So where are we at with this whole “World Ending on the 18th of April” thing?

1  2018-03-20 by ItsaMeMacks

I dont normally follow conspiracy theories but this one caught my attention and its all ive been able to think about since. What are people’s views on it


Not heard of it. Care to elaborate?

Ill find the whole thread as it goes into more detail but the TLDR is that some dude got a creepy SOS message to his voicemail and people started associating it with the missing MH370 flight and some form of alien invasion on the 18th of April


Thats a whole subreddit dedicated to it

I’ll have a read, let’s hope it is an alien invasion haha.

Most are almost sure its an elaborate hoax, but theres still the part of me that wants that Alien Invasion haha

Not gonna lie. I live not far from DCA and with the airport and military aircraft activity in the area there are many noises and rumblings throughout the day and night. I ALWAYS hope that one of those would be aliens or even a false flag. I know it probably sounds bad, but at the same time it’d be super exciting.

It doesn’t sound bad, I really wish we get to meet aliens in my life time, no matter if they are friendly or not.

My childhood fantasy, right there.

Does this have anything to do with asteroid they just mentioned on the news?

No clue man, although thats a weird coincidence

Very.. I literally just glanced at the TV and saw them mentioning NASA taking some steps to avoid a collision with the US, looked back down at r/conspiracy and saw this..

yeah I just googled it saw what youre talking about, Im loving this!

Ah dammit, serves me right for not googling first! Looks like it isn't projected to happen for a while Haha.

That’s the day after my 21st birthday... bring it on

its the day of my final exam, what a way to go

Seems like a reasonable excuse not to take it to me

“Sorry sir I heard a voicemail that told me the world was gonna end”

...”but it hasnt”

“But it was going too”

Happy Birthday

Lmao thank you!

Every previous prediction of the end of the world turned out to be wrong, so I wouldn't bet too much on this one.

yeah I dont believe the end of the world thing, I just like the idea of the alien communication

Oh, I can tell you about alien communication...

fire away my dude, well not rn give me like 30 minutes till im out of this lecture

It doesn’t happen. Communing with “spirits” (inter-dimensional beings) does and has happened for millennia. Warning: They tend to be malicious liars.

Pretty sure this is all just an ad campaign for pacific rim 2.

That would be fucking legendary

We won’t be so lucky as to get a quick death.

I believe it will be a long, slow, painful Cancer death.

most likely!

I don't know about the end of the world but during this time in April I always have my guard up.

Boston bombing, Virginia Tech, Waco, Oklahoma City, Columbine, Lincoln shot, Battles at Lexington and Concord. The universe seems to go funky during that time in the spring.

One big fuckin April Fools /s

If that’s all you’ve got out of all the April’s ever, then I’d say you’re probably going to be fine.

Why is the world coming to an end? You'll find the religions boards will have stuff like this.

Ah dammit, serves me right for not googling first! Looks like it isn't projected to happen for a while Haha.

It doesn’t sound bad, I really wish we get to meet aliens in my life time, no matter if they are friendly or not.

Lmao thank you!