Stephen Hawking has passed away. Is it too soon to ask some serious questions about his alleged life?

1603  2018-03-14 by Step2TheJep

News is reporting that Mr Hawking has passed away.

How did he live so long in the first place, given the condition with which he was afflicted?

If we never saw him talking, how do we know it was not a case of somebody else typing those words into his voice machine?

How could a person who allegedly typed with muscles in his mouth possibly write so many books?

Is the whole thing an elaborate joke on the masses, to get them to believe that a vegetable was in fact the 'smartest man in the world'?



Many people are linking to the Miles Mathis paper on Stephen Hawking, which you can see here.

For those interested in Mathis' work, I highly recommend you check out the group blog Piece of Mindful.


There is a theory online that he died a long time ago and body doubles replaced him. The proof for this is in the teeth and facial features. The pictures of him in the 60’s almost look younger than the ones of him in the 70’s.

Do you have any sources for these claims, fam?

There are a few YouTube videos about the conspiracy if you want to check them out. I’ve only seen one or two videos on it so I’m not saying it’s fact but it was a theory I stumbled on a few months ago

i remember watching a little bit about it here in this sub just a few weeks ago. it instantly came to mind when i saw the breaking news article of his passing. if you search the sub you will prob find it

I'm drunk but why wouldn't pictures of him in the 60's look younger than him in the 70's?

I've noticed that he also looks younger in pictures from the 60's than in pictures from the 70's. Maybe there's something there.

my bad I meant he looked younger in the 70's than pictures of him in the 60's.

The pictures of him in the 60’s almost look younger than the ones of him in the 70’s.

This is hilarious.

C'mon guys I made a mistake! its late!

"Edit", it's right under the comment

This is hilarious.

Lol, good spot. Got him before the edit!

I mean. Why? He died and they found someone with the same exact neurodegenerative disease to replace him and do...what exactly?

It feeds in to the larger conspiracy that all mainstream science is bullshit. So essentially the theory is that they take a respected established scientist and replace him as a clone to be a mouthpiece for this mass ongoing scientific delusion.

My guess is that there's a big crossover between believers in this theory and flat-earthers.

That theory heavily focused on the fact that he had graying hair that suddenly turned blonde.

As if hair dye is non existent in our world.

Donald, Hilary, and Bernie are all around the same age.

2/3 of them have blonde hair while Bernie is full gray.

Are we expected to believe that these 70 year old people magically do not have gray hair? That Bernie only has gray hair because he's 4-5 years older than the other two?

Or...the biggest conspiracy yet... does hair dye exist???

Nah, the real conspiracy is that hair dye is what makes the SJWs crazy. It gets into their brains! /s

Of course you are entitled to speculate as you please, but I think it is in very bad form to mock someone who added real value to the world he lived in.

mock someone

Where am I mocking anybody?

FTR I have been skeptical of the 'vegetable genius' for some time now.

Where am I mocking anybody?

FTR I have been skeptical of the*** 'vegetable genius'*** for some time now.

Right fucking there.

the highly intelligent man who lived a majority of his life in a basically vegetative state.

And the way you just put it is accurate and yet not mocking.

Relax, guy.

I know right, wtf crawled up his ass

FWIW, I've met him in person and chatted with him about his kids. At the very least, he existed, seemed to have a debilitating disease, talked through a voice synthesizer, and worked at world leading physics institutes with people like Kip Thorne.

Also, FWIW, I think history will look back on his publications as mostly either wrong or inconsequential. Hawking radiation is his one major contribution. Everything since then has been Emporer's New Clothes.

wow, in one thread I have a guy telling me he knows dead people from 9/11, and in this thread I have somebody telling me that they have had conversations with Stephen Hawking.

This sub attracts some brazen liars, that's for sure.

It sounds like you're insinuating that I'm lying about having chatted with Dr. Hawking.

He's also insinuating that I don't know someone who died in 9/11 though I was born and raised in NYC. If someone isn't willing to contribute to a conversation in good faith, then there's really not much to be done to help them out of their limiting worldview.


Were you guys both present on the day JFK was shot?

You're an asshat.

Says the anonymous poster on r/conspiracy

I know jealous losers when I see them.

Clearly you and u/bakedfood are conspirators in 9/11 and Dr. hawking's body double. Obviously all the people who died in 9/11 were hermits with no friends or family thus being known by no one and Dr. Hawking never spoke with anyone since he was diagnosed ergo you both must be lying.

Clearly. :)

It's usually someone's mom's family friend, or friend of a friend.

What value?

all he did was write down some numbers and roll around in his funny chair

I'm drunk but why wouldn't pictures of him in the 60's look younger than him in the 70's?

Miles Mathis study on the matter is pretty interesting.

Links are our friends, friend.

PDF file warning.

No one, except Stephen Hawking lives with ALS for was it fifty years?

Thank you for the link, I will read it myself and report back with my findings.

Exactly!!! If there was a Guinness world record for longest ALS survivor he is definitely a winner.

By a couple of standard deviations I think. Doesn't make sense. I wonder, did he (or his team?) ever acknowledge his longevity or try to explain why he was different? Because one would think, because ALS usually kills in a short time, wouldn't they at least study his physiology to know why?

Yeah. He mentioned it himself. I think it’s been put forward that he might not even have had ALS but something similar.

Right. One of the most famous physicists in history with access to any and all medical treatment he wants, was just misdiagnosed his entire life, and they didn't bother to find out what his real malady was. Obviously he had something exotic that no one has ever heard of, similar but different, end of story.

ALS is a genetically heterogenous and complex disease. Classifying it based solely on symptoms has always been a flawed premise. It's more likely that he has a slow burning genetic variant of ALS.

But we'll never know. He could have been known as both a miracle survivor that could potentially have helped those with ALS by studying why he lived so much longer, as well as being a brilliant physicist, but for some reason his longevity wasn't really an issue. I have to wonder what ALS patients think on the matter.

Unfortunately, it's not that simple. Each of us contain tens to hundreds of thousands of genetic variations that interact in a countless different ways, and it's impossible to know what specific combination of genetic variants contributed to his longevity from him alone. Fortunately, although his longevity is rare, it's not unheard of (2-4%), so eventually, with enough data, we may learn what combination of genetic variants enables a slow-progression form of ALS.

Stephen Hawking had his genome sequenced. I guarantee that his data is stored in an anonymized fashion in a database regularly used in ALS research. It's extremely likely that his data has already contributed to key findings in juvenile-onset ALS.

It was argued that he never has ALS but never went through to get an official diagnosis

Bunk. If you have a degenerative disease you get the doctors to diagnose. How else can you expect proper treatment?

How do you know he didnt? Maybe he had something and never told the public about it?

People cant just go and explain things as a massive conspiracy and completely ignore other posibilities.

There is no treatment. It can be very hard to tease out various degenerative diseases. But there is not real definitive treatment for ALS let alone for a rare muscle wasting disease, especially someone diagnosed in the 1950s. There are some drugs that might stop progression of ALS but I don't think they are terribly effective. I am sure he has gotten top quality care and the full gamut of tests... its just medicine still has a lot to learn and cannot fix everything.

goddammit, it's actually flabbergasting

It was about 2-3 years ago I read that. I went into it thinking, "nah, what a bullshit thing, but I'll read it because why not?" Afterward, I was convinced Mathis is right. I was flabbergasted too, and that's not a word we get to use very often. Mathis has a lot of thought provoking stuff. He wrote one about Paul McCartney being a double that is almost equally convincing.

He made a comparison between modern art and modern physics that blew me away. Honestly, which is more likely: there is, essentially, a very small 'priest class' of physicists who are able to make sense of ABSURDLY abstract/unintelligible modern physics (seriously, it's hard to describe how far beyond human intuition modern physics has gone, you need to read the heavier pop-sci books where they try to explain some of it), or that it's all more or less tail-chasing bullshit?

I just have a hard time believing that there are people out there who are just on truly a different plane of understanding the universe. Like, the best chess player on Earth has done AMA's where he says he regularly loses to complete randoms online. He's 'the best', but he's not on a different plane of existence. It's weird

I need to re read it now!

It might not be in that article, I'm reading through some of the others that he links in the article

It actually does make some sense if you have studied some of the esoteric texts and artwork. All this stuff about "as above so below", spirals, opposing forces and stuff. A lot of physics seems to be based on metaphysical concepts and stuff that has been alluded to like 100 years ago. And I personally think even studying this stuff or examining the artwork unlocks something in your brain which helps conceptualize or make links to the science theories we have now.

To be clear, modern physics-- relativity and quantum mechanics-- are more than 100 years old.

General relativity was published in 1915. The Copenhagen Interpretation was declared in 1927, but people started talking about quanta around 1900.

So there's been a lot of time for art, and even mysticism, to be influenced by it. Indian mystics of the mid-century, like Maharishi, loved it, and talked about it being a way for materialist westerners to understand deeper reality.

As far as occult principles and sacred geometry, they are the building blocks of the universe and the mind. We can't escape them any more than we can escape being born with four limbs and the ability to learn language. Of course you'll see aspects of those forms in all art, science, and religion.

Well its not really that small though. Physics is a hard subject and much of it is not intuitive to the average person. It makes sense that, among the already small amount of physicists, there will be some who can go even further.

Claiming its all bullshit falls apart when so much of it is transparently testable, and can be confirmed with real world testing. If you were talking theoretical here, maybe you'd have somewhat of a point, but it takes a long time for a theory to form.

As for the chess example, being called the best doesn't mean you are the best. There are plenty of people who likely accel at a greater level in many fields that, for whatever reason, do not step into the limelight. Most pro chess players go online to lose, as it gives them new insights and strategies. I remember a famous player saying in a video that they knew they would lose if they responded with a certain move, but in doing so they would learn how the opposing move worked.

Claiming its all bullshit falls apart when so much of it is transparently testable

The question is, how much of it actually gets tested by the average person?

The thing about science is; you don't need faith for it to work. It works even if you don't personally test it. For example before we knew about the laws of gravity science let us know that it's a good idea to leave a house by using the front door and not the second story window.

The thing about science is; you don't need faith for it to work. It works even if you don't personally test it.

You're not even being facetious, are you?

This is how you really are.

Beautiful stuff.

I cannot speak for all branches of science, but computer science is heavily contested, with every new publication being subject to a lot of criticism and review. More to the point, if someone creates a new architecture, algorithm, model or design approach and claims it does X, everyone using it expects it to do X. If it didn't, they would be ruined as a scientist.

And how much of it is instead faith-based belief?

None, that's kind of the point of science, its based on observable, quantifiable or testable results.

I get where you are coming from, I do. But if you are going to make a claim like that, a claim that, from the author of the Stephen Hawking theory, seems to be based mostly out of an ignorance of the sciences they are saying are bullshit, you need facts and data to support it, not a hypothesis that sounds edgy and conspiracy like.

every new publication being subject to a lot of criticism and review.

lol yeah the old 'peer reviewed science' aye?

lol yeah the old 'peer reviewed science' aye?

Yes, and as someone who has been subject to and has subjected others to it, it is quite methodical. I think, from most of your replies to both me and others here, you are either a troll, in which case well played, or you have a very large misconception about theory vs hypothesis.

You can read about this yourself, you can look at mathematical proofs. You can see the technology that is only possible because the theory is sound, and has lead us to being capable of reaching that technology.

Further down you talk about physics grads being lemmings because they believe in quantum mechanics, yet there are experiements, like the double slit, that YOU can carry out to see this phenomena at work.

My research is in Quantum Computing. I have seen calculations done on existing QC's that utilize algorithms that are based around the properties of quantum mechanics, and the results we get confirm that the math works.

Now of course there are still holes and gaps in many of these theories, but to claim they are nonsense, despite the overwhelming amount of data to support them and experiments and proofs that support them is just ridiculous.

it is quite methodical

Submit paper Pay money Get published

Quite a money-spinning method, that's for sure.

The phone or computer you typed this comment on relies on superconductor technology that is an application of theoretical physics. I think you just have a fundamental misunderstanding of what theory means in science vs general conversation

Non sequitur.

My phone is not evidence that people are testing/reviewing the myriad claims of theoretical physics.

Do you understand this?

It is a small piece of the overwhelming mountains of evidence. A theory in science isn't just a guess. It's the formulation of a testable predictive model. Theoretical physics makes predictions on how the universe works. So many things around you were engineered based solely on those predictions. That's the most solid evidence for the validity of a theory you could possibly ask for

You are distorting the truth a bit. Nobody understands modern physics on an intuitive level, not even the supergeniuses who built it; the maths we can wrap our heads around, but their implications not so much. Things like quantum mechanics and the more out-there stuff of general relativity are just so far removed from the human experience that no human mind will ever understand them in full. It's one of the reasons why all interpretations of quantum mechanics either contradict the maths (for example, the Copenhagen interpretation requires a mechanism of waveform collapse, which the maths do not predict) or require outrageous and as of now unfalsifiable assumptions (like Everett's many-worlds hypothesis). Hawking more or less admitted that he himself can't visualise the mechanism behind Hawking radiation.

In addition, most of modern physics has been experimentally verified beyond reasonable doubt and can be used to make incredibly accurate predictions, which means it must be onto something. That the standard model somehow, somewhere has a mistake or oversimplification is an accepted fact any respectable physicist will readily admit--if the model were perfect, quantum mechanics wouldn't contradict relativity--but too shove it aside as 'tail-chasing bullshit' is both ignorant of the absolute mountain of empirical evident and demonstrative of your lack of understanding on the topic you are so confidently judging.

on the topic you are so confidently judging.

I'm not confidently saying anything, I'm just exploring the topic. You would admit that the way people defend/discuss modern particle physics is fairly similar to the way they discuss modern art though, right? And there is a LOT of money flying around in physics. Money + utterly inscrutable reasons for transferring that money usually isn't a good combination when humans are involved, that's as far as I'll go.

There is definitely a lot wrong with the culture of academics, as with anything TPTB gets it hands dirty on, but the science itself is (mostly) solid.

Honestly, which is more likely: there is, essentially, a very small 'priest class' of physicists who are able to make sense of ABSURDLY abstract/unintelligible modern physics (seriously, it's hard to describe how far beyond human intuition modern physics has gone, you need to read the heavier pop-sci books where they try to explain some of it), or that it's all more or less tail-chasing bullshit?

This is an excellent question.

It is amusing to me how we are raised to believe in these super intelligent genius scientists who can see things ordinary men cannot see.

When I speak to physics grads about 'quantum physics' I feel like I am talking to brainwashed lemmings. Utter nonsense they spout.

The first time this happened I brushed it off. After the second time I became a little concerned. Then it happened again and I began asking questions.

Then I discovered the hysterical Cavendish experiment and, well, now my eyes are wide open.

Maybe those complete randoms online are savants and just don't know it... or never pursued any recognition

The people who can understand modern physics have spent a lot of time and effort to get to that point. And while physics is hard and far away from every day intuition, all of it still makes sense, and you can follow the arguments, in principle do the experiments, work out the math and so on. This takes time and effort, and all experiments are not so easy to perform, but everyone of average intelligence can probably learn physics up to and including modern topics like quantum field theory and relativity.

Also, some people are actually on a different level compared to us mere mortals; "genius" is not an empty term. There is a famous theoretical physicist called Ed Witten, who is basically the father of string theory. I've personally seen him "in action" at a few conferences, and he is very impressive, almost scary. From a 20 minute talk on a technical topic, he seemed to understand things as well as the professor that was giving the talk, and could ask highly specific and relevant questions, and even suggest what he thought was a solution to one of the open problems. If that happened once or twice, then okay, maybe not too impressive, but when it happens over and over, and for very different topics, then it starts being highly impressive.

I just have a hard time believing that there are people out there who are just on truly a different plane of understanding the universe. Like, the best chess player on Earth has done AMA's where he says he regularly loses to complete randoms online. He's 'the best', but he's not on a different plane of existence. It's weird.

I think that's a pretty terrible comparison, and faulty logic. The random people he lost too were probably not really random people, but other strong chess players (IMs or GMs, even) who devoted a lot of time to chess. If you pit Magnus Carlsen against someone who just knows the rules and played a few games for fun, he will win every game. He could probably beat 10 such people at the same time without seeing the boards; which I would call being on a different level.

Also, do you think the same way about other technical fields? Can a brain surgeon really be on a truly different level when it comes to brain surgery, compared to a random person? Or even compared to a random doctor? Of course they can; because they spent years and years getting there.

Honestly, which is more likely:

  1. There are things about the universe that aren't intuitive and require years of research to understand.

  2. The universe works exactly how human monkey brains think it should work and all scientists are liars who spend their entire lives writing fake papers for money.

If you don’t dedicate your life to understanding a subject it is going to appear impossibly complex to you, that doesn’t mean that people who have dedicated their whole lives to studying the field are making things up. I talk with neuroscientists and they regularly blow my mind, but they have studied this stuff for years so obviously they know more than me.

How long have you been a MAthis fan?

And are you familiar with the group blog Piece of Mindful?

They often post threads about Mathis' work. One of the admin has met Mathis and speaks highly of him.

I 100% thought it was going to be retarded but that is weird fucking stuff man

I am always pleased to see that there are still people on this sub who are willing to change their minds :)

The main evidence is based around how a paralized guy doesnt develop in the same way as us, and teeth getting into worse shape. And no external evidence to back his claims up. Nty

The strongest point IMO was his ridiculous longevity compared to every other person who has ever had ALS.

I read somewhere about him never going through with the propper diagnosis, or atleast revealing it to the public. Meaning no one knows, or in the second case only Hawking and his doctor knows, if he actually had ALS or some other releated disease.

I think it was a link on this sub MAYBE, can't quote it.

That's not a strong point at all.

It's because the most common form has a life expectancy of 2 years, but Hawking did not have this form. Normal ALS also doesn't develop in your 20's.

Didn't Lou Gehrig get Lou Gehrig's disease when he was 35?

Yeah, this article might as well be some dude’s blogpost.

He's been debunked about most things he comes up with. I wouldn't use him as a source

Who has?

Miles mathis

Who has debunked him? I am here to learn so please aware me, newfriend :)

A quick search on Google will answer that. I don't know how to link stuff on here

You are the one making the claim, newfriend.

Yes I am. I'm also the one telling you to Google dumb dumb. If you can't do simple research on this guy then that's your problem

Miles mathis clams pi is equal to 4. Need I say more?

They don't need him anymore. They can computer-generate any fantasy "physicist" they want and nobody will be able to tell the difference.

Reminds me of the line in this Rap Battle with Einstein and Hawking, "You sound like WALL-E having sex with a Speakin'n Spell!"

Are you stupid? At least think before typing shit.

AI getting lazy...

Removed. Rule 10.

Wasn't he really against the whole alien invasion angle?

When you say this, do you mean the artificial world uniting false flag alien invasion? Or that it was a natural possibility?

Last I heard, he believed that we as a species should, at all cost, avoid making contact with any potential intelligent life that may be out there.

This is what really made me suspicious of him, I loved reading "A Brief History of Time," but from what I heard in the world of physics, he became more and more dogmatic with his views, and refused to give up some positions that were pretty definitively proven false.

Somebody that intelligent should surely have realized that a civilization capable of building interstellar craft to come here would recognize other sentient life as the rare, universal marvel that it is.

Christopher Columbus didn't.

There are many many documented instances of a technological civilization making contact with one that was less so. It never goes well for the underdogs.

This exactly. Throughout human history when we encounter a "weaker" race it basically ends up in slavery or genocide or both. Are we just going to cross our fingers this race, which to reach us would be magnitudes more advanced than us, would be completely different?

human history

Which could be really a very poor sample when you are talking about space faring civilizations.

It's a hard pill to swallow that humans are naturally and instinctively barely better than barbarians.

Doesn't mean every other species has to be.

Well, remember that evolution is a constant state of war. To produce a species that doesn't "compete" you will need something that didn't come into existence via evolution.

Notice that even in humans, the more kind, nonjudgemental, and tolerant you are, the fewer offspring you tend to have. It's more likely that the "Star Trek Federation" would sit down and start dividing up their own race into 10,000 genders rather than build spaceships and explore the galaxy.

ell, remember that evolution is a constant state of war. To produce a species that doesn't "compete" you will need something that didn't come into existence via evolution

Or made do with what it had available

Or made do with what it had available

To eliminate the evolutionary 'warring' you'd have to have a monoculture. That monoculture would have to feed on itself, which would select for the absolute most ferocious, warlike, monstrous, least empathic conquering barbarian horde you can imagine.

