Mural depicting bankers enslaving Humanity deemed "Anti-Semitic"

220  2018-03-26 by callmebaiken

The Labour party leader Jeremy Corbyn liked this mural on Facebook and now there's an uproar over its being "Anti-Semetic".

Decide for yourself


SS: If anything depicting a global Conspiracy of the Financial Elite to enslave Humanity is officially deemed "Anti-Semetic", how long until Reddit shuts down this sub on those grounds?

the "Anti-Semetic" label is actually an Anti-Goyimitic psy op. It allows semites to shame anyone who questions them.

The Labour party leader Jeremy Corbyn liked this mural on Facebook and now there's an uproar over its being "Anti-Semetic".

He liked that photo FIVE YEARS AGO....

the truth is anti-Semitic

Artist's statement on Facebook:

I had a lot of questions after 9/11 that I used my art to address. My views weren't necessarily shared by many of my peers; more than being underground, they were considered disinformation and somewhat cast me as a pariah in a culture I helped build. Then the economy crashed in 2008. All my growing fears and frustrations with the war in Afghanistan and Iraq, the ever-expanding coffers of the 1% bankster elite profiting from the military industrial complex at the expense and enslavement of the working class were confirmed. So I took to the streets, first at Occupy LA 2011 then a year later I painted my "Freedom for Humanity" mural in East London, which received both praise and condemnation, and was eventually buffed by the local council on the grounds that it was “anti-Semitic". Now, over 5 years later, a new breed of self-interested UK politicians and their mainstream media puppets continue to try to fit me into their tidy little box of limited perspectives using my art as a divisive tool to cut each other down and associate opposition with hate and bigotry. Yet all one has to do is simply watch the video to see my real life experiences and thoughts documented. As an artist I am always moved by the necessity to make my work important. Art must speak about the real issues of our time. Everywhere I look I see the world becoming the science fiction reality I grew up reading about in books and watching on the screen. Greed runs rampant and now more than ever the capitalist elites who have caused suffering on mass scales throughout history for their own trillions in profit have an even stronger hand in orchestrating most all of the problems we face, namely war & poverty, and the destruction of humanity. “Freedom for Humanity” was my response to this human condition. The irony is that it’s become a mirror for the very politicians who are perhaps too afraid to look themselves in the face, all the while sitting pretty (or pretty desperate) in the coat-pockets of their financiers, the greedy elite, playing a game of monopoly on the backs of the working class.

That... that was a really good response.

How the hell did they manage to make this even remotely about antisemitism? I can't stand this shit dude. "Anti-Semitic" is their impenetrable force shield that they get to hide behind forever because everyone is so fucking afraid to say anything about Jews, or Zionists, because of the alleged holocaust. Not saying i believe it was fake, but there are some questions about it, so there is that possibility. It's the same reason 9/11 will never be solved, because you are "anti-Semitic", if you even question that the jews are not perfect people.

Their over sensitivity betrays a consciousness of guilt

Exactly what i was going to post 😂

Yessir, well said

They? We are all in the soup.

The trite and simplistic characterization of elites exploits memes which trigger a cycle of us versus them time wasting which also has serious adrenaline inducing side effects for those whose personal history includes loss from the Shoah. But whatever, it’s an old trap and not as effective as it once was.

The cognitive dissonance inherent in the fact that we all daily make use the system and it’s elements all while it accelerates existential destruction remains a mind boggling paradox.

But that it’s “the Jews” is a time sucking death trap.

A far more effective artistic consideration of the pathologies of our age would lead us to look past some dated religious stereotypes of the accountants to the systemic logic which perpetuates our suffering.

Ad hominem attacks on actual owners, the weapons manufacturers, the enforcers of the status quo, the operators of the machinery of repression and so forth have a place perhaps, but it is the systemic corruption that presents the most fruitful target for change.

Very well said. You wouldn't cut down a tree by hacking at its limbs. But I believe the spirit of God in mankind is maturing. Evolving. Growing. Changing.

We're trying to save the tree, not cut it down. If a tree limb is diseased and is spreading, you cut the limb.

The trite and simplistic characterization of elites exploits memes which trigger a cycle of us versus them time wasting which also has serious adrenaline inducing side effects for those whose personal history includes loss from the Shoah.


