I'm also jumping ship.

1083  2018-03-25 by dalik

After years of using reddit and watching it grow and turn into what it is today I'm leaving. I'm keeping my account open but my time will be spent some place else.

/r/conspiracy has been ruined, its filled with garbage and political trash that filled /r/politics and other subs. You can't have a discussion here anymore, I shouldn't have to filter by new, I shouldn't have to ignore the trash comments and getting down voted because the other person disagrees. This place is divided and it's obviously spewing into this sub. This place will turn into Digg, it will be filled with political charge and it will eat itself alive till there is an echo-chamber at which point they will move on and repeat the process. It's time to go.

After the privacy and security risks, the drama, the sub banning, youtube and soon likely twitter and others, I'm done. It's time to look after my privacy and security and support platforms that are built with privacy and security in mind, it's time to leave this crap behind.

I made this to give it visibility so others can see people are leaving and this is why I'm leaving.


Why are you worried about your privacy here? How would people know anything about you unless you leave comments about yourself?

He's leaving thanks to people like you. This used to be a place where we continually challenged mainstream narratives, and now that happens is we get chastised for it on our owb sub.

Y'all are legion. Time to cast your stupidity in to a few swine.

I see this comment a lot. I'm not parroting the fox news mainstream talking points. They are the most popular cable news network. Why do I get attacked for pushing mainstream narratives?

Man even your username is bait. It's clear what your personality type gets up to for kicks.

Bait for what? What's my personality type? Going to whole foods and hacky sacking while I die my hair purple?

Which TopDickbag was this?

Somebody who knows when they're called out, by the look of it.

u/SJWPUSSYLIBTARD why did you delete your comment??

You literally asked why users on r/conspiracy would show you hostility for defending mainstream narratives... Now you delete it? I guess you must've realized how astoundingly stupid a question it was.

I'm disappointed now because I was going to congratulate you on having achieved such a monumental lack of self-awareness.

What's it to you? You're the problem, and you know it. Duh.

Why am I the problem.

I think he is referring to your name lol.

I lurk all the time and you're always talking political BS, always with the "Libtard" talking points.


The reason why there is so much politics here is because that’s where all the conspiracies stem from.

its filled with garbage and political trash that filled /r/politics and other subs.

The problem isn't with political conspiracies in general, its with NWO shills pushing the NWO agenda.

its with NWO shills pushing the NWO agenda.

but isn't that the entire NWO conspiracy?

So essentially what you're saying is that you're fine with political conspiracies here, as long as it's politics that you agree with.

When I got into conspiracies during the Bush admin, they were more of a leftist thing. That's the environment I came up in. The establishment was right wing, the shadow government ("deep state" now that Cambridge Analytica focus grouped that term for us to use) etc was right wing.

Now that the right wing are the ones more into conspiracies there's going to be clashes. Dismissing someone's conspiracies because of their politics is bad form for a conspiracist. I'm a leftist who believes some conspiracies, and doesn't believe a lot of conspiracies. I don't see why I shouldn't be allowed to express my views in a conspiracy sub as much as anyone else is.

No, that's not what I'm saying at all. lol

Sounds like you have been around a while? Gen x? Were you always way left?

Because if we are a similar age, and I think we are, then we have seen politics shift dramatically. So much so that people either get pushed right, or they compromise their beliefs to be in line with the current party lines. So if you were on the left back then and still are today, then I suspect that you started out pretty far left?

Not quite Gen X, I'm 35 so I think they technically call that Millennial, though there's that term "Xillennial" for the in-betweeners born between 77-82.

When I was younger I was just a mainstream Democrat. Moderate politically, though I was civil rights train well before the mainstream Democrat party.

As years have gone on, I've completely abandoned the Democrats and have migrated much farther left than they are. So I'm the opposite of the premise in your post. Honestly, so are most of the adults of my generation that I know. Will begrudgingly support the Democrats when absolutely necessary (like, say, in opposition of Roy Moore for example) but would prefer someone with true leftist policies, not corporate/establishment policies.

Understood. I started out distrustful of government and corporations and those in power. That has not changed. But I used to lean left but now some my beliefs are not really welcome there anymore. These days, I would say that I have moved away from neoliberals and populists. My line of thinking has left me in a tough spot. I am 43 and it has been my experience that many people of generation have been, for lack of a better word, left behind. Either way, I wish I knew where I fit in. It bothers me. Then on top of that, I am losing hope that anything will change in my life time.

What kind of leftist policy would you like to see?

I have some views that aren't popular on the left, also, like being very pro-gun. But I've always found them to be very accepted among my leftist peers. Now, they're not at all accepted with mainstream Democrats. Mainstream Democrats are vicious if you disagree.

My views essentially boil down to, if we're going to have a government, it needs to exist with the sole purpose of being a sort of joint agreement among the people in our country of mutual protection. Military protection (not intervention), but also civil rights protection, and protection from predators like unethical capitalists seeking to exploit people. I believe in complete and utter freedom of the individual, and I believe that is best achieved by abolishing the establishment and institutions designs to keep control away from the working people and with the rich and elites.

I don't expect these things to happen. When you have any political views outside of the mainstream, you're basically building a worldview on a pipe dream, and I'm fine with that. So I do engage in the political process by engaging in the 'lesser of two evils' in hopes of some sort of incremental change, because that's all I really have. It's that or don't participate. So I share your feeling about being left behind.

I wish we could have a beer together. We have similar goals but maybe a slightly different path. Thanks for the chat, appreciate it.

Ditto! Take care

I'm confused by your deep state comment. The term deep state has been around for a long time what does it have to do with Cambridge analytica?

"Deep state" was among buzzwords tested by CA as part of their Trump strategy. The phrase existed but it had almost no common use before this.


When top comments on political conspiracies are links to thedailybeast or NYT, you know shit hit the fan.

The majority of replies to my comments are attacking conspiracy theories

hilarious that your comment got downvoted that much. muh soros is everywhere

C Wright Mills told us all over half a century ago: the power elite come from politics, the corporate sector, and military/intelligence community. Over time they have increasingly merged together and individuals move fluidly between them. Regulatory bodies become an extension of the industry they are designed to regulate. There need not be an official conspiracy since powerful people's interests usually align. It is the system itself that we should examine, individual personalities are simply the symptoms of a diseased political, economic, and military system.

"But i wanna talk about the disproven idea that alien lizard Hitler built the pyramids!"

I’m listening.

Yeah, that sounds interesting. Did he escape to Argentina? Remember the land bought in the early 50s and the photo is clearly Hitler... live out a nice life in this little compound.

Source on that photo? I've never seen that or even heard of it and you just caught my interest. Please, if you have time, can you link to the photo?

https://conspiracydailyupdate.files.wordpress.com/2016/07/img_4562.jpg?w=640 He lived away from the coast; and the best way to explain would be... Pablo Escobar's "prison" compound but a lot more discreet and before any technology filtered down. It was about half a dozen upper class homes with security; basically a German speaking "town" just set up shop; all the spies from America and the Subs that made it to the Argentina shores. Sort of lived out there lifes and sons and grand daughters protest it after their years in a foreign college.

Also, this is life experience. I use to buy pills online before 9/11 - You could get Hydrocodone 10s, real big boy full strength Vicodin, C.O.D. sent Fedex from Argentina. You had to fill out a simple forum, like a personality test, "Explain what is wrong: What are you requesting:" and a Doctor would sign off in Argentin; and I promise right hand to God my the doctors names who the RX bottles had a all white computer printed label slaped on, they all had German names... one name was Dr. Corleone and I wonder if anyone believes me. I don't know much about Argentina politics, back channels, or drug laws... just, I found that "email address" and I'd western union the money, and it'd show up.

Argentinian here - that sounds sketchy af lol, but sadly it's not at all impossible considering my country's.... Light disregard of laws, at times. After 2001 there was a BIG crisis here tho (unrelated to 9/11) so probably shipping or manufacturing just got too expensive/the factories closed/etc.

Also, I wouldn't know about the German labels, and I know we're in a conspiracy sub, but the whole Hitler theory is just too beaten down and old here. It's true many Germans (many of them Nazis surely) came here but besides some old random general dying incognito in a farm somewhere, nothing really interesting has ever been discovered.

It was cheapargenmeds@hushmail.com - (doesn't work anymore... I think it sends back a msg saying Mailbox full) and the names were all German/Italian sounding - mostly German but I could order COD but it cost more or WU save money... and I wish I could explain it better. Can you, in Argentina, walk into a Pharmacy and get Valium or Pain Pills? Is it easy? Because I laughed and then got scared at "Dr. Corleone" and like I said it was English written on a sticky type paper that was obviously printed and it just a simple "Take 2 tablets every 4 hours as needed for pain." and then hand signed... Have you ever seen something like that? What do you RX bottles look like?

I sent the money to Palermo, mostly. Sometimes buenos aires.

What happened in your version of 2001? Were things easier?

Just... I found it amazing. Plus, they were "American" pills. You know? If I order from India or Pakistan (or when I did) it would be "their" version of the pills...India makes all their pills white. Pakistan is notorious for one pill being super strong and the next not so much...

Yet apparently I read an article that USA's health care is so bad, it's cheaper the consumer to purchase medication in a foreign country - even though the medicine is made in Ohio, (Israel is catching up on med market) - so from America, Ohio - to Miami, to Argentina - then back to Miami, and then shipped to your house in Michigan - it's cheaper.

Makes no sense.

