World War 3 in Full Swing

48  2018-03-16 by SailorDak

“I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones.” -Albert Einstein

It always baffles me that the Cold War idea of a Nuclear World War 3 is what persists, even though this Manhattan Project attendee was scratching his head when looking to future world wars.

The new battle ground is a strange thing. The Middle East has been destabilized and continues its role throughout the centuries as a proving ground of military might (a sanctioned arena to test methodology and technology). Physical wars are fought with proxies and pleasantries: a handshake accompanied by a genuine smile before a spirited game of chess between two sides in the world’s sanctioned chess board.

What we are concerned with in this discussion is not the physical realms of battle, but the ethereal and philosophical battles happening right before our eyes. Cyber warfare (a new domain), manipulations of entire societies, and the crumbling of nations without ever needing to eye the nuclear button.

It fascinates me that no connections are made to the DOD’s original founding of the internet and this new war zone. Did the DOD truly envision this World Wide Web to not master it? It has transformed entire nations into digital concentration camps, which self-cannibalize at the turn of a switch. The power grid goes off line, the internet crashes, satellites get destroyed; the “civilized” world is consumed by chaos. We need only look to natural disasters to see how people behave without their electronic infrastructure: the incident that comes most to my mind is Katrina.

Watch Saudi Arabia and Israel in their new friendship. Watch the reshaping of Arabian society, one that is more open to western values. Watch these fiscal leaders wrap their smug fingers around an effigy of the Earth. Watch the various meetings around the world and the events that transpire shortly after. Be weary of reverse psychology — in which a hated president can achieve what they want by saying “down!”, and smiling as everyone rebelliously stands up.

Then ask the question: who are the contestants of this world stage and what does the winner take? Biological life preserves information from the past into the present form of its DNA — leading me to believe the purpose of life is the propagation and refining of information. Is it too close minded to accept a one world order that may ensure the survival of our collective information, even at the cost of interplanetary slavery? Look to the Georgia Guide Stones. You time travel every time you look at the night sky, look back to Francis Bacon’s works and those of Albert Pike.

To what end? Are they all in it together, or are they factions vying for dominance? If it is a war of ideology, then the eastern and western hemispheres of the world have become manifestations of the left and right side of the human brain — and psychology, not technology, may be the solution to ending such a war. If it is a war for ascension into the galactic community, then maybe it is due. Or perhaps we are living the past, and the present time is that of the Tower of Babel that they are writing about in the Monasteries of our Medieval future. Time is a linear human construct, but we find that the Universe is fond of curvatures - look to our Martian past and our Venusian future.

We live in interesting times.


such a wonderfully thoughtful post to read. thoght provoking.

AI writing bot makes it debut. In the voice of Morgan Freeman a script written by Goose from Top Gun, run through a nonsense engine. You are looking at poop in a square toilet.

It figures that the AI is a free mason trying to instill a one-world government. They designed AI just to shill for their cults -- what a waste.

I think you are onto something. We need to replace the 1% with AI. You are a genius. Seriously.

We need to replace the control the 1% if superwealthy elites have over us with a new respect for individual liberties and a new admiration for freedom itself and control over ourselves in the form of personal responsibility.

I agree. We need to expand the U.S. Constitution so it applies worldwide.

What if the computers actually detected all the bullshit and self corrected instead of destroy . #cyberdyne?

Excuse, please, mister?

Looks like they’re starting with grammarly.


If you read this in the voice of Morgan Freema(so)n then you definitely did it right.

Is it too close minded to accept a one world order that may ensure the survival our collective information, even at the cost of interplanetary slavery?

Literally, yes. If you derive that there must be world totalitarian socialist government simply because biological organisms use DNA, then you are as hopeless a fool as they come. You should stay away from those Albert Pike books, they seem to be rotting your brain.