Ad hominem attacks on actual owners, the weapons manufacturers, the enforcers of the status quo, the operators of the machinery of repression and so forth have a place perhaps

Literally the mural in question.

but it is the systemic corruption that presents the most fruitful target for change.

The systemic corruption is a direct result of the legal restructuring of the state as the most prolific piece of "machinery of repression" as you put it, and it has been and continues to be carried out by people just like the ones featured in these murals. Is it not important to identify those primarily responsible for creating an oligarchical system? That in no way prevents people from banding together and demanding a more just economy with appropriate compensation for their work instead of the value of their labor being siphoned to an ownership class. Identifying the enemy does not prevent people from acting-quite the opposite. If you want people to take responsibility for their own quality of life in this fucked up master-slave paradigm, the worst thing you could do is call for an end to those very actions which most effectively focus and concentrate the efforts of the people.

The fact is that slave owners look a lot more like Mel Gibson, Henry Ford, and Pierre DuPont, Peter Thiel, the Donald, HRH, and the King than like the mythical elders, regardless of deflection. The enforcers look like Eric Prince, Allen Dulles, Mike Pompeo, Mayor Rizzo, and McCrystal. Not like Bob Dylan or Bernie Sanders. Nazi’s start as Socialists but once in power the scapegoat gays, Jews, and disabled absorb the rage against the system sustained by the misdirection.

The fact is that slave owners look a lot more like

I don't care for your identity politics. Powerful people come from all walks of like, all ethnic backgrounds.

Identity politics are not my preference. It’s myopic to pretend it’s not a threat. Many here in the USA who blame the Jews for present calamity appear to support white identity politics. The post above illustrates that the power elite here tends to be white ethnically. White identity politics and fascism have historical ties in the USA. In India or Rwanda the fascist waves have other ethnic seasoning.

Identity politics are not my preference. It’s myopic to pretend it’s not a threat. Many here in the USA who blame the Jews for present calamity appear to support white identity politics. The post above illustrates that the power elite here tends to be white ethnically. White identity politics and fascism have historical ties in the USA.

Don't worry, the tiny fragment of the population that associates with the intellectual garbage that is white supremacy and antisemitism will never bring about anything institutionally threatening to the Jewish community. That's just a fantasy spouted by the left to get you to vote for another neoliberal puppet, just like how the republicans want you to be afraid that not voting for their respective mouthpiece will result in Christians becoming second class citizens.

First of all, your religion doesn’t grow you a giant nose. Let’s stop pretending that Jewish is a religion and not an ethnic group. Secondly, you will never stop a system if you don’t stop the people running that system. The system is but a symptom. The people who run the system are the source. Remove the system, and they will build it again.

The Peabody Coal Co., Google, oil industry, the Kingdom of Saud, Lockheed Martin, Monsanto, and the British Monarchy ... where’s your nose?

What? Are you saying those are all comprised of jews who don't look jewish?

Or that people erroneously claim those are jewish-run entities?

Neither, your framing lacks thought. Is this the best you can do? Think again.

Nah man like at least 75% of the biggest conspiracies that we try to unravel lead directly back to semitism. Remember that the root word within ignorance is "ignore".

Read Another 19 and then tell me the same. Who was Bill Casey? Who was Allen Dulles? Who is Dick Cheney? Who are you?

Exceptions to a rule do not disprove a rule.

He has been getting accused of anti semetism for years he's part of an anti semetic fb group so this isn't his first time getting accused of this...quick reference check and I found would be different if he'd never been accused before

It IS an anti Semitic mural. It’s also true. Just because something is anti Semitic doesn’t make it untrue. It’s anti rapist to criticize rapists. But if the rapist actually raped somebody, then it makes sense to take an “anti” stance against them. The Semitic elites ARE actually guilty of what this mural is portraying. I don’t mind being anti Semitic as long as I am on the side of the truth.

I feel u I'm just saying I was less shocked when I realized it wasn't totally out of the blue

seems like you were trying to downplay it

Check my post history dawg I ain't a just saying maybe this dude is anti semetic the mural definitely isn't but maybe he made the mural an easy target by his previous actions idk

Yeah man the mural is anti-semitic, and that's a good thing, as they would say.

This is why we should be anti-Jew. Because they are guilty of fucking the world over.

Nothing wrong with Jews who actually follow their religion. Problem is the zionists who hijack Judaism and hide behind it while carrying out their political plans.