Few things ever seem to make sense up there, don't you think? :P

As for the rest of the comment, you'll be disappointed since you clearly know more about this topic than I do... I've luckily never had to buy medications like that, so I can't really comment on the state of Argentina's black med market - though what you speak of is hardly rare or surprising.

Per Google: The fifth category of German immigration to Argentina occurred between 1946 and 1950

Yeah, we received some Germans (very few considering our country has 40Mill people), I was saying that most of those were mostly irrelevant citizens/low ranks of the army, nobody really interesting. Any German links were surely destroyed on immigration and the topic has never really received general attention since well, there's no Nazis around here, luckily. But the old "Hitler escaped to Bariloche" theory really does get old after a while, especially if you're coming from a country that seldom gets worldwide attention; you usually don't want to be known for stuff like this lol.

Yet apparently I read an article that USA's health care is so bad

This is 100% believable. I've heard dozens of "horror tales" on US healthcare. Here, most medical treatments are free and government-covered even if you don't have an insurance (even if you come from other countries...), so it's really wild to think there's people who have to save up for literal years to get that one surgery or treatment done to them, or people who even die before they can get treated.

Keep going..

Wait a darn minute... DISPROVEN ????????

Thank you for putting this into words

We should have listened to our friend Dwight D. Eisenhower.

Good political discussion used to be all over reddit but it got pushed out of most subs. Conspiracy is one of the few places on reddit were people who possibly hold opposing views can have a political discussion. That’s why there is so much noise here now.

Nah man there is very clearly an organised effort to bloat this sub with shallow crappy insignificant wannabe-conspiracies in the style of 'trump did this one', 'russia did that'. If you watch closely you'll frequently find one account posting 6 threads about silly stuff like this. In succession. That's not organic activitiy, it's organised sliding of good content.

That’s odd. In the two years that I have observed this subreddit, I have been called a race traitor and have read talking points that boldly promote an identitarian agenda based on white supremacy and extreme antisemitism. At that point the subreddit is no longer a meeting place for likeminded individuals to objectively discuss conspiracies. It becomes a cesspool of off-topic dialogue and casteism.

Yeah but bringing partisan politics into it is really stupid. I shouldn't get 45 downvotes because I disagree with someone on the left or right. r/conspiracy is supposed to be where we know both sides are trying to fuck us. Defending either side is moronic

You will not get downvoted for agreeing with the right on this sub. I know you're trying to appear neutral, but let's not pretend where these swarms of downvotes are coming from.

I don't agree with that at all. I've seen the plenty of anything remotely right leaning be demolished in tons of threads. Yeah you can look through my history and see which way I lean, but when it comes to this thread you're supposed to leave that at the door. That you have such a biased outlook on the subject is the partiality were talking about in this thread

I don't agree with that at all. I've seen the plenty of anything remotely right leaning be demolished in tons of threads

Perhaps you should reread my comment.

Jesus... I can't read sorry man I should comment hung over. Still, it can go both ways, but I agree lately it's been heavily influenced by r/politics schmucks that don't even pretend to be impartial. My bad mate

No worries, I have done it many times as well.

I've said it a million times. A MAINSTREAM "conspiracy" that is shoved down everyone's throats on a daily basis throughout American corporate media and throughout the rest of this site should not fly in this sub. It wouldn't fly in the past, and it shouldn't be tolerated now. Everyone knows it's a concentrated effort gearing up for the 2018 elections, just like there was a concentrated effort gearing up for the 2016 elections in /politics. This is what they do. They invade seemingly politically neutral subs and they overwhelm the conversation until there is a seeming consensus to the casual onlooker. Why is this being tolerated?

More then anything they want to obfuscate the fact that it's not about the left or the right. It never has been.

It has ALWAYS been about the top vs the bottom.

where we know both sides are trying to fuck us

I have a hard time subscribing to that though.

One side wants to make affordable healthcare. The other wants to take debt to give to billionaires around the globe. One side wants to keep black sites open and not under US law, the other wants to close it down and give the people rights. One side wants to stop global warming, the other thinks profit is more important. One wants to protect the environment and grow national parks, the other wants to sell them to corporations.

It seems much more plausible to me that there are people trying to push the narrative that "both sides are the same", so that it's easier to not vote, or vote against your interests. Democracy is a powerful tool, and that's how you lose your power and give it away.

Playing devil's advocate here, but donning my tin foil hat, the left side is trying to get everyone dependant on the government as a nanny state that they run, keeping us complacent with pittance instead of revolting at the monstrously huge economic imbalance.

Not advocating that position, just explaining the thinking.

I haven't been involved much in the conspiracy community for the last three or four years until a few months ago, so maybe things have changed, but the general impression I got was that the Democrats were used to push things like dependence on government, high taxation, gun control, etc. While the Republicans were used to push military spending, foreign aggression, general authoritarian dickishness, etc. And thus while voters would get emotionally riled up about right vs left, the elite would win no matter which party was in control.

That's always been my impression of what was meant by "both sides are the same" at least by the conspiracy community

'One side promised us this, because they want our votes and have never accomplished any of these things despite being in power'.

Have you never stopped to realize that they just say what you want to hear and at night when both sides are at dinner together they are laughing at people like you that believe that bullshit?

are laughing at people like you that believe that bullshit?

  • The ACA, while far from perfect, got millions of people into healthcare. I have family members who were able to get surgery due to the ACA.
  • Only one party supported Trump's tax giveaway to the rich.
  • Votes have been taken over and over on closing places like Gitmo. One party obstructs and sues constantly. It's not the Democrats.
  • One party passes laws addressing global warming. How is that bullshit? Republicans sue constantly to overturn laws that address global warming, and actively ignore it when possible. How can you claim that Ds and Rs are the same on this issue?
  • Obama grew national parks and national monuments throughout his term. Democrats repeatedly have voted to increase funding to our parks. Republicans once in power immediately sell off rights to fracking, increase park fees, reduce the size of monuments so they can mine for coal and uranium. How can you argue that Ds and Rs are the same on this issue? They have shown their colors repeatedly through votes and actual action.

and have never accomplished any of these things

  • Gitmo was reduced in size during Obama's presidency. That is action and accomplishment. They tried to close it but republicans stonewalled.
  • The Trump tax cut passed giving trillions of the middle and lower classes dollars away to billionaires. That is actual action and accomplishment.
  • Green energy targets have been passed by Democrats across the country. Obama negotiated the Paris agreement. That is actual action and accomplishment. Republicans pulled out of paris and have been suing to stop the changes.
  • Obama increased several national parks, monuments and wilderness areas. That is actual action and accomplishment. Republicans reduced bears ears, opened more land to fracking and are increasing the fees to access national parks.

Please give actual evidence of lack of action as the points I raised have clear accomplishments. This whole defeatist attitude of "they are both evil and working together to ruin your life" is exactly what they want. You are helping average citizens lose power.

Nice work man, just don't wait up all night for a response.

I agree. Reddit is weird like that. Very liberal. In some thread it was "What was your must FUCKED UP thing you ever did?" and I told them, my first job, at 19, I was a mess... On Methadone clinic, just inheritied 250k dollars, and I worked at Blockbuster for a year and people were like "He might be ok!" Well, my Boss was a little... faggot ass whiny high pitch voice 120lbs soaking wet douche...

So he fired me for marijuana, and like an idiot I took off my shirt, started throwing popcorn and candy bars, and bolted in my Toyota from the store when Cops were called....

Fucked up, right? Massive down votes because he was a "gay guy" and I used a slur. So I edited it to be an ass and said "Name was Xander, pronoun is 'ze' and he is a pansexual asexual male." (Just... whatever, you douchebags) type of edit...

Suddenly, all these replies "Well then xe isn't gay because Xander is PANSEXUL IDIOT!!!"

I seriously just made that part up and... /facepalm

Reddit dominates the conspiracy world?

The reason why there is so much politics here is because that’s where all the conspiracies stem from.


I think the problem is, it is tiresome. Politics, politics, politics. Probably on purpose also that it is always politics we hear about. Comedy shows, media, reddit just simply ran it into the ground with the US election. And still continue to do so.

I'm tired.

It's a fight constantly. It's a new thing daily. Just elect a cat to be a dictator so we can focus a bit more.

But you are correct politics is definitely where you can find a lot of conspiracies. Just kind of hard to keep up constantly. And also find the conspiracies. And form a good argument with people. You'd have to be here constantly fighting and learning. Like 50 hours a day.

It is tiresome, it’s supposed to be, it’s supposed to be driven down our throats until we want to be oblivious to all the wrong that goes on in politics. We’re the troops on the ground so to speak, spreading the truth (trying to anyway) and it’s always going to be hard but in the end, if we make enough of a difference in the world through being on here and discussing matters that wouldn’t be discussed otherwise on other platforms.... it’ll be worth every hour spent on here.

Seems to me the people suddenly getting tired of political conspiracy theories all lean to the right.

And now they want people to stop talking about it. Pretty convenient.

I'm left, don't really care if you believe me on that. In case you were insinuating I'm some troll or shill or whatever.

It's just been a long year of our President being himself (if you're US). Of other countries doing their things too.

Guessing you're US, but shit has been stupid. Like I said, next time just get us a cat. This is fucking tiresome to constantly read politics. And then try to keep up.

I want conspiracies but they over do everything so it's impossible to me honestly. We have weird Trump shit at the same time as shooting marches and people waking up about Facebook and whatever the fuck else.

