, pushing the blame to Trump and not those that enabled such sociopathy to take over the world.

Stop acting like these voters are completely innocent.

Instead of believing the "fake news" bullshit and Trump's asinine rhetoric, they could have done their own research and found that he has been completely full of shit his entire life. It wasn't hard to dig that info up before the election.

People need to take responsibility for what they do and that includes who they vote for. Letting them off the hook for being "had" is just a way of taking away their accountability for their vote.

I do not feel bad or sorry for them. They are in the same boat we are and they are the ones who put us here.

I didn't think he would actively help us, but figured that things have to get worse before they get better, and Hillary was going to be just more of the same. Maybe this trump experience will wake enough people up to the fact that our whole system is fucked.

I'd rather walk through utter darkness towards a hope of light, than live in perpetual shadow.

The system can work reasonably well with a competent person in charge.

I agree with you, but I think a competent person would realize this system has reached end of life, and it's time we install a newer version. I'm not calling for a revoution, just saying we're still running win95 and people are hacking the shit out of it.

Hillary was going to be just more of the same.

I’m tired of having a PB&J sandwich everyday for lunch, so to avoid more of the same I’m just going to eat this moldy bread.

You know damn well we haven't been getting pb&j's.

You know damn well that's bullshit.

Is there something wrong with being a millionaire?

Uhh. Yes.

I was downvoted to oblivion here after the election.

Ironic that conspiracy readers were blind to the truth slapping them in the face like a giant dick.

That’s because they don’t care about the truth.

It might be easier to visualize once the Stormy photos and/or videos come out of exactly that optic. Pro'ly not giant though.


Yes. Well sort of. I voted for him because he wasn't called Clinton.

Help find the pizza boy!!!

Trump was born with a silver spoon in his mouth and never matured. No rational person could have expected anything better from an idiot like him.

(Majority or American voters/rational people) pick one

Why are you still reciting this tired lie? This is provably false and you know it. you're posting in r/conspiracy, do you think people will just buy your BS?

Dude it was a fucking joke Lighten up

I am having a difficult time remaining jokey under the current circumstances

I'm sorry you feel that way. Humor is the light that guides us through the darkness.

In other words, you're hysterical


Please see above yes it is a prank bro. I regret it. No my name is not Logan. I also consulted my haters. Love you babe.

you're posting in r/conspiracy, do you think people will just buy your BS?

I agree it's a tired lie but I have no idea what you meant by this. You think /r/conspiracy is less likely to buy into BS than other subs? It seems to me that a lot of the people here just like dabbling in fun conspiracies, but the majority seem to actually believe in some BS...

Sure, there’s a lot of people here just dabbling and willing to be influenced by others, but (and I could be wrong) there also seem to be more independent thinkers proportionally here than in other subs that are more ideologically aligned to some perspective or presupposition.

Welcome to politics.

Go read Mueller's Manafort indictment and come back to me when you've done so. How anyone still believes Mueller is going after Trump is beyond me.

Manafort = Trump Campaign Manager.

Manafort >> Illicit Russian Money Ties.

Manafort's Illicit Russian Money Ties > Could Lead To > More Ties.

More ties > Could Lead To > Trump-Russia Ties.

Taking out the supports before getting to the core. It's like fighting a video game boss with many limbs. Take out the limbs, then strike the head.

Read the god damn document mate and follow the money. You guys are gonna feel really stupid when this is all over.

I have, and I don't feel any more stupid. Manafort laundered money. Yes, I know that's what he's being indicted for, among other things. The crime doesn't have to be linked DIRECTLY to Trump. Do you follow?

Oh for sure I do follow. Rod gave Mueller a carte blanche. But have you ever looked into Manafort's background before he joined Trump's campaign?

This is how Mueller took down Enron, which was corrupt as ass. Respect the process. Why cry over a criminal like Manafort?

Lol not defending Manafort here, he's corrupt as hell with all his lobbying with the podesta firm haha

You guys are dumb, research more.

How anyone still believes Mueller is going after Trump is beyond me.

You were saying?

Dude, go read the indictments of Manafort lol

Dude read the article lmao

Ive spent the time since I was awake this morning being critical of this garbage over at TD and I've been getting fairly good responses. I was just watching a video earlier of trump talking about firing tillerson in part over Iran and I said to my girlfriend."Im not sure if Im still liking this guy..." and sadly day by day it seems we both are starting to feel that way and we never, ever supported anyone from our so called government until trump came along.

People just gotta be honest with themselves and not make perpetual excuses for anyone regarding how much their own ego is obviously attached to it. Edit added a few things and corrected a few mistakes I hate this touch screen on this phone.

You deserve it. You know you voted for him to spite people for a large part. Anyone intelligent enough to come to this conclusion is intelligent enough to see what a hilariously bad and corrupt conman he is.

At least own up to it. Don't embarrass yourself by pretending you fell for his insanely dumb rhetoric.

Good luck to you and your girlfriend. I can imagine it's a difficult evolution.

Are you actually retarded or just acting? Pompeo only became CIA director because Trump wanted him to, he was a regular house republican before. And if you haven't noticed, Trump fires and hires people all the time. This guy isn't any worse than Rex.

I’m actually a retarded actor so you got me... damn you’re good

go back to where you came from, you were never a trump supporter.

I really appreciate the comments, thanks for furthering my point!

Fly home, buddy.

To be fair, Pompeo is a politician and not a lifetime spook. He headed the CIA for a year. I don't love the move but I also don't see it as cause for panic.

The instability in his cabinet and appointments is insane. Never seen so many people get fired/resign/leave in shame. I thought Rex would stick around, though. He never wanted the job so I'm sure he's stoked to retire.

But this shit is beyond embarrassing at this point.

You lefties are always going on about how "embarassed" you are. It's like, to y'all, the greatest of the many sins Trump commits is that he's hopelessly gauche.

"Oh my god, and... he eats is steak WELL DONE...and with KETCHUP!!!. Get me another PBR while you're up, will you, Theo?"

Is this supposed to be funny? Insulting? Enlightening? What are you even doing besides looking like an ass?

He doesn't talk like a construction worker from Queens you fucking poser. You must live in Iowa or some shit, never met anyone from NY. He just talks like a bullshitter. He talks like a guy in Real Estate, wants to talk business and wants to sound like he knows what he's talking about, but he fucking doesn't. He's a moron, a liar, a narcissist, and a wanna-be, fuck him, and fuck you for actually thinking he talks like anything other than a bullshitter.

How does anyone who claims to be open-minded fall for the partisan politics lie? Partisan groupthink is turning everyone into idiots.

Dude, pls fuck right off with the gross generalizations in your response.

"You lefties are always going on about...."

Can you see how lame those assumptions makes you sound? You don't know me, so don't pretend like you do.

But for the record, I don't buy into the left/right, 2-party paradigm. I feel that those that do are basic and cannot see the forest through the trees.

That's how he's draining the swamp. He's hiring all the worse then shaming them out if town. A few more years and it will be drained.

Username checks out

Do you really believe this shit or are you just trolling?

He’s got to be joking


Wouldn't it make more sense to make the right hires to begin with?

The quote the guy was known for prior to the election was "you're fired". He is going to go through a lot more people before he is done.

He can hardly say it to anyone's face. It's a TV show meme.

yeah he fired tillerson over twitter because he's a fucking fat coward


Fired him over twitter, then ran to the other side of the country. This is the manboy that said he'd have run into a school shooting and saved the day.

Stick to your bunnies.

That fucker wouldn't run anywhere, period.

Can golf-carts fit on standard wheelchair ramps at schools?

Wait, you really think he fired him over Twitter, you don't think he already knew days maybe weeks in advance?

Some people seem to think that the faces politicians show us on social media are real.

No, he didn't, though I'm sure he could smell it coming. Trump posted the tweet around 9:00am, but he and Tillerson didn't discuss it together until noon.

Forced to pick between Tillerson's own words/Bloomberg's reporting and some benefit-of-the-doubt for Trump, well I'll take the former. Especially because it lines up with everything we know so far, like Comey finding out he was fired by seeing it on a TV while delivering a speech.

Fired Comey by sending a note to his office when he knew he was going to be out of town.

I always try to research both sides of these things.

From what I've read his supporters view the cabinet instability is viewed as a strength of his that he will fire people who don't pan out quickly rather than worrying about the news reports, etc. That they need to get in line and get their ass in gear or they'll get the boot.

I'm not saying I agree with it, but that's the best justification of this that I could find.

So he's fucking terrible at hiring the right people for the job then? Got it.

Something something, even good managers hire bad employees, can't help it if they lied in the interview, something, something.

A guy with no political or diplomatic experience as the Secretary of State? The guy was the CEO of Exxon ffs, how did anyone fall for that shit.

The same way they fell for a presidential candidate with no political or diplomatic experience.

The appointment was a head scratcher to begin with. But the curious thing to me was that as a former top oil exec, he was billed as having close ties with the Russians.

However, part of his statement upon being fired reportedly was, "it was the russians"!

Not quite sure what to think about this part.

I read that the turnover rate for his cabinet is like 48% right now. That wouldn't be an acceptable level of turnover for a hiring manager at Walmart, let alone the president of the United States giving out spots on his cabinet.

iirc mcdonalds has a rate of 44%

Great, people pulling thawed burger patties out of heated plastic drawers have more drive to stay at their job than the appointed leaders of our country

Is there a Vegas pool for the cabinet member that'll actually make it to January 20th 2020? Will any of them? Let's even include family. Melania isn't going to make it. The kids will probably be forced out if anything. Everyone else will be fired or "retire".

My money is on Kelly Ann Conway. But those odds are probably too low. Like 5 to 1?

It makes sense in theory, but I would assume that Americans would prefer their presidential administration to be able to take a running start.

I've seen them mostly saying that Trump hires somebody to perform a specific task and when they're finished with that task, he lets them go.

I don't know what task that was for Tillerson, but yea.

This doesn't hold up to the least bit of scrutiny. Tillerson called Trump a fucking moron and didn't deny it when asked. Sessions still has his job even though he won't fire Mueller or investigate Hillary.

If you look at how he did it in the private sector, he would burn every bridge, but the result was never a better bridge, it was bankruptcy and new investors for the next project. He did this until the only people that would invest in him were the Russians. The question is why were Russians willing to invest in him? My suspicion is money laundering. His business life was almost like a Ponzi scheme, and we are at the end of it.

McMaster, Kelly, Sec of VA (Sheukin or however you spell) it will be out soon as well


2/3 so far lol

Don't they kind of have a 'suicide pact?' Now that's a cool as hell and fascinating conspiracy theory.

Yes, it's be reported Tillerson, Mattis, & Mnuchin had a suicide pack


Gov. Cuomo of N.Y. has a bunch of people that have been convicted and left in shame !


That was out of left field. No one mentioned him and the post was also not about him.

You made the comment that you've never seen so many people leave a cabinet in shame!?! it happens all the time at the state level and actually the Clintons, what they did was, they just killed people that they didn't like... so it does relate to your comment... it wasn't from Left Field!

I guess I should have clarified "presidential appointments".

Honestly no one gives a shit about Governors and their screw ups.

The voters with shit governors care.. yes clarify your thoughts... and go look up the list of Clinton "suicides".... they killed off those they disagreed with..

And lose your cranky attitude.

I know all about the body count. Go mansplain somewhere else

I'm assuming you're about 12 yrs old and haven't grown into your brain

The original post stated in the title that :we've been sold a lie".. that's exactly what Governor Cuomo did to the voters of New York State... he vowed to get rid of the corruption in yet it looks like he brought his own team of corruptors into Albany.

You are making this about you and apply it to the things that are fucked in your neighborhood.

Pls stop talking.

Then don't make sweeping generalized statements dickwad!

One of the surest signs that there is a real power struggle going on and this whole thread is started on a false premise.

And we STILL don't have a State Department, right?

Whoever was elected into office, the agenda was going to be run by the elites.... there was just two paths to the ultimate goal, they give us the illusion of choice, but the end game is always the same for those who stand in the shadows..... elections work two ways for the elites, first off a puppet in office, second it keeps our poisoned minds distracted and caught while other acts are being carried out.

Seriously? With the way Trump is handling things you're seriously going with "Eh it wouldn't have mattered anyway"

How uninformed are you? The US government has literally never been in disarray like it is now. Not during any of the major crises that has faced the United States in all its history were things as disorganized and fucked up as they are from the Trump admin.

Would Clinton have made a good president? I dunno, probably not, but she would have actually done the job. Donnie Two Scoops has literally not done the job he has been hired for, refused to enact sanctions on a foreign aggressor, fucked up trade negotiations across the board, told allies to piss off, and has dragged discourse to the lowest level in history.

If you can't see how disastrous Trump is you're a goddamn moron.

The US government has literally never been in disarray like it is now.

are you a just shill or do you actually believe in that?

Dude open your eyes. It is not normal for most positions to be unfilled and for so many high profile firings to be going on.

its not normal to see the msm go ape shit over a candidate either. i dont get whats the big deal about him firing and hiring people. most of people eligible (if not all) for these positions are corrupt. are you people really so disillusioned to think this is the first time these positions are filled by the wrong people? it just happens to be the first time that the corrupt system has an eye out for a sitting president so they spotlight all of these shitty people filling these positions but in reality, that has always been the case. if anything, the less time these positions are filled, the weaker our inefficient and flawed bureaucracy gets.

its not normal to see the msm go ape shit over a candidate either.

Yes it is. Was this your first election? The media goes apeshit over everything.

i dont get whats the big deal about him firing and hiring people.

Your lack of understanding doesn't magically make it okay. This is a government, not a call center.

most of people eligible (if not all) for these positions are corrupt.

The people Trump has specifically selected have been corrupt. You don't get to blame people in general for the people he chose being scum. There are plenty of people who could head up NASA, but Trump has appointed nobody.

What the fuck is wrong with you people that you are just refusing to even see the actual situation?

all im seeing is whats been happening for the past couple of years. this shit happens every few weeks and gets shot down or redacted even faster. im surprised people still believe in this garble.

None of this has ever been par for the course. There is no amount of insisting you can do that could even make that statement seem reasonable. No POTUS in history has ever left so many positions vacant, fired so many people so rapidly, or done so much damage to foreign relations. Even George W. Bush was many times more competent in all of these regards.

I'm not exaggerating, this is not opinion, this is absolute fact. If you don't want to give your head a shake to see it, then you're willingly part of the problem.

You're entitled to your opinion..... I am in no way ever supporting Trump, and never will.... but Hiliary is not better. She is a deceitful evil women who is already soaked in blood. So no I don't think the country would be doing much better. The president is a god damn puppet and distraction, the end goal is always the same, regardless of who is in oval.....

Oh for god's sake with this "blood on her hands" shit.. I mean really. How many investigations do you want to put one person through before your delusions are satisfied?

I don't like her but at this point you have got to be retarded to believe the right wing noise machine about anything let alone a Clinton.

You can believe what you like, that is your free will. I have spoken my thoughts on her and you yours, I respect that and am not going to get into an argument about her 'cleanliness' with you.

Removed. Rule 10.

I guess everyone forgot/did not see the interview about Trump on "draining the swamp". He states that he made it up on the spot (something like that) and it spread like wildfire so we went with it. He then goes on to say it will have NO impact on his decisions and he does not really 'get it'. So whoever says "Trump said he would drain the swamp" is correct in a sense that he said it but he stated he would NEVER action it. I do not get how people are still talking about this?

*Im at work but I can try to find the link later if someone wants

Yeah, tell t_d this. They're the worst at saying it imo

Source please


I think he said it was suggested and he thought it was dumb but tried it out at a rally and was surprised how popular it was so stuck with it.

He's a demagogue through and through.

This sounds like it belongs in a macabre Dr. Seuss book

Yes a demagogue is the perfect terminology for Trump. Thanks for posting the link. This is what I remember, when written out it doesn't even make sense but it shows he just said it to be popular.

You know what's super interesting about this quote now is that supposedly Cambridge Analytica was testing out that term or had that term in mind back in 2014. So I wonder who that "Somebody" who told him to say it was.

"Drain the swamp" dates back to the 1800s, there is nothing new or clever about it.

No pretty sure the 500 comments above you remembered.

I still support our government with the same enthusiasm that Bill Hicks did.

Are you familiar with the theory that Bill Hicks was not who he appeared to be?

Yo Dawg, I heard you like conspiracies so I put a conspiracy in your conspiracy theorist so you can conspiracy while you theory.

Take your upvote, you earned it.

John le Bon btw

Are you familiar with the theory that Paul McCartney was replaced by a duplicate?

No? Good. They're both pretty stupid theories.

False equivalence. Please be better than this.

I think this is one of those situations where I feel good leaving the burden of proof to you, good sir. I don't have to be "better than this" to a theory that started as a joke and has never had a shred of real evidence. But if you think you can offer something credible to support it, be my guest. I'll have a look, but you're going to have to meet a pretty damned high standard at this point.

You obviously have not even watched the video. It has nothing to do with the 'hicks is alive' meme.

Ah man I can abide a lot of craziness but leave Bill Hicks alone, the man was the real deal.

In other words, 'my prophet was a great man!'

Trump has been a huckster since he became a celebrity. Why is anyone surprised? I don't know how anyone can genuinely support Trump the man - usually the people supporting him know he's a tool for their own ends.

Never forget: the rich are the enemy regardless of what team they play for.

Never forget: the rich are the enemy regardless of what team they play for.

Hear, hear.

(Or is it here, here?)

Murder is quite the accusation.

Y'all thought a 1%er born millionaire was going to save the poor and disenfranchised? That's on you.

There is really only one way to solve these problems and it sure as hell doesm't involve voting.

Not to rub it in....but the man literally had a golden toilet on top of a tower overlooking central park. I'll never understand how anyone thought he could connect with the middle class and below.

That being said, this is no time for "I told you so's". That is only going to make things worse.

This is a great time for Americans to come together and pay attention to who gets in office. Realize our system needs to be fixed. And change it.

Watch him become another hard working blue collar guy that wears ballcaps again in just a few years.

I hope to see him in an orange jump suit. He's a fucking traitor.

General for just about every politician

For sure - there is only a hand full of good politicians. Seriously less than ten.

All the others should be hung in front of the capital. Time to set an example. I'm fucking done with these politicians. Overpaid, never fucking work, vote themselves in for the best health care and raises. It's a joke. They're all criminals.

No, the people I know who still support Trump will never vote for anyone without an R next to their name.

I'm sticking with "I told you so."

Not gonna get anywhere with that and the divide will keep getting deeper.

But - I understand your sentiment.

Maybe... but on the other hand the people who still support Trump are a much smaller group than the people who supported Trump in 2016. You don't really need all of them, and you're never going to convince everyone. Probably not an effective use of time to try to convince someone who still supports him at this point

That's a good point. Anyone who is still a supporter is just completely blind at this point.

Same. My dad would rather cut his own dick off than vote for a democrat.

Completely agree. The problem though, masses are given the same poison again and again with different flavors.

Bush Sr. was war monger, we got Clinton. Clinton was globalist (leaving the scandal aside), we got Bush jr. Bush Jr. did the carried the same globalist agenda with wars, we got Obama. Obama was same globalist, not a single conviction which fucked over millions of people 2008. And we got whatever we have now.

The problem is masses are not getting the change. They are getting the appearance of change. Enough to pacify and enough to forget.

Have you ever pondered the possibility that so many different people advocate for globalism, not because they want to screw you, but because globalism is indeed the best way

Voice of many doesn't means thats the truth. People advocate things what are beneficial to them. Also to be fair, there is certain amount of resistance to globalism all over. I think that globalism window if not closing at least is narrowing.

I didn't said that the voice of many made it truth. I asked if you ever pondered that maybe, just maybe globalism is not has bad as you've been lead to believe

Well I don't understand what "so many advocating" means over here then. May be you are better judge of your previous comments.

Coming back to globalism, I have thought pretty hard and listened to both side of arguments. Specifically economist. And the arguments doesn't seems to too convincing.


Era of unprecedented peace, American hegemony, and cheap consumer goods for all? Sounds bad to me.

Era of unprecedented peace

We've been at war for the past 17 years. We've toppled like 5 nations. It's a Jewish hegemony, and consumerism has become bane our of meager existence. You suck.

"war". Ok tell me what sacrifices a typical American has made? What risk have they endured? Even in the light of Sept 11, flight was and is the safest method of travel by magnitudes. No major power had directly conflicted with another in decades.

Ok tell me what sacrifices a typical American has made?

People died. About 175k in Iraq alone. And here you are, talking about how great Globalism is because of "peace" and cheap TV's. You're human trash, m8. Truly.

Guess you don't realize that 175k people died in just the battle of Stalingrad - in only ten days. And that was using weapons developed over a hundred years ago, in a world with less than 1/5 of today's population. 175k is heart breaking but you better believe that the world is the safest and most peaceful it's been in living memory.

Stalingrad was fought over communism. And the number was only that high because the Russians would be shot by their own MG's upon retreat. Iraq was fought over Israel. You have no spine and you have no idea what's going on out there. You have no understanding of the cost of your "peace". If you live long enough you'll find out what that's bought you.

"war". Ok tell me what sacrifices a typical American has made?

No concern there for the people who are on the receiving end of American warmongering? The death toll in Iraq is around half a million people. Seems they're the ones making the sacrifices.

Also, to visit your other post...

American hegemony

In other words, neoliberal capitalism, the war on drugs and mass surveillance pushed on other nations. Yeah, sounds great.

cheap consumer goods

The reason those goods are cheap is because people along the supply chain, from manufacturers to transporters to retail workers, are severely underpaid. Real wages have stagnated since the 70's, while the top 1% is seeing record gains in their wealth and income.

My country is a friend and an ally of America, and yet even here there are some visceral benefits to the USA's global decline in influence. I don't want to see a collapsed USA, but I do think a multipolar world, without any single entity dominating, is a fairer one.

dissolution of borders, race, culture, religion and national sovereignty

Nah I'm good.

Dissolution of race

Looks good to me

No man globalism is the scary boogeyman illuminati future.

Just kidding it's pretty much the guaranteed charted course for humanity. So much technology fosters global humanity connections. Internet allows instant communication anywhere in the world. Planes and boats connect commerce all over the globe. Our governments are working together more and more to work on things as a species. It's going to happen. It's on us to make sure it happens ethically

Ethics is the problem. Globalism would likely consolidate power in the hands of a select few global elites that aren't ethical and have planned for a consolidation of power of more than what they have now.

I'll never understand how anyone thought he could connect with the middle class and below.

I'd say Steinbeck said it pretty well, "Socialism never took root in America because the poor see themselves not as an exploited proletariat but as temporarily embarrassed millionaires."

Also explains why so many middle/lower class people can connect with him imho, they just refuse to see him as different, they want to believe they're much closer to him than what they really are.

Couldn't have said it better myself.

That's a smear.

It's not about a delusion that working-class people think they're on the cusp of being rich. It's that they believe in competency hierarchies and meritocracy.

The ultra-rich may well abuse their position, and they may well do everything in their power to rig the game for themselves, but that doesn't mean they did nothing to earn their position.

I don’t think a lot of people who voted for him truly believed he was one of us (the working class). I think a lot of people just had hope that he would be different, that he might just possibly be different than the Washington elites that have been feeding us lies and false hopes for the last however many years. Id say one of the best things Trump being elected did is that it showed people an “outsider” had a chance. That we didn’t have to just vote for who’s turn it was next. Also dropped a lot of red pills and showed people how corrupt the system really has been for so long. Idk man I just wish there was something more we could do to take our country back and I think a lot of people felt the same way and thought trump was that ticket out. We’re gonna drain the swamp one way or another, trump might not be that ticket out but a lot of people woke up because of this election and showed people that’s what needs to be done.

Fair point. But, literally a 4 minute google search showed how he was a failed business man and extremely corrupt. In bed with the mafia and the Russians.

I just can't believe so many people thought he had their interest in mind at all.

I do think you make a fair point that now an "outsider" can get in. But - I think the bar should be much fucking higher. Whether you liked Obama or not he was a Constitutional Lawyer with a degree from Harvard.

We should have higher expectations. It's gonna start from the bottom up so let's do this.

If ever there was a time for an “I told you so” it would be now, but I agree the best thing to do is to be mature about it and try to come together and actually drain the swamp


FDR was a 1%er and did more for the common man than almost any president ever.

FDR never started arguing about the size of his dick on a live broadcast to the whole country during a primary

there were signs

Remember when the right was trying to paint him as a "blue collar billionaire"? That shit was hilarious. What does that even mean!

Newsflash, they're pretty much all full of shit and do not represent or care about the citizenry of this country.

Differences matter.

Not everybody that comes here is a trump suporter. But i agree, this sub is slowly dying. I miss the real conspiracys

Here's a good one: why does Tillerson get fired a few days after 4 senators ask him to engage Russia in arms control talks, and on the same day Israeli and Saudi Arabian diplomats are in the White House?

This sub (or real subscribers anyway) knows that Trump is a douchebag billionaire. The problem is that the system gave us a choice between either another corrupt politician that would secretly grow the plutocracy or Trump which seem to piss off a lot of the establishment off. The fact that the populas is ultra aware of everything in politics these days is a good step in the right direction and will only make more people aware of the corruption that happens. The biggest conspiracy is how that fact is being censored everywhere, including here.

Yup yup

Populism is a racket and you fell for it.

Thanks for trying to conflate my point with an entirely different topic, user that only started commenting 4 days ago. What an organic strategy...

They're still scared of "Populism".

Perhaps its time to ask why. Populism is easy to coopt and derail from what we have seen. Where is the threat?

The threat is a movement that grows outside of the American political system with revolutionary goals. This has been America's greatest threat since its inception. If you havento ask yourself why it would be a threat to you then ask yourself if you are apart of the America I am describing.

Populism is scary because complex topics get reduced to slogans and catchphrases, and if done recklessly, it's downright deceiving

See: "drain the swamp", "cheaper and better healthcare" etc etc

Complexity is a poor and intentionally malevolent excuse for oligarchy. Power belongs in the hands of the people. Step aside or be swept away.

Power belongs in the hands of the people

Yet this is why the US is a representative Republic and not a "pure" Democracy, because a tyranny of the mob doesn't quite cut it

I never said Populism per se is a bad thing, all I am saying is when done in a deceiving way (See: Trump) it hurts the very same democracy you think you're preserving

No, the US is a republic because travel distances were too long which made voting and tallying votes impossible in a timely matter. There were plenty of founding fathers that wanted a pure democracy, but it just wasn't possible with their technology.

I don't recall learning about any founding fathers that espoused an interest in inplementing a direct democracy - could you provide a source ?


I'm hip to the non direct democracy piece in the federalist papers, but I gleened from your comment that there were founding fathers who openly advocated for direct democracy. As for Jefferson, I've read his works, and Jeffersonian democracy couldn't be further from a direct democracy. As for John Locke, while many founding fathers were influenced by him I can't find any writings from them (the FF) that imply a desire to implement direct democracy. Is there a direct source or is it circumstantial?

Still waiting on source

Ehhh, the writer of the constitution was in Aristotle’s proverbial tree of philosphy, wasn’t exactly big on taking power away from the elites.


For the multi-millionares sure.

Far better rule by the mob than by them.

There is no need to preserve anything.

Well I don't disagree with this at all

Now, how a self proclaimed billionaire from NY who was a democrat 10 years ago and has gold crown molding on his Manhattan penthouse convinced the poor and the working class that he is a "Populist" and totally one of them, I have to say, it's fucking amazing.

Because the American working class had literally no other way out?

No thanks to COINTELPRO I suppose. Still, there is only so much supression one can do when material conditions are getting really bad. And they are almost there. The next depression might be the final nail in the coffin. People are already dying from poverty at a steady rate. Imagine how horrifying it will be when our current economix bubble pops.

Thank you for touching on a point most people don’t seem to get. Democracy is extremely imperfect, obviously. But part of that is because popular majorities are dangerous. We have so many layers of government, some appointed and some elected, as not only a check on one another but also as a check on the will of the voters. The 17th amendment was probably a bad idea. So are primaries, at least for the President.

Shill accusations are like security blankets on this sub. Sometimes it really seems like everyone sits around sucking their thumbs and calling everyone else an inorganic shill.

I called you inorganic, because you are being vapid. You may or may not be a shill, but you certainly have no argument yet. Attack my original points and then you can get a rebuttal from me.

Okay I'll do it.

douchebag millionaire

That is sweeping so much shit under the rug. He is so much worse than that. He's corrupt. He's almost certainly a rapist. He's a bigot. He's literally just fucking stupid. He's a narcissist. It's always been Trump first, not America first. And these were all things we knew before the election.

But if you say all that, you can't compare him to Hillary because now she looks like the second coming of Christ. So you saying "douchebag millionaire" is, once again, propagating this false equivalency that got him elected him the first place. Just fucking stop.

Exactly and people are finally accepting or at least aware that the president can be all of those things and still be in the highest position of power. My hope is that people start questioning to find the precedent that allowed such abuses go unpunished. Trump and Hillary are both symptoms of a system that doesn't represent the people, but rather just the corporations. For the first time in my life, almost everyone agrees on that premise now. That corporations run our government. There is no doubt anymore with Trump.

