To those that think we can do nothing about the state of our world and the conspiracies abound - I disagree

55  2018-03-18 by Jac0b777

To the people that are saying we can do nothing about the horrors happening on this planet and the conspiracies being perpetrated by the few - I disagree.

In a world where massive acts of charity and giving are being spearheaded by the media (often by corporations and individuals that are giving much more energy into creating problems than fixing them with their charitable smokescreens), we forget that every single act of good-will, every single act that truly betters yourself and the world around you is a step in the right direction.

It starts small and it starts with you.

You will find that as you improve yourself and become healthier and happier, you will naturally tend to want to share the value, the joy, the positivity stemming from your experience. Joy and love always breed more of the same.

Improve yourself, make your life better and help those around you, those close to you, as best you can - and already you will be the change that this world needs. If everyone did just that, the results would be enormous.

But that is just the beginning. If you truly help yourself and lift yourself up, you can help many others do the same. And by doing so you can spread compassion and awareness everywhere you go. Do not underestimate yourself and your influence! Whatever you do for a living, whatever you are already contributing to the world, bring even more awareness into your work and find ways YOU can make a difference.

Already, simply raising massive awareness about the issues that matter is doing something. Beyond that, do whatever you can to improve the world, even in the slightest way, every day, as best you can.

Everyone, literally everyone counts, every last person can make a difference. Even picking up trash on a littered side walk, or in the heart of nature, can help. A smile, listening to someone, thinking about how to do your job with compassion and empathy while not tricking others out of their money, adding value....the small stuff adds up. Even a small positive comment on someone's video, article, music.... can make someone's day and inspire them to keep creating.

The smallest spark of goodwill, just a small encouraging comment on someone's creation or a simple acknowledgement of them, their existence, a few kind words,...all of that can change the trajectory of another person. Both in every day personal interaction as well as for people on the other side of the world. Now with the incredible interconnected web that the Internet weaves of our lives, that is the influence you have on someone that you have never and likely will never even meet face to face.

At first glance these ideas may not be seen as a direct way to aid the horrors happening on our planet. But this is not so.

We are living in a world that is devoid of life, where people have lost compassion and empathy, where people have lost that spark in their lives. That is why people can commit such atrocities, rape, abuse,...commit horrible disgusting acts of violence. People are unhappy, apathetic, afraid, they have lost touch with any empathy or emotion, they are dead inside.

They are also dead to any change, dead to any desire to make this world a better place. To change it from the dystopia a large percentage of the world is living in. Already we in the west live in a dystopian society, but those in third world countries often live in literal hell.

I say we reignite that spark to move forward! First in yourselves, then in the world.

Simply intend to go in that direction and you will find ways to do this. Deep inside you already know what to do. Look within, meditate, embrace your fears and find your deeper motivations where you as a separate entity are not all that matters, it is the whole of this planet that matters, the whole of this planet is you.

You are relevant, but the larger whole of humanity and the nature that has given birth to you matters so much as well. See yourself as part of the totality of life on this planet - even more so, the totality of all there is in the Cosmos. Let go of the preconceived notion that you are merely a drop in the ocean of existence separate from the rest. You are not. There is no barrier between you and the ocean. All the barriers are in your mind. You have been tricked into believing them and you have accepted them in order to have a certain experience. But now the world needs your help. It is time to re-awaken to your part in the whole once again, it is time to re-awaken to the fact that you are not an isolated entity in an alien Universe.

With the intention to move in that direction, opportunities and ideas will come - both to better yourself and to SHARE and GIVE what you have with the world. Move towards peace, compassion, health, best you can and know how to. Simply the intention and desire to move in that direction will make an enormous difference. That will give fuel to action, which will give fuel to purpose and joy in your existence.

Go now. Go and light up the world with your fire.

I write this because this subreddit is swamped with problems and horrors, but the solutions are usually not discussed. I honestly feel like if this community of people that are curious to what is happening in the background on our planet would become truly empowered, miracles could happen.