It's temping to imagine a stable symbiosis appearing between say, a shrimp and the algae it feeds on... but symbiosis is just detente in the evolutionary war. It only lasts until one side's genes finds the right way to put the screws to the other side. The symbiosis we see on earth is actually maintained by the outside predators, or environmental limits (such as in a biosphere) that couldn't allow the excess resources that intelligence needs to develop (intelligence is extremely wasteful! Think of how successful and adaptable ants are, without carrying around huge 3lb brains)


Well, remember that evolution is a constant state of war.

On the contrary, the only constant is the biased perception you share with the rest of humanity.

Every aspect of life on earth except for humans is fundamentally rooted in balance and cooperation.

This is not true. Deer will overpopulate until they destroy the food supply, then starve, if they are not sufficiently culled. Rats introduced to the island of Mauritius caused the extinction of a whole species. Zebra mussels introduced into the Great Lakes have almost completely wiped out the native bivalves. Beavers destroy as much land as they possibly can when they build a dam. Army ants can wipe out a whole microecosystem if they happen to cross it on the march. Your body is at constant, constant war with pathogens-- it never ends for your white blood cells and antibodies, every day is Vietnam.

The "balance" is just the steady state where one side's weapons are temporarily neutralized by the other side's defenses. It's not harmony, it's detente. It looks harmonious in the short view, but in the fact everything around you is constantly falling out of "balance" with each generation's selection.

No, you're right, they could well be completely different to us in attitude and instinct. They may have no concept of slavery or violence. Hard to imagine, but possible.

Plus it depends why they're looking. If it's for intrigue...or resources.

Maybe the aliens are SJWs though and will give us special treatment, putting us in a higher caste in their civilization

This doesn't seem to apply the same way unless aliens were looking to colonize on earth.

Sure, but then we also have to ask ourselves where we exist on the sentient spectrum.

Humanities competition is the antithesis of true cooperation and progress. Just because some violent apes had black powder first is hardly a good model to compare existentially different lifeforms to.

Just like the spanish recognised the Aztecs as the rare sentient life they were as well. How many laws have been passed recently concerning the ownership of shit up in space? Water is the rare universal marvel that we need. We ll kill anything in our way to get it. Sorry whats the argument again?? Peaceful civilisations never achieve a tech level to send themselves into space.. they dont need to leave their planet.. everyone is happy and doesnt want to move..

Sorry but there is a big difference between a conquistador and an interstellar civilization. When you have the technology to annihilate your entire species, you survive through cooperation, not war. Water is an incredibly abundant resource, there are water clouds larger than our solar system floating out in space, all mineral resources are far more abundant on asteroids.

Maybe some aliens feed off negative emotional states like suffering, in that case i can understand being wary of them, but considering their general tactic on earth is observation and non-interference, i dont think they are hostile.

read what I wrote again : "Water dadada that WE need. We ll kill anything in OUR way to get it." (take a step back and breathe... + a healthy dose of tinfoil that's what we're preepared to do to our own planet..

As so far as ressources on asteroids are concerned.. and they intend to get very very very very rich from it too.. tell me again how good we are about sharing ressources? All those wonderful moments in history where everyone had everything they needed.. Ok, so you think the Aliens are already here? I think that maybe some were a long time ago. Then again, I havent (knowingly..) met any yet, so I cant say if there are any here now. Ive seen a lot of things happening around this system, but it's possible that it's just us, and we havent been told about it..

The Three Body Problem

Changed my view on contract. I agree with Stephen.

Non-Mobile link:

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This is over my head, but I’m curious how it’s relevant to making contact.

This is a major spoiler to anyone that wants to read the books, so be warned. The author basically proposes a solution to the Fermi Paradox.

He starts with two axioms:

  1. Survival is the most important goal of every civilization.
  2. Every civilization will continue to grow but the universe is limited.

Then he basically game theories what would happen if one civilization discovered another one, lets call them Group A and Group B. Would they make contact or not, and what would that contact look like? Let's also say for simplicity they are either hostile or friendly. He also makes these two important assumptions in figuring out the decision matrix:

  1. Civilizations can experience technology explosions. So if we are talking about Group A discovering Group B, even if Group A is initially more advance, Group B can experience a technology explosion and surpass Group A. The important part here being more technologically advanced means better weapons and would win a conflict.
  2. Suspicion Chain is the next thing he introduces in the reality of the scale of the galaxy. Basically you can communicate at light speed but travel is much slower, so you can talk long before making contact. But how can you figure out if the other civilizations are hostile or friendly? Even if you could figure it out, how do you know the other civilization thinks you are friendly or not? And the suspicion chain just goes in circles. You wouldn't ever be sure the group you were talking to was friendly, or thought you were friendly, so they could be mounting the attack all while pretending to be friendly.

So Group A discovers Group B. What offers Group A the best chance for survival?

If they make contact and are friendly, they risk group B having a technology explosion and being destroyed.

If they don't make contact, again they risk group B having a technology explosion and being destroyed.

The best option to ensure long term survival of your civilization is to stay quiet, and destroy any civilization you do find.

This gives rise to the view of the galaxy as a Dark Forest. Every civilization is a hunter with a gun trying to stay quiet. If they encounter another hunter with a gun they only have one choice, doesn't matter if the other civilization is more advance or primitive, or hostile or friendly, you shoot or you are killed.

he became more and more dogmatic with his views, and refused to give up some positions that were pretty definitively proven false.

You could say this about most older physicists. Or just people in general.

Somebody that intelligent should surely have realized that a civilization capable of building interstellar craft to come here would recognize other sentient life as the rare, universal marvel that it is.

A) Maybe were not as rare as we think and resources are more important than protecting a planet with life.

B) Maybe they totally lack what we would consider ethics and destroying life isn’t something they find morally corrupt?

Or they would snuff it out before it brings it's wars and destruction across the universe? Can you imagine how war hungry we look from the outside looking in?

Somebody that intelligent should surely have realized that a civilization capable of building interstellar craft to come here would recognize other sentient life as the rare, universal marvel that it is.

Why does intelligence necessarily correlate with appreciating alien life?

I think that there is an underestimation of how alien aliens might be. They might just simply not recognize us as sentient life. They maybe could kill us in an hour without even realizing that they have done something to us (even if they did not intend to kill us). They probably do not have morals and values that we have and see the world completely different

What did he write or say that is a conspiracy?

Body double...

I’ve yet to see even one iota of credible evidence for this, despite a lot of users trying to make this claim. There’s a difference between a conspiracy theory and spewing insane nonsense.

Are flat-earthers being used as a means to discredit ALL conspiracies?

ALL conspiracies are being used to discredit flat earthers

t. physicists.

I don't know about all of them I think it's just easy to attack flat earthers because that conspiracy really is ridiculous. I believe in some conspiracies 100% and will listen to any with an open mind, but flat earth is the only one that really irritates me. I feel that it does a real disservice to real and plausible conspiracies.

Did you try that one with an open mind as well or just the others?

I watched a couple videos a friend sent me but after the second one I just couldn't anymore. I can't say that I was completely open minded going in but I still listened to his point of view and watched the videos all the way through so I did give it a shot.

Write-up about theory that Stephen Hawking was a fake:

Off topic, but this line in there made me curious:

For example, the truth about the Lincoln assassination still hasn't come out in the mainstream, 150 years later.

You, or anyone, know what this is in reference to?

I want to know too, if anyone else knows what he meant!

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Jesuits killed Lincoln

Theres a whole lot of historical inaccuracies in there

You, or anyone, know what this is in reference to?

You know that Lincoln was 'assassinated' in the Fords Theatre, and JFK was 'assassinated' in a Ford Lincoln?

This video is only five minutes long and will probably blow your mind.

This is some half-assed bait right here

alex jones time traveled to the 1800's and shot lincoln.

Thank you!

How long have you known about Mathis work?

I have only recently been getting into his papers thanks to a blog called Piece of Mindful.

Basically they discuss a bunch of things including media fakery. A lot of very intelligent commenters.

One of the admins there has met Miles Mathis and speaks very highly of him.

I uh ... Shit man.

Mathis’s argument that no one else loves this long so he couldn’t either is bs and his analogy using Bolt as a reference ales no sense at all. He neglected to account for the fact that hawking, just like magic Johnson had wealth and fame and could spend more time and money to finding or mitigating side effects of ALS. Are we here claiming magic is not the original??

"Things people say to discredit conspiracy theorists for 800"

Where is this conspiracy theorist credit? Has it ever even existed? What does it even mean? If flat earth and stephen hawking conspiracies disappear, will conspiracy theorists get this credit all of a sudden? Will they finally listen to us, then?! What will do without their approval until then?

"Things people say to discredit conspiracy theorists for 2000, Alex"

can be used for literally any conspiracy theory in someone's mind.

Where is this conspiracy theorist credit?


"Conspiracy theorist" is a derogatory term coined by the CIA to discredit people who expose conspiracies.

And yet people seem to individually prove the point that 'conspiracy theorists' are wacky... Ie the real Stephen Hawking died and was replaced by a double, who I assume also has ALS and also wanted to be confined to a wheelchair, speak through a machine and be straw fed for the rest of his life for whatever reason... Acting!

"Things people say to discredit conspiracy theorists for 2000, Alex."

In other words:

'I don't like a topic so I will throw my toys out of the cot'

Good find. Also of note in the article was that there were quite a number of other 'scientists' that were invited to Epstein's island...including that creep Lawrence Krauss.

The scientific community isn't safe from scandal either. Wish more people would stop acting like they are saints. (Elon, Tyson, Nye, Dawkings, etc.)

Dawkins recent cannibal comments were disconcerting.

What did he say?

Just a thought experiment:

"What if human meat is grown? Could we overcome our taboo against cannibalism? An interesting test case for consequentialist morality versus “yuck reaction” absolutism."

Jeez, that article couldn't have been more biased if it tried, and adds quite a bit of its own imagined context to the actual content of Dawkins' tweet.

Very unsettling to say the least.

“If human meat was grown...”, surely if human meat is being grown then animal meat can be grown too in this hypothetical scenario? In which case, why even consider human meat? Odd comment to make

In which case, why even consider human meat?

Well, duh... Because that's what makes it into a potentially interesting philosophical question.

Did you think someone who hates God would value the sanctity of human life?

For real. Tyson never sat right with me.

My conspiracy theory...

The island is home to a cutting-edge medical research facility (source:,_U.S._Virgin_Islands).

Maybe he went there and had some advanced work done? They cured Jimmy Carter's Stage IV cancer in a matter of months. The elite have access to medical treatments that we simply cannot fathom.

It makes sense. He was diagnosed in the 1960s and given two years to live. He outlived his doctors.

What if everyone8 is a body double? What if *YOU are a body double?!

Or in some cases a body triple

Maybe you are the reflection and the mirror is showing the real you.

i'm a body double.

Wasn't he a guest at Epstein's island? Maybe he survived so long by drinking young blood. I don't know I'm drunk.

do you genuinely believe drinking a young person's blood is beneficial to one's health?

Not necessarily. The theory is out there. I firmly stand by my belief that "I know nothing."

i thought it was ridiculous also but apparently its theorized to have some effects on aging effects. If it did work we can fully expect this to be widely popular in the future. It's quite exciting if its done ethically with willing donors.

The island is also home to a cutting-edge medical research facility. Maybe he had some work done?

I have not heard about that. Very interesting. Someone or a team of people need to do a recon/surveillance mission on Little St. James island. The entire idea that such a place exists is beyond fucked up. Pedophile island? Bomb the shit out of it! Go save the kids first if possible. Just my opinion.

I upvoted this...let me tell you why.

Because a popular post here recently has been about people missing actual, compelling conspiracy theories. I come on here tonight, i scroll down, everything is Trump and Russia...fine, to a degree.

Then I see this post...yes! Something interesting. Only after I click on it, I see it's being downvoted to hell after an hour.

Grandest conspiracy of all time? No. Best ever on this subreddit? Nah. Decent alternative to what we're seeing lately? You betcha.

I appreciate the idea, but this post is so low effort. No videos of him doing interviews or no medical statistics for people with "the condition with which he was afflicted" (seriously OP, couldn't even google ALS?)

no medical statistics

Was there something in those stats that was to contradict the theory?

some people with ALS deteriorate to a vegative state rapidly others don't.

Once ALS starts, it almost always progresses, eventually taking away the ability to walk, dress, write, speak, swallow, and breathe and shortening the life span. How fast and in what order this occurs is very different from person to person. While the average survival time is 3 years, about twenty percent of people with ALS live five years, 10 percent will survive ten years and five percent will live 20 years or more.

And what percent lives 50 years or more?

seriously OP, couldn't even google ALS

What facts do I need to know? I am here to learn, newfriend.

The thing that gets me is, if we never saw Hawking typing his words, then we must accept the possibility that somebody else was doing the typing.

Once we accept this possibility, then we can either ignore the obvious questions, or ask and discuss them.

Which would you prefer?

You need to know what disease the subject of your post has, that's like the most basic research. Google is to learn, r/conspiracy is to discuss your findings. You've never seen him type because you decided to do zero research. Why would I accept your hypothesis with zero evidence?

Because step2thejep demands impossible evidence to prove something is not a hoax but demands 0 evidence to support his interpretation of the situation. He doesn't understand that a negative assertion, such as claiming the Hawkings was a literal puppet... is not the null hypothesis but is a hypothesis requiring proof...

But that would only matter if he was here to have a discussion... which he is not.

He has an entire website that charges $20+ for the privilege of reading and viewing his ignorant musing. He comes here to shill his website and video and to troll people.

You see, step2thjep has mistaken ignorance for skepticism. He thinks if his under-educated under powered brain does not know of something, understand something, or de novo prove it or discover it, then its fakery.

In his infinite wisdom he has decided missile, atoms, planets, the moon, space, a round earth, evolution, dinosaurs, all of history, gravity, wars, etc are all fake... because he doesn't get how they worked or the science behind these concepts.

He is literally the dunning krugger effect poster boy. So if he cannot fathom a force diagram that details missile flight or the principle behind understanding basic chemistry or nuclear science, the chances of him understanding hawkings works or theories is slim...

Step2theJep challenges Quietabandon to a live, on air debate.

Quietabandaon quietly abandons the conversation.

If your debate style is anything like it is here why debate you? You don’t understand evidence or proof and all you do is attack people who disagree and self promote.

I think they are suggesting it was something other than ALS

Some neurologists have questioned his diagnosis, suggesting he may have adult onset spinal muscular atrophy, a disorder similar to MND but which has a much better prognosis and potential for a normal life expectancy. Most experts however believe his symptoms match classic amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), the commonest form of MND. Although the normal prognosis is two to five years, one in 20 patients survives 10 years or more. Brian Dickie, the research director at the MND Association, said he believed there could be something in Professor Hawking's genetic make-up that might explain his survival.

Here is something fringe for you (and the truth): Hawking died and was replaced wih a double [pdf]. It is pretty self-evident when you compare the pictures, and when you read about that one fateful night.

But also, realize such a handicapped / caricatural man (speaking through a computer) is a tremendous asset and marketing tool (in this day and age when victims are heroes). He was (still will be) used in every possible setting to spread doom porn, to advance the transhumanist agenda, and generally to advocate for the central planners’ goals.

The well-known lecture Life in the Universe is one among many examples (and perhaps one of the best known). See here for the whole thing. It is worthwhile reading it in full and realizing the amount of fallacies, inconsistencies and nihilist (and indeed morbidly materialistic) ideas that are put forth herein.

The real Stephen Hawking has been rolling in his grave for a long time.

Miles Mathis, really?

Rather than trying to figure out whom you can (or can't) delegate your mind to, I suggest you rely on your own. Contrary to what you seem to think, it is in perfect working order.

Mathis' ideas are worth considering. If after doing so you decide to independently reject them, so be it, it'd be fair enough.

And pi = 4, bud. ;)

I like you, what you say just makes so much sense. It is just a shame how many people throw out everything associated with a source because there is something non-credible from them as well.

Much like you I believe all ideas are worth considering. Even to play as devils advocate just to explore why the "other side" would think the way they do. So many people can't do that or understand why one would want to.

Yes intellectual independence isn’t as ubiquitous as we’d like it to be. Notr conformism is always a function of “identity”, i.e. one’s self-image and one’s effort to be praised/accepted by others.

It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it. (Aristotle)

Miles Mathis is a genius!

What is your biggest concern with Mathis?

Truly I am here to learn. Fairly new to Mathis work, myself.

He's thoroughly debunked. Any of his papers predicate on the premises of his argument being completely fabricated to support his conclusions. He's a clickbait mathematician who says things like pi=4 to achieve notoriety.

He's thoroughly debunked.

By who?

They've thoroughly debunked him. You know, They. Them. They. With a capital T.


Miles Mathis on Chess:

I am going to be uncharacteristically brief here, because, again, chess is not only not worth playing, it is not worth thinking about. It is only worth outing as another fraud.

Lol, now that is good stuff.

Maybe he just means that the official history of where chess comes from is crap, rather than the game itself.

Yes, I am reaching here.

He thinks the entire modern history of Chess is rigged and a complete setup. Also I hope you picked up on the fact that I use his Chess quote to describe what I think about his papers. I've been down this rabbit hole too many times when I used to be on Facebook and while I was studying Physics and Math in college. It's really not worth arguing with people who will never change their minds. The Mathis fans are people who hate the establishment for the sake of hating the establishment, and not those who really want to advance our understanding of the universe.

Fair enough, thanks for sharing your perspective.

What are the outlets, who are the researchers, you personally consider to be worthy of attention, for those of us seeking to better understand how the world really works?

The guys remotely controlling Stephen Hawking, obviously.

Woah, now. We all know for a fact that pi is exactly 3. Frink told me.

Uhhhhh it's clearly the same person in all of those photos. Big surprise that progressive degeneration of all your motor neurons to the point of full paralysis leads to dramatic changes in the face. Have you ever noticed what bone loss in the lower jaw does to the elderly? What sort of effect do you think not being able to open your mouth let alone chew anything for half a century had on Hawking's appearance? His head was propped upright not by under its own power but with the support of that headrest for 50 fucking years. The parts of the skull he'd otherwise be constantly articulating settled against each other.

Also his teeth don't look filed down in the older photos. They look like they're mostly hidden by his relaxed mouth, whereas in later years the deformation of his jaw had clearly driven them up and forward relative to his mouth so they were always out. Seems very possible he suffered some gum degeneration as well which would expose more of his dentition.

If he'd been secretly replaced with a double and his teeth didn't make any sense, don't you think the people responsible would have bothered to do something about them? This PDF is some of the dumbest shit I've ever seen.

Uhhhhh it's clearly the same person in all of those photos.

You've got to be kidding, it's clearly a different person

You are very dumb. Please don't procreate.

Top. Minds.

This sub should just be r/debunkers. I feel like there's more debunking than theory, somehow. Like one little meep rises in the back and the whole sub piles on "nuh-uh! Stuuuupid! I can't believe you think something so dumb! Naaaah!"

It really sucks checking in here now. Or all of Reddit for that matter. Cue some trash "showing me the door" or some sociopath from those harassment subs like Top Minds that for some reason never get taken down for doxing and harassment even that's literally all they do.

I think people just want to get to the truth. And if something is easily debunked or doesn't make sense then it's going to get called out. Isn't that the purpose of discussion here? To determine what's true and what isn't or what's plausible, probable, or possible?

Skeptical people like to challenge their own and others' beliefs. If you can't take criticsm or your viewpoint being challenged then why even be here? Just create /r/conspiracycirclejerk where no one is allowed to disagree with anyone's conspiracy theories.

And when you state things matter-of-factly like "You've got to be kidding, it's clearly a different person" when most people disagree then yeah, you're going to get downvoted.

It's good to question and dismantle the theories presented here. Otherwise it's just a bunch of LARPing based on the headlines of the day. I personally don't buy into this theory one bit. I've knew a man with ALS and he lived for 18 years after his diagnosis. Others have lived even longer, Hawking included. This theory seems like it was strung together through ignorance. Basically OP should read like this "I, having limited knowledge of ALS, am suspicious about someone living so long with the disorder. So it must be a conspiracy."

A conspiracy theorist who doesn't try to debunk everything he learns is someone who accepts information freely.

Accepting information freely does not a conspiracy theorist make.

No it doesn't. Think about it for a moment. Why would they pull a Weekend at Bernie's with a world renowned physicist?

"Big surprise that progressive degeneration of the motor neurons to the point of full paralysis leads to dramatic changes in appearance. Have you ever noticed what natural bone loss in the lower jaw does to the elderly? What sort of effect do you think not being able to open his mouth let alone chew anything for half a century should have had on the physiology of Hawking's head?"

This just in! All of this makes you look younger and less frail. If you ask me, he lucked out by getting a better looking double than himself.

He doesn't look younger. He's lost all of his muscle tone so his cheeks and jowls are a slack mess over a ruined jaw and in a sense that gives him more of a baby face but his features have clearly aged. Also his least effected features--brow, eyes, nose, ears, nasolabial folds--are a perfect match. You might be fucking retarded, honestly.