Only so many brain cells can operate over on this side. Especially when drinking! So no, I think the people just want the stupid shit to end. This ain't a right or left thing. Sorry. No convenience.

I enjoyed it when it started honestly. Got all the SNL skits out of it. Now it is just, jesus fucking christ how is this still a daily thing with our government? Is it all on purpose to misdirect us? Probably. Where though?

See? We need a why so much fucking bullshit tossed at us. A girl Trump slept with, OK. We knew he was a shitbag. Yet daily updates to distract.

I'm tired and drunk, point is. Both sides are getting worn out. Someone go find the conspiracies that are in there. Cause I'm going to go play an idle game.

To be honest, I don't think I meant to respond to you. So it wasn't really directed at you.

However, the President cheating on his wife, then using his lawyers and cronies to threaten the mistress and cover it up is a conspiracy.

See? This is a natural and effective observation to make. People come here to fuck with the discourse because the discourse in here breaks numerous different narratives all over every corner of the political coordinates.

I don't think there's anything wrong with OP's decision. Or anything much right about it, either. It's a natural reaction to a natural reaction etc. etc. turtles all the way down.

But you can forego starving yourself if you know a little more about nature. And this comment shows that another natural thought to have is that perhaps all of these shills showing up here is not a problem; in fact, it's a sign that things are being done right.

However, nobody wants to watch their karma get slowly destroyed by an influx of brigaders, shills, sock puppets and downvote bots. The last part is especially upsetting. Lately almost every post or comment gets an automatic and almost instant downvote. That's upsetting.

It's enough to make a person want to leave. But why not just employ the same tactics? How many in here are doing their part to upvote comments that seem mysteriously downvoted? I think not many.


If you’re not going to use Reddit anymore why keep your account?

Yeah, might as well sell it to the highest bidder... don’t hate the playa, hate the game, G.

He could sell an account that old for a pretty penny. I'm sure one of the groups responsible for forum sliding and other such nefarious things would love to buy it.

For real where can I sell my account? Do I not have enough karma?

No shit, right? Mines 7 years old, where can I hock this shit for some cash?


Proof that people can sell accounts for significant amounts of money?

I wouldn't say significant but if your account is old enough and has a good reputation then some people claim it can fetch over a hundred bucks.

Just google search it....

These were some of the first things that I found:

ULPT: Want some quick cash? Sell reddit accounts!

Where can I buy old reddit accounts?

While not required, you are requested to use the NP (No Participation) domain of reddit when crossposting. This helps to protect both your account, and the accounts of other users, from administrative shadowbans. The NP domain can be accessed by replacing the "www" in your reddit link with "np".

I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.

I see the problem accounts described by OP have a big problem with the rules and, if you think about it, just have a problem with Reddit in general.

I will visit the technology subs as there are still some good content there. My other daily news will not be from this site.

Right so you're not leaving. Great thread man.

Thanks to your post, I just found replacements for these two tech subs.

Goodbye, dalik!

There are no real politics here - most posts on /r/conspiracy are written to spread chaos and divide USA society. It is interesting to watch russian trolls in action. There are real conspiracies like Olgino trolls, Cambridge Analytica staging elections and so on, but you never read about it here.

russian trolls


Username checks out!

Hey jackass, you're exactly the problem that the OP is referring to. Take your bullshit back to r/politics.

They love doing this stupid gaslighting shit.

I made the mistake of looking through your top comments...

"Russia spreading conspiracy - something you'll never read on r/conspiracy"

"Russian trolls are very active on reddit especially on their nest r/conspiracy."

"Yeah, they should CC every email to r/conspiracy which is well-known for its transparency. Or maybe straight to Kreml just to skip man in the middle"

"Pizzagate is just russian research on how stupid and controllable western society can be. For the sake of USA power all pizza-gate believers should have their voting rights revoked."

"Why r/conspiracy never, ever mentions about russian trolls activity in USA? Biggest conspiracy in USA is covered by r/conspiracy?"

"This is what /r/conspiracy is - it is controlled by russian propaganda. USA never had president who divide the nation so much. This is just the beginning of the end of USA global leadership"

"What dumbfuck believes in this Russian propaganda?"

"Russian trolls are having fun testing how much shit you can swallow :)"

"Something you won't read about on r/conspiracy - is it controlled by russian trolls?"

"You won't find it on r/conspiracy"

Gee... You don't have a fucking blatant agenda, do you?

Good for you? I don’t see what you think whining is gonna do for you, do you want people to beg for you to stay? Bye, no one cares

I made this to give it visibility so others can see people are leaving and this is why I'm leaving.

Literally says this in the last line

Well that is a good example of why people are leaving. Reddit has been on a slow decline for over a year, once the masses started to flood it the quality per user began to decline.

Just stay out of the comments then....there's still a lot of great content. I'm staying.

Can you link a good recent post with a solid thread? It’s been so long. Jonesing for a good read. Thank you in advance


But.. freedom of bitch

If people don't get by now such actions as seen in American propaganda, are a targeted effort to fear monger, look at the other threads that are similar. I'm not accusing the op of anything. But it is funny how two similar threads made it to the top and this one will soon make it as well. Please as you reading this realize, tactics like this are and were used in other subreddits to allow for a smoother takeover.


I don't think people leaving is a conspiracy. Unless the conspiracy is that this forum is garbage.

Know what? Fuck this cesspool, I'm leaving too.

Yeah sure. Promote cowardice.

Promote cowardice? You're delusional.

Go to hell

I just love how the amount of users jumped so much in the last few hours and this thread got upvoted way more as well.

Tactics such as OP describes lead naturally to behavior such as OP is undertaking. So OP is just a symptom of a root problem.

Or, hypothetical here, people could just be following an agenda to try to get regular users off the site by posting the same shit 5x over. Ever think about that conspiracy theory?

Same. Used to come here daily for years but hardly ever look anymore. There’s no point. It’s all fake discussions about mainstream narratives and politics. There’s not really anywhere to go anymore. V sad.

If you find a place to go let us know. I've already left other sites for the exact reasons you have stated about this place. The infection is everywhere.

And apparently it's working. Everybody's retreating everywhere i guess. They're gunna be having a big victory party soon.

"They" It's not organized. CT has attracted some people this election cycle that has wrecked havoc.

We can't retreat unless we have some where to retreat to. Otherwise we are seperated and lonely and then weak.

Exactly this. Even if reddit is a fucking mess it still reaches a lot of people. We gotta keep up the fight over here, while at the same time re-grouping somewhere else.

Re-group? The internet social hive mind needs a well defined leader and authority structure. I mean, heck, I guess /I could/ be the temporary new moderator. If anything have a little fun with it. Nominate people. Have an election. Top 3 win so it feels equal; and a natural leader will emerge and the other two would feel out minority opinions.

So internet personality is required. Or name recognition. Sometimes being anonymous can help in situations - yet, anyhow, that should be fair. This doesn't change the price of tea in China.

It can be done, a lot of people are frustrated as hell with reddit. I actually have a plan of sorts but I don't want to talk much about it yet.

Keep me looped in. I'm clean and this is my OG account. Thank you. - DJ in Tampa.

It makes me sad you see it that way

Bull pies. We'll never be weak. It's all in how you look at it.

We'll all have our mentality when the next great gathering place surfaces. Maybe it's time to start a private subreddit with fairly strict rules?

Personally, although anonymity was key to these kinds of websites, I think our next best option is to start hosting local meetups. Bring your best material and just shoot the breeze with other like-minded individuals in a controlled environment; one that's free from the shills, bots, and knuckleheads.

private subs are a useful and under-utilized resource.

How would we know about them if they are private. Add me.

This! Why not make some private subs, and be picky about invites?

Sounds like a Chatroom. .?

Huh. Maybe Discord is the answer?

Years ago while in college I used to go to a site called PalTalk. They had open chat rooms for different discussions

This community is incredibly weak. It's all this centralized slacktivism online. Most people here are admittedly too scared to sacrifice literally anything for the sake of a better world. They're paranoid about criticizing The Fed because "oh no! What if they hack my credit rating! I could lose all my adult toys and techgizzy garbage I don't need!"

Everyone wants to change the world and take on the bad guys without risking anything. It's always "what darker hole can we crawl into??" How about coming up into the daylight and engaging normies to their faces. Stop with the social anxiety shit. Be the change you want to see in the world.

We can retreat to our communities in real life where the things we say and do make a real impact on the world around us.

Writing about things on internet forums, no matter how true it might be, really doesn't get that much done.

I think I've read somewhere that the harder a person has to work for something the more they will value it. Maybe information on the internet is truly too easy.

It feels counterintuitive to say that, but what's better? Apathy and abundance, or value and limitation?

Thank you. This is where I'm at. No matter what platform you choose online, it's always going to be controlled by the Beast somewhere up the line. Somewhere the money gets funny, like someone pointed out with Steemit. Somehow, someone who would probably not want your message getting out is always controlling the platform you need to deliver it. Hmmm.

So, yea. We have to deliver sermons on mounts. Right there in person in the real world. You'll have to talk to your "adult" friends who's physical age is over 30 but they avoid politics and important issues that involve cooperating with strangers in favor of getting drunk like college kids. Go risk their pretty much worthless friendship by talking their ears off about stuff that matters and affects all of us until you're that insufferable "conspiracy nut" friend they bitch about to their shallow peers.

Eventually it will be just a bunch of shills and bots spitting nonsense at each other...

The first AI grows from a conspiracy subreddit.

