You've talked shit long enough. It's time to come prove how smart you really are top minds of Reddit.

0  2018-03-26 by RMFN

If people at top minds of Reddit are so smart, according to them, every conspiracy theory is an idiot, then debating and a conspiracy theoist should not be a problem. Should it? Does online digital manipulation exist on reddit? Whose behind it? Who are the agent provocateurs?

The way the people in top minds of Reddit talk about conspiracy theorists is so disgusting, so bigoted, unfunny, and so negative that they must address the core philosophy of their sub. If such a subreddit is solely about humor why are none of the jokes actually funny? If you look at every comment on that sub they are all very assholish. Is being an asshole funny? I beg to differ. You can clearly see how they react when the joke is turned around on them. Every comment I posted yesterday saying "pheephee" was reported for harassment. Yet they make fun of people all day. You don't like being called pheephee? Too bad.

If there's sub is just about humor, why does their most active moderator also run a sub dedicated to media manipulation? Why does Phoenix call /r/digital_manipulation his quote-unquote homework? If their sub is just about the lol's then should they not be involved in humorous subreddits? And not subreddits dedicated to cataloging user information, media manipulation, and metadata on Reddit communities?

I can't believe you're afraid to debate a conspiracy theorist, someone you have repeatedly called a dumbass and insane. It really shows the nature of your character, pheephee, that you have to hide behind your wall in tumor, just talk shit it makes you look really good. Address me in public like an adult.

Typical they already made a post mocking this thread. Very adult of them.


If people at top minds of Reddit are so smart, according to them

according to them

Dunning-Kruger effect hits the nail on the head I believe, they can't see further than their own thoughts and the ones ingrained by the control matrices. Hell, even Fallout 4 has more dialogue options than them.

Slam fucking dunk!

Lol! Dude, I literally just ran out of burn cream after that.

If you're so smart I should be a breeze to debate.

I mean, I would love to back you up in any debate (even though we don't see eye to eye on about 75% of conspiracies), but I think you're asking this on the wrong subreddit.

They banned me from their echo chamber. I'm asking where I know pheephee will see.

Oh that's fair enough I guess. They really banned you? That is demoralizingly petty...

Oh that's fair enough I guess. They really banned you? That is demoralizingly petty...

They banned me after I came into tmor to defend myself from the multiple posts calling me insane for my beliefs.

You’ve been unbanned I think. You should take the debate to them.


simple way to check - just go comment there.

I got some private messages from users I do not know saying that you are indeed unbanned. If you want a debate, we should plan it carefully, not spam them, just find users willing to come and set a time somewhere tomorrow preferably.

So they just unbanned me the second I brought up I'm banned? Yeah sounds like tmor behavior.

Nah, it was from the other day. Different mod was cleaning out the ban list.

Show me in their mod logs with time stamp where is was banned and unbanned. Because i still have the ban message. Which they told me I was unbanned after they already banned me again. So much hhonesty in tmor.

I don't think you get messages when you are unbanned. You only get notified when you are banned from a sub.

Exactly, so then telling me was unbanned is a moot point.

Have you tried commenting there?

How else would I know I'm banned, genius?

No need to be hostile man.

Apology accepted.

I accept your apology as well.

Have a good one.

Good day, kind gentle person.

Wish I could help, I can't get to the mod log.


Grand comedy my friend.

they banned you? Thats hilarious!

Yep. For coming to have an adult conversation. They don't want to talk honestly they just want to talk shit ant make "jokes" (harassment and bullying) about the beliefs of others.

I’m not a member of TMOR but I’ll debate you if you agree to stop spamming the sub with these posts several times a day

This is between tmor and I. They have talked shit long enough. It's time to be adults.

so is your plan to keep making these posts several times a day until you get a response? what about this post makes you think you’ll get a different reaction than the one you made a couple hours ago?


alright then, think I’ll just block you and spare myself from having to see any more of these call outs

alright then, think I’ll just block you and spare myself from having to see any more of these call outs


Then why flood the entire fucking sub with your nonsense. If it’s between you and they, take it to them or somewhere else.

