I hate how this sounds, but the whole nerve agent scandal picked up at just the right time to drown out the mass pedophile and underaged sex trade scandal.

721  2018-03-16 by don_Mugurel

I'm not a big conspiracy proponent, but put into perspective, 1000 underaged girls being raped and left without justice, and one rusian spy killed, they do not hold each other in balance. Not One Bit

Some one else put it best in a past comment on this post: https://np.reddit.com/r/europe/comments/83swzs/1000_children_may_have_been_victims_in_britains/

The following is the comment from the post:{

Why is reddit allowing this dialog to exist?

They have suppressed discussion of Rotherham, Telford, Oxford, and the other rings.

Edit: The story made one of the two "ban you instantly if you don't Feel the Bern" subreddits yesterday, and the FP because of it. r / worldnes or r / news.

It was only a matter of time before this was going to make more than the Conservative press or tabloids. The charge is undeniable: there is widespread and continuing exploitation of children by specific ethno-religious groups in Britain that dwarfs any other sex scandal in recent Western history.

So I wonder if reddit and their ilk are letting the story float because it was getting to bursting point trying to ignore what is a 12 ton elephant in a room of normal reddit concerns like Trump's social media activity.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aylesbury_child_sex_abuse_ring https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Banbury_child_sex_abuse_ring https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bristol_child_sex_abuse_ring https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Derby_child_sex_abuse_ring https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Keighley_child_sex_abuse_ring https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oxford_child_sex_abuse_ring https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peterborough_sex_abuse_case https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rochdale_child_sex_abuse_ring http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rotherham_child_sexual_exploitation_scandal https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Telford_child_sex_abuse_ring https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Banbury_child_sex_abuse_ring


P.S Not sure If I can permalik or not. If I can i'll add it in an edit here

Edit: formated link for better visibility & better explained that the above mentioned links are from another redditor who commented on the post.

Edit2: For those who say that i'm defending russia. I wholehartedly believe that they did, do and forever will use assassinations as a viable political instrument for both domestic and external policy. I have no love for them whatsoever.

What I was pointing out to was that the media is blowing this new news way out of proportion, to the point of drowning out other news items


Amazingly, I’ve just turned on the BBC Newswatch programme (where they air criticisms from viewers) and the presenters are asking both “Has the BBC been too quick to swallow the official story about the Russian involvement in the poisoning?” and “Was the BBC too slow to report on the Telford child trafficking scandal?”

I am categorically not a fan of what the BBC has become in recent years, but this is quite a refreshing level of self awareness and openness. Something I was not expecting at all. This is at 7:50am on a Saturday morning which is basically prime time.

That is good news

I get the feeling someone with a little bit of influence pitched a fucking fit about this.

That must have been nice.. a bit of child sex trafficking scandal to go with your cornflakes and tea for breakfast... (english humour)

Your image of England may be rose-tinted.

I flicked on the news after an all-night bender.

Even better.. child sex rings whilst coming down..

It's also days before the Russian Presidential elections.

Inb4 the UK is meddling in Russian Democracy!

And It also diverts attention from the farcical handling of brexit

I hate it how these AMA's are so conveniently timed, almost as if they want you to support a certain narrative.

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Well the front page of the mirror is all about this scandle. No mention of the Russian spy. First page of today's Mirror

I think the west is doomed. People are too docile to do something about anything that comes to light every single day. They would rather watch TV. Who cares about raped children...

May is wagging the dog because brexit is failing. 2 people were murdered (for which not one fuck seems to have been given) because of opinion polls.

Absolutely. Among all of the threads on /pol/ screaming about England getting fucked over by Russia because of the nerve gas attack, only one of them talked about the sex trade scandal. It's crazy. What's even crazier is the nerve gas attack was real (or I'm just easily shocked).

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You've got a point: digging into those scandals would shake the entire British political establishment. Why not just poison a double agent who is of no further use and put him on the front page? Two for one: damage Putin and bury the abuse story.

you mean like this post will get buried. And I specifically avoided using the terms ["UK","GB","England"] and pedophiles in the same title.

let's hope not. commenting and stuff for higher visibility

This is 2018 dude, not 2015. I don't follow your logic.