Democracy dies in darkness. An aware population is our only chance at beating the corrupt actors that control our government. This is was real democracy looks like, an engaged citizenry holding the government's toes to the fire. We are all just used to living in a corporatocracy that would pacify everyone's concerns, that this reality seems strange to many.

You just said exactly and went on to the compare the two, once again, before standing on your soapbox.

I agree with a lot of what you said but here's some advice for next time you vote: don't vote for the loudest snakeoil salesman just because he's "different."

Thanks for the advice, but I don't believe in either Trump or Hillary. Here's some advice too for the next election; don't believe either Trump or the next Hillary. Believe in the collective power of us.

Omfg the left is seriously becoming the conspiracy theorists now.

Lol this isnt pizzagate. There is actual evidence for everything I said

That’s exactly what a conspiracy theorist would say!!!


He has billions not millions

As the great bill hicks once said: i think the puppet on the left shares my belief.
Well, i think the puppet on the right shares my belief.
Wait a minute, theres one guy holding up both of em!

Populism was spawned by the farmers of this nation after price ficiing and market manipulation in early America almost starved them out.

Populism was a way and a movement that had Caravan's of farmers starting their own merchantiles and banking systems through a series of co-operatives, granges, and farmer backed financing instead of the vulturistic banks and railroads who wouldn't ship produce/fruits/meat if the farmers were to make a profit.

It had its up and downs, but if "Populism" is not a racket. Its when the oppressed are so trodden down, so in despair the popular thing to do is anything but what isn't working. It means "support for the ordinary people."

The populist movment during the early part of this nations history is a real struggle for folks, who often didn't make enough money each year until they died. Dying with nothing, and they bank every year taking a bit more land and adding more debt. They controlled/colluded with the Banks/Railroads/Supply houses to make sure the farmers couldn't sell at fair market values.

It wasn't a racket, and populism is akin to poking a down person until they break. They have tried to use the system, and at every door its slammed in their face year after year, until they have nothing, are losing their land, feel completely ignored, and they find great strength in numbers and camaraderie. Powerful stuff.

Oh shit u/Crows_and_beef just got rekt.

What a write up.

Yes, If you were intelligent you would have voted for Hillary or Bernie! Lmao

Conspiracism has indeed gone mainstream, and has now been solidly linked with the Trumphead special snowflakes in their safe space of r/TD.

This is not a good thing we are now taken even less seriously, and linked with white supremacists and neo Nazis in the public's mind

The whole neo nazi thing blows me away! Seriously that isn’t farther from the truth.

Yet it only took a couple to muddy the waters :/

No it's not.

Nazis hate jews. This sub is like 95% hatred of Jews.

This is the Naziest place on Earth.

Anne frankly, I don't care.

This is not a good thing we are now taken even less seriously, and linked with white supremacists and neo Nazis in the public's mind

you seem to be conflating users of the_donald (who by and large seem to subscribe to civic nationalism) with white supremacists and neo-nazis, and for no other reason than that this is a talking point which has been repeated ad nauseam

No, I'm saying that the rise of cultural awareness of our community due to the last election has not been good for the conspiracy community, because it happened in such a way that we were linked with r/TD, neo Nazis, and white supremacists. I'm not equating those three groups.

No, I'm saying that the rise of cultural awareness of our community due to the last election has not been good for the conspiracy community, because it happened in such a way that we were linked with r/TD, neo Nazis, and white supremacists. I'm not equating those three groups.

thank you for the clarification

I'd say the users of T_D have muddied those waters themselves.

I'd say the users of T_D have muddied those waters themselves.

talk is cheap.

where's the beef?

You need me to remind you of them promoting the White Nationalist rally in Charlottesville? You know the one, it ended in death.

No, of course you don't. You're gonna play these games: proof or it didn't happen, until I provide proof and you leave the conversation, because you didn't lose if you never respond taps head. You just hoped people have forgotten. We haven't.

You need me to remind you of them promoting the White Nationalist rally in Charlottesville?

yes, please remind me -- with links to the relevant threads -- of the_donald promoting the charlottesville rally specifically to bolster the cause of white nationalism.

You know the one, it ended in death.

heather heyer's death was truly unfortunate, but the way her death has been used and abused for rhetorical points is deeply disgusting.

No, of course you don't. You're gonna play these games: proof or it didn't happen, until I provide proof and you leave the conversation

i'm still here, and you're boring.

Nah, not doing your googling for you. You'll take this as, "fake news no proof" and I and everyone else will still see you with your head under a rock and your fingers in your ears.

in other words, you don't have any evidence (i.e., you're making things up) and are now trying to walk back your grandiose claims that you were able to provide proof of your assertions

it is likely that i am more familiar with the details of the charlottesville incident than you are. for instance: do you know the likely reason that james fields drove his car into the crowd?

The mods did a good job scrubbing the posts clean after the rally (for super obvious reasons) but here is the link to the post endorsing the rally.

But luckily there are tools to see what they deleted!



And before you say "the subreddit didn't support it, someone made a post about it and when the mods saw it they deleted it!" That is in fact not true! This was a stickied post at the top of the subreddit obviously meaning that a mod not only saw it, but believed it was worthy of making sure everyone on the subreddit got to see it as it was one of the two most important things in the subreddit. Only once their racist shit rally ended up with one of their supporters killing someone and injurying another 19 people, did they decide it was time to delete everything and pretend like it never happened.

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The mods did a good job scrubbing the posts clean after the rally (for super obvious reasons) but here is the link to the post endorsing the rally.

But luckily there are tools to see what they deleted!



And before you say "the subreddit didn't support it, someone made a post about it and when the mods saw it they deleted it!" That is in fact not true! This was a stickied post at the top of the subreddit obviously meaning that a mod not only saw it, but believed it was worthy of making sure everyone on the subreddit got to see it as it was one of the two most important things in the subreddit. Only once their racist shit rally ended up with one of their supporters killing someone and injurying another 19 people, did they decide it was time to delete everything and pretend like it never happened.

did you even bother to read the material found at the first link? here is a representative quote:

This is what we must do. No more infighting, I don't agree with them, they likely hate me, but not as much as we hate the communist left and how much they hate us. We're all fascists to them anyway, doesn't matter if you're an Ancap - if they seize power you'll be put up against a wall just the same.

i trust that it's obvious that the person who wrote that is not a white supremacist.

It isn't obvious at all. In fact, that shit sounds like a raving lunatic, fearful and paranoid, in the fraying sanity kinda way. "...as we hate the communist left and how much they hate us. "Let me ask a simple, simple question: What America are you living in that makes you afraid of communists such that you would hate them?

There is no "communism" here. This moment of this nation is an absolute pinnacle of rabid, unflinching consumer capitalism. This is not an accident, as the machine has ratcheted unerringly in that direction for half a century. The fact that you are so sweepingly, blissfully unaware and ignorant of this reality, of this blindly reckless acquisition of power that is modern America...

It's like you don't understand you already won. Can you not grasp the history of your supposed philosophy's victories?

You have nothing to be afraid of except yourself. Who is tearing you from the top of the mountain that you must kick and beat on those below? This is the concept, for ya'll and our president, that has yet to register.

Can you not grasp the history of your supposed philosophy's victories?

while there are many errors in your post to which reply should (and most likely will) be made, i will begin by noting that you have erred in the apparent assumption that i am in favor of capitalism. to be clear: i consider both capitalism and communism to be serious intellectual and moral errors.

here is the link to the post endorsing the rally.

"I want to be perfectly clear with you guys that many of the people who will be there are National Socialist and Ethnostate sort of groups. I don’t endorse them. In this case, the pursuit of preserving without shame white culture, our goals happen to align. I’ll be there regardless of the questionable company because saving history is more important than our differences. This is probably why they named the event 'Unite the Right.' Speaking for myself only, I won't be punching right. We need to save civilization first, we can argue about the exact details later."

Aka "I don't openly support white supremacists but we need to preserve white culture and white supremacists will help me preserve white culture. But I'm totally not a white supremacist or racist despite me feeling that statues of Confederate leaders and traitors to the government of the United States somehow are an inherent and integral part of white culture."

Talk about a fucking dog whistle. Liberals are attacking white culture by wanting to remove the statues of literal traitors to the United States? Even if you ignore that they were traitors to the United States and that they reason they tried to leave the union was because they wanted to own slaves by just calling them Confederate leaders, what part of the Confederacy is ingrained in white culture? I'm white and my family fought for the Union in the Civil War; the idea that Confederate leaders are a part of white culture is fucking insulting. How are Confederate leaders a part of white culture? Even Union leaders aren't part of white culture. I'll give you Confederate leaders could be a part of southern culture and history; there should be no argument about that the same way that there should be no argument that the Union would be a part of northern culture. Confederate leaders should not be celebrated, what they stood for is shameful. There should be no pride in what they fought for; hundreds of thousands of people died for their belief that they had a right to enslave fellow human beings. Tearing down statues of Nazi leaders isn't an attack on white culture; it's an attack on the shameful beliefs Nazi leaders stood for.

But that isn't what they said, they said white culture was under attack which is complete horseshit. They weren't defending southern culture (which is also a bullshit argument but a lot better than white culture) and white supremacists just happened to be unfortunate allies in defending southern culture and history. They were trying to gather people to defend the supposed attack on white culture and it was supposedly super unfortunate that a ton of white supremacists where going to show up to the march to defend white culture as well.

Isn't that what the government always does? Make conspiracy theorists look as stupid and crazy as humanly possible so that no one believes them.

Sure but it's been amped up and dare I the government didn't have to do much.

Before I only had to keep my politics to myself so people don't assume I'm into UFOs/Bigfoot/lizard people.

Now I have to have to keep my politics to myself so people don't assume I'm into UFOs/Bigfoot/lizard people/Trump/white supremacy/neo nazism.


What a time to be alive :(

You can use that as an opportunity to distance yourself and others from that association, while furthering other people's understanding.

Take a tactic from their playbook and turn your discussion into a limited hangout of sorts. Acknowledge their assumption, give credence to the upswing in far-right nationalist relation to conspiracy theories, then explain why you don't align with their beliefs.

It only takes a few sentences or so, it's easy enough to work into conversation if you're already heading down the rabbit hole. I've found that it actually works fairly well, people generally stop and reconsider what you've said, if even for a moment. Planting the seeds is all we can do

If you let others people define you, you were f'd to begin with.

I'm not deaf to social implications of being "that guy". Not worth it. Would rather just have friends

Some people would rather hang in company they live alone. Good hanging to ya!

This time it maybe a good idea to accept responsibility rather than deflecting the blame to an outside entity.

The government even invented the phrase 'conspiracy theory'.

Inter dimensional lizard people pedophile colonies on Mars make conspiracy theorists look stupid and crazy.

That's what the topminds subreddit is trying to do and for sure they are paid to do it

THIS COMMENT. Spot on there, buddy.

I don't think snowflake means what you think it means.

That usage is definitely appropriate

Given the somewhat progressive nature of current mainstream American political and social climates, those demanding a harkening back to traditional hardline policy and social mores would have to be considered as requiring special treatment; with the implication being that they're "better" than their unwashed peers.

The new american far-right is made up of just as many special snowflakes as their radical sjw counterparts

I know what it means. I just can't help myself when the irony of a community that makes fun of people for getting "triggered" and having "safe spaces" while simultaneously getting easily angered by the slightest mention of gun control or other things, and hanging out in a sub where you get banned for even the slightest mention that Trump isn't the second coming of Jesus is just so... deliciously palpable (who doesn't have a palette for irony and a lack of self awareness?).

"Snowflake" just goes with the territory

They are "ultra aware" of what headlines say. Fact is lost. I don't think that is a step in the right direction.

I had that realization just after the election. GOP controlled Congress with Clinton as president would result in pure gridlock and as many investigations they can fit into a day.

It looks like everyone who voted Trump to "burn it all down" got their wish... But! The response to this whole scenario will hopefully be dozens of new laws written explicitly to patch these "ethics" loopholes.

Trump will literally Drain the Swamp, but it wont be a fun ride for him

You say that as if people to "fix" the government will naturally appear, be elected and go around sensibly fixing things. Are you retarded?

Uhhh, thats why we vote on things. In America we have a thing where people go to the polls and vote to elect people to represent them.

How bipartisan does it need to be to ratify something that says "Presidential candidates must release 20 years of tax returns" ... "Family members cannot be appointed to WH staff" etc etc. All of the obvious shit, you could easily have 20-30 things Trump led by example to not-do

Trump is going to become Reagan 2.0, glorious Republican presidency filled with owning the libs. Republicans won't vote for shit that would discredit Trump's presidency.

But what if Trump is normalizing extreme corruption and simply setting a precedent for what future presidents can get away with?

It looks like a net good for the country, but time will tell what price we paid.

I agree with you. If Trump wants to get the Clinton mafia out he will need to get people in who may also be corrupt, but are loyal to him and not the old guard. That's how these things work. The best option we ever had was to get a new mafia installed, because during the poo flinging, we can get little glimpses of what is really going on. So from this perspective, Trump is the closest thing we get to a "good guy", whatever that means. That, and the system does actually seem to be catching an awful lot of pedophiles lately.

I'd like to see Bernie in office, if for no other reason, than to see what a strong and honest attempt to clean up corruption at that scale looks like, and how effective it can be.

A doddering old putz that gets pushed off-stage by two screeching 'wymyn'? Really? Your hero http://img.4plebs.org/boards/pol/image/1439/07/1439079738165.jpg

obvious troll is obvious

Proudly, yes. Including for his decorum for how he acted there, at somebody's event. From a man who has participated in his share of civil disobedience, and for a solid cause. America's law enforcement and municipalities focus on transparency, community policing, training and other methods of helping America's police services address systemic brutal racism is overdue IMO.

I really would like to see his best go at taking on public corruption in America. I'm hopefully confident in his effectiveness and on top of wanting to help, I would just be interested in seeing how it would go down.

You are proud of a weak-ass old cuck who ran off stage, jumped into his armored Town Car, and left with tires smoking because two buffalo gals were screeching at him about 'BLACK LIVES MATTER'?? You are a prime example of foolishness.

In no fucking world can Clinton be compared to Trump. The only thing that can make you think that a Clinton presidency would be as big of an international disaster is meme propaganda.

Well, Trump can operate a staircase at least.


That and Clinton's lifelong record of corruption and incompetence.

2016 was an election about reform, she should have never ran. She was vastly unpopular, huge swaths of the US would never vote for her in a million years. Thanks to her we got a President for negative change, instead of positive change.

I'm glad that I'm not the only person who realizes this. The only good thing that might come from Trump is that people will be even more desperate for reform after he and the GOP are done.

So much garbage in a single post. Seems like you've formed your opinions off of memes you read on the internet.

You must not live in a red state. If the Democrats remain blind to the faults of thier own party they'll end up with 8 years of Trump.

I've always been wary that Trump was the establishment's hand-chosen 'populist' candidate, but Hillary was obviously an establishment globalist so IMO we had to take a shot.

This. People are slowly losing fear and are becoming more aware of the conspiracies.

Why does he get fired almost immediately after blaming Russia for Skripals attempted assassination?

The US is preparing for war. I'm calling it now.

-Expanse of domestic drilling

-Foreign Steel Tariffs

-Bizarre capitulation by Kim Jong Un

-Crackdown on clearance in the administration

-Multiple "warhawk" statements about blood in Syria and backing the UK

-Gag orders in the last 24 hours placed on military personnel contact with all media

-New forms of biological weapons announced by Russia, including smallpox delivery

-CDC working on contract to stockpile smallpox vaccines until the end of the year

-Removal of Tillerson, his vocal support, and Trump's assistant over a security issue - replacing Tillerson with Pompoe (military engineer)

I don't think the firing was due to collusion of any type, it was to shut up the potential blabber-mouths about an upcoming military move.

There's plenty more if you'd like. I'm thinking of tossing up a post.

I'm NOT a conspiracy person, I come in here and make fun of everyone, but this is actually worrying me.

Wait military bag orders? I had not heard about that yet.

What about the smallpox?

Sorry, I can't find my source from earlier. I'll ping you again when I do. Ty for asking about it.

For sure, thanks for providing. I have noticed the writing on the wall about a potential war, just didnt see a few of the key things you pointed out.

I misinterpreted a few articles, I believe. I've linked one of them, however.

Nice work. Please post more

I agree, I believe strongly, that the US is preparing for war

Russia wouldn't want a war with us. They have aging military equipment and what they do have is vastly inferior and/or in much smaller quantities than us. They do have an abundance of nukes though. But I don't think Russia would be stupid enough to use one.

Now if Russia and China were to join forces... that'd be a much more notable war

China is about to have a real estate collapse that will make 2008 look like a walk in the park.

You sure about that? At least in australia chinese nationals have been buying up a fair but of land over the past 5 or so years. Wouldnt be a shot in the dark to say they have been doing the same thing elsewhere

They are actually the largest land own in the US as well.

Really strewth!

Do you have a source on that?

add the word foreign in there and they might be correct. The chinese do not own more than the US govt.


Uh source? Because that sounds like bullshit and Google didn't yield anything. How the hell does this have 13 upvotes?

canada too

Same with Canada lol

Same in the US, especially California, especially around San Francisco. Purchases by Chinese nationals have been helping exacerbate the housing boom. Doesn't help that the places often sit vacant once they're bought. Real estate serves as a safe haven for wealthy Chinese who don't want their government to seize their assets.

Yes, they're doing that because (they think, at least) real estate in China is about to collapse. It's happening in the US and notably in Canada where they're pricing Canadians out of housing.

Its a way to get money OUT of China and locked up so it can’t be repatriated or likely to nosedive in value.

I've been hearing that since 2008 haha

Cool. We were hearing about the 2008 crash since 2000.

I'm not saying it won't ever happen, just that if we actually knew the time frame we'd be Christian Bale in The Big Short

Where is the incentive?

Russia and China won't be ready for a nuclear exchange with the US until their blue water navies are fully developed which won't be at least until the beginning of next decade probably closer to 2025.


I don't know what you think war is. Russia's not going to just lose a bunch of battles and think "well I won't use Nukes yet because of morals but you are getting close America." Once a war begins all options are on the table to end the war as quickly as possible. There can and will not be any war between the US and Russia that does not involve nuclear weapons.

Except for, you know, the countless proxy wars that have occurred since nukes. And of course there is a reason they won't that has nothing to do with morals. Mutually assured destruction.

There is a difference between a proxy war and a war where you own civilians are at risk of dying. As soon as we make a direct attack on Russia, all bets are off.

Nonsense. They wouldnt choose to not use them because of morals, they would choose to not use them because of MAD. It would be perfectly possible for the US and Russia to wage a full scale conventional war against each other without either side using nukes, because MAD would always remain in effect. As long as neither side is actively seeking total destruction of the other side as the end goal for the war, it would never be worth it for either side to use nukes, because any nuclear strike would result in immediate total annihilation.

That's ridiculous.

No it isnt. The US military literally just killed a bunch of Russians that attacked them in open conflict. Neither side used nukes.

They killed Russian mercenaries in a proxy war. Its a big difference.

No it isnt. Russian mercenaries still take orders from the Russian government. And it isnt a proxy anything when it involves actual US forces.

Killing Russian mercenaries is not the same as killing Russian soldiers and Russian civilians. Both sides have deniability. If you don't understand that, then nice talking to you.

...No they dont. How do you think Russia has deniability over their own mercenaries? You literally don't understand how mercenaries work if you honestly think that.

I've "argued" with ja734 before...it's like talking to a hubristic brick wall. But, RobotCaesar, you're exactly right. The reason you use contract soldiers is either to maintain plausible deniability or for the optics. A mercenary is a contract soldier so the fact that they are Russian is kind of besides the point.

What can you do.

Lament and ridicule.

Now if Russia and China were to join forces... that'd be a much more notable war

Do you have any idea what would happen to China if they stopped trading with the US? The same thing that would happen to us. Total financial collapse. We are a single organism at this point.

With regards to who would come out on top in a conventional, non-nuclear war, I keep seeing this American arrogance that they could crush Russia. This isn’t so much the case though, and it’s a dangerous assumption to make.

If you read interviews with American generals, they don't fancy their chances in a hypothetical land war with Russia in Europe. 

For the past 30-40 years now, America has geared its military for asymmetrical warfare - it simply isn't prepared to fight an enemy as well equipped as itself. America has spent the last fifteen years fighting brutal insurgency wars globally. America has to have the capacity to fight anywhere, anytime, for just about any reason. Russia doesn’t operate like that. The only tactic Russia have ever had, militarily, is in an all-out land war. When it comes to that sort of conflict, their experience (dating from, at minimum, the Civil War to now) is unparalleled. If they tried to run an extended counter-insurgency like America does, they’d do even worse than America. But they’re not. Russia only does one thing, and they do it well. And it’ll take some hefty reorganisation and restructuring until America is ready to engage them on their terms. Russian tanks could simply roll over most of Europe and America would not be able to do much about it.

This is due to a) America's lack of precision guided munitions and the US Army's inability to sustain large troop presences overseas for extended periods of time (cf with erosion of ground combat capability in Afghanistan + Iraq deployments, and if NATO ran short on precision munitions during the Libyan conflict in 2011 (https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/nato-runs-short-on-some-munitions-in-libya/2011/04/15/AF3O7ElD_story.html?utm_term=.4abfd12a20b3), imagine the issues it (America included) would have against Russia). Furthermore, America's airpower isn't the same as it used to be 10/15 years ago. Many older aircraft are being retired, and the funds that were previously being used to maintain and upgrade them are increasingly being sidelined into the massively over budget, and arguably failing, F-35 program. Also, in a war in Eastern Europe, Russia would presumably be fighting along its own border, and be therefore able to open up new fronts wherever it pleases, making it hard for America + Nato to fight sustained battles. Meanwhile, Russia's use of "Hybrid Warfare" (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hybrid_warfare) further complicates things in comparison to fighting a traditional enemy with a traditional doctrine. Four Star General Odierno has previously stated that the US would need 60 percent minimum of the Army ready to successfully engage Russia. The US isn't even close to that kind of readiness. The Pentagon estimates that by the end of 2020, the Army will have 33 percent ready.

Also, before you say numbers aren't everything. Well, up to a point... But, during the cold war there were a quarter of a million US troops stationed in Europe. These days, there are 31,000. This is roughly equivalent to the number stationed in South Korea. Is the failed state of North Korea really to be seen as an equivalent threat as Russia? And the US military (not just its garrisons) is ever continuing to shrink.

Sorry about the rambling nature of the comment. I copied it from a YouTube comment I made about a month ago.

Serious question as all that you posted makes sense, which is really fucking scary.

If war with Russia is coming, is the whole collusion/Russia influencing the election bullshit or was this the play all along to keep the perpetual war machine going?

Also, please ping me if you find that smallpox link. I just came across an article where Bill Gates is worried that the next worldwide epidemic will be man made.

I misinterpreted a few articles, I believe. I've linked one of them at the bottom of my main post, however.

They've been were soft-pushing that Russia would influence the election before the election ever happened. Clinton was banging the war drum in the debates. It's been almost 20 years since 9/11 and most people in the U.S. are no longer gung-ho about the war on terror. They've been grooming Russia as the next big enemy for the better part for like the last five years, it really started ramping up with the Syria/ISIS coverage. These are not novel strategies, it's just plain old pro-war propaganda. And, surprise surprise, people are clamoring for it.

How would a war with a Nuclear superpower even work?

Everyone dies or we just plop into the next Cold War. Although has the Cold War really ever ended?

I mean the 90's were a thing, so yes, the Cold War once felt like it would be gone forever.

Not really but there is never a 0% chance of nuclear war while nukes exist. Coldwar just means we are close to a real war.

There was a brief seize fire per say

How would a war with a nuclear superpower even work?

Between TV commercials, you would hear sound bytes from the talking heads dismissively mocking and artificially laughing at each other's insipid drivel as they engage in an orgy of misrepresentation with a straw-man of their own creation...which, naturally, they will refer to as a "conspiracy theory" about a war being underway.

A few seconds later you will see a blinding flash of light and everything dissolves just before it all fades to black.

Georgia Guidestones style.

they hide in bunkers, the rest of us die.

pretty much either you die instantly in the blast radius or die slowly overtime like in the animation film from the 80ties When the wind blows

Who exactly is clamoring for war? We're all pretty tired of wars in general at this point. War with a fellow nuclear super power is a guaranteed loss for both sides. Pretty sure the people of both countries aren't interested in that.

Some of the people in those worldnews posts regarding the recent deaths in Britain by chemical attack. I was surprised to see it.

I don't see it either.

Russia being blamed for anything and everything all the while being called "enemies" that is pretty straight forward stuff.

The attack of anyone who says Russia didn't do anything/isn't that bad/is reacting to sanctions as unamerican is pretty reminiscent of the war on terror bush era

How old are you. Cold war maybe?

The attack of anyone who says Russia didn't do anything/isn't that bad/is reacting to sanctions as unamerican

It's not unamerican to "attack" someone who is willfully ignorant of Russian aggression throughout the world in the last 5 years. They attempted to destabilize our democratic process and institutions, and they succeeded, full stop.

And what happened to "America First" and "If you hit me, I'm hitting you back 10 times as hard"? This kind of shit is why people think the President is a hypocrite, his own intelligence agencies and Congress all say beyond a shadow of a doubt that Russia was doing shady shit to US and Trump is sitting there like a wet fucking noodle whining about the Oscars or some other non-important shit.

I am not an american citizen, but as an outside viewer of the shitstorm of the world today, it seems pretty clear that all the agencies and corporations in your country have different agendas, and most of them are not for humane reasons. And then you get a president who honestly, when comparing him to videos from his talks as a younger man seems to be a grumpy, slightly senile man who probably means well or did at some point, who is now on some crazy power trip... Also your country is as big of an aggressor and has been since the cold war days. Our time has been about america vs russia for a long time and it continues to be.

Russia being blamed for everything? Like annexing a piece of a sovereign country? Or downing a civilian jet? Well sucks that they're being blamed while blameless...

yeah nobody said they were blameless, its just so pervasive that its become a meme, " russia did it ". i was merely addressing why someone would suggest that people are war hungry.

But blaming Russia for actions they've made is not nearly the same thing as clamoring to go to war. Plenty of people to call Russia out on their actions, and for some reason this administration refuses to do that. You can argue they're blaming blamed for everything and made into the bogeyman, but that's a much different claim.

its the calling them the enemy which is the war rhetoric. calling them a bad player isnt incorrect, but framing them like enemies i dont think does any favors to anyone but those who profit off of such rhetoric, which is the premise of the argument here. its been years since there has been a defined "enemy"

they just committed a chemical weapons attack against the united kingdom, and directly attacked US troops in Syria. How on earth could you possibly conclude that they arent the enemy?

its not like there isnt precedent for being attacked by a group and still being cool with them. the israel air attack on that ship for example. israel isnt the "enemy" is it?

they also just killed one of their own spies in the uk, its not like they have groups of people throwing chemicals on people, in public, all the time, like another group which is also not the "enemy" or going around in organized fashion to groom children to be raped, those arent the enemies either.

im just saying if there is a standard, it should be applied equally. it just seems to me that this russia enemy stuff only benefits the rich, and really only affects the poor, normal, everyday humans.

What terrible logic. The isreal thing was officially an accident. There shouldve been more investigation to see if it really was one or not, but you cant declare them an enemy without establishing conclusively that it was a purposeful attack. Also, compensated both the families of the people who died and our government for the damage to the ship. Where is the compensation from Russia? The Russian attack was entirely purposeful, and nobody has even claimed that is wasnt. Are you so anti american that you would just assume that an attack against america was an accident, even when the perpetrator of the attack isnt claiming that it was accidental? Whens the last time you attacked an american military installation on accident? That isnt one of those "whoops, mistakes happen" kind of incidents.

arent they saying it was "mercenaries"? so why would they apologize ? it wasnt the official army doing such things.

The single number one thing that would actually benefit the average everyday person around the world is would be for Putin to die. That is a fact. He is a cancer on the entire world.

power vacuum anyone?

Putin is way worse than any power vacuum.

thats just an opinion, idk, nuclear weapons falling into the hands of a random power grab seems like a bad idea to me, but i guess thats an easy choice for you.

I dont see how a random power grab could result in anyone worse than a former kgb agent. I just really dont.

then youre just not being imaginative.

Putin has already proved himself to be incredibly evil. I guess its theoretically possible that worse ones exist, but youd have to be a fool to think the odds arent worth the risk.

incredibly destructive? in what way? theres no threat of nuclear war, which considering the circumstances would be relatively logical. just because hes bad doesnt mean it couldnt be a thousand times worse. he isnt the worst person on the planet, and dealing with an adversary you know is much easier than trying to guess what the new guy is going to do.

id say the rhetoric you posit is foolish. foolish in the archetypal sense. walking off a cliff without knowing it. even saying that its better than knowing where the edge of cliff is. pretty foolish IMO

and im not going to participate in two comment lines with you, so ill address the other one here: nobody is saying let them get away with it. just that if youre going to get all gung ho and put sanctions on people for such things, it seems a bit uneven. considering theres precedent for other allies attacking troops, with very little repercussions.

other allies

Oh fuck you, you dictator apologist. We let allies get away with mistakes because they are allies. BUT RUSSIA ISNT AN ALLY. Get that through your thick skull. By the way, Putin really is literally the worst person on the planet. Hes the only world leader in recent history to wage an actual war of conquest. Those things literally don't exist anymore in the modern world except the ones he starts. Easily the worst person alive by a mile.

again, youre just not being imaginative. hes the worst person WE KNOW ABOUT.

i dont see how im apologizing for anything, youre just butthurt because im using logic. what kind of person ends up with the power after putin is taken out? a wonderful benevolent one? YEAH RIGHT.

and im sorry but i didnt know palestine existed anymore, no other wars of conquest right?