This is because of the nature of people that delve into conspiracies, not necessarily the content of the conspiracies. Not every conspiracy or post may be true and we shouldn't simply blindly believe everything we read - definitely not from mainstream sources, but neither from alternative sources. But the content is not the reason places like this deserve massive respect. It is the fact that the people here are actually curious to what is happening behind the scenes. People that are not simply satisfied with the status quo, people that don't care if they are labelled crazy in a world where being normal and "a good, obedient citizen" is the true sickness.

If YOU become empowered, you can be the true change we all seek. That's what they are afraid of. They are afraid of the counter-culture, those that don't let shit get shoved down their throats, they are afraid of those people getting their shit together and making a difference.

So I implore you - if you do not have your shit together, get it together. Take care of yourself, your mental, emotional, physical and spiritual health, as well as your life. Because YOU are what we need in order to make this planet a better place.

For more of my thoughts on this - I have written a few similar articles on Reddit. If you feel so inclined you can check them out as well:

The Prison of Your Mind, the Limitations and Fear Superimposed on It by Our Society and the Freedom Beyond the Veil (r/C_S_T)

Each and every one of you matter in shifting and healing this planet. All of us have our part to play in making this world better. Let's play it (r/conspiracy)

How do we save the world? (r/conspiracy)

Waking up, Embracing Those That Wish to Continue Sleeping and Seeing the Light as the Nightmare Begins to Dissipate (r/C_S_T)

My site, for anyone curious:


The revolution is an inside job, y'all.

I see people saying often "be active in our fight". And then I always ask "what can we do?" and get no real answer other than the usual "vote, protest, write letters". These things do nothing as we've been proven. What does work is shunning corporate America and focusing on community. In my opinion we have two options: a revolution, or a total shunning of corporate America. If everyone made the choice to live as a co-op community, things would be very different. Let the sheep follow the corporate bullshit. But if we (the ones fed up with that society) just decide to disregard that entire society we are making the change. Support locally, be friendly a build a cooperative style community. FREEDOM CELLS ARE THE ANSWER

So you want to put everyone in the projects? It didn't work well the last time.

Why would you think a cooperative community would be the projects? That doesn't make sense. A community like this is what the people make of it. I buy a piece of land. I meet people with certain skill sets. I am a professional carpenter and woodworker. I assemble a team of people with skill sets that want in on the co-op. We build a community. We build a farm. Everything we need that we can't make/grow ourselves we purchase/bartar at local farmers markets or locally owned stores. We quit letting the federal government steal our money by creating everything we need and stop paying for things with fiat currency. I'm guessing you live in a place that doesn't have these kinds of resources and the local community idea is foreign to you...

So you want to put everyone in the projects Waco? It didn't work well the last time.

I think one of the 'simplest' ways would be for everybody to collectively quit paying taxes.

They cannot arrest everyone, funds for wars would dry up, police would no longer get paid and with no one to enforce the rules the entire system would fall apart.

You would quit your day job, move out of the cities and create close knit communities that supply food and services for each other.

Exactly my friend. We can organize our own peaceful (r)evolution without even bringing down the system.

We can create a system of peace within the current system which will inevitably lead to the superstructures of the old system collapsing in on themselves.

People connecting with each other and uniting, seeing past their difference - this is key.

You know what I think we do have control over? Kids. Stop having them. Stop bringing innocent lives into this prison with us. That's one way of having a crumb of control over this shit. Plus you'll get to spare their suffering. Can't suffer if you never existed to begin with.

I completely agree and have been saying the same thing since I was a little one. Why would anyone want to bring a child into the world as it is headed? And it seems like we are living out Idiocracy. The poor and uneducated are the ones having the most kids while the wealthy and educated are more responsible with the amount of offspring they have and how they are brought up. But nothing is going to stop it. We are living out our primal instincts and until we get rid of our ego and focus on a more centered true-self, we will keep living irresponsibly and overpopulating and polluting our world

It's good being aware of the BS we are being fed, but the real battle as humans is ourselves.... if you conquer that then life is alright


Why do we do that? I think back to my youth and I was the idiot still trying to be the "bigger person" by extending that olive branch and continue to be a nice person to people that treated me like shit. How many other people have this attitude? Might be high time to break away from it. I know I have. Then again, I'll be the first to admit I'm a misanthrope now.

