It's not much of a conspiracy but def the government has been filtering / controlling the main search engines on the web. The content that is brought up depending on your search.

30  2018-03-16 by Michigannnnnn


Within the past year I noticed searches on google weren't propping up results like they use to. Almost deliberately sending me to " conspiracy debunked" pages depending on my searches.

Yeah they're painfully obvious now. At least they were subtle about it before, they'd guide you to disinfo sites at least but in the current climate it seems merely asking question is already too much. They've lost control.

Def more obvious. I use to bring it up to my friends and they thought I was crazy bc it was suddle things I noticed but recently, they have agreed with my theory bc it has gotten worse, just like you said.

What are the main search engines and where did you notice these changes?

Google definitely does it. Not sure how much influence the gov has over their algorithm vs. How much Google gives them access to everything. Gotta love the Patriot Act.

That is what I have been trying to figure out. I didn't know if the government stepped in or google changed things on their own. I do know multiple videos on YouTube I use to use as proof for my arguments and topics have been getting deleted very quickly or they are suddenly incredibly hard videos to find. This is not by accident.

Google and the government work together

This is absolutely true. I use alternative methods for search engines, but when I'm just using Google for convenience at times it's ridiculous.

There does seem to be a massive censorship push happening. Is it because they’re confident people will now fall in line, or scared that they won’t?

Good question. Who knows. Its funny how I feel more informed about my countries news, when I get my news about my country from another country. Lol like RT news for an example. Speaks for itself.

Ironic when we think of communism and how they are sheltered with the material and influence they are aloud within their society. Aren't we kind of going in that direction if they have the say on what we read and learn versus what we can't? JC. Just saying. How far will it go? ....

Its not much of a conspiracy

It is a huge conspiracy which is tied into all others.

Not just google, the same search you would bring up to years ago is bringing up completely different information. Any subject you were to research you will most likely get things trying to debunk it in your first search results.