Trump and AIPAC / Israel are going to lead us to war. Netanyahu and Trump are facing the same pushout and need a war to survive. Trump is replacing everyone with AIPAC war hawks.

120  2018-03-23 by showmeurboobsplznthx

Ss: Trump has removed everyone who supported JCPOA and replaced them with AIPAC antiJCPOA people. This was a coordinated scheduled thing. Mattis is the only one left. Now that Iranians and Russians are indicted, with or without Trump, the Iran war will go on.


Petro yuan. Brics alliance. Gold back yuan.

with or without Trump, the Iran war will go on.

Hopefully the U.S. citizenry will keep catching on more and more to how full of shit this whole AIPAC USwarmachine bullshit is and will stand together and keep it from happening.

Yeah. I know. The piece of shit, asshole war mongers could then/probably will just launch some heinous 911-like false flag and blame it on Iran/Russia.

Again, however, I'm really hoping the public will be at this point at least somewhat wise enough to know the horrible m.o. of these psychopathic demons and really dig into any supposed "Iran/Russia/middle east terrorist attack on the innocent U.S. - OHMYGOD!!" that might happen to the U.S. and they/we won't fall for the PTB utter bullshit.

Our democracy is failing in the information age. New ways are being adapted to continue the forever war machine.

I’m not sure this was ever really a functioning Democracy, to be completely honest. It’s just that the internet is now making information much more widely accessible and available to pretty much everyone - so now anyone can really know and educate themselves with regard to what the truth of history really is and just how utterly evil and full of shit TPTB are and have literally always, always been.

The system isn't “currently failing”. We’re just now waking up to the fact that things have always been failing. More and more people are just waking up to the fact that it’s pretty much always been a failure in many, many ways, for many, many people and groups in this society.

And the more that folks find out about this, the more people who previously might have thought themselves unaffected by any of it begin to wake up to the way that this malady does indeed reach out and affect them directly as well.

The divide between too and bottom is being exposed too. The laziest people have it all while the hard workers live mediocrely... They want to shut down Facebook and Cambridge bc it gives power to others and not the top.

Hey OP, I know Bolton is one of them, but can you provide a list and some sources? Thanks

looks like Schumer, Hagel, and 2 others mentioned. Not much of a list really. I'm sure there are a ton more

The divide between top and bottom is being exposed too.

Absolutely. Correct and agreed.

The laziest people have it all while the hard workers live mediocrely.

Well, I wouldn’t exactly go that far, as there are a lot of rich hard workers and lazy 99%ers. The key isn’t so much in the hard work that one does one way or the other as much as it is about the positive or negative intent that one imbues in what they do regardless of whether they work hard at it or not.

I’d rather have someone who generally doesn’t work too much, but when they do work, it’s for the good of everyone, than someone who’s a super hard worker, but it’s only to benefit themselves at the expense of everyone else around - and what they do is regularly enough to the detriment of everyone around.

That’s horrible - and it seems pretty much like the m.o. of TPTB to a significant enough extent.

They want to shut down Facebook and Cambridge bc it gives power to others and not the top.

Among other things they try to shut down, yes. This much seems definitely correct. I don’t disagree with you.

A bourgeois democracy if you will

An organization for managing the affairs of the whole bourgeoisie

I believe I see what you’re saying, but it seems that in the Marxist sense of the word, “bourgeois” denotes the “middle class”…and this seems to be more a democracy of the rich and elite (the "patricians", as it were) working at the expense of the bourgeois, the working class, the middle - to say nothing of the lower class. I believe the war mongers on this planet don't necessarily see us as bourgeois, and definitely don't see themselves as that. I believe ultimately they see everyone who is not them as a plebeian.

Hopefully the U.S. citizenry will keep catching on more and more to how full of shit this whole AIPAC USwarmachine bullshit is and will stand together and keep it from happening.

Which is why we are seeing this sudden rush to censor and control the internet. The MSM is under control and will always promote the war and back the MIC, while ignoring, or grossly minimizing anti-war protests and dissenting opinions.

Fabricating a reality in the MSM was working well before, but the free and open internet has been tearing at the fabric of the carefully crafted MSM reality, making it much harder to lie to the people and pull the woll over thee eyes of the sheep.

They have to get the internet under control before they can start another major war.

But they are working tirelessly now to do just that.

Which is why I believe we are seeing this sudden rush to finish censoring and control the internet.