Yo, you're my favorite person on this website, I wish I could know more about who you were beyond a screen name and a blog. I've been falling into this sort of pattern of positivity over the last 6 months, practicing living in service to the people directly around me, as well as moving further away from online interactions as my main form of socialization. One of your comments that you wrote in response to one of mine was tremendously helpful to that end. I'm on break at work right now but I might DM you later to talk about some things. Peace.

Excellent and very encouraging read. I appreciate how you don’t point fingers or put down the ones unable to feel your point of view. I think you’re absolutely right about a lot of things. The answer is in unity and not individual division. We’re all humans, at least I assume so if you’re reading this. As living breathing humans on this planet Earth our similarities far outweigh any perceived differences. This chaotic shuffle of everyone fighting for their own private piece of the universe is not working and it’s pulling us further and further from our ingrained soulful humanity.

It’s not all about you or me or even us. This life we all find ourselves in is truly bigger than any of us. Connect with that life, that “spark,” and it will never cease to show the way. Yes, I believe in what you are saying here. A world of humans following that path inside them could truly be miraculous. Thank you for your post. It does make a difference.

Wow man I truly appreciate it :)

I remembered your username but didn't recall which comment it was, so I went back to check - it was a reply to your comment on CST on a post about smoking weed right?

I'm really happy that a simple comment from me was able to help on your life path :)

About me?

Well there's not much to say really. To put it briefly - I'm a 27 year old dude from central Europe that has in many ways dedicated his life to the pursuit of spirituality, knowing more about this reality, philosophy, being more and more free - and then being able to share that wisdom, freedom, peace and love with others.

I love to write, as well as read. Writing is probably the main medium I use to share my knowledge with others, but eventually I'll try to move to helping people one-on-one in a sort of coaching manner, as well as share my views with others in seminars and workshops (when I feel ready). I've been down this path now for over a decade and I'd really love to make this path the main means to sustain myself financially as well, which is a big goal for me that I wish to tackle next.

I've also went through quite a very difficult period in my life (both in terms of mental and physical health), where I was literally engulfed in an internal hell for several years. But I managed to get myself out of it with the help of those close to me, plenty of help from various alternative health practitioners as well as a lot of work and effort by myself. That period gave me a lot of realizations about reality, fuelled my compassion for anyone suffering as well as helped centre me on my life path to peace, freedom and the Divine spark that is present within me and all of us.

You can also DM me with any more questions if you want.

Stay well man, I'm glad I was able to help :)

Excellent and very encouraging read. I appreciate how you don’t point fingers or put down the ones unable to feel your point of view. I think you’re absolutely right about a lot of things. The answer is in unity and not individual division. We’re all humans, at least I assume so if you’re reading this. As living breathing humans on this planet Earth our similarities far outweigh any perceived differences. This chaotic shuffle of everyone fighting for their own private piece of the universe is not working and it’s pulling us further and further from our ingrained soulful humanity.

It’s not all about you or me or even us. This life we all find ourselves in is truly bigger than any of us. Connect with that life, that “spark,” and it will never cease to show the way. Yes, I believe in what you are saying here. A world of humans following that path inside them could truly be miraculous. Thank you for your post. It does make a difference.

Thank you for your comment my friend. I'm glad we share this view.

I do think we can make it as a humanity. Call me a crazy optimist, but I have faith that we will pull through before we destroy ourselves or this beautiful planet.

I'd even say it's already happening, but the revolution will not be televised.

I stick with what I said on other posts/other communities. I'm done. All of this is nothing but a whack a mole game. I want to concentrate my energies on getting the hell out of here and staying out of here. Let this existence collapse, don't care anymore. I'm not going to put anymore energy into "we can make things better!" I used to believe that we could make this world better. We can't.

I want to find out as much as possible about being thrown back into this rat maze when we die. THAT'S where the huge fight's at imo.

I've been where you are, in your pretty much exact mindset. And I'll be honest, when I see the brainwashed people everywhere that don't want to let go of their ignorance, I get right back into that mindset.

Because what can we do, right? It's every man for himself, right?