They're gunna be having a big victory party soon.

Who? Don't use euphemisms.

You browse r/conspiracy but you don't know who "they" could be?

Could be a lot of people. T_D posters? CTR shills? Antifa supersoldiers? Soros shills? Koch shills?

Tptb, in a given context.

Bingo. It doesn't really matter exactly who it is at the moment.

We just know someone is pulling strings somewhere. For all we know, it's one entity controlling all the ones that were mentioned in the comment above yours.

The more we fight amongst ourselves, the easier we are to control. Why not have one group pitting us all against each other?

TPTB is the most accurate label.

It's a good general label, but if you want to be specific in a given context then it doesn't work so good and you'll have to adopt a more accurate label - ideally by naming names of the humans directly behind a particular conspiracy.

Exactly. The powers that be is often used by people who don't really think about who and what those powers are. Often, when I ask who those powers are, it quickly becomes apparent that many of these people never gave it much thought. I don't care if I agree or disagree, or if someone has a different view than me, or whatever. But if you say stuff like that, at least try to discover who and what those powers are.

people use that term because they don't want to fucking think.

If you'd read my comment a little further down you'll see my sorry explanation as to why it's useful, but not perfect.

I seldom use it, but when I do, it's usually a given as to whom they are. It' just a poetic phrase.

The Illuminati

The Freemasons


Wasn't that place filled with cp though?

the idea for shills is to flood it with CP so it gets shut down as a free speech platform

Um, what? You can't just act like a site widely known for hosting CP isn't actually at fault for it. "Shills" don't flood the site, users do, and it's been a problem for several years. Don't be ridiculous.


Great response.

Duckduckgo "Img src" safe search off

You thing users need to post on 8ch to get their cp fix?

ok, show me one pedo board on 8ch

Did you forget about younglove? Or the CP posted daily on /b/? You can play the victim all you like, but 8ch all but allowed it, and visitors to the site consumed it regularly.

Probably because the board was wiped after the new Congressional bill, just like many other sites were. You can still see complaints about it all over the page. Ironically, many of them are complaining that CP is banned now, which kind of proves my point...


Steemit is the most obvious pyramid scam known to earth and you know it, I know it, and you shrug and say, but I'm at the top. But when people want their money - it is going to crash. Screw what the "data says will happen" this has never been studied before.


Could you explain how blockchain works to somebody who doesn't understand in under two minutes? If you had to tell the masses on CNN at 5pm on a Tuesday; what would you say?

A blockchain is a public list onto which things are logged onto as they happen, and it cannot be forged.

Thank you, and who is overseeing the block chain? Whom is making sure everyone is; how shall we say; "playing by the rules" -- What real world situation would being able to view the "Blockchain" protect or prevent? Fraud? Money Laundering?

Ideally self regulation would be automated. The code can be trusted so you don't have to trust your peers. Smart contacts (pieces of code that run autonomously on the blockchain) would be used to handle complex interactions.

Fraud and money laundering could certainly be an application for this. Once a "transaction" is recorded on the chain it can never be modified or erased. Voting is something I'd really love to see blockchain applied to on a wide scale level.

and ideally the code is open sourced so anyone with security concerns can simply have a peek themselves or ask their haxxor 1337 friend if it's harvesting your kidneys.

This also. I cannot stress how important open source is in crypto/blockchain. For example, Bitcoin's code was tested so thoroughly by the community and developers that they found a flaw in OpenSSL, which is used in 30% or so of websites.

In the case of things like Ethereum smart contracts, all it takes is 1 bug to delete millions of dollars. So you better hope that code is transparent and thoroughly audited.

Its like amber round a fly, layer by layer it builds up. Same with the blockchain. Impossible to change transactions once they're a few "layers" deep.

The blockchain is published to anyone asking for a copy. The laws of math makes sure that everyone is playing by the rules.

An outlandish but conceptually correct way to look at it would be like this: let’s say the blockchain “list” is empty and there are no events. Let’s say we enter the first event “Apple”. So we do. Then we want to enter “Banana”. But this time when we enter the event, our goofy blockchain protocol will actually enter “Banana, and before me is Apple.” Then when you enter “orange”, our protocol will actually enter “Orange, and before me is Banana, and before him is Apple”. Through a similar but more elaborate approach, blockchain makes information permanent. Blockchain combined with other clever techniques could yield ideas and products that we don’t have today. Like a censorship averse online media forum.

Thank you for that.

blockchain means all previous transactions are in a file, new transactions are added to this file, so one can see history of currency being moved so u cant fake things. also because the file is constantly shared and compared by many people so a forger wou.d need to hack all those people at once

That doesn’t mean jack, steemit run the blockchain themselves, so it’s a centralized blockchain. There also zero obligation or guarantee for steemit to operate their site exactly the same as the code they open sourced.

First time I've heard of it. Gonna have to take a look around.

I haven't used Steemit much, though appreciate how they've allowed pizzagate discussion. They've also got some really neat ideas for how to run social media.

I just have (admittedly very vague) worries about Steemit, due to the founders ties with the Military Industrial Complex. It's just that the potential for it to have come about to be weaponized is just a bit higher.

Also That it pays people for participating sounds too good to be true. Perhaps all my suspicions are wrong, and it's a truly greener pasture.


Steemit, Inc is a privately held company based in New York City and headquartered in Virginia. The company was founded by Ned Scott, the advisor of Appics[4], and Dan Larimer, creator of BitShares, and EOS.[5][6]


R/ConspiracyZone looks to be promising.


I tried voat and its not about good content but about how inferior blacks are to white. I can handle the odd bag of trash but that site is all garbage

So, start some new subs.

But then you'll have trash flooding your sub.

Voat will inevitably turn out like Reddit anyway.


You are right...it is inevitable...just throw your phone/computer/iPad/etc. away and give up hope.

Who said anything about giving up hope?

Don't read quite so far into my use of certain words. I was just talking about Voat. You act like Voat is the last chance of redeeming r/conspiracy.

It's not.

Besides, what makes you think it wouldn't happen to Voat? Bots and shills will go wherever there is traffic...unless it's password protected.

Even then, hackers and phishing...probably wouldn't be that hard to crack unless the community is small enough, then they probably just wouldn't bother.

My point is not to give up hope. It's to point out perceived flaws with ideas to try and pinpoint the best course of action...if one exists.

It's not pessimism as much as it is realism.

You act like Voat is the last chance

I don't know if it is a last chance, but I do think that it offers a very easy learning curve if someone wanted to switch platforms because it works nearly identical to Reddit in terms of how it is structured. A user familiar with where to click things in Reddit will have very few difficulties learning their way around Voat.

I actually thought Voat was based on the same program coding, until I discovered that it is a completely fresh build using a different coding language.

Good points, and that's interesting that it's its own unique platform.

I do think familiarity would be good, but it's also not entirely necessary. If it means being able to freely discuss conspiracies, I'd learn a whole new site, but that's just my opinion.

If it means being able to freely discuss conspiracies, I'd learn a whole new site, but that's just my opinion.

That right there tells me that you have comments and insights that would be a good contribution because it shows that you hold investigating truth as a higher priority than being able to control the narrative with censorship - which allows the pushing of an agenda.

The people who fear Voat may claim "racist words" as an excuse to convince people to not consider Voat...but they really are afraid of losing that hidden power to control what others read and think.

so start some private subs.

Hate is healthy and natural. Dogs hate cats. Whales hate killer whales. I hate my trash-burning Samoan neighbors. Etcetcetc. Let it work for you!

Are you on there?

Rarely. I don't like the way it is formatted..plus, there aren't enough users. I..am part of the problem (as usual).

The racism is like a running joke at Voat....sure some of it is real...but some of it is just to screw with people who get easily offended so they will go away and take all their whining about being triggered with them. Its kind of like a filter to keep out people who can't handle free speech.

So you're saying it's full of trolls.

Yall have fun then.

As the saying goes...Freedom isn't free. The price of you getting to say what you want is others getting the same right. If you can't handle that then maybe you aren't ready for Voat. Personally, I have a pretty thick skin so I'm not going to freak out if I read something that I disagree with....in fact, I might even learn about something that I would have otherwise missed because they aren't banned. From what I've seen so far, people who secretly like opposing views censored are not big fans of Voat.

I abhor trolling. I genuinely feel that it will be a contributing factor in the downfall of western society.

So either A, They are trolling about being ignorant racists, or B, they are genuinely ignorant racists.

Either way, why would I want to carry on conversations with said person.

why would I want to carry on conversations with said person.

A better question: Why would you feel the need to talk to them?

Ignoring trolls is an excellent strategy...and a better use of your time.

Because I use this platforms and platforms such as this for the expressed purpose of having relevant conversations.

Unfortunately some people feel the need to use the same space simply to fuck with people.

Your purpose is not the only purpose. Their purpose could be just getting "lulz" from seeing highly opinionated people freak out when their cherished assumptions are challenged...but that too is just one group. There are also those who learn from taking a "devil's advocate" position and seeing how others critique it. Whatever their reason, participation is always voluntary. No one can ever force you to respond if you don't wish to.

You sound like you'd make a good teacher or school admin, stiffy.

I expect you meant that as an insult but....

I actually would really like to start a small school.

I'm currently a telecom lineman.

I love how the triggered ones are the people who get upset by disgusting hate speech and not the people who automatically bust into disgusting hate speech because other people dare to exist. Yup. Sounds like a place to have mature, reasoned discussions. Have fun with 4chan's butterface sister.