Yep. The totalitarian tip toe has turned into a full on totalitarian sprint.

The MSM is under control and will always promote the war, hail Zionism, and back the MIC, while ignoring, or grossly minimizing any anti-war protests and dissenting, inconvenient, opinions.

The more power and attention we keep giving the MSM, the more strength they will have to keep lying to us and clouding our minds with debilitating propaganda. The more we all step away from the MSM and pay it no attention, the less we will be able to be manipulated.

Fabricating a reality in the MSM was working well before, but the free and open internet has been tearing at the fabric of the carefully crafted MSM reality, making it much harder to lie to the people and pull the wool over the eyes of the sheep.

Exactly this. This is the very reason, as you said, why TPTB have been rushing and fighting so hard to shut down and control the internet.

The information war is a critical component for TPTB's grip on the reality they want the people to experience.

Yep. Correct. And they’re having a pretty hard time keeping a lid on their lies because of the internet.

They have to get the internet under control before they can start another major war.

We’re definitely saying the same thing sir. Yes.

...but they are working tirelessly now on doing just that.

Well-said - and not just because it’s what I would have stated. ;)

Oh! How important "...Iranians and Russians are indicted...." How's that going to stop the hypersonic cruise missile from sinking an aircraft carrier and her crew? Will it protect the people in Tel Aviv from the hard radiation and blast waves? Will it stop the plutonium clouds from wrapping the world in their death grip? Can you at least wipe up the blood you hack up, or can it be used like a dustpan to sweep up the hair that falls out in chunks as you bump around your house blinded by the sudden flash of light while you slowly die?

Israel will necer be nuked... They have control over Iranian systems...

I was saying that for the benefit of the other dummies who don't know Iran has no nukes. It will be a privately owned weapon, one taken off a transport plane by a civilian contractor, probably from Turkey who wants to murder the Kurds while Israel massacres Iran followed by Russia blowing up the US Navy and perhaps the Pakistanis will take the blame and get blown up by India. China receiving the bulk of the radiation will demand cease fires but their own hotheads will probably go live with Kiloton range missiles. Angry, Israeli sub commanders will take out capitals of countries they are upset with.

That woukd be a nutty progression. I believe the 12 missing micronukes from turkey will show up in Damascus. This will spur a huge crisis. They will "have evidwnce linking Iran. America Israel and Russia will make a super unlikely treaty work. Russia gets sanctions lifted and turna their back of Iran. Syria gets taken over by amerisrael. Iran will be taken by Russia. The corruption charges Netanyahu did business with Russian oligarchs will die. The trump russia collusion will drop. Its almost the only way Netanyahu and trump can sace face.

Where would Saudi factor in, and Pakistan?

They each have their own math and break down. Dependent on how each acts, the model changes. It is constant in its measurements bit constantly changing on how it assess each measurement. I think the ISI has way bigger role than many will admit as the relationship is fragile. Everyone wants to be tough and flex. Few actually care to sit down in unbiased agreement free of capitalist getting a piece of it....


If only The American public could convince John C Demers to do what his job entails he do at the DOJ by registering AIPAC with FARA this could all be talked about publicly and openly instead this real situation has to take its breath in hiding on a conspiracy thread when its straight up truth of the matter.

Democrats lost for opposing Israel and Israel storing a lot, not all, but a lot of this...

Israel doesn't care how many American kids get killed fighting their wars for them.

Except Israel is a mandatory service country and they fight off neighboring countries everyday without our help

American Christians don't care how many American kids get killed fighting on behalf of Israel.

It is inevitable. However since it is planned/calculated, so how bad can it get.

Can someone explain these acronyms?

JCPOA= joint comprehensive plan of action. It is also called the Iran deal.

AIPAC= American Israeli Public Affairs committee.

Trump and Rothschild have a 30 year history. Fuck lucifer and fuck Israel.

its their high verbal & banking IQs tricking him into it

What will be the "catalyzing event"?

Which contrived terror will push Americans into multi-generational war maintenance servitude?

A Military Industrial Complex cycle is no way to run lives.

I'm thinking a nuclear device in Damascus killing American and Russian troops

That's some diabolical shit right there.

A good way to look past trump Putin collusion

trump Putin collusion

Ya, you lost me.

Doesn't matter the evidence anymore. Media is pushing it So it's true.

I'm thinking a nuclear device in Damascus killing American and Russian troops