Bernie, Hillary, Trump, and Russia

2  2018-03-21 by afooltobesure

Just commented on this in a thread about /r/sandersforpresident and I figured it could probably use its own post. This is just what I heard and no, I don’t have any proof, so take it with a grain of salt. That being said, the source of this information is in my opinion reliable.

My comment was as follows:

/r/sandersforpresident was a hoax, actually part of Trump’s marketing, or so I’ve heard.

The plan was to create a “home” for sanders’ campaign on reddit and then to stifle it at key points in time. The main goal was to turn sanders supporters into trump supporters.

Did you notice the “night and day” change in politics? The way there were tons of Bernie posts and then suddenly tons of Hillary posts? The idea here was to convey the idea that politics was compromised and run by Hillary.

This was simple to accomplish. Flood politics with Bernie posts and then suddenly cut them off and replace them with Hillary posts.

Alongside these efforts on reddit, steps were taken in traditional msm outlets. A barrage of trump attack pieces were pushed to give the impression that MSM was viciously attacking him, which they were.

I don’t know for sure but I suspect Trump’s team knew about this and was playing their part, giving media plenty of mud to sling at him.

Then when he won the primaries, the idea was to cut off the attack pieces from conservative outlets and double down on the attacks from liberal outlets. The point of all of this was to get people to distrust the mainstream media and simultaneously rebrand fox as “not mainstream”.

And now here we are, no one trusts /r/politics, or really any of the outfits whose stories are posted there. A bunch of Bernie supporters are now staunch trump supporters. And generally everyone hates Hillary.

The real question is, was this all part of Trump’s plan all along, was it Russia’s plan in which Trump was merely playing his part, or was he an unwitting participant who just happened to not really care about people hating him.

Believe it or don’t, but I think if you look back at the events which have transpired since he began his campaign, you’ll see that everything adds up.

Learning of this plan is what turned me off of Trump.


I feel like I should add:

You can see the same strategy playing out here in /r/conspiracy, where anyone questioning Trump has been deemed a shill. The goal is the same, to get people to distrust anyone asking questions, and ideally to bury those questions.

I don’t have enough information to know if this is being carried out by coordinated actors or if it is just the eventual result of the greater campaign, which was bound to eventually create a class of people who will do the job for them, for free.

Take note of the voting, and more importantly the commenting patterns on this thread.

I think you are on to something here, posted above before reading below. I blame the scotch

Any mass media that lives & dies by huge corporate advertising dollars should not be trusted for 'news'.

You give me a war and I will give you the headlines...If only there was a crowd sourced media outlet with some kind of ethical or moral standard?

anyone questioning Trump has been deemed a shill

You accused a guy of being a Russian bot yesterday.

I mean, your entire post looks like a LARP, where you're imagining the entire sub is a bunch of Russian bots, when in fact discussion here us dominated by Democrat partisans.

to distrust anyone asking questions, and ideally to bury those questions.

I guarantee that you yourself have downvoted the fuck out of my comment history because I ask questions you don't like.

Take note of the voting and commenting patterns on this sub how about that?

Lol Got eem!

Halfway through this you know OP is full of shit. We know who the culprits are when it comes to flooding every alternative to MSM with outsiders and shills, and they dont come from the Trump side.

No one trusts r/politics because it's msm propaganda Bernie supporters are not in anyway trump supporters, that is a lie created by the clinton living liberals to discredit them, like what your attempting to do now. The only people who try to tie them together are the ones trying to ruin what's left of sanders supporters who refuse the fake left, as they should.

Nice try though.

Have to disagree, I wouldn’t call myself a Trump supporter, but I for sure have a lot more conservative viewpoints after realizing how retarded Bernie actually is, and having always hated Hillary.

This has a lot more to do with Hillary being awful than Trump being a fucking mastermind lmao. I didn’t need Trump to tell me that I’m a staunch 2nd amendment advocate, or that a much smaller federal government with less handouts would be the correct way for government to function.

And people turned against hillary because she did everything in her power to tear Bernie down, her supporters still spend huge amounts of time on twitter trying to do this. Remember Hillary is the one who wanted trump to be the person she went agianst.

She ruined the party, she is to blame.

Bernie was just a lazy commie, otherwise known as a Socialist that won't use forced starvation and camps for their ideas. He got kicked out of a commune once for being lazy alledgedly.

