A story on Washington Post and NY Times is about to break: Trump had unprotected Sex with Stormy Daniels and told her to have an Abortion afterwards, which is why Trump forced her into and NDA.

0  2018-03-21 by [deleted]



I was convinced that there was something to the "paternity information" in the NDA but her lawyer said there is nothing related to that in what they are claiming.

They are focusing on how Trump and his lawyer physically threatened her into signing it. The report in her lie detector is already out

Well then.

gimme dat pawpcorn

Now ask me if I care.

How apathic must you be to not care about your president having unprotected sex with a porn star and then forcing her into silence. What moral standards do you have if this doesn't interest you in the slightest?

Ah moral outrage what is this 1938?

Not morally outraged, just absolutely shocked that people do not care about this news. I mean you must at least have some opinion on it, even if it is "good for him, does not disqualify him to serve as a president".

Nope way to busy to have an opinion on trumps consensual relations.

I mean I agree with you that the USA has always overreacted to stuff like this, but this is primetime entertainment stuff man. Just like Clinton was and Weiner and Cain and so many others.

If I wanted entertainment I'd watch cnn. I'm not interested in Anthony wieners sex life. I am interested that wiener was sending his dick to a child. I am interested in who Anthony wieners trusted staff are and what he kept in his insurance file.

There is enough evidence of ACTUAL CRIMES to warrant legitimate criminal investigations into many current and former politicians....yet we are only OUTRAGED with Trump-Russia or Trump-Stormy. Why do you think that is?

What he does with his dick is his own business as far as I am concerned. Did he break any laws? no? then who cares.

I also didn't care about Clinton blowing his load all over Monica Lewinsky's dress.

Did he break any laws?

Chances are he did. In most states it is a crime to commit adultery.

...while his third wife was home with their newborn baby?

How apathetic must you be to not care about <gay men> having unprotected sex. What moral standards do you have if this doesn't interest you in the slightest?

That depends on whether or not they want to become president of the united states I guess. But I wish them good luck!

Nor do I.

She should have used birth control. There are 37 varieties available for women.

I hope he sues her ass. She broke a legally binding NDA after she accepted the money.

I don’t care if Trump is a scumbag. If it was anyone else, I would be saying the same thing.

There is an epidemic in this country of Gold Digging Hoes.

There is an epidemic in this country of Gold Digging Hoes.

To be fair, it's not like Trump puts in even the smallest effort to avoid them, quite the contrary

If Trump has a type, it is Gold Digging Whore.

He paid her to go away. He probably paid her to fuck him too. Cash and gifts.

But the fact is, they had a consensual relationship. She signed a confidentiality agreement. She signed it in exchange for $130k.

She’s been leaking everything to the press.

She should be sued.

Now if Melania wanted to divorce him and take half for fucking this Gold Digging Whore, I wouldn’t have a problem with it.

Fair enough. So what would be enough for you on the personal side of the president, to care? What if it turned out that he was born female? What if he turned out to be a practicizing muslim?

I know these are hypotheticals, I'm just genuinely interested.

I’m an atheist so I’m not a big fan of religion in politics period.

I didn’t care that Michelle Obama was born a man. 😉

That does make sense why she specifically was asked, in the lie detector test, if she had unprotected sex with Trump. What's the point of asking otherwise?

Of course, I believe this will make absolutely no difference. The same men who shame women and girls who decide to have abortions for whatever personal reasons (including rape and molestation) will brush off whatever Trump does, up to and including abortion.

Also on Fox:

Pro-Trump pastor: Stormy Daniels abortion 'totally irrelevant' to evangelical support for Trump. He was preserving the sanctity of his marriage.

The world is a hairs width from a nuclear war that could end life as we know it and people are excited about some broad that Trump fucked? Really? Who the fuck cares?

WHO GIVES a shit.

Bill Clinton is a rapist

If Trump has a type, it is Gold Digging Whore.

He paid her to go away. He probably paid her to fuck him too. Cash and gifts.

But the fact is, they had a consensual relationship. She signed a confidentiality agreement. She signed it in exchange for $130k.

She’s been leaking everything to the press.

She should be sued.

Now if Melania wanted to divorce him and take half for fucking this Gold Digging Whore, I wouldn’t have a problem with it.