Out of B. Sanders, H. Clinton, and D. Trump, Trump is by far the absolute best thing that could have happened to the US. Let me explain...

0  2018-03-15 by no1113

Just posted a comment reply in a conversation I was/am having with /u/RMFN, and felt that it wouldn't be a bad OP to put up here.

SS: Honestly, I wouldn't say this is a direct conspiracy per se, as it's not necessarily involving any direct, purposeful chicanery by two or more people against another group, but I still think it's very worthy of this sub by virtue of the fact that it gets us to think a bit more critically and deeply about what's going on and helps us read between the lines, etc.

I'm going to post the response I made in that other post here [with a bit of editing to make it more to the point here], as it explains what I'm meaning in my OP heading:

Fuck Hillary Clinton for sure, and fuck Donald Trump too (before anybody gets any ideas that I support "this" candidate shit head or that shit head).

You know what? I think that between Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders, and Donald Trump, it's Donal Trump that is actually the absolute best choice out of all three of them when it comes to actually waking the masses up.


Because with absolute war monger Hillary Clinton, she would have forcefully kept TPTB going and continue warring and bombing across the world as much as possible. That would have been horrible.

With Sanders, well...I already explained how he's nothing but a sayanim above.

With Donald Trump, however? Donald Trump is already hated so much by so many people that his actions are actually causing people to actually wake up and pay attention to just how much of a loser not only he is, but the whole system is really.

Israel, for example, is actually getting a bit more critical reception now than ever before because of the very fact that Trump is promoting them and giving them more $, etc. Because so many people hate Trump, it's like they're starting to reflexively look critically upon whatever he supports...and since he supports the hell out of Israel, Trump haters are actually beginning to (again, reflexively) take a closer, more critical look at Israel in manners that they weren't before. Such scrutiny definitely wouldn't be happening under Clinton, and BIG TIME DEFINITELY would never happen under Sanders.

It might be for all the wrong reasons for sure, but Trump might be the best thing to happen to the United States in recent times, honestly.


Well. I like your spirit but , I live in a west coast city, thoroughly left leaning.

I just put down the weekly as I usually do on a Wednesday afternoon... It bemoaned, as usual, the dark times we live in.

The cause? I corrupt system? A rigged game? Nope. Trump and Russia ruining it for the rest of us.

Just saying, any activism that arises out of Trump's presidency is, at best, misguided in it's aim. They've swallowed the narrative whole.

Even smart people whom I know...

I see what you’re saying - way too many people swallowing TPTB koolaid - but more and more people are slowly waking up.

And I live in a west coast city too. ;)

Maybe at the same time more people are waking up... More suckers are being born...

Forgive the pessimism:)

Your pessimism is fully understood. 100%. However, I'd say this:

People aren't born suckers. They're born impressionable - which makes them easy to turn into suckers by those who are themselves unscrupulous and/or ignorant.

The more people wake up, however, the less people will be ignorant, which will make the impressionable individuals that are born much less likely to be turned into suckers because they're being born into a world where more and more people are waking up.

It's more difficult to turn the impressionable into suckers when they're surrounded by more and more people who are actually waking up and beginning to understand.

good point. like i said, i like your spirit:)


I'm pretty horrendously pessimistic as well. However, more than being a general pessimist, I try to be a critical thinker, and in striving for such, I try to be as objective as possible.


"Trump and Russia ruining it for the rest of us." Hahaha!

1:54:45- "Wait until the people find out that the United States of America is a corporation, a religious non-profit chartered by the Roman Catholic Church out of Delaware. Jesus!"


Trump is apparently about to hire John Bolton as National Security Advisor. The same man who has been thumping the war drums against Iran since about 1985.

And Bolton has a similar hardon for North Korea.

I suspect the days ahead will be darker than most of us could have imagined.

We would likely already be deep in another war if Clinton was at the helm, but they're definitely all bullshit - these candidates.

Agreed. We are currently involved in, what, five wars? And those are the ones we know about publicly.

Afghanistan Iraq Syria Yemen Nigeria (not sure if this qualifies, but American forces are dying there)

What about the secret wars? I am certain we have forces on the ground in the border areas of Pakistan, but I suppose you could call that part of the Afghan effort.

And now, what's next? Iran? North Korea? Trump was dangling a possible invasion of Venezuela in the wind a couple months back.

Is there a political leader in existence who is not interested in starting more wars? I want that person to be the next president. Wrap up all this useless killing, find a way to stabilize things, and bring our troops home while still keeping an overwhelming force projection worldwide for the security of ourselves and our allies.

Maybe that is too large of a dream, but it is what I have.

All that stuff you want to stop is the overwhelming force projection. Maybe we shouldn't do business that way.

