Robert Mueller & John Kerry went to the same yuppie prep school together & played on the same sports teams there. Fast forward & they both cover up the BCCI bank scandal for The Bush Family/Saddam Hussein/Bin Laden/Reagan/CIA.

24  2018-03-24 by I_HAVE_POON_WORMZ

Mueller & Kerry prep school lovers w/ pics. Same prep school was attened by Astor’s, Vanderbilt’s, & JP Morgan Jr.

BCCI investigation as reported by the failing New York Times in 1991.

Now the fight among investigators is coming out into the open. Manhattan District Attorney Robert Morgenthau, who gave impetus to long-contained probes, told a Senate subcommittee headed by Senator John Kerry that he is getting no cooperation from the Thornburgh Justice Department.

Justice's Criminal Division chief, Robert Mueller, tells me he will have a hatchet-burying session with the independent-minded D.A. next week, and vehemently denies having told British intelligence to stop cooperating with the Manhattan grand jury.

Now it’s time for the fun stuff!

BCCI was the Bank of Credit and Commerce International, a dirty offshore bank that then-president Ronald Reagan's Central Intelligence Agency used to run guns to Hussein, finance Osama bin Laden, move money in the illegal Iran-Contra operation and carry out other "agency" black ops. The Bushes also benefited privately; one of the bank's largest Saudi investors helped bail out George W. Bush's troubled oil investments.


Looks like the shitlibs who love /r/the_mueller are already brigading because Trump bad we will riot if he fires muh Fuhrer Mueller.

I doubt you'll see much brigading on this post. It's pretty damn good, and clearly shows deep corruption rooted in both parties. Any vet can tell you what a piece of shit Kerry is based on his fraudulent testimony to congress, while he was playing Army soldier lying through his teeth about what he saw in Vietnam.

I was downvoted to 60% immediately & still hovering there. This in a conspiracy sub.

tbh, I think that some users that hang out in /new may just downvote your threads because you've been posting something every hour all week and often times they are nonsensical.

But I'll give you credit, this one is much better. Your SS though, I think that calling people "shitlibs" is non-productive. Why include that?

This post doesnt require a submission statement.

Didn't say it did require a statement, but your top-line comment in your own thread then. Don't understand why you felt like using words like that. Seems like you want to instigate through name-calling than through facts or research.

I’m a liberal. Used to be a shit liberal. Dont be a shit liberal.

Most of his posts are of excellent quality. Though a bit blunt, his titles have drawn the ire of those identifying themselves at a certain point along the political spectrum.

I'd have to disagree, over the past couple days they have been direct copied and pastes of reddit threads from 5+ years ago, with little to no context.

Additionally, earlier this week, OP has accused Mueller of being a Fascist, Communist, Neoliberal, and McCarthy in a span of a couple hours. The quality is low.

Didnt i say you had to read? You didnt digest all of the content did you

I read it all, it's actually impossible for one person to be all of those things. You resort to name-calling to "explain your point".

If shitlibs didnt want to be shitlibs then they wouldnt be shitlibs.

you are making my point for me.

I do not give one single fuck what you or anyone else thinks about me.

How old is this guy?

Name-calling might be more effective on other subs.

I can't judge what you're accusing him of without seeing the context, but I don't want to bother you with that. I just know that, over the past couple days, I've noticed posts from him with quality links/info, particularly if you disregard his interpretations.

Mueller's whole current team is all democrats, lol

The post was up for five minutes when you already started complaining about brigading lmao. Way to play the victim card early.

I’m no victim. Unlike you & your buddies i can defend myself with more than a downvote. Here you are. Contributing no intellectual value to this thread.

"Idiots Are Taking Over"

it's not the right time to be sober now the idiots have taken over spreading like a social cancer, is there an answer?

Mensa membership conceding tell me why and how are all the stupid people breeding Watson, it's really elementary the industrial revolution has flipped the bitch on evolution the benevolent and wise are being thwarted, ostracized, what a bummer the world keeps getting dumber insensitivity is standard and faith is being fancied over reason

darwin's rollin over in his coffin the fittest are surviving much less often now everything seems to be reversing, and it's worsening someone flopped a steamer in the gene pool now angry mob mentality's no longer the exception, it's the rule and im startin to feel a lot like charlton heston stranded on a primate planet apes and orangutans that ran it to the ground with generals and the armies that obeyed them followers following fables philosophies that enable them to rule without regard

there's no point for democracy when ignorance is celebrated political scientists get the same one vote as some Arkansas inbred majority rule, don't work in mental institutions sometimes the smallest softest voice carries the grand biggest solutions

what are we left with? a nation of god-fearing pregnant nationalists who feel it's their duty to populate the homeland pass on traditions how to get ahead religions And prosperity via simpleton culture

the idiots are takin over [x8]

They start training the deep state early.

And here's the predictable hit job on Mueller now that the investigation is getting close.

⬆️ Predictable comment from someone experiencing cognitive dissonance.

"Idiots Are Taking Over"

it's not the right time to be sober now the idiots have taken over spreading like a social cancer, is there an answer?

