Enough political talk on this sub. I want to talk about an actual conspiracy I don't see much of on here - VEGANISM.

0  2018-03-21 by Freeyoursoul5

So for the majority of my adult life I have been trying to reverse the damage caused from previous prescription use. I have cut out dairy, gluten, toxic household products, done parasite cleanses, seen naturopaths...etc. etc. etc.

Last fall i was considering changing my diet again, as every time I ate meat I noticed my gallbladder would hurt. I started looking into Veganism, and let me tell you, there is no shortage of propaganda out there, ie. Freelee, Vegan Gainz, Vegan Couple, Happy Healthy Vegan, Earthling Ed, Fully Raw Kristina. After my dog passed away, I kind of had a crisis of evaluating meat, and thought how is my dog different from the other animals I consume. I noticed in some books I read, that Pythagoras even stated to cleanse the mind they would eliminate meat for a week or so. Then the conspiracy side of my mind got the better of me. I was convinced they were forcing us to eat this factory farmed garbage to make us sick, and that only organic fruits and vegetables were the way to go.

I was eating 4-6 bananas a day, tons of smoothies in my vitamix, making my own salads and dressing, rice bowls, beans, lentils, everything from scratch, and it was an absolute pain in the butt! However, I thought the benefits would surely outweigh any minor setbacks like these. In the end I was probably spending $1500 a month on food and supplements. It was beyond time consuming and expensive, but I wanted to make sure I was doing this right and not just filling my body with processed garbage.

Well the first month I actually felt pretty great. My stomach problems seemed to have vanished and I felt like I had a lot more energy and clarity. Then came month 2, 3 and 4. I started experiencing a sense of never being able to feel full, no matter how much I ate. I was getting moody and weak at the gym. I was starting to see acne which I rarely ever had, hormonal issues and the final straw, my joints started KILLING ME. I felt like an 80 year old. Even sitting in my computer chair took effort to get out of. I was confused because I was eating all of these "nutrient dense" foods, but my body was crumbling. I was literally starving myself to death and becoming malnourished with all this food I was shoving down my face! To top it off, it didn't help that I was literally DREAMING about steak. Deliciously seared steak, and waking up in a sweat.

I decided to give into my steak craving and bought a dinner of steak and mashed potatoes from a restaurant to go. I have never ravenously and with more euphoria ate a meal in my life. It felt like my body was getting back everything it needed, and thanking me. Over the next while, it was actually quite difficult to regain my joint health (only after 4 months of veganism!!) and now I can finally say I'm back to normal. I started buying the meat again from my local farm, putting beef liver into my diet, and eating tendons and so-forth to regain the joint health I had lost.

Now how is this a conspiracy? Mainly because it is such a fucking god-damn cult. You cannot say a single bad thing about veganism without people bombarding your ethical and moral being. They will straight up tell you, "Oh, you did it wrong", without realizing the diet itself is flawed. I also believe there is an agenda to push it, as it creates an utter disdain for your fellow human, weakens your mental stability/function, wrecks your reproductive system, and you basically slowly starve yourself to death...purposely.

Also, try looking up ex-vegan videos on YouTube. It's like trying to find water in the desert, and the ones that are available are completely spammed by vegan cult followers. The only channel that's really going against it right now is a guy by the name of "Sv3ridge" and his content is pretty awesome. I do not agree with his philosophy on A LOT of stuff, but I would highly suggest looking into it if you're contemplating going vegan/vegetarian. He also does interviews with ex-vegans.

My main conspiracy - they are shoving veganism in our faces as a means of depopulation and weakening of the human race.


I agree with you that Veganism is probably not good for everyone and could have serious health risks. I'm glad that you take care of being responsible and buying your meat from a local farm.

I think factory and industrial farming is a bigger problem for most Americans, given whatever antibiotics or chemicals they are pumping into meat, the things that make up ground meat products, and even the passed-down negative energy from basically torturing animals for their entire lives that we then consume. Not to mention all of the environmental hazards that come along with factory farming.

