Due to recent replies in this subreddit — what conditions exist in the United States have allowed people to believe that Hillary Clinton received more than 50% of ALL votes which would mean she won the “popular” vote.

0  2018-03-20 by [deleted]



I believe she may have gotten more total votes but that that only happend due to fraudulent votes.

I mean that, for example, one individual put in 20 votes for Hillary.

Not identity theft but straight up padding the vote count. That's my theory.

I prefered Trump & he cant claim the popular vote win either even though they call him a populist. When all votes for & against him are counted he cant claim that either. We have 330 mil ppl in this country & only like 130 mil voted. None of them can really be considered a populist.


Last line says that my theory.

Proof read.

I mean that, for example, one individual put in 20 votes for Hillary.

Looking for proof on this statement.

I have none. It's a theory, hence the "for example" - I don't doubt that it happened, but I can't prove it. Can't disprove it, either.

Donald Trump is a pedophile. I mean that, for example, he diddles little Mexican children on Air Force One. I don't doubt that it happened, but I can't prove it. Can't disprove it, either. That's my theory.

Good call, chief.

"For example" doesn't mean "I just made this up". Usually it's used before providing actual examples of something happening.

I’d bet California had he most fraud.

And they still lost, fuckers

I would bet money they rigged the election for her.

And just totally vastly underestimated how many people think she's a monumental evil cunt.

They all believed their own propaganda about how great she is. lol

Trump beat a Bush in primaries w/o superdelegates. Then beat a Clinton in the general election. That is how much ppl didnt want more Bush/Clinton shit.

Since you couldn't be bothered to provide context, I did the research for you. "When was the last time a presidential candidate won more than 50% of the popular vote?" In more than half of this country's Presidential elections. You are 35, so that means you have lived through four elections where a candidate won more than 50% of the popular vote. Reagan 1984 - 58.77%, Obama 2008 - 52.93%, Obama 2012 - 51.06%, and George W. Bush 2004 - 50.73%

I said won more than 50% of ALL votes. Not 50% of the “popular” vote. Lol!

Bro, the popular vote is a measure of all votes...

I'd "lol" back but this is honestly a little fucking sad.

Not voting is a vote. In 2012 Obama got rounding up 66mil votes. In a country of 300+ mil that is the popular choice? Most people chose not to be governed by him.

So what do we do if the voter turnout is less than 50%? Just roll without a president for four years?

who needs a president when you have deep state

No President is better that choosing between Romney/Obama or McCain/Obama or Bush/Kerry or Bush/Gore... how fucking far back do you you want me to go back? Bank bailouts for banks that gave predatory loans for people that just wanted a home to live in? Wood... drywall...shingles. The price changes on those materials depending on the location they are put together in the form of a hom & peoples credit was ruined FOR LIFE over that scam. 100K debt for shit you can learn on the internet? The most intelligent dont vote & object. I meet them daily.

The most intelligent dont vote & object. I meet them daily.

Do they also not understand what "popular vote" means?

They understand what superdelegates & electoral college mean.

only one party uses super delegates

Both parties use superdelegates, they just have different roles in each party's primary.

nope. republicans have delegates, democrats have delegates as well as super delegates which negate what the delegates decide

did u read the article? they are completely different

Both parties use superdelegates, they just have different roles in each party's primary.

one not doing shit to affect what voters want, one completely negating the peoples choice

I clearly said they had different roles, right? The fact remains both parties have super delegates.

i concede. but why are they called superdelagates if they do not act as super delegates

They used to act very similar to the democrat version of superdelegate but in 2015 republicans voted to change how they functioned (basically the forced their superdelegates to vote for whoever their state voted for). Republicans also have less superdelegates overall compared to democrats.

honestly the dems should do away with that shit too. ridiculous honestly

I like this...this is good thinking...if the puppet masters don't have a puppet...then, all they'll be doing is dangling strings in the air.

Everyone will get bored of that shit real quick and stop paying attention to them. They can just stand jerking the strings up and down...

We could run a Webcam on it (Shia Laboof style) drop in once in a while to see them flipping the strings around in the air.

Bro 50% of the country doesn’t vote for anyone.

She didn't get 50%, she got 48.2% of the popular vote and 42.7% of the electoral votes.

I travel cross country on a regular basis & I know one thing.....

Nobody from the west coast to the east coast was displaying bumper stickers or signs for Clinton from 2015 until election day.

I saw two that entire time which is as good as none.

From least to most it ran like this:

Clinton or Bush = non existent Ben Carson I probably saw a few hundred times. Trump mostly in blue collar areas & apartment complexes had more than Carson but nothing in comparison to Bernie Sanders.

Sanders had support everywhere.

Despite that television ignored him during prime time news hours people were displaying his signs/stickers from Maine thru the midwest & into California.

And the election before that it was Ron Paul. He was out right blacklisted.

Bro, the popular vote is a measure of all votes...

I'd "lol" back but this is honestly a little fucking sad.

Donald Trump is a pedophile. I mean that, for example, he diddles little Mexican children on Air Force One. I don't doubt that it happened, but I can't prove it. Can't disprove it, either. That's my theory.

Good call, chief.

"For example" doesn't mean "I just made this up". Usually it's used before providing actual examples of something happening.

honestly the dems should do away with that shit too. ridiculous honestly