We live in the day where tptb show us a huge stack a new laws and tax theft, tell you nobody has read any of it and then proceed to sign it right in our face knowing nobody will do anything about it. It's like they want us to distrust them.

221  2018-03-25 by ilikerealmaplesyrup


Yes, that is one of the objects of this stolen election. To provide evidence that, the people, cannot be trusted to choose their leader. That when left to do so will choose a fool.

Never mind that Congress Trump was used to elect. And Congress controls the nation's purse strings, not the President. He only has to sign and remember what Norquist said about President's during the 2012 campaign.

We don't need a President with his own agenda, we only need someone to sign the documents.



I found out where the stolen election went...

Oh well, no wonder we have communication issues, I thought we could find it here.


The election wasnt "stolen".

That is your opinion, not mine, thanks for it though.

Fact, not opinion. Difference.

There is an investigation in progress that ought to clarify things or not.

But the theft didn't really need the Russians, voter suppression is a great tool.

You mean the Voter Fraud commission that a bunch of states refused to comply with last year? I too cannot wait for the DHS investigation to conclude.

You haven’t been paying attention if you think this is the first time something like this has happened. We literally had the Speaker of the House of Representatives go on national tv and say that the Senate would have to pass a bill before anyone could see what was in it, including some of the people that were supposed to vote it into law. This wasn’t in 2018, this was in 2010, and it was said by a Democratic rep who was talking about a democratic majority house. Don’t play the two side game because it’s absolute bullshit.

We’ve been living in a world where the elected officials think they’re better than the people they represent and they slap us in the face with it every single day, and it isn’t just the Republicans and “Fox News”, it’s also the Democrats and the “liberal bias media”. I’m not even going to touch your remarks about a “stolen election” whatever the hell you meant by that.

And most people are working too hard to make ends meet to be civically educated. Trap.

Correction... they don't care if you distrust them and it doesn't matter which party they belong to.

They're put forward as candidates who will both reward and protect the vested interests of those who got them nominated and backed their campaign and if that flies in the face of the public's best interests that's just too damn bad because that's the way the game is played anyone that doesn't play it doesn't get elected.

This this this

Sad but true.

No different from the bill that had made it illegal to boycott Israel. Every single senator signed it or was in favour of it regardless of Democrat or Republican. Elections are for public theatre. They don't have power or real influence over the people with no term limits and some with appointments for life or alphabet organizations.

Once have suffered through the depths of wherever this is going and when WE ALL FINALLY AGREE that our government is too corrupt AND that something has to change, there will be a magical arm of global governance that will descend down from the sky offering peace, love, truth and a way out. ...All we have to do is “bend the knee”.

It's like they want us to distrust them

Nail meet hammer.

Here is an attempt to explain why.

good stuff! soros invested in netflix

Do something? What are you? A Nazi???

you assume they care what we think and feel. thats a mistake. they dont care about us at all. if anything they hate and despise us for being the weak, gullible, feeble minded sheep letting them get away with anything. thats about all the emotion we evoke.


Our governement, not only 'too big to fail' is also, to arrogant to care. They know that they stand amidst power, authority and wealth and have considerable control.

Our best course of action, is to unite as a nation. Acquire our power through numbers and fight the system under it's own regulations. It's possible.. But if there is to be another Civil War, so be it.

Learned helplessness. It is all about psychological warfare, and they are evil demented masters of it.

Sometimes I wonder if their goal isn't really to create significant social insurrection so that they declare an emergency state and dispense with the illusion of democracy.

They're literally encouraging it. If there is no social insurrection then they see how powerless we truly are. And will continue to degrade our society into a full on Brave New World reality. Controlled through pleasure with tech like VR and an ever-increasingly personal social media network fully backed by AI. Keep us doped up on pharmaceuticals and clamp down on people who buy/sell Schedule I drugs such as psychedelics.

It's insanity

They are more open with their transgressions because they're geared up and ready for a revolution. They're baiting us and hoping we decide to stand up so they can use all their new big toys. It's pretty disgusting. By the end of this year if I'm not in the middle of the forest somewhere I can say I would have failed myself.

They will simply dry you out and start a forest fire. You are going to have to find a cave.

I'm not worried about them coming after me, I just don't want to be near civilisation in the even of shit hitting the fan.

You have it wrong.

They don't care if you trust them or not, because they have these people called Cops. Who, when ordered, will turn their violence on anyone they are told to be violent to.

They don't care if we are mad, because by their account, we can't touch them.

So they live without fear. And in such, can do almost anything.

Including creating shitty laws and ruining the economy.

Because the American people have no backbone.

You have it wrong.

They want distrust in the government and they want full chaos so we will accept there new world order later.

It gets scarier when you think about how the modern nation states were born: powers are divided, so there is no chance of changing the system unless you change/ take down all three at the same time.

I recall from the book 1984 something about visions of life being more important than dynasties, since they tend to outlive them, in short clans die but institutions remain.

If no one reads the laws then exactly who or what is writing them?


sounds deep

I'm not worried about them coming after me, I just don't want to be near civilisation in the even of shit hitting the fan.