By comparing our reaction of Russian aggression to our reaction to "other allies" you literally called Russia an ally, and the Palestine thing isnt recent. I think Russia's invasion of Ukraine might be literally the only war of conquest in the 21st century. I could be wrong, but I cant think of another one.

i never literally called anyone an ally? im not sure you know what literally means.

i dont think we should frame them as enemies, if that makes you think i think of them as allies then idk, they are adversaries.

palestine isnt recent? its ongoing.

Yes you did. You didnt say "considering theres precedent for allies attacking troops, with very little repercussions". You said "considering theres precedent for other allies attacking troops, with very little repercussions. That IS literally calling them allies.

It doesnt matter how you want to frame them. They are our enemies. Wishing they werent wont change that. They are trying to destroy NATO. They are trying to consume as much of the former USSR as possible. They are trying to accelerate climate change because it benefits them strategically due to their position in the arctic. Everything action they take is the action of an enemy.

thats fine dude, obviously i was referring to other countries, not russia. i still never called them allies, however when googling it, it seems that they are, or at least theres a reasonable argument to use that term.

obviously anyone sanctioned by nato would want to circumvent that or tear it down. im suprised russia hasnt done more, or made more threats. however frothing at the mouth as if they are enemies isnt helping anything.

like i said previously, the kid who shoots up the school because of bullying is responsible, but i dont think hes entirely to blame. the bullies share some of the culpability. two to tango and whatnot.

you wanna talk like you know everything then why dont you go into politics and rectify this stuff by warring with the enemy? im saying its much more nuanced than how you describe it and isnt helping the citizens of russia, yknow the ones without any power to do anything. the premise of this conversation is that this type of extremist rhetoric only helps the people at the top and doesnt do anything for the poor, normal humans just living day to day.

And what difference does it make if it was mercenaries? Its still the Russian government giving the orders.

its the difference between having to publicly apologize for said actions and not.

Only if we allow them to get away with it. Why are you in favor of that?

Crimea has historically been part of Russia and the Crimean people voted to join Russia after the West, including Chief Warhawk John McCain allied with the Neo Nazi Right Sector in the 2014 coup. The people had the choice to ask for Russia's help or face attacks by paramilitaries looking to cleanse Ukraine of Ruskies.

And there has been no proof that the missile that knocked the jet out of the sky was fired by Russians.

Russia being blamed for anything and everything all the while being called "enemies" that is pretty straight forward stuff

I guess you don't remember the 50s, 60s, 70s, or most of the 80s, because that went on for literally decades without resulting in a hot war.

yeah but that rhetoric definitely enabled politicians to spend and pass whatever legislation frivolously, similar to 911 which is the premise of the argument.

Especially if this time, the legislation is to declare war on Russia. Not much we can do though. Plant more crops, I guess. Build greenhouse dome and tunnel cities. Hunker down and weather the storm.

well its not like the politicians are so fired up, especially trump... its more media and the population, i imagine any kind of sanctions that ultimately fuck the citizens of russia, rather than the russian politicians would be applauded by the masses. also garners easy political points if everyone is frothing at the mouth, a politician could be terrible, but they are against the "enemy" and therefore get more support than they deserve.

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problem is, russia is the reason for a lot of shit happening these past few months/years. It is not like they are being made a scapegoat, they bring this shit upon themselves.

but by the same argument you could say that the stuff that is happening isnt suprising considering theyve been brutally sanctioned for quite a long time, its not unreasonable for them to do things to try and loosen these restrictions on the economy and trade. of course im not saying there is no culpability but its not like its completely unforseen. it takes two to tango so to speak.

if the kid who is bullied his whole life comes to school with a gun and shoots everyone, i dont think its entirely his fault, however he is clearly responsible, there is blame to be shared for the circumstances leading up to that event.

There isn't a single post in the military or donald subs supporting going to war with russia. They know full well what a 5th generation war between superpowers means for our planet and the human race. Anything you are seeing is coming the news and parroted by simpletons. I wouldn't know I don't watch it.

All they did was post ads for both sides, memes for both sides, and pay people to lead violent riots with the left. We've done precisely that to them with Boris Yeltzins election.

Actions like these do not lead to war. Unless one side is planning a sneak attack, there's just no grounds for it whatsoever.

If any country has been getting groomed for war it is Iran and N Korea. We have had ample reasons to invade Russia but nothing. We have actively been attacking Iran with Israel

and ukraine. Don't forget the ukraine.

Hillary's hawkish stance on Russia was one of my major reasons for voting for Trump. I know we're in a Trump-hating thread, but if the deep state was geared up, the collusion angle might be a play at convincing Americans to go for it.

Theres the issue though. I don't think the war is going to be US vs Russia. Its going to be Trump and Putin vs the world.

You can also reason that both China and NK are a part of it too. I think that if there is any intent for war, that it will be a collaboration of powerful authoritarian leadership around the world.

Either this is a PR stunt for more support (obviously mis-educated liberals would like the idea of war on Russia), or it is the beginning of a new attempt for world domination.

I guarantee the steel tariffs were meant to win the pennsylvania special election. All the steel workers there probably will benefit from it.

I thought both candidates supported them.

The dem candidate probably jumped on board too because it would have been political suicide not to in a state filled with steel workers.

I live just outside of PA-18. Only thing I've heard is that Saccone threw some crap towards right-to-work and lost the unions at that point. I don't remember any flips or hesitation from Lamb.

And apparently Lamb won, wow.

How would they benefit from it? Only the corporations and stock holders would benefit.

Came here from another sub, but the logic is as follows: Imposing tariffs on foreign steel makes it more expensive. As a result there will be more demand for domestic steel because their competition just got more pricey. Therefor domestic steel companies will move to increase production to meet the rising demand. This creates jobs in the steel industry.

That's the "logic" but its vacuous.

Growth is not made upon raw material extraction but rather higher level value adding. The tariff may slightly increase production of steel, but we will lose production of things made with steel. The net result of the tariff will be that jobs move overseas.

Yes that is not the point here tho because we saw that after the Bush steel tariffs about 200k jobs were lost which is more than all the jobs in the steel industry combined. But, the steel industry itself will grow, which means steel workers will benefit.

I am making it a point here because, although your analysis was fine, it may be used to point people in the wrong direction.

If we merely present that steel jobs increase, we may logically conclude that the tariffs are good for workers in America. I replied to make sure people don't draw that conclusion. :)

Corporations and stock holders aka the deciders of elections.

Dude there are barely any steel workers here anymore. Especially low in Pittsburgh. US Steel suffered big the past few years.

There aren't many steel workers anywhere, it's meant to win over the people that like the idea of supporting steel, including former workers and their relatives. And I'm willing to bet there are still a lot of folks like that in rural Pittsburgh.

Some, but most of us here are pretty awake to the fact it’s dead here. I hear where you are coming from though I would assume the same about that demographic here.

The steel tariffs are clearly aimed at increasing steel production in the US before a massive war

Why tf is this being downvoted??

Probably my piss-poor sourcing. It's a work in progress :(

After a second read, I know why.

There's really no point in saying you come here to make fun of everyone...

Ignorance is bliss, I suppose.

Anyway, thanks for putting the sources together

Ah, ok, I was just implying maybe I shouldn't do that. I'll scrap that line, though. Thank you.

Haha, one of us, one of us.

That's all it takes though, one self-researched theory and you start to question other perceived truths. That same analysis is applied to conspiracies pushed by others. You have to weed through the bullshit by doing your own research, unfortunately there is no such thing as an objective conspiracy, because then it's a truth, right? Digest as much information as possible!

I think your findings warrant their own post, btw.

Its a good list. I have had similar feelings a while now.

I think its all just cause and effect. Though the just blame Russia for anything is painting them the devil. Which means they are setting up a big play....

Because you never risk backing a wounded animal in a corner...

There's one country tied to a religion with a end of days prophecy who has a thing for engineering their prophecies into fruition through their own actions.

So really the worlds gonna end one day it is know.

Russia just said they would respond to ANY aggression with nuclear retaliation. I highly doubt war with Russia.

It's blatantly obvious at this point from an objective point of view, but good luck discussing this with anyone who've been used to nothing but "peace" for the past 70 years.

The question is; this summer? The next? Do we get a warning?

Only time will tell.

A trend that's been going on for a while now is Russia and China have been dumping their dollars/us treasuries in lieu of gold. I'm talking large scale dumping. Analysts have talked about it being a reserve currency play, but to anyone who studies history, it smells like the early stages of war. The question is, does it remain cold or heat up?

  • doomsday clock was set to 2 minutes to midnight in January 2018

  • Elon Musk wants to colonize Mars to preserve human race in case of global conflict

I don't agree - the worst thing that happened to the military industrial complex was the collapse of the USSR, because without them there really was no excuse for the huge military spending.

Now that Russia is back on its feet, they're happy to go back to playing the old paradigm - constant fear and hype to justify piping national funds into Lockheed-Martin & friends.

I don't think it's anything more than that, and I think everyone involved, including Russia, is pretty ok with this. Having a Great Evil abroad makes the domestic population much more compliant, which is a mutual benefit for all the governments involved.

The fall of the USSR wasnt quite as bad for the defense industry as people think.

They had a few rough years, but it wasnt long before they came up with a policy for a new american century by rebuilding america's defenses. The process of transformation was sped up by a catastrophic and catylizing event that was like a new pearl harbor.

I know exactly the event you're referring to.

Joking aside, while I agree, I think people started calling BS pretty quickly - even by ~2008 people were starting to get really fed-up with endless sand wars. In contrast, the USSR provided ample threat for nearly half a century.

Those on the left were fed up with the bs long before 2008. The right still fully supported the wars back then. They only began to start losing interest in it around that time and that was mainly becuase they were distracted by the financial meltdown going on.


That's why I subscribed to this sub. I always believed on it, but I thought I was the only.

One thing though, and i hope i am wrong; When you play the game of treathening each other, eventually someone will flinch and hit for real. There are also far more parties involved in this game today than back in the original cold war.. The geopolitical map is rapidly gearing up to an east vs west situation, and it looks ugly..

the cold war called. they want their foreign policy back

Not to mention the current try to gun grab of the people also going on! They have to make us disarmed. So when we lose the war to Russia and they set soldiers on US soil we'll be helpless.

The US had been planning for this war you speak of since way before Trump got in. He just had to be made aware of the fact that he doesn't have a day in it. He's coming in board.

My friend, you are late to this game. And unfortunately, there are some things you should be aware of. First, however, I want to tell you that you are right about war. I called it in 2000 with W. His objective was to take 7 countries that do not have a western controlled central bank (Imf, world Bank, Rothschild bank). He failed. Obama continued the work in terms of Libya and Syria. Remember, ghaddafi wanted to replace the petro dollar with gold to value the Libyan dinar. Of those seven, three still survive;n. Korea, Syria, and Iran. Syria is in shambles, n. Korea is preparing talks, and Iran is trying to help Syria. This, unlike wwi, will be the war to end all wars. The American people have failed to stop the corruption and as such have failed the world.

I, personally, welcome this war. I hope the petro dollar loses.

Hey part you left out as the UK nerve agent attacks actually happened within a few miles vicinity of the UK’s stockpile of the weapons

How would that work if Trump is supposedly in Putins pocket?

Hey the cables they are nosing around? Not exactly what you think.

These are the cables that the American navy and now intelligence agencies use to survey all vessels in the oceans.

They constantlysend vessels around them to flood them with noise

Russia is going to win. Because we are run by clowns.

I would say hardening and restricting access to government movements is necessary regarding past carelessness. We are probably gearing up for generalized asymmetrical warfare.

Thank you for clarifying, Honestly, thank you!

And Putin said when it comes to election meddling, you might want to look at the Jews

I don't know... Why?

He got fired because he got in the way of invading Iran.

Agree, theres also failing to deliver a half a trillion dollar Exxon-Rosneft oil deal which died two weeks ago in there too.

He got fired because he got in the way of invading Iran.

Don't you think that's precisely the kind of thing Israel would have him removed for? It's their war he was mucking up.

The Israeli's demanded Syria be taken care of first before the globalists take out Iran.

The Syrian war is lost. Assad isn't going to fall.

He got fired because the Russian Exxon deal collapsed last week. Since that’s the only reason he was hired, they let him go.

"Rex, you had one job!"

Saudi Arabia is not here yet. That's next week, the crown prince himself.

I don't know... why genius... Tell us everything you know tell us! I'm sure you know deep dark secrets about Trump and his administration and his thinking and motivations. I wouldn't be surprised at all if you were there during the meetings with the Saudis or Tillerson... Tell us, tell us everything

Because he was trying to save the "Iran Deal" without Trump's permission.

CIA boss+ Ascension to Sec. of State = Iran War

The timing was coincidental, he opposed Trump on several policies already. If you think he fires people for attacking Russia, why does Nikki Haley and Sarah Huckabee still have their jobs?

Yeah, unfortunately, it's just a minority of r/conspiracy traffic that is the loudest and politics is just unavoidable as of the past two years. That's all anyone ever talks about anymore, and it's never about the real political issues. It's either Trump should be impeached or Hillary is crooked. That's it. Not saying either is wrong, but how about pointing out the the mainstream dems pulled a victory right out from under Sanders. How about discuss why the two party system is corrupt and broken. Talk about how we're actually in a monarchy where money is king?

I'm sick of it. It's here, it's the rest of Reddit, it's Twitter, Facebook, off the internet...everywhere. Just a bunch of sheep talking about whatever garbage the msm feeds them.

how about pointing out the the mainstream dems pulled a victory right out from under Sanders.

That was Hillary. If the choice was between Sanders and Trump, I think people would have voted for Sanders. With the choice being Hillary or Trump, people hate Hillary so much they voted against Hillary (not so much for Trump).

This means that the single person most responsible for Trump is in fact, Hillary.

I did think this was fairly well understood by most people by now

The middle class would not have voted for the biggest peacetime tax increase in American history. Particularly not in 2016. Trump would have painted Bernie as an ineffective career politician and a member of the establishment, which compared to Trump he was. Bernie would have lost worse than Hillary, and Trump wouldn't have even had to mention socialism.

If Hillary had won it would just be Saudi Arabia pulling the puppet strings...The state of our Democracy is a joke...and it is all of you that skip Primaries and then choose the lesser of two evils at the end that are doing it.

Hey, if we're getting puppet figure heads either way... I'd rather have the one actually hiring government employee qualified for their positions and that actually try to keep our country running properly.

Trump or Hillary, doesn't matter. But how they represent us and the people they bring into top positions do matter and Trump has fucked up both of those things worse than we imagined back in 2016

Honestly Hillary just blew it. Every week Trump would something controversial that would knock any other presidential candidate out of the race, and yet he still managed to win.

I mean, Clinton didn't do unusually bad for a Democrat or whatever, and with the slightest tweak of Trump's victories in one or two of those middle states, he would have lost & the narrative would have been that Trump never really stood a chance.

Republicans have gotten real lucky with their 'winning despite losing the popular vote' thing in recent elections.

Good thing she disappeared from the public eye. If people had caught on to this a year ago, she'd not have had time to get away or burn down part of her estate lol

The only reason people were anti hillary is because the right wing scream machine,added by the russians, have spent decades smearing her with mostly baseless accusations of wrong doing.

I have to say- its refreshing to hear that many on the right are starting to realize the boys crying wolf are full of shit. A little late,but better late then never.

Sanders would have easily won. The Dems played themselves, and not a small chunk of the reason was because they thought the majority of the US were so mindnumbingly retarded that they'd vote Clinton solely on the strength that she's a woman. That everyone would be just so swept up and taken by the idea of The First Woman President™. Boomers were the ones who would largely vote face value garbage reasons while being utterly uninformed to anything substantial, and as the toddlers on the Hyper Left are so fond of reminding everyone, the Boomers are dying out. Fucking irony.

Anyone who believes that the DNC had any measurable impact on Bernie's ability to win that primary is a sheep themselves. He lost by 3 million votes. He lost that primary on Super Tuesday. The only reason he was able to see the election through to the primary was because he was financed by small contributions, AKA people who couldn't see which way the wind was blowing. Corporate donors would have abandoned him when he dipped below a 200 pledged delegate deficit. That happened long before any of the alleged fuckery by the DNC.

Continuing to insist that Bernie lost the election for any other reason than the incompetence of his own campaign is doing nothing but setting up future progressives for failure. How about doing a legitimate post-mortem instead? Maybe look at the fact that Bernie failed utterly to garner support from minorities? Or how about the fact that the only contests he was able to consistently win were caucuses? Yeah, you're right though. It's all the DNC's fault. What a joke.

Can't rig a caucus.

Caucuses are inherently undemocratic and restrictive. Anyone who wants to increase fairness and representation in primary elections should be anti-caucus.

Do you believe the dnc gave them both a fair chance?

Do you believe that they didn't? Can you tell me how exactly they hurt Bernie? Even if they were biased from the beginning, in what way did that actively damage his chances of winning? The burden of proof isn't on me to prove that he was treated fairly, it's on anyone who claims that he wasn't. Most of the accusations leveled against the DNC during the primary didn't make any sense or wouldn't have effectively harmed Bernie. Other accusations (e.g. closed primaries) were leveled at aspects of the primary process that have existed for decades.

They usually have many debates during the primaries. But I know the DNC heavily cut down on almost all the debates, and scheduled them at inconvenient times, like Thanksgiving. There's a few other things of this nature. There wasn't actually any actual rigging, but things the DNC were perfectly in their power to do to hinder Sanders and support Clinton. Let's not forget that a good number of people resigned from the DNC over this stuff.

They fed Clinton the debate questions ahead of time.

There's a Podesta email that stated that Bernie didn't stick to his agreement. That's good conspiracy fodder right there.


The DNC doesn't even have to hold a primary election. They're a private organization. In theory they could put forth a candidate that wasn't even on the primary ticket. The only thing that ensures the primary process is their own bylaws. Primaries weren't even widely accepted until 1968. If that's an issue then you should be moving to legislate the nomination process out of the hands of the parties themselves and into the hands of state or federal committees, not getting outraged over a court deciding that a party has a right that it's always had by definition.

The problem is that it's not just Sanders. It's anyone who doesn't have money, and that's my point.

If you don't own at least a few million dollars that you can put into your campaign (and turn heads of the major corporations, and pay off key people)...and as president, if you're not going to do your part to ensure the millionaires' bank accounts are safe (ie cut medical industry costs, raise taxes on the rich, do stuff for the low man on the totem pole), you're never going to make it. It can be Sanders, it can be Paul from a decade ago, it can be Joe Schmo...the conspiracy here (and what I'm fed up with) is that the system is rigged to keep the bigwigs in office because money is king.

But no, every average person in America: "Donald Trump is the worst...Clinton would've fixed everything." Nope.

Obama said a lot of things about helping the citizens, things didn't change that much. Whether it's at the presidential level or not, things all over the government are messed up. Obama even slammed expensive healthcare on people who couldn't afford it...that's not helping anyone financially except for the healthcare industry...go figure.

Anyway, I'm going off topic. Sanders is just the latest and easiest example of the point I'm trying to make: Good people won't get into office, even with tons more effort into the campaign. They need money that they just don't have, and they're constantly blocked by people who are simple-minded afraid to vote for anything other than democrats or republicans.

It's cuz its not real people's opinions, its paid shills on both sides.

I hope y'all can see that there's a huge real conspiracy right now--the Trump administration.

I mean, this sub has basically chosen to completely ignore one of, if not the biggest conspiracies in American history: our president may be compromised by a foreign government. This sub isn't about conspiracies anymore, unless they're about Jews, Muslims, or liberals doing something bad.

This sub also plays some sort of role as an alternative media. If you want Russia conspiracy theories, just get a cable subscription.

Also, honestly I think the fact that the mainstream media discusses Russian conspiracies so openly is a bit of a red flag and leads a lot of us to assume it's some combination of lies, misdirection, and obfuscation.

Also, honestly I think the fact that the mainstream media discusses Russian conspiracies so openly is a bit of a red flag and leads a lot of us to assume it's some combination of lies, misdirection, and obfuscation.

This is fallacious reasoning. The reason it's discussed so much is because it's actually ~that~ blatant that he's a Russian puppet. To be honest, I don't know what he could do to make it any more obvious.

If any other politician of either side who, wasn't so bombastic and openly absurd were to have found to have half the trump's scandals involving Russia would have been seriously pinned already. This is what a cult of personality gets you, people making exceptions for awful behavior and hurtful decision making because they feel they have the "sacred science" , already discussed decades ago by Robert lifton

Steve hassan has something similar in his attributes of thought reform/mind control. Thought reform is exactly what Trump uses. His language and wording drips with it.

I honestly have yet to hear anything convincing that would explain why or how Trump is acting on behalf of Russia. Are the shills making their way onto r/conspiracy now? We're listening to Viacom media now? Cool

Are the shills making their way onto r/conspiracy now?

"Everyone who doesn't agree with me is a shill."

Wow man, you're acting like you didn't make 5+ comments on a singular r/politics of late thread consisting solely of "Nice try, Russian name."

I sincerely think you are a troll, Russian or otherwise.

Nothing to explain why?

Meaning, why Russia would want to effect a US election? You really can't use that conspiracy-filled brain to think of any reason why they would want that?

As for how? How what? How do they keep Trump on their side or how did they influence the election?

why Russia would want to effect a US election?

Yes, this is obvious to the point that it's not a conspiracy. No one seems to have a problem with Israel massively influencing US politics? Am I missing something here?

The Russians posted some stuff on social media. That's the big thing, right? They posted shitty memes on Twitter. Whoa dude. Just hack my elections up.

This thread has a completely different tone than this sub usually has. 100% being botted/invaded/whatever.

You really can't use that conspiracy-filled brain to think of any reason why they would want that?

Sentences like this just don't get posted on here. Whatever, RIP r/conspiracy

They committed cyber crimes, laundered money, and have assassinated numerous people connected to this story. Any attempt to collude with the Russia State in these actions is conspiracy to commit espionage, Conspiracy to commit fraud, and/or accessory to murder.

You know they did it mostly for Hillary in the election

Am I missing something here?

Apparently. The conspiracy is that Trump is trying to hide his connections to Russia, not that Russia is trying to influence the US.

The Russians posted some stuff on social media. That's the big thing, right? They posted shitty memes on Twitter. Whoa dude. Just hack my elections up.

"Russia, find those emails plz?" - Trump

"No prob mate, here ya go" - Russia

"Thanks, this will distract nicely from the Billy Bush Bang Bus story" - Trump

Secret meetings, money changing hands, favors going back and forth. This is Conspiracy101.

People protest, immediately assume a conspiracy where Soros is paying protesters. Trump asks for Russian help, has secret meetings, constantly lies about them, but no conspiracy.

Solid conspiracy consistency.

Sentences like this just don't get posted on here. Sentences that mock you? Sorry for hurting your feelings.

Were we supposed to be under the impression that major politicians are corrupt? I just don't understand...Trump being in bed with a foreign country is disappointing, not an interesting conspiracy. It's just more of the same.

Corruption and getting a foreign government to help you win an election are not equivalent

This thread has a completely different tone than this sub usually has. 100% being botted/invaded/whatever.

I am thinking the same thing.

The Russian "hacking", "meddling", "meme warfare" narrative must not be catching onas well as they had hoped.

I honestly believe that all of this effort on part of the media and the DNC is to pin Trump's win on Russia. It is being done to avoid the cold haed truth which is that they fucked up. They don't want people pinning Clinton's loss on a rigged primary or on a media which continually them that she was the most qualified candidate in history and couldn't possibly lose to anyone. Because that sort of truth would erode the public's trust in the DNC and the news media. It's even harder to admit that if Clinton hadn't essentially bought her nomination, that Sander's probably would have won. And since the media was complicit in downplaying him all through the primary, they don't want people to focus on that either.

So all they talk about is Trump and how he must be a Russian puppet who got a bunch of bots on twitter to help him win the election.

You got it. It's not Russia that interferes, it's Israel.

America has been compromised by a foreign government for decades, only now they are using a code word for Israel, ie. Russia.

The two biggest threads today were anti-Trump. Anti-Trump information gets plenty of views here. The problem is that many people don't realize it. I've seen countless comments upvoted to the sky, occasionally guided, posting anti-Trump information. Sometimes they say "This sub is completely controlled by Trump supporters," yet they are upvoted and guilded. You would expect the lightbulb to go off in their head, but I guess not.

A small list of big anti-Trump threads that many people here pretend don't exist, and this is just what I could find from a quick search. There are recent threads and some going back to a year ago. This sub has always had big anti-Trump threads.

But you have to search for it. This thread has over 3000 up-votes and is no where to be seen on /r/conspiracy. How do you explain it being buried so quickly.

It's the first post on the front page of r/conspiracy.

WTF? Why am I not seeing in the HotPost section?

They're downvoting you for not following the narrative that is being pushed.

That this place is unabashedly pro-Trump and no longer discusses real conspiracies.

Pointing out that criticisms of Trump are in fact common place and conspiracies about him are trending, don't fit in with the agenda.

See, someone wants people to stop visiting this subreddit so they are trying to make it seem unpalatable to average users. How do they do that? Again, they push a narrative that the subreddit is comprised and that only Trump supporters post here.

They're downvoting you for not following the narrative that is being pushed.

That this place is unabashedly pro-Trump and no longer discusses real conspiracies.

Pointing out that criticisms of Trump are in fact common place and conspiracies about him are trending, don't fit in with the agenda.

See, someone wants people to stop visiting this subreddit so they are trying to make it seem unpalatable to average users. How do they do that? Again, they push a narrative that the subreddit is compromised and that only Trump supporters post here.

Yeah I really don't get this. This sub, well before Trump, has always had low-effort posts with Fox News articles and slightly higher-effort posts with really unsavory racial stuff. It's like, ignore that and look for the good information. Parse through it and think critically, y'know?

I see way more of these, "This sub is totally compromised, TD2.0, bastion of the alt-right" self-posts than the actual content they claim is filling up the sub, not to mention they always say something like, "go ahead and downvote" and they are rarely, if ever, not so highly voted that they don't make the front page. I'd argue that these posts are actually counter-productive to the stated goal of getting people to see information from more diverse sources. Really just kinda creates a space for people to argue about nothing, or at most they argue about their perception, which is inherently subjective and therefore impossible to come to any sort of consensus on.

Which kind of gives me the vibe that actually discussing or researching anything isn't really the poster's intent...

The down votes aren't making your point for you or anything.....

Are you joking? Surely this is a joke post? Your Presidents have always been compromised by a foreign government. Or do you mean compromised by a foreign government that isn't the United Kingdom banking cartel, headed by the Queen and the families of Rothschild?

Ever since day fucking one this has been the case. George Washington (British btw) was just the figurehead the British establishment gave you. All those stories of 'daring do' are total bullshit, a fully concocted story for Americans to believe.

Go and look at how Washington really rose to power. Who were his competition? What happened to them? hint. they all died. Washington was a huge Freemason - he was doing what he was fucking told!


Great, so we should just let it happen when we might have a chance to change it?

has always been compromised

wait for it


there it is!

The house Senate committee found no collusion, haven't you been following the news?

The Republican House committee declared no collision. The Democratic side came out and said there was. One of the Republican members then came out and said it was embarrassing that they had made that declaration, and the investigation has not finished, there were signs of collision and interference and thank goodness the Senate was still working.

Well it's been 14 months, the whole narrative is getting a little embarrassing don't ya think?

No idea what you are referring to, but investigations don't go quick.

Whitewater and Watergate took many years. Benghazi was investigated for a long time. This is just getting started. As far as Mueller's investigation, it is going faster and has more indictments/guilty pleas than other investigations on this level.

"We have investigated ourselves and have cleared ourselves of any wrongdoing."

: our president may be compromised by a foreign government.

Basically everything that has been claimed in the last year and a half over this has amounted to jack squat. First it was acts of war, then vague 'meddling', then, finally, some random-ass facebook ads.

The only way to determine that it's amounted to jack squat is to be willfully ignorant of what's going on.

If that's how you choose to live, I hope you one day wake up and see the light.

The only way to determine that it's amounted to jack squat is to be willfully ignorant of what's going on.

So what evidence has establishes concretely that The Kremlin committed acts of war against the US?

Since it's not my job to educate:


If you can't explain it concisely, you don't understand it and shouldn't be regurgitating it.

There's a difference between can't and won't. My New Years resolution was to not suffer this brand of "hand feed everything to me or I'm going to continue to ignore the facts" foolishness anymore, sorry.

Good luck in your quest to educate yourself, though!

That's because you are running wild with speculation and don't have any actual facts to cite.