The mental gymnastics people go through when their covert censorship system is threatened by a free speech alternative....amazing. I'll tell you what...you go on making assumptions. Even if you were correct, it would still be better than dealing with some asshole mod hiding behind "muh rulez" as a cover for their own arbitrary actions. At least there the process is out in the open...not the result of some anonymous person acting with a covert agenda telling people what they can or can't say. Racism is the lesser of two evils in that instance.

whole site is garbage

It's a reddit clone, and the site is what you make it. You can participate in the subs of your own choosing, or make your own entirely.

I don't go to /r/politics, and think basically all the default subs on Reddit.com are trash. In fact, if reddit could respect it's users, and were neutral, I'd stay here. I won't be.

The crackdown is everywhere.

Yeah, that's why Twitter and Facebook are even worse.

AboveTopSecret is bad anymore, but at times it shows more hope than Reddit.

I've never put any faith into any other site though.

If you find a place to go let us know.


It is far better than Reddit...they actually mean what they say about supporting free speech. The only question is whether you can handle free speech. The upside is that you can say what the hell you wish with out some jackass mod "banning" you because you violated some "rule" they pulled out of their ass. The downside is you have to accept that others get the same right so you might see words that will offend you.

As long as you know how to ignore what you don't agree with and decide for yourself what you think, its not a problem...except for those who suffer from the delusion that they have a right to tell others how to talk. Those poor souls are in for a mental beating if they pull that bullshit at VOAT.

ignore what you don't agree with

or, you know, have a discussion and try to figure out how you got to a place where you can't even understand the basis for beliefs you don't agree with.. but you do you, fam.

I agree...discussion is also an option...and its an option you don't have if mods are playing this game of praising free speech in public, but then saying "to hell with the rules" and banning people they personally disagree with regardless of what the rules say.

I spent a good month trying to have "grown-up" conversations over at voat back in the summer of 2016.

I said "trying" because it was a one-sided endeavor.

"grown-up" conversations over at voat

Different subs attract different crowds. The time of day would also have an impact. Late at night on weekdays and during school hours I think the younger crew would be offline.

Sometimes "grown up" conversations are bullshit used against people to conform to a pre-designed form of discourse. Actually, this exact reason is why reddit is fucking garbage and 4chan will always be better.

better source of CP?

Sounds like reddit when you don't 100% fall in line. The only place to have adult conversations is with real people out there in the big scary real world.

Sounds like reddit when you don't 100% fall in line.

I just say whatever the hell I want to say and let the chips fall where they may. Once I figured out that Reddit Admins couldn't give two ant shits if mods violate their own rules, I quit wasting my time reading sub rules. If the rules correspond to what I want to say, fabulous. If they don't, then I'll pretend to give a fuck...but it won't be very convincing because I don't really.

But that site is even more full of partisan and racist hate than reddit?

I look at it like this: When I go to a grocery store, I'm not obligated to buy every item. I take what I find useful and leave the rest in the store when I depart. While the trolls can get a lot of attention, you shouldn't assume that everyone engages with them...many just ignore and focus on viewing what they find useful.

Okay, but some asked for a place with less hate, trolls, and partisan vitriol and you posted a place with like 10x as much.

The people who want mental sheltering are the ones who would most benefit from exposure to unfiltered comments. Either they would adapt or their brain would explode...I'm guessing the former is more likely.

You’re comparing grocery shopping to actual hate and racists...

Like what the fuck dude? Just stop.

Ooops.... You, in fact should read everything before posting. We will be here when you've finished reading the Internet...now off you go...and no skipping pages...there might be a quiz.

What an intelligent reply! I can tell I’m dealing with a highly intellectual individual.

I'm glad you have the intellect to recognize that.


Before trying to use something for likes you should probably learn what context it fits in so you don’t come off cringy like right now.

The point of his comment was that you can elect to "take it or leave it", although you appear to have struggled with that.

Groceries and guns just like tomato and potato right? Lol 🤦‍♂️

How are you this thick?

Don’t feed the trolls. These type of comments are what they post to make you want to leave.

What a dumb thing to say. I disagree with him so I must be trolling? So dumb.


And what we're looking for is a place where you don't have to go through the process of picking through racist bullshit

If you ban certain speech it isn't really free speech, though. Therein lies the problem.

Not talking about banning anyone from anything, just looking for an alternative where you don't have to dig through racist bullshit to find good discussions and content

Ahh so you are looking for that utopia where everyone is free to agree with you!

Good luck with that one.

Free speech will always mean that there will be views you disagree with. If you can't accept that, then you are just deluding yourself (or us) that you truly want free speech.

Nope, lol, don't know why this is so hard for people to understand

I don't have any interest in removing anyone's freedom of speech

Just looking for a Reddit alternative which isn't overrun by racism

Fucks sake I didn't know that was the equivalent of wanting to imprison anyone who isn't exactly like me

Oh I don't for a minute think you would stop at imprisoning. Most of the staunchest anti-free speech crowd would support "reeducation camps" if they thought they could get away with it.

I know you probably haven't played out in your head where your quest for "racism free" leads, but once you think about it in detail you will discover all manner of other types of thinking and speech that you would prefer to filter out also. Racism isn't really some sort of evil speech that is unique...it is just a popular target because it is in vogue to virtue signal by denouncing it.

Have you ever given any thought to what you might next eliminate? Xenophobic speech? How about pedophiles justifying their affection for children as "normal"? How about the ravings of radical misogynists? I think, by now, you see where I'm going with this...once you start making exceptions about who can't express their views or what ideas are "forbidden" then speech is no longer free...and someday it might be one of your views that gets put on the "naughty list" of society.

I keep on stating that I have no desire to see heavy-handed censorship enforced by anyone. How many different ways do I need to say that to be clear?

Because if you keep on attacking a position I have made very clear that I do not hold, you're making the definition of a straw-man argument.

I personally have no interest in being bombarded with constant racism when going online. It's toxic as fuck. I'm not saying to censor anyone.

I'd rather not go to a grocery store where 90+% of the food is rotten

90+% sounds impressivelyspecific...did the research behind that statistic take you a long time?

A whole number that is a multiple of ten sounds "impressively specific" to you???

Oh...so the 90+% was just fictional. Well you said it with such confidence, that it appeared you were stating that as a fact rather that hyperbole.

Oh...so the 90+% was just fictional.

I figured that the framing of food in a hypothetical grocery store would give that away

Well you said it with such confidence, that it appeared you were stating that as a fact rather than hyperbole.

It is a fact that I would not want to go to a grocery store like the one in the analogy we were using

Yes, it's just Nazis all the way down

Don't forget the pedos

There used to be some, but they quickly got booted out by admins. If anything it's the other way around. Being that pizzagate is big over there, conspiracies of abuse are actively looked into.

The jailbait clones say otherwise

Which ones? The admin specifically added a line to the user agreement prohibiting it: https://voat.co/help/useragreement

'stunningjailbait' 'loli' 'anonjailbat' 'youngporn' 'nnteens' 'preteens'

and that's just going through like 5 pages of their 'subverse' list. I'm sure if I spent more than 5 minutes I'd find dozens more.

Oh, I stand corrected, however they're nearly dead subs from what I can tell. They seem fairly small, with participation at at crawl, and IMO aren't something who's existence can be used to characterize a large portion of the userbase. Could be off, but don't notice much porn in general actively posted on Voat. Most activity is in default subs, then obviously, in non-porn subs. Personally I hadn't heard of those you mentioned until now.

Strange how users find Nazis and Pedos everywhere.

Despicable people congregate in the same shit holes when they're outcast by society.

congregate in the same shit holes when they're outcast by society.

I hear ya!

Debatable. As a whole I'm unsure which is worse. Sheer numbers wise, Reddit eclipses Voat in "partisanship", and "racist hate".

Both Voat and Reddit belong to a site genre that becomes whatever you make of it, so IMO it's kinda unfair to mistake the "site", for it's userbase. You can participate within of thousands of little enclaves, doing whatever it is you'd like.

Just went through all of them and just about every post / every other post is “the left is bad and shady blah blah blah” “Trump is the real hero exposing the media blah blah blah”.

It’s pathetic. Sounds like people here are just pissed Trump and the right are getting exposed and now they want to leave this sub because they can’t handle that they’ve been suckered into voting for this guy.

Btw I’m not a fan of either party, both are shady but the posts above are clearly biased towards one side.

posts above are clearly biased towards one side.

Bias is everywhere that people are. Relocating won't fix that.


I didn't vote for either since they both suck, but reddit is super biased too. It's about as far left as one can go without falling over.

I agree reddit has a huge left leaning bias which can get really aggravating and annoying in serious discussions. But at the same time I can’t respect anybody on the right who supports what the current administration is doing and behaving like.

That place is full of Nazis

That was a lot of pretty words to explain that everyone on Voat are unabashed racists.

Everyone? You stereotype quite well...are you sure you aren't one of those racists?

Look past the abstracts that seem so important to you, and realize you're being trained to reject things for superficial reasons. Do you really care about racism or do you just feel like you should care?!What does it even mean to you? What does it mean to exist to you?

Are you seriously asking me to rethink whether or not racism is bad? Haha.