As a person with a 80's porn star mustache I find that remark dubious.

No. Hillary would have been best because a growing percentage (30% her first year) would have begun to say, "If she doesn't have to obey the law, then I don't either." and "The system is rigged."

The players could have lost the Illusion of Legitimacy, without which, they would be finished.

It doesn't seem to me that people would have said anything like this in the least w/Clinton as president. Nobody said that about her up to this point and her illegality has been well documented, so it's not like people would have suddenly been saying that w/her as president.

The players wouldn't have lost enough of their illusion of legitimacy to keep the US from continuing to war monger at her helm.

What laws has Hillary broken?

Don't you see that is exactly what you are doing. Conservatives spent 15 years calling Hillary a criminal so now that there is a White House, Cabinet and Congress full of real criminals, it is all ok.

The rise in anti-hillary sentiment before the election was driven by the crimes surrounding: election cheating, Clinton Foundation, and her email servers.

What crimes did Hillary and the DNC commit, please be specific.

A screaming and fast typing band of bots and conservative paid and Russians calling Hillary a criminal does not make Hillary a Criminal.

(I was a strong Sanders supporter who did vote for Hillary.)

I know which party was doing the voting registration removals, removing polling places, shortening polling times, the red states.

Like Arizona, not enough places to vote. a very Republican controlled state.

The NY incident, was probably a paid off operator, who unfortunately was let off the hook for removing the NYC voters but then again those NY Democratic are nearly 100% third way libertarians.

The ones so strongly promoting the both parties are the same and who have been doing as much as possible to make it true. And the ones both Clinton's belong to. Business friendly wage suppression sobs.

bud, you can stop trying to prove that you can create the most incoherent word salads of any of the posters on the sub. You've already won that award.

Are you the only person here who never understands what I type?

Besides, I am, on duty, so to speak, and this is a good place to distract myself.

I get to have dialogs with brilliant folks like yourself.

I'm flattered

you know, maybe I'm wrong about you - maybe you're satirizing what is ostensibly your own worldview so that while you're "on duty so to speak" your wages turn out to be wasted money by the TPTB. Truly amazing stuff you're doing if that were the case.

Please. I wouldn't give that much credit by far.

My "being on duty," means I am taking care of a couple of children, but they don't need every second of my attention.

Oh shit. That legitimately made lawl.

100% agree fellow conspiracy theorist. Her turn!

lol I have seen enough of your posts to know you need a /s for that comment.

/s is that your new code word for shill? What are you saying?

I am saying we probably disagree on everything or I have you confused with another user that uses 4CapLetters and begins with R

I have never been a 4chan! Be polite.

That is good news.

^ legitimate conspiracy theorist.

lol. You forgot the /s!!

Don't be so myopic. The Redpill fallout of the moderates continues to bleed support away from the Clinton Machine. I think the people are more aware of how rigged the political system is these days, but are still falling prey to the social manipulation being played out via various social media tactics (this comment has approximately zero to do with Russia).

The tide is starting to turn on social media networks (Facebook/Youtube with their recent And rampant censorship), and the media is just in a freefall from all sides. People will either stop listening, or rise up. Either way, change is inevitable.

I considered maybe that’s what the other two decided as well. Bernie bowed out, and Clinton went soft af right when pussy gate dropped. Were they forced to change plans?

I don't know if it was necessarily any dynamic that they had too much of any real option to decide upon one way or the other, to be honest.

Bernie didn't bow out so much as he got the nomination stolen from him by Clinton, no?

And it doesn't seem to me that Clinton "went soft" so much as it was that so many scandals she was involved in and responsible for kept coming up more and more that she was ultimately pummeled into "softness".

Bernie bowed out?

Bernie did as he was told.

No, that would have been Bern Dog. Too bad he sold out.

I'm not quite sure you read the OP content.

You're right. My apologies.

No worries. Go read it now if you wish. I think it's not a completely pointless post. :)

I did.

Okay. Cool.

Just ideas that occurred to me that I'm sharing is all.

At least Trump has people paying attention

Exactly. That's kind of the point of the OP.

I would say in amazement "Where did you get this nutty idea from?" But I know the answer. This is the kind of submission that passes for original thinking every time someone posts it. Guess what? There is nothing clever or original about your comment. I would be so embarrassed to elevate such familiar junk to submission level.

... (before anybody gets any ideas that I support "this" candidate shit head or that shit head ... Trump that is actually the absolute best choice ...

Uh, declarations of "the best choice" would indicate a level of support.