Again, it's not my job to educate you. But, since you're just so persisten, I'd suggest taking a look at the top post on /r/all right now. Loaded with info for you to read through.

How does that support the ridiculous claims about an act of war by Russia on the US?

I see you're taking the "deliberately obstuse" route. Right on.

I've learned a long time ago, don't bother with the willfully ignorant. they're willfully ignorant for a reason

I mean, this sub has basically chosen to completely ignore one of, if not the biggest conspiracies in American history: our president may be compromised by a foreign government.

Russia hacking/meddling the American election is the dumbest conspiracy, Podesta and some anti-Trump higher ups at the FBI came up with that shit.

This sub isn't about conspiracies anymore, unless they're about Jews, Muslims, or liberals doing something bad.

On the other hand Israel is influencing American elections on both sides thanks to AIPAC and other lobbies.

I don't love sticklers, but I think this is the appropriate sub to correct your spelling of conspiracies


Sort by

Top to see the narrative being pushed.

Controversial for an argument.

New for actual conspiracy theories.

I see what you mean. But i'm just speaking my mind.

I just like to tell people when they think the sub has taken a nosedive or has been flooded or AstroTurfed.



Most people here aren't, even tough they try to paint it as such. It's pretty odd that this sub is always accused of being T_D 2.0 yet posts like this are always upvoted and criticism of Obama, shareblue or antifa are downvoted to oblivion.

There's hordes of shills coming from the other direction as well. This is likely to get downvoted as a result.

Trump was the new "change" that the deep state orchestrated. Hillary was getting too much dirt along with a lot of the former staff.

So they led the people to believe that they were supporting an outsider who is against the establishment. But he was working for them all along. He is continueing the same shit in Syria now. We are fucked. Say hello to the NWO...

There were a couple of russian oligarchs getting iced in Brittan this week. One used nerve gas and I dare say I heard mention that there is an 'open secret' massive allied stash of nerve gas nearby where the attack took place.

Kim & Trump call eachother Madman and Lunatic respectively, which nicely highlights the work of Stone in shaping the political dialogue.

I think if you enjoy a good conspiracy; all of the above amounts to pretty amazing political theatre.

This is the new narrative that is being pushed, huh?

So much brigading

the experienced people were saying this before the elections (see my post history).

remember to try inform people next election. :D they own everything.


Seriously man, it's nothing but fucking Politics. Kind of annoying. Mods need to start deleting threads.

You want a conspiracy

Op thinks posting anti trump shit is unpopular

Yep. And the cross-post on Trumpgret hit r/all, portraying this entire sub as alt right.

Just another day in the disinfo mill...

It's not dying, its actually thriving and changing. This is likely due to the influx of normies who are waking up and the bots/shills that follow.

Maybe the overall content that appeals to the veterans is deteriorating but this is hardly a bad thing in the big picture.

Totally saw the lie from a mile away during the elections as well. Just a rich guy running on a right wing populist message.

But i agree, this sub is slowly dying. I miss the real conspiracies

This sub turned to shit at the same as r/politics, two anti-Trump circle jerks.

A lot of people here know that a lot of those narratives of Trump being a hero are just psyops. It's just that they keep trying to brainwash new users into following them.

Same buddy! No ones even talking about that voicemail thats been circulating of NATO code. How is it trending on twitter yet hasnt even been brought up here... Could be totally fake but its just strange no ones talking about it

I get what you are saying but it was worth a shot. The choice between her (known deep state) or him (possible deep state) the choice was clear. But if it sounds too good to be true it's too good to be true. Bout to order that Rosetta stone Russian and Chinese edition.

and they are talking about Russia meddling in elections! :-)

Whatever you say shill. (((Account was made during October of the last election cycle. Nothing suspicious there)))


Fuck you.


Can anyone explain when free speech/thought turned into propaganda? Genuine question

Beats the shit outta me. These guys're deluded. You didn't reach the point of no return unlike them. So good job!

Fuck off traitor

You're literally at -20 right now.

Its pretty clear that people are turning

Its pretty clear that reddit votes are reality

It was pretty clear that Donald Trump had no chance of being president, according to the scientific data that is reddit karma.

Also, sort by new. Sort by new in rpolitics threads.

It is clear that people are turning, and thats why you guys are getting so desperate the past 2 weeks.

Enjoy the show

lol.................................. . . .. . . . . .. . . . ......

Fuck you too

YOU were sold a lie, and this post proves youre still buying it.

I never voted Trump, i just think he is a strong wrench thrown into a gearbox. If you expected him to be exactly what he said he was, i hate to say this... but i would think that naive.

You know what- you’re right, it was naive. But the thing about naivety is that you cants see it until afterward. I was naive to believe any public official was going to do anything different, but i wanted to believe a little too badly

The most ypu could ever hope for with a Populist Celeb like Trump, is just to shake things up

Oh he's doing things different, all right. Even Grant wasn't this incompetent & blatantly corrupt.

He speaks the truth. I hate to admit it as I was quite excited to see what a businessman could do for a country, but he's turned out to be the same as the rest.

The whole thing's just some psychedelic panto to keep us all entranced and busy thinking about the show instead of what's really going on of course I knew this, but, still.... There's got to be someone who's not corrupt somewhere, right?

He does NOT speak the truth. It's been proven time and again he is a straight up liar.

He speaks the truth as people want it to be and think it is in their ignorant echochambers.a

Who is 'he' in your context?

i think he just speaks what people want to hear, it changes by day

b-b-but hillary and the emails!!!!

maga! xDD

This is exactly what Trump supporters do. Deflect. This is how conversations go with them. This is word for word how it went the other day:

Me: What do you think about Stormy Daniels and the hush agreement? Them: Nothing compared to Hillary and Pizzagate. Her organization is directly responsible for child sex trafficking! Me: Wasn't the whole Comet Pizza thing mostly debunked? Them: That's what the democrats will tell you. Wait. Are you a Democrat? Me: No. I don't like either party. It polarizes people. Them: Me neither! That's why I voted for Trump. He isn't a politician. Me: Well, he is the president. I think by definition that makes him a polit... Them: Not a normal one, though! Me: Maybe not, but what do you think about Stormy Daniels, though?
Them: Who cares. That porn star slut just wants more money.
Me: Well doesn't Trump just want more money too? Them: He is the most charitable president we have ever had. Me: What charities does he donate to? Them: I don't know the names, but he does. You voted for Hillary didn't you? Me: I didn't vote. They both seemed fairly awful. Them: If you didn't vote then you can't talk about politics. Sigh

You really should have voted though....

It's a personal choice. Who do I vote for when there is nobody I really can honestly endorse? Do I settle? That seems dishonest to me. Yes, I do believe voting is somewhat participatory, but if there was somebody I truly wanted to be president I would probably vote. I have voted for municipal elections and other ballots, but presidency is different. I don't even like the idea of somebody having that much power. I know this isn't a popular opinion. If American politics were different, maybe I would feel differently. The way I think about it is similiar to asexuality. Most everything on the planet has sex and humans can mostly agree that it feels good and everyone should do it. Then there are a select amount that don't like it. It isn't good for them. It doesn't make them feel good. That is how I feel about voting. I voted when I was 18 and never did again. I felt shitty about it. I felt like I lied to myself for the lesser of two evils. I didn't like feeling like that. I didn't feel good. I think about voting and I still feel that way. I would rather not feel that way and I reserve that right.

Yeah but if you're not voting for the lesser of two evils, then you're essentially voting for the greater evil to win because you're increasing the odds of that by not voting for the lesser of two evils.

Maybe it's just me but I'd feel more shitty letting a greater evil win when I could have done something to help stop it. Even if the "lesser evil" still isn't great, there's still less harm being done.

I can relate to what you are saying and do not disagree with your feelings on the subject. This is a conundrum. For me, it is a lose-lose situation. If both candidate's evil is quantifiable then there is no good choice. When everybody lies their way to the top and says whatever they need to in order to get elected, how are you supposed to know who is the lesser of two evils? By who lie is better or who is better at lying? How do we know that Hillary, if she would have been elected, wouldn't of thrown us off the deep end and we would be in equal or even more shit if she was in office than we are in now? I think that would be difficult to do, but she clearly wasn't a saint, either.

If you're not sure, then you should look into it more and do more research. Something as important as who controls the United States should elicit you to care enough to become knowledgeable and vote for your conscience based on your research.

Personally, I'm of the opinion that Hillary is not nearly as bad as everyone claims she is, because I actually read up on her a lot and found out that she's actually a very good politician who has made some honest mistakes. You could say that it's a conspiracy itself that everyone makes Hillary out to be a demon worshipper after decades of propaganda focused on demonizing her.

Whereas literally every single thing I read about Trump or people who have done business with him, all pointed to him being a complete and total dickbag. I'm not going to sugarcoat it. By all accounts he's just a straight up, grade A, shitty human being.

Hey that's a very fair point! I won't deny it one bit. I wish I had a more positive outlook on American politics. I do have some problems trusting a lot of media and when the candidates are allowed to have their hands in the pockets of the media, it makes every source or headline feel suspect to me. I do research, watch all the debates, read whatever I can, etc. Maybe Hillary wasn't as bad as all of the propaganda claims. That is very possible, but there is definitely some truth in all of the claims. The problem is you can't trust the candidates or the people reporting on them. The experts on the candidates have their own motives and self-interest in mind. They are paid to say the things they say. I know that I don't like Trump. He is misogynistic, obviously idiotic as you can see by his own speeches and using social media as a platform to voice his opinions in tweets. He lies so often he can't keep what he says straight. He is everything you don't want in a person with power.

This is absolutely thw biggest issue with the two party system.

Downvotes on a sub that promotes free thinking on a subject that is a personal choice in a thread where most everybody is saying the sub has gone to shit...self-fulfilling prophecy?

That conversation ain't shit, you should have a conversation with a Hillary supporter or a liberal. 1000x worse.

Me: Maybe not, but what do you think about Stormy Daniels, though?

Them: Who cares.

I have to wholeheartedly agree to this much. Seriously. Given what the world is going through right now, who cares if Donald Trump had sex with a pornstar and paid her to keep quiet?

Ooh you don't get it. Well for one Stormy and Trump care. Their lawyers probably care quite a bit. The American public should care because sleeping with a porn star while your wife is pregnant along with other mysoginistc behavior as in talking about grabbing girls by the pussy isn't very presidential behavior. Not to mention the irony of the Republican party always talking about how family values are important and their fearless leader is doing things like this. It's just locker room talk, though, right? Making tons of implications that you want to have sex with your own daughter. Just locker room talk. I would say a lot of people care about this behavior of our president.


Prove it.

Are you Bill Clinton?

Do I have to be?

That which can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence.

Seriously? Him putting his hand on a woman’s leg means he’s a rapist?

Get the fuck outta here with that weak sauce bullshit.

Do you actually believe there are videos in the public domain "proving" he is in fact a rapist? I guess as long as you don't get caught, it's cool right?

Fuck outta here with that demanding "proof" bullshit. If you can't tell something is wrong, you're blind as fuck.

So give me a link to proof then.

It’s been a couple hours. Any proof? Have you actually seen proof? Or are you just parroting something someone else said. Cozzzzzz calling a man you’ve never met a rapist without proof is something that gets you called a fucking scumbag. Take a step back and look at what you’re doing. It’s fucking sick, like there’s something seriously wrong with you. I have no doubt Bill Clinton and his wife are as crooked as it gets, but if you don’t have actual proof to show me you need to put on your grown up pants and stop being a shitty person.

Falsely accusing someone of rape without proof, even a political crook like Bill Clinton, is fucking disgusting and you should feel ashamed of yourself.

Sounds like something Bill Clinton would say.

Also, you seem to spend a lot of time defending Bill Clinton despite you just saying that he is "as crooked as it gets". You really go around calling people on reddit "shitty people" because they don't provide proof backing their statements? I don't owe you shit. If you give a shit, go looking for proof yourself.

You're really the hero Reddit needs, huh.

You aren’t getting it are you. I’m calling both the Clinton’s crooks because there’s verifiable evidence of them buying and selling stock in companies direct affected by legislation they voted on. You’re accusing a man of rape without evidence. What the fuck is wrong with you?

You won’t post evidence because it’s as laughably flimsy as your leg touch you tube video and you know it. Fucking pathetic little child you are.

Sheesh Bill, relax. You're right, I don't have proof. Please don't send your assassins after me xD

The American public should care because sleeping with a porn star while your wife is pregnant along with other...

I bet you can't even tell us how many countries have had our bullets flying and bombs dropping in them over the last 20 years. Isn't that a little more important than some insufferable asshole being a bad husband?

Well that would be a very specific statistic to know off the top of my head. I am not in the military or the secretary of defense. I guess the men's rights activist wins this one, boys. You would of fit in and been good friends with the Trump supporting flat earther I had this conversation with. A match made in heaven.

Don't you see that you did exactly what I said Trumpets do?

Well that would be a very specific statistic to know off the top of my head.

Can you ballpark it at least?

LOL still on this? I'll play.

Over 20 I would say.

So why are you so hung up on Trump's infidelity and hush payments? How on earth is that the slightest bit significant in the larger picture of constant war, insane spending, corruption, degrading infrastructure, mass incarceration and general ass-fucking of the working middle class?

You really don't get it.

Is Trump responsible for the last 20 years? No. I can't stop what already happened. If Trump invaded a new country it would be cause for much, much more concern than Stormy. In the meantime, I am focusing on the corruption and behavior unbecoming of a politician with hopes of impeachment before he can do something even more awful. We are talking about Trump, not the Bush or Obama administration.

In the meantime, I am focusing on the corruption and behavior unbecoming of a politician with hopes of impeachment before he can do something even more awful.

Such a tiny, insignificant act of corruption that it doesn't make any sense to hem and haw over it. It is utterly meaningless. Both parties are responsible for the grand-scale corruption leading to all of the things I mentioned above.

It's called 'whataboutism'. Russians used to be famous for it ironically.

You do realize if you dig deep enough, you will find out that Hillary has more dirt then trump.

You do realize my comment was sarcasm?

It’s significantly better than what the alternative would have been with the Clintons and their crony’s. That’s readily apparent. Also, this election proved the “drain the swamp” message can win against a dug in establishment candidate. It’s still a net positive. Pompeo was a CIA outsider to begin with.

RIP this sub.

Trump represents literally everything this sub used to be before it was bought out. You guys aren't fooling anyone. Trump supporters are leaving this sub in droves because its just shilling now. Sorry you feel that way OP. But nobody is falling for it.

No one is falling for what?

Trump has continuously delivered on his campaign promises. He is not a one man band. He can't get it all done himself. To act as though he lied and deceived us is intellectually dishonest.

Campaign Promises:

Tax cuts: Yes

Obamacare: to an extent

Wall: Not yet, little legislative support —mexico pays: never

Immigration reform: no

Infrastructure updates: no

Federal hiring freeze: no

Reciprocal right to carry: not gonna pass senate

Defend 2nd amendment: “Take the guns first, go through due process second”

A) its been barely over a year. You think presidents get everything done in a day and sit around the rest of their term? B) the last one is not legislative, thats a bad comment, not a broken promise C) a lot of this requires congressional cooperation, which he does not have

Like I said, you're not fooling anyone. Dishonest

Im not dishonest, just not too proud to admit when i was wrong. I see people on this sub talk about what it was like before they were “woke” hows it feel to be on the other side of the table?

You are being dishonest. Just because he hasn't delivered on these things yet doesn't mean he won't. He even went to see wall prototypes today. You are certainly being intellectually dishonest. You're speaking way too soon. If it were 2020, you'd have an argument. We haven't even had midterms yet my man. Relax.

The wall will never be built.

You do realize that he cannot do everything in one day, right? If we could all do our job in one day, we would work 1 day per year

You realize he has been in office for over a year right? Most of us do a years worth of work in year.

And you realize that it takes more than a year to do everything he said he would, right? I mean you cannot possibly think anyone can do everything in one year, right?

He has both houses controlled by his party. If he wasn't an incompetent fuckwit with a racist, bigoted, and illegal agenda he could have gotten everything that the GOP has supposedly wanted since the Reagan days and he could have gotten it done in his first 100 days, no need for a full year.

Instead he couldn't even manage to work out a deal on Obamacare, which every republican agreed was the worst thing in history and it was going to bankrupt America. His massive tax reform became massive tax cuts for corporations, small cuts for everyone else with same old tax system, no REFORM at all. The wall isn't going past the planning stages, prototype all you want, but the funds for the full wall aren't happening. Infrastructure won't happen unless it involves selling it to corporations, there is no money for it after the tax cuts.

And of course “Take the guns first, go through due process second”.

For fucks sake, how deluded do you have to be to still believe Trump is going to fulfill his promises. He'll be lucky to finish out his term.

In 3 years you'll realize how deluded you've been this entire time

So nothing he does will make you happy. No need to waste my time on you

Typical t_d reading comprehension. It's pretty hard to understand what others are saying when your head is lodged so far up Trump's ass.

Awe.... You need a hug?

No, I live in the US, which even under Trump is still far better than Putin's Russia. How's the weather out there comrade?

Cold as a liberal’s thought proces. Lol

Cold and logical is far better than fear and emotion based decision making, which seems to be the rights way of thinking these days.

Thank you for the compliment tovarishch.

Fear and hate is all liberals have.

Yep, cause it's totally the liberals who are renowned for hating people of different races, religions, and sexual orientations...oh wait, that's the right.

Hear, hear brother

stick around in new and controversial

Im glad. Glad that trump is making all this nasty business show its face to the light, im glad HRC didnt win as well, the crummy trump business is the reason why im glad HRC lost. Shes an efficient politician that believes in the status quo.

The status quo isn't so swell...if your not a billionaire richy. Everythings for sale in america, a politicians virtue, the appearance of it. The mishandling of the 2016 election is causing progressives to reorganize, but with hillary, as with obama, progressivism wouldn've come to stall another 8 years potentially, in the dark, in silence.

Now look how elections are going as the dnc leadership tries to wrestle for control of the left, which is doubting itself and is reeling from the devastating defeat. One part of the left is sure of itself though.

The part that got swindled out of bernie sanders, the people. Offering up russian redmeat isn't gonna satisfy the sanders folk, who are very plentiful. Its delicious.

Dismantling the status quo is great if it's done sanely

He's dismantling it by veering toward nuclear war & unmitigated kleptocracy

the new status quo is much, much worse

The public offered the careers politicians a choice in 2016

The status quo hasn't changed, its just that we get to see the dirty deeds done. No beating around the bushes this time and claiming your doing it for patriotic reasons, they doing it for the accumulation of personal wealth.

Open attacks on the poor, open attacks on immigrants, nuclear threats, installing family members into the government, playing with expanding the death penalty, playing with being President-for-Life...it's definitely worse.

As a progressive, Whats new?

Well, our last President didn't get off on the idea of nuclear armageddon, instituted at least some programs & protections to help consumers & the poor, tried to help immigrants, fought back against racism...if you really can't tell the difference, you're either naive, or uninformed.

Didnt legalize marijuana fullstop, gave romneycare to prop the health insurance industry, didnt stop the wars; expanded them, didn't prosecute the criminals on wallstreet, legalized the use of propaganda in tandem with the bush/hillary patriotic act DIDNT STRIKE down the patriotic act.

I could ramble on for days on how obama is the weakest president the USA ever witnessed, the proof is in the pudding man, fucking gameshow host swept it right from under the neopolitical dynasty.

"Here are the ways Obama is strikingly different from this corrupt shitshow"


right on man

Idc about trump, hes a result of the two parties failing. They fuked with bernie tho so now its time to clean house wild west style. Litmus test for eerybody. Starting with the list of folk who tried to serve up the neolib in 2016. Money talks.

Yeah nevermind that he expanded Bush's wars, deregulationd wall st, bombed hospitals in the mid east, tortured "some folks", sold weapons to cartels, and did nothing while people were getting beaten by police. He doesn't give a shit about you or the American people, just like 99% of our elected officials..

Stop being partisan and realize that this is a much bigger issue.

Also, if your gonna fight for the oldguard who does believe in the status quo, why not just vote republican for fucks sake?

Oppose trump on the right dont try to soak up liberal sunshine because you and me both believe in the right to choose; i however just dont believe war. Theres no party against the war, these russiagate delusions are proof of that.

Voting Republican is a vote for Trump & Trump supporters

I don't know how you think that's compatible with what I said

I hope nobody ever trusts a rich new yorker ever again. ever.

There was two options in the end. Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump. I picked what I felt like was the lesser of the two evils. I feel like a lot of people aren't completely Trump supporters and leaned towards the lesser evil.

How is this literal globalist businessman, who hires his cronies, lies so hard his lawyers won't let him in a courtroom, dismantles consumer & environmental protections, & sloppily gets soldiers killed "lesser evil?"

sloppily gets soldiers killed

Are you talking about Hillary Clinton?

Trump is the CIC, and he's botching left & right.

You prefer promising "fire & fury like the world has never seen?" You prefer a guy who thinks the way to fight terrorists is to "take out their families?" You prefer a President who praises death squads as a means of law enforcement?

You prefer a President who praises death squads as a means of law enforcement?

I tried searching but couldn't find any source of this.

You prefer promising "fire & fury like the world has never seen?"

It was his own version of President Truman's line. I guess we should back down and let death camp North Korea threaten to nuke us.

You prefer a guy who thinks the way to fight terrorists is to "take out their families?"

That's pretty over the top and counter intuitive.

He has repeatedly praised Rodrigo Duertre and his death squads for killing drug dealers, and suggested we should do the same

I'm sure he wouldn't allow that to happen.

Lol the rate of civilian deaths from strikes has increased dramatically under Trump.

It was his own version of President Truman's line

I believe this was before he was in office and he has General James Mattis in there, I'm sure he wouldn't allow that to happen.

This is the problem with arguing with trump supporters. You can throw any number of direct, repeated quotes at them, and they still FEEL like Trump doesn't actually mean it.

How many dead and Embassies were attacked under Bush ? 13 Benghazi's under Bush but not a peep out of repubs.

You realize that Pompeo was only the CIA director because Trump appointed him as such?

Honestly this post seems hyperbolic.

It was clear from the beginning to me. Especially since he decided not to prosecute the Clinton's.

Someone generally has to have committed a crime first.

Prosecute them for what?

Muh feelings

Weirdly enough that doesn't even matter though. It's all he talked about while campaigning, the chants of "Lock Her UP!" rang out at every Trump rally. Then he gets into office and................................. nothing. Guy is such a con.

Yeah I never understood that. What was he trying to lock her up for? Was it because of her emails? Because by that standard, Trump could be locked up as wel, not by the actions he took as a president (because a president can declassify stuff at will), but because of the actions he took as president elect.

Destruction of evidence.

Careful with that "We," cuz

I didn't buy that bloated conman's bullshit

Props to you. We just referred to the multitude of Trump supporters on the sub

Who’s we?

The royal 'we.'

As in we the people? Or we the brigadiers?

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"We" just referred to the multitude of Trump supporters on the sub

Maybe the quotes will help

The we that's incentivized to be here.

How do you feel about informing Americans on the lie they were sold on 9:11? And the perpetual war and infringes on privacy and freedom since by Obama and Trump?

This is not a one way street.

Why would that have anything to do with this post? Now that that’s said i believe everyone should look at the facts with an open mind

Interesting you don't see the correlation. Trump is basically Bush 2.0 at this point. I think I saw him standing in front of a piece of wall with a banner "Mission Accomplished" behind him today....

Both are important! Currently Trump is the front man and affects the immediate future so of course he's the one in the spotlight. 9/11 was 17 years ago so while it's insanely important we get that shitstorm sorted out and hopefully throw some of bushes people in jail we can simultaneously focus on the obvious bullshit the current, acting administration is doing.

Username checks out.

2 month old account checks out too I suppose

Which could easily just be someone who made a novelty/alt/new account

What's your point? If I make another account do my posts inherently hold less value regardless of the content? The point of their post rings true. I'll have to ask for a pass on the "no true scotsman", but there are plenty of us who have been on this sub for years who saw this sham from light-years away

Are you saying cuz like cousin or because and then hit enter twice? Genuinely curious because I haven't heard that used on the internet

Fr cuhh?

try to guess from context clues

You ever think you have trouble sleeping because you smoke so much pot?

Nah, just the impending sense of doom and depression. Thanks for the concern tho

Why would you worry about something that hasn't happened?

I guess I shouldn't mention that THC can increase depression. Yet instead can I recommend kava kava and Valerian root extract to help with depression. You can find some at any vitamin store.

It was a joke... i don’t smoke, haven’t in a long time.

Well that's good. In that case has Trump not been working to make things better in America? The swamp was destroying USA. Do you know about the new world order plot to destroy the West?

Please enlighten me on the NWO plot as I’m not familiar

Hmmmm that's a book worth of information but let me give some bullet points.

So it started in the 1840's when Carl Marx decided that everyone should be equal. The basic format of the idea was that the wealthy are evil. This pinned the idea that the poor should rise up against them. This worked well in Russia until the end of the Soviet union when the world found out that the ideology was being used to create dictatorships.

Then in the 1970's some French dudes figured they could still use the format, they just had to change it up a bit. So instead of rich verse poor it turned into oppressor vs oppressed. Identity politics were born. This ideology has been breeding throw academia since then and evolving over time.

Getting to the NWO they are having trouble taking control just through their propaganda. Mind you the end game is to have complete control. Yet their is too many people that don't fall for their shit so instead, the new plot is refugees. It's working well too. First they had to destabilize the middle East to get the ball rolling.

Now they are mass importing people from the third world. Then they are criminalizing criticism of this policies. In many European you can be jailed for saying the wrong thing on line now. This trend will only continue, the more 3rd world refugees they import the more wide spread crime will happen and thus the more freedoms they will have to take away in the name of protecting people.

It gets so much deeper into their attacks on Christianity, national identity, sexuality, marriage, masculinity... it's all in the name of taking complete control.

Are you following any of this?

I’m not gonna lie, that’s not the reply I expected... i misjudged you based on the NWO reference so i apologize. I understand, respect, and, to some extent, agree with your point of view. Where I disagree with you is on whether or not Donald is actually doing anything useful in this situation

Well, he has said political correctness can fuck off through his blazen dialogue. Which is very damaging to the ploy. Then there is deregulation, a huge help. Believe climate change or not, the fact is that it is being used to restrict the means of production and to raise taxes. All in the name of saving the world from the evil CO2, power plants get shit down. Driving up power bills. Gas gets taxes, car registration. They all help to control the people.

When Trump told the Paris climate accord to fuck off, he protected us from that ploy. Then he restricted refugees. He cut corporate taxes to help companies grow and be more free. The new tariffs on steel and aluminum to help equal the play ground. He's undoing step by step all of the things put in place to fuck over America. If he is part of the swamp, he's doing a bad job.

I share your view on political correctness, maybe not for the exact same reasons but thats beside the point. Taxes are also somewhat of a common ground. We differ drastically after that, however. Donald isn’t helping the energy industry whatsoever. Its not regulation that is crushing energy industries like coal- its the international market. The trend both domestic and foreign is towards natural gas. His focus should be on transitioning Appalachia towards natural gas and not back into a dying industry. His new tariffs are absolutely NOT effective in helping the American public. Short term they’re good for steel/aluminum industry but theyre likely to create a long term raise in the price of any metallic goods and loss of jobs in manufacturing sectors

Yeah, Trump's been a smooth talker that somehow folks believe. I wonder if he was the lesser of two evils or not. His gaining the nomination and ensuing presidency was like watching yet another bully getting ahead while everybody was standing around, afraid to intervene and prevent the beating.

I figure it's just a different group of folks filling their pockets this term. Either way, we are getting bent over and shafted. But then again, maybe it doesn't matter who's sitting in that seat, we get bent over no matter what.

Trump's been a smooth talker

I beg to differ. He just spoke small words to even smaller minded people

Look, having nuclear—my uncle was a great professor and scientist and engineer, Dr. John Trump at MIT; good genes, very good genes, OK, very smart, the Wharton School of Finance, very good, very smart—you know, if you’re a conservative Republican, if I were a liberal, if, like, OK, if I ran as a liberal Democrat, they would say I'm one of the smartest people anywhere in the world—it’s true!—but when you're a conservative Republican they try—oh, do they do a number—that’s why I always start off: Went to Wharton, was a good student, went there, went there, did this, built a fortune—you know I have to give my like credentials all the time, because we’re a little disadvantaged—but you look at the nuclear deal, the thing that really bothers me—it would have been so easy, and it’s not as important as these lives are (nuclear is powerful; my uncle explained that to me many, many years ago, the power and that was 35 years ago; he would explain the power of what's going to happen and he was right—who would have thought?), but when you look at what's going on with the four prisoners—now it used to be three, now it’s four—but when it was three and even now, I would have said it's all in the messenger; fellas, and it is fellas because, you know, they don't, they haven’t figured that the women are smarter right now than the men, so, you know, it’s gonna take them about another 150 years—but the Persians are great negotiators, the Iranians are great negotiators, so, and they, they just killed, they just killed us.

We won the evangelicals. We won with young. We won with old. We won with highly educated. We won with poorly educated. I love the poorly educated

Thank you for the reasoned, and deserved, call out.

