Just a reminder that r/music has 16 MILLION subscribers and currently there's 2,700 active in the sub. r/conspiracy currently has over 6000 occupying the sub. Even shills can't redefine statistics. We have their undivided attention.

103  2018-03-17 by SixVISix


I read somewhere a study that once 10% of the population knows something to be true, the information spreads like wildfire and can't be stopped.

Which side is we

I was going to cause some shit by posting the location of the Tarmac Clinton / Loretta Lynch meeting Video.

I have decided against this though ...not that someone else shouldn't ..

Best times to post anything on this sub are Tues/Weds nights I've found...there's a ton of shills but that also seems to be the time the most "Real Ones" also participate. Weekends have fewer shills but fewer Real Ones as well, since people try to have lives and enjoy the weekends lol...

I would save a nice juicy post like that for about 5-7 PM EST for best results from the organic community here :)

Noted ;)

What the heck is a "Real Ones"? Are we talking 8oo8s?

I call someone a "Real One" if, through their post and submission history, and interactions between me and them (or observed interactions between them and other users) I feel that they are here in good faith- regardless of whether we agree on what is said. If someone is a genuine person, here to argue their point, see what others have to see, and boil everything down as close to the Truth as possible, I consider them a Real One.

I broke the code...definitely talking bout 8oo8s

I call them a real one if through their submission and interactions between me and them I feel that they are good - regardless...if they are genuine, I consider them a Real One...

Would explain a lot of the posts I see regarding politics or hating on Trump, and actually believing everyone who disagrees with you is Russian, I wouldn’t believe people actually fall for this shit, not that I support trump

I see way more people here calling people shareblue and Hillary shills then Russians. It would be nice if people could just discuss facts instead of calling people shills or bots.

Thats because the Hillary and Shareblue shills come here in mass numbers, trying to gaslight and destroy this sub.

Their actions effect us.

Ive never seen this sub being attacked by a bunch of Russians pretending to belong here. The Red Scare doesnt work on this sub.

I mean there has been multiple posts defending Russia daily, I never seen an actual post here the defends Hillary or the DNC. I see comments praising Russia and Putin way more often then praising Hillary or the DNC.

Why should the average person believe this place is over ran by DNC shills rather than Russian? I don't really think there are shills here to be honest, besides spam bots.

I mean there has been multiple posts defending Russia daily,

against what appears to be an obvious frame-job

I never seen an actual post here the defends Hillary or the DNC

You think organic r/conspiracy users should somehow be defending those responsible for rigging a primary election? Seriously?

Why should the average person believe this place is over ran by DNC shills rather than Russian?

MSM narrative pushes which one?

Well if the DNC shills took over, why do post defending Russia get on the front page multiple times a day?

Well if this sub is crawling with DNC shills I would think they could manage to get some posts on the front page don't you?

Well the establishment and it's media are pushing the DNC angle are they not? And yes, I think the republicans that control every branch of the government, have the most veiwed "news" station and control most local news stations, are the establishment.

Edit: reoubkicsnd to republicans

Well if the DNC shills took over, why do post defending Russia get on the front page multiple times a day?

because we aim for truth here, not just following the obviously manipulated crowd

Well if this sub is crawling with DNC shills I would think they could manage to get some posts on the front page don't you?

You must not know how to find the front page, or maybe you wish not to see the obvious vote brigading patterns coinciding with very specific post activity

I cant even begin to adress your last "point". it isnt understandable in the least.

You're one confused lil puppy

Show me a post defending the DNC that has been on the front page then. There's posts going against the establishment, but I have never seen one actually defending the DNC. Also nice insults, people like you are the real problems with this sub.

Would you PM it to me?

I submitted The Circle - A Story of Protected Nonces (JVF Clique)


To them and I got an automated thing saying they didn't recognize the band...

Pretty cool song.

Isn’t r/music a default sub? Every person that creates an account is subscribed until they opt out.

lies, damned lies and statistics

A perfect reminder that the statistics OP talks about can often be used to arrive at a false conclusion.

