Trump was sworn into office (January 20th 2017) when he was exactly 70 years, 7 months, and 7 days old! Is this just a coincidence? If not, what does this mean?!

36  2018-03-14 by ShiningShrine

It seems like mysterious 777s follow Trump!

Look at these other interesting facts:

  • Trump was born on June 14th 1946 10:54 AM the very hour a Blood Moon began. It was seen over the lands of Israel that very day. It was exactly 700 days before the creation of the state of Israel and 1000 days before Israel won their "War for Independence".

  • The day of Trump's election was Prime Minister Netanyahu's 7th year, 7th month, and 7th day in office.

  • Trump was elected in the year 5777 in the Hebrew Calendar

  • 7 days after Trump's election, the media reported the largest supermoon in 70 years

  • Trump is the 7th president from New York and won by 77 electoral votes thanks to 7 faithless electors

  • Neil Gorsuch (7) was sworn in by Supreme (7) Justice (7) Kennedy (7) & Roberts (7)

  • On the day Trump appointed Neil Gorsuch, Gorsuch had written 777 judicial opinions

  • On 7/7/17 (July 7th 2017) Trump meets Vladimir Putin

  • Also, on the day Putin and Trump meet, interestingly enough Putin was exactly 777 months old

  • In Trump's 7th month in office, a total solar eclipse crosses the USA

  • Trump delivers his Joint Session of Congress speech during a Super Blue Blood Moon (a rare trifecta) when he was 71 years, 7 months, and 17 days old

  • Trump's NYC childhood home rented for $777 a night on Airbnb

I know that not all them are significant, some of them are trivial. But it's still quite astonishing. I'm sure there are more that I've missed. Please share any you know in the comments!


Whoa. I have no idea man. It'll be interesting to see if anyone has anything on the number 7.

The number 7 is the seeker, the thinker, the searcher of Truth (notice the capital "T"). The 7 doesn't take anything at face value -- it is always trying to understand the underlying, hidden truths. The 7 knows that nothing is exactly as it seems and that reality is often hidden behind illusions.

Following on reality behind illusions and the Truth seeking part is that where the "fake news" could come from.. as in u are only showed what u wanted to be seen but there is more than is showed to the people?

Why is this getting downvoted?

People see Trump and down vote I guess. I tossed you an upvote. I'm anti Trump but I liked your post


I think people might just be downvoting it because it's silly, or at least they see it that way.

It's like, when I went to go vote I had to drive 7 miles to my local city hall, then I had to pay $7 for parking, and when I inside there were 7 people waiting in line in front of me.

777- coincidence? ...probably

Except the 777s in this post aren't related to random events.

Same, usually roll my eyes more at numerology posts too. haha.

I would imagine seeing a post where the number 7, considered lucky, being associated with Trump, who they don't like, is triggering some individuals who can't reconcile it.

Because obsessing over numerical patterns is a form of OCD and something you should speak to a psychiatrist about. You seem to be focussed on the moon, the number 7, and Israel.

It's not meaningful because you're scanning a huge amount of data looking for the number 7 and moon events, but you aren't taking into account non-events. eg Nothing interesting happened on 7/7/2007 or 7/7/1977.

Vote manipulation, probably. You'd get some downvotes just because numerology is weird and not conclusive at all, but this post is at 58% and I wouldn't expect it to go that low naturally. There are users camping /new to downvote most everything though, so I wouldn't worry about your imaginary internet points too much.

Because it is all coincidence.

I think it means he hit the pay for play jackpot.

He was 70 years and 220 days old at his inauguration, if he was born on the 14th and sworn in on the 20th going by months/days vs just days that would be 70 years, 7 months, and 6 days. 14+6=20 is basic math, if it was the 21st it would be 7 months 7 days.

You lied in the first paragraph of your post to fit your narrative, or you fail at basic math, pick one. Either way it's 6 days, not 7, or it's 220 which doesn't relate to 7. You're a mentally ill fuckwit.

Not if you include the end date (January 20th 2017). His age on that day is 70 years 7 months and 7 days old.

Gorsuch was sworn in April 10th which was trumps 80th day in office. More lies.

It seems you're right about this one. I'll remove it, thanks.

20th is 6 days after the 14th, this includes the end date, do you really not know how calendars work or is your cognitive dissonance that strong?

I used an online days caculator to make sure, and I'm right. EXCLUDING the end date, makes it 6 days.

So including the end date makes it 7 days.

You should try being less condescending, EpicLevelWizard.

This is accurate and I agree that I should, I'm an asshole sometimes, thank you for being civil.

And thats why you deserved civility! Have a good one me brudda!

Removed. Rule 10.