That Miles Mathis or whatever “study” was fucking retarded. “I’m not a dentist, but let me talk about his teeth as a way of backing up my theory without considering the degenerative disease he had.”

Exactly. "This guy who has spent half a century melting into a piece of mobile furniture, communicating with small movements of his cheek hasn't aged like a normal person in the face. Must be a SWAP JOB." Yeah and I've seen a lot of stooped old dudes and yet science man is over here sitting square in the chair. Checkmate, one-hawking-ers.

I'd rather be dumb than a prick. I feel sorry for the people in your life.

Yeah, not sure that's a card you can play when you're making baseless fucked-up assertions about a good dude who just died. You should find some solid fucking evidence before supporting something like that. So I hurt your feelings calling you retarded. Imagine how Hawking's kids would feel reading this theory about their dad today.

You're the one cussing up a storm and claiming my feelings are hurt. I bet the guy's kids couldn't care less about what some conspiracy people think about their dad. We don't need you to tell us we're bad people for discussing theories related to a public figure who is in the news for passing away. If you don't want to participate, then go find another thread to participate in. You don't need to come here like an asshole in order to accuse us of being assholes.

It's their job as trolls/debunkers. Ignore them is the best route, they'll go back and discuss their middle school jibes back at the monkeybars. Pathetic this is what they do.

If you don't want to participate, then go find another thread to participate in. You don't need to come here like an asshole in order to accuse us of being assholes.

You are not the gatekeeper of /r/conspiracy. You do not get to dictate the social rules, you do not get to tell people to leave when they think you're dumb or if they swear. This isn't grade school.

You implied his friends and family don't like being around him.

He said a swear while calling you out.

One of these is an actual attempt to hurt someones feelings, the other is an angry person sounding angry.

Which is a bigger asshole?

It's you

Neither are you. Thanks for joining a discussion you thought was dumb.

Removed. Rule 10.

That PDF is some of the dumbest shit I've ever seen.

Yeah, well, wait until you learn the TRUTH about the Lincoln assassination!

You mean the one where Abe Lincoln was also Jefferson Davis and the South was suppose to have won the civil war. When they did, they decided to kill off the lincoln character?


Can you elaborate on the fateful night you’re speaking of for me please?

Check out the link I provided, it's worth the read.

i think they're talking about when Hawking supposedly had pneumonia and doctors recommended he be taken off life support in 1985, but that poster was being kinda vague so I'm not sure exactly what they were referring to.

Thanks. I’ll have to look into that.

Dude that one night, he couldn’t be more specific

Right? Was everyone else there and I missed it?

Is this a parody comment? I'm having a hard time assuming this can be serious

I've read the same that Hawking was replaced.... the article also mentioned that Putin was killed several years back and replaced.

the article also mentioned that Putin was killed several years back and replaced.

The Putin bit is surely disinfo, but the Hawking stuff is 100%

Well, technically speaking, everyone is replaced every 7 years. That's how long it takes for all the new cells to replace all the old ones.

Lol true

Isnt that only until you like 30 or something? I dont know.

some cells, but things like neurons...nope.

not true actually. just some cells.

you ain't getting those neurons back.

Is that really true though. Shrapnel can stay in the human body longer than 7 years. Are all its atoms replaced? If shrapnel can survive, why not other parts of the human body.

shrapnel doesn't have DNA, DNA instructs each cell through direct or indirect means when it should be eliminated.

Shrapnel was a Gedankenexperiment. Here is a better discussion

nb: not true. some cells are, but obviously not everything (otherwise permanent damage wouldn't be a thing - a traumatic brain injury would just self-resolve in 7 years, right?).

so things like lose em, they're gone. take care of your brain folks.

I've never seen Hawking's double or Putin's double in the same room. And all those Putin-astride-bear/tiger/dangerous-animal photos would be great camoflauge.

It looks like the same guy. I’m all for a fun conspiracy every now and then but that’s ridiculous

I seriously don't know whether this sub is actually serious sometime or if it's like /r/nosleep where everyone knows it's all made up bullshit but everyone pretends it's real

Once upon a time NoSleep was actually close to being something you could believe was real. Now it's all horror stories pretending.

It could be like how T_D went. Sort of a self parody that morphed into actually believing the crazy bullshit that's said.

Never go full retard, I guess...

A speak and spell gained sentience in the early 80's and hijacked his tech. Everything is not as it seems.

I mean better than 90% of the shit on this sub. yeah not buying it. He can still have an upvote though

Can you point out some fallacies and inconsistencies?

Also what's wrong with Nihilist ideas?

Nihilism as an ideological property is cancer. Nothing wrong with nihilistic ideas academically but for so many people it's hard to separate the two.

Agreed. Nihilism put into practice is the problem, not the idea of it. We see it oozing into out society in many ways. Science for science sake, experimentation for experimentation sake. There's no groundedness. It's a sociopathic ideology that basically states nothing meaningful will ever be proven, therefore do what thou will and see what happens. It's the antithesis of what America was founded on and many people are drawn to it out of economic apathy, hypernormalization, and because it's hip. YOLO in practiced.

Poorly understood Nihilism is cancer. It's actually a very solid philosophical framework. You should find your own meaning in life. There is nothing inherently meaningful in life, unless you give it that meaning. The Universe doesn't care about achievements, but you care and that's all that matters.

Nihilism is a self-refuting ideology.

If existence is meaningless, being the prophet of that meaningless is a proof against that ideology. Why would one care about informing others about it, if it's without meaning?

Maybe you derive meaning by telling others life is without inherent meaning?

Do you understand the difference between inherent meaning and derived meaning?

Derived meaning must lie on inherent meaning. If there is no inherent meaning, there can be no derived meaning.

If your taste for music is just synaptic impulses, if love is reducible to hormones and neurotransmitters, if artistic creativity is an archaic reflex that evolved out of random occurrences because it somehows favors survival, if the beautifully fined-tuned universe is not beautiful at all because beauty doesn’t exist ... then why get up in the morning? Actually, why not just kill yourself, as anything you do is inherently meaningless? (Even your presumed fear of death, which as a rational being you could just ignore as it is a mere chemical reaction in your brain and doesn’t mean anything). But most importantly, why engage in this conversation with me? Why deploy efforts to condescend and try to insult me?

Here is the truth: consciousness is not secreted by the brain. Life is dream, and a beautiful dream. Not only does Beauty exist, but you are beautiful yourself, regardless of whether you realize it or not.

Why would I not do these things if there is no meaning?

I engage in this conversation because I like to do it. There's no meaning behind it, there is just the fact that it happens.

I do not fear death for there is nothing to fear in nothingness. I just want to prolong life as I'm having fun. There's no meaning to what I'm doing, but there is also nothing before and after death.

The real Stephen Hawking has been rolling in his grave for a long time.

How long have you been a Miles Mathis fan?

And are you familiar with Piece of Mindful? A blog full of intelligent people and several writers who often mention and discuss Mathis' work.

Now this site is a capital-R Rabbit Hole. Thanks for the link.

My pleasure. I think all intelligent people should check that site out.

It is like taking all of the genuinely smart people from r/conspiracy and putting them in one place.

Haha I came here for this! Pretty interesting stuff

The stuff about the 'wax hands' is pretty interesting. Can we find more photos of his hands to compare?

I've read that Hawking's version of ALS, while crippling, wasn't the most severe type one can get.

oh get the fuck outta here. What in god's name would ANYONE gain from replicated Stephen Hawking?

I'll bite what is the end goal of having a Steven Hawking double? I don't think I've seen him advertising anything other than maybe treat the world better.

On top of that what is the benefit of him dying now?

Pretty much sums it up.

Same reason why they switched Paul McCartney with his known public double Billy Sheers after a supposed Auto accident, to continue selling products.

What products have you seen that Steven Hawking is really advertising at least if there was a double of Paul McCartney they have something to sell.

His book and his recent claim that capitalism is a flawed system.

He sells creationism to the masses.

Hawking sells creationism?


In what way? That's something of a wild claim. Hawking is pretty nihilistic, even by scientist standards.

The article even has a crazy explanation for that! I love this shit.

Addendum, April 25 2015 We already have new evidence for my claim that the Hawking impostor is also dead, in that his current appearances are via hologram.

The IMPOSTER ALSO DIED, and has been dead for a while, and I guess they ran out of... holograms? And imposters?

And sooooo they... decided to just call it a wrap. Because killing off Hawkings in 1985 and replacing him with a double for thirty years is one thing, but hiring a second replacement is just fucking crazy. Duh. Obviously.

I love how, in the lecture, he can recall with great certainty how the universe was formed..

But, when it comes to how dna formed on earth, all he can muster is 'somehow'

what are examples of doom porn you speak of?

Whewiee that’s some mental gymnastics for you.

That really was the dumbest thing I ever read.... “His hair went from Grey to blonde! His eyebrows too!” Are you kidding thats still grey lmao its just a dirtier grey.

The only thing that was SLIGHTLY believable was the “Wax hands” thing, but in any case, I wouldn’t find it too farfetched for someone to give him some fake hands to have out because his hands are so grossly deformed.

These are the kind or conspiracy’s that make people think this sub is a joke...

And apparently the double died in 2015, and it's been holograms ever since!

Sorry, but this one just doesn't resonate as having any chance of being true.

Shit yeah, this is the good stuff!

Addendum, April 25 2015 We already have new evidence for my claim that the Hawking impostor is also dead, in that his current appearances are via hologram.

That's the crackpot X-Files-on-meth shit I come here for. ::inhales deeply and savors the insanity::

Lmao this paper is so ass. What does he claim is the truth about the Lincoln Assassination?

Why try to censor conspiracies to fit your narrow defintion of what a conspiracy should be? I can handle both political and non-political conspiracies, and discuss either or both. I wouldn't sit around complaining that the censoring isn't as heavy as I want it to be.

Censor conspiracies? No. Half the front page posts aren't even conspiracies anymore. As with every sub that gets popular, this sub has gone downhill. The old /r/conspiracy was filled with posts about lost civilizations, chemtrails, and the NWO. Now? Bots and shills. Posts that only serve to divide. Posts that aren't even a conspiracy, or theory.

Top post right now? I was duped by Trump...admit it, you were too.

That's not really anything...yet gilded, massively upvoted, just to be the only or main conspiracy post visible to more transient users. It's pretty confounding by how silly it looks. I'm all for people putting out theories or giving relevant subjective material, but the goal should be looking at things as objectively as possible.

How would you be duped by Trump, millionaires only know how to fix millionaire problems.

That's why there was the huge white house memo on human trafficking, right?

Looking at your username, you must be a real treat to hang out with.

censor conspiracies

Did he say anything about 'censoring' conspiracies?

Or is he, like many of us, tired of the complete circus known as 'politics' taking up half of the front page of this sub?



I personally think this is an absolutely ridiculous conspiracy, but it's a nice change from the usual.

Also, wasn't it theorized (maybe even confirmed at this point) that Hawking may have initially been misdiagnosed?

I personally think this is an absolutely ridiculous conspiracy

May I ask why, newfriend?

Do you not think it is possible that somebody else was controlling the computer voice?

same and i've never heard of it good job op. didn't know that this is what I was here for any more.

good job op

Thanks, newfriend.

I first heard of this one about three years ago. At first I thought it was crazy.

A guy had called in to a talkshow I used to listen to and I honestly thought he was trying to 'spread disinfo' (I used to be a conspiratard).

After looking at some footage of Hawking for myself, I noticed that there was zero evidence that he was doing the typing.

Then I began digging further and the whole ruse became so obvious.

Now I find the whole thing funny, just like most of TPTB's jokes on the masses.

The disease progressed over the years. He was not always completely debilitated. During his earlier years he went from a cane to crutches to a wheel chair but was able to write and speak etc. A significant portion of his work was from that time period.

If there were millions of dollars at stake (book sales, speaking tours, etc), do you think it is possible that his family/handlers may have been inclined to 'keep him alive' even after he reached full vegetable mode?

Roughly 50% of people who suffer with als will experience cognitive decline. That leaves 50% who don't.

That doesn't answer my question.

All I'm saying is that your claim he's a vegetable is unsubstantiated. In fact the opposite seems to be more likely.

I asked you a simple question. Are you really this incapable?

Don't be a dick.

Step2TheJep is here to troll and shill himself own website. He is likely John le Bon. Check his post history, it’s instructive.

I think this is an interesting question. I’ve always thought that whenever there’s a lot of money involved in someone’s life like that, family/handlers can end up trying to find ways to take advantage of that.

It’s kind of like an elder person with a chronic disease that has a lot of money and their relatives fight to see who gets the money.

So to answer your question, yeah. It is very plausible his family/handlers did things like that.

Good response. I like the way you think.

Except I read that due to his illness, they have always had very little money as most goes to his medical bills. Further, scientists in the academic field tend to only get money from grants, which isn't a great deal of cash. If he was an engineer, that'd be a different story. Then you have people like Neil de Grasse Tyson that make money as a personality more than research, which tends to pay more.

You didn't ask ME anything. I'm pointing out a fallacy in your assumption. Ignore it of you want, after all it's just your credibility at stake.

So you refuse to answer the question. Pathetic.

I'm afraid I don't answer to vegetables.

Someone in this thread is definitely pathetic, just not who you think it is.

I think the problem is the content of those papers and those books.

Sure someone could emulate Stephen King and trick us with a couple books.

But the entire point of Hawking is that the guy was incredibly smart and gifted at physics. There may only be a handful of people on this planet that are as intelligent as him. His family could not have written those papers or made those speeches.

But the entire point of Hawking is that the guy was incredibly smart and gifted at physics.

What leads you to say this?

What amazing things did you read in his books?

I read Brief History of Time when I was a kid, and it sparked my lifelong interest in science, physics, and cosmology.

Even though science has moved on, I really should read it again. RIP.

Can you give me even one example?

Hawkings discovered that Black holes Radiate some of their energy over time and, are thus, finite constructs. That redifined how modern physics views black holes. This radiation was named after him and is known as "Hawking Radiation".

Hawkings discovered that Black holes Radiate some of their energy over time and, are thus, finite constructs.

How did he 'discover' this?

I hope you're good at mathematics because the Wikipedia page gives a fairly detailed overview:

I am good at mathematics.

You are not answering my question.

WEll, I'm happy you're good at mathematics, because it appears that you aren't very good at reading. The wikipedia page explains how it was discovered in the first 2 paragraphs.

How do you "know" he reached "full vegetable mode"?

you should probably look into some of these things for yourself. you do realize how the burden of proof works right? you make a claim that Stephen Hawkings works might have been made up by his family/handlers to make money off of his namesake. you should now. people have already provided you ideas that contradict that idea. what evidence do you have to support your theory?

Nah, step2thjep has mistaken ignorance for skepticism. He thinks if his under-educated under powered brain does not know of something, understand something, or de novo prove it or discover it, then its fakery.

He has a whole website that charges $20+ for the privilege of reading and viewing his ignorant musing. He comes here to shill his website and video and to troll people.

In his infinite wisdom he has decided missile, atoms, planets, the moon, space, a round earth, evolution, dinosaurs, all of history, gravity, wars, etc are all fake... because he doesn't get how they worked or the science behind these concepts.

He is literally the dunning krugger effect poster boy. So if he cannot fathom a force diagram that details missile flight or the principle behind understanding basic chemistry or nuclear science, the chances of him understanding hawkings works or theories is slim...

so wait. he has a website that charges for this? I wonder if there are idiots that pay. I mean probably right? there are a lot of idiots. would that make him a professional idiot?

Hard to tell, on his website he lists "members" and recently had a video claiming 50 subscribers although I don't know if its all paying subscribers...

So he makes max of $12K/ year on this, which is decent money for the ravings of a literal moron... I guess going full retard can pay?

that is honestly not bad supplemental income if you had an actual job in addition to this. how hard can it be to not understand something and then write about how its a lie?

he reached full vegetable mode?

Just choked on my coffee and now I feel terrible.

If i remember correctly he lost speech becausr of a throat operation or something... or he was just a reanimated corpse from that moment on.. funny how hawkings was photo'd on lolita island...

lost speech from pneumonia

funny how hawkings was photo'd on lolita island...

Wow seriously? Would love to read about this if you could give a source. I was never a fan of the guy, but I'm very surprised by this.

Why didn't you like him?

like Musk, probably because he was smart and represented science and the advancement of humanity. Many people despise that, opting instead to be anti-science and anti-humanity.

lol anti-science is a left wing talking point. Anti-humanity is poorly defined.

In science we all have our pet theories, and those we disagree with. Disagreeing with Hawkings work isn't in and of itself "anti-science".

lol anti-science is a left wing talking point.

It's really not. I know quite a few religious zealots who are anti-science as it tends to eventually unravel the mysteries that require faith

Funny though because with each new answer, more questions arise.

I don't think he's saying that being anti-science is left wing, but that calling others anti-science is a talking point left wingers use whether you agree with that or not.

Valid point. But sadly the right are fairly anti science in the constant denial of climate change due to humanity.

Til you need to have a ball earth for computers to exist.

Comments like this,I swear....

international internet via satellites, you goofcube.

In which would require towers.Towers that use still 98% percent landlines for their connections."Satellite" signals that can be another frequency.Be informed or don't even make comments

Don't get mad at me because you forgot satellites are a thing.

Why you think a satellite needs a tower is baffling. I have a dish that sits on the ground that gets TV and internet for my RV from a satellite.

Its the fact that you don't even think what you write.

You sit on your living room jerking on sci-fi you been spoon fed.Great.Now the signal must go away from you to a satellite.Does the signal stay there?No.It must somehow reach the servers,which,are not in space.How do you think they communicate? And when you answer this,try to visualize also a radio and tell me if satellite is needed for that to get your answer

My degree is in electronic engineering. I work computer control systems in rocketry. I communicate with multiple satellites on a daily basis. Some of which I helped put there.

I know how a radio works. I know how satellite communication works. I know why we need satellites to reach across the oceans instead of using the Transatlantic cable.

But please, do entertain enlighten me on what I missed here.

Apparently you are proficient enough to know how data works!So much apparently that you don't know how signals gets transmitted/received and what part towers play!That 98% percent of communication is being done through cables.But hey,you switch your TV on and apparently get signal from apparently nowhere,this is where your profession starts and stops.

You are an engineer alright,of couch mechanics.And your username checks out

I know quite well how signals get transmitted and received. Baffled why you think it needs a tower. How does a walkie talkie work with no tower? You talk in to one, it transmits signal, the other receives the signal, you hear the speech. No tower at any stage of this.

A tower can be used for local comms, to gain greater range against the curve of the earth. Your own position defeats your argument- if the earth were flat towers would not be necessary at any distance. But, since you do have to overcome the curve of the earth, you need a tower for short distance extension or range. If you want to go to the other side of the globe, you need at minimum 2 satellites. Which, really, does the same thing the tower does- extend line of sight over the horizon. Like a really really tall tower. But towers that tall are not possible yet, so we use satellites in orbit to perform this task.

What a buffoon....Walkie talkie as your example is something you transmit and other recieve and answer at the time of arrival.Do you think that satelites have servers installed on the and you get your signal from there without communicating with land servers?My god..

Also Go outside of range of the rf of walkie talkie and its gone.

Towers are not because of the curve you moronic piece of misinformed human...As you said its to extend the signal,because signal can get anywhere so far before it is lost.Ever wondered why you lose signal on your phone?You seriously try to argue here that we lose signal because of curvature and we need towers to bypass that?what a fkin idiot,my god...You deserve to believe anything,really

Your ignorance seems to be making you very angry. Only you can resolve that.

You spend a lot of time addressing your own positions instead of what I said. Go back and actually address my points this time.

And here is a shocker for you- those radio waves will travel forever until they hit something. Forever. The first radio signal ever created in 1864 is still moving through space to this day. The limits on range are simple: transmit power, receiver sensitivity, and blockage.

Your cell phone, operating at about 1 watt, can produce a signal strong enough to another cell phone to use over 1000 miles away. Yes, cell phones do not communicate directly to each other. I know this, I use their weaker receiver because the tower has an even more robust receiver.

Why do the cell phones not get more than 20 to 50 miles then? Even in flat terrain?
because something stops the signal. The Earth gets in the way, dropping that distant target below the tower's horizon. At 30 miles, the tower horizon to a 6 foot person is 486 feet high. terrain and elevation give you some advantages and some disadvantages.

Can't hear you clearly,curve must be on the way and signal gets lost in the way without towers

The satellites are carrying the signal quite well. I suspect it is the cognitive dissonance causing the signal to fade at your end.