Yes, and r/music is not that active considering its size. A better example would be a place like r/news or r/funny which have more active community's.

Not since a couple of months ago.. it could be a year, I don't know, time flies

They seem to be here constantly now I check online users everytime I'm on here over the past few weeks it's rose by 1 thousand extra users online constantly. When I first started visiting here a few years ago there would be less than one thousand people on most days. Its way over 3k now constantly.

Its almost like more people are aware of the co spiracles going on

It seems to be a steady rise of a thousand people every few days

Suck on that r/topmindsofreddit.

All you've done is make r/conspiracy more popular!

You are literally summoning them to this thread with the linked mention of their sub.

Dude, that is some fucked off shit.

Dont be dragging that idiot shit in here on purpose.

Now your fantastic collection of ShitPosts makes complete fucking sense.

You are literally summoning them to this thread

Bro they look at every thread on r/conspiracy it's their hobby/job.

I don't sub and neither do my friends who like to visit this subreddit. I think a lot of you are bat shit insane and I get a kick out of reading what you come up with. Coupled in with like 5% interesting and it makes a good sub to visit every so often.

a lot of you are bat shit insane

That's all quite relative my friend...what do you consider an "insane" opinion?

To be considered sane in this insane reality we're living in would be the only tragedy. It doesn't take many threads to pull before you notice how fast it's all coming apart.

It was a generalization, over exaggerated but some people here hold opinions that are insane. I get questioning the narrative but it seems a large bunch think every shooting is fake, all famous people fuck kids, etc.

it seems a large bunch think every shooting is fake

What shootings do you think this community predominantly believes are fake?

all famous people fuck kids, etc

Many, many do...Hollywood is a degenerate cesspit that acts as an open sore on American culture...might I direct you towards Kevin Spacey...or Harvey Weinstein...or Roman Polanski...or Woody Allen...or Bryan Singer...or Dan Schneider...are you familiar with poor Heather O'Roarke? What about Elijah Woods story? Do you know about Miranda Cosgrove or Jamie Lynn Spears, what about Amanda Bynes? This degenerate corruption runs very deep my friend...you should take a dive.

Go check the thread with all the folks claiming Florida was faked. My cousin's bestfriend had a daughter killed. I have met the woman multiple times and now know how she is hurting. Yet there is a giant thread of people saying nah this is fake, didn't happen, actors, etc.

While the molestation/sexual assault cycle is happening in Hollywood, many in this sub extend it to every famous person. The multiple child sex dungeons for all of them around the country... cmon now. Does it happen? Yeah. But this sub likes to act that its commonplace for any celebrity.

The worst of it all is ignoring real conspiracies. Like the president of the US acting crazy with his firings. Having his corrupt past dug into. Hell he is suing a fucking pornstar. This is like US history in the making and while people here love to call the russia narrative fake... there are so many things that don't add up with Trump oddly supporting Putin and everyone brushes it off bc Trump does no wrong.

most posts have been about the circumstances of the shooting being set up, not necessarily the entire thing being faked. if you want to make an omelette you gotta break a few eggs, kinda thing.

I mean isn't the pornstar suing the pres?

Edit: Just saw the other news article about the countersuit. Is this tantamount to admitting that Stormy Daniels was speaking the truth the entire time?

Either way it shows how gross identity politics are that half the country just doesn't care if it happened or not because Trump is an R

You sound really naive.

Wait so it's only ok to rant about conspiracies if the msm is doing it? If the conspiracy hasn't been pushed by the msm you dismiss it as insane people making generalizations?

Alot like those crazy fucktards that thought Russha! hacked the election, or that Iraq had a stockpile of wmd's it was about to use on us.

Or is that not the kind of "crazy" you're interested in.

I got banned from music apparently. Huh

You are literally summoning them to this thread

Bro they look at every thread on r/conspiracy it's their hobby/job.