I find it hard to believe many Socialist Bernie supporters went Trump due to almost all positions being opposite on the spectrum. Maybe some voted Trump out of spite, or the Clinton machine scared them to a new political ethos. However, they more than likely stayed with Hillary or the Green Party (can't remember her name right now), but I can't speak for he trendy virtue signaling types.

Socialism / Communism require forced re-education and propaganda to work for short amounts of time.

Same with crony capitalism. It's only been 40 years dipshit.

Winner! Three hours of drunk shit posting before I got the name calling! Dipshit= 5 out of 7 on the insecurities, what happen did she cheat on you with an alpha cis male?

Also in the emails, Podesta said Bernie should tow the line, because of the agreement.

Bernie was a plant. He organized the youth and radical liberals. Then when all was said and done, the DNC chose Hillary and majority of the Berners went to Hillary.

If sanders was a real candidate he would have ran as an Independent.

At that point in time all Bernie agreed to was to NOT attack crooked Clinton on the emails. Which he would have refused to do anyway.

Running as an independent would have insured he was never let into a national debate. Political suicide.

Trump agreed to debate Bernie anytime anywhere, this would have crushed HRC and the DNC. His grassroots base was growing exponentially too many dems would've flipped.

I remember Bernie said he would debate Trump but Trump backed out like a pussy.

Remove head from anus, Google H. Ross Perot... Oh wait he probably was never on Instagram... Does not count

This xir fucks

I don’t know if you guys remember but there was a point when /r/politics had positive trump posts on their front page.

Reddit was all for Bernie and generally hated Hillary. After Bernie was kicked out of the race CTR flooded r/politics with pro hillary posts.

No, the fact of the matter is that the majority of reddit going into 2016 was left wing anti-establishment: the exact demgraphic that would inevitably be rabid Bernie supporters. Pro-Sanders subs and vast amounts of pro-Sanders content were inevitable.

We do OTOH have a plethora of evidence from the Podesta leaks that the mainstream media was 100% compromised by their relationship to the Clinton campaign and/or cowed into fear of retribution for actual journalism by the Obama administration. These are simply facts.

We also know that the primary was a farce rigged by the Clintons, and that their were far more social media influencers employed by the Clinton campaign than there were by Trump, Sanders, Russia, and the rest of world combined.

A bunch of Bernie supporters are now staunch trump supporters.

I've not met any. But plenty of us do still despise the Clintons and to an even greater degree, their advocates and apologists to a much greater degree. If these kinds of posts continue, I'd not rule out voting for him next time though I've never voted GOP before in my life.

Failure to prevent the disaster of allowing right wing neo-liberal war hawks like Hillary Clinton to control the party means that the Democratic party must be destroyed by any means necessary.

100% correct. I voted for Jill after the shit they pulled on Bernie, and I will cast a spite vote for Trump next time if they try to shove Harris, Booker or any of the other corporate shit heads down our collective throat.

My thoughts exactly

S4P was deliberate Clintonite astroturfing to try to get Bernie people to fall in line. They expected Bernie would make a stink, get maybe 10-20% of the primary vote, and that would be the end of Bernie, so the job looked real easy. It got out of hand to the point where the s4p mods closed down in a desperate attempt at "unity".

You're right about one thing: Hillary and her hangers-on are Republicans, so they sabotaged to make the Republicans look good. It was monumental stupidity if someone wanted to win, but that's Clintonism for ya.

It was controlled opposition by the Trump campaign. Herd the Bernie supporters all into one place then kill it and spam Clinton crap to annoy them so they vote for Trump.

The Clinton crap was, at least in part, coming from the Clinton campaign. No once forced Peter Daou to act like a total toolbox except Peter Daou. It's possible right-wingers realized Clinton was killing herself by doing that and joined in the fun, but the s4p thing was straightforward Clintonian politics. That's how they roll, and that's how Bill rolled back in the 1990s - gaslighting and setting up fake "progressives" so he can triangulate and pass conservative policies.

Honestly though, there was nothing either campaign could have done to change the result. The opinions of the public were fixed as soon as the candidates were selected. If it proves anything, it's that Americans are gullible and ready for overt fascism instead of Reagan-style quasi-fascism. (This is all assuming elections are not completely fake, which is a possibility; it is well known that, at the least, election results are nudged and manipulated by both parties whenever they can do it, like dead people voting for Kennedy.)

At that point in time all Bernie agreed to was to NOT attack crooked Clinton on the emails. Which he would have refused to do anyway.

Running as an independent would have insured he was never let into a national debate. Political suicide.

This xir fucks