No it must be the dark dork force waves...losing you....bye

Later. Try not to let all the globe planets and that globe moon in the sky create more cognitive dissonance than you can handle.

Your lack of knowledge on how things work is both baffling and disturbing.

Stop trying to actively derail people with your meaningless explanations of absolutely nothing; it's almost as bad as your grammar. ALMOST.

Care to elaborate where I am wrong?I don't derail people,apparently I inform them since your so knowledgeable know-all that can't explain anything,but please,entertain me with your information,I would love to see it.Are you gonna back down?Is my grammar offensive enough to people when English isn't my native language?Are you gonna counter my arguments?

Didn't realize English wasn't your first language. Based on the context of your comments, I believe I was right in my assumption.

Impossible to counter-argue against crazy, but sure I'll explain what I can surmise:

You have fundamental misunderstandings of the technology you use in your everyday life. So much so, that you have no azimuth to determine the validity of the reality we exist in.

You seem to be the type that assumes fowl play merely based on your lack of understanding.

You don't understand it, therefor it must be wrong.

You explained nothing,what is there to argue?You just insult while I bring facts that you apparently can't counter.

And bringing the grammar as an excuse to your inability to Counter arguments is laughable.

lol whatever dude. Nothing you said had any relevant point - which is why there isn't anything to argue, so I'll give you that.

Have a nice day/night

TIL science is 'left-wing'

TIL science is 'left-wing'

Probably because you can't read.

Head back to t_d if you want a circle jerk friendo.

Not a response to the thread here. You ran out of logic before you even started huh?

TIL science is mainstream and progressive

You didn't learn that either, you just can't read or comprehend what I'm saying.


So when he says the term 'anti-science' is a left wing talking point that means science is left wing to you? Really lol?

"Anti-science" isn't a left wing talking point, it's a NASA-tan/DNC/modern Democratic party talking point. In fact, Mooon santo corporate shills use the "you don't 100% agree with mainstream m.o. science with conflicts of interest? You anti-science jerk!".

Corporations and most modern Democrat party politicians are not left wing. Also....big pharma is not left wing either and they push the "you don't trust vaccines? Fucking stay away from my children!" bullshit. (I'm not anti-vaxx per se, but we need to investigate the neurotoxins within vaccines and find alternatives asap. I also call bullshit on herd immunity, it doesn't make sense to me.)

The world's not black and white, and left wing isn't even on the table except when Bernie ran....and then got rigged out, and his policies were barely just left wing (he was like FDR, almost centrist/social democracy).

Left wing and SJW are two different things, just like right wing and racist are.

Please, let's eliminate this "left vs right" bullshit, so we can unite against the elites and their divide and conquer agenda. They're scared shitless of us being awake against the corporate-banking war machine.

For the record, global warming and stuff...I don't know for sure if it's human accelerated but I both acknowledge fossil fuels will run out AND that the elite want to shoe-horn in a regressive corporate scam in the form of carbon tax, at the expense of the working/middle class/upper middle class.

I always here those talking points from leftists. People who vote Democrat and prefer Socialism. The world isn't black and white, but there are patterns you cannot honestly deny

I get what you're saying, but honestly a lot of self-identifying "leftists" are tricked into SJW garbage and/or Leninist authoritarian crap and/or cronyist corporate Democrats/Republican/Libertarian party puppets. Everyone's ignorant in some way or another. I think Dems and Repubs were less extreme and more moderate a few decades ago (i.e. pre-Reagan), maybe slightly left to slightly right.

If we can all sort out the misunderstandings and see how closely we actually are aligned, (we're all freedom-loving workers after all deep down) we would more easily unite against the banksters and other corrupt oligarchs, demand money out of politics, dismantle CIA/secret societies/nationalize the FED, etc.

In terms of socialism, it's a pretty broad range of ideologies (libertarian socialism is way better than more authoritarian stuff) but economically we can have a balance between personal freedom (socialistic/worker protections) and economic freedom (capitalistic freedom limited to ethical small/medium business that play by the rules, and break up big monopolies, corporations and big banks that screw us over).

Virtually everyone's brainwashed so we should take care to slowly help each other re-assemble reality from the half truths fed to us daily.

As for what you said about coming together. I wish we could come together on things like exposing the pedo elite. But when the Clinton campaign gets called out for links to creepy pedo vibing perps, all the leftists even in r/conspiracy SCOFF at the idea!

It is both damn parties that do it.

I admit there are some leftists who are almost getting there like the Jimmy Dore folks. But still even they don't get the gun control issue. When dealing with a government this bad we need our rifles. Just one example, if you ever wanted to secede from the union we would need RIFLES, but it is hard to find leftists who don't want to ban those! Come on.

And that anti-science smear too. Both sides have problems I know, but it seems like on many issues the left is just so damn arrogant and deluded. The Right is wrong sometimes too, but in this climate I think the left needs a lot of reflection because they are galloping off on their high horses and it is a dangerous delusion.

You know what's ironic? I think Karl Marx was pro-gun lol! (Something about protecting the proletariat from tyranny?). I don't have much of a view on Marx as I haven't read his theories properly but I do know that people confuse "Marxism-Leninism" (Lenin's twisting of Marx's theory of how communism eventually will come) for actual Marxism (of which there are at least three types: classical, orthodox and revisionist). So I don't really have any beef with Marx, but I am annoyed with Lenin/Stalin/Mao claiming the socialist and communist name to describe their corrupt cronyist state capitalist dictatorship model that gave them too much power. I've read that Marx wasn't even authoritarian but don't take my word for it as I need to research more on it another time.

My gun law views are a bit mixed: I hate what guns do (literally only function is destruction/killing) and think strict anti-gun laws work very well for most countries (e.g. those in Europe). But the U.S. could be a logical exception as it's the NWO battleground and the elites/secret services probably give illegal arms to city gangs, drug cartels, MKUltra victims, etc. anyway so we're screwed in that sense (hostage situation until we actually "drain the swamp" of secret society and corporate shills from government.) I try not to jump to conclusions as these things are often complicated considering who's running the show. It would probably make more sense if we focused on other things before arriving at gun rights. Fixing the government is a priority because everything leads back to politics/corporately controlled government.

My friend I just want to recommend avoiding the pointless terms "THE left" and "THE right" for multiple reasons (copy/pasting from a previous comment) :

"THE LEFT"/"THE RIGHT" is language we should ideally avoid because it's A) divisive, B) prone to extremely broad generalizations, C) what some think is left/right is not actually left/right respectively and centrism is also ignored for some strange reason, D) everyone on the left half of the spectrum is a leftist, but people seem to confuse left wing with SJW/feminist/"white privilege" brainwashed people lol. This just increases the divide and conquer agenda's power. Oh and E) not all left wingers, centrists or right wingers think exactly alike, respectively. Hive mind = sheep. Saying left wingers are SJWs is like saying right wingers are racists. Not everyone who is left/right wing is SJW/racist. The whole SJW vs alt right or whatever is divide and conquer.

Just to add another layer: the corporate media brainwashes the population with their bullshit definitions of left and right and "moderate". They pretend moderate = "between Dem and Repub" which is bullshit because that's just a brand loyalty scam. Both modern parties have moved so far to the right and modern Dems are pretending "we're leftist because LGBT rights, pro-choice" when that doesn't mean shit economically. They try to shift the goal posts of what is left/center/right so that we edge closer to NWO global fascism:

Visual representation of the identity politics garbage:

media's definition of lib and con:

(Modern) Dem vs (Modern) Repub bullshit:

Any categorization is divisive. But not necessarily in an awful way. Many people do follow the crowd and the mainstream media, so they often lump themselves into a group think mentality and I'm just pointing it out.

I think calling people "libtard" and "Nazis" (and assaulting them for being "Nazis") and TV personalities making vulgar and uncivil attacks on sitting presidents and their children is more divisive. It not only divides but increases animosity and gives an OK from our sheep's leaders that this type of behavior is OK. Also Trump promoting violence at his rally's is divisive, though fortunately the right has not been organizing political violence as the Soros backed Antifas have been.

I fully agree with you we have a one party system when it comes to some of the most importance issues like Agenda 21, foreign policy (endless wars) and the surveillance state. I just try to push the truth and squeeze it out of both sides of the argument. Each side has a piece of the puzzle, but also have failed ideas we need to discard.

I'm for promoting civility, debate dialogue, and from what I've seen it is mostly right wing pundits pushing this idea... while many progressives are in a frenzy ready to justify political violence because the other side (they say) are literal "Nazis". Just saw a post on r/Progressive to that effect yesterday! So yes when I'm seeing a bigger problem on the general left I say so and focus more on that roadblock to peace and civility.

I don't mean labels per se, there's nothing wrong with saying "left wingers are more likely to be SJW and right wingers more likely to be racist but both are optional and corrupted personality traits pushed by the elite anyway, not everyone is an SJW/racist". (Although this statement might cause a bit of unnecessary division.) Instead of using vague labels (e.g. liberal/conservative) or even pretty distinct/solid labels (democratic socialism, anarchism, anarcho-syndicalism, centrism/social democracy, etc.) it would be better to avoid political sport teams and JUST talk about policies without ad hominem attacks. Best way.

The problem is: when everyone on the left half of the spectrum is a leftist but people incorrectly say "THE LEFT / everyone on the left half of the entire spectrum" is a "so and so" which can't possibly be logical considering how massive the spectrum is. It's far too broad of a generalization. You can't compare a false leftist (Democrat party worshiper) with an SJW with a democratic socialist with a Leninist. Massive differences so generalizations would be illogical. Like assuming everyone from Alabama is a incestuous racist. Waaay too broad man. Hope you get what I mean. Literally the corporate media was saying "THE left/THE right" super frequently during the Antifa vs Neonazi psyop. They want us to oversimplify the spectrum (BOX ONE or BOX TWO rather than an actual spectrum) and choose retarded groups to fight each other with. Let alone the fact modern Democrat puppets aren't even left wing or centrist! So it's a really really bad idea to use the terms "THEEE left" / "THEEE right".

Also remember there's no such thing as "both sides" because this implies there are only two ideologies on the ENTIRE spectrum which is demonstrably incorrect. A slightly right wing guy is going to be astronomically different to a far right authoritarian fascist for example (in fact a slightly right wing guy could hate the Republican/Democrat parties and be a legit ally of mine). I would like to unite everyone that's reasonable, i.e. moderate libertarian forms of center left, centrist and slightly right. (But not extreme right libertarian like the Libertarian party, although even extremists could be reasoned with if misunderstandings are cleared up.)

Fighting for workers' rights, no SJW crap, break up monopolies, legit social programs for the common man untampered by corporate profiteering, etc. (like FDR's New Deal) stuff that I think can be compatible in that anti-establishment region of the spectrum. Far left anarcho-communists (real communists, not Leninists, anarcho-communism has never existed) can also be reasonable, I just find their classless society ideology takes far too much work to start working correctly but I welcome anyone reasonable as my ally and offer clarification to extremists in the hope they can see reason and join sanity once they realize their perspective was distorted. Antifa give anarchists and anarcho-communists a bad name, these are freedom-loving anarchistic people that don't trust the gov but Antifa is infiltrated with SJW/violent shills to paint anarchistic ideologies as "molotov man violent and SJW" which is a bullshit stereotype made for TV.

Anyway I agree with you that violence is not the way. I don't care if you're a NeoNazi or spiritual hippie or hardcore feminist SJW or whatever. Hitting someone because of their views is just screwed up. Reasoning with each other is the most legit way to wake people up, instead of insulting/hitting people.

The label "progressive" I assumed meant like proper left winger and not fake left? But Clinton called herself a progressive so that totally muddies the waters now for normies. I think some SJWs also make up a % of that label. But the ideology itself, I'm not sure, it sounds sort of vague. Anyway r/progressive seems like a red flag as I'm seeing a lot of SJW bullshit like feminism and focusing too much on racial shit. It's likely compromised just like r/socialism and r/latestagecapitalism which ridiculed and downvoted me like the shills they are, for going against their "capitalism or socialism, choose one" narrative which is bullshit, you can have both simultaneously (they know higher degreees). Jimmy Dore is pretty good, haven't watched him extensively or recently but he's fairly reasonable.

The Young Turks used to be decent (agreed with maybe 80-90% of what they said, hated the SJW stuff that sometimes came up but also hated the retards and shills in the comment section always saying shit to start an argument) but as far as I can see, they've gone really downhill since promoting Hillary after Bernie got rigged out of the primaries.

I don't think it's a good idea to say "it's JUST the SJWs that are the problem! They crazy!" because that essentially ignores the problems of "conservatives" "NEOconservatives" "alt right" "white nationalist" "NEOliberal" and other flawed right wing strains that some have fallen for. What we have to do is, fix problems on ALL SIDES. Democratic socialists should reason with authoritarian Leninists, general left wingers should reason with SJWs and get them to see feminism/white privilege/EXTREME-political-correctness is bullshit and not left wing. And free speech is not to be feared: if someone says something retarded, it will speak for itself. As long as violence isn't being promoted, they should be free to speak their mind.

Moderate right wingers should reason with the corporate ass kissing NEOliberals, "tax is theft" extremists, racists, corporatists, cronyists, etc. Real progress doesn't mean abominations/twisting society. It means stuff that improves the quality of life. None of this "the patriarchy" bullshit, it's the elites that are the problem, not merely the fact that they're usually male, but their power and psychopathy.

Don't get manipulated by crap you see on YouTube and the corporate media. We need to unite rather than demonize and point fingers. But definitely I see extreme right economics as more of a danger to workers than SJW shit that doesn't really get traction (feminazis don't have any real power hahaha) but SJWs can certainly be annoying, organic or shills, either way. A lot of pundits use "conservative" when they're talking NEOliberal shit like deregulating the markets to give corporations more power. Conservative has become meaningless like Liberal. 30 years ago lib and con would have meant something totally less retarded.

Anyway there's always going to be minor disagreements (wedge issues mostly) but we can accomplish much by just calmly slowing down, maybe that will make feminists rage less since it seems to be a fight or flight response lol (i.e. anxiety? Maybe they can't help being aggressive as they feel threatened because of their brainwashed worldview?). We have to lead the example, the reasonable non-SJWs, non-corporate boot lickers, pro-working class 'woke' people. Non-authoritarian center left, centrist and slightly right wingers. We can really wake people up by showing how extremist the retarded modern Dem/Repub/Libertarian parties are.

E.g. "hey alt right people, stop blaming the immigrants for what the corporations are doing, they literally move the jobs to wherever has low worker protections so they can exploit the shit out of them like slaves, although mass immigration isn't necessary anyway" and "hey feminists, your ideology is not the same as equality so we'll have to disagree there, but think about it, is it better to focus on tiny differences at best, between pay between men and women or the giant elephant in the room, EXTREME income inequality across ALL WORKERS of ALL RACES, BOTH GENDERS, etc. Don't let the elite manipulate you, Males are not the enemy, banksters are, look up this shit! While we argue about silly crap, they're laughing all the way to the bank!". We can find common ground in logic like this.

We need to be friendly and stuff like potential allies. "We the people" sort of alliance or comrades if you will (it's not only Leninists that use this friendly term). But don't believe anyone on TV, (pundits are usually full of bullshit) it's all corporately controlled and based on psyops/cults of personality/money making agendas like book deals and shit. I don't trust any mainstream "conservative" or "liberal" pundit because they seem to be extremist establishment two-party system ass kissing puppets (economically or socially).

The corporate media all lied about French president Macron the Rothschild banker, for example. They said he was a "centrist" hahaha he's actually an extremely right wing shill who wanted to remove worker rights, give tax breaks to billionaires, etc. Hence why people were protesting against him in France. He's a shill for the super rich.

But yeah man let's try to separate economics from social issues and real left wing from SJW. There's astronomical differences between them. Clinton is an SJW (muh glass ceiling) but economically extremely right wing (NEOliberal wallstreet-corporate puppet). We also need to make a distinction between "left wing ideologies" and "people who think they're left wing". Democratic socialism written in a legit political science book isn't going to change, but people who think they're this or that, can morph into whatever if they're influenced by the lying corporate media. Centrism also deserves a voice. Moderate politics scares the shit out of the elite. Extremism helps push their agenda.

So yeah we can try to sympathize with each other and figure why someone believes some bullshit. If all else fails in negotiations, we can just agree to disagree and then suggest removing money from politics, nationalize the FED, remove secret societies/CIA from gov. Lol tell SJWs that nazis were imported into the U.S. via operation paper clip, that would help.

I almost agree with you, but I think you're viewing it through a particular lense. I, like the other user, wasn't a huge fan of the guy, nor am I of people like Musk, Neil deGrasse Tyson. I respect that they're all very smart guys and have contributed toward the advancement of science and been great communicators to the public, but they all come off as gatekeepers. They promote certain avenues of science while completely disregarding/dismissing other avenues. They're all "mainstream establishment scientists" and tend to push a certain agenda alongside the topics they talk about, rather than simply promoting "the scientific method" as it is and applying that everywhere workout bringing biases into the equation.
I do realise how some people can see the push-back against these establishment figures as "anti-science", but I think that's just people not looking at it hard enough. Also, I realise that some people actually do go so far as to think "well if X establishment scientist said it then I don't believe it because he's a fake!" simply because they have lied and/or misled in the past, similarly to those who think "well of the MSM said it then I don't believe it because MSM is fake news!". But thankfully these types people are in the minority. I believe, based on my encounters and interactions with people on the topic, that most people who are critical of certain mainstream scientists and public figures are critical because of the agenda that appears to be pushed by these types, and not because they are "anti-science", which is a phrase that gets thrown around a lot to discredit people.

They promote certain avenues of science while completely disregarding/dismissing other avenues. expert in a specific branch of science only promotes what they're knowledgable in? Disgusting.

That's not what I'm talking about. You miss the point.

I think he was brilliant scientifically, but he was a vicious shill.

For who?

THEM!!! 🙄

It's weird how his teeth changed through the years. Teeth, ground down nubs, then teeth again.

Almost like he could afford to get some kind of veneers installed...

He could only afford veneers for the bottom middle 4 teeth tho...

it is.. money makes people's teeth pretty.. I hear you, I know what you're saying and Ive read all the woowoo stuff.. have a pet genius on standby who can disclose the necessary sciense and dumb it down for the masses so they can grasp the contexte of the things that they'll be seeing in the future and dont go do a War of the Worlds the next time the Aliens arrive.. kind of thing..I dunno.. I hope not.. for him..

There was a photo of Hawking in 1969 during a protest in the US, where he can be seen walking with sticks. Lots of people in his condition don't need wheelchairs full time to begin with and tend to transition as their legs give out - I don't think Hawking needed one full time until around 1972.

And most people with his condition are dead in less than 5 years

Decent alternative to what we're seeing lately? You betcha.

Just want to add that Hawking passed away today and today just happens to be Albert Einstein's birthday. It was a comment over at r/whataretheodds

Now that my be a good sub for my recent thread about the 9/11 black monolith 'coincidences'.

Yeah, the Hawking-Einstein coincidence is mind-blowing. (Reminds me of the Chester Bennington-Chris Cornell's birthday coincidence).

This makes me think either something screwy happened (involving the elites, e.g. murder, euthanasia, deliberately chosen date, in hiding/immmortality shit lol)

or it being significant in a numerology/astrology/spirituality/synchronicity sort of way. God does not play dice! (I don't remember what that means in quantum physics but damn I chose to use it in this context anyway!)

It's because the theory is stupid. It's rare to live long with als but it happens and the stuff they point out like fake teeth and hands is easily explained as Hawking just trying to look somewhat normal. They also say he looks different as he ages. No shit not everyone is Keanu Reeves. But if you look at his ears they are always the same shape. And surviving AlS for so long is explained because we just don't know everything there is to know. We just don't. Medically we are pretty limited when you really think about it. Yes we can do some amazing things but the understanding of why some people survive disease longer than others or how to cure disease is a long ways out.

Do you believe it is possible that it was not really Hawking typing those words we heard the computer speak?

If not, why not?

You act as though the only reason people believe his theories because of his appearance and disability... He's a theoretical physicist - his job is to come up with hypotheticals, which experimental physicists will be vigorously trying to prove right/wrong, in order to advance their own careers.

People have a legitimate reason to disprove his theories, and yet they are unable to given our current understanding of the universe.

There's absolutely no reason to believe he was being deceptive or used as a puppet, unless of course you disagree with his view of our place in the universe. In that case, I feel like his nihilistic interpretation of life probably seems rather threatening.

The only thing anyone should be critiquing are his theories, because the appearance change thing is not only a fantastic stretch of he imagination, it's impossible to prove.

You keep saying how ridiculous his ideas were - are you physicist? If not, then why do you think you're qualified to discredit him? Especially when there are likely thousands of trained physicists who have attempted to discredit him the past...