If you want to truly grow spiritually and "win the fight in the afterlife", not getting thrown back into the maze after you die (or at least getting thrown back in a wonderful part of the maze, having a beautiful incarnation), so to speak, you have to understand something that took me a very long time to understand.

That thing is unity.

It means that the Cosmos is not a game of every being trying to simply save their own ass. It's about saving yourself as best you can and then helping others, serving others - because you realize the others are not ultimately separate from you.

If you want to defeat your karma and whatever challenges await to you after you die, you need to move towards love. You need to free yourself first, but then you need to allow yourself to help others - you need to become a light in the darkness for the world.

If you truly help yourself and free yourself, you will see that the impetus to help and be the light is a very natural course of action. All you have to do is allow it to manifest. All you have to do is allow yourself to take action.

But even now, giving, helping others, spreading love, value, peace - all of these things are immensely satisfying and immensely fulfilling. They are also the key to resolving all your karma and getting out of the rat maze as the immortal being that you are.

There is a light, a way out - but that light, that way out inevitably leads to love in every form. There is no ultimate freedom without it.

First allow yourself to love and accept yourself fully. Then channel that love in whatever form it may take into the world. Every little bit of it helps.

Good luck my friend.

I reject karma. I realize that's a never ending prison sentence. I realize that's pretty much a hook that can hook the fishes time and time again. "You didn't do good enough, you have to go back! mind wipe time!! And I'm not into people either. I used to be a shy kid that could tolerate being around people to somebody that would be totally happy living in the middle of nowhere away from people. I'm tired of people and their fucking garbage and drama. So needless to say I'm a misanthrope today. Trust people about as far as I can throw them.

! I've used this example before. IF we were here for this feel good stuff, we'd remember. I used school as an example. What if you take a kid that got 3 As, 3 Bs, and 1 C in school. That's not acceptable. You know you can do better than this. Let's mindwipe you and you'll repeat the grade again. Next time around is 2 As, 4 Bs and 1 F. No, you did worse! Do it again! That's a person not gaining anything. That person's being held back and more than likely will never go forwards.

This entire creation was corrupt. The real war won't be fought with hugs, kisses and 'I LOVE YOU!'. When somebody wants to harm you in any way, you don't do that. You defend yourself or you go down. Anything trying to put me back here will be treated like the enemies that they are.

I don't mean to sound bitchy to you. We just drastically disagree. What's right for you might be fine for you. But I just can't go that way. Not when I see a human race that's going backwards and seeing the ones that LOVE to cause pain and suffering in others. It's a two way street. And those people will always cause pain and suffering. You're gonna give so much of yourself away by trying to be the bigger person, extend an olive branch, etc.

I understand where you're coming from and I honestly don't mind if we disagree at all. I'd just like to share some more of my personal perspective on this. You don't need to agree with it, but perhaps you might find some value in it nonetheless.

Many things in this life are based on perspective. From one perspective, an illness, an unfortunate even, a horrible condition can be hell on Earth, a nightmare, an unjust coincidence, a prison sentence, but from another it can be a challenge, a lesson, a means of growth and finding your way home.

I myself have gone through a period of my life where I went through the worst hell you can imagine. In the psychological and physiological sense, mentally, emotionally and physically, I was a wreck. This went on for years and only through the help of those closest to me, a lot of alternative medical practitioners and through my own effort and will-power, I was able to get myself out of it.

Even afterwards, even now, I still find myself to be angry about the horrific mental and physical trauma I went through. But I realize that if I hold on to this perspective, I can never truly free myself and can never truly continue living my life the way I want it to. I can never find peace, joy, I can never find love, express love, be love!

Thus looking back, I can also honestly see that what I went through was in fact something that helped me in many ways as well.

For one, I gained deep insight into what true suffering means, how much people, how much beings can suffer. From this a lot of compassion was born within me, compassion and empathy for all beings. Compassion and love are directly intertwined and two sides of the same coin - thus coming to a space of compassion gives one so much. With deeper compassion comes deeper peace, freedom, well-being, as well as purpose. I have discovered that I wish to help others, the ailing world and the beings that reside within it. Though every being must ultimately help themselves, being a catalyst for their growth can be a wonderful experience - and the more of us that there are here, the more we can change this planet into the Utopia it was meant to be.

