The 1968 movie "Chitty Chitty Bang Bang" has a villian called "The Child Catcher" who kidnaps children for the King and Queen of a fictional Bavarian Country

215  2018-03-18 by CivilianConsumer

This is one of the only movies I've seen that blatantly shows elites desire to kidnap children. Was the movie trying to tell us something? Movie reviews of the period were not that positive. Interesting the fictional country was Bavarian, is there any local legends of an evil ruling class kidnapping kids?


It was written by the guy that wrote james bond so maybe his spy friends told him a few stories.

The child catcher wasn't in the book, he was added for the film. So Fleming had nothing to do with it.

Why was Dahl allowed to do that?

Because it's a movie. You can put fucked up stuff in books/movies. You just can't be explicit with it. Snozzberries for example was a dick joke, but it was obscure British slang used by gay men so not a lot of people got it until years later.

After reading his autobiography it seems he was victim of abuse, implied sexually, at boarding schools in England and that he really prized the innocence of childhood and disdained the corrupt abusive systems / people who rose to power.

I think he's trying his best to get a warning out to children about how monsters are real.

But then he became a British spy which seems like a contradiction of that experience. Maybe his books are instructional.

Wasn't that during WWII? Not sure anyone was aware that they could be doing wrong by that back then. Especially after having endured massive bombings of their cities.

Dahl wasn't spying against the Germany, If I remember correctly he was part of the British MI6 effort based in Canada that infiltrated news corporations in NYC and lobbied US politicians. His job was to propagandize Americans to support a war against Germany. Some of my family are Germans, why the hell should they fight Germany?

I highly doubt that he was aware of any of these conspiracies that are still mostly conjecture. Large industries funded both sides of the war. Steel, petrol, and bankers. That doesn't mean Britain created the Nazis.

wait, what??

American banker Averell Harriman's banking business was the main Wall Street connection for German companies and the varied U.S. financial interests of Fritz Thyssen; who was a financial backer of the Nazi party until 1938. The Trading With the Enemy Act (enacted on October 6, 1917)[4] classified any business transactions for profit with enemy nations as illegal, and any funds or assets involved were subject to seizure by the U.S. government. The declaration of war on the U.S. by Hitler led to the U.S. government order on October 20, 1942 to seize German interests in the U.S. which included Harriman's operations in New York City.

I sincerely do not know what point you are trying to make.

You claimed That doesn't mean Britain created the Nazis.

but reality is

American banker Averell Harriman's banking business was the main Wall Street connection for German companies and the varied U.S. financial interests of Fritz Thyssen; who was a financial backer of the Nazi party until 1938.

Have a blessed day.

So an insider allowed Wallstreet to profit off of German companies up until 3 years before America joined the war so therefore Britain created the Nazis?

Am I missing something or are you retarded?

You are really dense. I hope you and your boyfriend can work through this, together.

Wow lol you called me gay. Nice.

You're brain is mush. Go back to watching TV as you believe everything you read that further justifies you're ill conceived world view.

When did I call you gay?

It's only gay if you charge more than $5.

And nobody would pay you more than $2.

So, it's all good.

Ian Fleming was that guy. He was a spook himself.

Like the Bavarian illuminati? Started by Adam Weishaupt who was educated by the Jesuits... Years ago when i started to learn about the satanic elite, i remembered "Chitty Chitty Bang Bang" and the kids in cages. I didn't realize they were stealing them for a King in Bavaria!!!

This isn't new. Ever heard of Hansel and Gretel?

The fictional country was Vulgaria, for those who are interested.

So, yeah, u have any more of those Wonky references? That's some good shit.

I mean read the book or watch the film, all the kids but Charlie die essentially, it's also sort of implied he adds them to the candy and eats them in the book. I could probably come up with some more though, haven't watched or read them in a while, the snozzberries always stuck with me though.

I also haven't seen the film in years, but have probably seen it 50 times at least. Btw, all the shitty kids die, and the bad parents are sent on their way in a flippant manner - which I love. Not sure if he adds the dead kids to the candy, but I supposed it could be implied in spots more if I watched it again.

The Slugworth angle is great too, vetting each ticket winner by tempting them to sell the everlasting gobstopper recipe, testing for loyalty, or are they a cheap sellout. All in all, a pretty wholesome message in the end, and a fierce one at that.

Oh yeah, it's brilliantly written and a quality morality tale about manners & greed, doesn't mean Dahl wasn't a sick bastard.

I don’t think Dahl was a sick bastard. I think he was realist that grew up in sick bastard world.

The kids don't die. They do have weird deformities from there on our though.

Like the shrunk kid is stretched out in the taffy puller but is all arms and legs and skinny as a pencil. Etc.

are you getting this from the the book, first movie, or remake? From what I remember the book and first movie it was implied that wonka did put the kids in the the candy.

The book. You are remembering it too dark; not that it wasn't dark for a childs tale.

There is even a (black and white) picture in the book of the different kids. Veronica the Blueberry girl stays blue for example; they juice her but can't remove the color.

thanks for the correction!

At the end of the book all the kids walk out with their parents. It may be implied during the story to scare the rest of the kids into behaving, but at the end they're fine.

Also.....the two movies and the book put together .....all three have some weird variations as to how they end. None of the three end exactly the same way.

I like the one i saw as a kid best with gene wilder. The johnny depp version was much darker and less fun. Cant remember the book as good but it was also dark.

The weird satanic boat ride was pretty dark

I think that was the remake w/ john deep version, not the Gean wilder one.

I was speaking of the book. I haven't seen the Johnny Depp version.