Who's shoving it in your face? I don't see it come up here (or anywhere else) too often. Perhaps searching online for "veganism" leads you to alot of info about... veganism...?

I've been vegetarian for almost two years, and it's been the healthiest two years of my life. I went from chronically ill with some respiratory or flu-like ailment to suddenly healthy, and whenever I do start to feel under the weather, I bounce back within a day or two, instead of weeks or months. I didn't start it for those health reasons, but the benefit was dramatic and noticeable, looking back on the year.

I've only dabbled in veganism for a few weeks at a time, and it was also great for me, but I haven't stuck with it consistently enough to know much long-term pros/cons. I dropped 15 pounds in a month though, without even trying, and felt great. It was a good thing for me.

When I was vegetarian I found that people took any mention of it as “throwing it in their face”, or if I’d order a salad and ask for no meat I’d be “throwing it in their face”

It’s one of those things where you living your life with dietary restrictions implicitly make people question their own lack of restrictions. It’s why people try and poke holes into veganism, they want to make your thing wrong to justify their thing

Perhaps searching online for "veganism" leads you to alot of info about... veganism...?

But are you really going to sit there and tell me that Vegan people are spontaneously trying to make money online by inspiring others to be vegan.. AND THIS ISN'T A CONSPIRACY?! /s

The real fuckery is that the same amount of chicken nuggets costs half of the price of chicken breast. A head of lettuce costs more than a Turkey drumstick.

A head of lettuce is $1.

My point is that all the healthy, un processed foods are cheaper than the processed version of it.

Sounds like it's a problem with you - not anyone or anything else. Been vegetarian for 13/5 years, vegan for a year and a half, and I've had exactly ZERO of the problems or issues you've had. None of them.

People are gonna do what they want, but for me, my veganism simply has to do with ahimsa. You said it yourself with regard to your dog. Why not just eat your dog if you're okay w/eating meat? Heck, just eat another human while you're at it. No real difference in the most basic sense really.

And there's also this right here.

And you don't have to go through all that shake-making or whatever trouble you went through initially. There are quite a lot of vegan items in the stores you can purchase and eat with little preparation time.

Can I start with eating you? You sound like you're on the verge of death anyway. Sorry for the brain damage.

Yeah you see this is a comment of entirely unnecessary and uncalled for stupidity. You're doing whatever non-argument you started off with a grave, grave disservice by responding here in such a negative and ignorant manner.

Again, you keep proving that the issue is not any sort of problem with veganism. It's a problem ultimately with you and your own ignorance and level of low understanding.

I guess thanks for proving my very points with your response. *shrug

Vibrational energy. That's it, you've won the argument. Stephen Hawking reincarnated.

I wish you the best with your diet and life. Do what you feel is making you healthy.

Free Your Soul username + Disregards vibrational energy = username does not check out.

spoken like a true vegan!


Translation: My cognitive dissonance is activated. Must resort to fallacious name calling to help me cope.

Fuck you:)

Did you eat over easy eggs with a bit of vinegar to turn the Choline in the yolk to Acetyl-Choline? Did you eat nutritional yeast for the folic acid?

You can't just willy nilly eat what you think your diet needs. You have to do research into where you will be getting ALL your nutrients.

No I am not vegetarian.

It's not meat per se. It's quantity of meat and quality of meat.

Humans have eaten meat for eons. Our bodies are in-tune with eating meat.

Ehhh we've eaten meat since the invention of tools (for hunting) and fire (for cooking) -- so what, like 10,000 years? Prior to that, for we ate mostly fruit for millions of years. That's what our digestive system evolved to accommodate. That's why our digestive system is nearly identical to other primates and not, say, cats.

Not saying a little meat will kill you -- I still eat just a little bit once in a while to compensate for my ancestry -- but I don't think we're originally meant to run on it. We've sorta been forced into it by migrating outside the tropics -- our Garden of Eden, if you will.