I have also been discovering more and more how I am not ultimately separate from the rest of reality and how I am deeply intertwined and ultimately in unity with it.

Many insight were born within me as a result of letting go of the baggage that has come up, of learning the lessons, of coming to the realizations that I came to through my ordeal. Life guides you and I would say that Life is not something that wishes to harm you or wishes to destroy your happiness. The Cosmos wishes to, if you listen to its call and guidance, grant you a deeper freedom and peace and move you on to a path that is in the best and highest good for you and for all beings.

Yes, there are many beings that are unconscious, that wish to hurt you. Even the world itself is a place of utter insanity and in many ways filled with what you could call evil. But I see now that you cannot really come in contact with any evil simply by coincidence. Nothing happens by chance. Every evil you come in touch with, every karmic knot that appears in your life appears within it because you can gain something from untying it, from resolving it - you can gain a deeper freedom, many realizations about our life, deeper peace, love.

Ultimately it is every being that creates their own reality, their own experience within it. And through their own creation they move from life to life. Thus in a way everything is your own creation. This can seem unfair because what you create from a place of insanity and unconsciousness breeds more of it - and because of this feeling guilty for your creation is also total nonsense. But karma is not meant as punishment, it is meant as a means of showing you what you can move beyond, what you can transcend, how the energy that you are vibrating with, the anger, hate, fear that you have, can be moved beyond and liberated from . It is a lesson if you will. And that lesson is always meant to move you toward heaven, not greater hell and misery - though where it will lead you is in many ways dependant on your perspective and your perception of it and of the events in your life.

This life could be a prison or a school - but it could also be both, simply depending on your perspective. From one perspective it is a prison, from the other it is simply a prison until you learn the lessons present within the system and thus find the key that is the means of escaping the prison. That key lies within you, as does all wisdom and knowledge that you need to find freedom and refuge from the insanity.

From a karmic standpoint, you create your own current life based on your past lives. In many ways, if everyone remembered their past lives, their load would be far too great. People already have so much baggage from this one life, let alone having memories from things that have happened in the past!

And besides, you must also understand that each life is a self-sustaining microcosm of the macrocosm of your existence as a soul. Thus you don't need any prior knowledge of what you were in a past life, or what you are yet to become. All you need is now. All your patterns, your fears, you anger, your grief, your problems....all of this is here now, all karma that you need to resolve now is available to be resolved now, that is why being present is such a powerful way to live life. If you resolve what is here now, your future can be much closer to a pleasant dream than a nightmare. You have the power to change your destiny by looking within, bringing to light what is troubling you and coming to understand the lessons that you need to learn.

Because I'd say you aren't ultimately forced into being here. Whatever this here is, is here to benefit you. You can learn from all of your experiences, you can find courage and freedom and love from the greatest traumas, you can move forward to your divine destiny. Try to see the whole Cosmos as conspiring to help you instead of conspiring to harm you and you will see plenty of evidence for this being the case :)

Anyway, that is simply my perspective that I wanted to share with you. I do not claim to be absolutely right in anything, but I have been through a lot and have been on this path for a while so I do think my realizations have value for others as well.

Take what resonates with you and discard the rest, only you can know what is true in your own experience.

Much love and I wish you all the best :)

I've been thinking this more and more recently it's so good to see others tackling the same cause

A few years ago, I caught the Franchise Tax Board, California's income tax collection agency, doing something illegal. I was determined to get the practice stopped. I pushed and pushed, hitting brick wall after brick wall, but I refused to give up. I contacted a baziliion people until I got the result I wanted. I am pleased to report that as of February 1, 2018, I got them to stop this particular illegal practice! I have made California a better place for every single taxpayer in the state! Me, just one ordinary person who was pissed off about being screwed over and determined to not let anyone else get screwed over, too. Unfortunately, in all my efforts to expose this one thing, I have uncovered even more illegal shit, so I am still fighting the good fight.

Congratulations man, that's truly inspiring to hear!

Thank you!

Absolutely. Have seen it first-hand. ✌️