Bolton has been itching for a War with Iran since high school. Now his lifelong Dream has finally come true. He will recommend Trump reinstate the Draft and send you all on a massive ground War with Iran. Are you guys ready?

40  2018-03-23 by [deleted]



People better be ready to burn draft cards and riot if they dare do such a thing.

An Iran invasion sounds like the penultimate chapter in American history. I doubt TrumpCo are THAT obtuse...I hope not...

I doubt TrumpCo are THAT obtuse...I hope not...

You and me both...but John Bolton might have a word to say...

I mean, I believe part of the reason the Iraq war was so easy to sell to the establishment was the promise that it would be a no-brainer slam dunk. Few casualties, in and out, shock and awe, mission accomplished.

It’s impossible to make that claim about Iran.

Dont know about obtuse but Bolton's stupid. When Iraq war was on he made the mistake of allowing himself to be interviewed by a real journalist John Pilger. The guy didn't know what hit him.

Iran's army is no joke and then Russia would get behind them.

Bolton just came.

Plus Iran has very powerful locally based missile systems...any invasion would be plagued by this hell from above, no matter how thorough our bombing or Command and Control was. Not to mention the inevitable local insurgency...

I mean why not just go to Canada as an illegal immigrant/political refugee?

If it got that bad I wouldn’t want to be a US citizen anyways.

FYI, they draft 18 to 26 yo, up to 36 with deferments.

Hooo rah !

They may go in full tilt on Syria first. Syria, Iran and Russia are the last three countries on the PNAC NeoCon agenda. Now they can see it through.

They won't need a draft. So many young Americans are either so brainwashed or so destitute that they will still have plenty of "volunteers" before the nukes fly.

Darth Cheney wins again.

A draft would be freaking hilarious. We'd need an event bigger than 9/11 for people to get on board with a draft.

I want to see it so bad. Let's how much people love the military when their children are getting forced into it. I haven't wanted something so bad in a long time.

It be nice to be #1 in self defence rather than being the predator. I wouldn't mind a large number of citizens being trained incase and invasion where to happen, but not have 1000 bases across the globe.

They'll dangle UBI or 'college loan reimbursement or cancellation'.

Or create one that's bigger than 9/11

This is what I'm afraid of.

they could try, but I'd bet people would believe it even less than 9/11 at this point lol

I hope they try to reinstate the draft. That'll be the fastest way to kick a grassroots anti-war movement into gear.


Perhaps it could target the SJWs. I hesitate to speculate.

I like to imagine my Bolton wearing a tuxedo t-shirt and riding a platinum falcon.

It's On Like Walrus Kong!

Six foot erection with a giant cheeseburger on top!

Reinstate the draft, or better draft anyone over 50. These are the ones rankling to get even for all the evil things Iran did to us over the years. Why, I remember once when the Iranians killed my baby puppy they said something about jihad and slit his throat and than killed me for which I never forgave them. Nosiree! They've been stirrin' up things and stuff what makes me real mad and things. Coincidentally the same letters that spell evil are in Iran, synonymous fer sure. TV tells me to kill, kill, kill! I saw it on TV. Bibi (the worlds savior and king jew) said they were bad and that's good enough for me to kill, kill, kill! Thank got that we have Bolton back. He's gonna make sure we hurt them real bad for the bad things what they done to us, real bad things. Just ask Bibi. Bibi knows. Ask him about the Acme cartoon bomb with the fuse in it. What? You don't believe they're trying to kill us every day? Just go ahead and kill 'em and God and John Bolton, and Bibi will figure out who the innocent ones are.

I read this whole post in Abe Simpson’s voice, spot on

This makes me wonder if there is a conspiracy surrounding how onions tied to your belt went out of style...

Hi from Canada. Good luck boys!

Don't worry you'll be following them in everything the U.S. do like we in Aussie do.

You mean like Vietnam and Iraq?

Yep. All the way with USA.

But Canada didn't officially join in those wars.

You say this as if thousands of Canadian soldiers haven't also given their lives in bullshit wars the US has started.

Lmao shit post

“Where’s the conspiracy”

Yeah this was odd

Thank you. Like where’s you’re evidence? It’s just a childish rant

I would go. Seriously I would. I’m totally out of shape though. It’s going to take me a long time to do 50 push-ups... and that’s only if I can do them girly-style...

Cute, but one reason we have no draft is because of our now legalized graft, called privatization.

Soldiers and Seamen and Airmen are not needed so much, thanks in part to technology but also to, the Private Military Companies.

