A deleted comment from a /r/TopMindsOfReddit mod about their 'mission' and 'various goals' for this sub.

135  2018-03-25 by Rocksolid1111

Well, I and my pals got started about 2 years ago now. We tried to help the /con goons, but to no avail. They seem to like things precisely how they are. As far as Queen Bee goes, that is of my own doing. They would have never branched off if I didn't supposedly "go off the rails" in participating here in this sub. I don't give a shit, my mission is far larger and more just than these feelgood cultists can even fathom.

I'm not going anywhere until various goals are met, and it has very little to do with my sub. They WILL be met, and my time investment will have payoff. I'll beat the shit out of people until 2030 if that's what it takes.

These easily led fools are incapable of thinking bigger, which is why I'll win. I've always been ahead, they just didn't know it. For shame I say, because I/we gave them a chance. Now we play for blood, Johnny Ringo.


This is from a /r/TopMindsOfReddit mod, https://www.reddit.com/u/_ph03nix. The 'Queen Bee' he is referring to is /u/polkadotgirl, who has been a valuable contributor here for years but was constantly harassed by these people to the point of deleting her account. He also mods subs(that he made private after asked about them) that study different ways to manipulate online forums such as this sub.

Edit- This was cross posted to /r/TopMindsOfReddit but looks like it was removed by their mods. Wonder why?


All this shit, why? Why the hell are these people spending their time in petty Reddit witch hunts? Are their lives so empty that their greatest gratification comes from online bullying of strangers? Seriously, wtf?


They're fucking losers with nothing better to do with their lives.

No, jack assx they're paid.

One isn't exactly exclusive to the other

Losers and having nothing better to do with their lives are two different things. They have many better things they can do with their lives - but they choose to do this.

they are on a payroll, either a full or part time job.

they are on a payroll, either a full or part time job

A large minority of them, no doubt; enough to attract and capture hapless idiots to fill the rest of their ranks.

We get waaaaaaaay to close to truth here and "they" dont like it

I think they're reverse brigading this thread. Notice nothing is downvoted to -40 for once.

That and botting

Nah, just a bunch of little bitches with a different brainwashing than mine

If people think they are just a mocking subreddit...they really have no idea.

Their tactics go far beyond mocking. Check out my story in my post history.

What things would you usually post about that they would troll? I'm not over there to much but I don't recall seeing to many from this sub over there. Not refuting you, just genuinely curious.

Every single post and my sub /r/conspiracyundone

If you didn’t come up with encyclopedia dramatica and live journal drama etc. you wouldn’t understand fully. It is just troll culture. This reads like a pathetic, kissless virgin playing thought on the internet... the only power this fucker feels is from the idiots here assigning him power. The ideas of “government payroll” are the illusions that make him feel important. People like that seek to seem important.

Tmor is not about jokes. They hide behind "humor". Tmor is a sub dedicated to targeted harassment of individuals based off of their beliefs.

Sounds like most of the comedy central "talk shows"

No wonder they aren't funny!

Wait people didn't realize this? I honestly thought it was obvious. Sorta how r/CringeAnarchy is pretty much only right wing making fun of the left and SJWs

Reddit will never man them, though, because they play for the right team.

Thanks for the link. Report sent.

Amazing catch mate

It's crazy how that cunt still believes they're gonna win even at the point of the game we're at.

They're blinded by their own narrative and have fallen into the honeypot haha

It's crazy how that cunt still believes they're gonna win even at the point of the game we're at.

I'm lost. what is the game?

Maybe as in our numbers? Which would raise a good question about all these posts saying "im giving up, im leaving this sub, i cant continue,"

Really seems to be a good tactic to get other frustrated people to "throw in the towel" here. Sorry, but frustration keeps me going, quitters never ever never win.

We had a similar wave of exit posts around pizzagates high point, it's just another forum sliding tactic

Im less than a year acct, but it seems specific tactics show up during specific times.

Don't ding ding

This one

The world is the board game and events are moves.

Alliance vs Cabal

well, it could have just been checkers, but...

People who are incapable of producing original ideas tend to spend their time assessing the worthiness of other people's thoughts. Such a condition has always existed.

