People agreed to allow facebook and third parties to use their info and the gvt and media are acting like it's wrong. Banks do this all the time to force debt on people and the gvt and media fight to act like its ok.

48  2018-03-25 by showmeurboobsplznthx

Ss. If it benefits the rich at the expense of the poor, Its ok. If something benefits those not inside the echelons tribe, its made to be bad. This is scary that Tptb lost control and instead of allowing it to open up to more diversity, they are attacking it to ensure they regain control. This is bigger than Democrat or Republican. Its echelon greed tearing the world apart. Its seriously time for a third party before the faux duopoly becomes and absolute echelon monopoly.


They could put anything in the ToS for most apps or membership for sites and people will blindly agree due to the fact they just don’t feel like reading it. We could all be sold into bondage with the next Apple/android update sad but true.

It is an entirely fake outrage by the MSM to cover up the real fact, Zuckerberg colluded directly with the Russians and why is he being given cover.

Because yes every thing Zuckerberg and Cambridge did with your data is legal.

The only thing that might be illegal is colluding with a foreign government to steal the election.

No one mentions that.

Certain sectors are off limits in the corporate media. Banks and Pharmaceuticals are 2 big ones.

And don’t forget Insurance Companies