If Trump is a Nazi, Why Advocate for Taking Away Guns?

0  2018-03-19 by curiouscuriousone

This is the big issue that leads me to conclude these shootings are all staged and fake, and that the MSM is focusing on short-term clickbait issue-based narratives. Not the truth.

Almost nothing now reported by big media seems authentic or credible anymore. Maybe entertaining, but nothing we can rally around anymore as ‘my America’.

I’m not going to link to evidence, just let the idea sink in that our media is now treating us all like we are dumb.


Maybe the truth is boring, but tonight I saw on the news where a woman in CA was interviewed and she repeatedly stated Trump is a Nazi. Repeated it over and over.

I laughed at how the media created this monster, then I realized the true amount of fear in my body when the very next story discussed was Parkland and the anti-gun narrative.

WOW. They are that blatant about it.

Are we really falling for the “Donald Trump is a Nazi, but don’t worry, you won’t need these guns either” narrative?

Edit: I wrote this at the end of last week and have casually brought this up 10 times. It leads to fantastic conversation, and you’ll see most are willing to ponder.

Try and wake as many people up as you can with this message, not everyone will see it, but it’s opened a lot of eyes around me in the past couple of days. Our MSM gives is all the truth we need from their lies.

Good luck everyone. Godspeed.


Lol what the fuck?


Its the dumbest thing ever. These people think Trump is Hitler and are all for giving up the 1st and 2nd amendment. Its ridiculous.

I’m starting to believe a lot of people prefer to be told how to feel and how to think, up until they realize they’ve been tricked.

But there are a bunch of stubborn types of even after learning they’ve been tricked will still not give up on their first impression.

It’s almost comical until you realize how scary these people are.

I’m starting to believe a lot of people prefer to be told how to feel and how to think

Are you familiar with the work of Gustave le Bon? He is considered to be the grandfather of what we now call 'crowd psychology'.

More than 100 years ago he was writing about the very phenomenon you are describing. PDF here.

Anybody with a serious interest in learning not only about the mass deceptions taking place today, but how easily the authorities can get away with their deceptions, will benefit from reading even just the first chapter of that book.

Thank you.

I remember researching the tulip craze, a crowd mob mentality that bankrupted a society because of the cost of a flower.

Sounds like you are pretty heavily influenced by the big media you are railing against.

I used to be.

Lol... I think you may watch too much tv.

Does the liberal side of things not accuse trump of being a Nazi and ask for our guns?

Just curious what you think...

Trump knows only liberals would give up their guns.

Liberals don’t seem to want guns in the first place.

They are the same people that believe in International Law, like there is some “court” countries should use when there is a disagreement over who owns lands, seas, minerals.

Nation-States play for keeps, to propose giving up our rights to freedom is tyrannical at best.

Guns = freedom people.

And yes, freedom is messy messy messy sometimes.

I think you may have misconceptions about liberals, and I suspect many of them actually do own guns, will not give them up, didn’t like hillary, and don’t trust the government any more than you do.

Plus, many of these “liberals” are probably actually conservatives who just trust Trump, and find it baffling that these other “conservatives” would shrug off all their ideals because of some catchy memes and the promise of a return to Christian morals and white dominance.

It’s tea party 2.0

I’ve had two family members deeply affected by gun violence, on two separate incidents decades apart, and on both occasions I was very vocal about discussing the root of the issue — you guessed it probably — MENTAL ILLNESS.

What happened?

Both times the VERY LIBERAL media took it and used it for gun control debates, and absolutely nothing mentioned about the meds the shooters were on, mental state, BEHAVIORAL SIGNS MISSED, and finding out that they should have been in treatment instead of out shooting people. None of that discussed.

Only, “how many victims do we need until proper gun laws”.


Let’s talk about dealing with our mental illness problems and the drugs people are prescribed.

Wake up as many as we can, the big fight is coming and we need everyone awake.

Sad. I agree, left wing media has taken a turn for the worse with regard to gun control lately.

Plus, anyone realize how many guns are being sold during these periods? One could argue the gun manufacturers benefit from these gun debates the most.

Trump is a sociopath and an idiot. Blue team are the closest ideologically to the Nazis.

No, Trump is a Nazi AND we need to give up our guns (I mean freedom).

Oh, wait, nevermind, he is just a sociopath now.


Here I was getting concerned.

As a NS you are 100% wrong. Liberalism is a disease.

Blue team is liberal in name only.

Liberal is open borders, LBGTQP, interracialism, feminism. IOW

:open to new behavior or opinions and willing to discard traditional values.

National Socialism is all about traditionalism, and protecting culture..all cultures, and all religions.

No, that's neoliberalism.

The thing you call National Socialism these days is almost entirely unrelated to the original other than the iconography.

National Socialism never changes. There has been no other NS country to change the norm. Media lies cannot change what was built in post WW1 Germany.

No, that's neoliberalism.

Neoliberalism" a modified form of liberalism tending to favor free-market capitalism.

The difference is only regarding politics, and economic beliefs. Their core values are the same as Liberalism.

There is only a spit of difference between the 2. All the values are the same. Blue team encompasses Democrats, Liberals, and Green party. Currently it seems that Liberals are in charge of Blue team.


Parkland wasn’t staged or faked. As more and more evidence emerges, it seems it was deliberately allowed to occur.

One thing to consider, how come we haven’t seen the Uber driver interviewed by the media? Was the driver Cruz’s handler?

