White Genocide For Dummies

0  2018-03-26 by ecclesiastes118

"We have a whole program of diversity which was aimed entirely at chasing down white people."(8min10sec from video 1)

White Genocide For Dummies 1, 2, 3, etc.

Also, check this out (especially @8min20sec and after), it's from a Jewish man and he's explaining why Hitler did what he did and more. "In this world, the Jew can only be the master of bastards."

Notes From A Gas Chamber with Brother Nathanael.

Media sure seems to have an agenda against whites and has for a while in commercials, news, entertainment, etc. The South Africa situation is an anomaly, but it's most definitely worth noting. The agenda has been subtle but there has been a reversal of racism against Caucasians in many areas of life such as sports, affirmative action, etc. It's a two-way street. Other races seem to think they're immune to being racist and it's not necessarily their fault, but through multiculturalism, indoctrination, etc. this is how things have become. Last, but certainly not least, there's the situation in Europe and especially Sweden with Islamization.


Stupid fascists go home.

I am home. Not once did I say that I'm fascist either, I'm only stating the facts. It's plain as day.

Your "facts" are horseshit and you fail at critical thinking. If there's some white genocide, the powers that be are doing a pretty lousy job. Also, you're looking at the stupidest things possible.

Class, not race, you fucking retard. If you look at class and have a clear idea of what that means, the world and the actions of actors in it make a lot more sense.

It all ties in. This place is falling apart and comments like this don't helping. Why would you call someone a "fucking retard" just because their post wasn't what you wanted to hear? If you don't like something, down-vote and move on. We're supposed to be working together, not ripping each other apart.

You're a fucking retard because you're perpetuating fashy fee-fees and talking points, and it's blatantly obvious. Not only that, but you present your argument with the most superficial horseshit that it's hard to take you seriously.

You are not my comrade, you are not my friend, and you are a poisonous leech selling some pure ideology.

No, I do not fucking downvote like a pussy, and I have no interest in protecting your precious feefees. You do not deserve special protection from criticism like a goddamn snowflake. If I downvote someone, it's because they're posting straight-up spam or nonsense posts to deliberately detract from a thread. If I upvote someone, it's because they're putting forward actual content. The upvote/downvote buttons are not supposed to be there to express your precious fucking feefees and vote down whatever you don't like, but sadly that is difficult to prevent and reddit is prone to astroturfing. Regardless of that, fascist ideology needs to be challenged. You're free to wake up whenever you like, but I've never known fascist ideologues to come in good faith and I'm not expecting that to change.

Did you watch any of the videos I provided? You responded far too quickly to have actually watched any of the videos. It's ridiculous man, you want to be my enemy? Fine, I don't know you and you don't know me, but this subs hostility and ignorance towards this subject and Islam migration is unreal. You're either a shill or you're ignorant.

Rule 10

Were all the removed comments written by the same user?


Please tell there's a ban involved if not a timeout?

I don't have ban perms but I sent a recommendation for ban to the mod team.


"Why would you call someone a "fucking retard" just because their post wasn't pursuing what you thought it should be?"

Maybe he learned from the moderators here


Here's a perfect example of how upset people are when they're confused and incorrect.

Here's a perfect example of how upset people become when they're both confused and incorrect.

Wait, do you mean you or your parent comment?

The one that was removed. Flipped his shit, he did.

Rule 10

Communism is what we're trying to avoid. The ultimate goal of this sub and places like it is to avert the New World Order, or that's what I've always thought. As Bill Cooper put it we have three choices: Restoration (of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights), Revolution (Communism), or Tyranny (NWO). Multiculturalism is a means of dividing a nation against itself. Liberals are only causing further destabilization and the "useful idiots" will be done away with if and once their goal is completed and/or the leftist wakes up to the truth.

Keep up those fashy talking points!

The only useful idiot here is you.

Also, who the fuck is "we"? You're doing it again, trying to ram your fashy worldview on the people here, trying to recruit for your movement of pederastic morons. Go to hell.

I'm already there. Why is diversity never imposed on non-white countries?

Rule 10

Rule 10

TL;DR: not happening and white genocide paranoia is the whitest thing ever. Victim mentality times unchecked paranoia plus subconscious fear of blowback for centuries of jackass behavior. Bigfoot breeding with Nessie level of credulity.

How many whites are there in the world today?

I wouldn't know where to start, when it comes to race.. Considering the birthrates though, things will continue to change drastically; especially when it comes to religious demographics since Islam practices polygamy.

Welp. Better get out there and start knocking up white chicks! (Consensually, please)

Maybe it should be called white suicide...