Because with absolute war monger Hillary Clinton

Were you around when Richard Nixon made similar claims about Lyndon Johnson, promised peace and then widened and extended the Vietnam War, or when Ronald Reagan pressured Democrats to hold the line on spending, promised fiscal restraint, passed giant tax cuts only for the rich, then quadrupled the debt while building the military, or when George Bush took that shiny new military and started the 27 year conflagration that is now the Middle East, or when George W. Bush stole an election to implement a secret plan for three large scale wars at the same time?

And Hillary's the "absolute war monger"? As I recall, it was Hillary who played a major role in brokering peace with Iran -- the very peace that Donald Trump is trying desperately to break.

Donald Trump is already hated so much by so many people that his actions are actually causing people to actually wake up

They said this about Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan, George Bush, and George W. Bush. IT didn't work. It doesn't work. Once these oligarchs do their damage, it is very hard to come back to the modern world -- outrage or not.

You should go look at the video of George W. Bush on his inauguration day. That was serious outrage then, much like what we see now.

Israel, for example, is actually getting a bit more critical reception now

Once the big war starts, this won't matter.

What you are doing is gambling with all of our futures. Put some terrible person in so that things will get so bad that people will wake up and correct the direction. IF only such a thing worked. IT can work, it may work, but most likley, based on recent history, it will just make things worse for real people and give Democrats cover to become more like Republicans. Lose-lose situation.

Too much ignorant dribble in just the first few sentences to bother reading the rest. Hope you enjoyed posting it. *yawn.

It was a good breakdown of what you said. It’ll do you good to learn to take some criticism on your arguments and points. Jesus how do you people go around not even listening to opposing opinions!!!!

Yeah. "Good breakdown" premised by nothing but a shit ton of ad hominems. Jesus how do you people go around not having even the tiniest lick of critical thinking?????? (and it's a question mark that goes after that statement - not an exclamation point. smh)

Jesus. You’re the fucking complete idiot who won’t listen to opposing opinions

And you're just a complete idiot.

Nice deleting the comment you just replied to me saying “You’re just a complete idiot.” Way to go champ. You’re making quite a bit of sense.

You mght be the dumbest fuck I’ve ever encountered on Reddit. You absolutely REFUSE to listen to opposing opinions and you make feeble arguments that, once challenged, are just brushed off by you. But you’re clearly too important and correct to listen to others so me writing this was just a waste of time.

I just want to try to get through to you that YOU WILL REMAIN IGNORANT IF YOU DO NOT AT LEAST LISTEN TO OTHERS.

Nice deleting the comment you just replied to me saying “You’re just a complete idiot.”

I deleted nothing to you. I make comments, and I edit them to account for either grammatical mistakes, or to rephrase my meaning better.

You are ultimately an idiot. You have officially gotten to troll status, and I have exactly no problem telling you that. If I saw you in person, I would tell you that to your face with exactly zero issue.

Didn't bother reading any of the rest of your tripe. You are literally a waste of time.

With Donald Trump, however? Donald Trump is already hated so much by so many people that his actions are actually causing people to actually wake up and pay attention to just how much of a loser not only he is, but the whole system is really.

Thought this was going to be about deep state or accelerationsism and am pleasantly surprised. I agree 100%.

people are breaking out of the learned apathy.

Very slowly, but anything or anyone that helps that happen, and helps people wake up - whether for all the "right" reasons or the "not so right" reasons - is not a horrible thing at this point.

Your whole argument is that Trump might cause people to look at American ties to Israel?

The American left has been against funding the Israeli military for decades, the American right has been in support of it, and American politicians on both sides have been in support of it. Trump's base doesn't support arming Israel because of Trump, they support it because they're evangelical nut jobs who think that there's going to be some kind of holy war there. Anti-Trump people never supported paying Israel's arms bill in the first place.

So that's pretty much bunk. If I had to name one positive from Trump I'd say -- tentatively -- that his incompetence pushed South Korea and North Korea closer together and made them realize they should go bilateral at first, so maybe no nuclear war. That's all pending, though.

And on the flip side, what about everything else? You know, all the other stuff that Trump has said and done - the 99.9% that didn't involve Israel? The expansion of the imperial presidency beyond Bush II or Obama's or even Nixon's wildest dreams -- "the president can't have a conflict of interest," -- rapid acceleration of federal crackdowns on marijuana users and dispensaries (and the death penalty for them soon? probably not, that was probably just an Alzheimer's moment), appointment of a radical theocrat to the SC, private sales of public parks, killing net neutrality regulations, attempting to gut the Clean Water Act (among other environmental regulations - this one is still in court), openly supporting neo-Nazis and Confederate LARPers and pedophiles... and now he's just nominated someone known mostly for torture as head of the CIA.

And then of course the trillions of dollars he helped steal from taxpayers and the unborn to pay bonuses to his international banking buddies.