I should've said that for some reason folks listen to his wandering form of speaking and are drawn to his tacky sense of luxury (gold everything).

I don't think he lied. You can't just oust everyone, it will never happen. The best you could do would be to meet everyone you can, get rid of who you can, and put people you know you can trust into better positions. Just because shes a "spymaster" doesn't mean we should determine she's this horrible monster out to get us. I'm actually fairly interested to see what happens. I like to observe all of you as well lol.

Yeah, but, mah Trump is gonna save Murica from the Deep State! That's what mah YT truthers told me.

This thread is stupid. The swamp is being drained: https://ibb.co/cr8Vsx


If you were following Qanon you wouldn't be out of the loop. The authenticity of it cannot be doubted if looked into

The thing is it only gets more dubious the more you look. Unverified sources are sources at all.

Qanon? You should be embarrassed to be deluded enough that you cant recognize what bullshit that is. Hillary indictments any day now!

Not disagreeing with OP, but the more interesting thing about this post is the 76% upvote rate after 8 hrs.

Out of all of the whining about r/thedonald supporters astroturfing and dominating r/conspiracy discussions, this post, which makes relevant criticisms of Trump, has been supported for 8 hours.

Im actually kind of surprised by that myself. Im kinda leaning towards the idea that we might have a new “silent majority” on this sub. Just because people aren’t saying what they think out of fear of being called a shill doesn’t mean they aren’t here

There's nothing surprising. Calling people shills or claiming the thread is the Donald 2.0 is a way for people who want to delegitimize the conversation. So people from both sides are always surprised by some threads because it's not exactly as they've been told.

Which shows that the people who read and post on /r/community are not overwhelmingly Trump supporters who refuse to see any bad points about him. And yet if you look at the mod list (new ones included), those type of people seem to be overly represented...

I agree, it's interesting how upvoted this is.

It got linked to from a /r/Trumpgret thread that hit /r/all and now this thread itself has hit /r/all.

So that's probably why.

Cuz Reddit is full of Democrat/Liberals, and anything anti-trump gets up voted and pro-trump gets Downvoted. Just go to the Politics sub, you will see how bad it is.

If you have a play around with https://trevor.shinyapps.io/subalgebra/ (which measures user crossover in terms of the ratio of people who posted in subreddit A and subreddit B, vs subreddit A and subreddit C, etc) you'll see that /r/conspiracy has a higher degree of user crossover with right leaning subs like r/T_D and r/uncensorednews (lol rip) than left leaning subs like r/politics.

To be fair 76% is the amount of Democrats + Independents in polls.

Because of the Two month policy and submission statements has weeded out the bots. Which is nice

I won't gloat and say 'see! Told you so!'

Instead I applaud you for changing your mind and being honest about it.

My next question is, what can we now do together To ensure he isn't reelected?

I won't gloat and say 'see! Told you so!'

I will, and did. I fucking told you dumb fuckers the whole time.

Exactly. Trump supporters having an epiphany a few months after election have my respect if you got tricked and realized it quickly I can somewhat respect you. But just realizing it? No fuck you. You don't earn my respect that way you CAN earn it. By acting on your epiphany don't vote on the next Republican and say he's not Trump. No you didn't learn your fucking lesson. So the people just NOW realizing need to earn the respect. They don't just get it.

It's like the fire is out, the corpses gathered, and the building about to be demolished, and someone in the wreckage saying "Hey I think there might be a fire!"

Like... dude, way too fucking late to be useful.

Except that Trump isn't forever and if these people's minds can be changed then the next election could be far different than the last one. It's better to change people's minds than just demonize them. Especially if you'll need them on your side come next election. This us vs Them mentality is the problem. Be ok with people making mistakes, even huge ones. It's better and more effective for progress to changes minds than hold grudges.

I'm okay with welcoming people back to the fold.

But the damage will take more than an election cycle to fix, and the US is never going to regain its former status in the international community.

I don't disagree with you entirely. I think it'll take a LONG time to recover from Trump on the international stage. I wouldn't say "never" because that is asserting an "absolute" that we can't possibly know. It's possible you're right but we just don't know yet.

That aside it is better to help people who, are willing to change their minds so that things can hopefully improve in the long-term, even if that is after we are gone.

I'm pretty sure that as soon as we have a president who denounces pretty much everything Trump has ever done, the international community will accept us again pretty fast.

We have lost our leverage. Other countries, Germany, Canada, and China particularly, are stepping up and taking some of the roles we used to play in the world. I doubt they will be quick to relinquish their knew influence.

As what? A haven of faggotry?

Oh you wound me

If you're only just now realizing Trump might be full of shit, the best thing you can do is realize that maybe you're just too plain stupid for the political process and abstain from voting ever again.

That, or do something more productive like asking for advice on who to vote to his friend that always called him an imbecile for falling for this obvious bulshit, and following the advice no matter how much you desagree

That's what worries me. These people are still susceptible to this kind of bullshit.

I realized it as soon as the Missiles struck Syria.

If you're an advocate of any "candidate" or side in the two party system you really aren't conspiracy guy. Just another lost sheep imaging they're suddenly "woke."

You need to earn the respect of those who actually understand what this world is. Who took the plunge down this Rabbit hole years ago. You're arguing over the illusion of choice your masters have given you. Has anyone on the Left or Right stepped up and talked about dismantling the Federal Reserve and the CIA? None of your "candidates" has taken a run at their money Masters and handlers. They have been at the helm a very long time and the last powerful man to cross them lost his head in Dallas.

Oh fucking stop it. Sitting on your thumb and saying "BOTH SIDES ARE BAD!" gets us nowhere. The right wing is objectively far worse than the left in America. Fight against the GOP's oppression. Don't tell the people going after them they aren't conspiracy theorists.

You literally don't know shit about how the world actually works. I feel badly for you. Holding the hand that holds you down

You don't know anything about what I know, and you're terribly absolutist and presumptuous. Tell me more about myself. I'm all ears.

Ignorance is bliss homie

Not for me. For me, knowledge is bliss and ignorance is complacency, and as I've said many times, complacency makes me uncomfortable.

You keep throwing out these claims without substantiating anything. It's pathetic. Go back to /r/iamverysmart

Haha. I'm laughing AT you. Anyone arguing for either side of the two party system has zero understanding of who TPTB are. No understanding of the REAL history of this corporation registered with The Bank of England masquerading as a "free country" You're like a guy running around unaware that he needs glasses because his master hasn't shown him how vivid the world can be when he puts a pair on. Do you know why you have a SSN Mr. Knowledge? Learn something. Dig deeper little guy. You're swimming in the deep end without your water wings and you're drowning. It's evident because you literally have no idea what I'm talking about. If you did you would need me to substantiate my claims. Run along little boy. Big brother has a nice flu shot for you.

So, yet again, you assume I know nothing, can't refute anything, can't substantiate anything, and then told me to get a flu shot.

You've built a very cohesive argument, I must say.

Go back to Little League where they argue politics as if they mean something. Blind leading the blind. You've literally said nothing of relevance.

"Politics don't mean anything" -PM_me-ur-nflpicks

A bastion of knowledge, this one.

We still haven't debated our views yet, but you're totally convinced I'm wrong in every way and that you're smarter than me and more informed on every conceivable topic of this subject matter. You said you're laughing at me, well, it must be because of how big of a joke this all is.

You don't have eyes to see or ears to hear. It's like arguing with a young child. Maybe someday you'll figure some of this out. In the meantime stay locked into your favorite media outlet. Good luck in the next "election" Stay woke lil guy.

I see where you're coming from. I really do. But GOP propaganda is convincing as hell, and it's easy to be a right winger mentally. Less critical thinking and less work put in to find the truth, if any effort at all. I don't blame trump voters. They were duped. A lot of america is. But trump supporters? Vile scum. Indefensible morally bankrupt human beings. Insurmountably ignorant wastes of politically inclined individuals.

Shut the hell up. The Jewstream media still attacks him.. it's pretty easy to assume that he was on the side of the people when in reality..


You do realize this is one post from one person right? One guys opinion doesn’t mean everyone agrees, and just because you agree doesn’t make you or him right.

What point are you trying to make here?

/r/conspiracy was full on T_D for like a year and a half. If you don't want to admit it, fine, but those of us with a functioning memory are speaking so please stop interrupting.

98% of the people in this thread came here from being linked in an anti trump sub.

Stay delusional.

Dude what are you talking about? I seriously can't connect your dots.

So I must not have told /r/conspiracy the whole time because some people came here from a thread in an anti-trump sub?

My account is 6 years old and my "karma by subreddits" list is so long it extends the page several times beyond the normal page length. If it's hard for you to believe that I posted in /r/conspiracy before today... well, honestly, I don't even know what. That just doesn't make sense.

You’re circle jerking in a thread with a brigade, not with r/conspiracy members.

Oh that really dismantles all the points I've been making that were based on how many upvotes I was getting.

You have made zero coherent points.


Case and point.

What exactly do you expect someone to say to that? You have the debate tactics of a toddler. I don't have to engage with you on your ridiculous terms.



Also it's "case in point," you idiot. Not "case and point."

/r/conspiracy was full on T_D for like a year and a half.

actually, the entirely of reddit was full on T_D for a year and a half until reddit's thought police changed it.

No, most of reddit has hated T_D since the start. T_D and its group are an extremely loud minority.

fucking aye. it was so obvious, absurdly obvious, you fell for that shit, you're a fucking dumbass. end of story.

Don't gloat there, I say, "told you so!"

what can we now do together To ensure he isn't reelected?

Nuke Russia?

We should've done that decades ago

Well I said it more sarcastically but to ignore Russian interference and Trumps ties to Russia is just ignorant. You'd think this site out of all would see the correlations but its like they just don't want to. Or they're all Russian bots and this site is controlled by them.

If so- hello comrades- I am friend. I love borscht and babushkas. Don't Downvote me to oblivion.

The push to register and get people to the polls from the inner city needs to be huge. If the african american and other minorities made it to the polls in large numbers, in additions to the other people that are motivated to vote, it would be game over IMO.

what can we now do together To ensure he isn't reelected?

Dude, we don't elect our presidents in the first place. The key is to stop voting. Stop consenting to this fraudulent system.

I'm genuinely curious. Whether the system is fraudulent or not, how does NOT voting actually help?

By not voting, you are actively taking part in de-legitimizing this system. By voting, you are giving your consent to take part in a system where we don't even have a real choice anyway. The people we are given to choose from in our elections are all from the same families, bloodlines, Ivy League schools, secret societies, etc. Two wings on the same bird. The ONLY way to truly make change in this world, is for the individual to change ones self through your thoughts and conscious actions, which includes who you give your money to.

Hegelian Dialectic

Hegelian Dialectic 2

Find someone besides a pro-corporate Democrat to run against him?

With how much people hate socialism without even knowing what it is? Hell no.

You don't have to be a socialist to be against corporate corruption.

Easy answer is to make sure the DNC doesn't run another corrupt person like Hillary. We need decades of verifiable video evidence that proves the candidate is a humanist working for Americans.

Wow, my most upvotes ever- thanks to those who get where I'm coming from.

Yeah I'm going against my instinct to gloat and make the op feel like crap for making a horrible decision, but that doesn't help anyone at this point. Dems who voted for Hillary instead of Bernie are just as much to blame in my personal opinion. Realistically we just need to stop picking 'teams' and go after the larger problem which is the system that enables psychopaths and corporate government. At this point in the game we need as many people to wake against trump as we can. Yeah it's late, and yeah he never should've voted trump, but I'll take a defector over a diehard, pride-blind supporter. This is a good sign, and I hope more can realize their mistake and learn from it.

The fuck are americans going to do? Elect another tool for the deep state to shove their hand up and puppeteer?

I'm a bot, bleep, bloop. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit:

&nbsp;If you follow any of the above links, please respect the rules of reddit and don't vote in the other threads. (Info / Contact)

Shareblue shill

Ah yes, FINALLY the coherent counter-argument I’ve been looking for. As my post history obviously suggests I’m a shill.

Seriously, the form of your argument is basically just beating off in front of people.

Beating off in front of people would probably be a more coherent argument than his current one.

Your leaving out the fact that several EX CIA people are running in democrat elections

They are no better.

Right, but that isn’t relevant to this. I didnt expect the status quo when i supported donald. I didn’t expect “they are so we can too”. I expected better. I expected different. I held Donald to a higher standard

You should never hold any politician to a higher standard.

My point exactly... I, and many other Trump supporter, have (hopefully, at this point) learned that the hard way

It's a who is worse type scenerio, and will always be...can you imagine if it would have been Hillary though...

You think it's bad now..

If Hillary had been president we would have had 4 years of GOP obstructionism and endless investigations into decades old conspiracy theories. Hillary wouldn't have been capable of getting a damn thing done as long as the GOP controlled one of the houses. It would have been a boring fucking presidency, pretty much just a continuation of Obama's presidency.

It would have been the complete opposite of the shitshow we've had the past year and anyone who can't see that is in some deep denial. She would have been a shitty president and nothing worthwhile would have happened for four years. That is still far better than four years of chaos that will likely cause permanent damage to government institutions and in the public's trust in the democratic system.

How? Trump's presidency is a fucking suitable, I can't see how it could be worse! Could we be more internationally embarrassed?

Maybe read this. Then tell me again about how younwould clean the mess up easily. Start with this post. Then read as much as possible about Bill Browder/FusionGPS/HSBC/etc...

  • this is part of the rrason this race is so close.

HSBC Shuts Russia’s Hermitage as Browder Sued in London

Henry Meyer and Jason Corcoran HSBC Holdings Plc is closing Hermitage Capital Management Ltd.’s flagship Russia fund just as its co-founder, William Browder, is being sued for libel in London and tried in absentia for tax evasion in Moscow.

“It was too small to continue as a viable concern,” Browder, 48, said by phone yesterday from London, where he’s based. Browder said the closing is “completely” in the hands of HSBC, which is the trustee and manager of the fund.

The Hermitage Fund, which Browder started in 1996 with the late billionaire Edmond Safra, was the largest foreign owner of Russian shares when it peaked at more than $4 billion in 2005, according to Browder. Russia that year barred Browder from the country without explanation, triggering years of legal conflict, including over the 2009 death of Hermitage adviser Sergei Magnitsky while he was in pretrial detention in Moscow.

“HSBC has decided to jettison him because Browder is considered radioactive in Russia,” Eric Kraus, a fixed-income manager at Rolnes Ltd. in Moscow, which oversees about $150 million, said in e-mailed comments. “He had one great competitive advance: he knew how to trade Russia like a Russian during the Yeltsin years -- a time when it was one of the world’s least transparent markets.”

Magnitsky’s Death

The decision to shutter the fund has angered at least one investor, Tim Enneking of Altima Asset Management in Moscow, who said HSBC units provoked the closing by freezing the fund in August to assess how much money to set aside for Hermitage’s legal battles. A former Russian investigator, Pavel Karpov, filed a libel suit against Browder and Hermitage Capital in the U.K. over allegations Karpov was involved in Magnitsky’s death.

In January, after redemption requests reached 65 percent of the frozen fund’s $45.6 million value, HSBC and Browder agreed to wind up the fund, Enneking said, citing a Jan. 24 letter from HSBC, which he provided to Bloomberg.

Enneking said HSBC vowed to update investors on the status of their assets by Feb. 28 and he’s still waiting for answers. Hermitage has achieved an annualized return of more than 17 percent since its inception in 1996, according to a performance factsheet issued in June. The fund has invested in companies such as OAO Gazprom, Russia’s gas monopoly, OAO Lukoil, the second-biggest oil producer and Evraz Group SA, the steelmaker part-owned by billionaire Roman Abramovich.

Browder continues to invest through his global emerging markets fund, set up after he was exiled from Russia. He declined to say how much assets it had under management.

Sberbank, VTB

HSBC, Europe’s largest bank by market value, won’t comment on the fund’s closing, said Julia Molchanova, a spokeswoman for the bank in Moscow. Browder declined to comment on the libel case against him, citing his lawyers’ advice.

HSBC is one of 23 foreign and domestic banks Russia chose in 2010 to advise the government on its 1 trillion-ruble ($32 billion) privatization program. Since then, HSBC and other foreign lenders including Barclays Plc and Banco Santander SA have abandoned consumer banking in Russia as state-run OAO Sberbank and VTB Group gained market share.

The British lender is now focusing its Russian operations on debt sales, loan financing and export credits, Mark Stadler, HSBC’s country chief, said in an interview in October.

Browder, a U.S. native and British citizen, has been battling the Russian government with a campaign for legislation in the U.S., Europe and Canada to punish 60 Russian officials he says are responsible for Magnitsky’s death.

Diplomatic Row

Magnitsky, who died at 37, was arrested on tax-evasion charges after he and Browder accused Russian officials of using Hermitage documents to swindle $230 million from the national treasury, a charge the government denies. The case sparked a diplomatic row, with the U.S. imposing sanctions on the Russian officials and Russia retaliating by barring American citizens from adopting Russian orphans.

On March 22, a Moscow court put Browder and the deceased Magnitsky on trial, represented by court-appointed attorneys. They are accused of evading 522 million rubles of taxes. Browder has denied any wrongdoing by either him or Magnitsky, saying March 19 that Russia is “officially defending Magnitsky’s torturers and killers.”

‘Perfectly Legal’

The Interior Ministry this month opened a case against Browder for another alleged crime -- buying shares of state-run Gazprom before restrictions on foreign ownership of the world’s largest gas producer were lifted. Browder and “structures” he created caused at least 3 billion rubles of damage to the state by buying local Gazprom shares and seeking to influence the company in 1999 to 2004, the Interior Ministry said.

Browder said buying Gazprom shares through “derivative structures” was “perfectly legal” during that time.

Hermitage’s relationship with HSBC continues to cause headaches for the U.K. lender, according to Browder. Russian investigators are threatening to seize documents from HSBC’s Moscow offices unless HSBC hands over financial and other information about Hermitage dating back to 1996, Browder said in an e-mailed statement Feb. 15.

Andrei Pilipchuk, a spokesman for the Interior Ministry, declined to comment.

The President's National Medal of Science: Recipient Details

Felix E Browder Title:

University Professor Affiliation: Rutgers University Piscataway, New Jersey USA Gender: Male Award Discipline: Mathematics and Computer Science Award Year: 1999 Citation: "For his pioneering work in nonlinear functional analysis and its applications to partial differential equations, and for leadership in the scientific community." Presented by President William Clinton in a White House (East Room) ceremony on Tuesday, March 14, 2000.

William Felix Browder (born 23 April 1964)[1] is an American-born British financier. He is the CEO and co-founder of Hermitage Capital Management, an investment fund that at one time was the largest foreign portfolio investor in Russia.[2] He gave up his U.S. citizenship in 1998 to avoid paying taxes related to foreign investment.[3] After having business in Russia for 10 years, Browder was refused entry to Russia in 2005 as a threat to national security

As a child, Felix Browder moved with his family to the United States, where his father Earl Browder for a time was head of the American Communist Party. The father ran for US president in 1936 and 1940.[2] A 1999 book by Alexander Vassiliev, published after the fall of the Soviet Union, said that Earl Browder was recruited in the 1940s as a spy for the Soviet Union

Outrageous HSBC Settlement Proves the Drug War Is a Joke If you're suspected of drug involvement, America takes your house; HSBC admits to laundering cartel billions, loses five weeks' income and execs have to partially defer bonuses

i can never vote for democrats as long as i hold any standard.


who the fuck is the president? hillary clinton? wake the fuck up!

And the CIA chief was made Secretary of State.

I supported Trump BECAUSE he seemed like he would be much worse at hiding things, and would cause the government to collapse under the weight of its own internal contradictions.

Nihilism isn't even a fucking ethos.

Why not? It is during times of political decay, as Francis Fukuyama points out https://www.foreignaffairs.com/articles/united-states/2014-08-18/america-decay

The opportunity of tearing everything down is the chance to build a modern world from the ashes, and is how global humanity usually reacts to the introduction of world changing technology like the Internet.

New radically different communication techniques and radically different means of transportation require radically different forms of government.

This is similar to how printing press helped create nation states in Europe in the 18th century. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nation_state#History_and_origins

As a result, readers speaking various local dialects became able to understand each other, and a common discourse emerged. Anderson argued that the first European nation-states were thus formed around their "national print-languages."


Which is something the Chinese government has been doing purposely with things such as the cultural revolution, forcing tibetans to learn mandarin, simplified Chinese, etc.

Think about what that means with the internet being a major global shift in the way humans communicate including politically. We are seeing a radical global nationalism emerge rapidly emerge.

Times are gonna be tumultuous.

New energy sources (e.g. Petroleum) can also trigger massive change but we haven't really gotten started on the full impact of that yet.

I was referencing The Big Lebowski, in that nihilism is a poor substitute for ethos.

That said, if you want to blow up the world, then I understand. But remember all the other times we've blown shit up in the last 100 years. Which of those instances have contributed to the current peaceful progress?

All of them. Without WW2 the world would be Nazi.

That may have been the case in the past, but look at how many governments have toppled in the last 50 years without massively violent revolution. Indeed, the necessity of destruction can be seen as belonging to an outmoded age, and the rise of global nationalism you noted can be seen as clinging to that age, rather than embracing the globalist bent of modernity.

Iraq, Syria, Yemen, Ukraine, Libya, Philippines, Mexico, Afghanistan etc etc eh?

These are all anachronistic countries.

The concept of nation states is anachronistic in the age of the internet

Interesting idea. Have you read Neil Stephenson's "Snow Crash"? Written in 1991, its premise is that cryptocurrency well topple all world governments. Wild at the time, currently pretty plausible.

The thing is that finance and governance are one of the easiest areas to automate. The coming automation revolution is going to destroy jobs from the top down.

Pompeo is far less concerning than the appointment of Gina Haspel.

Pompeo is the absolute Trump yes-man

This is how I think it went down. Trump ran for president hoping and expecting to lose because he’s a fake billionaire who owes a fuck load of money and the $millions in non-refundable campaign donations would’ve have dug him out of a hole and also put him on tv as a paid talking head every election season for the rest of his life.

At some point before this he takes his trip to Russia and gets filmed fucking prostitutes among other disgusting acts and this footage falls into the hands of Putin and the Russia intelligence services. The Russian’s instigate a massive online troll and bot campaign to make sure that Trump gets elected. They have their boy who they have incriminating evidence of exactly where they want him.

Meanwhile, Trump, a man from corporate construction circles uses racism and bigotry to convince those of low intelligence that we need to spend $billions of tax payer money building walls, Trump’s construction pals get the contracts for the work, the Republicans invest their money into whatever businesses will benefit from this useless wall building task, which explains why they will defend Trump to the end, their money is tied up in his fate.

This guy and his entire presidency has been a lie and a sham.

lol im surprised you're upvoted for such a dumb conspiracy. that msm propaganda has visibly taken a toll on you. my condolences.

We’re past the point of giving a fuck what you programmed automatons think. We’ve tried to reason with you and you’re not listening. No one disagrees politicians in this country are corrupt as fuck. But you thinking Donald Trump is the answer to that is equal parts hilarious and pathetic. You think what you think, I’ll think what I think and when the day comes we’ll see you in the streets and you racist bigots will get your fucking heads caved in.

Trump ran for president hoping and expecting to lose because he’s a fake billionaire who owes a fuck load of money and the $millions in non-refundable campaign donations would’ve have dug him out of a hole and also put him on tv as a paid talking head every election season for the rest of his life.

Tons of people do this. Did anyone ever think Mike Huckabee had a shot at being elected? He runs to sell books.

At some point before this he takes his trip to Russia and gets filmed fucking

And now we are off in complete speculation and rumor.

This guy and his entire presidency has been a lie and a sham.

As an Obama primary volunteer, I said the exact same thing in about 2010.

“Tons of people do this”.

And. So. Fucking. What.

Your whataboutism is pathetic. You people do it all the time and it’s so tedious. Yes other people do it. Does that make it any less disgusting and lacking in integrity? No it doesn’t. It just means there are other corrupt shitheels out there. We know this already. Come back when you have something that isn’t ‘but what about other people doing shady things!”. Your comment is just another version of “but what about Hillary’s emails.”


And. So. Fucking. What.

Right. We shouldn't care when anyone does it.

Your whataboutism is pathetic.

You don't understand this term...

You people do it all the time and it’s so tedious.

You are just imagining a boogie-man everywhere.

Also, you’re apparently pulling me up for speculation when I clearly state at the beginning “This is how I THINK it went down”.

It would have been more accurate to say that's how you IMAGINE it went down based solely on the fairy-tales you read in partisan media.

What facts justify your claims or even your speculation?

But we’re not talking about anyone else, we’re talking about Donald Trump. This is what you people do every time. Someone says something about Trump and you bring up someone or something else. The fact that you don’t see the issue is ridiculous. Judging by your post and comment history I’m gonna guess you’re pretty young and not very intelligent, so you’re wasting my time.

It’s not imaging a boogie-man to say every conversation I get into with you Trump morons ends up the same way when you go ahead and prove me right within one response and trying to pick apart how I wrote a sentence of speculation by saying o should have said “imagine” instead of “think” is so laughably weak you should be fucking embarrassed for yourself.

I mean really, you seriously and with no amount of irony questioned whether women have been treated worse than men throughout history? You’re a joke. Stop wasting my time.

Do you have anything to share beyond empty speculation and childish tantrums?

Childish tantrums? Calling you out on your I’ll advised posts and comments that make you look like an idiot is having a childish tantrum? Ok 👍

You need to stop. You aren’t going to win this. You’re only making yourself look more hilariously pathetic. I guarantee anyone reading this is going to think you’re as dumb as a can of spam.

Don't get yourself all worked up.

Oh trust I’m really not. People like you aren’t worth the effort.

I don’t understand the term “whataboutism”??? Hahahahaha you utter utter fool.

Right. You don't. Look it up and you will see that the term is much more specific than the way you are using it.

Wait, what? More specific than me mentioning Trump and you saying “but what about (insert someone else here).

Hahahahaha you should be fucking embarrassed at how stupid you’re making yourself look 😂😂😂

Wait, what? More specific than me mentioning Trump and you saying “but what about (insert someone else here).

Right. It doesn't apply to every counterexample. You acted as if Trump was unusual for his finance and promo motivated run. That is a perfectly normal thing to do in the political world. The example of Mike Huckabee is germane to the topic, which is why it isn't whataboutism.

Do your homework.


Bye bye dummy

Trump is controlled opposition. He was never going to drain the swamp.

As far as I'm concerned Presidents aren't elected they're selected. Trump to me is a showman. And I honestly don't like the idea that they've selected a showman, because who knows what they have in store if they require such a character on the ready.

What's the difference between "elected" and "selected", Alice's Restaurant notwithstanding.

selected = predetermined. Not familiar with the reference.

I just didn't see what in their post referred to selection.

Here's the reference, a Thanksgiving classic on the East coast:

"And we was fined fifty dollars and had to pick up the garbage in the snow, but that's not what I came to tell you about.

Came to talk about the draft.

They got a building down in New York City, it's called Whitehall Street, where you walk in, you get injected, inspected, detected, infected, neglected and selected. I went down to get my physical examination one day, and I walked in, I sat down, got good and drunk the night before, so I looked and felt my best when I went in that morning. 'Cause I wanted to look like the all-American kid from New York City, man I wanted, I wanted to feel like the all-, I wanted to be the all American kid from New York, and I walked in, sat down, I was hung down, brung down, hung up, and all kinds o' mean nasty ugly things. And I waked in and sat down and they gave me a piece of paper, said, "Kid, see the psychiatrist, room 604."

And I went up there, I said, "Shrink, I want to kill. I mean, I wanna, I wanna kill. Kill. I wanna, I wanna see, I wanna see blood and gore and guts and veins in my teeth. Eat dead burnt bodies. I mean kill, kill, kill, kill." And I started jumpin' up and down yelling, "Kill! Kill!" and he started jumpin' up and down with me and we was both jumping up and down yelling, "Kill! Kill!" And the Sargent came over, pinned a medal on me, sent me down the hall, said, "You're our boy."

2016: "Hey /r/conspiracy this Trump guy is not what you think he is." - Mass downvotes

2018: "Hey /r/conspiracy this one item of proof atop the mountain of other proofs finally convinced me Trump wasn't what we thought he was!"

Maybe if y'all could be swayed by reason and logic rather than breathless bullshit you could have seen this coming.

someone's still salty.

I live in Canada and if anything Trump's bullshit has just given us a stronger position in the international community. Thing is I don't actually wish ill on Americans so this Trump nonsense pisses me off.

Your country is sliding down this hill much faster than ours my friend.

Uh, what? Canada is doing fine. Seriously I'm unsure what you're even talking about.

His talking points make more sense in their original Russian.


If you think immigration problems and restricted free speech is "fine" then you're right; you're losing your identity faster than we're losing our minds. We might not be the most moral country but Canada is being sucked into a liberal black hole, enjoy the ride. :)

Those are manufactured outrages. That stuff doesn't actually reflect reality.

given us a stronger position in the international community

Yea? How'd that India trip go?

Yeah you're not going to come up with some gem that suddenly makes me think "Oh shit Canada isn't doing well!"