Actually, I am against all Jews who work in a group to their benefit and to the detriment of the society as a whole.

Well in that case I agree with you. But only when you make the distinction that their working together is "to the detriment of society." I'm against any group who works together for their own benefit but at the expense of other people. If we're just talking about Jews who work in a group for their own benefit, well that's absolutely fine. As long as it doesn't hurt anyone else then I support it - everyone deserved the best for themselves. But yeah, it's important to make that distinction between whether or not their working together is to the benefit or detriment of society. And I'm the case of zionists, they're certainly not benefiting greater society.

If you look at the type of shit that Hollywood pumps out, or the porn they make, or the TV they push, or the music, it is pretty clear that their agenda is not benefiting the greater society. Then, look at the banking sector, and what they have done controlling the US military, and it is all very clear.

I completely agree with you. I just wanted to make sure you understood the distinction between disliking a group because they are hurting society - which is reasonable - and disliking a group because of a shared religion they follow - which is bigoted.
That said, zionists aren't Jews. They hide behind Judaism, but they do not follow the religion. And zionists have contributed very much to the detriment of modern society, so in my opinion disliking zionists is completely reasonable.

In my mind, the Zionists are the Jews and the Jews are the Zionists, because the Zionists can always count on the real Jews to support them. Give a little bit of money at the Temple, sign a complaint sheet, call their representative, travel to Israel etc. In the last resort, the Zionists can always move to a new country and find a ready-made hideout amongst the Jews there. Since the Jews support the Zionists, they are basically the same thing.

You don't blame a cow for not realising it's being reared for slaughter, so you can't blame the Jews for being brainwashed by the zionist game players.
But hey, if you want to be a bigot even after I've explained all this, then I guess that's you're choice.

There comes a day when the cows need to wake up.

How do you propose they do that? If you're gonna complain, then offer a solution.

The cows should subscribe r/conspiracy!

It actually just clicked in my head, reading all the other comments. By calling this anti-Semitic, they are basically ratting themselves out. Lol dumbass guilty cunts

It's their achilles heel, seriously. They did the same thing to David Icke for his reptilian theory lol

They did the same thing to David Icke because they thought that his idea of a shadowy group of reptilian evil monsters that steal the energy of humans sounds a bit too close to a description of Jews.

How the hell did they manage to make this even remotely about antisemitism?

Look at the rich men noses, they're clearly jewish ! /s

The big noses allow them to suck up all the free air.

It’s true though. Not that I’m criticizing, I am personally someone who is counter-Semitic. They’re right that it’s an anti-Semitic mural. The problem for them is the mural is true.

Please explain. Not being a dick, I just genuinely don’t get how it’s anti-Semitic.

It shows an elite class ruling from the shadows who play monopoly with the world on the backs of brown people. That's as Jewish a meme as you could possibly make.

We now have an indisputable and open fact that "Jews" actually do run and control the greedy and corrupt international banking system by their very own admission, since that is how they themselves reacted and interpreted the meaning of that mural to be.

They didn't see their greed and corruption being assailed and lampooned but rather the fact that they just happen to be Jews and of course anyone who dares to criticise a Jew regarding any dishonestly or reprehensible behavior on their part is always pilloried and accused of being an "anti-Semite" rather than responding to the actual accusations that have absolutely nothing to do with that.

Same people who said the rant a couple months ago by that DC politician was Anti-Semitic because it involves the Rothschild

Or that David Icke is an anti-semite because of his reptilian energy vampire theories, or the dude who got locked up for teaching his dog to sieg heil, or the people who are jailed for questioning the holocaust lol. We're getting close to critical mass, my dude. Awareness of their tricks hasn't been this high since the late 1930s.

It's the noses

Whats that suppose to be? i see a couple lines on the far left and checkmarks all over?

It's the "greedy jew" drawing popular among white supremacists.

Thank you.

Its only loading 3 fingers and the last 7" of nose.

Yes, that is another layer to the meme; abstraction Of course, any criticism of Jews is met with harsh censorship, so, as happens within any dystopian society wherein a people are gagged, they find ways to (((say without saying))). With the merchant meme, there are endless variations of the picture, from pointalism to cubism to what you saw here, all to illustrate the same concept of suppression and censorship.