They were profoundly humiliated recently so I guess the ones that survived the ridicule (i.e. who are the least capable of introspection and self-reform) have become even more hostile. Mods in particular seem to be foaming at the mouth with rage ever since that post.

Personally I don't mind them much (the real, unpaid humans that is). The truth fears no bad publicity, and I suspect many tmor lurkers end-up waking up and becoming honest participants here.

This is excellent.

Did you read any of the responses to the post you’re referencing? The OP changed where they were from 4 different times, as well as other info. It’s a pretty obvious larp.

I agree it’s possiby a LARP, although we’d have to wait a few more weeks to be sure. But anyway, it is their reaction to the post (going as far as investigating his whole post history, writing to the university, etc.) and thus admitting the credibility of the post, that constitutes the height of humiliation.

I mean, if I have a strong inkling someones full of shit, and I do some background research to see if I’m right, and show that I’m right, that sounds more like the full of shit person’s humiliation, rather than mine.

O right, it's a larp. Or rather, it's the same larp. For shame, I say. Seems kind of obvious in retrospect.

Anyway, don't mind me, do carry on.

what is the prize?

I'm getting an error with the archive link.

Error 503 Service Unavailable

Pdg here ama! : ) I had to comment on this.


My sub

Phoenix is head mod of conspiracy II

Looking at his post history he should be mod at r/narcissism also.

link is not working for me

Holy shit, are people really waking up to this en masse finally? Grade A timing on referencing this comment, I threw the flag down on that one to PDG back when it was first made.

"Top minds of Reddit"


Ok sure guys

They're not claiming to be that, that's what they sarcastically call the people they criticize.

Oh, ok.

Carry on

It’s a great name because it actually applies to them perfectly. I mean just read this comment, they truly believe that they are Top Minds who need to educate the rest of us.

/r/TopMindsOfReddit is a collective of paid/volunteer trolls used to further the agenda of the cabal through manipulation, propaganda, division, and more.

Hah. They wish they were paid. That is the thing they want people to think to hide their autism.

I couldn't help but laugh as I read that. I'm pretty sure he's trolling, or delusional, or part of some top-secret cabal to tasked with infiltrating reddit then bragging about it openly where everyone can see it. Either way, I honestly don't even give a shit. I'll keep doing me, and he can keep doing whatever the hell that is.

I'm not going anywhere until various goals are met, and it has very little to do with my sub. They WILL be met, and my time investment will have payoff. I'll beat the shit out of people until 2030 if that's what it takes.

These easily led fools are incapable of thinking bigger, which is why I'll win. I've always been ahead, they just didn't know it. For shame I say, because I/we gave them a chance. Now we play for blood, Johnny Ringo.

HA HA HA, oh my god.

Imagine if your life's passion, your very raison d'être, the pillar of your existence is wasting the next 12 years trying to defeat not tyranny or corruption or, hell, cancer... but a subreddit! That's it! That's all you amount to!

Wow, can you imagine if that's all you've got in your life?

To anyone out there contemplating suicide: just compare your life to this guy's life and know it could be so much worse.

I dunno, there's something about the language that feels like this goes beyond reddit, these "goals". What's supposed to happen in 2030, anyway?

Not to mention, throwing in a quote from Tombstone.

Yep, harassing people on reddit is exactly the same as gunfighting. No difference at all.

I'm sure blood will absolutely be spilled. Blood, or more likely Mountain Dew.

With a few nice powderings of cheeto dust.

Mountain Dew and Cheeto dust? Damn, count me in. I'm your huckleberry.

It gets even more sad.

There have been at least two proven false flags against /r/conspiracy to exaggerate how many anti-Semites are here. For every proven one, there must be many others who were not caught. Then there are the regular trolls who have no connection to the anti-conspiracy subs. They post here for fun. The trolling and false flags can seem identical to real racists, so it's difficult to say with certainty that this sub is "overflowing with nazis." I assume a lot of the posts that are linked in the anti-conspiracy subs were posted from another troll account so they can "prove" we are racist.