I have your support?

Well hold on a second...what am I signing up for?

You should realize by now how many people there are with suicidal tendencies on places like Reddit. It would be stupid for me to do so because of someone trashing a post of mine or something as trivial as that, but you never know what someone even worse off than me might do as a result of your cynicism and sarcasm. I know this stuff is anonymous, just be careful.

Oh, sorry; that's not at all what I meant. I don't want anyone to commit suicide, nor was it my intention to make light of it.

I thought you were making a joke about declining birth rates among people of European descent, and a secondary joke about your own sex life. But if my other comments could be construed as a joke about suicide, I'll totally delete them.

Nah, you're alright. I just don't have much confidence and probably don't have much business participating on these sort of subs right now. Since my own life is in such disarray right now, I'm not sure how I expect to make much of a difference on a bigger scale.

Aside from nobody here having census data, you offer no reference point from which to prove a decline.

A lot of people are just using this sub as a form of entertainment/attention farm. I hope it's becoming obvious enough to notice.

blah blah words blah vomit

Translates into "I don't know and if I did then I know I'd be caught in a trap". The pain of intellectual dishonesty must be killing you.

You not getting it =\= there being nothing to get but thanks for using your alt to waste time.

Why is diversity only imposed on white communities? I really didn't think you all would be so blind to this.

It's not so much diversity being imposed as it is some people being tired of getting socially abused and other people being oblivious to these realities because of their subjective context due to circumstances, which, frankly, are engineered to create the situation.

I'n my lifetime (im 48) I've watched right wing America go from tough guy, rugged individualistic, anti-hippie Murica badass to mewling crybaby snowflake victims in really. just a few short years. What a switch.

The fascists were always cowards. The rest of the right - I think they're wrong at best and usually stupid, but I don't think they're all blatant cravens the way fascists have been since the very start.

Agreed. That is a good distinction.

Did I ever mention fascism? Not once did I mention that word. I guess I support nationalism, but that just seems like common sense. If people could look to Poland's example right now, they'd be doing themselves and their country a favor. You're blatantly using hot words and it's not different than what you were calling me out for.

I'm the roughly the same age and calling you out as a liar or you're just projecting yourself onto them as you always have. And you're a little too old to be painting strawmen with such a broad brush.

I'm 27, so I'm trying to adjust to this world and there are more potential threats to humanity, not just white people, then I could have ever imagined. Don't generalize the whole right wing just because you think I'm a crybaby snowflake, though.

This white genocide stuff besides be a lie, is meant to allow the user to be seen as a victim. Plain and simple.

Turn on your TV and pay close attention to the advertisements, pay close attention to how many white people play for NBA teams or even high prestige college teams and you will see what I mean. There's no scientific data that states black people are better than white people in athletics, that I know of. It's the recruitment process and now it's just become a lie accepted as truth thanks to the media. If you check out that link I have connected to the word sports you will see that the all white Minneapolis Lakers beat the all black Harlem Globetrotters in games 3-7 after they each provided a referee. The Globetrotters won the first two games because their owner hired both of the refs. I don't hate black people or any race, I'm only trying to make this stuff known, but the very tactics used against whites are being used against me on this thread. "It's a lie, you're a fascist, you're a snowflake, you're just playing the victim." People are just name-calling and dismissing this like it's "Bigfoot or Nessie credulity", but they have nothing to prove that it's a lie and I'm starting to think that this place really doesn't care about the objective, logical truth and that every person only cares about what they think is the truth.

You really want to redpill people, learn to not overload. One at a time:

Turn on your TV and pay close attention to the advertisements,

I assume you mean who is the butt of the advertisement joke? And that's normal to have a scapegoat and its right now white man. THIS DOES NOT CONSTITUTE GENOCIDE.

pay close attention to how many white people play for NBA teams or even high prestige college teams and you will see what I mean.

Not being involved in high level sports is not genocide.

If you check out that link I have connected to the word sports you will see that the all white Minneapolis Lakers beat the all black Harlem Globetrotters in games 3-7 after they each provided a referee. The Globetrotters won the first two games because their owner (Al Saperstein) hired both the refs.

Not genocide. Not even remotely.

I don't hate black people or any race, I'm only trying to make this stuff known, but the very tactics used against whites are being used against me on this thread. "It's a lie, you're a fascist, you're a snowflake, you're just playing the victim."

Still have no shown any genocide. Overwrought hyperbole maybe. Genocide: nope.