There are many examples of such symbols and innuendos being used throughout history, though not always about Jews. It's usually a portent of an awakening society, and as was the case with Germany, and Russia in the last 100 years, we can expect either governmental collapse, revolution, or an increase in draconian prison sentences for youtubers who teach their dog to sieg heil. In any case, we're in for some truly great art, so it's not going to be all bad.

I feel you, was totaly going over my head.

Thanks mate

For sure, man. Thanks for being open!

Nah man calling them "white supremacists" is an anti-white dog whistle. On behalf of all the brown people in the world who have become aware of the systemic semitic problem within global governmental and financial sectors, I also want to say that that's very racist of you.


No way, man.

Definitely. 2 of em have pretty Jewish characteristics, the others are meh and i'd agree it's a stretch to call it antisemitic.

You wouldn’t think it’s such a stretch if you were more familiar with international finance. It’s a Semitic industry through and through. I agree that this mural is anti Semitic, and I don’t mean that as a criticism of the mural. I like the mural because it displays the truth

Even in the animal World, they are free to warn the herd/flock about dangerous Predators near them.

DOPE. Wish the picture was more clear

Here's a version with higher res. See if you can identify all the figures around the table, and the "ghosts" standing behind them.

This is an alternative 21st century version called "False profits".


The two on the inner-right side are def Bush Sr. and Jr.

Damn that 21st century revamp is sickkkk

My take, from left to right:

  • David Rockefeller (deceased)

  • Zbigniew Brzezinsky (deceased)

  • Evelyn de Rothschild

  • Lord Jacob Rothschild (deceased, probably)

  • George Soros

  • Ben Bernanke

Looks pretty accurate lol. What about the ghosts in the pyramid? I only know the first guy on the left

Zbig died? Oh shit!

It's the same tactic when liberals call people racist who don't agree with them. It's their last line of defense. Sadly, it's cheapening real racism.

Yes, only liberals use this “tactic”. Nice job pushing the wedge between us further.

Yes, liberals are the only ones who use "racism" every time things don't go your way. I'm Latino and you guys are making it hard when real racism happens by claiming everything is racist when shit doesn't go your way.

Yup. Cause we all the same! Good thing we have you males with your assault rifles to save us from ourselves when the tyranny comes... oh, wait you elected him.

Well I never said you guys were all the same, I said that liberals are the only ones who scream racism when hey don't get their own way. Yes I'm a male with assault rifles,pistols, a bag of weed, pro choice, pro gun etc. Look at who the judgemental one really is, weirdo. Go somewhere and March for more rights to be taken away, and have a nice tide pod dinner.

So I’m a “weirdo,” you describe liberals like petulant children who “scream racism when they don’t get their own way”, and I guess you think all liberals participate in marches and eat Tide Pods? And you are not being judgemental? This is pretty much exactly the type of cognitive dissonance I would expect from you. Well played, sir. Well played. I expect you to return and tell your buddies how hard you schooled that snowflake.

Well yes,, you see a majority of liberals screaming racism on everything, have you watched MSNBC OR CNN lately.? Obviously not. And I never said all liberals, not surprised for 1) you getting in your feelings and 2) for twisting what I said out if context. I never said all liberals. But you obviously fell into that group because your taking such offense to my statement which I think is hilarious. And the tide pod Crack was me just fuckin with you, which obviously worked. I didn't realize you were so sensitive but I obviously struck a chord with you. And yea BTW, only liberals March to have their own freedoms taken away. It's mental illness. Weirdo.

“Mental illness.” Keep letting Rush shove his dick down your throat. And no, I don’t watch MSNBC or CNN. And while you didn’t say “all liberals” it sure seem implied and if you just keep repeating that you didn’t mean it you may just convince yourself. My original point was that statements like yours serve to divide us, the common people, and serve no other purpose but to take away the identity of others. You are obviously partisan by your regurgitation of the conservative insults towards liberals and neither smoking weed nor being Latino makes you any more of an individual in the Republican Party. But hopefully you won’t get locked up because of a law enacted by someone you blindly voted for while towing the party line.

I mean everything I said. I don't and never have listened to Rush. I'm not a member of any political party. Maybe you should Take some of your online advice when it comes to judging people because every single statement you made about me is false. And I never accused you as an individual of anything, I said liberals, and you took offense to that. See the difference.??