There certainly is psychological warefare going on as we speak, on the internet, righton this very subreddit, and if you want to include it in your parameters for WW3 then I won't protest. But pleading for people to consider that world-goverment through the eyes of Pike and Bacon could be beneficial to the "propagation and refining of information" of our species is certainly not helpful and is actually counterproductive to the highest regard. It is psychological warefare. Be honest with yourself and realize that the only information being passed down in a masonic world government is masonic disinformation and mythology. But I'm sure you already know that.

The idea of war is to not actually have a winner or loser when it comes to places like afganistan,Iraq ect just a reason to get our people on thier land to get a agenda pushed.

They know people will die in the process but reality is we pretty much invaded afganistan to stop the burning of opium fields and to build an oil pipeline that Osama bin laden didn't want us making.

After OBL denied the oil pipeline idea shortly after 911 happened and he was the mastermind of it all that was WANTED DEAD OR ALIVE. Most people dont know the bin laden family had a close relationship w the bush family..they were actually here in the US when 911 happened along with some saudi or islamic art students on the fbi and cia radar that were given a private jet rife out of the country on 911 minus a few that got picked up for questioning.. that pipeline got built too. No wasn't an option and the US found a way to hit 20 birds with 1 stone and the plan worked great. Minus the few people who don't believe the official 911 story,but they are just crazy conspiracy theorists.

While at war,I guess from my friends in the army and military. They said it wasn't talked about much on MSM but we found a lithium mine over there worth trillions. So i highly doubt we left that behind.

If you really connect dots too,once we went to war with afganistan we had pretty much free heroin and opium..China got cut out of a lot of buisness and that's when fentanyl popped up and started making a name. From my understanding most fentanyl Is being made in it makes one wonder.

OBL denied the 911 attacks and being involved an claimed the government was playing an elaborate trick on the citizens. In retaliation he had "taliban/ al-qaeda" start burning poppyfields that are producing opium and heroin. (atleast 6 or 7 "highjackers" are still proven alive today) Any chart you check doesn't lie.. There's also a YT video of the guy who was in charge of giving some of the "highjackers" passports through a speedy passport program or something and he denied them all multiple times until he got orders to "give them passports it's a matter of national security from high authority" he reluctantly did it. He spoke out on YT about it and how it doesn't fit the story America Is being fed.

I have many friends who went to war bc 911 and regret it now bc they seen it was a fake narritive. Taliban is real and they wanted to protect themselves from being robbed thier oil and opium. There are many military men who served that will say they guarded poppy fields or we built bases as close to the bigger poppy fields so taliban couldn't come in and burn the US money. Once we had free rein in afganistan China white wasn't happy I would imagine.

If the idea sounds crazy maybe go back and look into how the CIA has been caught smuggling drugs in the past. One was outta vietnam in bodybags. Another was when a CIA jet crashed coming from Columbia back to the US and instead of leaving a pile of plane parts and pieces on the ground it left a pile of uncut cocaine.

So then when you really start thinking if the cia does things like this what about state level? Where's the evidence locker drugs go?

I worked for a hazmat disposal,emergency cleanup an hazmat recycling buisness. Long story short the DEA brought in 200,000lbs of seized marijuana from police raids that sat in an evidence locker for a long time I imagine. We were told to shred it in a big mixing pit and there are scientists on site that work there an make a chemical that can dilute the drug and make the THC inactive so it can be mixed in the pit,diluted and then hauled out and burned in a non harmful way.

We only ever recieved the order once and it was only marijuana. Never drugs worth more or with high demand. Crazy part is marijuana was illegal at the time and the DEA agents that surrounded the whole operation made jokes about turning thier back for 3-5 minutes and not seeing anything and after that things have to go by the book. Most thought it was a joke but to our surprise right before shredding when all the bales of seized drugs were laying out getting ready to be shredded in a huge pit and ruined..they took a 5 minute break and completely turned thier back to anything that happened in that 5 minutes leaving nobody watching... I'm not going to say if people took evidence that was to be destroyed but do the math..