US threw a tantrum and told its allies to piss off. Canada is making deals with those the US seems to feel it's okay to disrespect.

You didn't want those deals, so we're making them.

it most likely has, but other than his ability to be a giant blowhard is unmatched. his policies so far have been blown out of proportion by the media. There are a lot of things he has done that have been good for this country and I agree with. So take the left wing media and the right wing media and go down the center and that's about where he's at since both sides either sing his praises as the next jesus or that he's hitler's second coming.

Someone thinks they can put food on the table with "liberal tears."

Maybe if y'all could be swayed by reason and logic rather than breathless bullshit you could have seen this coming.

This wouldn't be much of a sub then, would it?

Yes it would? This place is about trying to discuss and solve conspiracies, that requires logic

There's a difference between good conspiracies and nonsensical bullshit

Removed. Rule 10.

Healthy communities usually welcome feedback.

Sure. Insults? Not so much.

But I didn't insult anyone...

You insulted the sub and its userbase.

I'm confident it won't happen again.

I loved this sub before trump. I never believed in any of the conspiracy theories but it was a lot of fun to read. It was ruined when he happened.

I enjoyed reading the batshit insane theories too.

It's no secret that the Russian troll farm targeted /r/conspiracy.

Honestly, in hindsight, it was kind of cool to witness a new kind of geopolitical invasion strategy take place.

Most of them will never admit they even supported Trump once this is all over.

It'll be more like "I listened to what he said but I never really supported him"

"Well sure, I voted for him. But SOMEONE had to stick it to those Dems."

"Honestly, I didn't say it at the time but I was glad when he resigned in 2019."

It won’t happen for that long still?

I mean they got away with rigging their primary. Fuck it all tbh

Exhibit A: using words like "rigged" that the Russians push. How was it rigged? Because Donna Brazile gave Clinton a single debate question? Because internal emails showed the DNC liked Clinton better? How does any of that change the fact that most Democratic primary voters picked Clinton?

This shit right here along with the Trump fucktards is what people hate... like I said... fuck it all

That's your answer to the question? So you're going to make fun of Trump "fucktards" but refuse to admit you were influenced as well?

This is one of the most truthful and sad things I have heard on here lately.

The disconnect from the real world is insane, I've met some of these people in real life. At a party one like a contrarian for 20min or so when someone got mad and started to throw him out for being annoying and refusing to stop acting like a child(he's 31 btw).

He got genuinely upset, because in his mind he was "only trolling", he literally didn't realize that if you repeatedly antagonize people in real life, there might be consequences.

I miss seeing articles about aliens and blacksites in Arizona. The golden timez

You know this is user submitted content right? post something about aliens dude..

In the end it’s gonna get buried by maga shit or pizza parlors

There's a submit but over there.

They targeted r/conspiracy with their bullshit and trump/government felating specifically to deflect any negative attention to them from the conspiracy community. If they get the right-wingers on the side of the administration/government they act as a foil to any conspiracy-related stories to down vote them down, and avoiding any negative press. Not that trump is capable of destroying everything all on his own but they still cheer on each time another admin member is fired with a "take that traitor" or "draining the swamp. The very people their fake leader hired and then fired for incompetence (he hires the best people, the best).

This has to be bait


Russian bots? Talk about detached from reality. Is everyone who disagrees with neoliberal faggotry a Russian bot?

Oh I see. You're one of those people.

You'll note I never said Russian bots.

I wasn’t replying to you.

Yes... yes you were in fact replying to me.

Are you okay buddy?

I don’t use Reddit often. The mobile app is a fucking nightmare. Anyhow, you were implying that the majority of trumps support seen on reddit isn’t being perpetuated by actual supporters of his. If that’s the case, do yourself a favor, and stay home in 2020. He can’t actually win, right?

Never implied that. The majority are real American Trump supporters. But a large number of them aren't (or rather, weren't, you don't see them anymore now that their job is done).

But yeah, he can absolutely win in 2020. There is no phoning it in anymore like Hillary did. Hard lesson learned.

But I strongly, strongly believe he will step down before the next election.

A good number probly. Either Russian bots or just fucking idiots.

The absolute state of plebbit.

Probably Russian bots. Don’t bother voting next election cycle. The support you see for Trump online, is being perpetuated by bot scripts coded personally by Vladimir Putin himself. Trump wouldn’t actually win in an election, right?

trump doesn't need help from Russia sucking, he does really well at that on his own.

You can tell your grandkids "I was there."

As if anyone would be telling theirs grandkids they were an idiotic tool, This will be something that everyone will try to hide, till one day their grandkids discover your account, and you literally die of shame

As if any of us will have grandchildren

Right? An actual conspiracy is why are so many of us (well hard to say us I'm speaking from my point of view) not continuing blood-lines?


I think you should worry more about the US trollfarms in this case.

Any evidence of US troll farms?

Don't you mean "leftist, libtard, cucks which can't meme?" /s

I agree with you.

Not just demons, but (I know there's some legitimacy here) pedophiles, deep state satanists, and more. It took attention away from those actually dividing this country and opressing us.

The new Satanic Panic. Fucking ridiculous. It was so obviously a right wing tool, it's amazing how only democrats and those that didn't fall in line with Trump were a part of it.

Listening to my grandma swear HRC was a literal baby eating demon wasn't even the worst part of her tangent, it was the slaves never had it that bad part that lost me.

Got here right before Trump. Like not too long before. I miss the sweet simplicity of non-US political conspiracies.

More like the election itself

It was ruined by /pol and all the other pieces of shit from the "alt right." Every dip shit that believed an anon because it fit their narrative, every asshole that just wants discourse. The massive joke that this place has become is because of an outside force and it was intentional.

I unsubscribed because it literally became fuckin pizzagate and other stories that the rep's wanted to jizz on

Me too. I still love revelling in the conspiratorial stories and such, it's fun and it's neat to connect the dots and join the ride. But yeah, Trump killed this sub. I hope the spirit of it will come back now.

Yeah. Pre-Trump this sub was still completely crazy, but at least it was entertaining to read real out there crazy conspiracy theories.

And then it got taken over by the T_D, and real conspiracies were buried by the nonsensical crap the T_D brigade posted.

You...never believed any of the conspiracy theories? How much time did you spend here?


Here's some light reading material for you

I spent a lot of time here, and most of the evidence was crazy or didn't fit the whole picture, only countered specific points. Similar to what flat earthers do.

I don't think that's what they meant, they mentioned the crazy ones. And that list isn't just theories -- I mean, the Dreyfus Affair? The lid got blown off that one in 1906, does that really still count?

Just go to conspiracy2

Yeah, I used to like to browse here for news I would miss elsewhere or actual interesting discussion. Now I come and have to explain to people what facts how to use critical thinking and judgement.

How is it a conspiracy that a politician's lying to you? They all lie.

I'm not sure I follow you here.

But how will people know i’m edgy!

I think what killed this sub for me was when it turned ultra-political and the whole "Lizard people" stuff took root.

Since 2015, conspiracies in this sub have gone from intellectual considerations (natural phenomena, etc), to the more outlandish nonsense like flat Earth, underground creatures, globalist cabals, and other bullshit.

It's literally like sitting in a room with someone suffering from schizophrenia and they are telling you that you're crazy for not being schizo.

Maybe if y'all could be swayed by reason and logic

Everyone knows those are the tools of shills

Who is this “we” you are talking about ? You are not and have never been a trump supporter. Nice try there bub...

You were sold the exact same thing I was, whether you choose to see it or not is exactly that- your choice

How much does SB pay ?

Enough to keep the lights on, want an application?

Yes, link?

Pathetic. Have some self-respect.

How's reaping all that karma going fella?

Oh no, shills are downvoting him! What will he do without precious karma!

Downvotes? Must be shills! Context? Irrelevant!

Its shills and retards. That's literally it. Only you know which category you belong in.

I for one, have never claimed that the people who's ideas I oppose are retarded. But I'm paying for this Wi-Fi w/ money that closet homosexual George Soros put into my G-string so I suppose i do know which category im in.

I'm gonna hazard a guess based on this reply that you are in the latter.

Removed. Rule 10.

Removed. Rule 10.

Sold what? If I had to vote for Trump over Hillary again, I would do it a million times over. Nothing you or anyone has said can change that. I suggest you get the fuck over it and quit whining, you fools aren't convincing anyone.

As a Trump supporter I have pledged my unyielding fealty. GEOTUS can do no wrong. Every move is 213D underwater chess. Anyone who criticized Trump is a shill or a bot. No True Supporter could ever believe any of this FAKE NEWS.

Am I doing it right?

independents are libertarians are berniebros are trump supporters are literal nazis, didn't you hear?

Fuck Trump and fuck anyone still riding his dick.


I don’t know, Pompeo is pretty based if you’ve ever listened to him...

So based he is the single largest recipient of Koch brothers money

Good riddance to Tillerson. I like Pompeo. If Ryan and McConnell (and Sessions!) weren’t such cucks, the MAGA agenda would be so much farther along by now. Trump is dancing with snakes out of necessity at this time.

I will say though that his throwing Roy Moore under the bus was a disappointment.

If Javanka are in their way out, that’s a good thing.

Ok, comrade.

Wow, I got mass downvoted in conspiracy. Ha ha ha.

i love it when the shilling is so blatant

I'm properly proud of you for admitting you've been duped. I haven't seen that many Trumpers who do.

No problem here. Need a spy organization last I heard. Army, Navy, Air Force, and Marine Corp also. Need a leader to kill our enemies. This sub seems to have been taken over by Snow Flakes...

Do we need a spy agency to commit mass surveillance on its own citizens for no reason? Do we need a spy agency to take action on its own citizens and the citizens of other nations abroad illegally? Do we need a spy agency to detain political prisoners without due process? If so, should we entrust these powers to a spy agency that created the drug epidemic in minority communities and tested countless other drugs and methods of torture/control on the citizens it was supposed to be protecting?

Surveillance is on Bush and Obama. Drug Epidemic induced by CIA? IDK...

The surveillance is done by the CIA, regardless of who ordered it. Come on man, the CIA pushed coke and crack into the US at a back breaking speed in the 1980’s... look up Contra trafficking, they made a mainstream movie about it for gods sake

Contra trafficking

From Wikipedia: A number of writers have alleged that the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) was involved in cocaine trafficking during the 1980s. These claims have led to investigations by the United States government, including hearings and reports by the United States House of Representatives, Senate, Department of Justice, and the CIA's Office of the Inspector General. The subject remains controversial.

My main concern is spying on citizens and weaponizing the CIA to thwart the political parties. CIA is not perfect. It's how we live in a wicked world...

Haha you just realized he is a liar? Rich guy claims to be working man's friend is the oldest trick in politics

He's the poor man's idea of a rich man and he's a rich man's tool to control the poor man.

Well said


Hey atleast he followed through on his campaign promises...for what good that did...

Who Jackson or trump? Not that this was a good thing either way

I was going for Jackson therr

hahahahahaha pet banks hahahahahaha

Removed. Rule 6.

Same shit's happening in the IL governors race. I thought Duckworth and Durbin were both great senators, then along comes their nods to JB Pritzker billionaire extraordinaire.

So are we going pretend it's just Trump? Like NSA didn't get caught under Obama among many other lies. Do you really think Hillary would be better? If any of you had a brain cell you would be anti-establishment, not anti-Trump. Whoever you get next is going to do the same thing.

cough Reagan cough war on drugs cough

He's not rich.

Wow, right? It didn't have to be any more complicated than that. Which yet again seems clear now, Bernie had a chance. It wa s a populist election and the Dem's didn't get it until afterward.

Shill thread.

come at me harder.

Such an obvious shill thread. Its hilarious that they feel the need to brigade and shill on a conspiracy forum. How fucking desperate.

I saw someone with a username with the word "gaslighting" and they were actually gaslighting someone.

Crazy times.

I definitely believe it. These people are complete degenerates, and if civilization ever fails, I fully believe it will be because of people like them.

The account is a left larping like a regretful trump supporter and only upvoted so high because of TMoR

Exactly. I hope everyone can see that, I know it was obvious to me.

Accusations with no evidence. Ah, that's the old /r/conspiracy we know and love.

I don't know why people always seem to forget that they voted for the lesser of two evils and that the person they've elected may only be marginally better at best and may do no better than the one they didn't want elected.

It was a damned if you do, damned if don't, election, as I recall it. Two of the most unpopular contenders in the entire history of the country in what can only be called one of most absurd and bizarre presidential contests in the history of the country.

I'm sure that plenty of people had to hold their nose when they voted for Trump but they weren't about to see Clinton walk away with the presidency considering her long list of lies, deceits, multiple violations of the law and outright vote-rigging to secure the nomination for herself.

Trump wasn't without past issues of his own either, but those were by no means as bad and didn't involve betraying the public trust as one of the country's highest ranking elected officials.

But just think for a moment, if Trump hadn't been elected there'd have been no storm of "fake news" where the mainstream media completely destroyed it's own credibility and revealed the true role that they have been playing for decades. No "censorship" over it either that has exposed the degree to which Google, You-Tube, Facebook, and Twitter are also all complicit in controlling and spinning the official narrative and successfully swaying the public to go along with and never question it.

There'd be no ongoing investigation into the politicization and corruption of the FBI and Department of Justice, or the international bribery and money laundering operation that's called the Clinton Foundation that would all have continued on as before unbeknownst to most and completely unchecked if Clinton had been elected, and that's just for openers.

In electing Trump the public basically threw a monkey-wrench into the works that has revealed the true nature and dark underside of both political parties and how Washington really operates and millions of people who were never aware of it before have seen all of that unravelling and exposing itself right before their very eyes in one way or another every day.

In chemistry there's something that's called "a catalyst" an element you add to two others to create a reaction that combines and changes them into something else that would never be possible without that catalyst being present and yet that catalyst doesn't actually become a part of the reaction it triggers or what results from it. It comes out the same way it went in, unchanged by the event.

That is basically how I see Trump who I never had any high expectations for when it came to anything he promised. He's only one man and he's disliked by more members of Congress and the Senate than do and who are being just as uncooperative as they possibly can with anything he wants to do. Something that was only to be expected given the reactions to both his nomination and ultimate win on both sides.

What has actually resulted simply by him being elected, however, has become vastly more important. From the Clinton, Bush, and Obama administrations there has been a steady growth of corruption and

Clinton had a long career in politics, during which some stories were questionable [if your questionable examples include Benghazi or uranium, then I don't understand you]. Trump was an obvious dirtbag for his entire life, with no claim to politics beyond birtherism and actual Russian overlords.

Your political memory is that of a millenial. Clinton has had 30+ years of scandals and bullshit

You mean to tell me that Donald Trump lied? No fucking way.

I’ve actually been waiting for this bc I deserve it

For what its worth, good on you for recognizing it and saying so. Not many would.

Mad respect for you.

Did you question it with any other things?

(I assume "amnesty" for dreamers and "take guns now, due process later" but I'm wondering about less obvious things)

Amnesty actually didn’t throw me that much, I don’t like it but it seems unrealistic to be able to get everyone out so, whatever, finer points can be hammered out later. I can’t pick out anything specific for you right now off the top of my head but I know I had many incidents where i thought to myself “wait what?”

^ This I can respect.

It's far easier to dig your heels in and deny evidence.

It's a shame it took so long but I'm certain I'm guilty of the same at some point in my life.

Nah man supporting the White House is as rebellious as it gets

i didn't buy what he was sellin, but i still voted for him because i wanted a chaos candidate that would actually make america think about who they fucking prop up to be president.

I get downvoting because of who you voted for, but I think the substance of your comment has been vindicated.

OK, back to the liberal subreddit you came from

Oh im sorry i thought this subreddit didnt have a political spin one way or another? Head back to the echo chamber called T_D

huh? your original post is political

Right, but don’t tell me it doesn’t belong here because its slanted one way or another...

I never said that nor did I imply that. You are either confusing me with someone else or being dishonest I said for you to go back to the liberal subreddit you came from.

Give me back my echochamber!!

this feels like a false flag

You feel like a false flag.

lol i love it when massively shilled talking points like this become public. give it 4 days and people still stfu because its another false flag.

Seriously? That’s such bs. Maybe a hundredth of 1 percentage of Americans probably feel that way. Just bs.

0.01% of Americans but 50% of redditors lol. Dont b surprised but most people on reddit can't even vote for a US president legally but they sure as hell want you to vote the way they want to.

I'm not a trump supporter by the wildest stretch of the imagination, but if I were Trump and I had the chance to put Pompeo on a very tight leash I would. Keep your friend's close and your enemies closer.

Why is Pompeo a potential enemy?

The billionaire who inherited all of his wealth and was elected with the help of a former KGB /current dictator might be corrupt? IF ONLY SOMEONE WOULD HAVE TOLD US SOONER!

The only proof of russian collusion ive seen hits all three major candidates equally hard

You're not looking hard enough, if at all


and was elected with the help of a former KGB /current dictator

What evidence establishes this concretely?

Trump is the MAN! Suck it, losers.

How eloquent and insightful

Thanks for the witty, pithy comment... yeah, no thanks.


That one was wild

Thanks for the witty, pithy comment... yeah, no thanks.

I mean, fer realzies.

Trump is the MAN! Suck it, losers.


I know I’m gonna get downvoted. I know I’m gonna catch shit.

3 spot. Wew lad. So brave.

ITT: People acting like this is T_D 2.0

A majority of the true posters here don't play the game of identity politics.

The majority of the true posters here don't support either party. Quit trying to make it look like this sub has always supported Donald Trump. You're just embarrassing this sub.

Do you just have no memory or were you struck in the head recently?

Ah, yes surely the frequent r/politics and /r/Trumpgret poster has a more accurate assessment of this subreddit that I do /s


Conspiracy theorists are universally garbage human beings.

Go back to r/politics kid

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You ain't one of em Russian bots, are you?

I frequent /r/all you moron, I figure anyone with two brain cells that looks at my profile can see that.

Not to mention, having gone through my profile at all... Well, down here salt is a way of life.

Did you really think that any President is going drain the cess pool that is Washington DC? Trump's utility is in the fact that he has caused the oligarchy to act overtly and consequently expose itself. Prior to Trump's candidacy, the Deep State was considered a crackpot conspiracy theory. The MSM has exposed itself as a propaganda machine, as opposed to an objective source of news. The public has become far more aware of the fact that Washington no longer represents them and that is a good thing.

The propaganda machine is fox news. The msm is the one reporting on the new CIA directors evil past. The msm is the one alerting you to the influence Russia has on elected republicans.

It's right in front of you. trump is not helping shed light on the corruption. He is the corruption.

Just because the bullshit is your favorite flavor, doesn't make it any less bullshit.

Fox news reported on her past. Why are you telling a lie?

Oh really? Tucker Carlson, Sean Hannity, Laura Ingram, and judge Ginnine all talked about the evil new cia director?

I call bull shit.

Do you liberals ever get tired of telling lies or do you do it so often that it just becomes the norm with you? I knew about her past from reading a Fox News article earlier today. I just went on Fox News and on the front page is this story: http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2018/03/13/pink-slips-and-promotions-fly-at-white-house-in-chaotic-day-turnover.html

from the article: Haspel is a seasoned spymaster who has avoided the limelight during a 32-year career that has included stints running overseas “black sites” where dangerous terrorists were waterboarded. While she has won praise from Washington insiders – including Obama Director of National Intelligence James Clapper and former CIA Director Michael Hayden – she will likely face questions on the Hill about her connection to sites where waterboarding took place.

Honestly I just wish the trump talk would cease here unless there's legitimate conspiracy theory. People ITT pretending to be ex-trump supporters that actually believe the Trump-is-a-russian-puppet narrative causes me to believe that /r/politics is leaking, which means that the trump talk got so prevalent here that these people feel it necessary to turn this into another anti-trump shithole. Maybe it's time for a new conspiracy sub that doesn't breed the political talk. We already have subs whose whole purpose is for that kind of shit. I guess what I'm trying to say is, I miss /r/conspiracy. Not /r/the_donald versus /r/politics.

I actually think that Trump is a puppet but not of Russia. All the people around him are and he was just a useful idiot to use to get a foot in the door.

Jesus man.

Do you not understand how they're portraying her in a positive light compared to pretty much every other news outlet around? Context is everything, friend. "where dangerous terrorists were waterboarded?" Oh come on...

You either cannot read or you did t read my post. The guy said Fox News did not talk about her evil past. I posted absolute proof that they did say it. Now you claim it either didn’t happen or they somehow said she ran sites that water boarded and that is a good light to Potray someone with

Why are you being willfully disingenuous? They call them "dangerous terrorists" as if terrorists being dangerous isn't something understood. As if that makes them being okay to be waterboarded. That's called trying to portray to their idiot audience a different image of the subject. Spare me a reply if you need a helmet to cross the street

Me? Your comments show how delusional you really are. You and a couple of other liberals have tried to put your political spin on my comment. I proved you folks wrong and you keep changing the subject or the point of what I said.

You guys crack me up

Show me where Sean Hannity has attacked this new CIA director. Sow me where Carlson has. Or Ingram. Or that Judge Jeneine lady...

Show me where fox news is attacking her past and the vile evil shit she did.

I never said Fox News attacked her nor did I mention Sean Hannity. The guy posted that Fox News did not discuss her evil past. I proved that the guy lied. YOU now come around d and make up something completely different and say that I should show you where 4 people from Fox attacked her. Why on earth would I even consider proving something I never said. It is the sad delusion of liberals that make up crap like you just did that makes you all a joke

If you don't believe all major media is propaganda, I feel bad for you.

No. There is absolutely pro-corporate propaganda going on.

But that doesn't change that the news also reports factual evidence that should be believed.

There is nothing about the Russia investigation that is propaganda, other than trump's BS "witchhunt" distractions.

Explain to me how the Russia attack on our elections is propaganda or false. I'd love to learn how you can square that with all the facts that are coming out of the Mueller investigation and reporting that even Donald Jr. put out there with his emails...

Explain to me how the Russia attack on our elections is propaganda or false

They're painting it as if Russia is working directly with Trump or as if they have an interest in Republicans succeeding. Anyone who's watched a presentation by Yuri Bezmenov knows that Russian subversion works by encouraging dissent and in-fighting in a country no matter where it comes from.

While I believe you can find plenty of people with corrupt business practices(as you could with almost any person involved in international business dealings), you're unlikely to find any collusion between Donald Trump and Russia to make him some sort of Russian puppet.

Some people need to learn that just because your countrymen don't think the country should be run the same way you do, doesn't mean you should revert back to reds under the bed mentality.

So you are ignoring the trump Jr. emails? You are ignoring the back channel attempts by kushner and Prince? You are ignoring the 19 intelligence agencies that all said Russia's attack was to help trump? You are ignoring Flynn's guilty plea of lying about his secret agreements with the Russian ambassador to ignore the Obama sanctions?

I mean, yeah... If you ignore all of these reports and Mueller indictments, then I guess you may have a point.

But the MSM has reported on all these facts that cannot be disputed.

Obviously Russia's attack was to undermine our elections. It's also obvious they had a specific horse in this race. And the trump campaign was receptive to working with them.

I haven't even mentioned the reporting on Roger stone and his coordination with wiki leaks!

There's a conspiracy here and trump lovers are ignoring it because it goes against their bias. It's sad.

Everything is so obvious! It's obvious that who I don't like is bad!

That's all you got?

I'm merely pointing out the facts.

Why are you ignoring all the facts that I pointed out? The trump Jr. emails, the indictments, the reporting on Roger Stone and wikileaks?

I mean, yeah, it's not mystery that I think trump is a POS. But the reason I think that is, in large part, because of what his campaign has done.

At this point, I can't directly point to trump directly conspiring with Russia. But there are enough people that are very close to trump (Manafort, Kushner, Flynn, Donnie Jr.) that have all been directly tied to working with Russia in order to further the trump campaign.

How can you refute these facts?

You unironically get your conspiracy theories from msm.

I know, right? I should totes get involved in the flat earthers on the youtubes.

Why deal with reality, when I can just be lied to all day long? Great point.

You unironically use the word "totes".

You are ignoring my argument to attack my use of "totes". Which was in fact, used ironically.

An ad hominem attack proves you can't actually counter my argument.

Good work, breh



I'm on here too, bro.

I'm not sure who you are trying to troll...

Again, point to where the MSM has gotten the Russia Investigation wrong.

I'll wait.



Are you serious? The House Intel Committee closed their investigation without even telling the Democrats in the committee.

Did you hear what Trey Gowdy said about this?? https://www.cnbc.com/2018/03/13/gop-rep-gowdy-says-russia-hurt-hillary-clinton-campaign.html

Try again, chief.

I'm still waiting.

  1. The house intel committee is bipartisan

  2. The house intel committee isnt bipartisan

Pick one

You are ignoring my argument to attack my use of "totes". Which was in fact, used ironically.

Youre unironically too stupid to understand i wasnt describing the matter in which you used "totes"


Still can't counter my actual argument. Good work, breh

I know, right? I should totes get involved in the flat earthers on the youtubes.

You also unironically just lumped all conspiracy theorists in with flat earthers on youtube.

Yes I did. You think that MSM is evil and thus cannot be believed.

Sounds like a flat earther style of argumentation. Sorry, but you can't discredit an entire field of journalism just because.

The Russian attack on our elections was real. And the NY Times, WaPO, WSJ, 60 Minutes, CNN, MSNBC and other main stream media that are reporting it doesn't make Mueller's indictments and investigations less credible.

Sorry, but that's the reality.


And you STILL think muellers going after trump LMAO

Mueller is going after trump.

He's going after his campaign and has also indicted Flynn, Manafort (his campaign chair), Gates (his transition deputy), and Popadapolous....

Not only that, but there's reporting that Mueller is looking into trump's obstruction of Justice as well as his financial issues...

So... Yeah, Mueller is going after trump via his campaign as well as his actions after winning, not to mention his financial ties.

Got anything else?


That's it? You took the time to read my post, then you took the time to reply. And all you got was "hahahah"?

Sick burn, breh

you might be an actual retard

So instead of disagreeing with my post. You insult me? Well, I'm totes redpilled now!!!

Another sick burn, breh! You're on a roll!

Red pill wont work for you, its terminal. Sorry.

(Look at his post history)

ohhh another sick burn!!! You're full of 'em!!!!

Removed. Rule 10.

You seem surprised, but your entire existence is built on a very specific lie. I'll not repeat it here, all I do is call out this corrupt substance. But until you and all humans overcome your addiction to it, NOTHING will change. Ever.


There was at least hope that Trump would be something different. But the fact that we relied on Donald fucking Trump to bring some sense of rationality into how our society operates should probably tell us that we're suuuuuuper far gone

Pompeo Grills Hillary Clinton about Security:


If you dont see Hilary as an equivalent you are intentionally ignorant.

They will get fired in three months by tweet.

You literally have to be a raging moron to have ever believed or supported Trump's claims. I just hope you know that. You are stupid, and a part of the reason America's in the state it's in now : regressing instead of progressing.

If you want to be helpful, use ur goddam brain and THINK in the future, if you're capable of it.

Was Hillary a better option?

Well of course she was, but I wouldn't want her in charge either. Trump didn't even have an ounce of political experience.

Yes. Like, ten times better.

You think the president rules?

The true ruler of the US is and will always be Zionism.

Zionism represents about 1/10th of a percent of U.S. foreign policy. Selling weapons to Saudi Arabia is as chilling as selling weapons to Israel. What else has the USA done to promote zionism in the last 50 years?

You're getting a lot of "i told you so" comments, but I want to congratulate you on turning over a new leaf. It takes a lot of balls and a lot of tough self-examination to say what you've said and to change your mind like you have.

I've been on the other side of the fence from you since the beginning, but I'm excited you're at least willing to take a peek at what things look like from over here. I hope you'll join the rest of us in working hard to pick up some of the pieces that Trump has broken and scattered around... Trump has caused a lot of damage already. To our reputation, to our governmental institutions, to our national psyche, to our alliances around the globe, etc.

It's something we can repair and rebuild, though! We can all learn from this and make a stronger America!

I hope you'll join me! ;)

What's your take on the long nose tribe?

Haha, you got conned

I saw it months ago

Wow, congrats. Incredible foresight, you fucking genius.

I find it hard to believe that anyone didn't realize this BEFORE voting for him.

I'm sorry, you are a moron you believed a word that clown promised.

Oh please. Hillary was so much worse.

the man i supported...

Aw wall shit. There's your mistake right there.

TPTB are rotten in this country on this planet. Clinton, Obama, Trump, etc, etc, etc. They're all part of the problem.

Stop being this.

Check out "Dirty Money" on Netflix. The Trump episode is called "Confidence Man" and it tells you all you need to know about Trump.

Just watched this the other day. Made me hate him even more than I already hated him. I never knew the $1 million loan was a lie. His dad gave him everything he has and trump has only lost money during his career.

It's pretty well established that he would have made more money investing in a market index fund than he did in all his ventures. I don't hate him at all though...I 100% blqme Hilary and the DNC for corrupting the process and running a campaign that was so weak that Trump could win.

True. Hard to advocate for Hillary. I was a Bernie supporter and when we got screwed I voted for Jill Stein in the general.

The DNC's stupidity blows my mind.

wait till this guy hears about the RNC..