In all honesty, what this come down to is people having their world view threatened by a scientist. You guys are no better than the church when they told Copernicus or Galileo they were bigots.

Challenge his theories, not his appearance, or you'll be chasing your tail trying prove something with no substantial evidence.

You act as though

Please, this is not about me, it is about Stephen Hawking and the lack of evidence to prove that he was who the telescreen tells us he was.

his job is to come up with hypotheticals, which experimental physicists will be vigorously trying to prove right/wrong

What experiments can be performed on 'black holes', newfriend?

In all honesty, what this come down to is people having their world view threatened by a scientist. You guys are no better than the church when they told Copernicus or Galileo they were bigots.

I think we agree that blind faith in authorities (and their stories about creation) is a not a good thing.

The issue is that the blind faith in this case is demonstrated by those who believe in stories about 'big bangs' told by vegetables.

Blind faith in authorities is never a good thing, but neither is blind faith to any belief.

The idea of an expanding universe predates Hawking's birth by almost 20 years, and the evidence is so compelling that even that Catholic church has accepted it.

Asking what kind of experiments can be done on black holes is like asking how quantum computing would work in the 1980s - possible to theorize, but impossible to test in practice.

Its actually ironic you chose black holes as a untestable theory when we are in the midsts of a landmark observation right now:

The whole, and only, argument are making is that his appearance changed. By that logic, I can make the claim that actress Renée Zellweger was replaced by an alien.When you point out that she obviously had plastic surgery, I would argue out that "No one changes that much from plastic surgery."

Thats you're argument. There's absolutely no substance to it.

The idea of an expanding universe predates Hawking's birth by almost 20 years, and the evidence is so compelling that even that Catholic church has accepted it.

Stating that a theory is accepted by the Catholic church does not make it more credible in my eyes.

Does it make it more credible in your eyes?

Why do you personally believe in 'expanding universe'?

Asking what kind of experiments can be done on black holes is like asking how quantum computing would work in the 1980s - possible to theorize, but impossible to test in practice.

Impossible to test. You said it yourself. Pseudoscience, newfriend.

The fact that you completely ignored the point of my quantum computing analogy leads me to believe that you aren't taking anything I've said seriously... I also gave you a perfect example of an observation we are using to test the gravitational pull of the black hole that is theorized to sit in the middle of our galaxy.

Why do I believe in an expanding universe? Well the evidence is compelling, and if you can actually disprove it, there's a nobel prize with your name on it. There really isnt anything I can tell you that wikipedia cant:

The real questions we should be asking are the more nuanced and subjective aspects of space-time expansion: What is driving this accelerated expansion? Has it always been expanding? Is dark energy a misleading way to explain the apparent expansion? Etc.

If you could disprove expanding universe, and it's easy to do because based on the false axiom of Doppler redshift, such that it can be called "Doppler Redshift Cosmology" ... you would NOT be given a Nobel because the Nobel committee are not interested in the falsification of Doppler Redshift Cosmology. Doppler Redshift Cosmology has been debunked for decades. It's value is not in science but in bullshitting the public with the Catholic Big Bang Creationism myth.

Yes... all of science has misunderstood the red shift and seemingly all galaxies moving away from us in a manner consistent with an expanding universe is just starlight for each galaxy conveniently pacing through plasma in such a way to perfectly recreate universal expansion... and no a single physicist, cosmologist, or even high school student noticed this simple error...

If only all conspiracies were so easy to prove... u/orrery I am drafting your nobel prize nomination right now /s

All of science hasn't misunderstood red shift, all of you idiots have simply been brainwashed to believe a false interpretation of the phenomenon that was rejected in 1920.

Yup, generations of students and researchers are just unable to think for themselves... billions in experiments, ground and spaced based platforms, 1000s of papers on the rate of the expansion, endless man hours trying to understand dark-matter and its role in the expansion... and one one noticed the conveniently and evenly distributed plasma that also for some some reason is causing an accelerating red shift...

All those scientists are just morons I guess... time to give u/orrery his own department. Do you want cambridge or oxford as the site of your genius laboratory... or maybe you like a more US based site like Berkley or Harvard? Maybe the Max Plank institute is where you will want to take up your tenure as genuis in residence?


Much of the science community is well aware that Big Bang Creationism is a fraud. This is by no means a new discovery and your post reeks of desperation.

Yes, some random dude on the internet speaks for much of the science community...

a) Not all scientists studied cosmology or high level physics... so for example wouldn't really care what a biologist thought about the big bang anymore than I would care about the thoughts of a cosmologist on antibiotic resistance...

b) I find random people on the internet who claim to speak for the science community to be, well suspect, produce some evidence.

c) Most publisher research seems to support Big Bang theory, with I am sure some disputes about specific details.

d) What does creationism have to do with it?

e) What is your alternative?

f) Not really that desperate, just having a laugh at your expense given you near certainty that you know better than all these people who know things that you don't... like maths, physics, empiric thought...

But go on... you should write a letter to the university presidents about this fraud going on in their physics departments... they will thank you for your dose folksy common sense to set their universities straight again... I mean think of all the money they will save on those remote giant telescopes they are building...

You are wasting my time with your stupidity.

Experiments doesnt mean you go pour something from a test tube to a beaker. It also involves observation taken from events occuring and then analysing the data. For example the gravity waves is a good example of this.

Step2TheJep isn’t here to have a reasoned debate. Check his post history. He makes money of off making wild unsubstantiated claims and trolling. He is here to promote his website and YouTube channel. He charges $20+/mo for his website where he claims to be the “worlds leading skeptic”.

Check his post history, he attacks other users to prove his intellect and then surreptitiously inserts links to his website or husband videos that reference his site or podcast he is on.

He got banned from crypto subs for shilling. FYI he is likely John Le Bon.

He believes that’s if he does not understand something it must be fake. He isn’t very bright and undereducated so he doesn’t get most things. So he doesn’t believe in atoms, nukes, missiles, round earth, the sun, planets, stars, space, gravity, dinosaurs, evolution, all of history, all wars, all mass casualty incidents, etc...

tl;dr He is here to shill his website, confuses ignorance with skepticism

Thats unfortunate, and partially why I choose to respond to these kinds of people... At the very least, everyone else observing the conversation gets both sides of the argument to draw a conclusion from.

The worst 'personality trait' of this sub is when you're met with the old "This is a conspiracy sub, participate in my deluded belief of go away". How can anyone outside of this sub take any of us seriously if thats how we handle disagreements?

Yeah, there is also the issue here were ignorance is seen as skepticism or anti establishment. Also there is a false dichotomy where it is somehow the profit motive of the msm is questioned but the profit motive of info wars or step2thejep’s web page and videos is overlooked.

Hey, how many times you going to spam that same comment? Who gives a fuck if he's John let bon, John bonjovi, or John Connor? Judge the content by the content not by the carrier. Man, seems like you get a hard on "outing" this dude.

All those words and you didn't answer the yes or no question

But why? What is the motive?.

Please answer my question and we can work through this one, step by step.

My question is my answer. I dont believe it because there is no motive.

Ah-ha, so you are saying it is impossible.

Wowee, I thought this was the conspiracy subreddit.

Must have stumbled into r/science by mistake.

Forgive my intrusion, Scientism believers.


For me the biggest red flag is how long he lived with ALS. Only 20% make it to 5 years from diagnosis. Hawking made it almost fifty years from his diagnosis.

I can accept that he's a massive, massive fluke, but then I still wonder if he really wrote everything that is published under his name.

Early onset ALS cases tend to last longer, those 2-8 year typical prognoses make more sense when you realize most ALS kicks in at 50, not 21, also it comes in different forms, his form doesn’t appear to have degenerated his intellect at all which implies it wasn’t a severe form, he received excellent treatment, all medical explanations.

But also his family and fellow scientists acknowledge he had the same wit and genius throughout his life which would be impossible to fake and way too big of a conspiracy to stay utterly secure. It’s a silly conspiracy but I do applaud anything that isn’t Hillary sacrificing babies to Molloch.

I'm not full on the Stephen Hawking doppleganger train, but I can acknowledge there are some skeevy things surrounding him.

The fact that ALS tends to kick in later in life doesn't explain how he survived almost half a century past being diagnosed, and it still leaves us with a survival that's 30+ years past the usual diagnosis age.

We have no idea if it degraded his intellect or not. We have no way of knowing the words credited to him are his. For all we know it could be a collaboration of several people who push their theories and ideas out under his name.

He didn't have all that many people who were truly close to him and interacted with him often enough to know if something weird was going on. His only way of communication was through a computer that theoretically would be pretty easy to control. He would have no way to alert people if something truly was going on.

The only people who would require control are his two wives, and more people than that have been silenced over conspiracies we would call crazy.

It’s not that it kicked in early in life by itself, it’s that the science says early onset ALS takes much longer to kill you.

I think you need a better appreciation of his genius. Hawking radiation was revolutionary. He did all his research in conjunction with other top physicists. They’d all have to be in on it- you can’t hide genius like that.

You’d also need all his family, not just his wives but his adult children, and close friends in on it because he was legendarily witty and dry- again, hard to fake.

2 people can keep a secret. Sometimes 3 people can. You’re talking dozens, minimum.

Also until the last years he could have indicated distress, eye movements spelling out SOS, whatever. Where’s the proof people were silenced? Where’s the proof of any conspiratorial side? This is a pretty out there one as far as conspiracies go.

Dozens isn't that many. How many people kept quiet for the Manhattan Project?

Manhattan project’s a pretty good example, only a couple dozen scientists actually knew what they were working on, they were physically isolated and regularly policed and spied on by the government and the Soviets still infiltrated it within a couple years.

I don't think he had ALS. I think it was something similar, but not quite the same.

Step2TheJep isn’t here to have a reasoned debate. Check his post history. He makes money of off making wild unsubstantiated claims and trolling. He is here to promote his website and YouTube channel. He charges $20+/mo for his website where he claims to be the “worlds leading skeptic”.

Check his post history, he attacks other users to prove his intellect and then surreptitiously inserts links to his website or husband videos that reference his site or podcast he is on.

He got banned from crypto subs for shilling. FYI he is likely John Le Bon.

He believes that’s if he does not understand something it must be fake. He isn’t very bright and undereducated so he doesn’t get most things. So he doesn’t believe in atoms, nukes, missiles, round earth, the sun, planets, stars, space, gravity, dinosaurs, evolution, all of history, all wars, all mass casualty incidents, etc...

tl;dr He is here to shill his website, confuses ignorance with skepticism


This has been a long standing conspiracy. Recently someone posted about this and I enjoyed that post as well.

I upvoted this...let me tell you why.

Thanks, newfriend.

Personally I find it amusing that so many 'awake' people still believe that Hawking is (was) a real guy, just as presented to us by the telescreen.

But I remember when I was first exposed to this idea, I too was repelled by it, so I try to be sympathetic.

We are all on different paths.

Okay, I get what you say, but conspiracy can't just be about anything, right? There has to be a basis.... Some shred of truth....or so I imagine. Otherwise we are just making a mockery of this sub. And well its full of trump because he is such a scumbag, surrounded by scumbags.

Retarded conspiracy? Definitely.

The fact it's being downvoted so? Conspiracy!

this is not a good reason to upvote something.

100% Agree. Thank you!

It wold be interesting if this wasn't just an obvious instance of someone pulling something out of their ass. It's literally a non-sequitur. No info/facts to back up anything for the conversation. You might as well say, "I noticed the sky is mostly black at night. How do we know it isnt the government turning off the Sky Lights and the whole concept of day and night is all an elaborate hoax"?

how do we not know the government is not turning off the sky lights

I’m taking a big risk telling you this. I’m the guy in charge of overseeing the turning from off to one of the sky lights.

How do we know you aren't just a red herring sent here by The Government™??? COINTELPRO man

how do we know that the sky lights don't control the government!?

Fucking sky lights.

Because the Lizard people are the ones who control the Rise and fall of the Sun/Moon. Everyone knows that bruh.

Removed. Rule 5

wait maybe day and night are an elaborate hoax

How do we know light bulbs aren't just dark suckers?

Why are you on this sub if you're so closed minded?

Not sure if your response is serious or not but I will answer regardless. Just because someone comes up with some stupid ass, random idea in their head, doesn't mean it should be considered for legitimate discussion on here. The example I came up with in my original post is literally no more ridiculous than what this thread's post is and yet, you should be able to see the point I am illustrating.

Someone clearly just randomly had a stupid fuckin idea to get Karma and posted it. I come here to engage in actual well thought out, logical discussion. You guys are constantly crying on here about all the hate you get from other subs and yet, you legit stick up and validate a stupid fucking non sense post like this as if it actually is worthy of debate. This person just randomly had a thought about Hawkins because he just died and people on here are acting like it's worthy of discussion.

Posts like this make this sub look bad and discredit any legitimacy this sub has to offer.

I think posts like yours make the place look bad, don't be upset and start swearing, focus on the content not how stupid YOU think it is. The way the other person thought about this is obviously in line with the world that doesn't make sense which has historically been exactly the kind of thing you discuss here but now we have angry exceptionally closed minded people trying to halt any discussion he doesn't see a "fact" for. Again why would you be here if you're looking for hard facts lol this is for conspiracy theories.

Because real conspiracies have been proven with fact to exist. None of them are so freakin outlandish and fantastical as some I have seen here.

You are correct in that I should not of come off so negative. For that I seriously apologize. However, this is such a blatant ridiculous no sense post just because someone had a brain fart of a random idea and decided to post it here and people give it legitimacy.

This post was literally just a "What If" based on NO ideas as to HOW or WHY it could be true in the slightest. Any conspiracy, if it's to be considered seriously, should BY NECESSITY, have a freakin WHY or HOW in it. Not a random erratic thought based on nothing.

My example of the Sky Lights is something I randomly pulled out my ass and yet, it holds the same credence this post does. I mean for christ's sake, don't you think it's something like this someone form TopMinds would post just to get a laugh at your guys expense?? Come on man

Other people have heard/thought of this theory before; it wasn't just made up by him and posted for karma.

The idea isnt that hawking is behind his own fraud. Hes playing a role for someone elses game.

Not sure how that point relates to mine.

Lol. is the point of this game literally to see who can come up with the most plausible "what if" scenario?

Best comment of all time? Nope. Best ever in this thread? Nah. Most upvoted by a longshot? You betcha.

Minnesotan located

Nope...just dated one before.

i scroll down, everything is Trump and Russia...fine, to a degree.

no it's not fine at all. ive yet to see any good evidence but people all day yelling about this shit like there is something there. people just hate trump and want to shit on him any chance they get. it's beyond boring.

I'm a Trump supporter. Came here for the first time to see if you guys had a conspiracy on him because i saw he'd died.

tl;dr - people are coming, stop complaining, Trump can be interesting and Hawking could be the face of "the smartest man in the world say X" globalist policy :)

Agreed. I don't agree with OP at all but it's nice to see something nonpolitical on here for once. Even if I don't agree with the theory, I'm glad he posted it and I wish we'd have more of these!

IMO this is not a conspiracy at all considering there is absolutely no evidence or indication that would point to anything like this “theory” being a possibility. This is a sci fi novel plot.

agreed 100%

I've gotta admit - I came to this subreddit hoping for Elvis/Marilyn isn't dead kinda conspiracies.

Yeahhhhhhh, I'm more interested in homogeneous conspiracies which have credibility than bs slander with no basis.

There are public knowledge and totally reasonable answers to all of your questions. Some mentioned below, others in this documentary here:

"Downvoted to hell"

1,570 points (72% upvoted)


When I made the comment, it was lower than 60%, and very low on the subreddit.

Hell yeah. Fuck politics.

Upvote Upvote Upvote Upvote

There were a lot of posts here as of late in the past month or so, and there was a seeming consensus with the theory that he was a swap in. Convenient he dies now. (((they))) also read /r/conspiracy. Better "end" the lie before public awareness grows? They can always swap in another false science messiah anytime through media. Musk is well on his way.

As with many crackpot conspiracy theories, the answer is "Sure, but how can you possibly know?"

Well I suppose you can take a look at the evidence.

I was fortunate enough to meet Sir Stephen Hawking in real life. AMA

How did it feel to meet the swapped in double of Mr. Hawking? Did he have a number "2" tattooed behind his ear?

No. Tbh, i felt humbled and very very very very stupid. I was stood before one of the greatest minds the Human race has ever known.

one of the greatest minds the Human race has ever known.

Believe me when I say “one of the greatest minds the human race has ever known” will never be every other week on CNN, continuously glorified all throughout the MSM and regularly featured in The Big Bang Theory.

And actually, this isn’t specific to our age; great luminaries tend to rile against the powerful, against the church (State) of their time, and are thus rarely popular while alive.

Well cheer up! You’re not that stupid, you’re just very very very stupid.

wheel-chair up

Aren't we all? We humans have achieved the impossible time and time again. But most of the time, Jesus Christ are we stupid.

What made you feel stupid the way he comes across is that he's a pretty normal guy, just in his condition

I'm not the smartest of guys so being in the company of somebody with a higher intelligence is intimidating. Standing next to one of the greatest minds in human history is...well, daunting. Yeah he was a down to earth guy, but what the hell do you say to him?

I mean I get that, and I mean I guess you could say "can I get a high five?"

Asking for a high five is a little too American.

I could have asked him how many sugars he wants in his Tea though...

Was he really one of the greatest minds ever known? Certainly a very intelligent person. But it's not like he was some kind of super scientist. He was a fairly influential physicist who then attained celebrity-scientist status and became a science communicator.

His discoveries about the universe changed the way we think about it. He helped piece together some big puzzles and opened up a new avenue of thinking in regards to blackholes, gravity, light etc.

Out of the billions of people that exist or have existed, he sits in a group of a hundred or so people that have shaped Humanity for the better.

Lol literally 100 people have made Humanity better. I could probably name more than that off the top of my head.

What year and in what context? Thanks.

  1. I met him in a nightclub in Cambridgeshire. He was on the dance floor when i first saw him. My friends joked "hey, look it's steven hawking doing the robot!" i looked to see a man in a wheelchair. I laughed and said "don't be a dick, just because he's in a wheelchair doesn't mean he's stephen hawking" Then he replied "No, that is actually Stephen Hawking". He wasn't doing the robot though.

Was he doing the wheel chair?

Was he nice? I always imagined him as being very condecending for some reason.

He wasn’t even a Sir. He declined knighthood.

Miles Mathis opened up my eyes to the truth of this matter.

How long have you been a Mathis fan, newfriend?

What's the motive though?

If you ask for motive 90% of the posts in this sub will fall apart

I don't think that's fair. Maybe 80%. I'm not critical I just don't understand why they'd do that lol

Lol you're probably right and it may be less but I feel like that's honestly the best question to ask first of most things here. Who gains from X being the case.

Such a handicapped / caricatural man (speaking through a computer) is a tremendous asset and marketing tool (in this day and age when victims are heroes). He is used in every possible setting to spread doom porn, to advance the transhumanist agenda, and generally to advocate for the central planners’ goals.

What's the motive though?

Mockery of the masses.

Think about it: disciples of and believers in Science look up to and idolise a man who is literally unable to speak.

Say what you like, TPTB have a sense of humour, alright.

Shame that even 'awake' people rarely get the joke.

The motive for what?

A world famous puppet mouthpiece, paragon of noble victimhood, wheeled out to (apparently) push agenda-furthering scientism as needed?

Actually, he was gone for a while, launched into space in a Tesla.

Ok, since you couldn't be bothered, I did your research for you.

How did he live so long in the first place, given the condition with which he was afflicted?

He has a rare case of ALS

If we never saw him talking, how do we know it was not a case of somebody else typing those words into his voice machine?

Video of Stephen talking before he was forced to have a tracheotomy operation

How could a person who allegedly typed with muscles in his mouth possibly write so many books?

That's not how text-to-speech programs work, it is based on eye movements. And the dude ain't going anywhere and he's mad smart, he's got lots of time to write books.

Is the whole thing an elaborate joke on the masses, to get them to believe that a vegetable was in fact the 'smartest man in the world'?

Nah, probably not. He was rich as hell, so why wouldn't the perpetrators take the money and fame for themselves?

He was a pretty big dick to his first wife, but I think that's the only conspiracy Stephen left us with.

Thank you.

As a physicist, who's studied Hawking's work, and watched him continuously struggle against ALS, this thread makes me sad.

Thanks for trying to apply some logic here. He wasn't perfect but he helped so many young physicists clarify theories and concepts that most of the people here will never understand.

Side bar: This is me done for r/conspiracy

If you can't handle some salt you shouldnt have come here in the first place :)

Well, in his defence, most people have idols -- they just don't realise until somebody dares to challenge the authority they look up to.