There's nowhere else to go. 4chan and Godlike Productions are the only two I can think of off the top of my head and they're just as political as r/conspiracy. You can all keep pretending like there's always a "better place" to be but the truth is there isn't. Mainstream "conspiracies" have overtaken the conspiracies that matter. The public consciousness has fallen fully for the divide and conquer. People aren't satisfied keeping their politics on Facebook, they feel the need to spread their hatred to every other corner of the internet. For me personally, I subscribe to a few channels on YouTube that give me the information I need to be aware of what's really going on and the comments sections of those vids are the best for discussion but that's about it.

Most reddit users seriously need to stay here in the comfy confines of normieville.

Okay, but where's this site with free speech you speak of? If you're referring to 4chan then you're clueless. I spent six years on 4chan and only three months on reddit so I know what I'm talking about when I say that both websites are exactly the same apart from from reddit being safer for work.

I seek out opposite opinions the vast majority of the time. I don't need to be reaffirmed in my opinions by someone different. My opinions and beliefs skew toward "mainstream" because occams razor. I don't understand how seeking diverse info and coming to the most logical conclusion should keep me in "normieville"

Godlike Productions is functionally paralyzed AFAIC due to their paranoia. They will IP ban and even block ban at anything that they aren't expecting. My entire ISP (a small local one) got banned because I posted a "hello, first timer" kind of post, totally innocuous, but somebody there was in an especially touchy mood and bam.

I didn't get banned from Godlike Productions but I didn't stay there long, the Trump dickriding was off the charts on there. I couldn't take it anymore.

The divide & conquer was systematical and executed tactically. It's obvious when it happens too because the second you can't even talk about certain ideas is the moment you know something insidious is occurring.

The March on Wallstreet movement was at its height and Reddit and the Internet at large was a big part of that. Then suddenly a few things occurred all at once, and a couple movements I remember that couldn't even be discussed without a flame war starting. One was the Gamergate stuff, the other was the BlackLivesMatter stuff. Even apple and Google fanboys had arguments, but on those two subjects it was simply "if you aren't with us you are against us." And you weren't even allowed to argue without offending. And that's when you realize both movements helped divide the population into conquerable, smaller populations. It's the oldest trick in the book and it's so effective. Men vs Women, Racial differences, these are the same tools that have been used to rule over populations over and over. You don't have to spend resources to innoculate the population if you can get them to fight each other.

So we need to look to the past at how people broke out of these same problems. Martin Luther King Jr., Malcolm X, JFK...they all were heroes because they united people together. MLK didn't say "I have an Oppressor." He said "I have a dream" and it included everyone. JFK literally said "Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country."

Working together, that's the only issue they have. It's the reason politics is never about politics, it's about the issues that they can divide us on. If you've ever stopped and wondered "why are presidential candidates talking about abortions?!" Then you probably were close to figuring out that it's a farce, and that debating what we disagree on isn't the way forward. Building a future together with people is the way forward, and the value you have to focus on is The Truth above all. That's why they won't let you talk about those issues without name calling and trying to vilify those who do, because they don't want to talk about the truth.

Tell the truth and try to work together with others towards higher goals. Nothing else has worked better, and we have so many times in history that supports this. There are no enemies, just focus on the truth and nothing else.

Yup. Let me know!

My comment has been deleted because it's new. Cool. I'm out.

we simply need a new kind of discussion board where you can hear everyone's opinion and not have the "tyranny of the majority".

Setting one up as we speak, should be ready by next week. Watch r/misanthropy.

Can we create a /r/conspiracy2 and all move to it? With moderation that removes political stuff

Snapzu seems pretty good

Yup. Voat is just Reddit except right leaning

You mean racist as fuck?

Above Top Secret is a great place to discuss

It used to be, before it was turned into another itineration of t_d or /pol/. Every single post is about trump or libruhlz.

I'm getting tired of the far left or far right politics plaguing the internet. Then people look at you like you're insane if you don't agree with the extremism of either sides. It seems like it's apart of a greater conspiracy since it's almost unnatural.

Above Top Secret is was a great place to discuss

his name was /u/dalik - take some time away but come back to check in occasionally.

Congratulations, you are giving them what they want.

I think you're right. No one would spend the time to disrupt conversation in here if we weren't talking about something important.

There are many calls for us to return to the days of UFOs and Bigfoot, from people who have new accounts or accounts with nukes post histories. And I just think, "Did we hit a nerve? What truth did we find out? Who is pissed at us because of it?"

My personal suspicion is that a lot of people woke up when Sanders was cheated out of the primary. They realized that even the good guys in American politics cared more about themselves than the will of the American people.

My personal suspicion is that a lot of people woke up when Sanders was cheated out of the primary. They realized that even the good guys in American politics cared more about themselves than the will of the American people.

This is what should never be forgotten. You cannot wait for a good guy to arrive on your team if he gets kicked out by your team because he is good for people. We can never forget that it is completely rigged like a banana Republic.

In fact, since there is no oversight in primaries, it is worse than banana Republic whom have UN oversight, usually at the request of the USA

Sanders was not a good guy....keep digging

He may not have been a good guy, but when you can't even have the dignity of choosing the lesser of two evils... I see why people were shook.

Election fraud has probably always been around but never was it so BLATANT and OBVIOUS until Bernie was cheated. Big red pill for many i presume...

Yeah. 20 years of senate votes for the good of the working class in america... clearly he's a russian sleeper working the long con.

Did I say he is a Russian sleeper agent? The problem I have with him is that he is a socialist

Oh. Yeah. He wants systems in place to support the working class. How evil.

The government is not your savior. People need to learn responsibility and to be self-sufficient. Increasing aid is not helping people, although a lot of people think that it is.

When Hillary won the nomination for the DNC party, he had to be aware that he should of won based on the numbers. I could be wrong, but I don't remember him going public to expose the corruption, which 100% he should have done.

Our US Government is the corporation that we fund to act in our best interests.

Yes, that is called "crony capitalism", not free market capitalism

Bernie after endorsing Hillary, went out and bought his third house, on a beach front property for $600,000.00 which he travels from in his several Lamborghini. Yea he is self-sufficent on tax payer money.

Is this true? If so, it was exactly the point I was making. By not exposing what had happened, he inadvertently exposed his true character to critical thinkers

None of it is true. Bernie's net worth is estimated to be around $500K. He drives a Lincoln town car SUV and owns a condo in Vermont worth $100K. He's worth less than my father, who is a retired schoolteacher.

Socialism isn't a bad thing. There is no reason for the government except to govern the people. If you don't know what that word means (govern) look it up, it's pretty clear that a government should be supporting socialism instead of dividing it's citizens into the "haves" and "have-nots".

To me it is, everyone is entitled to their own opinion. I would leave the country before participating in a socialist regime.

He seems extremely genuine and like he legit cares. I don't agree with his politics but I'll be damned if I don't respect him and wish they were all like him

woke up by choosing Bill's wife? no one woke up,it just getting worse, whoever behind this are successful at dividing american and the world

There are many calls for us to return to the days of UFOs and Bigfoot

I mean I wouldn't mind some break in the constant political stuff at times. Weird crazy shit does help break things up.

Otherwise you end up with this thread complaining about it and leaving.

I don't watch only 100% soccer. I do need a diversion like a cartoon or song. Otherwise I'd go insane. Get the concept?

I read here, but rarely post. So don't ask me to figure out any great conspiracies to do threads on. I'm lazy.

Well, there was that demiurge thread recently, and I think that was pretty spot on, and is really like the mother of all conspiracies. So maybe that's related.

They are taking and manipulating what we want?

How can we fight back when the admins are on the side of censoring us as well?

This whole website wants this sub dead in the water, they've made multiple subreddits dedicated to influencing this sub and the admin are completely cowardly silent.

All that effort directed at shutting it down means we're onto something and need to fight harder.

We are ruled by mods.

Mods are ruled by admins.

Admins are ruled by reddit corporate.

Reddit corporate is ruled by money.

I would be more than willing to support a subscription based model of reddit.

We are ruled by mods.

Mods are ruled by admins.

Admins are ruled by reddit corporate.

Reddit corporate is ruled by money.

That should give you an excellent hint, but it needs to go two steps further...

Reddit's money is ruled by Advertisers

....and Advertisers decision to buy advertising is ruled by....wait for it....USERS decisions to stay or go.

I thought they wanted us here so they can track, record and follow our "off the wall crazy talk".

"They" want you to leave the site? wat

Your comment history shows you've never posted anything useful here. How will your leaving affect this community?

I don't think op said he/she ever posted anything useful, and I don't think he/she said their leaving will effect the community. Op just gave their 2 cents. Did OPs post bother you?

Give me $5 and I'll tell you.

He's just a shill trying to spread defeatism.

edit your comment. Shit like that gets you banned. I know you're not accusing someone. But your language could be altered. >.>

I don't care if I get banned or not. I say what's on my mind and I'm not going to hold anything back.

I know how you feel. But sometimes we must adapt in order to evolve.

No, then you have already fallen into one of the traps of oppression. There was a study published some time ago that people censor their own opinion because they expect that someone is going to read or store what they say. Be it the government or companies like FB, twitter etc.

It's not about that. It's about being smart, picking and choosing your battles. Those that are most effective are those that know how to navigate the system. An excellent example of that is Martin Luther King Jr and Malcolm X. Malcolm X sought to bring about change in an illegal and aggressive manner. That didn't get him too far.

Martin Luther King Jr. promote peaceful protests and brought about lasting change.

How did that work out for them? Iirc both got killed.

Someone had to represent the more extreme viewpoint for the option to be willing to compromise somewhere in the middle. Never negotiate staying with the compromise position.