Joshua Ryne Goldberg is an interesting character. He was a Jewish American who wrote neo-nazi articles, posted anti-semitic stuff to Reddit, and a whole bunch of other things. He wrote an article for the Daily Stormer, a neo nazi website, that claimed "/r/conspiracy is a fertile ground for recruitment." His alias was Michael Slay.

On online forums Reddit and 4chan, under the name European88, he uploaded thousands of anti-semitic and racist posts as a neo-Nazi, and on the specialty neo-Nazi site Daily Stormer, he his alter-ego Michael Slay did the same.


This is the article he wrote for Daily Stormer, which was used by so many people as "proof" this sub is targeted by white supremacists and nazis for recruitment:


There is another example I am aware of. See /u/interrogatorybunny. He posted a bunch of obviously racist stuff to /r/conspiracy. But his second post had proof he was actually a former /r/news mod "Bipolarbear0." This is one of his submissions: https://np.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/128s2h/i_noticed_this_today_while_browsing_reddit_seem/

If you see the image he posted, it says right on there "bipolarbear0." Under his moderator account, he was very anti-conspiracy, but then he posts racist stuff to /r/conspiracy.

Also see this post by /u/Amos_Quito:

"Racist" Stormfront article declaring /r/Conspiracy as a "Fertile Ground for Recruitment" for white supremacists was actually written by Joshua Ryne Goldberg - the Florida Jew recently arrested by the FBI under terrorism-related charges

Goldberg had a lot of different Reddit accounts: https://np.reddit.com/r/NolibsWatch/comments/3knaoj/more_of_joshua_goldbergs_bullshit_on_reddit_he/

Code red bro

Now imagine a subreddit FULL of them. Critical mass of "forever alone."

So utterly fucking embarrassing. THIS is what our society is coming to?

r/conspiracy is never boring!

Why is what is essentially a troll subreddit even allowed on Reddit? It should be against the rules to have a subreddit solely for trolling other subreddits.

These peanut gallery/trolling subreddits started with SRS. They could have killed it early on but they let it live because it probably aligned with their views. Now the virus has spread.

I'm not going anywhere until various goals are met, and it has very little to do with my sub. They WILL be met, and my time investment will have payoff. I'll beat the shit out of people until 2030 if that's what it takes.

He sounds mentally ill.

You just summed up /r/topmindsofreddit

It's like they even named the subreddit to compensate for their insecurities.


And that weird AF comment proves it.

Phoenix is also top mod of /r/ConspiracyII.

The part of his comment where he takes personal credit for the creation of r/conspiracyundone is a good example of a r/TopMindsOfReddit user spreading complete falsehood. u/polkadotgirl, who can be reached at /u/vespertineloquence, created the sub on her own. Part of the reason is she didn't trust /r/ConspiracyII because Phoenix was the top mod. Also ironically, part of the reason she made the sub was so she could fight back against /r/TopMindsOfReddit harassing her all the time.

Labeling us "feelgood cultists" is an example of nonsense TMOR uses to describe the users on our sub, r/conspiracyundone.

r/TopMindsOfReddit brigades have a large negative impact on this sub and our sub, r/conspiracyundone. They also hassle the mods considerably. They even sent u/polkadotgirl personal death threats and due to fear of being doxxed by them.

That's weird. Ok.

His comment reads like /r/iamverysmart

"I'll beat the shit out of people until 2030 if that's what it takes."

These TMOR guys are literally so fucking stupid...

What a fucking idiot that mod is.

Truly pathetic

TMoR users and mods are stalking and harassing r/conspiracy users. One found me on r/trashy and is convinced I work for Cambridge Analytica, I am Russian, I am CIA and more insane nonsense. It is pretty funny until you realize they are doxing people.

What a cringy fuckin comment. I guarantee this fool has no friends.

The hasbara are dedicated, no?

Translation: My income comes from David Brock and I know what my future holds if I don’t do what he tells me to do.

These are the kinds of geniuses that slide 4chan's /pol/ posts with mountains of super racist posts. I'm not saying there's zero real racists there, I'm just saying they're nowhere as prolific as the ShareBlue-style paid hateposters.


They're not claiming to be that, that's what they sarcastically call the people they criticize.