Even though I am even more of a disbeliever in official stories than most on this sub, I still offend a lot of people here, without trying to do so.

I questions lots of things, and it upsets people.

For example, I question the notion that Nikola Tesla was some great genius.

Honest skepticism is always kryptonite to true believers.

As an electronics engineer this thread makes me sad too. It's like someone without education started throwing rocks at a professor because can't understand what he's saying

Do you think it is possible that Hawking was not typing those words into the computer himself?

Yes or no?

Possible, but not plausible. In fact it is possible that a golden treasure is buried directly under your house. I wouldn't start digging yet though.

Because plausibility is something else than possibility.

Possible, but not plausible.

What in your mind is the difference, newfriend?

I know youre specifically asking the last guy, but i think plausibility has a higher standard than possiblity. i.e. It is literally possible for Hawking (or someone else) to have taken all the steps needed for a conspiracy like this, but it doesnt seem very plausible that all that happened without his alleged secret being widely known by now.

but it doesnt seem very plausible that all that happened without his alleged secret being widely known by now.

lol let me guess, you still believe Osama did 9/11?

That seems unlikely to me, but youre making a bit of a reach applying the same logic to a much more complex situation.

The Osama lie would involve infinitely more people than the Hawking Hoax, would it not?

Lets make this easier for you to understand, do you think its possible that there is treasure buried underneath your house?

Yes, or no?

Yes, it is possible.

See? This is easy :)

Ok, good. Now, do you think it's plausible that there is treasure buried beneath your house?

Depends on what the term 'plausible' means.

The word 'plausible' already has a very agreed upon definition.

I guess, on a scale 'plausible', is more than 'possible', but less than 'probable'.

So is it possible there is gold under your house? Yes Is it probable? Probably fucking not. Is it plausible? I guess this depends on your own opinion, in my opinion it is not plausible, so I wouldn't start digging holes if I were you.

Same goes for your Hawking comment. Is it possible someone was using his voice box to speak through him? Sure. Is it plausible? No.

But it is possible. Which is the key point. Cheers.

No, the key point is, is it plausible?

It's possible I'm a Russian bot sent back in time from the year 2685, sent here to distract you. It is possible.

The point I made was that it is possible. You can make whatever point you want.

I suspect you are just arguing for the sake of arguing because you are a Hawking believer.

No, the question you were asking was, is it possible? And many of us are telling you that no, it isn't plausible.

Also, for your second point... HAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Ok buddy, whatever. /genuine facepalm

Yes, but theres a bigger grey area as to what they lied about. With Hawking, its pretty binary, either hes been legit or they pulled a weekend at bernies on him. There is a clear and opposite alternative theory (or fact, however you want to look at it)

With Osama, you cant really confidently lock into one alternative explaination. Did he orchestrate it by himself? Did he cospire with the Saudis? Did he have nothing to do with it and take credit? Did he have nothing to do with it and we faked videos to make it look like he took credit? Did the administration orchestrate 9/11? Did they know someone else orchestrated it and let it happen? I could go on, but i hope you get my point.

Its hard to say how many people are lying about 9/11 and what they are lying about whicu, in my opinion, makes it easier to get away with

Your story is changing like a traffic light, newfriend.

How so?

One minute it is about 'how many people have to be in on it', next minute that doesn't matter.

Without consistency we are without hope, newfriend.

Be consistent or suffer the pain.

The number of people in on it is more significant in one scenario than another for the very reasons i listed above. There is nothing inconsistent about that.

In other words, you are now employing mental gymnastics to justify inconsistency.

Okay, have it your way.

He gave you a pretty good example. It's possible that there's golden treasure buried under your house, but it's not plausible which is why you're not going to check

Buried treasure. How apt.

Honestly, that is exactly what this sub has become lately

People will entertain a notion regarding just about anything; no matter how foul, uninformed or disrespectful. Rather than fill their minds with learning new things, they spew out half baked nonsense.

It's a sad fact, and as long as you treat it for what it is, it's much easier to either ignore it or not let it affect you deeply.

People will entertain a notion regarding just about anything; no matter how foul, uninformed or disrespectful.

I would personally think of this as a good thing, and I don't think for one second that it precludes learning about new things (OR spewing half-baked nonsense).

There are idiots doing it, as well as very smart people, but by and large, entertaining a notion regarding just about anything is the definition of an open mind and a prerequisite for progress, in my view.

We need more people who dare to think unthinkable things if we ever want to come up with new things and ways of doing them. There'll be offensive notions too, of course, and countless idiotic ones, but don't knock it, brother. It's the essential muck we see the most valuable flowers spring.

Yeah I don't disagree with that at all. The only point I was trying to convey was to not take it all personal. There's no need to.

You probably hilariously think men walked on the moon as well. Good riddance, chump.

of course the americans got to the moon or russia would have dobbed on them herp derp

I think they did a chicken dance like walk. So yes.

Nah its ok people ask these questions.

We'd need experts here to make sure people know the truth

Please don't go, we need actual critical thinkers here

Fuck! With the whole vegetable comment I thought this was just a joke/remembrance thread.

Is it not?

Sadly I think many people genuinely question something as simple and obvious as Stephen hawking is a real genius.

As a physicist

actual critical thinkers

Yeah. That's them alright.

Not everyone is lying all the time, though I think this person thought the thread was a joke

Sadly the thread wasn't a joke

As a physicist, who's studied Hawking's work, and watched him continuously struggle against ALS, this thread makes me sad.

Would you say that you have formed an emotional affinity or admiration for Hawking?

As a fellow alleged person on the internet, I'd like to tell you that I am also a physicist, also studied Hawking's work, and disagree with everything else you're saying.

I saw Hawking on TV once, and like, physics just hit me in the head all of a sudden. Now Im fizzisst

It’s a welcomed break from all the Russia bullshit. Cheer up bud lol

If you had an impression that you were going to get anything other than theories on conspiracy, from a sub labeled the same with the reputation of those that do post here in mind, I'm not sure you are being genuine here sir or ma`am.

No one is outwardly disparaging the man, only discussing a conspiracy someone put forward. People are commenting, it's the place for it. This is obviously not a remembering vigil for the esteemed physicist and if you feel insulted enough by it to leave, then so be it.

I completely understand what you're saying and appreciate the logical response, but I guess I have a very different opinion of what this sub should be.

The reason I joined the conspiracy sub is because I think, mathematically speaking, taking into account the history of people and the enormous width of character the human race has displayed that conspiracies, on some level, should occur, even if in small numbers.

But you also need to factor in the fact that people are people. Some people are balanced, some are too forgiving, some are too quick to shoot.

And I also believe that just pointing at everything and saying "conspiracy" is just as bad as believing that there's no such thing. It's almost a boy cried wolf situation. My understanding is that's been a CIA tactic for many years.

So while I appreciate you want to foster a community of acceptance, I don't feel the same requirement when talking about the topic of conspiracy because I feel it's almost our duty to be just as diligent with dealing with false flags as we are with dealing with the real ones. That is, misinformation is just as bad as ignorance.

Have you seen the vitriol that comes out here reddit in general? And you pick this part of reddit to play Don Quixote? Ok man, got your message we should talk in hushed voices, and thoroughly not collaborate and spitball ideas for fragile souls such as yourself. You picked the boy who 'cried wolf' as reasoning/talking point in your arbiter's tone, there is a reason you are here. I feel strongly sense it is not because you are interested in conspiracies. And certainly, while you may consider your reasons lofty and wise - it isn't your place to make rules or be arbiter. You are interested in gaming, dankmemes, and a conspiracy sub, this one in particular.

I'll be sure to give you a wide brith, we have nothing in common.

That is, misinformation is just as bad as ignorance.

And you are the person to be all knowing in order to make that decision. In order to talk about it, it must be discussed in a place, you know, somewhere tailored to discuss such things in a forum where like minded people from all walks of life, come and contribute to see what's what in a place set aside for such things...what could I possibly be fucking talking about. But hey, now that your here, be sure to sort us out Don on what is misinformation and what is not, you piece of work. Tilt your joust sir, windmills are that way.

Ever notice how when something is posted here you actually know about it sounds like idiots making up shit? What does that say for all the stuff you don't know about? Probably the same.

I do take that approach to most of these threads. I don't mind wading through the swamp for the occasional gem, but this one made me give up

I studied physics and work in IT. Pretty simple

So IT is your occupation then, and not a physicist, alright.

I dont play on stage any more but I still consider myself a musician too.

Do you watch any sports at all? If so I'd ask for your autograph to put next to my Tim Tebow.

A physicist is someone who has experience doing/studying/researching some field of physics. Half the physicists I know at university have some other day job to pay the bills.

A physicist is someone who has a degree in some field of physics. Period.

I studied medicine in school but ended up changing fields. Does that make me a doctor?

Actually I think he did community using a muscle in his face, not his eye movements. I read it on another thread today, supposedly his eye movement capabilities degraded and so his communication was done with a muscle in his face.

Yeah, that's what they say except if you watch his interviews he's clearly not moving his face while "speaking" much of the time. Maybe the muscle in question was really in his buttock.

He pre-writes interviews, then when the interview comes all he has to do is hit play on the particular bit of text. That's why you see him moving his cheek to control at first then lets it play.

It's no secret. If he did it live it would take quite a while.

As proof: jump to 2:35 and you'll see a view of his screen with a whole page of paragraph after paragraph ready to go, with the next portion highlighted in blue ready for him to hit play.

Yes, one might say all of his appearances were staged.

Why would one say such things?

Lol. I remember your username, you are one of the rare gems.

Do you find it as amusing as I do that so few 'awake' people can see the Hawking ruse for what it is?

Yeah, he's a sentimental pillar of Big Bang-ism. My favorite part was when he said he was able to live so long with ALS because of his love for science.

Or maybe it was when he said Trump could send Earth's climate over the tipping point, into a Venus-like atmosphere with sulfuric acid.

Or maybe it was when he did that car commercial.

This sub needs more Joe Jaywalkers.

Yeah he pre-wrote most stuff I think. With that system it would take ages to have an actual live conversation.

But eye movements are "muscle in face"

I believe it is a cheek muscle not an eye muscle.

How well could u communicate with muscles? Does it give him a word bank? What if he wants to use a word not on screen? Does he spell each word letter by letter?

For what I understood, it slowly moved a cursor through an alphabet, he could spell the word, but much like your phone it would offer predictive text. It was rather slow...

That's not how text-to-speech programs work, it is based on eye movements.

That's not how his one works. Whilst you link to someone else's Youtube video, I shall link to Stephen Hawking himself:

"I can select a character by moving my cheek to stop the cursor. My cheek movement is detected by an infrared switch that is mounted on my spectacles. This switch is my only interface with the computer."

Video of Stephen talking before he was forced to have a tracheotomy operation

Holy shit! Even when he 'could speak', he still couldn't speak!

They used an 'interpreter' to 'interpret' Hawking's infantile murmurings.

This joke just keeps on getting funnier.

Thanks for the video, newfriend. I recommend all people who read this comment check it out.

I know this is attacking the person and not the idea but your idea is just a shitpost anyway, so here it goes. Do you revel in the fact that you are a slimy, despicable, rat-hearted, green-discharge of a man?

I bet you're a tremendous physical coward and would never dare to speak like this to another person irl. You're a cheating, weaselly, lowlife scumbucket, with all the charm and social grace of a pubic louse!

I get that you're upset and I get this dude seems kind of nuts but you're on the internet and no one is going to coddle your feelings. You're coming off as I'd say more scummy because you don't seem to understand where you are/because you don't seem to get the general masses could give a shit about your perceived "niceness." I think you're not a nice person at all based on your reply.

I think you're not a nice person at all based on your reply.

I completely agree. These self-righteous religious fundamentalists are all the same: christianity, islam, scientism, no different.

If somebody is a fundamentalist they will attack heretics like nobodies business.

I wasn't trying to be nice :/ I thought that much was obvious.

I bet you're a tremendous physical coward and would never dare to speak like this to another person irl.

You would lose your money, newfriend.

You will refer to me in the same way that my subjects refer to me and that is King Remisies III Kerplunk Kerplunk Whoops Where's My Thribble, not newfriend (whatever that means). And I'd happily lose that bet just to witness your feeble attempt to be charismatic and charming while trying to regurgitate information you gleaned from some video you watched last week that was posted by a 3rd grader.

“He was a pretty big dick to his first wife...”

After reading the article, it seems to me that calling Mr. Hawking a “misogynist” is more than a bit over the top based on the information presented. Somehow not mentioning your wife in a speech, refusing to talk about your disability 24/7 with her, disagreeing with her on religion, and having her and your children help your completely paralyzed self throughout your life is indicative of a “master and slave” relationship? I laughed, honestly.

Does anyone have more to add on this subject? Specific instances of him being “misogynistic” in any way? Any info would be appreciated.

He was a pretty big dick to his first wife,

"She abandoned her scholarly ambitions — the medieval lyric poetry of the Iberian peninsula, if you care, and he didn’t — to support his."

Was that her degree? I mean if you compare freaking Stephen Hawking to the best poet of the best medieval lyric poet of the Iberian peninsula, I think the right choice was made on who watched the kids.

That's not how text-to-speech programs work, it is based on eye movements. And the dude ain't going anywhere and he's mad smart, he's got lots of time to write books.

Not to mention that he was working with top notch hardware/software provided by some of the smartest men and women in the tech industry. The man had the admiration of practically every engineer and scientist on the planet and they designed some cool tools for him to use.

I know at one point, it was researchers at Microsoft and Intel who partnered to build these systems for him. It was a passion project done to make one of their heroes feel more comfortable in their skin. I've meet a few of the people who were once involved in upgrading his setup and they were damn proud of their work. You could tell their job satisfaction was significantly higher than some of their peers in other departments.

I think youre misunderstanding the idea behind this proposed conspiracy (or maybe i am), but my interpretation was that Hawking did die and an actor took his place

There is no proposed conspiracy. OP just threw some shit out with no evidence or research.

also, isn't it possible to identify people from their ears, being as they are as unique as fingerprints? As far as I can tell the ears look the same throughout.

How did he live so long in the first place, given the condition with which he was afflicted?

He has a rare case of ALS

Yes we know, everybody did that heard of him. You didn't give a proper answer though. I assume he meant as to why he lived for so long as the avg life expectancy is roughly 2-5 years. Stephen Hawking outlived that by 10x fold.

Although the life expectancy of a person with ALS averages about two to five years from the time of diagnosis, this disease is variable, and many people can live with the disease for five years and more. More than half of all people with ALS live more than three years after diagnosis.

You didn't give a proper answer through

It is literally the title of the article I linked, How Stephen Hawking defied Motor Neurone Disease for 50 years

was replaced with another person to keep his political influence

How did he have political influence?

By being a celebrity scientist, with many political opinions

Thanks for that nuanced answer.

However, Hawking has his eyes to the stars. There are more pressing concerns for Hawking than the petty political activities of humans on Earth. Still, as an intelligent and famous man, Hawking has been asked his opinion on various political matters, and though he’s reluctant to give it, there have been a few issues of interest to Hawking.

In March 1968, Hawking marched alongside Tariq Ali and Vanessa Redgrave to protest against the Vietnam War.[315] He was a longstanding Labour Party supporter.[316][317] He recorded a tribute for the 2000 Democratic presidential candidate Al Gore,[318] called the 2003 invasion of Iraq a "war crime",[317][319] supported the academic boycott of Israel,[320][321][322] campaigned for nuclear disarmament,[316][323][317] and has supported stem cell research,[317][324] universal health care,[325] and action to prevent climate change.[323] In August 2014, Hawking was one of 200 signatories to a letter opposing Scottish independence in the run-up to September's referendum on that issue.[326] Hawking believed a United Kingdom withdrawal from the European Union (Brexit) would damage the UK's contribution to science as modern research needs international collaboration, and that free movement of people in Europe encourages the spread of ideas.[327]

Personally, I don’t consider any of those political views significantly controversial. Where exactly do you think his influence lied?

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He was used to push against Brexit for example

Is this a real question?

Legit laughed at this. Does every single notable event or death have to have some conspiracy around it? It really sounds like you're reaching here. If you start looking places for conspiracies you'll find them wherever you look regardless of whether something is going on or not. You should instead assume everything is as it seems, and then conclude there is something going on only after you have reviewed the facts.

Exactly. We reviewed the facts presented by the article.

Actually it's a long running conspiracy that Stephen hawking had a body double.

He lived for 52years with ALS, 32more than the next most

I was going to go to bed but saw the top post on reddit about his death, so decided to stay up a little later and see what /r/conspiracy had to say about it :)

I have been pleasantly surprised by how open-minded some of the commenters here have been.

Generally this sub is full of people who claim/pretend to know about gigantic lies like 9/11, but then go along hook/line/sinker with Scientism hoaxes.

You're a fucking idiot.

Removed. Rule 10.


Removed. Rule 10.

You are fucking simple. Obviously. What an elaborate fucked up way to achieve nothing at all. This is laughable. Not at all a conspiracy, just tinfoil crackpottery at its finest

I’d say /u/MattseW down below debunked your arguments pretty well. Would you be able you edit in more arguments into your post OP?

My girlfriend and I were just talking about him this past weekend and that he may have been dead for a long time and replaced with a double or cloned. A few days later and it's announced that he dies. Doesn't really matter either way to me cause it's no big deal in the grand scheme of things. Just found it kind of weird when that kind of stuff happens.

Does your girlfriend do tarot readings perchance?

same? last night i was telling my mum all about, this morning, he's dead.

[x files theme]

What the fuck.

The man who did more than almost anyone else in the history of mankind to show humanity the vastness of space has died. Not only did he die, but he died on a day that represents a number that never ends either, Pi. This is extremely symbolic to me. He will go down as a modern-day genius and will be talked about for 100's of years to come. The day he died will only add to his mysticism. RIP Mr. Hawking.

He died the day before depending on your time zone, where he died it was march 13th, people are spouting off the he died on pi/einstein day thing but he literally died on the 13th.

Your birthday and death day are dependent in where they happen. He died in Cambridge, England. Not the USA. They are 5 hours ahead of the eastern time zone. Therefore he died on 3/14.

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Except would they not write the date in England as 14/03/2018?

LOL bet you are a wizard.

The man who did more than almost anyone else in the history of mankind to show humanity the vastness of space has died.

The thing is I don't even believe in 'outer space'.

Want to know more? PM me.

Which of Prof Hawkings achievements had anything to do with showing us the vastness of space? Wasn't all his work around black holes rather than anything to do with estimating the size or extent of the universe?

This is the dumbest fucking thing I've ever heard. You guys are so thirsty.


Also on the day Albert Einstein was born.


At the same age Einstein died, 76.

Assisted suicide?

is 76 the 27 club for scientists?

Great. One of the greatest minds of our age has died and left us alone with the anti-science retards.

You shouldn't talk like that about yourself bud. You're worth more than that.

Believe nothing that you read and question half of what you see!

Words to grow by.

Time to write a book? I don't know, with all his activities in a day how does he find the time.

Actually I probably can't procreate because I have eaten too much food which was heated up in a microwave.

Oh for fucks sake. Really?

Why get mad, bro?

Nobody was properly trained to shill a Stephen Hawking thread

Yeah, he was just a really intricate looking toaster.


It was reported Stephen Hawking Died In 1985. The Existing “Stephen Hawking” Is A Lookalike

Any chance?

Alleged life? Does this mean he was actually dead the whole time?? 🙄

There is a theory this S.H wasn't the original

You are trash my friend. “This vegetable?” Fuck you.

Relax, guy.

If vegetable is no longer an acceptable word then what is the new word we are allowed to use?

Vegetable was okay back in the 90s, and I have not been keeping up with the Orwellian newspeak since then.

See my response below where I was a tad kinder ... but again - a vegetable is something you eat, not a person!! A vegetative state is the term you were looking for, which Stephen Hawkings was not.

So I was kinda right, though?

Nope you were fully wrong. Hawkings had a functioning mind/brain so he was not in a vegetative state. You would have been kind of right had you said his body was paralyzed.

But did you understand what I was trying to convey?

You wouldnt call a pregnant girl fat? Shes pregnant, that's why shes big it's not that she's fat. Hawking may be similer to that of a person in a vegitative state, but it doesn't mean he is. He has a condition where he can't do shit with his body but his mind is completely unaffected. The man did nothing but good, it's sad to see people insulting him especially so close to his death.

There was nothing right about calling him a vegetable

Its more the fact you reduced one of the greatest scientific minds ever to "this vegetable".

But you also "don't believe" in outer space so you're probably not the brightest of the bunch are you?

one of the greatest scientific minds

You guys really believe this, don't you?

Yes. Because its fact.