Why did Cruz only use 10 round magazines? 30 round mags are abundant whereas 10 round mags are just about unicorns to find at gun shops. Maybe to illustrate that even a 30 round mag ban doesn’t go far enough and that even 10 round capacity is too much? There goes every semi-auto weapon that can hold a magazine.

The FBI is well known for picking useful idiots to ensnare into stings to make it look like they’re stopping terror attacks. Maybe this one was allowed to go live.

Well, the moment they reported the cops stayed outside to maximize body count, the news stopped reporting on it and suddenly packages in Austin TX started exploding.

Gun control debate now on hold, going back to standard fear mongering!

And no, nobody died, they kept real officers out because they didn’t want anyone ‘pretending’ to get shot by a real bullet. The coach they claim who died was no longer at that school, and there is much more leaking out about it being a hoax.

They couldn’t take the chance they would accidentally shoot the people decorating the ‘crime scene’.

The trigger for me was the students who have fake injuries, knowing from a close friend’s unfortunate personal experience with an AR-15 how long it takes to recover.

These kids are clearly faking it.

My guess is Trump knows, has proof it was staged, and will use the evidence he has to red pill Americans when needed. Trump has quite a few red pills to hand out I hear.

Parkland wasn’t staged or faked.

As more and more evidence emerges, it seems it was deliberately allowed to occur.

Uh... do you know what all of those words mean?

They are calling it a false flag, like the shooting occurred but it was a team of ISIS in the school or something. Which is also a lie.

The mystery shooter dressed in tac gear was a deep state shooter. He was snuck out in that body bag and put in the back of the pickup truck.

Hate to spoil your fun, but nobody died.

So you’re saying it’s easier to orchestrate an elaborate ruse, where the entire student body and faculty is getting paid off or threatened to create this story line?

It’s far easier that Sheriff Israel, Noodles Schultz, the deep state FBI people, and that BLM School Superintendent colluded to sweep under the rug all of the red flags this Cruz kid was waving for years. Cruz was groomed to do this attack.

The planned FFs using crisis actors under Obama didn’t work because they were such obvious fakes. Just before Trump was elected, they switched tactics. The deep state FBI has been running the show ever since. Just look at the FBI’s involvement in the Orlando attack and all the other attacks ever since. Las Vegas has FBI creepiness all over it.

The deep state doesn’t have qualms over killing innocent people to fit a narrative.

You might be right!!

I’m not talking about fake casualties or staged as a false flag. They tried that with Sandy Hook, and it was so evident that shit was faked.

I’m talking about Parkland was allowed to happen and people were actually shot by Cruz. The FBI is very good at creating terror attacks for their own means.

I don't think he is a Nazi. But the argument for taking guns away would be that a majority of gun owners don't what that belief with him. Nobody to fight back if you take them away.

Now, that being said, you've fallen into the trap of equating all gun owners and Nazis. Take that garbage somewhere else.

Did you misunderstand the point of my question?

I’ll say it a different way...

If Trump is a Nazi like they claimed for the last couple years, is it smart to advocate for the removal or erosion of gun ownership for Americans?

It hardly seems arguable, but I’m willing to listen.

After reading more comments, I think what you're trying to ask is

"If the liberal media believes Trump really is a Nazi as they have claimed for at least a year, why would they also advocate for voluntarily turning in guns?"

Well there are several ways of looking at it.

1) there is the "Trump is a puppet" theory. A lifelong Democrat runs for office as a Republican and wins. Maybe he has really changed his thought process. Maybe he is a puppet and when you get people to turn in their guns you can do whatever you want. It's a bad strat though because most gun owners don't give them up No matter who they are associated with. Just because an ar15 was used in a school shooting doesn't mean I'm going to get rid of mine.

2) the more likely one... they love fearmongering. It gets them ratings to say Trump is a Nazi. It gets them ratings to say guns are bad. Why wouldn't they push that as much as they can? Sheeple eat that shit up faster than CNN can produce it. So it works for them. I doubt they ever talk about the oppression in ww2 when they talk about these things to avoid connecting any dots.

If you read about Jared Kushner on Wikipedia, sometime around 2015 he had an ‘ideological conversion’. Trump did as well, around the same time.

The reason is because he was picked on by Obama, after popularizing Obama being from Kenya, so he decides to run for POTUS and discovers Hillary already bought the DNC. Since nobody bought the RNC after Bush, it made sense for Trump who had no real party affiliation.

If Obama wouldn’t have run his mouth at that one dinner I can guarantee Trump wouldn’t have run.

He literally ran for President out of spite and WON.


He literally ran for President out of spite and WON.

That... isn't admirable.

The reason is because he was picked on by Obama, after popularizing Obama being from Kenya,

He shit on every aspect of Obama's presidency and person for years. He earned a few minutes of ribbing, but that was too much for poor widdle donnie's ego.

Actually it is, very admirable.

Obama let him off easy. Imagine someone saying your entire life was a lie. A lot of people would be furious to be accused of being a fraud. He could have sued Trump but Obama figured the best way to deal with him was to mock him.

Obama is in deep deep doo doo. Wait and see!!

Head over to r/CTBS_Stream for all the details!!

Because liberals are idiots...they say trump is a dictator and a fascist but then turn around and want a confiscation, it’s like the special olympics is mental gymnastics

Blue team is liberal in name only.