It's all lies and misdirection.

0  2018-03-19 by godlameroso

Nothing you see, nothing in the news, this sub, what I'm telling you can be trusted. Nothing here should be taken at face value, none of it is straightforward. There's a kernel of truth in even the most vile lie, discerning the truth from the lie is the greatest skill one can develop. We are desensitized of bullshit because it permeates our culture our society. Anyone that claims to show you the truth is a liar because no one knows anything. You're right not to trust me, I don't practice what I preach, because I'm not the type of person I'm preaching to.

Want to know how the world works, there's no external world, it's all in your head, and in my head, and our collective heads create a world, a void for our existence.

If you don't abide by the void you die.


I don't mean to sound paranoid, but this is a very interesting time for this post.

2+2=4, this is a fact and can be trusted, checkmate OP.

A real Wizard could 2+2=!Gold

Or, that's just what were told it equals....🤔😉

Dum dum dummm

Lol that's a metaphysical construct, grab something it's made up of smaller things, which are in turn made of smaller things, which in turn are made of smaller things thus you can never have 1 of anything.

2 apples + 2 apples = 4 apples, a fact, it is not a metaphysical concept as it is observable and measurable, regardless of how many atoms and smaller particles they are made of, for the sake of this argument they all have exactly the same. There ya go.

Except no two apples are the same, so again a metaphysical construct is not the same as reality.


Two could be identical the odds are just very small, though it is physically possible. You're just being difficult. It is in no way the same as Flat Earthers as they base their theories on nothing, 2+2 is based on 2 things, you just want to pull the whole atoms are slightly different thing to try to win an argument that wasn't even an argument.

If I have 2 apples and then I add two more apples to that, I do in fact have 4 apples even if they are not molecularly identical, they are still apples. So 2 apples + 2 apples = 4 apples, they're just not molecularly identical, it doesn't change the fact that they are 4 apples.

Am I correct? Or are you going to pretend they aren't Apple now?

Apple is an abstraction, it's part of the tree. I'm not being difficult, you just have difficulty dealing with reality, you choose to simplify your life via lies and self deception. I get it, convenience is a stronger drug than heroin, and the convenience of thinking you have a grip on things is extremely convenient.

Are you severely mentally ill? An apple is reality, the terminology is all you have an issue with. Just because everything is connected and made primarily of the same 4 elements universally does not mean an apple is not an apple. You sir seem to be the one that cannot deal with reality. Saying an apple isn't an apple is like saying water isn't water and the sun is not a star, it's convenient to use your argument instead of facing reality, you're either a troll or delusional, this conversation is pointless so I'm out. Have a good night.

convenience is a stronger drug than heroin

My man, my man.sniff... I'll suck your dick for some convenience

Sounds about right.


You gotta approach the truth using the scientific method. There are ways to test your hypothesis. But finally the truth is in yourself, an environment you create in your own mind like an oasis in the desert where you alone live.

I like to turn that type of thinking inside out and go with everything is true, a pluralist view. Everything is truth and you can find truth in everything. Takes the parasitic mind fucking out of it and replaces with an empowering positive unified perspective instead of the separatist defeatist negative perspective.

Who says I'm negative or bad intentioned? The void is the most useful thing, walls make a house but it's the space inside in which you live. Nothing bad about the void, it is essential to life. If there is no void in your lungs you die.

What the fuck is this “void”

Just the negative polarity or some place you go to at night?

When a sage hears of the void they immediately embody it, when an average person hears of the void they half believe it half deny it, when the fool hears of the void they laugh in contempt. If they didn't laugh in contempt it wouldn't be the void.

I think I understand you, but this is very vague. Based on what you said the void sounds a lot like “darkness”, the “sith”, or the self over the other, all of which are cool yeah, to look at.

Just sounds like the negative polarity. You can be negative if you want, and go in the void. Eventually everyone needs light to see.

Sounds like the void is like knowledge. A powerful tool, a curse all the same.

void = tao.

Yeah but wouldn’t you same something and nothing both exist. I suppose there could be a lot more of one or the other but I’m gonna assume it’s even.

The majority of the universe is empty space, it's mostly empty, the majority of the actual matter in the universe is plasma, so it's not even solid, it's just an electromagnetic soup.

Perhaps it is the weight of somethingness that equalizes things. Perhaps the meaning behind is worth far more or at least the same as unity of being.

Possibly. but the opposite is everything. Which inturn, both make a whole. Two void spaces, one full of nothing, one full of everything. The ying yang. Harness both, don't fear either.

Opposite is a mental construct, the defacto perception of a consciousness that never learned to see past dichotomy. But reality is multi faceted, reality isnt programmed with just "and" "or" statements but also "if" "then"

Yup :D

He's basically parroting the Tao te Ching Taoist poems. Void has a connotation different I think that what is intended in this context. A better term may be "nothingness". Simply put, it's the empty space of a cup that gives the cup value, that's the theme.

This is more like what I think of it

The unknowable tao

Pretty obvious some of your sentences appear negatively focused. Although granted you temper it and turn it around with some of the other sentences. And then you just go off on a couple tangents. You come off as pretty excited and willing to share some newfound concepts your exploring which is cool.

Manic depressive, that's just western shaman crazy talk. Straight up, emotional body building, it's more fun.

Words are just that, words. It's up to you if you perceive as negative or not?

Sure, but it's not hard to imagine how most will interpret a string of words in most cases. I perceived some negativity in the OP, but it read the rest of my comments I think you can tell there was more to it than just simple negativity and I attempted to describe that, but I guess it's up to you to perceive that....

2 apples + 2 apples = 4 apples, a fact, it is not a metaphysical concept as it is observable and measurable, regardless of how many atoms and smaller particles they are made of, for the sake of this argument they all have exactly the same. There ya go.