People are just name-calling and dismissing this like it's "Bigfoot or Nessie credulity", but they have nothing to prove that it's a lie and I'm starting to think that this place really doesn't care about the objective, logical truth and that every person only cares about what they think is the truth.

Read that. You claim white genocide and then just show a changing market place for athletes which is what? .0001% of the population? NOT GENOCIDE.

And frankly my friend, it sounds whiny when there's no real genocide or hint of it.

I didn't come up with the term, but I believe that it's obviously a more gradual process and could eventually lead to genocide chiefly through interracial breeding. Since our society places such an emphasis on professional athletics and hip-hop/R&B have become the most popular form of music, eventually white women will seek someone other than the while male to start a family, or at least that's the idea behind the scheme. As they stated in the first video: Anti-white propaganda and weaponized words (Racist, etc.) + Phenomenon = Psychological warfare (Us vs. them). There is a more immediate threat of genocide in South Africa, though. Sure, you can say the white people shouldn't have been there in the first place, but you could also say that about a lot of other races and places in the world. People are born into this world without a choice in any of their circumstances and I'm just trying to understand mine.

I didn't come up with the term, but I believe that it's obviously a more gradual process and could eventually lead to genocide

Not really. Not by what you have used for examples.

As they stated in the first video: Anti-white propaganda and weaponized words (Racist, etc.) + Phenomenon = Psychological warfare (Us vs. them).

Jesus Christ still NOT GENOCIDE.

There is a more immediate threat of genocide in South Africa, though.

No, not really. White Farmers in South Africa is not a white genocide.

Sure, you can say the white people shouldn't have been there in the first place, but you could also say that about a lot of other races and places in the world. People are born into this world without a choice in any of their circumstances and I'm just trying to understand mine.

I would have never said that but I would still say that you have no proven even a remote idea of a possible future genocide,

A lot of white folks (my people) need something to mean something in their life. They need their world war or their fight against fascism or their institutionalized racism but they have none of that. So instead they, especially the younger folks, grasp for any things that even seems remotely like a cross for them to bear be it feminism or black empowerment or immigrants getting into the country- all of it becomes a fake 'us versus the world' idea that they use to....(drum roll)

Act like victims. If you can be the victim then you have a cause!

I'll admit that I have been pretty terrible at life and am still trying to find meaning to my existence, but that doesn't mean this stuff isn't true regardless of how poor my presentation may be. This place makes me want to victimize myself. Other than berating other users, what's your cause?

I'll admit that I have been pretty terrible at life and am still trying to find meaning to my existence

I was there too. I know what you are going through (I'm 48).

But if your existential crisis blames anything outside yourself or looks at things going on outside yourself, then you are missing a huge opportunity. The real answer to finding meaning is talking a deep and unflinchingly accurate view of yourself and then acting to change yourself, grow yourself and find ways to bring the joy out of yourself.

The outside world isn't to blame it's American culture the last 40 years that has hurt the growth of young adults when they most need support: latch key kids, both parents working, being alone, isolated, having no good close family type role model...all of it leading to a lost existence and to turning towards self loathing and then loathing the other.

Focus on the self. Be honest with your flaws and try to make more of your life. If i can do anyone can :)

Thanks for your advice, this is accurate. It's definitely easier to criticize the world and culture than it is to assess my own situation and seek improvements, discipline and self-discovery. I'll try to follow through with this, it is certainly necessary.

If you need any help I'm right here.

America has an enemy. And that enemy is a 2 legged Communist rat

You don't think this works into that plan? Demoralization, destabilization, crisis then normalization.

Your "facts" are horseshit and you fail at critical thinking. If there's some white genocide, the powers that be are doing a pretty lousy job. Also, you're looking at the stupidest things possible.

Class, not race, you fucking retard. If you look at class and have a clear idea of what that means, the world and the actions of actors in it make a lot more sense.

The fascists were always cowards. The rest of the right - I think they're wrong at best and usually stupid, but I don't think they're all blatant cravens the way fascists have been since the very start.

The one that was removed. Flipped his shit, he did.

I'm the roughly the same age and calling you out as a liar or you're just projecting yourself onto them as you always have. And you're a little too old to be painting strawmen with such a broad brush.

I'm 27, so I'm trying to adjust to this world and there are more potential threats to humanity, not just white people, then I could have ever imagined. Don't generalize the whole right wing just because you think I'm a crybaby snowflake, though.

Thanks for your advice, this is accurate. It's definitely easier to criticize the world and culture than it is to assess my own situation and seek improvements, discipline and self-discovery. I'll try to follow through with this, it is certainly necessary.