IT's one thing to be compromised in a situation. It's another thing to compromise yourself for a situation.

It's the same as the guy that posted "we should all leave" yesterday after being gone for 9 months

They're sold accounts trying to seem like long-time users to encourage people to leave, thus creating an echo chamber.

I didn't use this account for three years.


More discouragement from sharing and talking here. I don't care how bad it gets, they won't stop me from coming here and places like it. If others want to leave, fine, but stop posting about how it's dead or ruined.

Literally the only purpose for this is to discourage others.

Exactly, glad to see a comment like yours.

project avalon.

So their bullshit tactics are working.

Buh-bye! 😘

Bye felicia

Exactly why this person is leaving is because of stuff like your nasty comment. Thank you for proving OP’s point.

Please explain how that was nasty. Also, please leave as well. Triggered af

If he gets that offended over that "nasty" comment I can't imagine how the real world whoops his ass.

Yea it cant be fun to live like that

I think that is you who is triggered.

Ahh thanks, i was a bit confused.

Where are you going? There doesn't seem to be that many alternatives unless you enjoy edgelord memes on voat


Ok, see you tomorrow


Found OP's post by sorting by new

This is the only place on the internet I know of where I can freely talk about the crazy conspiracies which I love. I really hope everyone doesn't leave. Could we possibly make a closed sub?

There are other closed subs i do believe. This one has its purpose and it seems to be serving it well.

Dam. This is getting sad. For real. I haven’t been here long but I remember one of the first things I did on Reddit was subscribe to this sub. It was genuine and thought provoking. Hardly visit anymore. Keep challenging yourself my man!

My father thinks the internet will become so divided that most will abondon social media and blogs entirely. He said this about 2 years ago. I'm very close to where you are and think there is some truth to what he said. It's tiring. I hope you find solace somewhere.

Who are you?

Good job, find another open sub that the Lib/Marxist machine hasn't found a need to take over yet to subvert the narrative. I'm on a couple invitation only that are amazing. also come over to GreatAwakening good researchers are needed.

One could argue that there is a conspiracy in this: Go where the people are gathering and divide/isolate them, single individuals have less power than groups.

It is

They want this place to become an echo chamber and /r/politics 2.0

Funny how reddit never cared about conspiracies from 2008-2016

I think people will always be out against the current administration because they are the ones in power. As a conspiracy community it is very odd we have a huge effort to protect and defend the current administration. Very odd indeed.

Very odd indeed.

It's not that surprising. It's easier to blame others or disagree with them instead of admitting you made a mistake. In addition, all the people that are defending him appreciate his rhetoric (don't admit fault... just misdirect or blame others).

Or maybe they just disagree with you and believe that you're wrong?

I'm sure there are some that do that, but there are way too many that argue points that are.... just.... dumb. If I hear one more person saying "oh you can't use the president's words against him.... it was obvious he was joking", I think I'm gonna have a breakdown.

I think its because a majority of conspiracy reddit users followed the numerous conspiracy's concerning the left and thus started to support Trump in defense of those conspiracy's.

Yes, but now more and more are waking up to the reality of Trump and are turning against him. The weird part is the pro-administration people think that this change is entirely artificial. I’m sure a minority is artificial, but that is true on both sides.

What is the "reality of Trump" that people a turning on him for?

He just hired Bolton for example. A war mongerer.

So news from 2 days ago is what's now turning the Conspiracy subreddit into anti-trump?

Bolton isn't a favorite appointment of mine but it's certainly no where near enough to throw in the Towel and switch parties.

That was the latest example. There is many others. Like using rockets to bomb Syria, reversing his past positions on many issues that got him elected. He’s ramping up against Iran instead of sticking with the Obama deal that doesn’t include war. He was supposed to put America first and he is removing people who don’t want war with Iran like the Secretary of State.

This subreddit was created in 2008.

Shh, don't ruin his circlejerk.

Isn’t that why OP said “2008-...”?

Reddit clearly did care about conspiracies from 2008-2016 because this subreddit itself was created in 2008.

OP’s point is this sub didn’t get nearly as much traffic as it does now before the election.

Digg Rev 4 refugee here, can confirm.

Rip reddit. It was a good ride while it lasted.

You know, guys, if we all left the internet they'd have no place to chase us anymore. Just like forsaking money and credit and all the rat race facets, we could leave social media too. No phones in our pockets all the time. No emails except for the bare minimum of communication. How long do you suppose it would take for the situation to regain balance? If we cut them out, they have no power. Our thoughts and feelings are our own.

The 48 Laws of Power has an interesting section about this. We could completely disconnect from the system and go live innawoods, cut off from the rest of society. But then we have no power. No influence. A million voices unified is more effective than a million individuals on their own.

We're not going to get unity while so many are still subscribed to the system. We need people to jump out so that they lose a significant power base. It's a lot to hope for but probably 20% would cause major catastrophe for them. That's a huge number of people which they can neither control nor influence. They can't stop us from living small, even living tiny. They can't force us to work where the work is functionally slavery.

I it downvoted in the nursing sub for explaining what Asian Flush Syndrome is.

Some idiot thought I was being a racist. Probably a student or new grad.

I truly worry about the future of my profession.

I agree with you 100%.

sanctuary must be found...

I heard GodlikeProductions is hot if you are an ego maniac with an inferiority complex. There's... honestly man, for how much I smash GLP, it's where I feel comfortable. You can only research so much Flat Earth, JFK, Federal Reserve, etc - Where after a book shelf filled and hours spent - you're just sort of chatting with the other people in that forum. Daily. Waiting for some sort of neuron firing feel good thread or news story so you can whip something up on the keyboard listening to the wife talk yet just nodding your head.

So yeah, Reddit is/always has been a different... well, a sterile friendship/karma/rating system for a forum.. because, well, it just does.

But I wish you will. I only stop by every so often. Yet, what are you hoping will change?

That there will be a big shakeup tomorrow in news?

IMO, the only thing changing is the comment section and emojis.

Where else can we go? Can we organize a mass exodus?

Gave them what they want. We are smart enough to see through the schills, bots, and disinfos.

Biggest mistake people make here is to pick a side in the political battle.

I agree. He is giving in. I'll never understand people complain about shill or bots or whatever. They manipulate the weak but if you aren't then don't engage them. The dumbest shit you can do is argue more than 2 comments with a user without them giving an inch. Just move on. Don't use reddit as a source but a resource and draw conclusions yourself.

Shit post

Ever since BuzzFeed said something about Reddit everything has been going down hill


These posts remind me of hair flounce posts from Facebook non groups. “I don’t agree with the direction of this group so I’m leaving...” followed by 27 responses that all say “Bye Felicia”

I never thought this subreddit would feel like Baby Bump October 2015 Moms.

Good one


Where are you going? I'd love to leave too but can't find another community with my interests.

Unfortunately morons continue to spew their political propaganda into every fucking thing and it ruins everything. No one can enjoy a movie, sporting event, song or practically anything without seeing political propaganda. And just like you said if you disagree or believe slightly different then you’re downvoted and called names

It is beyond sickening and pathologically sick.

I completely agree, it’s narcissism at its finest

It really is time to go. It's been that way for so long, it's just beyond time. I have always hoped that there would be a better option to Voat, as it's just a clone of Reddit and doesn't really make any new strides forward technologically. It's also subject to the same level of manipulation as Reddit if it becomes popular. Alas, there still has not been a replacement with conversation anywhere near as interesting so I spend a lot of time on Voat now.

Finally. Thanks for leaving

Ah man, but I just got here.

It's weird you singled out politics and not the right wing sub's that invaded this place.

Of course.

His post is basically this “I’m leaving this sub because I have been exposed for the idiot I’m by voting and supporting one of the worst Presidents ever. Rather than admit I might’ve been wrong I’ll just blame it on everyone else because there’s no way my opinion is wrong”.

This post is exactly what OP is referring to.

by voting and supporting one of the worst Presidents ever

He had to win at all costs because otherwise Hillary Clinton would have become President, that was not an option.

Go blame the DNC for fucking over Bernie who very likely would have won

Um, yes, it was. Anyone still saying trump is better than Hillary as president hasn't been paying attention, or paid too much attention to the Clinton propaganda. Just look at the username here. We aren't dealing with logic, but bias.

Lol wow didn’t even notice the username how cringy.

What a cringy username lol

I don't doubt your sentiment, but what exactly is the point of your post? You embolden the shills, and possibly demoralize organic users.

Judging by OP's comment history I'm guessing he was one of the TD carpetbaggers that helped this sub turn to shit. Now that people on here are sick of pro cadet bonespurs conspiracies he's butthurt. Oh well, im sticking around just to see the threads that pop up soon about Trump being a puppet of the Jesuits.

This sub didn't go to shit from TD, it went to shit from politics in general bleeding outside of the political subreddits that are censored to all hell both by moderators and downvote nerdrage. It's important to be accurate here.

I agree. But on the other hand a lot of conspiracies are politically motivated whether we like it or not. I just noticed that when TD became a big sub a lot of crossposting was going on and the user base of this sub started to be more pro Trump and I believe that was mostly from people new to r/conspiracy.

voat needs more members..

Being a racists shithole it's going to be hard to bring new users in.

I notice it's only called racist if criticism is directed at a racial stereotype other than white. It's fine to condemn white people for being white. That's never considered racist by those that scream the loudest about racism.

White people like potato salad? White people wear khakis and belts? White people kiss their dogs?