Okay, so, Reddit and the news covered it. Then something else happened, and now they are covering that. Is there some reason this is unusual?

It really isn't that suspicious: is there any ongoing information from the British investigation on child abuse, or do you want them to just talk about child abuse for days on end, while people are getting poisoned by nerve gas, possibly by a foreign agent?

If they were still talking about the child abuse, we here would be talking about why they are drowning out all the reporting on nerve gas with child abuse PSAs -- and that has a real virtue signalling component attached to it to draw attention away from the nerve gas: "Why do you want to talk about nerve gas, there are children being abused! You monster!"

I don't think there's a connection. At least, probably not. The nerve gas is a developing story and, as you noted, most uncommon than these child abuse stories. It's going to get more attention.

There is room to report on both

But one won't get another mention on British meida.

He literally gave a link to it on British media.

From when it happened.

But now it's off the news and forgotten like the other person is saying is happening.

So no push from the public to invistogste and find out how deep it goes.

Like when it happened within the UK government and at the BBC in the not so distant past.

But now it's off the news and forgotten like the other person is saying is happening.

Is it forgotten? Speculative.

Is the news supposed to report on what happened last week? Unless there's new information, it's not news. Considering it was reported on literally less than a week ago, has it really been forgotten yet?

So no push from the public to investigate and find out how deep it goes.

The article posted says there has been a push to investigate:

Lucy Allan, the Conservative MP for Telford, has called for an inquiry into child sexual exploitation, saying the latest reports were "extremely serious and shocking". She has previously called for a "Rotherham-style inquiry" into the allegations.

Otherwise, what do you expect them to publish? "Public demands inquiry"? That's not news.

Like when it happened within the UK government and at the BBC in the not so distant past.

There was a criminal investigation that results from BBC-Saville case. You just weren't looking for it.

So, I don't get it. I feel like you have unreasonable expectations for what the media is supposed to report on.


Removed. Rule 10.

It really isn't that suspicious

what subreddit are you on boi?

The one you come to when you want to convince people that the MSM abd intelligence agencies would never lie to you.

Bury abuse stories from 2015 or before where people were convicted?

It could also get them out of (or postpone) Brexit. If tensions with Russia are high, they will need EU backing.

Political system??? It ll end the royals and the church. Which is why no one wants to see it!!

It's almost like if you see it on the TeeVee it's a distraction!


You sir are correct.

Ergo, so are you!

I don't understand why people are not seeing this.

would bring down the entire system if the truth made its way to the masses.

What truth, though? That people were convicted of underage sex crimes 3+ years ago? OP hasn’t really established if any of the selected articles are connected other than making vague references about some of the convicted folks being Muslim.

Because shills downvote threads like this. Disgusting wastes of space.

Oh ya I forgot. There's a narrative that needs to be pushed.

you don't understand why people aren't seeing that all the world's problems are due to russia? is that what you are saying?


I guess I'm missing something since the sex abuse rings you cited all seem to be from 2015 or before, so I am not getting how a 2018 story is connected to covering up things that were identified 3-20 years ago. Is 3-20 years later really "just the right time?"

Aylesbury: "In July 2015, they were found guilty of offences including rape and child prostitution over a period extending from 2006 to 2012."

Banbury: "In March 2015, they were found guilty of offences including rape and sexual activity with a child over a period extending from 2009 to 2014."

Bristol: "In November 2014, they were convicted of offences including rape, paying a child for sex, causing or inciting child prostitution, sexual acts with children and sex trafficking."

Derby: "Nine of the 13 accused were convicted of grooming and raping girls between 12 and 18 years old."

Keighley: "In December 2015, they were found guilty of rape and other forms of sexual abuse by a unanimous jury verdict at Bradford Crown Court. They were sentenced in February 2016 to a total of 130 years in jail"

So those are the first 5, so I'm trying to figure out how, again, a 2018 story is covering up convictions from 2015 or before and why OP thinks this is "just The right time to drown" out 3 year old news.