If you want someone to debate you, you should probably use proper spelling and grammar in your challenge. This is so poorly worded I’m assuming you are in elementary school still.

Nobody likes a grammar Nazi.

I mean you are misspelling basic words there. It’s kind of sad.

I don't think that would work, because one of the most important debates to be had would be: is TMOR making reddit a better place, and do conspiratists deserve to be bullied? Both of which I highly doubt you would be able to represent the proposition to.

Yed, disinformation and disinformation cultures/communities are bad for society and deserve to be made toxic for anyone who may fall into their orbit.

TMOR deserves to be spammed. They are spam.

The complaint is the spam here, not in tmor.

I’m aware of that. But they are spam. And deserve to be spammed. Thank you.


And yea Imma say it on every TMOR related thread.

You know what I realized last night. Having the jokes made about them isn't in their play book.

The bully's apparently are so thin skinned they are too weak to take their own medicine.

Exactly. Either they come back with force or they retreat. Both outcomes good for r/conspiracy.

It really looks bad when they make fun of someone they are afraid to address as adults.

Every comment I posted yesterday saying "pheephee" was reported for harassment.

How do you know that they were reported?

Mods, my close friends, told me.

Address me like an adult /u/ph0enix.

Pheephee's reaspnse. I guess I won the debate since he is too weak to show up.

"Every comment I posted yesterday saying "pheephee" was reported for harassment.

I don't barely use the report function in any sub, nor do I even d/upvote people that much. Same habits for over a decade now. Here's a thought, perhaps (and to quote a fine-good pal): "We're winning. I have more support than you'll ever know".

Otherwise, consider that the audience simply doesn't want that sub, or the other 9 you've posted in repeatedly to be used in that manner. Keep it going though, it's hilarious.

It's baffling as to why the mods in these subs are allowing that to continue. "Fighting back", are ya?

You're merely exasperating your own issues further, which will undoubtedly lead to unsatisfactory outcomes.


They banned me after I came into tmor to defend myself from the multiple posts calling me insane for my beliefs.

Inaccurate. You were given ample opportunity to come here and speak your piece, 2.5 hours IIRC. Unsurprisingly, you didn't show, but rather wanted to maintain the appearance some force was holding back all of the truthy when it wasn't. Well, now it is, because I banned you myself."

I wasn't informed of being unbanned until I was already banned again. Try again. If your mod logs were public people could easily see you're lying through your teeth, pheephee.

I know Im in the minority on this sub, but I love this stuff and I hope RMFN keeps it up. This is highly entertaining and its a conspiracy in real time.

It's an actual reddit conspiracy.

and the blind eye admins give it is also part of the conspiracy.


The brigading in this thread speaks volumes about how they are targeting him.

Yet, the admins still sit on their hands on the subject.

Report it and they just send you a canned message and then ignore it.

It’s almost like they endorse it!

When they start shit with me, they will ban really quick because they claim it is not entertaining for them. Well, it is entertaining for me. They just don't like to get schooled.

My comment about Churchill being a Druid is like blood in the water. Lets see if it attracts them this time.

Churchill a druid? Do you post on that somewhere?

Yes, but I forget where. Research "churchill druid" and you might see my comments.

Will do. Actually sounds interesting.

Iirc he was part of some gentlemans club in London which had some druid history.

Well, people say that the Freemasons are some sort of "gentleman's club", which I suppose is true to a certain extent. What they don't tell you is that it is a cover for something more sinister.

There are always two stories, one that is hidden and another for us, the profane.

Ancient Order of the Druids:

Morons are doing little but exposing their PR operation and best, exposing major operations at worst. Whenever you see TMOR going apeshit about [whatever] topic, calling you stupid for even considering it, spinning up multiple threads to make you look foolish.. you might be onto something.

They exposed nuclear 9/11 badly this way. While I applaud (?) their enthusiasm, they're so amateurish I wouldn't hire them to conceal a jay-walking operation.

Top. Minds. Lol

I'll debate you.