Read The BFG...really good and short and has cannibalistic giants.

The main character is Sophia (wisdom).

Veruca Salt turned into a lesbian band? (Not to bad one too)

I just got finished reading "Boy" his sorta autobiography to my kid.

He talks about being stuck in these boarding schools and how much the head masters LOVED to paddle their bare bottoms. Some of the scenes are described with blatant sexual imagery about filling his pipe over and over again as he paddled a boy until he bled. It's really kinda gruesome. Then towards the end he mentions that this real person who was obsessed with paddling young boys rose high in the Vatican and was close to the pope at some point and how he felt it was "very strange that someone like him could rise to such power" with such a nasty side to him and how hypocritical it is, and it even seems he implies that he knows something more about how the abuse might be why...

I can't find much of it online I'd have to find the chapters in the book itself.

You read that to your kid? Damn dog

Seriously, that means his kid is most likely too young to read it himself.

Questionable parenting techniques no doubt.

(lol @ both of us believing anyone on this sub has kids)

At least their child is aware of the dangers of strangers and not ignorant and blind. Go worry about your own children.

A simple, "I don't know them" when they see a person they don't know will usually suffice to teach that lesson.

I don’t him but that man reeeaaaally seems to need help finding his lost dog

Seems like you might have some experience in this department.

What? How do you do that with a book someone else wrote?

It's pretty whimsical and the only dark parts are really to do with those few scenes where they get unnecessarily paddled. There's only one scene towards the end that's mentioned as a side note of something "he heard" that happened. It was a good read for a kid since it has a lot of incredible accounts of life in the early 1900s and how different things were and how highly motivated he and his family were for great things. Pretty inspiring.

Where’d you hear that?

Although James and the Giant Peach is a great novel, you should go see who actually wrote the book Chitty Chitty Bang Bang.

yah original book written by

Ian Lancaster Fleming (28 May 1908 – 12 August 1964) was an English author, journalist and naval intelligence officer who is best known for his James Bond series of spy novels. Fleming came from a wealthy family connected to the merchant bank Robert Fleming & Co., and his father was the Member of Parliament for Henley from 1910 until his death on the Western Front in 1917. Educated at Eton, Sandhurst and, briefly, the universities of Munich and Geneva,

if anyone would know about royal proclivities it's him...

Actually it was written by none other than Ian Fleming of James Bond fame but I can see how you might think it was Dahl given some of it's dark overtones.

The movie was written by Roald Dahl

And the book was written by Ian Fleming, who wrote James Bond

Roald Dahl was also in MI6 in his early years.

As far as the Vulgarians/Bavarian choice I think that was due to English dislike of those countries oust world war 2 leading into the Cold War since the film was all English written and the timeline fits. They frequently depicted foreigners and monarchs especially as murderers and child predators during wartime propaganda and it's likely leftover from that.

Countess Elizabeth Bathory

Take a bloody bath!

Initial reviews were bad? That's a surprise because it's pretty good.

Monsters Incorporated! My first thoughts

“I’ll kidnap a THOUSAND children before I let this company die”

The child catcher was played by none other than Benny Hill. Cue the music.....

Benny Hill played the toy maker, not the child catcher.

You’re right. It’s been a long time since I’ve seen the movie and the memory plays tricks on you. My bad.

Isn't there a popular children's book out now (decades old) callled "Chitty chity bang bang"?

Yes, and the child snatcher was only in the movie, not the book.

For more information: Edgewalker

Look up The Children’s Crusade

So, is every instance of something about children in fiction a secret message? Or like, is it just sometimes a fictional thing?

In the movie the child catcher puts the children away because the queen hates kids and doesn't want to see them.

No, but don't look at it literally, look at possible inside meaning, symbolism, hiding their evil in plain sight.

The Believers with Martin Sheen has a political figure doing a child sacrifice ritual at the end.

The Golden Compass book turned movie has elites kidnapping children in it.

Fuck the Bavarian Illuminati

Hmm, I've seen the Movie, but didn't recall that point.

That novel was written by Ian Flemming, yes that Ian Flemming, who used to be a high-level spy for British intelligence.

What's interesting is supposedly the child snatcher character wasn't in the book, but was added to the movie. Inside hollywood symbolism, adding the child catcher angle to their family movie?

For some reason I loved that movie as a kid but I always looked away during the child catcher scenes. Something about it is so fucked up. Made me so uncomfortable and even now as an adult just thinking about him is making me super uneasy. Probably gonna go watch that one scene on YouTube now though.

And City of the Lost Children.

This scene scared the shit out of me as a kid

I vant I vant I vant that automobile!!!

or another angle... it's like in the 30s, how spinning stories about "great train robberies", Dillinger, ma barker, etc effectively slides the focus off the real robbers of that era, aka bankers who fiance those kinds of silly bat-man capers. Maybe look into who's pushed stories about "lone" pedofile deviants, the Hannibal lector type fictions that appropriately slide the narrative in parallel angle.

This movie, because of him, still scares the shit out of me and I’m nearly 40. I still refuse to watch it!

wait, what??

American banker Averell Harriman's banking business was the main Wall Street connection for German companies and the varied U.S. financial interests of Fritz Thyssen; who was a financial backer of the Nazi party until 1938. The Trading With the Enemy Act (enacted on October 6, 1917)[4] classified any business transactions for profit with enemy nations as illegal, and any funds or assets involved were subject to seizure by the U.S. government. The declaration of war on the U.S. by Hitler led to the U.S. government order on October 20, 1942 to seize German interests in the U.S. which included Harriman's operations in New York City.