Although I do get that OP is presenting cherry-picked data about Muslims.

because the pedophilia scandals are reaching mainstream heights of awareness now? it's not about when the shit actually happened, it's about the fact that people are picking up on it now and thus now is the necessary time for distraction. this is obvious.

Are you for real? The abuse of thousands of children by organised gangs has been a big story in England for many years. It is such a complex problem that the government has struggled to conduct a full enquiry into the problem, because they are unable to find enough highly trained people to run it who don't have a connection in some way to the accused. It has been a long running story that is still regularly reported on. There has not been a sudden wakening to the problem in the last few weeks or months. It goes back years.

A turning point could be the death of Jimmy Savile, and the subsequent opening of the flood gates of allegations. This was when the British people really became aware of scale of the problem. The, predominantly, Pakistani paedophiles who are grooming and raping thousands of vulnerable girls is a problem that has been going on for a long time, too. People aren't just waking up to it. Solving it is going to take time.

The "nerve agent" story is hinky as fuck. I would lay money on the British government using it as a way to indefinitely postpone Brexit. The rush to classify it as Novichok is curious and misleading.

Novichok is not a single chemical substance but a series of differing chemicals and the evidence of it being the culprit is non-existent. More and more people are questioning it. I think it's Theresa May's attempt to replicate the success of the Falklands War that Thatcher enjoyed.

Two big stories. Well, three, actually. Brexit forecasts from the government show its going to be a disaster for the UK and suddenly, BOOM, we're in a situation where we really need the EU and NATO. It all stinks.

meh, i was just speculating that the nerve agent poisoning might've been in part to quell surging pedophilia awareness, that might not be it at all. was just saying to the guy above that it's not necessarily about when some known incidents ocurred (especially when the problem is systemic and ongoing anyway) it's about dealing with pressure from the public when it arises. he was arguing a strawman. i can't agree that the British government merely hasn't figured out how to get a handle on it, it's not just gangsters that are doing this. it's people in high positions of power, as you mention. Jimmy Saville, being BBC royalty, was an example of how institutionalized the problem is. Ted Heath another one. i really have a hard time believing that when people like Ted Heath are involved that the government is merely 'struggling' to get a handle on it, as if some political will actually exists among government to deal with a criminal network they themselves and other powerful elite are directly a part of. it'd be one thing if it were just organized street crime responsible, it's another when your elected officials and celebrities are all tied in to this network. it's obvious that there's been and will be no real enquiry in to it because of who's involved and where it would lead.

your thoughts on why the Novichok might've been deployed are probably a better fit than what i was saying tho. hard to pinpoint exact motives for it as a false flag just yet, but yeah, there's a lot not adding up about it and the fact that it was Novichok hasn't even been verified. it's just government hearsay so far as usual. and anyway, why would Russia use a nerve agent that would only have come from them, as if to leave it as a calling card if they were just going to deny their involvement in the attack? using a substance (or even just claiming the use of one) that's supposed to scream "russia russia russia" like the government is always doing, would make sense on the other hand as a government plot to frame its number one boogeyman of the minute. history is replete with false flag ops of this exact nature used to demonize politically useful foreign enemies.


Something else to be aware of is where you are located. Here in the states I haven't seen anything about UK sex scandals period and how big of a problem it has been since Saville. I do recall hearing about him. On the other hand the US is blowing up with sex scandal for the last year or so and is now getting national attention or attempting to. And all this Russia stuff is trying to shut it down. Just wanted to say that maybe it's more about location as well.

Using that logic then it was used to take away from, in no particular order...

Brexit, Syria’s confirmed use of chemical weapons, the 19 oligarchs indicted by Mueller, Trumps continued house cleaning of notable figures such as Tillerson, McCabe and others,

Russian elections coming up ON 18 March....

I think it’s still Putin’s way of putting people on notice that you’re not safe unless he says so.

I looked at Google News, and it is now quite clear to me that the nerve agent stories are meant to distract from the release of Sonic Mania, while the pedophile rings are being used to distract us from Bannon's embarrassing defeat in Nevada.

Also, the Infinity War movie is meant to distract us from the Great Red Spot.

Eh, I bet you love how it sounds.