Call me Crown Prince, be cordial and we can begin.

Alright to establish first principles would you be so kind to describe the purpose of /r/digital_manipulation and why /u/_ph03nix called it his "homework"?

I've never been to that sub and don't know who that user is.

What do you want to debate?

The existence and tactics of agent provocateurs and the usefulness of digital manipulation on reddit. See that's why I need to debate pheephee he's the "expert" on the subject.

Well I think those things exist so what's to debate?

... Tmor says anyone who thinks they exist is insane.

TMOR is a sub dedicated to proving shills don't exist?

Is that what I said?

No, I just haven't had any trouble from anyone if I've posted talking about shills. There are lots of threads about shills here and even subs dedicated to exposing them.

Some users here have even got good at spotting them like that f_a_g_n_n guy or whoever it is. His posts are quite popular actually.

Make a detailed post right now questioning the existence and severity of agent provocateur tactics on reddit. Just for a test case.

I can't question the existence of shills because I know they exist.

I think I've encountered one or two in my time here but they generally don't engage in discussion at all or will cease discussion after exhausting their tricks.

I feel the real drivers of control here are virtue signalling self posts and this sort of obsequious commenting style that makes a mockery of anyone who engages them seriously.

Now you know. Why might the most active mod of top minds also run this forum?

Getting a 504 error on that.

Why does it come up for me?

You have a better gateway than me 😔


I just tried on another device and it comes up to problem.

Screenshot it man I'm not lying to you.

How are you online if that site isn't working?

Because a 504 is a server side error

Alright to establish first principles would you be so kind to describe the purpose of /r/digital_manipulation and why /u/_ph03nix called it his "homework"?

Now you know. Why might the most active mod of top minds also run this forum?

Here is a TMOR mod "debating" before his friends notified him that I was correct and he was dumb.

This is their MO, they pretend like they know what they are talking about while they hurl insults at you. Facts be damned if they can get more upvotes than you then they are deemed correct by mob rule.

Nice. That's why I have begun quoting suspects in the liste. They have a tendency of deleting all of their comments when you call out their bs. Quoting them seems to stop this.

I won't mention any names here but back in the conspiratard days, one of their prolific members followed me around calling me a retard. After looking at his history I discovered he was actually a mentally handicapped person still living with his parents at 40 and bagging groceries with 14 year olds.

I called him on it and he made a big scene with the admins so I don't speak his name anymore. But he is literally retarded and is allowed by the admins to run around here calling people retarded while insulting him is "off limits" because it's true in his case.

That's actually kind of sad. They need people with that kind of pattern recognition to do the dirty work online. ;)

Luckily I'm dyslexic, so I should be on their same privelge/disability level when the debate finally starts. what? I can't even. I'm sorta glad it wasn't me. I probably wouldn't have the maturity to handle that gracefully.

Pretty much everything on Reddit is a double standard.

I even Reddit requested a sub one time that had ZERO mods, the TMOR trolls didn't want me to have it so they found the guy who originally created, it had been abandoned for years, and they had him claim that he didn't mean to abandon it all supported by the well known vote brigades.

Well the admins awarded the sub to the guy who hadn't cared for years even though by their own rules the sub should have been awarded to me. Then the guy just signed it over to the trolls and they set it to private where it sits unused.

Everything on this site is a mix of a good ole boys network and hostile SJW administration. They even retroactively suspended my account once for a new policy that didn't exist when I supposedly violated it.

Then you look at how /r/the Donald isn't allowed to link to other subs because they are "disruptive" but TMOR is allowed to disrupt wholesale for years and the admins won't even respond to any discussion about it outside of a canned message that says they are looking into it.

Another conspiratard story. I had a user accusing me of being a horrible person for not banning people talking about the Holocaust. I looked through his history and he was a drug addict who stole a classic car from his best friend's dad and crashed it on a dope binge, regularly steals cash from his elderly parents to fund his habit and probably gave his GF a nasty social disease from living loose on his drug fueled adventures... But he is morally sound enough by his own estimation to judge me in some capacity. No no! Nevermind that he's literally what people mean when they talk about the armpit of society, we should listen to his virtue signaling because he is a proud socialist.

