
36  2018-03-14 by Flytape

Imagine living under a government that has no state secrecy for anything except for the protection of military technology.

Imagine a world where your country doesn't do anything that it wouldn't openly admit to doing. Where there are no secret prisons, no secret agreements with other countries, no secret surveillance of you or anyone else.

Imagine a legislature where the name of a bill matches closely the functional reality of the bill, where little extra somethings aren't hidden inside of a 48,000 page document.

Imagine an election system where the votes are countable by people and not trusted to machines, where the inner workings of a political party in a democracy must be in compliance with the Democratic process.

Imagine a nation where you are more than just a junior citizen being lead around by a media complex seeded with information dominance agents who have no allegiance to you or your countrymen.

Where your constitution is obeyed by those you elected to serve, where your money is minted and owned by the people instead of international banks, where your Congress has to declare war and actually pass a budget.

It would be a different world.


It would be a different world.

You could call it, Nova Earth.

No. What's wrong with normies living under a non corrupted system of government? Why do we have to associate it with "the celestials" and other yoga mat accessories?

Why not just Terra Firma?

The only reason I protest is because these "Nova Earth" ideologies rapidly turn into a religious dogma and then you have a "Nova Purge" where all short comings are blamed on the non believers and their eradication get justified by some guru spiritual leader.

The only reason I protest is because these "Nova Earth" ideologies rapidly turn into a religious dogma and then you have a "Nova Purge" where all short comings are blamed on the non believers and their eradication gets justified by some guru spiritual leader.

Could you expand on that, not encountered those concepts/deas haha, and indeed seem a bit extreme lol

And to answer the spirituality side, well, depends on how you see the world. If you believe that everything is connected, all is one, one is all, well, that's where ascension comes into play etc etc and if we are to believe the lore, humans were once 12 strand DNA a.k.a. ascended/5D

I like the ideas and concepts and I'm not set in stone in anything but it's an interesting subject to me

I wouldnt call it a religion, its simply reality - which would be the simplest and most perfect description.

The Nova Purge sounds like the Vibration Event that may happen this Equinox in March, it is not armageddon, it will send a non-stop pulse thru our solar system that will affect all matter including human bodies. Your DNA is already prepared to live in that environment but it will feel like a nonstop orgasm of love vibrations. .. that may kill people if they freak out or surf it poorly due to ignorance.

Congress really has dropped the ball here. So much responsibility just given to the executive with no care in the world.

The left only complains when Bush and Trump use their Congress-given powers. The right only complains with Obama does it. What a bunch of shit.

Congress can barely pass a budget. If they had to agree on a war, we would never go. Doesn't that sound great...

The only amendment the Republican politicians seem to ever care about is number 2.

actually pass a budget.

You know, in the Westminister system the Governing Party has to pass a budget because if they don't, it becomes a Motion of No-Confidence.

So the American system has a big hole there, where you can't really see a new majority take down the government (like the GOP took over in 2010, but had to wait til the end of Obamas presidential term to actually get someone to sign their stuff?).

Don't get me wrong, the Westminister style has things wrong with it too (We don't vote direct for Prime Minister, that's a duty dedicated to Parliament and the Prime Minister is just the leader of the Governing Party, a formality vote).

But I mean, for that one part, balancing the budget, yeah that's been solved for a while.

For once, or maybe twice, I find myself agreeing with you.

I don't think we Americans would have the debt we have without state secrecy, and the purse strings went to shit when Congress stopped requiring a declaration of war. Declaration of war went to shit with the nuclear weapons.

>where your money is minted and owned by the people instead of international banks

I've spoken about this before. Certain things are better left to the private sector, and then there's those better left to the public sector.

I truly think blockchain is our only hope