But both the "Russian assassinations abroad" and the "vast pedophile network" are concurrent conspiracies that have been going on for YEARS. The attempts to connect them, that one is a distraction from the other, is mostly an attempt to discredit one conspiracy by pivoting off the other.

They're both true, and happening. They shouldn't be made enemies of each other.

Just because you hate the pedophile network, that doesn't mean Russia is innocent. Just because you hate Russia, that doesn't mean the pedophile network isn't real.

excellent points.

I’m not defending Russia. Hell, I’m Romanian, only the Polish even come close to the level of cntempt romanians hold for Russia.

Defensive words against monsters have no nationality or history. They just are what they are.

you know what these posters do man. They're just trying to rationalize away the truth. Which is the UK wants to keep the pedophile network under cover. And they even want to keep this down on reddit. That's how much they want this under wraps because they need pedophilia to remain ongoing so they can continue doing what they do to children. Who do you think are these people's main customers? Politicians.

from what ive seen of all the pedos being busted here in the US, pedos come from all walks of life. From what Ive been reading about the UK pedos, they also seem to come from all walks of life.

You have to be a jaded, argumentative, thought snuffing, inside the lines, cable TV watching ass kid to start a conversation with

Eh, I bet you love how it sounds.

When OP is talking about being concerned about the cover up of CHILD PROSTITUTION AND TRAFFIKING.

Holy shit. I'm trying to wrap my head around how callous ass shit like that gets upvotes in this sub. You shills are pathetic.

Read the rest of my comment and you'll figure it out, unless you're just trying to distract from it.

(Note: the coward deleted his comment instead of defending it).

It says removed by moderator.

I'm trying to wrap my head around how people with your level of reading comprehension survive in this world.

Rule 1

Rule 10

Just responding in kind.

Rule 10

it's not about defending Russia, it's just about the fact that this is obvious war propaganda as no evidence at all has been shown that they're behind the attack. May won't even allow the government's lab results of the toxin be independently verified. let's cast guilt where it's due, not just wherever it's politically convenient.

That's not what he's saying at all. He's just saying that the media only covers one and not the other. They choose to mostly ignore one and write many many pieces on the other arguably less important topic.

That is what he's saying.

Read the post again.

No it's not. All he is saying is they don't hold each other in balance....

Well, thanks for making my point for me?

As I said:

They're both true, and happening. They shouldn't be made enemies of each other.

Stop trying to cover up Russia nonsense, man!

Absolutely. It is far more damaging to the establishment if the public were to focus on the mass abuse and rape of their own children, and the seeming inability of the authorities to do anything to stop it, than if the public were to focus on the assassination of one man.

it's wmd's in iraq all over again til we see even the slightest bit of proof russia was behind the poisoning. period.

Fuck I really hope not...

well i mean, we haven't seen any proof for at all. just accusations. and this russiagate thing has been dragging on like this for some time. zero proof that russia was involved in anything at the state level. and these indictments that keep getting passed off as "proof". 12 twitter bots tweeting ridiculous memes on both sides of the debate having zero actual influence on the election results with zero conclusive evidence it had anything to do with the russian government? c'mon people. this is not what electoral interference by a foreign superpower looks like. this is what war propaganda horse shit from the likes of people who have fed us that exact thing many times over in the past looks like. for example, Mueller himself lied under oath that WMD's were being stockpiled by Iraq during the Bush era even tho the intelligence community at the time knew this was false. this is what's happening again.

O I agreed. Just really wishing we didn’t have to watch it all unfold the same way again.

well we can stop it. counter the bs anywhere you see someone falling for. refuse to tolerate this bogus shit and DEMAND evidence when someone makes a claim that Russia is doing this that or the other. i've been making those demands for two years. i've yet to see absolutely anything other than appeals to authorities like Mueller who have a track record of lying to support blatant state propaganda.

I'm giving the FSB some credit here- if this was there work, the guy would be dead. They could do it 40 years ago with a ricin capsule; want to bet that they have gotten sloppier and use less effective poisons four decades later?

And why even kill some worthless double agent who can do no more damage to Russia? Dare I say he is worth a lot more dead than alive to the UK than he is to the Kremlin?