What have you seen in terms of actual anti-white racism? There really isn't any anti-white racism on Reddit as virulent as the shit you'll see on otherwise unrelated /v/funny post over on Voat.

Without examples, it's hard to tell if you're being ridiculous or not.

Thanks for proving my point.

How? By asking you for an example?

Here's mine: can you find a comment like this in /r/aww?

So, flood it with love for non-whites! Be part of the solution.

Sorry to hear that. In my experience, reddit is a lot like the rest of life: you can find whatever you're really looking for. Sometimes you gotta search harder than others, but it's there. Its just a big world.


Voat.co is a decent option as is gab.ai and minds.com

There are still some good subs open here like /r/greatawakening

I’m with you... call this place /r/reaching

Notice how this sub downvote brigades anything attacking /r/politics lately, except on these posts encouraging the real users to leave.

Nope. Leaving creates an echo chamber. I'll stay here, thank you very much.

I don't get it; so basically you're pissed that the people who disagree with you are outnumbering the people who agree with you.

The Karma system is garbage. It makes the site feel extremely fake and robotic, like people are afraid to speak their minds because they'll just be downvoted into oblivion.

Maybe the conspiracy is this sub is being destroyed on purpose to decentralize conspiracy theories

I imagine this is 98% of the posts on this sub.

Weak attempt to get people to stop discussing conspiracies, Eglin.

I don't care. can i have a downvote now?

Lets start our own mate

Exactly this sub is fucking garbage. Mods are shit too. These people are even trying to control what conspiracies you should believe. Un-fucking-real. This sub needs to a nuclear reset, especially for those in control.

Revolution. Now.

What are everyones thoughts on the “onstellar” platform about to launch?

Theres a social media site called MeWe that protects info and doesnt share anything. My friends are joining that platform.

pff you don't like politics? go watch your NFL and your professional wrestling and tune out then. Exactly what they would prefer. They being the oligarchy ha

Lmao checks users history

Two r/conspiracy posts

Yea okay bud

just clicked, any recs in particular on this platform?



Well it's a brand new reddit alternative, if you create your own community you can run it how you want.

Keep fighting the good fight

I've been thinking maybe create a .onion

Digg fell apart because people wanted the free speech Reddit used to offer. Used to.

K bai

It's easy to isolate individuals in this sub, and many others. This is the age of paid shills and internet trolls. Seems like a ridiculous amount of trash posts and garbage political propaganda make it to top posts without even trying. Paid for upvotes for exposure.

Is it better to pick up and go somewhere else or do we stay and try to keep the bs out? I really want some guidance.

It started over 5 years ago. Remember the witch hunts, the paid off admins and the lives ruined, what ever happened to the mass jump ship to voat?

So in other words basically you don’t like that people don’t agree with your point of view and instead of just realizing humans are different and have differing opinions you instead blame the forum because people here aren’t worshipping your holy and righteous opinion?

Why do people feel the need to make these posts anyway? You don’t need to announce it, just go away.

This was a targeted attack on the sub

if you didnt jump ship during the 2016 election when this sub was infested with trolls and shills then theres something wrong with you. reddit has been compromise for the longest time, let the ship burn

Where will you be going? Might check it out, too

I get it and sometimes feel tempted to go. I think each group needs to migrate to their own groups and let each group huddle together and just have their own rah rah fests. Better than what we see on FB, Twitter and others. People are always raining on our party. I'm tired of the rain.

I’ve been called out for posting speculation. Come on man that’s what conspiracy is all about!

I've seen it happen more and more lately, it's ridiculous. People here seem to think that "out there" theories and inquisition are somehow the same as stating things as if they are fact. The foundation is conspiracy research should be to always look for truth and question everything, but that's being eroded away, unfortunately.

Found this post by sorting by new

Oh no, how will this place ever survive without you here........

I remember seeing this same comment on a DIGG thread. Lol the only thing left on digg is astroturfers. That's how it survives. Probably barely able to pay the bills. I bet they wish they could go back in time. This isn't just one person. It's how everybody feels that knows the truth and knows there is a place called voat. I would think Reddit could put in place terms of service that made it against the rules for pr companies to attack their site with boys or shills or face a lawsuit, because let's face it. It certainly does hurt Reddit and it's bottom line. It's existence as well. I'm four years it could be just like digg. An empty playground where nothing happens.myspace. for those that didn't know there is a place called voat. That was modeled after reddit. It needs more submissions.

Yea I don't really give a shit. This place is for the super idiots. The quicker this place shuts down the better

I agree, I barely bother commenting anymore for these reasons as well.

Can we create a /r/conspiracy2 and all move to it? With moderation that removes political stuff

The only problem with that is that a lot of real conspiracies are political in nature.

Politics ruin everything :(

well this post got a lot of upvotes, so there's obviously more nonshills than shills around here.

Nice rage quit. Nobody cares

No. You made this because you're an attention whore.

Same here brother, been using this site for over 10 years and all this political trash is destroying this entire website. Very sad to see my favorite website going into the toilet. I will remember and appreciate the good laughs and memorable moments reddit has provided. Good luck and best wishes everyone.

I’ve found the people interested in this sub are fucking one sides, not even open minded considering the niche in the first place lol.

The same thing has happened all over the internet in the last few years. Forums about conspiracies, aliens, UFOs, 911, etc are all about Trump and Gun control..

I lost all faith when polka left, but you still can find good shit, you just have to know: Politics WORLDWIDE is a circus

4Chan here we come

Good luck finding a program that better suits your needs

bump to the new site

Yeah, just like cringeanarchy and many subreddits everything here became too political.

This sub is filled with Russian bots.

Vero is a great one.

Jeez these Russian bots are getting emotional.

V o a t

Nigga please. That site is horrible. Not sure how anyone can recommend that site in any seriousness.

It's pretty good actually. Like reddit in 2009 when dig was filled with trash.

Tor would be a great platform js

Has anyone looked into the social network mastadon? It claims to always be freedom driven

?????????? Politicians and govts are behind a large portion of conspiracies, many of them very topical. You made a post about how you're leaving, but that have you contributed to this sub as far as submissions? Most of the stuff in your post history is about politics too. You're suspicious.

You do understand that this is what the shills want don't you?

Stop being melodramatic geez

I'm keeping my account open but my time will be spent some place else.

Why would you not delete your account if you are serious?

Answer: because you are simply a whiny pussy and you know you will be back.

Above top secret

This place sux balls but dont let them win

Cause it's hard out here for a pimp,

Tryna got the money for the rent'

Fuck i am not retreating for one reason. The shilling is so blatantly obvious now. If a person has a difficult time telling the shilling from the people obviously interested in conspiracies. They must be new (Not talking about OP).

Yup, it’s horrible all around. Sycophantism is spreading rapidly and critical thinking has evaporated.

Grow thicker skin, OP. We're getting bigger as a sub, more people are coming. This is a critical time to stay and undo the damage done by shills.

its a never ending battle, you wont win.

Well it's better to keep fighting it than conveniently jumping ship.

You don't win the war by fleeing from the battlefield...

the problem is you cant even talk about real conspiracys on here, if you have ever been tolled to "kill your self" because you believe in a conspiracy you understand what im saying, people dont have conversations or debates people are not spreading the fundamentals of thinking for your self and independent research. ive only encountered contrary ass holes who make a point to make any conspiracy look dumb. you got to keep moving ahead of the crowd to stay away from the agents in place and honey pots.

but i respect your attitude, thank you for being willing to fight the fight, it feels worthless from time to time and we need people like you to slap us in the face when we are ready to give up. but im talking about more than just the Sub. Keep thinking for your self, keep searching for the truth and keep an open mind. the Truth is stranger than fiction. #2realnews

you don't have to spread Defeatism, its always there lurking in the back of every awakened mind, because it FEELS like we can do nothing to change anything.

It was always garbage. You know how many times some long-debunked misinformation gets to the front page here? You gotta waft through it.

I Agree.

Good. The less Trumpettes on Reddit the better.

Where are you going?

Voat claims to be the uncensored Reddit

you are aware that there is a world (on reddit) outside of /r/conspiracy and /r/politics.

Reddit can still be a unique and great tool for finding obscure information that you would otherwise have to do extensive research to find. There are subreddits to help people out in many many different ways that are not partisan, not political and not divided.

if you use reddit as a source of news only, then I get what you are saying.

But not all of reddit is as bad as it seems here.

This is a shitty conspracy sub, where we can say few things without getting banned for expressing a harmless opinion because someone gets triggered and doesn't understand comment "discussion" means seeing other peoples opinions posted.

That's it. You are not guaranteed any privacy or hugs and/ kisses here.

This is a conspiracy forum on Reddit we should have no fucking fuzzy feelings of community or protection from the Free speech hating world out there in the real place. The Walls are closing on us in reality, Reddit as whole, even r/conspiracy is not immuned from this absurdity in the western democratic nations to silence non conforming opinions in the public sphere and limit our freedom to speak through ideological censorship means.

Thank you for writing this to tell us. I'm kidding.

Every social media platform that can be Sybil attacked will turn into a pile of feces sooner or later.


This is mods trying to make us leave this great place of information

No shit, right? Mines 7 years old, where can I hock this shit for some cash?


But then you'll have trash flooding your sub.

Voat will inevitably turn out like Reddit anyway.

Are you on there?

Or maybe they just disagree with you and believe that you're wrong?

Thanks to your post, I just found replacements for these two tech subs.