Eh, that one's a given though

The dems are supposed to play the "good cop" in this authoritarian theater

Hey folks, if you're downvoting this guy for his comment then you better share some with me because I did the same and I'd do it again with a clear conscience.

Clinton and her machine are primarily responsible for Trump being in office, and if you're mindlessly swallowing their Russia Russia Russia propaganda you're a big chunk of the problem.

Hahahaha yet another "there's nothing to this whole Russia thing!" parrot.

Only one of us is parroting something

Yes, and only one of us can substantiate our claims irrefutably after debate. Ready when you are.

No, you screwed yourself over voting third party.

I could not have a clear conscience voting for Clinton or Trump so I did something else. I don’t care that Stein had no chance to win, I think she’s a better person than the other two candidates and to this day I am at peace with that decision. I will wear the downvotes as a badge of honor.

Its your civic duty. Oh well, vote locally for the party that matters next time.

My civic duty to vote for a candidate I don’t believe in or expect to represent me honorably? I do vote in local elections. Fuck off, man.

you know, it can be multiple people fault. it usually is. but Trump is not free of any blame. not by a long shot

How can you blame him for running a better campaign?

It hurts to say it.

Good on you for realizing the truth man.

Where is the conspiracy in your post?

I can't understand my young liberal friends who seriously fucking like this guy. It's unfathomable to me, always has been.

Why post this here ? This is not a conspiracy.

It's one of the more manipulable subs for Anti-Trump propaganda. They've done this numerous times now.

shill campaign

It's not a shill campaign. Most people here realize Trump is awful.

You did not get downvoted. Most people in this sub are awake and fully aware of the two party deception.

Ok, but the D side of the deception is boilerplate politics. The R side is potentially a Russian agent as POTUS.

Interesting observation. I rather they both disappeared.

anyone that believes the president actually does anything is freakin dreaming hahahahaha. he is just a figurehead.

Sing it brother ! It's so nice to see some of you take the blinders off. Welcome to reality. It's tough but we can make it better

Anyone with enough sense who voted trump did so in order to halt Hillary. Trump was a necessary move towards retaining nationalism. Now. Americans need to drain the conservative swamp along with the democrats. Keep elucidating 9/11, pedophiliia, freemasonry, financial corruption, etc. Don’t be distracted by patriotism.

Well said.

It’s like they’ve stopped pretending its patriotism and flat out admitted they’re pushing nativism... it blows my mind

This post here outs you as a liar. You never supported Donald Trump, youre just LYING. His whole campaign was about nationalism and America First and curbing immigration. Fucking idiot shill.

necessary to retain nationalism don’t be distracted by patriotism

The whole point to retaining nationalism is to undermine globalism, which is the endgame of institutions such as the Chatham house and it’s assosciative institutions.

Nationalism is gay.

The whole point to retaining nationalism is to undermine globalism, which is the endgame of institutions such as the Chatham house and it’s assosciative institutions.

Since when is our nationalism Russian???

This is why everyone on the Chans thinks Reddit is retarded. How hard is it to understand that you have to take steps before you reach your goal. Nationalism obviously has its woes, but it’s also what’s protecting us from globalism which is a much greater enemy.

Why is globalism bad?

why is the royal institute of international affairs bad

You tell me, Sherlock

I really have no clue. I don't have an opinion on if it's good or bad. I just don't know anything about globalism or the arguments for it or against them. I am honestly curious

Why should I do your research. If you can’t do it yourself then I am doing you no favors. Start with the Chatham House.

Ok I'll do reseaech. Thanks for the tip. For the record, the sound a one huge human family where there aren't any borders and true free trade reigns along with capitalism, freedom and interconnection sounds like a good thing.

Free trade DOESNT WORK. Borderless zones DO NOT WORK. There is a reason why walls have existed for so long. The third world is incompatible with the first world. You know how I know this? I live in the third world right now. I work here. If someone uprooted these people and sent them to my hometown, I would tell my family to move immediately.

Cultures differ from place to place, but what you describe, let's say crime and hatred and ignorance, isn't an inherited trait. It's a learned behavior. You can take a days old child from whatever country you're in, and raise it in, say Kansas, and it will grow up with all the learned behaviors of a Kansas person. They'll be (most probably) a republican, have a southern accent, view guns as a right, and believe in trickle down economics. Put that same baby in Palo Alto California and he/she'll grow up to be a liberal hippie who believes in free love, government regulation, gun control and will have hatred for the NRA.

I'm understanding from your comment that your implication is that because of the fact that the people that surround you are bad people, that they are and will always inherently be bad people. You can correct me if I misunderstood you.

Lower IQ always correlates to higher amounts of crime. People with low IQ create cultures of wrong doing. No one dominated Thailand and taught them how to create a corrupt beauracracy you fucking moron. You speak like someone who has never traveled and lived abroad. Why bother lecturing someone who actually has the misfortune of dealing with you. It’s insanely stupid and insolent.

People with low IQ create cultures of wrong doing

I guess that tells me all that I need to know about you.

For the record, I'm not saying that you should believe that you live in a wonderful place or that you must be lying because all of Thailand is a beautiful country with morals and a culture for pacifism and intolerance of crime. I believe you when you say that you live in a place where the majority of people support either crime or corruption or whatever the major issue is over there. I also believe you when you say that the society you find yourself in is decadent. I'll even go a step further and agree with you that if you were to take a group of the bad people that you're surrounded by and place them all together somewhere in the US, that they might start some shit.

But the fact that you generalize and underestimate a human being and his or her intelligence solely on the place where they were born instead of the culture they were born into speaks volumes of who you are and your worldview.

I'm not advocating that all borders disappear all of the sudden. But I am saying that taking steps towards finding a common culture between humans would help eliminate a lot of conflict.

Let me repeat what I stated: No one encouraged Thailand to create an unfeasably corrupt bearucracy. They did that to themselves. They’ve created and perpetuated an immoral culture because they have a low average IQ. You cannot put blame on another country for magically generating bad behavior. You thus DO NOT UNDERSTAND BASIC PSYCHOLOGY AND HOW INFLUENTIAL THE LIMBIC SYSTEM IS ON A LOW IQ INDIVIDUAL.

I'm guessing that by that logic then democracy was your idea. Capitalism was also your idea. The fact that we run things through two houses in congress was also your idea. The system of states, counties and cities was your idea. You must be a very high IQ individual to have come up with all of that. Congratulations. I guess I can't have any arguments with someone that like me, also an American, invented all these institutions that run our every day life. We should go grab a beer together one day and celebrate our intelligence and high IQ because we created democracy and our way of life.

Wow so enlightening

I thought you're the enlightening one. I didn't know that the entirety of Thailand is responsible for their society.

Nice reading

What this sub and many others don’t realize or just refuse to realize is that their political opinions were swayed by online, foreign (to the US) propaganda campaigns. Russia swayed a lot of people to either support Sanders, Stein or Trump because they truly feared a Clinton presidency.

It's a brilliant move honestly, and one of the main components is often overlooked: your comment itself is an example of it.

The objective was destabilization of America, not getting Donald Trump elected. The goal wasn't to screw up America for 4 years, but for several generations. You do that by division. We're at the point now where the very topic of propaganda is a dividing topic, but not because some people believe and some people don't; but because to state that a person's following was even in part a product of propaganda is to state that a person's following is illegitimate. And so people hear that and think the speaker thinks their views are illegitimate, which makes them resent them and turn away even more.

Again it's a brilliant play, it's just sad that people don't realize its ingenuity even as they themselves enact it thinking they're countering it.

Not sure when this place started moving away from interesting content and towards a trump advocacy sub, but it was odd seeing people that are hungry for detailed conspiracies, turn away from the greatest one of our time and blindly support a man that is running a dangerous con on all of us.

Hopefully this place remembers its strength and starts to use it for good. To unseat this abomination of a president and those that have provided cover for him. Please choose the right way /r/conspiracy.

It was when all the DNC Hillary-Bernie stuff was happening. During the primaries, with the extreme Bernie enthusiasm on reddit, there came a ton of anti-Hillary stuff, much of which was co-opted by republicanism / trumpism.

The fact that it worked to any degree is a testament to how circlejerky online communities can be, how people don't vote on issues, and how America has lost faith completely in establishment politics.

You're not even a Trump supporter, shillboy.

You’re right, I’m not. I used to be, anyone who read the post might have some grasp on that concept...

Yeah, sure r/trumpregret bro.


Relax, take a breath, i know you’re a little upset that someone went against dearest God Emperor but remember- when you wake up tomorrow the world is still gonna be spinning.

And there it is, in-case anyone had any doubt.


May I ask exactly what I’ve been busted for?

How does it feel to be at the top page of /r/all? Just curious.

you're someone who has never posted in this subreddit and you're pretending you have

jesus christ you're fucking pathetic

My dude, I’ve got two posts in here in the last year. I’ve got a pretty substantial amount of comments in the year and a half I’ve been here. You’re someone grasping to straws and making false, dishonest accusations in order to make, what I assume, is an attempt to discredit me as a user of /r/conspiracy

You’re someone grasping to straws and making false, dishonest accusations in order to make, what I assume, is an attempt to discredit me as a user of /r/conspiracy

I see a delusional (no offense) believer who thought the whole system of farming humans was real.


Im still not sure how you can overlook my post and comment history showing I’ve spent time in this sub to push your narrative but, hey, to each their own

Fake and a fraud, cannot find one /submit from you besides this one that is conspiracy related, nuff said.

Look through my fucking post history you incompetent buffoon. Im sorry to be rude but if you want me to hold your hand and walk you through shit im not going to

I did, one chemtrail /submit.

There's also another about discussing conspiracies in the high school setting, and if you really want to dig theres a shit ton of older comments i've had in this sub

Most people in this sub have a political agenda. It's disgusting. They can't even articulate their theories without adding in something about evil <insert political party here>. I don't care much for any politician regardless of affiliated party. People here complain about the other side's actions while promoting their own party's agenda and attempting to justify them.

Meanwhile one of the biggest conspiracies possibly to ever exist is happening right before our eyes. We have the FBI investigating our own damn president for collusion with a foreign power which may be directly responsible for our president winning the election. I see little to no posts about this here. Why?

This sub low-key has an agenda.

Stick around a bit and you will notice its not low key. It gets pretty blatant

You're not wrong.

"Free thinkers" lulz

Jewish reptiles run the world, but Donald Trump cheating the election? That's a little far-fetched for me, I like to live in reality!

We knew he was a

  1. A billionare

  2. A rapist

  3. If not explicitly racist, willing to associate with and tell racists exactly what they wanted to head.

BEFORE THE ELECTION. None of that swung you, but this did?

Tbf he didn't release his tax records so for all we know he's just a millionaire racist rapist. .... sigh.

Yeah. I read an interview with one of the producers from his show where they basically said they created a character for him as a billionaire. In reality he was a sinking ship before that tv show.

You have the #1 post (which is basically just a comment that should be on another post about this subject since you bring nothing new to the table) with an almost unheard of score of 88% upvoted.

All of the top comments are against Trump.

Yet you will continue to believe this sub is "The Donald 2.0" and that you are the persecuted minority here, because that's what you want. But that's just not the case. Look at the numbers. You're completely mainstream.

They don't realize how much they glow in the dark here

Lmao someone with a brain, what is this guy suggesting on this post, people voted for trump and still like him, despite 1 pick I disagree with doesn't mean I was lied to at all. He literally got rid of his globalist adviser last week who resigned because he cried about free trade.

I like how manipulation of steel prices is free trade.

This post was linked to anti trump subs which manipulated everything.

You somehow think you're smart enough to "get" conspiracy, yet you were fooled by the oldest trick in the book.

OBVIOUSLY DT was a fraud from the start. Pay fucking attention.

but he's playing 6d chess guys, Don's got this

When empires degerate it can be stalled, but not reversed. Trump was never going to drain the swamp though. He's never reformerer, hes a mogul. He capitalizes on corruption. Hes replacing the parasites with himself. He's driven in the nails on the coffin of the economic collapse of the US even further, by cutting taxes. I think his game plan is to stop the economic collapse by starting WW3 with Iran, Russia, and North Korea. We'll see if the rest of the US and World are insane enough to let him.

Implying anyone is selling the truth.

Speak for yourself, retard.


its ok op, ivan is just mad

Never forget that the after Tesla died the FBI moved in and confiscated all his papers. These were sent to MIT, to one professor, who stated that there was nothing of relevance in any of those papers. Many papers mysteriously vanished immediately afterwards.

That Professor was John G Trump. The uncle of your beloved president. The Trump family have always been the deepest of deep state. Donald was sort of like the Paris Hilton of the family, a total prick, but still family.

Everything he said he'd expose was shit that had already been exposed, he wasn't offering you anything new, just spouting stuff everyone was already fully aware of. 9/11 was probably an inside job (no shit Sherlock), Hillary did bad things in Haiti (again, already old news). Then he gets in power and does precisely nothing. Oh except maybe he'll build a pointless wall to keep the rednecks happy.

When I started reading this I 100% thought it was gonna be the time traveler conspiracy

Hahahahahahaha. I know the facts behind this story... but the fact that anyone seriously entertains this conspiracy just tickles me pink. Wow. Your parents must be proud.

Maybe he's harnessed Tesla's secrets to keep that blonde wig attached to that boiled ham he calls a head.

"I bought a lie"

There, I fixed your headline for you.

Congrats, your condescension almost made up for the fact that “I bought a lie” and “We were sold a lie” literally mean the exact same thing and contextually change nothing

Nevermind. If you don't recognize the difference behind buyin' and sellin', it's clear how you got taken.

Okay Sam Elliot just take a chill pill lol

My only stance was “he’s better than Hilary”. I also don’t think he’s as corrupt as “traditional politicians”. But, if you have the mindset someone is going to save you or fix your life problems you are losing every day of your life

I get your point, but your moral philosophy is entirely partisan, so you're probably missing out on the major points when it comes to Trump.

ITT: botting and brigades from /r/Trumpgret linked here and other /r/politics spam subs

True but BOOOOO.


Botting and brigading now from the right-wing...happy?

For everyone in the United States in this sub- register to vote. Midterm voting happens this year and everyone here can make their voices heard by spending the hour or two to research how they want to vote on Election Day. In a year and a half, you can bet your ass I'll be registered and ready to take this prick out of office.

What if that means putting Elizebeth Warren in?

Please Christ don't let it mean that

Looks like a possibility to me. She will probably run now that every one knows of her and the Democrats will probably endorse her because Trump has taken shots at her personally. She is female, Semi-intelligent, and has strong Dem. support atm. What more can you ask for?

When I said "please Christ" just know, Elizabeth warren is a great politician, but I believe we need someone inspiring and uniting. Tulsi Gabbard

Give m the option of Hillary and Donald right now and I'll still take Donald.

Same case if it turns out Trump is a Russian agent?

So you are okay with outting yourself as a fucking moron then? Cool.

Fuck Donald trump

Why won't Trump enforce the Russia sanctions? I just don't understand how any person that voted for Trump didn't see his bullshit coming. It's as if they voted the t.v. personality instead of the actual man. In that case, they should have their voting privileges revoked for the rest of their lives for being so damn blind. Yeah, I bet this billionaire is going to have the best interest of the lower and middle class in mind. Jesus h. Christ, it's like people don't know how to read anything outside of their echo chamber.

I just don't understand how any person that voted for Trump didn't see his bullshit coming.

Couldn't we say this about both candidates?


It's a funny story.

Every conspiracy theorist worth his salt that the voting machine are rigged.

Yet they cannot grasp that maybe, just maybe the election was rigged FOR Trump.

It makes logical sense right? They can elect anyone they like ergo they elected Trump.

Yet you hear not a pip from the mainstream media, even when they pretend to be against Trump, it's all Russia this, Russia that. Well Russia certainly couldn't rig the fucking voting machines.

Not a pip from the alternative media, Alex Jones what are you doing? You are now partisan are you? Why weren't you partisan when Bush was president?

In fact the whole world collectively seems to have forgotten that Bush was president. We got a clown president then, we got a clown president now. Republicans certainly are the party of Clown Puppets.

Of course the democrats aren't any better. The slick, intelligent party of cowards. All about the quintessential "Compromise", whenever there is a crisis and the masses wants to be appeased call in the Democrats to ineffectively fix the problem. Even the bread and circuses they cheapen out and only leave a few crumbs.

It's all one big theater right from the offices of intelligence and Hollywood. The best soap opera in the world since 1948.

The man you supported? In your 1 year old account, you made only one post about Trump.

Rex was an Israel shill, who pushed back against Trump's style on North Korea. How did that work out?

The same talking heads that called Rex an oil shill and Russian agent are butt hurt that he got fired. You can't win with these people.

Lastly, this Gina lady had been in the CIA already doing whatever high level spook stuff. The CIA has been involved in much worse shit than waterboarding some dickheads.

The Sunk Cost Effect is the tendency for humans to continue investing in something that clearly isn't working. Because it is human nature to want to avoid failure, people will often continue spending time, effort or money to try and fix what isn't working instead of cutting their losses and moving on.

Goodness! Whatever gave you the impression the Trump was a fraud!? I just don’t get it ... you guys are so smart, right? ...

Welcome back to reality, and maybe, just maybe, to adulthood. YOU own this mess and every toxic outcome it’s brought.

So, we have CIA infiltrating the media and now CIA in the federal government? That's....odd.

You helped vote in global power shift - Trump is the tip of the Iceburg, the dust on Pandora’s Box

no shit...although, even though I know it is all a lie and don't subscribe to politics at all, the clinton clan would have been far worse.

At least now you can see what a blatant mockery the whole thing is.

That's just like your opinion man. You know that, right? You say that like its a fact but it's just a prepackaged rightwing fantasy that you bought. Turn your brain back on.

My opinion..ya dude...formulated by the obvious of course.

Cartoons are more factual and real than the political bullshit happening in the USSA.

Don't worry, its the same in my country lmao

I would consider less conspiracies one of two possibilities:

1 - More have been solved/proven and this is a good thing Or 2 - They're slowly silencing those who know too much (we have seen the deaths of journalists and bloggers in mysterious fashion) and this is a bad thing

Either way, you don't need a sub to let you know we feel it too. There's definitely something happening and in these last few years, conspiracies have been on the rise. Frankly, it's one good trait we have engrained into the new generation. The ability to ask questions, be curious, and learn how to figure out who to believe. Young theorists are everywhere now.

Post got brigades hard, don’t think everyone in here agrees with you or that you’re right just because you have upvotes from a bunch of retards from r/trumpgret that linked here.

Wow congrats on being the 8th person to say that, glad we have someone like you staying on top of things

Oh sorry I didn’t filter through 100 retarded comments like yours before I posted my thoughts.

It's almost like you don't think things through.

So you don’t find it a problem that anti trump subs are manipulating the votes in r/conspiracy? You almost seem happy with it. I wonder why.

For what it's worth, you're way more right than that guy.


I'm conspiracy theorist and I voted for Trump. But I've never been a Trumper. I enjoy the enthusiasm of T_D sometimes, it's fun and they'll cover stories that don't get play elsewhere which is useful.

When Trump said he was going "drain the swamp" I thought ... yeah maybe, if he would even know how and if was even really interested in doing that. It's a great line it plays well. Give 'me hell Donny! But I never bought that.

What I do believe is that the established powers did not want him to win. Just seeing how the system has tried to reject the foreign object crammed down their throats has been an education. It forced them to operate a massive propaganda campaign more nakedly than they would prefer. The credibility of media outlets like NPR and NYT have been damaged significantly (to those who have their eyes open).

His presidency is still somewhat unpredictable. That's good. It has forced the country to take a harder look at itself than it would have if anyone else had won. That's good. It prevented Hillary from winning. That's fucking priceless.

At a social level I like the all out assault on SJW's that his presidency represents.

One thing that I will say for Trump himself is that he is not given enough credit. He is a very smart man and very accomplished. That should be obvious but incredibly people still act like the "cheeto" just stumbled into office.

But is he interested in valiantly crusading for all that is good and holding the forces of evil accountable? Please. He's exactly what he appears to be. He's a huckster par excellence. He's a self-aggrandizing blowhard with a genius for manipulating the media. He's got a massive set of balls.

It is unfortunate that this sub has become almost a sister-sub to T_D. But there's a natural overlap between the people who are willing to go against the grain and think about conspiracies and the people who go against the grain and support Trump. Both groups are also highly likely to view the Clintons as figureheads of the establishment and the natural adversaries of those who oppose that establishment.

Trump could give a fuck about the CIA and torture and all that shit. Trump is interested in what Trump likes. He likes the brand of USA that he grew up with. He's trying to work on that brand. He also likes golf and shiny gold things and large crowds and being a big swinging dick. I get all of that. None of it makes me starry eyed.

Let's just remember that it took a lot of work to fend off Hillary. Let's keep listening and sharing important information and theories. Let's not get overly dramatic. Let's not be suckers. This is a marathon not a sprint. If the USA and the world is in a better place in 30 years and our grandchildren have something decent to look forward to then good. If not, well let's not let it be for a lack of fighting. We're all still in this thing. Keep it up brothers and sisters. Keep it up!

Ugh. Your character judgement is shit and you are easily conned. You saw Donnie's bullshit from miles away, but you still voted for him out of fear. You are part of the problem.

Out of fear? Fear of what?

Also, there's no need to make this personal.

Ironically Hillary is the most anti-Ron Swanson candidate in the history of world leaders

Im much more concerned about the spiraling federal and state deficits.

Trump started talking about "renegotiating US federal debt."


We don't want to see that break down. We really don't.

I feel so much relief for my opinion on this sub having seen how highly this was voted up.

Obvious shill thread

A lot of what Trump is doing versus the deep state is not so much dismantling it (it has its uses and every State has one) as taking it over, making sure the factions he likes are the ones in charge, etc.

This is ridiculous, thousands of upvotes and hundreds of anti-Trump comments on an anti-Trump post claiming this sub is pro-Trump? Laughably obvious propaganda this shit all over this sub

My dude, /r/conspiracy lost control of this thread hours ago

That's true. It's front page of /all right now.

Useful idiots echoing actual shills.

the fact that people in this sub are trump supporters really is depressing

You've literally never posted a comment longer than 1 line. Is this what bot accounts look like?

lol you think im a bot i have my own subreddit

your posts are filled with kpop and terran what a life you live

kpopfap, not kpop. Kpop music is garbage (except for Twice)

even worse that you corrected me.

Really salty about him kicking Rex to the curb, him and Mad Dog were the only true outsiders I saw

Speak for yourself dude. I don't love or hate Trump, but I think his heart is in the right place in terms of "draining the swamp". The problem is, he's only one guy. If the CIA could murder the President and get away with it in '63, they sure as hell could do it today. And the CIA has only grown and obtained greater technology (and possibly nukes) since then.

Im not sure i get it but okay

Pretty simple. The man hated on racial minorities for the longest time and you still supported him.

And now you've reached your breaking point but if you didn't see Trump for what he really was before the election, then you are part of the problem.

You were blinded by ideology.

Nope. It's saying that he's pretending to be a former Trump supporter.

Exactly. These shill threads are painfully stupid and obvious.

Anytime the media pushes someone 247 during an election....Run in the opposite direction & I don't mean into the arms of Clinton.

Like it or not socialist Bernie Sanders had the largest rallies over & over & raised the most individual donations ever for a presidential candidate.

Why the fuck didn't they put him on television 247 like Trump? /s

bashes trump

thinks he will be downvoted


I like trump, he's limiting confrontation with Syria, making peace with North Korea, and trying to get a working relationship with Russia.

I also like the lower taxes he's putting out, anti globalization stance (fired his economic advisor for saying he's a globalist) and is trying to help Americans.

This post does not speak for everyone; and clearly has turned into a circle jerk or anti trump Forces from other subreddit sources.

Beautifully said.

The brigadier going on here is crazy

The billionaire who claimed to have the average American's best interest at heart turned out to be part of the powerful ruling class of our society? I am shocked.

Took you long enough.

Where do the left-wing conspiracy theorists meet?

Historically here,

Although since 2015 I got no idea, your guess is as good as mine.

It's been years since I have seen a good aliens or Egypt post.

If i told you it wouldnt be much of a secret anymore, would it?

They meet on r/politics where they circlejerk about Russian conspiracy theories. They have been coming here more and more often.

I'm 19, I voted for trump in November when I was 18. I've always been very political and I saw the corruption and stagnation of America, he comes along and said allllll the right things.

And he lied.

We got duped.

The respectable thing to do now is to admit that and fight for every inch and make sure we don't get duped again.

But he didn't say any of the right things, we saw this from a mile away that he had no idea what he was doing.

Yes you did get duped but this was easily preventable.

I was looking at War and bringing the focus back home and on our workers, how employers have been fucking them over.

I was on board with his Populist arguments, not his right wing ones.

Of course there's no Populists in Washington, so Trump is surrounded by Neocons that manipulate his every move.

Except we can see from his businesses that he takes the cheapest possible labour and then screws them over as much as possible.

If you paid close attention to the bankruptcies you could see clear as day they were all structured in such a way that all he did was take a gamble with his name and at the slightest form of trouble he would just cut and run leaving all his contractors unpaid.

And bringing home the troops is a noble cause but you can't just magically wave a wand and boom all of your troops are now back in America unharmed and the mess America created is magically fixed.

In that regard we have been shouting from the rooftops for 2 years prior to the election that he is UNIQUELY UNQUALLIFIED for the job.

The debates should have made that more than clear enough, sure Clinton may be a neocon but she's a puppet master not a puppet.

6 months before the election anybody who was half awake could see that trumps strings were being pulled by Russia ( http://www.slate.com/articles/news_and_politics/cover_story/2016/10/was_a_server_registered_to_the_trump_organization_communicating_with_russia.html , there was an article which I read that goes into more damning detail back then but a 2 second google brings this up so it will have to suffice. )

Sure he can run his mouth, but that's all he's really good for. At least with Clinton in power it would have been her pulling the strings.

You post on a neo Nazi page so did you just enjoy his racist and hateful speech?

They will all try to dupe you my friend. Your lucky to have had a great example of it this early on. The others are much better at hiding it so at least you have some experience for the future. Just remember not everyone is lucky enough to see through the bull-shit. Don't be mad at them for being fooled, be upset with the system.

And he lied.

We got duped.

The respectable thing to do now is to admit that and fight for every inch and make sure we don't get duped again.

I felt the same way about Obama.

So did I

Well said. Please stay engaged in politics, please support good news sources you trust that adhere to journalistic standards, and keep on keeping on.

I get a lot of news from YouTubers like Kyle Kulinski of Secular Talk, he just seems the most authentic news caster I've ever seen, EVER.

That and I try and seek out people on the ground when possible. I'm part of global Facebook groups that discuss Politics a lot and they can give me the ground floor scene perfectly and I don't need to rely on Corporations or Agenda based News Sources.

Through this I've been in touch with Kurdish Freedom fighters, a gay man in Turkey, lots of people from London who tell me the "white genocide" in London is absolutely false in every way.

I've gotten so much great info this way that I think it's what keeps me well informed.

Although, it's ok to read/watch news with an ideological stance, because everyone has an ideology and trying to hide it only makes you look suspect.

Maybe this is what the dnc wants you to think.. eh?

it took me till he started shitting on my gun rights then i paid attention to all the things i ignored. its a shit show

It was more like a fart in your general direction than actually shitting on your gun rights.

Love how some of these posts are so dramatic as of late, as if that adds anything to the discussion.

Who would you have voted for? He still stands for my values more than Hillary.

Concern trolling is a real struggle online for sure

I mean, when Bush became PRESIDENT after being Director of the CIA did anyone think this country was in a good place?


I kept an open mind but then he said Assad did the chemical attack on his own citizens. Knew he was a fake then. Bernie also tweeted in condemnation of Assad, found out he was a Zionist too.

I ended up finding out Trump went to a Jesuit school and also wrote about his Kabbala teacher in a book of his. Just another Zionist.

What the fuck did you think was going to happen? This is infuriating to read that people actually believed anything that came out of his mouth.

Another anti Trump agenda by the MSM and globalists. AKA THIS POST

What is going on here? This is insanity.

Lol at u dumb fucks supporting trump.

yea this site is going to fade away...

The response in this thread is pathetic. Instead of mocking those who beginn to realise their misjudgement towards Trump, people should be supportive.

This is the post we've been waiting for thank you. He didn't just lie to the supporters ya'know, he lied to EVERYONE

the experienced people were saying this before the elections (see my post history).

remember to try inform people next election. :D they own everything.


Lol whadda cuck

Saw Trump and backed out after commenting.

Pompeo was being watched by other CIA. He came out against Hillary early on and calls Islam for the danger it is.

If NK is truly a CIA creation/project than we need someone with an understanding of that world to deal with it.

Of course not, the swamp will never be drained because you only get two puppets to vote for. In the end there is no difference between a Trump and a Clinton.

That's what a lot of people told you before. Even Trump told you so with his actions in the past. There is so much evidence, that it would come down to this. I can't believe everyone voting him ignored it. Hillary may have been bad, but Trump was/is the worse choice.

Being against the system doesn't mean you have to vote for the other side, just because it is the only option. You should have voted Hillary in and come up with a plan to change the nation while she is in office. But most tend to be lazy and take the easy path of blaming others for the bad things.