We should recall the other times a crime occurred and the guilt was immediately assigned: chemical attack in syria. 9/11. Las Vegas shooting. JFK. All stink to high heaven.

Their is a something to gain by attempting to posion a worthless ex double agent. One they could be making a statement to any future double agents, that eventually the state will get their revenge and that no where is safe. Second they can use it as propaganda to create an us vs them narrative in Russia by claiming that the west is attempting to blame innocent Russia and is attempting to punish Russia for something they didn't do. They do also have a lot to lose, but it is possible that Russia could have seen it as worth it. Now it is also completely plausible that someone else did the attack to frame Russia, or that the UK is assigning blame on Russia for political reasons when they may be unsure of the culprit. Really no way to truly know without more proof other than just the poison being originally created in Russia, as their are likely multiple groups who also have motive and may capable of pulling off the attack.

I have a theory. The Russians are behind all of the sex abuse cases too. They just did this poisoning thing to get the heat off their russki sex factories.

Supply and demand.

Who are the suppliers and clientele and what do they do?

Maybe more importantly, why?

They're behind a lot of it, given the "source" of a lot of the women and children involved. But to place the blame on Russia for it is to miss the point entirely. Russia is not great, but nor is Russia the main villain in pedophilia or sex trafficking...that's a multinational, non-national, rich person's market. Russia is as much involved as anyone else, but not the focus, because there is no focus, only a diffuse evil.

Don't forget the lithuanian story that was here a week ago

Yep - this article, translated from Russian, makes this exact point:


Every politician is a little magician, almost always acts as a verbal illusionist. There is an important rule for those who want to see through the focus: you need not look at the manipulation of the magician, but on what it distracts your attention from. Let's try to look at the current British internal political situation through the eyes of the British government. Immediately before the eyes there are several very serious problems and scandals with far-reaching consequences.


From the details of the crimes of the "Telford pedophiles", which flowed into the media, the blood is getting cold: three victims were burned alive, several stabbed. And local officials preferred to ignore reports that they have a well-organized network selling minors, sex slaves. For completeness, it should be noted that the network of pedophiles was uncovered not by the police, but by journalists (!). And they complained many times that the authorities did everything to prevent them. In any country, this scandal should have been the main theme of the media for months and the main theme for political battles, but not in the UK. In England, the "poisoning" of Skripal happened very timely, almost all the system media "took under the visor" and switched the attention of the public. And if before the BBC was subjected to harsh criticism for the suspicious reluctance to pay due attention to the political cover of "Telford pedophiles," now anyone who dares to recall the scandal will easily be accused of trying to divert public attention from the intrigues of the external enemy, that is Russia. From the point of view of political expediency, it would hardly be a pity to poison at least ten "violins" in order to get rid of the media and political nightmare that Teresa May was in.

I just went down a rabbit hole of your posts/comments. I am just curious, why do you follow so many Russian news agencies?

I'm honestly not accusing you of anything. You posted some interesting videos of press briefings by Russian politicians that I'll probably watch later.

I tentatively believe Russia is trying to fuck us over with Trump, but being informed is always the first priority.

I try to go where the most valuable information is. Unfortunately, much of it goes unreported in western media. I wish I spoke Russia -- there's a treasure trove of information essentially encrypted to me because I don't.

I think Trump is another globalist puppet. Just a wacky, conservative face to distract the public while global conquest continues.

As far geo-politics goes, Russia appears to be the only adult in the room. And I think they would easily win in outright war with the West. Could happen. ://

It's ok OP. As long as the back burners are on, we can keep them on the stove.

The Telford stuff was already known though, and there have been arrests made in conjunction with it. This was the Mirror, I believe, being starved for new news stories and throwing up some stale information on an already old story.

Russia has refused to comply with the West, which is very different from trying to deny involvement. So unless you're claiming that Russia is in on this scandal, I don't think you're on the right track.

This happens every time "This piece of news is a false flag because this piece of news came out the same day"

Wake up. Events happen constantly, that's what the news is. For given even you could find another event which happened that day. Depending on your political lean you could argue it's 'suspicious'.