If you look at it from another angle that could also be used as blackmail. Bc there are manifests made out of how much things weigh coming in,before shredding,after shredding and then the shipping out manifest weight. It would be easy to track down if anything was taken. Then used against the company as leverage even though it was let happen.

I always wondered why It was only marijuana and why only 200k lbs. I really think the DEA was looking for a place that would say they disposed of the weed and diluted it but actually keep it to put it back on the streets. That's just my opinion but the story is 100% genuine. I'm obviously not going to say the company or specifics but it makes me personally wonder where do all the drugs go??

We know seized vehicles get put up for auction or made into undercover know nothing about the drugs,and they seem to end up right back on the streets.

Years later several employees got fired it was around 25-30 some had worked there as long as thirty years or more. We dealt with methlabs cleanup abd occasionally would get 55 gallon drums of pharmaceuticals in..just random pills and biological waste. Well the manifest weight was very much lighter than when it was sent in than when sent out...long story short there was adderall,painkillers,anti anxiety drugs and a variety. The people got caught be a use the way they went about turning the drugs into money was idiotic..but they weren't drug dealers so they didn't know better an all got caught an replaced.

There's a lot that goes down on just state level so when you think of a international cartel like a state within a state..most of that stuff is true. So many conspiracy related things are true it's going to be funny to see the uproar it's going to cause trying to supress it when there are independent journalists that have proof of things that can prove Wikipedia wrong or either have to be added.

Just felt like sharing that story. I've had a lot of jobs an seen a lot of corruption.

If you really connect dots too,once we went to war with afganistan we had pretty much free heroin and opium..China got cut out of a lot of buisness and that's when fentanyl popped up and started making a name. From my understanding most fentanyl Is being made in it makes one wonder.

There are state-sponsored industrial laboratories in China that produce massive quantities of fentanyl (that makes its way here), among other things it also helps the damn commies in China push the propagandized image of western immorality and societal degradation.

We'll if Abert Pike was correctly we may not have the best future

Why is it that every time there's an end of world prediction, it's always the Christians coming out on top?!

This was hilarious, thanks for sharing...

If you want to read about real predictions of collapse, try this article.

Most because is one of the oldest and most popular.

That one is interesting, there's also that one that Steven Hawking written and some other's prophet.

The Abert Pike is just one that did get more right compared with the more extreme

Well there's some theories that four seals are already broken, I personally wouldn't want that this happens, but I can't lie that I would want to see

Theory goes that AI is the fallen angels from way back. Future AI robots will mirror us but have a fallen angel inhabiting it. As this happens humans will sell their souls to inhabit virtual realities and new bodies. Leaving behind whatever it that is human. Virtual realities and synthetic bodies is the counterfeit of natural world and natural body.

Your romancing the present state of warfare. It's simply energy dominace because without energy theres no economy nor taxation nor subsequent governments. Governments are indeed analogous to organisms, heart, brain, limbs of various departments and their food source is taxes, their muscles is a military.

With the internet, the entire world will eventually fall victim to corruption of morality which will allow control to be more expediently acquired.

They don't have to conquer us physically if we give them our minds and control of our resources.

Having access to the data of the internet is the ultimate crystal ball Luciferian dream.

It's freemasonry all the way down. Unwitting satanic conversion through technological dependence and social engineering.

What if Lucifer has been painted as such when the papacy high jacked Christianity? These things I hear people speak here, I don’t think it means what they think it does.

The masons were the free men let to wander the known world, free of harassment from wars, to build the nexus of societies: the cathedrals.

I do not know why the entirety of these people is painted in a negative light due to the radical off shoots of certain sects... but it shouldn’t be surprising given our tendency to do just that.

Perhaps you have been lead to believe that your allies are your enemies instead of your friends. I encourage foresight.

I agree. We need to expand the U.S. Constitution so it applies worldwide.