As humans we look for patterns and assign meaning to them. You could do this same thing with the number 3 or the number 5 if you looked hard enough. I think it's personally hilarious that certain folks think God chose Trump to be president. A skeezy billionaire who's cheated on all his wives, most recently with a porn star, and is known for being a massive dick to people. He has nothing in common with Jesus or anything he stood for. So I don't think there's much to this 777 thing. I think people just look for patterns.

I think it has to do with the fact that these bizarre patters can only come about if certain conditions present in the initial state of the Big Bang itself.

Sorry what? You could look into anyone's life and find the number 7 several times if you kept looking.

Triple 7s.

Is the implication here the God chose Trump to get filthy rich, fucks lots of women, grab as much pussy as possible, cheat on all his wives, then eventually go on to become president and bring this country back to God? Give me a break dude.

god works in mysterious ways ...

There's a whole movie about this (one of my favorite's actually) starring Jim Carrey called The Number 23

I highly recommend it to anyone who gets a chance to watch it

I assume you never read a Bible then. Most men God has chosen has committed similar to Trump. Trump takes the worse of us and makes them into great men. If you think for one second God couldn't chose Trump then you don't know a single thing about the Bible.

The Bible also plainly states God brings up leaders and also makes them fall according to his will in the world.

I grew up Christian. I used to lead worship at my church when I was younger. If you think Trump is a godly man in any way then you have been significantly fooled. He doesn't give a fuck about Jesus or anything he stood for. He plays to the crowd because he knows Christians eat that shit up. He doesn't pray or read the bible. He fucks porn stars and plenty of poor people on the way to the top. My family is still very Christian and they are absolutely disgusted by his character. If you were a real Christian, you would be too.

I also grew up Christian as well, but considering the difference in type of language we chose. I don't think you personally have the power or right to judge another man.

As Jesus said to not judge others. For it is not our place to judge only he that sits at the right hand of God.

So, yes you could be right, but at the same time you could get a rude awakening and be very wrong. It is not you to decide what is Godly character or not. The Bible warns during the earn time people will become prideful, selfish and desire nothing but personal greed and will avoid that which can make them Godly.

So to say if I "were a real Christian" I would be to, but well to be frank. I don't want to be the Christian you want me to be. I want to be a Christian like Jesus wants me to be and that isn't to be judgmental. You can chose to continue to judge Trump, but realize you will be judge equally so to how you judged Trump as Jesus said you will be.

I'm clearly not Christian anymore. But my family is and I know what a real Christian looks like. I'm not beholden to some book and I'll judge him if I want. He's a huge piece of shit and hes kind of famous for being one. The reason this porn star scandal isn't even a big deal is because people already know he's a shitty person who cheated on all of his wives, so it's not surprising he was banging porn stars.

Jesus was about helping the poor and including those shunned by society. Trump stands for the exact opposite ideas. I'm sure Jesus loves Trump just like he would anyone else. But I don't think Trump gives a shit about Jesus and he certainly doesn't have a personal back and forth relationship with him.

That is your opinion, but like Jesus said to not judge others or you will be judged.

You do not live with Trump you only know what MSM and others have shown you, but you do not personally and more so truly know the man in person. So it is only that an opinion bases on what you have heard.

Have you listened to him speak? He's lived a pretty public life for 30 years now. It's not like we don't know what he's like. Why don't you watch the hour he spent on Howard Stern talking about his life.

Well in the Bible God has used less than Jesus-like individuals to fulfill His Will. Not saying that Trump is under the hand of God but just cause he's done evil doesn't mean he couldn't be used.

Kek prophecy mate

The 2nd coming!

777 and Other Qabalistic Writings of Aleister Crowley

His inauguration also came 6666 weeks after Hitler's birth, with Stalin's death coming at the midpoint between the two. And the NY pick 4 lottery on inauguration day was 6666.

So around the election people said these 7s meant trump was from God. It turns out Alister Crowley wrote a book called 777 about kabballa.

7 is the number of principles in man.

7 is a length a cycle may last.

Look into the Occult for more knowledge.

If Trump is God's idea of a good guy then... just fuck my shit up, fam.

I look at him as an action provoking factor. He got a lot of people of their asses. Both sides. All sides. Where does it say God will send a good guy?

Shit's being done left and right. A mild refreshment from 20 or so years of same ol' same ol'.

And then there's this internet. We learn things. It should be shut down.

Holy shit! I just popped a 7 inch boner while reading this!

Almost ten percent of all digits are sevens, and there are lots of digits, so there are lots of sevens.

an eclipse that hadn't happened since 1776 known as the "American Eclipse" complete crossing America and nothing else.

Cult of 77 or Cult of Oz

TRUMP Smash. That's what it means to me. So I drew a thing.