It's not suspicious, it's just the world happening

yeah, the thing is, there has been zero.. absolutely zero evidence given that russia was behind the attacks. none. without any all we have is government hearsay aka propaganda. we've no reason to trust this information until it's validated in some way, and thus it does come off as a well timed, contrived, politically convenient distraction for the moment.

Well, that’s how it works with these things. There is never complete solid evidence. That doesn’t mean it’s a false flag. “Absolutely zero” is not true, though. The substance used comes to mind.

it hasn't been independently verified so that's not even proven.

What proof would be sufficient for you to believe that it was Russia?


I like how you won't commit, knowing full well that no matter what evidence is produced you wont believe it

I like how you make retarded assumptions about strangers rather than produce evidence (because it doesn't exist)

I'm not making assumptions... I asked what proof you would believe and you didn't give any

Not really....

Intelligence guy dies, making a big deal of it. Another cover up.

he didn't even die

That's what the mainstream media is all about. It's not necessarily that they outright lie, they just choose to cover certain stories, and ignore others to distract you

and also outright lie when necessary.

In Canada it was bigger news that Trump admitted at a function that he lied to our Prime Minister about a trade deficit than the Nerve Agent scandal. The man has been known to lie, it's not that big of a deal.

Today Facebook apologized for pedo search results tooo

Considering trafficking and pimping children for sex is big business among the Russian oligarchy, which I have first hand knowledge of due to my involvement as counsel in several federal lawsuits and have seen the evidence, believe me or not, I don’t care, I don’t find it surprising at all that something like this would happen. It could be that the issues are related, as posited by OP, or it could simply be that Putin’s continuing to clean up loose ends as Mueller’s noose continues to tighten on Trump and/or his associates and as Russia’s election draws near.

To be clear, I’m not saying the Brits or wealthy citizens aren’t guilty or aren’t involved in what broke earlier this week. I simply haven’t had access to evidence in that regard.

And honestly, why would a Russian spy agency use a substance that only they know how to produce? I understand that the popular opinion is that Russians are stupid and Putin is an idiot, but lets be real, they're not.

Ask yourself why they're making a huge deal about nerve gas when the response to poisoning a guy with plutonium in his tea was meh in comparison?

This could easily be another Gulf of Tonkin or WMDs in Iraq incident. Don't buy into the red scare hysteria.

It's much less hidden and far worse than that - the BCC decided they didn't like the optics of the story so they didn't run it.

Totally disappeared from mainstream news.

Yeah, it’s almost like in the real world many events happen and each of them don’t wait in line for other events to be done.

You will also notice the "punish a Muslim " letter that allegedly was sent to various people in the UK. Political muslims are posting a photo of this letter that they supposedly received, same time as Telford broke. Only ever seen 1 letter yet there are multiple people claiming to have them (conveniently)

They don't need 'bigger stories' not to cover things.

People en mass have lost faith in media and intelligence agencies.They no longer believe what they are told and look for what's being kept quiet. Russia and other countries can easily take advantage of that. It could be true - and that's the rub.

Isnt it also convenient how the chemical used is 'only produced and stored in Russia'? If scientists can break down drugs to make analogues i dont see how itd be much harder to do the same with nerve gas, but i understand im not a scientist and that could be one of my dumbest comments ever.

u aint wrong.

I don't think its being blown out of proportion. If Putin is doing something as bad as this, who knows what he's leading up to.

how you know he did this? all the newspapers write only "developed by russia" - never "manufactured" "produced" "used" ... etc - they only say its developed by russia and let you sheeps think the rest

go check the news papers or any speeches by May or Boris Johnson --- all they say is only "developed by russia"

it is exact the same shit they pulled with the WMDs in Iraq

Media blowing Russian scandal out of proportion? Yes you're right. A deadly nerve chemical attack on British soil which is affecting innocent ordinary citizens is blowing it way out of proportion.


From when it happened.

But now it's off the news and forgotten like the other person is saying is happening.

So no push from the public to invistogste and find out how deep it goes.

Like when it happened within the UK government and at the BBC in the not so distant past.

he didn't even die

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