You good and damn well know referring to Dr. Hawking as a fucking vegetable is down right disrespectful.

I seriously do not consider it an offensive term bro, chill out.

He doesn't "believe in" Outer space. Its fair to assume he isn't the most intelligent of people

Either a shill or a fucking moron. Can't believe this post got so many upvotes.

No go right ahead

It's Pi day.

Also, I heard there will be a solar storm or some kind of solar event.

It’s the cosmos showing respect

The headline should read: 'Cover story for world's most famous android reaches limit of plausibility.'

What if his voice was actually taken over by an AI years ago?

It was a sentient wheelchair, powered by an organic battery!

How could a person who allegedly typed with muscles in his mouth possibly write so many books?


You spend far longer researching and thinking of ideas than you do typing. Authors often take years just to write one book, and that's with a functional body.

Stop downvoting, we are conspiracy theorists for crying out loud! We are the definition of offensive, in order to think we must risk being offensive. Don't be so sensitive and use the logical part of your brain before you emotionally dismiss something.

As of late you simply have to ignore the voting system and pretend the hateful cynics that lurk and piss on theories that aren't trump/Russia don't exist.

Don't be so sensitive and use the logical part of your brain

Anyone with a remote sense for logic will see how idiotic this is though.

Oh, great. Now we'll likely get to hear Neil DeGrasse-Tyson spew shit out of his mouth on a more regular basis. Maybe Bill Nye the failed guy will make a comeback too!

Neil is a fraud.

Now i don’t feel bad for laughing at memes of him

He also died on Pi day... Thoughts?

The first 144 digits of pi add up to 666 and 144 = (6+6) x (6+6). Hawking satanism confirmed /s

My uncle is an astrophysicist who has had dinner with hawking.

Can confirm he talks through the machine, and it's incredibly incredibly incredibly slow. Just a you would expect.

He often wrote out his speeches/what he wanted to say in advance when he was featured on TV shows. He wasn’t actually speaking live in the latter part of his life.

I wish more people realized this. He has to look at each letter with his eye and that device he has to select it. I am sure over the years there was a more advanced version, like maybe T9 texting but yes, very slow and down ahead of time.

This is the last thing I saw about how he controls it and another video of a similar style but can't remember who did that one.

you say you are 'sure'. I ask, 'why'?

It was just an expression more or less to indicate all technology evolves especially with a physicist like himself. I'm sure (oops, I did it again) that the technology he used to type out long phrases was made more advanced as he became more popular. You would think, at least.

How would you know that? Why do you believe this crap?

Because I’ve seen how long it takes him to type. He often uses shorthand and an assistant translates that to the final text. There’s no way you could’ve had a one-on-one interview with him without it taking hours.

Where did you see this?

There was actually an AMA a few years ago on r/science.

They announced it in July and how they were going to go about it. People ask questions, get upvoted and Hawkings then answered the ones he could.

In October the answers were posted up.

Took a little over 2 months. Looks like he answered about 10 questions. Of course he was also doing other things so this wasn't a solid 2+ months of him writing out answers for this AMA

AMA announcement

AMA answers

In other interviews he was given the questions in advance so he could make out his responses and answer the questions live in the interview.

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There was actually an AMA a few years ago on r/science.

yeah they couldn't possibly fake that herp derp

Pretty sure you're a fake


The top voted comment is literally just hearsay that tries to dismiss speculation?

This sub is complete garbage.

Removed. Rule 10.

Seriously, new mod removing a comment criticizing obvious subversion of the sub?

Thought police in full effect around here now.

One of my employees has to type everything on a tablet and which then speaks for her or she just has me read it. It takes soooo long so I always just start talking to someone else while she types. I assume this isn't rude because otherwise I would just be sitting quietly staring at her all

Maybe you could ask her?

can you prove that?

How on earth did this utter nonsense make it to the top comment of the thread?

What is your uncle's name, chief?

I don't know how to prove it without doxxing myself.

You don't have to believe me, this is the conspiracy forum after all.

lol, every single time.

Same level of conspiracy as the Paul McCartney / Faul conspiracy

"Alleged Life" We not sure he had a life.

Great man! Right or Wrong he many insights of society, technology, and space travel.

I don't even know where to start....

This is r/conspiracy at its best!

This is a sidetracking post. Equivalent of flat-earth logic.

Ok, I have to say this because that term is a pet peeve of mine - A vegetable is something you eat, not a person. The term you are thinking of is someone being in a vegetative state, which Stephen Hawkings was not. He was severely physically disabled though.

You would be shocked at how advanced communication devices for the disabled are nowadays. Eye gaze devices alone are changing the world for people who are physically disabled but cognitively functioning.

Your question of him living to 76 years old though, that I can get behind!! Besides the fact that his disease was progressive, the damage to his body was so extensive. My guess, he had access to experimental treatments that us “normal folk” don’t have access to.

Conspiracy? Possibly! Wealth buying longevity with his health? Most likely!

Stephen Hawkings Stephen Hawking... Pet peeve of mine.

Oh but calling him a vegetable you are fine with? Good looking out.

No, all I'm saying is if you're going to be nit-picky about semantics, at least spell the guy's name right.

It’s actually completely different, but thanks for schooling me.

Not a whole lot different. It's about the nature of correcting people on little things like that. The technical meaning of vegetable vs vegetative state. Spelling his name as Hawking vs Hawkings. It's petty. And I was just calling attention to that, not trying to school anyone.

You again? Go back to policing the internet for incorrect “s’s”.

Sure thing, dude. But I was responding in an ironic way(more for my own amusement). To show how stupid, petty and futile it is to argue and nitpick about little things like that. It results in nothing but bullshit arguments like this, just as I expected.

I can honestly tell you how he lived so long. For starters, he had some of the best care available for a person afflicted with ALS.

Second, ALS can progress and progress and then all of a sudden stop. Granted, that isn't always the norm but there are definitely plenty of cases where this happens.

The reason I know this is my father was diagnosed with ALS almost 5 years ago but almost all of the damage is relegated to his upper extremities. He has almost no use of his arms and hands, however, his legs have not been affected at all. So while he can't drive and severely struggles just to put a fork to his mouth, he can walk for miles with no issue.

The thing with ALS is that it makes you a prisoner inside your body. Your mind can be sharp as a tac while your entire body fails around you. There is a version of the disease called "bulbar onset" that do affect your mind though. It leads to people experiencing dementia type symptoms before the body fully starts to break down. Much like how Huntingtons disease works.

He reached self-actualization. Nothing else.

Does anyone know of Hawkins ever tested positive for Lyme Disease?

Not sure but it seems that a Lyme's test is one of the first things done when trying to rule out ALS.

At least that is what they did with my father.

They run a ton of tests in order to rule everything out prior to making an ALS diagnosis.

Four months late but who cares. I see people come up with this conspiracy that Stephen Hawking was replaced and not doing his own talking and stuff...and I just see people who can't stand knowing a disabled man is smarter than they'll ever be. It's ableist and gross. They're probably the same damn people that talk down to disabled people they meet IRL too.

Yes, too early for this.

I kinda wish we froze his body. There’s a company that will either keep your frozen head or frozen body for like around $100k just in case the future has the ability to bring those people back to life.

Cryogenics is bullshit. We haven't cracked how to freeze someone without forming ice crystals. Ice crystals = sack of mush when thawed.


I read a lonnnnnnnnng time ago he said he did it by his diet and controlling what he ate.

I remember watching a docu where they showed how he and his assisstant are writing a book! The assi would ask yes or no questions because hawking could was left with a muscle in his one cheek that he was able to control!

Regarding him being fake it highly doubt that since he was already one of the smartest folks alive before the chair!

Like most celebrity scientists (Einstein, Sagan, Nye, Kaku, etc.), he was a quack.

One of the people you've listed revolutionized physics and mathematics - to the extent that maths can be defined pre- and post- his contributions.

... and that person was a fraud who stole other people's ideas, and wasn't taken seriously by the scientific community until decades after his death. Laymen loved him, tho. First celebrity scientist, actually.

I'm not sure if you're trolling or just retarded.

Relativity was taken seriously right off the bat. Its first confirmation happened in 1919 by Arthur Eddington. Several decades BEFORE Einstein's death.

Pick up a fucking book once in a while. Stop getting all of your information from here. This place is extremely biased towards what they want to be true.

Einstein provided nothing but fake science to distract from the true genius of the era, Nikola Tesla.

You do realize that if relativity was wrong we wouldn't be having this conversation is near real time right?

Our ability to have this conversation in real time has to do with the work of Tesla and other electrical engineers. Your computer and the internet would all still work if Einstein had never existed. He holds no patents and his theories all have alternative explanation grounded in real world electrical engineering.

The theory that time is slowed the closer you are to a massive body has an explanation grounded in real world electrical engineering?

I would love to hear this one. Please, do go on.

Time isn't slowed the closer you are to a moving body, the radiation rates of, let's say a cesium atom are affected by the radiative pressures on that atom which can vary depending on its proximity to various forms of radiation. A cesium atom will decay at a different rate depending on the radiative input present at various altitudes. Your entire perception of the phenomenon is like as if your teacher had trolled your lack of understanding

So, you got nothing.

Got it.

It is in fact you who have nothing. Such child's play, I can't believe I wasted my time with such an idiot.

who have nothing.

has nothing. After which you call the other

such an idiot.

Weird that he got all those upvotes then huh? You have all the knowledge, right? All the others are stupid? Is that what you're saying?

I don't mince my words, the highest probability lies in the observed statistical evidence that the vast majority of you are morons who barely made it out of High School with substandard scores in science. As if anything any of you say can be taken seriously. Don't make me laugh.

No he has something, just something wrong with him...

Im pretty sure youre retarded. The Eddington observation was fudged. Relativity want proven until we put GPS satellites into orbit and time dilation threw the internal clocks off.
The scientific establishment hated Einstein, and thought his gravity-as-geometry was kindergarten crap and/or an unholy perversion of Euclids nice straight lines. Einstein's work on the photo-electric effect was important, and won him his Nobel. Everything else he did was derivative at best, theft at worst.

If you don't want the first one, there are dozens more before we even had GPS as a concept.

But I suspect it doesn't matter. Your mind is already made up.

Dozens of proofs, all with errors, bias, or other problems. GPS timing errors were the first concrete proof.

I think it's funny that got think the conspiracy theorists attress the closed minded ones.

So, you think all the other ones are wrong but the one that "proves" your point is real.

Can't say I'm surprised.

I'm done now unless you have something reasonable to say.


Autistic cringe

Not even addressing your baseless claim that "relativity is bullshit(?)" (or what even are you saying... he was unappreciated in his time but also a celebrity??)-- you acknowledge that he made significant enough contributions to science to earn a Nobel prize....

I'm not saying relativity is bullshit. I'm saying Einstein is bullshit.

Unappreciated by scientific community, but a celebrity to laymen. Reading comprehension. If cant follow what im saying, dont reply.

He earned his nobel, but it wasnt for relativity.

The other people you listed are all much better known for popularizing science than for doing science themselves. Einstein absolutely is regarded by physicists as being one of the most important physicists of all time. The development of both special and general relativity was complex and involved various individuals (this is true of most scientific theories) but it is pretty widely agreed that Einstein made the most significant contributions in both cases.

He earned his nobel, but it wasnt for relativity.

Many important scientific contributions have not earned Nobel prizes. There are only so many of them to go around, the committees tend to be somewhat conservative (i.e. they mostly award older work that has been definitively verified), and they avoid making posthumous awards, so plenty of things get overlooked.

My understanding is that Einstein's Nobel was deeply controversial. Some people thought he deserved the award for special relativity, but others still doubted relativity, and others opposed him due to antisemitism (this was around the time that the Deutsche Physik movement was getting started). He was eventually awarded it for his (important) work on the photoelectric effect as a compromise.

Also, one of the main postulates of relativity is that everything does move in straight lines. Just in warped spacetime so it appears to be curved.

...and thats the unholy perversion.....

I'm not sure if you're trolling or just retarded.

Why just one?

3 year old account named "AMD zealot" - definitely the second one.

Maybe someone killed him so AI can be developed without geniuses getting people scared... could bill gates be next?

This awesome lol

You can actually see him smiling alot in his interviews at his dry jokes he sometimes liked to make.

If there's a 'ground-level' conspiracy here, surely his interviews were scripted and edited, and everyone played along. There's no way a guy who takes a full minute to speak one sentence can catch a host off-guard with a joke.

I think it was well established that there was some scripting involved just given the logistical constraints of his condition, particularly towards the end.

You are getting downvoted for being logical.

Welcome to r/cospiracy (whenever a scientism dogma is challenged).

and out pop the fucktards...shouldn't you witless turds get back to your usual fare of claiming that the murdered children weren't? morons

10s of thousands of students walk out of school protesting violence. Gov: "Shit, how do we distract from this? Can't have another shooting, that would just make it worse." Media: "No Prob Bro, just kill Stephen Hawking."

Yeah he's just a massive deception to push the outer space hoax.

If we never saw him talking, how do we know it was not a case of somebody else typing those words into his voice machine?

If it wasn't Hawking, then there is a completely anonymous genius in the same field as Hawking, who has had all the credit for his discoveries and breakthroughs stolen from him.

The chances of there being two such minds are, let us admit, slim. But not as slim as the idea that one such genius would shun the limelight and watch the other one take all the credit.

How could a person who allegedly typed with muscles in his mouth possibly write so many books?

To be fair, he didn't have much else to occupy his time really, did he. It's not like he could do housework, or piss around playing GTA, or had to prepare his own meals.

What discoveries and breakthroughs?


Please name one.

Hawking Radiation.

I'm fairly sure he might have discovered that, what with it being named after him.

He didn't discovery that, nor was it a breakthrough. It's a completely theoretical thing for a completely theoretical object that has never been observed.

Noooo, he didn't "discover" it. He theorized it as a possibility. That's not a 'discovery' and he even later years said he was incorrect.

ALS is not a single disease. It is a group of diseases that cause atrophy of motor function but the neural location of onset, implicated genes, and familial nature differ among the different subtypes. Hawking's case is obviously not the hum-drum sporadic type that is most commonly diagnosed in late adult life.

The average age of diagnosis for ALS is 55 years old. Hawking was diagnosed at 21 years old. Early-onset ALS correlates with a much better survival time. The 10-year survival rate is 10%. The 20-year survival rate is 5%, which is low, but its not as if people never survive a long time. Remember the average age of diagnosis is 55 years old so most are older when they get the disease and won't be living 20+ years anyways.

The more likely answer to his 40+ year survival is that he was diagnosed so early, allowing for a better prognosis AND he does not have a rapidly progressing form of ALS. Most patients are not diagnosed so early, so Hawking was already an anomaly from the start.

Hawking's initial symptoms were also very extreme and impossible to ignore. For most people, it's a lot more gradual and people can have weird issues for 3-5 years before asking a doctor.

Dude you seem maybe just a little paranoid

How is it I never thought of this....? My entire life is a lie....

I've never seen a "vegetable" react to a joke by smiling.

What a coincidence. 3/14, the day that Stephen Hawking dies is also the day that /r/conspiracy dies. R.I.P


Except that he died yesterday so..

i find it interesting how he survived so long. even if he had a "rare case" i'd be interested to know more details and why not many people talk about the fact he was the longest survivor of the disease. he was told he had 2 years. he survived 57. why does this seem to only be a sidenote and hardly ever mentioned by the media? like he was a complete medical miracle. i don't understand why, after his intellect and talent, his incredible survival isn't one of the first things that comes to mind. there's a whole spectrum of theories and i'm open minded to most from he just got stupidly lucky and there's actually no funny business, to he received elite medical treatment unavailable to the general public, to he died and was replaced.

i've also wondered how we can verify the stuff he "said". could some utter bastard not just turn off the eye tracking thing so stephen couldn't control it, then programme it to say whatever they like and pretend it's him saying it while he has to sit there like a lemon? you can tell a fair bit from his body language (like he often smiles when making a joke, which leads me to believe it is him), but no one can be certain.

i think with all his conspiracy theories, his death could be a defining factor. if they were replacing him with an imposter or similarly "preventing" his death, why have him die now? i'd keep up to date with current affairs and make sure theres nothing we need to be distracted from. if the next few days reveal a motive, i'd be very suspicious 👀

This is a stupid fucking question.

The man wasn’t always disabled, he had a degenerative disease.

This ill informed post seems like it could be a psy-op post to distract everybody from Antarctica among other things...

I forgot, we can't have multiple conspiracy's....

Great post, op.

How did he live so long in the first place, given the condition with which he was afflicted?

Great question.

If we never saw him talking, how do we know it was not a case of somebody else typing those words into his voice machine?

Who would that be?

How could a person who allegedly typed with muscles in his mouth possibly write so many books?

He knew he had something to give to the world, and limited time to do it. I imagine if I could only move my mouth, I wouldn't spend the effort shitposting and sharing buzzfeed articles, you know? The guy had grit.

Is the whole thing an elaborate joke on the masses, to get them to believe that a vegetable was in fact the 'smartest man in the world'?

Let's play that out. You now run the Secret Global Cabal, and you have a team of scientists talking through Stephen Hawking's voice computer. Besides a mean hoax, what are the other motivations for doing this?

  1. you have a non-threatening face to your agenda. I don't know what that agenda is. Science education, maybe?

  2. maybe other people with disabilities have something to aspire to. That's not a bad motivation, but I can't see that being a primary one.

One day you will wake up.

I hope not :)

His handler perhaps. I've been searching for a link I read the day he died, about Hawking being dead already and it was His clone that recently died. Can't find said link anymore.

Is the whole thing an elaborate joke on the masses, to get them to believe that a vegetable was in fact the 'smartest man in the world'?

Maybe. All I've EVER heard about Stephen Hawking was that he was the most brilliant/intelligent man in the world but all I ever saw was a carcass in a chair speaking like a robot. I'll be honest and say I never read his work or sought out any of his lectures sans a few minutes here or there, but yeah it could be a joke.

Well he met Jesus yesterday and was probably denied access to Heaven. I don’t understand why people idolize this person. People also idolize the Universe and look for meaning and salvation in non organic matter.

No he didn't. He ceased to exist as a human and returned to star dust.

Won’t be my journey. Maybe dust is more appealing to people

What is stardust? What is a human?

To me "stardust" is a fanciful way of saying "atoms and molecules that were once part of a star".

What is a human? Fuck... why not ask something easy like "Is there a God?"

Hehe, I just meant it's all the same thing. We may as well be the stars we came from, mayn't we?

Fuck stephen hawking, good riddance

Don't cut yourself on all that edge, bro


on a side note, I found it interesting that he was so vocal about the dangers of AI in recent years. It started as sort of a casual warning and quickly moved to "AI is going to destroy humanity". Last week I read about AI being militarized by Google and this week Hawking is dead. Just an observation though, probably nothing.

"I have no proof he died, but I assume that is why they replaced him." Typical fucking conspiracy cunts. Notice 3 key words in this 14 word sentence from the first fucking paragraph of the Mathis paper, No Proof & Assume. Fuck you who wrote this paper and fuck this stupid fucking post.

14 words in that first sentence, both Hawking and Einstein's name have 14 letters, Hawking died on Einstein's birthday, today the 14th..

The guitarist Jason Becker is going on almost 30 years since his diagnosis. He has continued to create music.

He must be a fake too. It's the only realistic answer apparently. This thread has most definitely proven that. Beyond the faintest shadow of a doubt.

I have to say this. He was a shitty man, and a shitty husband and father.

Do some research on him, find the facts like I did. He really was a terrible man.

Like what did he do?

Look Up “Stephen hawkings wife”

This post is simple proof that someone very disabled can manage to do the things an able person can, like post shit to reddit... Dick

fucking hell. this is the most nihilistic post i have seen in a long while.

Yay! Actual conspiracy and not political BS.

Off yourself.

Removed. Rule 4.


kill yourself.

Removed. Rule 4.

It is too soon. Let his passing be the topic. Not someone else's edgy insight.

This fucking cuck thinks space is fake too. How fucking stupid are you? Do you know what science is or do you only believe what shitty youtube videos tell you?

Removed. Rule 10.

Relevant thread on this sub from 8 months ago.

Can't really remember what the OP said, but there's some interesting stuff in the comments.

Lol why do I follow this sub

I'm guessing he died years ago and his robot chair assumed his life.

It's highly probable that his actual condition was misdiagnosed as ALS. He was still severely disabled but his original life expectancy was way off on account of the misdiagnosis and not taking into consideration the availability of then revolutionary advances in palliative care.

Regarding his books, I don't think it's too far-fetched that he had someone transcribe his audio over the course of multiple sessions which would be compiled into a completed text over time. John Milton was completely blind and he had his daughters transcribe his musings back in the 1600's, culminating in completion of Paradise Lost, and he hadn't written a single word.