Mensa membership conceding tell me why and how are all the stupid people breeding Watson, it's really elementary the industrial revolution has flipped the bitch on evolution the benevolent and wise are being thwarted, ostracized, what a bummer the world keeps getting dumber insensitivity is standard and faith is being fancied over reason

darwin's rollin over in his coffin the fittest are surviving much less often now everything seems to be reversing, and it's worsening someone flopped a steamer in the gene pool now angry mob mentality's no longer the exception, it's the rule and im startin to feel a lot like charlton heston stranded on a primate planet apes and orangutans that ran it to the ground with generals and the armies that obeyed them followers following fables philosophies that enable them to rule without regard

there's no point for democracy when ignorance is celebrated political scientists get the same one vote as some Arkansas inbred majority rule, don't work in mental institutions sometimes the smallest softest voice carries the grand biggest solutions

what are we left with? a nation of god-fearing pregnant nationalists who feel it's their duty to populate the homeland pass on traditions how to get ahead religions And prosperity via simpleton culture

the idiots are takin over [x8]

Dude what the fuck

I’m sorry you are depressed. I experiened as well. It was chronic for a decade. The pills do not help. Make difficult decisions & take control of your destiny 1 day at a time. Happiness should not be your goal. Find peace.

Appreciate it, thanks!

Take a nap, dude.

Whatever Mueller's got has people scared. Ad hominem attacks on Mueller ain't gonna change the evidence he is going to present.

I doubt that. He's the stick but Trump has shown a willingness to follow the carrot so far.

⬆️ Uses the term Ad Hominem incorrectly while at the same time guilty of a straw man.

"Idiots Are Taking Over"

it's not the right time to be sober now the idiots have taken over spreading like a social cancer, is there an answer?

Mensa membership conceding tell me why and how are all the stupid people breeding Watson, it's really elementary the industrial revolution has flipped the bitch on evolution the benevolent and wise are being thwarted, ostracized, what a bummer the world keeps getting dumber insensitivity is standard and faith is being fancied over reason

darwin's rollin over in his coffin the fittest are surviving much less often now everything seems to be reversing, and it's worsening someone flopped a steamer in the gene pool now angry mob mentality's no longer the exception, it's the rule and im startin to feel a lot like charlton heston stranded on a primate planet apes and orangutans that ran it to the ground with generals and the armies that obeyed them followers following fables philosophies that enable them to rule without regard

there's no point for democracy when ignorance is celebrated political scientists get the same one vote as some Arkansas inbred majority rule, don't work in mental institutions sometimes the smallest softest voice carries the grand biggest solutions

what are we left with? a nation of god-fearing pregnant nationalists who feel it's their duty to populate the homeland pass on traditions how to get ahead religions And prosperity via simpleton culture

the idiots are takin over [x8]


You incorrectly applied the term Ad Hominem while at the same time using a straw man argument. Logical fallacies everywhere in your post. You misued grammer so it is easy to understand why you are so conceptually confused.

Hah I remember when I was a self-righteous student. Live in the real world a bit then let's talk.

Misused* Grammar*... learn to spell then move on to grammar. Also Mueller is a republican. Are you Pro-Trump or some crazy shit?

Liberals love love le Furher /r/the_mueller



Whateves loverboy!

You're 16 max

You just thirsty

You're still not getting this simple concept. The investigator cannot be a pure crony of the investigated. We are not going to tolerate Donald Trump Junior taking over the investigation.

That's not how justice works.

Thank you for reading Civics 101.

Been hearing this for about a year now tho


where is the "ad hom attack"? Only according to you because the facts about the bcci scandal created some wrongthink?

Your political agenda is showing.

I named 1 democrat & 3 republicans. Lol! This user has a IQ higher thsn mine!

One only has to look at your post history.

With a high IQ it should be easy for you to discern that i did not attempt to discredit Mueller & that i actually succeeded in discrediting Mueller, Kerry, Bush’s, Reagan, Bin Laden, Hussein, & the CIA. I even used a source /r/politics jerks it to before going to sleep every night — the NYT. And instead of presenting a high IQ counter to my position. You choose to committ a logical fallacy instead.

Like I said, post history.

Also you brought up IQ, I specifically said it doesn’t.

intellectually speaking - you are bankrupt. post history. post history. post history. post history. post history. post history. post history. post history. post history. post history. post history. post history. post history. post history. post history. post history. post history. post history. post history. post history. post history. post history. post history. post history. post history. Keep repeating it.

When you ignore what I say, why shouldn’t I repeat it? You clearly go out of your way to attacking “liberals”.

Why don’t you point out where OP is wrong specifically instead of trying to discredit him with “hurrr durrr you post to subs I don’t like”

I didn’t say he was wrong, I said he had an agenda.

And Trump and Epstein went to the same pedophile island together. So obviously Trump is a child fucker too.

Why do you view videos of Trump fucking kids?

Why do you support child rape?

(See how this works?)

Why do you?

Mueller's whole current team is all democrats, lol

Like I said, post history.

Also you brought up IQ, I specifically said it doesn’t.