To be fair you did say "you guys" in response to him. You both seem to be embroiled in stereotypes. This signifies the unified elites plans are working. You seem to be on the same level of knowing there is a great other to be wary of but both serving it. You have the right idea nutt, that we should not be dividing ourselves over conscientious boxes, but you are not practicing it here. Americans are all latinos, all european, all african, all asian, it's mixed in our cultural compost. We are all left and right when the situation calls for it. Try to focus on the actual fight. It is not against your fellow oppressed.

I knee jerked on someone I saw as conservative. Legitimate call out.

Did you just gay shame him? Lol

The intention was to express subservience rather than shame of sexual orientation.

Intention doesn't matter, gotta be more careful with what you say. Wouldn't wanna soil that flawless, beautiful, steadfast political correctness.


So I’m a “weirdo,” you describe liberals like petulant children

If it walks like a duck, and it quacks like a duck

You realize you commented three times on three separate of my comments to say the same thing, right? All very funny and original though. Really shows your brilliance.

Thank you; I try not to rehash anything. It keeps me fresh.

All oranges are fruit =/= All fruit are oranges.

Oh, the assault rifles aren't for saving you from yourselves.

Oh come now let's call a spade a spade, shall we?

I don't see how strawmen can cheapen anything except crop prices.

Challenge: List three Christians (at least proclaimed) in positions of power in America that are certainly corrupt. I’ll help by listing the first for you.

1.). Donald Trump (with strong ties to Israel) 2.) ? 3.) ?

Good luck ;)

  1. Jeff sessions 3. All of the Bush family

Clinton family, Bush family, Jeff Sessions, Chris Christie, the Obamas.

Come on. You know the answers. Why pollute the effort by acting like it’s all Jews? The truth is they’re all godless.

This isn’t an impossible challenge. It’s meant to make people research name-by-name.

reads your user name

Damn, nice! Well done.

Exactly, there good and there’s evil, the labels are just the first layer of complication they use to divide!

Your face when you realize the power elite don't worship Abrahamic religions.

Your face when you realize it’s Satan.

LOL. Okay, guy.

Yes, we know that they are the Jews who say they are Jews but are not. Jesus said the same thing like 2000 years ago. What strikes me as incredibly odd, though, is how the Jewish religion abides them, defends them, and seems to exist entirely to serve them. I'm not saying that there are no good Jews, but until the good in a group stand against the bad in a group, it's hard to tell them apart, and more so when they all defend each other in weird ways. If I were a Jew, I'd be spending a lot of time trying to separate the bad from the good, because if they don't do it now, then once critical mass in societal awareness of their schemes is reached, they won't have another chance. With the extent and magnitude of their crimes, the world wouldn't want to let it happen again. Perilous times in the world of Semitism.

you do realize the president of the united states has never been jewish. Soooo uhhhhh, every president since Kennedy or something like that?

Perhaps I should clarify: “CURRENTLY in positions of power...”

1.) Donald Trump (with strong ties to Israel) 2.) Jeff Sessions (Methodist) 3.) ?

(((Doth))) protest too loudly.

This mural has been making the rounds for years. Why is it just now getting smeared?

Because Jeremy Corbyn's implacable opponent, Owen Smith (Labour MP), made a naked leadership challenge on March 23. This particular load of "anti-semitism" baloney was cued up to hit the media the next day.

Except Corbyn nixed it by firing Smith immediately, so he cut the head off the serpent as it was rearing up to strike him. All that's left, therefore, is (what was meant to be) the sting in the tail, and on its own it's pretty pathetic. A six-year-old story about an ill-advised Facebook Post and a bunch of paranoid Jews waving banners in central London for a few hours. Yawn yawn, yawn.

One of my favourite Twitter accounts has also pointed out that although Corbyn's supportive comment on the mural dates from 2012, the artist's confession (that's being touted as the cast-iron proof of anti-semitism) wasn't published on Facebook till 2015.

IOW, Corbyn's actions in 2012 were not carried out in the certain knowledge of the artist's apparent anti-Jewish stance.

It's a circumstantial case made out of cobwebs and sealing-wax, and it fell apart almost at once.

It did succeed, however, in getting the "Labour is anti-semitic" smear back in the media, just as we enter the UK local election campaign period.

So what if it is viewed anti-semetic? If the fox raids the hen house and the fox did it then that is the truth.


But wait! No! R....... R-russia had their hand in the release of the videotape which showed the foxes reveling in their bloodbath. We're going to spend, like.. billions of dollars... all to try and prove this. Be back soon.