Def not made to run on it.

Is endurance hunting a relatively recent behavior, like the 10k years?

It'd have to come after the invention of tools and fire. (Can't even eat a chicken otherwise -- think about trying to tear into a gazelle bare-handed and eat it raw haha.) 10,000 years is a guess, maybe 20,000. But much less time than was spent eating fruit; not enough time for our stomach acid to get hotter, intestines to shorten and get smooth -- no major physiological changes. Just enzymes and such.

We didn't come from primates so...

We ARE primates.

Lol ok.

We're not though.

Sv3ridge is clearly a psyop/troll channel, pushing an all raw meat diet. Riiiiiight. Nevermind that our digestive system is primate, intended for primarily fruit, not carnivorous like a cat's.

Diet is critical to personal health. I've found that a good rule of thumb is to start with a fruit and vegetable base, then add just a bit of other foods as dictated by your ancestry. In my case, I eat mostly fruit, salads, plus eggs (my father's family were egg farmers) every day or two and fish (mother's side is Scandinavian) maybe once a week. Getting ripped from only light exercise.

Did you read my post. I said I don't agree with A LOT of what he says. He's just one of the very few showing the side of veganism no one wants to talk about.

Plus eating raw meat is just stupid.

And I'm happy for you if you found a diet that works well for you.

Yep, read it, responded to it.

Good post. Sorry you are downvoted.

I find something very odd about it too. Along the same lines, I wrote a post on how humans love animals more than people and why "they" are programming us that way. It got downvoted and ignored but Id be willing to repost it if anybody is interested.

I think everything in moderation. For me, I really need iron and finding sources of iron other than meat is hard. I am always craving iron.

Thanks. I noticed drastic change eating beef liver, but quality liver only. The local farm I get from doesn't even vaccinate their cows.

I have been dealing with a lot of malnutrition issues the last few months. My wife died and the best I can figure it, some part of me decided there was no reason to go on, not my mind, this is a subconscious effect best I can figure. But my appetite is totally gone, I force myself to eat once or twice every few days. Every now and again I actually get hungry and my cravings dive straight to animal protein. It is weird, when I'm that hungry, a nice steak almost feels like a narcotic. A good meat and taters dinner is really like an opiate effect.

My point is that I am living at the desperation end of my biochemistry, and when I'm in that state there is no doubt in my mind my body is designed to require meat.

I love animals. I have 4 cats and a dog, I rescue, I shelter. I am very involved in animal welfare. I hate the idea of another animal dying that I might live. I'm kind of a health nut when I'm healthy, meat all the time in large quantities isn't good. But when it comes down to brass tacks, when I am at the edge of survival, The need for meat in my diet becomes extraordinarily obvious.

Do with this what you will. I look forward to affordable cloned meat.

Yes, in the end that's all I craved. Meat brought my body back. No supplements or veg/fruit was going to do that.

I'm sorry for your loss...

Sorry about your wife :/

And please don't eat cloned meat when it comes.

As someone who only eats meat. Almost 100%.
To me it's like looking at aliens.

Meat is the most energy dense, quickest to make, and by far the cheapest way to keep me alive.

Because i wouldn't eat if i didn't HAVE TO.

Personally, I'm a huge fan of (almost) everything in moderation (I'm a vegetarian), but just because you had a bad experience with veganism, that doesn't mean everyone will have similar problems.

It's just as obnoxious to try to force people to eat the way you want them to, no matter which way you lean - pro-meat/animal products or against them. Vegans trying to make others vegan are annoying. Meat eaters trying to make others eat meat are annoying.

People eat different things. Get over it.

Sorry, you were doing it wrong.

I’m vegan, I am 230 lbs 6’0 6% body fat.

Top .001% of gym bros. Sorry...

Right but it dosnt work for every individual, I've know several people who have gone vegan and after a few months they felt and looked like shit...plus it took a long time for them to repair their bodies. Not for everyone.

A head of lettuce is $1.