Trump supporters are either the dumbest rock or bots.

This forum has become nearly as bad as /r/thedonald as of late.

No, it has become as bad as /r/politics or /r/worldnews. I'm so sick of you fucking people. This place isn't pro-Trump at all and the posts aren't pro-Trump circle-jerks or anything. Fuck off.

Thanks dad!

Such focus on trump everywhere, and its from the same people, either a group of TMOR raiders, new accounts, or tourists from the political subs that don't see conspiracy falling in line. And as always they are right and everyone else is a Trump supporter whether they are or not.

The number of posts showing manipulation and vote brigading has been constant, and its obvious which side gets the upvotes, and if you don't then you're either new or so partisan its not worth trying to have a conversation. The same side that accuses this sub of being Trump supporters using that gun widely as it is a favorite go-to, but while having that label gun is nice it is spreading false information which is probably going to have unintended consequences.

So yeah, lets suddenly get all fucking political because you have seen the light none of us have, pop off with knowledge which you've gleaned as proof positive of whatever, and start another pointless thread. If it is known this is all T_D supporters (from your detailed logs and character profiles tbs) and is true to any degree, how is this going to change someone's mind? And what do you propose? Call our congressman? Write a strongly worded letter directed at...who? Stage a localized work stoppage, global work stoppage? I dunno, you tell me with all the right answers. All I can say is that its not all black and white. There are good lumped in with the bad, and there is bad lumped in with the good. Maybe he is picking some good out of the bad as necessity.

The point is I don't know, and for sure you don't. And how all of a sudden new folks are suddenly politico experts and spout off it becoming really tiresome.

I want to know why we haven't been to the moon. I want to know more about aliens, ancient civs, if Elon Musk is human, and cool interesting off the beaten path theories about things.

I really really really get that people don't like trump. I get it. Fuck!


Well like, did you vote for him? If so then you kinda gotta put up with it bro.

Also, if Aliens existed you know Trump would not be able to keep a pin on that. Sorry to burst your bubble.

I honestly think the aliens are elite/secret military industrial complex dudes not telling us there is a cure for cancer, many diseases have been cured (or accidentally manufac), are posing as aliens by hoarding tech and other fucking fantastic things like the tr3 and unlimited power from from the plank scale quantum foam - freeing us from toiling 9-5 every week to be resource liquidated cash resources for the same elites.

I feel bad because this might actually be true, these are scary times.

Hillary wasn't a lie they were selling?

How can you be so dense as to fall for someone like that’s bullshit? It’s a thing that he lies every single day..

Keep your friends close but your enemies closer.

All you sheep arguing over the scraps of info your money masters have left you on their controlled media sources. You make me chuckle and acutely aware of how lost this society truly is.

Jesus, the edge

God damn people like you only posting to spread divisiveness are annoying. Name one thing Pompeo has done that we should be concerned about? I don’t give a damn about the CIA’s past. What has HE done?

These kind of trolls showed up when people like Rex Tillerson were put in the cabinet and here they are again like a broken record even though now the “evil business man” has been ousted. Reddit truly is lost.

Well for starters Pompeo is publicly in favor of expanded domestic mass surveillance programs... so theres that

Dumb shills.

Get used to it buddy. Every single Politician lies to use. Nothing will change untill we decide to put a stop to it.

untill we decide to put a stop to it.

What't that scenario look like?

Everyone getting together to protest. But that would be a huge task.

man. rich people are rich because they are all in the swamp. trump was never going to drain it, give me a break.

I know I’m gonna get downvoted. I know I’m gonna catch shit.

Gets 5k upvotes instead.

But I cant sit here and let this just get swept under the rug.

But if you think about it, it's happened right in front of us. We comment on it and mostly agree with each other that it's bad and represents a new low. Then what?

Nothing. People basically go tsk, tsk online and life goes on like it's no big deal. We congratulate each other for "being aware" but nobody actually does anything.

Imo this is no different from Nazi Germany where the average German knew something was wrong but nobody did anything to make a difference.

I guess history has a funny way of just happening right in front of your face.

The fact that this got gold tells me this sub is dead

2 years ago this sub was filled with people who watched Infowars, now it's filled with CNN viewers, apparently.

Wouldn't it be the same if Clinton was elected ?

Have a little faith and see how it plays out. That old saying, keep your enemies close.

Account doesn’t check out. Q year old. Clearly you’re a troll and don’t vote for him. Still holding out hope for Bernie?

I love when people call me a troll, or a shill but don’t actually look at my account... just because not every one of my posts was in t_d doesn’t mean im a russian bot

You’re transparent as hell. And clearly a sharia blue troll.

Please explain how im an SB troll... I’ve been waiting hours to see any produce a shred of evidence

Right after you prove you voted for Trump.

"You're a shill"

"If you're going to make a statement that no one asked for than at least provide proof"

"I will but not right now because I cant"

Great argument, very compelling and well thought out!

You don’t know how quotes work. Troll harder.

I might just do that, thanks for permission

I can't believe anyone is falling for this manufactured post. Anyone downvoting is a "Russian bot", yet somehow this post reaches the top of r/conspiracy? Mmmmmm.

The swamp is being drained alright. We’re the swamp.

I'm so sick of hearing about Trump bullshit on this sub. Politicians are here to screw us, they always have been and it's not really a conspiracy anymore.



I thought trump might have a chance to do something good. Then deep down I remembered the current system is fucked and anyone that would bring positive change will most likely end up dead. So I didn't vote for him and I never will vote in the presidential election. It's a big joke and no matter how many people try to convince me other wise, each election that passes just confirms my belief.

Dude it's only been a year. The guy is getting shit done. Just because he hasn't flushed the whole toilet yet doesn't mean we were sold a lie. Jesus fuck.

No kidding.. He just made a statement about how his cabinet is almost ready... Ready for what? You tell me.

The only thing he does is sign toothless EO's and create grotesque media spectacles.

Oh yeah and he also makes life hard for every other politician in DC. Doesn't matter if you're on his team or not. With a disruptive retard like Trump at the helm, things aren't going to go smooth.

Think about it. That guy takes two minutes to try and talk off-the-cuff about gun violence and gun control and right away he says he supports taking guns away from people without due process.

Everyone at that table Democrats, Republicans and Independents alike were shocked into silence at the magnitude of his stupidity.

Let's not forget about Antarctica. Seems like a pretty "chill" place to lay low while the rest of us suffer in the years to come.

Gullible fuck says hes a gullible fuck, 5k top post on r/conspiracy lol. He was a tool not a savior, realize that.

I don't think he lied. Imagine that there was some dire situation and a bunch of people were going to die and you charged in to save them and failed. Would it'd be fair then to accuse you of lying? Trump is going to get a bullet in his head if he's not careful and that's a fact. He didn't lie, he was confronted with the reality he could never have imagined. If you think anyone else including yourself would be able to better navigate those treacherous spook infested waters you are in fact lying... To yourself. Trump did not lie, at least not the way Hillary or Obama lied. But he's also not able to save us

I think what we are going to need is presidents and vps that are willing to die to make the changes needed. We need a "fuck this shit, im not scared to die " candidate.

I think you're absolutely right and that is probably the most reasonable comment I've heard on Reddit in years

I think the whole campaign should have been a fairly significant clue that it was nothing more than a charade to win the votes. That's the whole thing about populism and it's transparent af if you aren't a tv/media addict.

Distance yourself from the social programming and you'll start to see a whole fuckton more lies people are gobbling like so much caviar.

So the spooks now run the country, congrats

Where were you during Bush?


And you survived.

Something tells me the vast majority of people commenting on this post are not now, nor have ever been, regulars of this subreddit

Holy shit, is this possibly the first comment not going along with the "Trump lied to us" circlejerk?

Everyone saying they hate Trump. I love Trump now more than ever.

Dude, this is worse than I've ever seen. I'm not 100% convinced Trump is actually going to "drain the swamp" either, but literally everyone in this thread is 100% convinced he lied to us?

He just said he is close to having his cabinet filled with the "right" people. He is talking exactly as I would expect if he was waiting until everything was in place before, you know, getting into office and on day 1 just slapping cuffs on Hillary only for her pizza party friends to bail her out the same day.

Trump wants sycophants in his cabinet and whatever it's not like his cabinet was chosen for him by Citizen

lol @ "soyboys".

Everyone should eat only meat and be alpha and manly like Trump.

Sure he's an obese old idiot who wears orange makeup and dyes his hair blonde and styles it like his dead mother. And sure he's so stupid he can't even talk off-the-cuff about gun control for two minutes without saying he wants to take guns away without due process...

But man when he squints like Clint Eastwood and looks right into the camera I get weak in the knees. Now that's leadership!

me calling you a soy boy has nothing to do with whether trump is manly or not

and the media said he dumb and the media said his hair ugly and and and the media said he wants to ban my video games :( and and the media said he's a terrible father and husband and and the media said he fired a lot of people so if you disagree you're a poopoo head are you btfo yet drumpfie ? my sarcastic tone means i'm witty and that the facts are obviously on my side

Sure it does. All part of the same thing.

"Love me Daddy!"


Sure it does. All part of the same thing.

"Love me, Daddy!"

keep your degenerate fantasies to yourself soyboy

No shit, he's the definition of the swamp

Points to Supreme Court

That's why I voted for Trump.

"We'll drain the swamp! And then we'll create a new swamp, with blackjack. And hookers!"

Every candidate lies.

At best, no matter how much they want to actually fix the problems they claim they will indeed fix, there are simply things they don't know are obstacles until they are actually in their newly elected office and realize that their promise is not feasible.

At worst, they are pathological liars who say what you want to hear to get elected. For most, I suspect the truth is somewhere in the middle.

In the end, every single one of them is a liar.

Anyone who believed Trump was going to do anything he said, when he he blatantly lied, nearly daily, throughout the campaign and, for nearly every tweet he made, you could find him saying the exact opposite, is a complete fool.

He proved himself everything we hate about politicians during the campaign and his life leading up to it. He lied, he flip-flopped, he pandered, he made ridiculous promises that he know he couldn't keep, and he is corrupt (based on how many lawsuits he has been forced to settle or has lost, his ties to the mafia, and how he was embedded in NYC politics). The only thing that made him different from other politicians is that he wasn't a politician at the time. So, basically, the only thing that made him different was not having any experience in any government position.

But this is a not a conspiracy. He didn't it openly, unabashedly. He exposed how foolish the American people are. That's all he has done.

Thank you

thousands of CEOs are resigning worldwide and we have thousands of sealed indictments. human trafficking EO with asset seizure. repeated lies in media about him. 2nd special council for fisa abuse which a large part of that is about the NYPD having weiners laptop. trump is playing a stage role whilst us military clear out the swamp. mikitary have had to watch their boys be sent off to wars on false information and corrupt leaders, I think fema was their back up plan incase they couldn't get a trump. the web of evil is massive. you can't go hacking away at it without 1st stopping as many spiders as you can. the past has proven than if you don't they fight back and just build the web back again.

I've been hearing about these FEMA camps for more than twenty years now. Jesus who's their contractor?

Yawn, more FUD on conspiracy?

Interpretation of what is the swamp is is subjective. Carrier politicians is most likely what "the swamp" was referring to. I'm not a Trump supporter (Why vote for one of two nuts, when you can vote for the Johnson), but the TDS crazies are foaming at the mouth to pretend Trump double crossed his supporters with any ridiculous reasons possible. They like to live in a pretend world, like pretending Trump didn't always support tougher gun background checks and pretending "drain the swamp" means this strawman or that strawman.

You were sold a lie bc you're a dummy. That is all

Nice try

You mean, Republicans lie? For the sake of monetary gain? WHAT THE FUCK?

A bunch of shills and morons brigading a sub based on conspiracies to lie about having once supported the President and to bash this sub. This shit is fucking hilarious, but what a waste of money!

Ok, this post is complete bullshit astroturfing. 6000 upvotes on a bullshit anti-Trump rant? I'm calling bullshit. GTFO and go back to r/politics.

you think only liberals are anti-Trump, and you are wrong.

We were sold a lie.

Yes, yes you were.

I know I’m gonna get downvoted.

Gilded and massively upvoted.

I do not think that the people who REALLY run this nation ( who BTW would never ever have to run for a public office) would allow ANYONE who was not already aware of the true power structure behind the scenes to make it to the primaries let alone stand as nominee for either of the corrupt parties in this country. "Everyday people" pinning their hopes on a washed up Reality TV "Star" who was BORN into $ thinking he is going to fight for them is laughable to me. If you couldn't see through "drain the swamp" after his cabinet picks I am not sure you will ever see it.

You still don't get it buddy.

Did... did i ever say any of that?

i agree with you

This "conspiracy" sub died when tons of people shilled against the flat earth evidence. The smart ones then realized this was a big controlled opposition platform.

Sorry, you lied to yourself. At no point, if you actually followed his electoral rise, should you have trusted anything about him.

Thank you for this and it is the truth

The real lie is the number of upvotes on every politically motivated post on this site. Propaganda, bots and vote manipulation.

We also tend to upvote accounts that just received gold.

Yo wtf, you even got a gold and you didn't say anything useful.
Politicians are bad and lie to us? NO SHIT BROTHER.
Now it's time to everyone spam your better alternative for president, let's not get too cocky and keep it politicized

The Dems literally did them to themselves. Had Trump faced ANYONE but Clinton it would have been a landslide. How fucking hard was it to just let Bernie in...

It's really hard to let go of power once you get it.

From the movies:

"What do all men [and women] with power want? More power!"

Any post with 6k upvotes makes me skeptical of bots and shills. Especially when it is political and aimed against Trump. Not that I support Trump, I would never vote for him, but it is pretty apparent to me that this thread was born and raised by bots. This is what is wrong with this sub.

I didn't buy what was being sold.
I voted third-party.
I'll never vote for a Republicrat again as long as I live. That was a mistake I only needed to make once.

Seriously, is there anyone here who thought that Trump wasn't a liar at any point?

"It doesn't matter who you vote for, the government always gets in" - a smart man, some time ago.

yeah, lets not sit here and take it! Lets get out there and VOTE!!!!

That will fix it!

Trump's job is to build the wall, deport illegals, and enforce the border. If he accomplishes just that then consider what ever other protests you have as falling on deaf ears.

"I know I'm gonna get downvoted"

Has 6000 upvotes

A President has much less power than any of us imagine.

He is not some emperor who can drain by edict.

It’s the art of the deal, and sometimes you have to negotiate deals with the dark side.

We will just need to see how it all plays out

Not even close. There's an obvious difference between the two. If your definition of a snowflake is accurate, then that essentially makes everyone fighting for any cause a snowflake. SJW's are called snowflakes because they push identity politics. They believe that everyone is va ery unique individual, and that society must cater to them.

go back to r/politics

The_Donald are a bunch of fucking dipshit brats and old rednecks. All they do is talk about how "they won that one time" and they'll be doing that for the next 2 decades. None of them are interested in "making America great again."They just want to sit on their fat asses while nothing ever gets done (again) and for their part as US citizens they aren't gonna go out and do shit about anything either. They're all fat little poopydiaper babies, just like the Uber-Left, who want "Daddy Trump" to wipe their fat asses for them, the same way their counterparts wanted the same from Obama.

50 years of deep state entrenchment: Oh man what are we going to do about this!

1 year of an alternative president: fuck man. Let's just go back. He lied to us. Time to try something else.

Think before you talk. This is a looooong proccess. Politics is incrimentalism. Stop being mad at the things they tell you to be mad about, your whole narrative matches fucking cnn's

"Durr I know I'm going to get downvoted for this, but DAE think Dunald Drumpf haven't solved all the worlds problems in 1 year in office?! I mean he's like a king right and can do whatever he wants without congress, so whats the big deal, I think he was lying you guyths"


I agree with you, OP

The Latest Lie Blaming Russia over spy poisoning is a part of the conspiracy to attack Iran by Israel

It appears the whole campaigned is initiated by Israel and their “Globalist” ilks... More

To drain the swamp that has been thriving for over 200 years takes more time than 2 years. Torture though it is a controversial topic was legal at the time. It no longer is legal. I would like to see some evidence on destroying evidence though. I’m not 100% a Trump supporter don’t get me twisted He’s probably the most informal president the US has had. He says the dumbest things ever.

You were not sold a lie you got down on your knees listened to him tell you he was a liar and then applauded and voted for him in response

Fools, utterly shameless and treacherous fools you all are. I hated Hillary but not enough to sell out my country over it

People have a varying spectrum of beliefs, and do or do not have faith in him for a litany of reasons that may or may not be different from yours. Quit painting this sub with your broad fucking brush.

Props for seeing that he's not who you thought he'd be.

Well we see your first mistake, one does not "trust a politician". Even am imitation one.

Lying is what they do. It is the reason so many lawyers become politicians... they are professional liars.

This is like citizen101 material.

I think you might be one of the most open minded people if you went from supporting Trump to realizing that he's a total fraud. It takes guts to stick to believing in Trump, as valueless as it may be, and it takes even more guts to stop believing in something that took so much effort to in the first place.

I'm not denying it, because /r/politics is now bought by corporations who have closed that sub to non-corporate sources. Combine that with an American public dumb enough to think Trump is anti-establishment and there you go! But if they are at all literate, this sub will soon disavow them of all partisan loyalty.

Sorry, I think I read into that too much, wasnt trying to be an ass. Out of curiosity then what are the Paris of our culture you think SJWs are destroying?

Well the only thing you mentioned as a retort to "nothing good will come from trump" were your personal finances.

Toughness, individuality, free market, limited government subservient to the citizens, respect for the limitations on government granted by the tradition of the bill of rights, masculinity and femininity, open inquiry, and a bunch of other shit.

I'm hesitant to name every single thing because not all the same liberals are doing it and conservatives do a lot of these too. It's hard to back up all my claims when I just name a bunch of stuff.

Also I will personally make it up and slant this whole fucking thing to the left.

He does NOT speak the truth. It's been proven time and again he is a straight up liar.

He speaks the truth as people want it to be and think it is in their ignorant echochambers.a

Im actually kind of surprised by that myself. Im kinda leaning towards the idea that we might have a new “silent majority” on this sub. Just because people aren’t saying what they think out of fear of being called a shill doesn’t mean they aren’t here

Which shows that the people who read and post on /r/community are not overwhelmingly Trump supporters who refuse to see any bad points about him. And yet if you look at the mod list (new ones included), those type of people seem to be overly represented...

I agree, it's interesting how upvoted this is.

And the wars our taxes fund! /S

Well, he has said political correctness can fuck off through his blazen dialogue. Which is very damaging to the ploy. Then there is deregulation, a huge help. Believe climate change or not, the fact is that it is being used to restrict the means of production and to raise taxes. All in the name of saving the world from the evil CO2, power plants get shit down. Driving up power bills. Gas gets taxes, car registration. They all help to control the people.

When Trump told the Paris climate accord to fuck off, he protected us from that ploy. Then he restricted refugees. He cut corporate taxes to help companies grow and be more free. The new tariffs on steel and aluminum to help equal the play ground. He's undoing step by step all of the things put in place to fuck over America. If he is part of the swamp, he's doing a bad job.

The royal 'we.'


"We" just referred to the multitude of Trump supporters on the sub

Maybe the quotes will help

As in we the people? Or we the brigadiers?

Please see above yes it is a prank bro. I regret it. No my name is not Logan. I also consulted my haters. Love you babe.

Anne frankly, I don't care.

I never said that nor did I imply that. You are either confusing me with someone else or being dishonest I said for you to go back to the liberal subreddit you came from.


This post has over 1000 upvotes. Your point is irrelevant.

Honestly I just wish the trump talk would cease here unless there's legitimate conspiracy theory. People ITT pretending to be ex-trump supporters that actually believe the Trump-is-a-russian-puppet narrative causes me to believe that /r/politics is leaking, which means that the trump talk got so prevalent here that these people feel it necessary to turn this into another anti-trump shithole. Maybe it's time for a new conspiracy sub that doesn't breed the political talk. We already have subs whose whole purpose is for that kind of shit. I guess what I'm trying to say is, I miss /r/conspiracy. Not /r/the_donald versus /r/politics.

Trump is going to become Reagan 2.0, glorious Republican presidency filled with owning the libs. Republicans won't vote for shit that would discredit Trump's presidency.

The we that's incentivized to be here.

wasnt trying to be an ass

while visibly being an ass lol.

I wasn’t replying to you.

Do you not understand how they're portraying her in a positive light compared to pretty much every other news outlet around? Context is everything, friend. "where dangerous terrorists were waterboarded?" Oh come on...

i think he just speaks what people want to hear, it changes by day

all im seeing is whats been happening for the past couple of years. this shit happens every few weeks and gets shot down or redacted even faster. im surprised people still believe in this garble.

You're not wrong.

"Free thinkers" lulz

You have made zero coherent points.


why Russia would want to effect a US election?

Yes, this is obvious to the point that it's not a conspiracy. No one seems to have a problem with Israel massively influencing US politics? Am I missing something here?

The Russians posted some stuff on social media. That's the big thing, right? They posted shitty memes on Twitter. Whoa dude. Just hack my elections up.

This thread has a completely different tone than this sub usually has. 100% being botted/invaded/whatever.

You really can't use that conspiracy-filled brain to think of any reason why they would want that?

Sentences like this just don't get posted on here. Whatever, RIP r/conspiracy

General for just about every politician

He's a great artist, but he overcrowds every comic. They're so noisy. You don't have to squeeze an angry Hillary into half of your comics. Like William Shakespeare said, "Keep it simple, stupid"

It got linked to from a /r/Trumpgret thread that hit /r/all and now this thread itself has hit /r/all.

So that's probably why.

Interesting you don't see the correlation. Trump is basically Bush 2.0 at this point. I think I saw him standing in front of a piece of wall with a banner "Mission Accomplished" behind him today....

No, he knows a big percentage is.

It's a brilliant move honestly, and one of the main components is often overlooked: your comment itself is an example of it.

The objective was destabilization of America, not getting Donald Trump elected. The goal wasn't to screw up America for 4 years, but for several generations. You do that by division. We're at the point now where the very topic of propaganda is a dividing topic, but not because some people believe and some people don't; but because to state that a person's following was even in part a product of propaganda is to state that a person's following is illegitimate. And so people hear that and think the speaker thinks their views are illegitimate, which makes them resent them and turn away even more.

Again it's a brilliant play, it's just sad that people don't realize its ingenuity even as they themselves enact it thinking they're countering it.

The whole point to retaining nationalism is to undermine globalism, which is the endgame of institutions such as the Chatham house and it’s assosciative institutions.

The whole point to retaining nationalism is to undermine globalism, which is the endgame of institutions such as the Chatham house and it’s assosciative institutions.

That's just like your opinion man. You know that, right? You say that like its a fact but it's just a prepackaged rightwing fantasy that you bought. Turn your brain back on.

“State’s Rights”

Cuz Reddit is full of Democrat/Liberals, and anything anti-trump gets up voted and pro-trump gets Downvoted. Just go to the Politics sub, you will see how bad it is.

Out of fear? Fear of what?

Also, there's no need to make this personal.

I feel you man.

I've been watching as he's kept up the ridiculous reality show of distractions While quietly doing exactly what you said in the OP. If anyone thinks any of this immigration nonsense, endless gun control blather, pronstar affairs, or anything else that's pretty much clogging the news is the real story then at this point they have to be really trying hard to keep their heads in the sand.

If you have a play around with https://trevor.shinyapps.io/subalgebra/ (which measures user crossover in terms of the ratio of people who posted in subreddit A and subreddit B, vs subreddit A and subreddit C, etc) you'll see that /r/conspiracy has a higher degree of user crossover with right leaning subs like r/T_D and r/uncensorednews (lol rip) than left leaning subs like r/politics.


But what if Trump is normalizing extreme corruption and simply setting a precedent for what future presidents can get away with?

I mean, Clinton didn't do unusually bad for a Democrat or whatever, and with the slightest tweak of Trump's victories in one or two of those middle states, he would have lost & the narrative would have been that Trump never really stood a chance.

Republicans have gotten real lucky with their 'winning despite losing the popular vote' thing in recent elections.

its the calling them the enemy which is the war rhetoric. calling them a bad player isnt incorrect, but framing them like enemies i dont think does any favors to anyone but those who profit off of such rhetoric, which is the premise of the argument here. its been years since there has been a defined "enemy"

I too agree that the US elections have been fraudulent from electronic voting machine shenanigans to dead people voting there is enough evidence for this to be a certainty.

How the public is not more up in arms over this is unfathomable.

I guess the paring down of the education system and the heavy metals in everything are taking effect.

Ironically Hillary is the most anti-Ron Swanson candidate in the history of world leaders

To be fair 76% is the amount of Democrats + Independents in polls.

I know, right? I should totes get involved in the flat earthers on the youtubes.

Why deal with reality, when I can just be lied to all day long? Great point.

Show me where Sean Hannity has attacked this new CIA director. Sow me where Carlson has. Or Ingram. Or that Judge Jeneine lady...

Show me where fox news is attacking her past and the vile evil shit she did.

Useful idiots echoing actual shills.

Maybe he will be old enough to vote in 2020


Still can't counter my actual argument. Good work, breh

You had an opportunity to make a real argument and then went off the deep end. Obviously state law enforcement agents speak on behalf of their state more so than dogwalkers or anesthesiologists. Border patrol agents are not just licensed by the state, they are legal conduits for state authorized action such as arrest and detention. Law enforcement is part of state government. They are the lowly nuts and bolts of the state, and the system would collapse without them.

Border patrol agents are federal so that's all wrong and wouldn't mean anything if it were right. It's still wrong to say "the State." One profession is never "the state" that's an openly nonsensical statement.

They are the lowly nuts and bolts of the state, and the system would collapse without them. This is how Trump trolls the media and you have to admit it's kind of funny.

"The President said a wrong thing on purpose to "trigger" people! Tomorrow he's gonna declare himself a life term to troll libruls! Hilarious!"

You call me a slave while Donald Trump is the first politician I have ever seen take a strong public stand against the fascist mind control mainstream media. He doesn't get every detail right and he is an unapologetic troll, but the claim that he is some kind of fascist is hilariously unrealistic.

I'm sure your favorite russian conspiracy blog told you that.

I for one, have never claimed that the people who's ideas I oppose are retarded. But I'm paying for this Wi-Fi w/ money that closet homosexual George Soros put into my G-string so I suppose i do know which category im in.

And. So. Fucking. What.

Right. We shouldn't care when anyone does it.

Your whataboutism is pathetic.

You don't understand this term...

You people do it all the time and it’s so tedious.

You are just imagining a boogie-man everywhere.

Also, you’re apparently pulling me up for speculation when I clearly state at the beginning “This is how I THINK it went down”.

It would have been more accurate to say that's how you IMAGINE it went down based solely on the fairy-tales you read in partisan media.

What facts justify your claims or even your speculation?

You really don't get it.

Is Trump responsible for the last 20 years? No. I can't stop what already happened. If Trump invaded a new country it would be cause for much, much more concern than Stormy. In the meantime, I am focusing on the corruption and behavior unbecoming of a politician with hopes of impeachment before he can do something even more awful. We are talking about Trump, not the Bush or Obama administration.

So give me a link to proof then.

Removed. Rule 10.

Nice reading

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It’s been a couple hours. Any proof? Have you actually seen proof? Or are you just parroting something someone else said. Cozzzzzz calling a man you’ve never met a rapist without proof is something that gets you called a fucking scumbag. Take a step back and look at what you’re doing. It’s fucking sick, like there’s something seriously wrong with you. I have no doubt Bill Clinton and his wife are as crooked as it gets, but if you don’t have actual proof to show me you need to put on your grown up pants and stop being a shitty person.

Falsely accusing someone of rape without proof, even a political crook like Bill Clinton, is fucking disgusting and you should feel ashamed of yourself.

thats just an opinion, idk, nuclear weapons falling into the hands of a random power grab seems like a bad idea to me, but i guess thats an easy choice for you.

then youre just not being imaginative.

incredibly destructive? in what way? theres no threat of nuclear war, which considering the circumstances would be relatively logical. just because hes bad doesnt mean it couldnt be a thousand times worse. he isnt the worst person on the planet, and dealing with an adversary you know is much easier than trying to guess what the new guy is going to do.

id say the rhetoric you posit is foolish. foolish in the archetypal sense. walking off a cliff without knowing it. even saying that its better than knowing where the edge of cliff is. pretty foolish IMO

and im not going to participate in two comment lines with you, so ill address the other one here: nobody is saying let them get away with it. just that if youre going to get all gung ho and put sanctions on people for such things, it seems a bit uneven. considering theres precedent for other allies attacking troops, with very little repercussions.

Because of the Two month policy and submission statements has weeded out the bots. Which is nice

LOL, there's a reason American banks stopped lending him money. It's because they realized he was full of shit decades ago. If only the rest of America had realized this.

Killing Russian mercenaries is not the same as killing Russian soldiers and Russian civilians. Both sides have deniability. If you don't understand that, then nice talking to you.

Don't they kind of have a 'suicide pact?' Now that's a cool as hell and fascinating conspiracy theory.

Ignorance is bliss homie