I think you're giving them too much attention and power, it validates them. Same playbook as DT actually: say a bunch of outlandish, incendiary shit to keep them talking about you, to stay in the headlines. Look how easily America took the bait and the divisive climate it has brought. I got banned from TMOR within seconds of visiting that shithole, and I'm proud of that. Fuck those fools. Forget about 'em. Let them splash around all they want. They are pathetic.

Is /r/conspiracy for conspiracies of for making fun of conspiracy theorists?

If you wanna fight the fight, go ahead, but there will always be assholes and trolls trying to rain on anyone's parade. Is /r/conspiracy for bickering with assholes, or is it for discussing conspiracies? Use it how you wish. I'm simply suggesting to ignore the folks who feed off the attention you give them. If you keep trying to fight back the tides you'll just wear yourself out and drown. It's not surrendering. It's having the wisdom to not feed into it. Let them have there stupid, arrogant little sub. Who cares about those fucks? They're obviously miserable losers as it is, if that's how they choose to spend their time.

Well my point obviously blew past you. I ain't setting foot in that wretched sub or any of its threads. No thanks. I don't have time for this petty battle. Was just trying to help. Peace.

"And just for record /u/RMFN was unbanned here yesterday. Though, even if he does show up, I wouldn't expect it to last long with his behavior.

Have at it, fella."

Is this an apology, /u/_ph03nix?

The debate is happening here so you can't just remove my comments when you start to lose. Nice try. But I'm not going to comment somewhere where I have been banned and apparently without being told unbanned repeatedly. You're track record is too off pitting to make me feel comfortable even engaging there again.

The debate is going to be serious. It isn't going to take place in a meme "humor" (harassment and bigotry) sub.

Why does everyone want to debate top minds all of a sudden? who gives a fuck what they think, honestly who gives a fuck what YOU think OP?

I care

I guess it's just my perspective but this is the 2nd sub I've seen challenging them to a debate.

They love to ridicule, but they won’t debate outside of their own sub.

They are unable to play on fair ground.

They don’t want a conversation. That’s what people have to get their heads.

I am the light.

Typical they already made a post mocking this thread. Very adult of them.

"pheephee"? Very adult of you.

A few days ago you called out a user who was displeased with having his name on your friends little potential ban-list as behaving like a victim, but here you are whining about something even more trivial, like a victim.

You are the epitome of hypocrisy.

You don't like when we play by the same rules as you, tmor?

Tu quoque isn't a valid argument, you being hypocritical is just plain accurate.

Come fight with me you know where I am. I am a TMOR user so come on big boy

It's on home slice.

So what do you wanna know, ask me about the sub

What is its purpose?

To mock absurd conspriracies. It's based off the old sub conspiritard. The mods made a series of bad choices that led nearly the entire subreddit to abandon it and move to topmindsofreddit.

To mock, as in make fun of or joke? Why aren't any of the jokes funny?

Well I find some of the jokes funny. Perhaps because you're often the target of the jokes you wouldn't find them funny.

You think making fun of people's beliefs is "fun"?

Well it's like insane people facebook, except specifically conspiracies and freely visible. I think insanepeoplefacebook is pretty fun, and TMOR is just as fun if not more fun, because the "insane people" regularly go out of their way to insult us or respond, and that there are a bunch of inside jokes like the Soros stuff j

This is between tmor and I. They have talked shit long enough. It's time to be adults.

I don't think that would work, because one of the most important debates to be had would be: is TMOR making reddit a better place, and do conspiratists deserve to be bullied? Both of which I highly doubt you would be able to represent the proposition to.

Yes, but I forget where. Research "churchill druid" and you might see my comments.

Because a 504 is a server side error

TMOR deserves to be spammed. They are spam.

Yed, disinformation and disinformation cultures/communities are bad for society and deserve to be made toxic for anyone who may fall into their orbit.

Tu quoque isn't a valid argument, you being hypocritical is just plain accurate.