Yeah, I'll take your "sayanim" any day. What's the worst case scenario there? The same policies as Trump towards Israeli weapons but none of the other bad shit? Sounds golden.

I'll take your "sayanim" any day.

Wow. If I had the patience to break down just how utterly suicidally stupid this mindset it, I'd actually do so.

But I don't, of course, so I won't. Hell I barely even read your dribble. I just barely skimmed through it - and this statement I quoted of yours here is exactly everything I need to know in order to understand just how utterly, subserviently broken that blob between your ears is.

Hell I barely even read

Yeah, I'll take you at your word on that one.

Hillary was politically tough, but even she advised Obama NOT to take the risk on Bin Laden.

Trump threatened to destroy North Korea on Twitter.

This response doesn't read like the response of someone who actually read what I posted directly beneath the OP heading.

You're alleging Hillary was a warmonger, so Trump is better because he's forcing us to wake up.

I'm saying that we're at a point where we are relying on Kim Jong Un to show reasonable restraint because we can't trust our own President to be a rational statesman.

We're doing it (and have been doing it) way wrong as a people because we've been relying on these cleptocrats to helm the ship of this country when we should all come together as the one united species we are and do it together ourselves.

That we're not doing this is a big part of the problem.

Someone needs to enunciate a clear vision and plan. Just saying the 2 party system is corrupt and we need to change it sounds like we're advocating for civil war or anarchy. There's no cohesive vision.

Coming together sounds like a wonderful idea, but whats the end goal? What and how do you imagine this united citizenry to function? I would love to change the world too.

You wanted to make this about Hillary being a warmonger and Trump being the best thing that could happen to us because it might force us to wake up. I'm simply pointing out there is nothing good about this situation when we're relying on unpredictable madmen with nuclear weapons to show restraint because our President can't stop himself from threatening nuclear war over Twitter.

Someone needs to enunciate a clear vision and plan.

Various people have. It involves not only citizen coalitions and people coming together supporting each other, but ultimately standing up a PTB that will absolutely fight to take down those coalitions that work independent of their grip.

That’s ultimately part of the problem. No sooner do good ideas come up for people coming together than TPTB undermine things and/or find some sort of bullshit reason to come in and disband the efforts.

Just saying the 2 party system is corrupt and we need to change it sounds like we're advocating for civil war or anarchy.

A) I wouldn’t say that stating “the 2 party system is corrupt and we need to change it” sounds necessarily like anyone’s advocating for civil war in the least.

B) Anarchy is nothing like you (and pretty much all of us) have been indoctrinated to believe it is.

There's no cohesive vision.

A big part of the reason for that, as I stated above, is because TPTB make sure and brake up cohesive visions when they do occur (and cohesive visions absolutely do occur).

Coming together sounds like a wonderful idea, but whats the end goal?

Uh, not living in a land and civilization of war and death and violence and attrition for starters? Living in a world of great advancement spiritually, physically, and technologically?

What and how do you imagine this united citizenry to function?

What do you mean? I don’t imagine it functioning much different than any people who actually get along with one another without resorting to unnecessary violence or argumentation. People can come at a situation with differing perspectives and still not be going at each other’s throats. This conversation right here is a good example. There seem to be differences of perspective here, yet we’re not going at each other’s throats. No reason why a united citizenry can’t include people like you and me right here and now - just on a nation-wide level.

You wanted to make this about Hillary being a warmonger and Trump being the best thing that could happen to us because it might force us to wake up.

Entirely incorrect. I didn’t want to make this about anything. I was simply pointing out that A) Hillary absolutely is a warmonger, and B) Trump actually is better compared to Sanders and Clinton - psychotic as that seems on the surface level.

I'm simply pointing out there is nothing good about this situation when we're relying on unpredictable madmen with nuclear weapons to show restraint because our President can't stop himself from threatening nuclear war over Twitter.

And I’m saying that as much as I don’t disagree with anything you said here, my original and initial point very much still stands unaffected.

The orange-haired-clown was installed to serve as an example of how not to be, the "tock" is going to be much worse than the "tick". Only shot is for red team to have an internal rebirth and use the power vacuum to their advantage. We need a functioning red team and a functioning blue team to have a functioning country.

The orange-haired-clown was installed to serve as an example of how not to be

Fair enough. Not sure it’s not working. That’s part of the very point of the OP actually.

the "tock" is going to be much worse than the "tick". 

That whooshed on me. ELI5, if you will.

Only shot is for red team to have an internal rebirth and use the power vacuum to their advantage.

The whole “read team” “blue team” bullshit is a big part of the problem in the first place.

We need a functioning red team and a functioning blue team, critically thinking citizenry to have a functioning country.


I have never been a 4chan! Be polite.