42 "ok we were wrong"s later

Well this was embarrassing

But if you say anything bad about it, you're pretty much a commie sympathizer!


knights of malta

In 15 years with no deaths that means jews didnt want to be jews anymore anyways? I kinda can't disagree with this guy's policies. Repeating past shortsightedness and mistakes and not adapting is folly. Certain religions and cultures die when the social system changes, just like animal species die when the ecosystem changes. New ones rise to fill the niche.

They've been trying to frame Corbyn and his Momentum movement as anti-semites for years.

Watch the Al Jazeera documentary on uk Jewish lobbying

Will do - do you have a name or a link?

It's a 4 parter but well worth the watch

Thank you!

Reposting my own post :

I recently made this comment on r/BasicIncome

No. WE need to realize that multinationals control the world, and if we want a better world, we have to attack the multinationals, replace them, destroy them.

And a mod replied, saying ...

Interesting that someone reported this saying that the term 'multinationals' was a dog whistle phrase for Jews.

I said,

Wow. Someone reported my comment? For that? Do you think they are just confused, or trying to be deceitful?

And the mod replied,

Not sure. But I do find it frustrating that often when you want to talk about international institutions and the process of globalisation and the people that support it, you are labelled an anti-semite. It's pretty ludicrous.

This is happening people, exponential noise.

They say that the revolution won't be televised, but that was before the internet. They'll pretend the revolution isn't happening all the way to the gallows, now. They're used to being able to just repeat something ad infinitum and have it be true. lol as the noose is tightened, they'd be like "ha, this is just a dream! Tough luck, racist! "Durr I'm gonna kill a guy in his dream" lol yeah right, gronald brumpftard".

It's almost like they are projecting....

It reminds me of a scene in Al Jazeera's recent undercover investigative report on the Israel lobby in the UK:

There is one scene where a pro-Israel lady accuses an older lady (who was questioning her stance on the 2-state solution) of being anti-semetic for saying that she's heard that working for the "Friends of Israel" organization can help you get a job. Meanwhile the pro-Israel lady inserts "bank jobs" in her retelling of the conversation when the older lady never mentioned banks. Sounds like someone is projecting their own stereotypes or really just assuming anyone who disagrees with them is racist.

That sure sounds Jewish guilt to me.

Is that picture from Bushwick, Brooklyn?

Those Satanic Parasites are not actually Semites. The are KHAZARS.

Hey did you read about 23andme linking them to the Khazars via freaking DNA? "How would they get out of this one", you ask? Well, they hired a team of 30 "top geneticists" to say that DNA is wrong.

Can't have the Goyim realizing that Israel is a nation founded on lies of genetic heritage, because that would mean it shouldn't exist, which would be a very bad thing. What an anti-semitic notion!

Every time the elders of zion cry "antisemitism" it's an admission that someone's too close to the truth. "The Jews" are the ultimate strawman to protect the money powers.

The banker counting the money looks sorta Jewish. There are a couple more that could be Jews. But, a couple of them look non-Jewish.


In France, one guy was sentenced to 1.5 years in prison + 5000 euros of fine for publishing this picture on his (alt news) media platform

The picture depicts 4 candidates for the last presidency elections in 2017, one of them being the current president Macron. The 3 guys at the back are very influent people, from the same community.

Oy vey shut it down!

As a rule are most of the cops on your squad all of some long nosed scapegoated ethnic minority? Or are you ignoring the reality to promote superstitions and protect the deeper corruptions?

Truly there is a neoliberal trope that uses fear of the white supremacist movement to rationalize unquestioned support for elites, for Israeli colonialism, for financial chicanery. However, the schism of the left over identity politics does frustrate the kind of unity needed for truly responsible and ethical government. It seems worthwhile to repudiate memes which accelerate this schismatic pathology.

Thank you!

In 15 years with no deaths that means jews didnt want to be jews anymore anyways? I kinda can't disagree with this guy's policies. Repeating past shortsightedness and mistakes and not adapting is folly. Certain religions and cultures die when the social system changes, just like animal species die when the ecosystem changes. New ones rise to fill the niche.

The Peabody Coal Co., Google, oil industry, the Kingdom of Saud, Lockheed Martin, Monsanto, and the British Monarchy ... where’s your nose?

Exceptions to a rule do not disprove a rule.