Cheap laborers imported from Indonesia and Pakistan and Bangladesh and similar nations provided almost all the non-combat support staff, hired by the private, profit from tax money private military contractors for Afghanistan and Iraq and that will continue for future wars and why not even, eventualy replace, the U.S. men and women in the Military.

It saves big money, not only in paying the service personnel, but in health care and pensions, and other benefits traditionally provided to veterans.

Yep. And guess who rides in to help? Erik Prince, his sister Betsy Devos, the Mercers, Halliburton, Cheney's family and a bunch of other right wing billionaires to cash in on the nobid contracts.

Since this is r/conspiracy I am not shy about suggesting that most if not all of the M.E. and Afghanistan, "problems," since 2009 have been financed by and at the direction of our tax dependent private military contractors. OMG and so much more.

I'm only going if Bolton, who is my age, is sent to the first infantry attack wave and is standing right beside me all the way.

That, of course, will never happen, because he's actually nothing but a coward.

america is already on the chopping block for some time, being gutted and i dont think much is left, ruin another generation of youngsters in a bloody war and a chinese invasion wouldnt be a commie pipedream any more. prolly it would collapse all by itself

Think it will be like USSR on steroids with Chinese/Arab/foreigners conspiring to give money supporting corrupt oligarchs, dumbarse kooks, extremists, and psychopaths who will enable their interests - persons who without things falling apart and the foreign capital would either be in prison or on the political fringe - kooks lucky to get someone on a bike to stop and listen to them then actually get their support in more sane times.

While I am horrified to see Swamp Thing PNAC Bolton back in charge of anything in FedGov, I have a theory.

Trump is one by one destroying the Neocons by elevating them. Everyone is confused why top WH jobs have becone a carousel, where the average tenure before implosion is measured in weeks or months before the next DC Lifer replaces the last one.

For starters, the Deep State has never mobilized like this to bombard the President 24/7 with a shit shower.

Exactly zero bureaucrats who spent their entire careers in DC have the stamina to withstand the trench warfare onslaught against Trump.

So Trump picks some popular Neocon and says "welcome aboard, do your thing", only he knows they are being set up to be the next hostage who gets shot by the Deep State SWAT team.

Bolton probably thinks he finally achieved his life dream to pre-emptively nuke Iran. The vast Neocon attendees and courtiers and Zionists are smacking their lips drooling over it finally happening.

But I don't think Bolton is going to get what he wants. Now the spotlight is on him like a heat seeking missile. There is going to be some dirt on him from the Bush era that digs itself up and torpedoes his best efforts. Like all the rest, Bolton will be ignited by the flame thrower and ejected. I bet Bolton doesn't even survive past August.

We know Trump already rejected Bolton the first time around because of his stupid mustache. You think Trump has suddenly changed his temperment about that? Now he gotta stare at Bolton's pussy lips from 5 feet away for several hours per day.

I voted for Trump to be the Chaos Candidate and nothing more. I have zero expectations from him except to fuck shit up in DC, be a wrecking ball, and lob monkey wrenches into the gears of the well oiled Deep State machine. Keep the Bureaucrats guessing, sweating and questioning their own sanity is all I ask for from Trump.

4 comments from the bottom to find someone who actually pays attention to what's been going on.

Even recently "DO NOT CONGRULATE PUTIN" turn in to "Congratulations, Putin!" and a good ol' "YOU'RE FIRED" to McMaster. Trump is in charge, and the fact that he's exposing both NeoLib and NeoCons is amazing.

Don't think Bolton would cross the line THAT early man. Probably after 6 months then maybe he will.

Right now Trump is trying to assert dominance over the white house. Which means if Bolton trying to cross him, he's gonna get axed.

Bolton has been itching for a War with Iran since high school.

What a weird ass fucking thing to dream of in high school. When I was in high school, I dreamed of playing video games, skateboarding, crushes, etc. I looked forward to getting out of school and having freedom to do whatever I wanted. I never dreamed of orchestrating a conspiracy to commit mass murder.

Fuck ya. I’m already in. Let’s go show em how infidels do it.

Btw op, ease in a little opsec would you?

Lol, you really believe him?

There’s always the chance.

Lol! Not in a million years isnthis going to happen! Wahahahaha!

War is just old men talking and young men dying.


So implement the draft, which will obviously cause people to riot, then maybe they'll have a use for those empty Wal-Mart prisons that people were taking footage of around the Operation Jade Helm scare.

Remember that guys? We know that they are prepared for this level of containment, there is a war brewing, either there or here...

It would be wise to prepare.