If there's any more info I haven't taken into account, please correct me, though based upon that fact I think (if the Stephen who passed is the same who survived all these years) his books are really his own words put to text.

some say there was a few of him so who knows, but i do know there are no black holes, the sun is electric not nuclear and there aren't 13 multi universes.

This isn't a conspiracy theory, but it's of the same vein of paranoid superstition:

Hawking has spoken about his past consideration of suicide. He died on Einstein's birthday... It just seems like the right time, you know? I mean, I wish he didn't (duh).. but if I were in his shoes and wanted to go, I guess that would be the day I picked to die! Either way, it's an interesting cosmic coincidence.

He was allowed to pass away for two reasons one he is simply to old for this condition which has a very short span of time to live once you get it. Second they ran out of impersonators.

This post is a sick joke..

Once you know that fucked up lower row of teeth was fake it opens the whole can of worms. They litetally like glued a fake row of teeth to his lip 🤣

shitposts like this are why this sub is garbage now. this dude wasn't a puppet, you dummy. he was a genius of the highest caliber, and a standup human being. OP, if you were a billionth as smart as him, you'd have google'd ALS, literally ANYTHING about his life, videos, you name's all out there man. he's real. he's not a god damned muppet.

this sub is

Nobodies forcing u to be here, ur need to bash this sub is

It a conspiracy sub.....

Not just a clever username then, eh?

Triggering you snowflakes into replying to me is never not awesome.

Stop appropriating our culture, you racist.

This comment was a masterpiece!


This is a shit post even for this sub.

Everything you questioned is very well documented and an hour or two of reading will answer them for you. There is a lot of interesting stuff.

Edit: I don't think "pi = 4" man is a good source to link for anything. Miles Mathis spews an awful lot of bullshit.

That dude thinks pi is 4? I'd love to see his math.

He has been dead for years, so it's not too soon lol.

People don't just miraculously change their face and defy deadly diseases for decades

Can you link me to more information about this theory?

In this case I don't remember a good site, sorry, just do some searches.

I like to compare photos side by stuff to look for stuff like relatives, doubles, etc. Maybe even a clone, lol.

This world is one Giant joke! LMFAO

Come to a conspiracy forum......Bash the conspiracy rather than discussing the possibilities of it! <----WTF?

  1. Steven died 3 times. First was real Stephens death. Second was Fake Stephens death. Third was the Hologram/Voice of Stephen.

  2. Died on 3.14 same date as Albert Einstein. Yah ok. Coincidence?

  3. His voice box was made to sound like a robot, or more like himself before he lost his voice. Why not his voice when he was fluent? You can make a voice box able to read his eye/mouth movements, but you can't make it sound like anything but a robot. Yah, ok.

  4. Anyone who tried to get him as a guest speaker had to be vetted first. Oh and He also costed a fortune to get.

  5. Outlasts all other ALS people, by like 50+ years. LMFAO Yah ok. Must be using his mind to keep himself alive.

  6. All of his interviews where per-recorded. Otherwise he would be explaining things to you for hours if not days to get out a paragraph. Basically his handlers could make him say anything they wanted him to say and what was he gonna do about it if he didn't like what they made him say? Nothing.

  7. He got younger looking as he got older after 1985.

  8. They used him as a prop, for the Globe theory; and the creation myth; and the Alien agenda. (Globe is a myth....prove it without CGI) (Creation theory = Two nothings come together to make something.....everything.) (Alien Agenda = part of creation myth. believe in the universe and you believe in Aliens who are demons....but you can't believe in demons or you must believe in god.) God exists = Albert Einstein was right. Hawking death over Einsteins is their way of saying Hawkins over Einstein = Big Bang over gods creation = Satan over God.

  9. They used Stephen to promote the Globe.....Even though the Real Stephen before they shut him up; didn't believe in it!

Ill give you an example of someone who was affected by the exact same disease 25 years ago almost and is still living to this day. He was a guitar virtuoso named Jason Becker, cut down on his prime by ALS. A absolute monsterous talent at such a young age and after he was diagnosed rapidly degenerated but is still living to this day much in the same fashion Stephen Hawking was. Can't move his mouth and needs constant supervision but is in his 40s now and still kicking even though he was given 3-5 years to live. There are exceptions to the rules, that doesn't make them fake or conspiracies.

What do you mean his alleged life? Are you some sort of idiot? People like you make me sick.

Why are you even here? If you see so adamant about not questioning things, even without any accusations present, this isn't the place for you.

OK I will stay way from the place where morons like you congregate.

Wow, "morons like you", go jerk your ego off somewhere else. It's sad that you seem to think that simply asking questions makes someone unintelligent. No one is making any claims of truth, just questioning. Way to jump to conclusions. You won't be missed.

Removed. Rule 10.

Stephen Hawkins has been being weekeneded at Bernies for decades. He, in fact, died in 1970 and has been puppeted by his mischievous, but lovable nephews who have been keeping up the charade of producing ground-breaking physics work for long enough that no one will question the large inheritance he is passing onto them.

YES!!! I thought the same thing. There's an alien or Satoshi Nakamoto that speaks "through him". If this person outed themselves all hell would break loose.

If he’s smarter than me it must be a conspiracy

My favorite detail is in that Pdf linked the only time Mathis even mentions any work done by mathematicians and physicists it's described as "manufacturing some huge pile of equations".

How did he live so long in the first place, given the condition with which he was afflicted?

Simple: he likely didn't have what everyone adamantly claimed he did.

British doctors use "motor neurone disease" as a generic umbrella term much like "cancer". It is not directly equivalent to "ALS" that Americans talk about - ALS is a motor neurone disease, not Motor Neurone Disease.

These diseases are not easy to diagnose even now, let alone in the early 1960s. 1960s doctors in Britain were also terrible - just completely up themselves and not hugely competent.

It's been suggested he might actually have had MS (although the diagnosing physicians claimed it wasn't), but another theory is MMNCB (Multifocal Motor Neuropathy with Conductive Block).

That and MS are orders of magnitude more likely in someone of his age at diagnosis. However, the differentiating test for MMNCB didn't exist in 1963 and the condition itself basically didn't exist as a result, simply because nobody could test for it.

MMNCB has no impact on life expectancy and can actually be managed and brought under control to limit impact on everyday life. Many MMNCB patients take years to become fully disabled, if it happens at all.

Based on his symptoms, age of onset, and the progression of his condition... this isn't a ridiculous suggestion. Hawking was possibly misdiagnosed.

Is it too soon to ask some serious questions about his alleged life?

a vegetable

Dude, the guy just died. Don't be an asshole.

It's not "too soon" to ask, but you are opening the door to comments about your idiocy.

When he was in his vegetative state, I think an external entity took over his communication. Like he was a puppet in a sense but kept alive and there is an entity (alien or Satoshi Nakamoto) that would push their thoughts, ideas and solutions to mysteries channeled through him. It's a perfect facade. God Bless him.

Mans not even cold you absolute cunt

What did they do about his colleagues though? All of this is fascinating until you realize that what they're doing is not simply "manufacturing some huge pile of equations" as Mathis puts it. Even if modern physics is only mathematical masturbation (as it may be) that doesn't make impersonating a world class physicist as simple as learning the Greek alphabet. There are thousands if not tens of thousands of qualified physicists and mathematicians who's entire life is nothing but their work and they certainly would have no problem with outing a charlatan, they love shooting people down. This is assuming that there are some physicists and mathematicians who don't work for the NWO making up equations to "look smart". I hope everyone can agree this is obvious.

If one could show that some, if not most of Hawking's colleagues were all inexplicably replaced in the mid 80s I could maybe stretch it but did the actor review the necessary material of role-playing a mathematical physicist? Is he well versed in the modern developments of pseudo-riemannian metrics, principal bundles or symplectic geometry?

I know some may doubt it but my intention by rattling off a bunch of math lingo was not to bolster some "I'm smarter than you" fallacy, I'm simply listing a few measly aspects I have a vague understanding of which would need to be mastered to successfully place a fake Hawking into a top mathematical physics community.

The simple version: As specious as the claims of theoretical physics may be math is still a real thing with people discovering new things to this day and an actor wouldn't last a minute in a discussion on the level people like Terrence Tao and Ed Witten communicate.

Well the idea is that his computerized voice was programmed remotely (and I'm not arguing that this is necessarily true).

Before his tracheotomy, he could speak, though it was difficult to understand, like mumbling. However, all of his colleagues and students could understand him just fine during that time.

There is a theory that the Stephen Hawking that died yesterday wasn't the original Stephen Hawking - anyone got the proof of that, I remember seeing pics and stuff with examples once and it was almost certainly a different man.

Because he had a different form of ALS. The form my dad had kills in 3-5 years. They didn't know the differences in ALS when he was first diagnosed.

I actually kinda laughed at this one initially but I entertained yet... and now I'm not sure if he really was replaced lol.

Check out his left ear.


old (possibly imposter)


anyone have any closeups of young Hawking's left ear?

allegedly typed with muscles in his mouth? cmon seriously? do some research..

aint no conspiracy here. grasping at straws.

What a ridiculous question, just Google him and his condition and the timing of his main works FFS. Why assume conspiracy before even trying to answer your own questions? There's a combination Lazyness plus paranoia that's dumbing down the population right now

I worked with a guy years ago who had one of the machines, he was no astrophysicist but it didnt take him long talking to you, you maybe had to wait a minute but not ages, I would think that just like being used to using a computer keyboard or playing a guitar you would get used to it and it becomes second nature. It was a bit hard communicating with him sometimes though cause I have hearing problems so bit of a nightmare was like that film with Richard Pryor and Gene Wilder lol only less exciting!

How could a person who allegedly typed with muscles in his mouth possibly write so many books?

I don't believe that Barack Obama was ever really President. How could a person who allegedly spoke with muscles in his mouth possibly deliver so many speeches?

I used to kind of believe the body double theory. But thinking about it, they managed to find another extraordinarily intelligent guy with exactly the same super rare condition that looked almost exactly like him (except for the teeth of course) who then also lived way past his life expectancy, from '85 til this morning? Seems the simpler explanation is that Hawking's facial structure changed because of his condition, and he dyed his hair after it went grey because he didn't want grey hair.

Wow, this post really brought out the shills. Hard. It's always a good signal that they're trying to bury the truth

Weekend at Stephen's: TPTB version.

Why did you have to wait until he died to ask?

Hawking isn't dead; they transplanted him into a new body.

I lived next door to the world's oldest muscular dystrophy sufferer, lived into his 70's, he was on labor day telethon a couple of times, so yes there are outliers.

No. I was doing this last week and the alleged dude wasn’t even allegedly dead yet.

So theres really not an autopsy for him?

There was/is no SH. Just an idea in several people playing the role.

mock someone

Where am I mocking anybody?

FTR I have been skeptical of the 'vegetable genius' for some time now.


Were you guys both present on the day JFK was shot?

What value?

If you ask for motive 90% of the posts in this sub will fall apart

I appreciate the idea, but this post is so low effort. No videos of him doing interviews or no medical statistics for people with "the condition with which he was afflicted" (seriously OP, couldn't even google ALS?)

Here is something fringe for you (and the truth): Hawking died and was replaced wih a double [pdf]. It is pretty self-evident when you compare the pictures, and when you read about that one fateful night.

But also, realize such a handicapped / caricatural man (speaking through a computer) is a tremendous asset and marketing tool (in this day and age when victims are heroes). He was (still will be) used in every possible setting to spread doom porn, to advance the transhumanist agenda, and generally to advocate for the central planners’ goals.

The well-known lecture Life in the Universe is one among many examples (and perhaps one of the best known). See here for the whole thing. It is worthwhile reading it in full and realizing the amount of fallacies, inconsistencies and nihilist (and indeed morbidly materialistic) ideas that are put forth herein.

The real Stephen Hawking has been rolling in his grave for a long time.

Why try to censor conspiracies to fit your narrow defintion of what a conspiracy should be? I can handle both political and non-political conspiracies, and discuss either or both. I wouldn't sit around complaining that the censoring isn't as heavy as I want it to be.

Such a handicapped / caricatural man (speaking through a computer) is a tremendous asset and marketing tool (in this day and age when victims are heroes). He is used in every possible setting to spread doom porn, to advance the transhumanist agenda, and generally to advocate for the central planners’ goals.



I personally think this is an absolutely ridiculous conspiracy, but it's a nice change from the usual.

Also, wasn't it theorized (maybe even confirmed at this point) that Hawking may have initially been misdiagnosed?

same and i've never heard of it good job op. didn't know that this is what I was here for any more.

The disease progressed over the years. He was not always completely debilitated. During his earlier years he went from a cane to crutches to a wheel chair but was able to write and speak etc. A significant portion of his work was from that time period.

Decent alternative to what we're seeing lately? You betcha.

Just want to add that Hawking passed away today and today just happens to be Albert Einstein's birthday. It was a comment over at r/whataretheodds

It's because the theory is stupid. It's rare to live long with als but it happens and the stuff they point out like fake teeth and hands is easily explained as Hawking just trying to look somewhat normal. They also say he looks different as he ages. No shit not everyone is Keanu Reeves. But if you look at his ears they are always the same shape. And surviving AlS for so long is explained because we just don't know everything there is to know. We just don't. Medically we are pretty limited when you really think about it. Yes we can do some amazing things but the understanding of why some people survive disease longer than others or how to cure disease is a long ways out.


This has been a long standing conspiracy. Recently someone posted about this and I enjoyed that post as well.

I upvoted this...let me tell you why.

Thanks, newfriend.

Personally I find it amusing that so many 'awake' people still believe that Hawking is (was) a real guy, just as presented to us by the telescreen.

But I remember when I was first exposed to this idea, I too was repelled by it, so I try to be sympathetic.

We are all on different paths.

He's thoroughly debunked. Any of his papers predicate on the premises of his argument being completely fabricated to support his conclusions. He's a clickbait mathematician who says things like pi=4 to achieve notoriety.

Okay, I get what you say, but conspiracy can't just be about anything, right? There has to be a basis.... Some shred of truth....or so I imagine. Otherwise we are just making a mockery of this sub. And well its full of trump because he is such a scumbag, surrounded by scumbags.

What's the motive though?

Mockery of the masses.

Think about it: disciples of and believers in Science look up to and idolise a man who is literally unable to speak.

Say what you like, TPTB have a sense of humour, alright.

Shame that even 'awake' people rarely get the joke.

Actually I probably can't procreate because I have eaten too much food which was heated up in a microwave.

Retarded conspiracy? Definitely.

The motive for what?

The fact it's being downvoted so? Conspiracy!

Lol true

this is not a good reason to upvote something.

100% Agree. Thank you!

It wold be interesting if this wasn't just an obvious instance of someone pulling something out of their ass. It's literally a non-sequitur. No info/facts to back up anything for the conversation. You might as well say, "I noticed the sky is mostly black at night. How do we know it isnt the government turning off the Sky Lights and the whole concept of day and night is all an elaborate hoax"?

But the entire point of Hawking is that the guy was incredibly smart and gifted at physics.

What leads you to say this?

What amazing things did you read in his books?

Lol. is the point of this game literally to see who can come up with the most plausible "what if" scenario?

Is that really true though. Shrapnel can stay in the human body longer than 7 years. Are all its atoms replaced? If shrapnel can survive, why not other parts of the human body.

Best comment of all time? Nope. Best ever in this thread? Nah. Most upvoted by a longshot? You betcha.

Minnesotan located

i scroll down, everything is Trump and Russia...fine, to a degree.

no it's not fine at all. ive yet to see any good evidence but people all day yelling about this shit like there is something there. people just hate trump and want to shit on him any chance they get. it's beyond boring.

I'm a Trump supporter. Came here for the first time to see if you guys had a conspiracy on him because i saw he'd died.

tl;dr - people are coming, stop complaining, Trump can be interesting and Hawking could be the face of "the smartest man in the world say X" globalist policy :)

Agreed. I don't agree with OP at all but it's nice to see something nonpolitical on here for once. Even if I don't agree with the theory, I'm glad he posted it and I wish we'd have more of these!

IMO this is not a conspiracy at all considering there is absolutely no evidence or indication that would point to anything like this “theory” being a possibility. This is a sci fi novel plot.

agreed 100%

And yet people seem to individually prove the point that 'conspiracy theorists' are wacky... Ie the real Stephen Hawking died and was replaced by a double, who I assume also has ALS and also wanted to be confined to a wheelchair, speak through a machine and be straw fed for the rest of his life for whatever reason... Acting!

I've gotta admit - I came to this subreddit hoping for Elvis/Marilyn isn't dead kinda conspiracies.

nb: not true. some cells are, but obviously not everything (otherwise permanent damage wouldn't be a thing - a traumatic brain injury would just self-resolve in 7 years, right?).

so things like lose em, they're gone. take care of your brain folks.

Yeahhhhhhh, I'm more interested in homogeneous conspiracies which have credibility than bs slander with no basis.

There are public knowledge and totally reasonable answers to all of your questions. Some mentioned below, others in this documentary here:;v=1PcwDXEsZRM

lol anti-science is a left wing talking point. Anti-humanity is poorly defined.

In science we all have our pet theories, and those we disagree with. Disagreeing with Hawkings work isn't in and of itself "anti-science".

For who?

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THEM!!! 🙄

"Downvoted to hell"

1,570 points (72% upvoted)


I think it was well established that there was some scripting involved just given the logistical constraints of his condition, particularly towards the end.

I do take that approach to most of these threads. I don't mind wading through the swamp for the occasional gem, but this one made me give up

Care to elaborate where I am wrong?I don't derail people,apparently I inform them since your so knowledgeable know-all that can't explain anything,but please,entertain me with your information,I would love to see it.Are you gonna back down?Is my grammar offensive enough to people when English isn't my native language?Are you gonna counter my arguments?

You mean the one where Abe Lincoln was also Jefferson Davis and the South was suppose to have won the civil war. When they did, they decided to kill off the lincoln character?

Didn't realize English wasn't your first language. Based on the context of your comments, I believe I was right in my assumption.

Impossible to counter-argue against crazy, but sure I'll explain what I can surmise:

You have fundamental misunderstandings of the technology you use in your everyday life. So much so, that you have no azimuth to determine the validity of the reality we exist in.

You seem to be the type that assumes fowl play merely based on your lack of understanding.

You don't understand it, therefor it must be wrong.

You explained nothing,what is there to argue?You just insult while I bring facts that you apparently can't counter.

And bringing the grammar as an excuse to your inability to Counter arguments is laughable.

No it must be the dark dork force waves...losing you....bye

A world famous puppet mouthpiece, paragon of noble victimhood, wheeled out to (apparently) push agenda-furthering scientism as needed?

Hell yeah. Fuck politics.

And what percent lives 50 years or more?

Removed. Rule 4.

No, the key point is, is it plausible?

It's possible I'm a Russian bot sent back in time from the year 2685, sent here to distract you. It is possible.

There was actually an AMA a few years ago on r/science.

yeah they couldn't possibly fake that herp derp

You are getting downvoted for being logical.

Welcome to r/cospiracy (whenever a scientism dogma is challenged).

I almost agree with you, but I think you're viewing it through a particular lense. I, like the other user, wasn't a huge fan of the guy, nor am I of people like Musk, Neil deGrasse Tyson. I respect that they're all very smart guys and have contributed toward the advancement of science and been great communicators to the public, but they all come off as gatekeepers. They promote certain avenues of science while completely disregarding/dismissing other avenues. They're all "mainstream establishment scientists" and tend to push a certain agenda alongside the topics they talk about, rather than simply promoting "the scientific method" as it is and applying that everywhere workout bringing biases into the equation.
I do realise how some people can see the push-back against these establishment figures as "anti-science", but I think that's just people not looking at it hard enough. Also, I realise that some people actually do go so far as to think "well if X establishment scientist said it then I don't believe it because he's a fake!" simply because they have lied and/or misled in the past, similarly to those who think "well of the MSM said it then I don't believe it because MSM is fake news!". But thankfully these types people are in the minority. I believe, based on my encounters and interactions with people on the topic, that most people who are critical of certain mainstream scientists and public figures are critical because of the agenda that appears to be pushed by these types, and not because they are "anti-science", which is a phrase that gets thrown around a lot to discredit people.

all he did was write down some numbers and roll around in his funny chair

3 year old account named "AMD zealot" - definitely the second one.

Autistic cringe

You wouldnt call a pregnant girl fat? Shes pregnant, that's why shes big it's not that she's fat. Hawking may be similer to that of a person in a vegitative state, but it doesn't mean he is. He has a condition where he can't do shit with his body but his mind is completely unaffected. The man did nothing but good, it's sad to see people insulting him especially so close to his death.

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