Last tidbit about NWO before I sleep. Trump was friends with Gaddafi. They were budding billionaires and were equally corrupt. Why Trump would be friends with a man who promised to destroy America could baffle anyone but a realist.

0  2018-03-27 by PussyRiot2016

Trump is a game player and grew up close with the mafia and corrupt politicians who had JFK assasinated so you can trust him as far as you can piss. He later claims he was against Gaddafi but when you look behind the smoke screen you realize this was a complete falsehood and he was mad as fuck when Obama helped the Libyan citizens not be victims of genocide at the hands of Gaddafi. His sons who lived through the conflict admitted the evil they had done so don't pretend that this is some colorful imagination making things up. Good night. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz


Are we really posting links to the guardian in r.conspiracy and expecting them to be taken seriously?

You are on step 1 of combating the truth. Well done comrade.

Gadaffi wasn’t a bad guy. Libya had some of the best social policies across Africa. If anything, we should be investing Israel for the Lockerbie bombing.

Gadaffi was trying to establish a pan-African currency like the euro and get off the petrodollar before he was disposed of by France & the UK with backing from HRC.

This must be a joke. Gaddafi was worth 200 billion dollars while his people lived in poverty and were tortured. He also backed terrorism and admitted to being behind the lockerbie bombing so not sure what bs you are trying spew.

Libya had no external debt. Free education. Free healthcare. Compare notes with the rest of the continent and get back to me.

he regularly sent his citizens to america to get better medical treatment. he was trying to unite africa. he was the wall that was holding the whole region together. America Fucked him. Obama fucked him, Hillary took money from him and fucked him. he was betrayed

people say they want socialism, then act like this guy was bad b/c we were told O and Hildawg killing him was a good thing. we came, we saw, he died.

i know, say its propaganda, but first tell me how your side of the story isnt.

Your srory isnt true, therefore propaganda

concise and to the point. you sir will win every battle.

my story is less wild than your post.

go back to bed. its where you belong, you cant even fathom you could be wrong, that's where you go from "conspiracy theory" to "delusional"

right, still less wild than your post. you claim that since a real estate guy lets a guy pay him to use land then they are friends and must have so much in common b/c you have an old article saying he got paid to let him pitch a tent. and im not arguing its validity, im arguing your assumptions of the situation. i can get video of libyan people saying what i say is true. you on the other hand are making assumptions from an article that it does not even suggest.

Does Trump have a track record of loving dictators and partnering with them in the past? Does Trump have a track record of bashing our allies? Make up your own mind. Make yourself great again

It is true,

The reason they killed him in the end though was the gold backed currency in the world that threatened the Petro dollar.

That was what "they" want you to believe and they ran with during the war. Saif al islam gaddafi admitted after his capture they were brutal dictators.

Well there it is. Pay fucktards to get married and breed more fucktards. Like it's not free already. If we paid for it, most of you morns' gene pool would already be out of existance. Someone sure as fuck would be accountable for creating a void in our nation's education capabilities. BTW check in with Cuba and Castro's social policies. Of course there is nothing to do but keep your slaves alive and kicking when they have given up hope on providing for the next generation. Not exactly world class social services comprable to those found in pay for service countries. Thumbs up for trying. Dictators by definition are not concerned about the needs of the people. Check in with Sweden, Norway, or somewhere other than where people are routinely executed

Guess where all those “fucktards” are going after he got disposed while they were perfectly happy at home.

. You should really check your facts.

The truth?

From the guardian?

Are you having a laugh?

Obama helped the Libyan citizens not be victims of genocide at the hands of Gaddafi.

America will run air support so Al Qaeda can form governments in all the new wastelands.

Thanks Obama

You can type it out before you link to some site which probably says all school shootings are fake and are paid by Cambridge Analytica

Pink monkey doorbell extravagance lurks cumbersome turnpike.

See, now we both so like unhinged lunatics.

You really are one though and you know it and pretend to be proud about it when really it eats you up inside

We all carry the seeds of madness.

How does your garden grow?

I think you're cool

That makes one of us.

See you actually believe that putting together unrelated words in one sentense will drive home a point, when spoken with authority. You see dipshit do it all the time, and his foolish supporters actually believe "Pink monkey doorbell extravagance lurks cumbersome turnpike" was started by Obama and executed by Clinton which was why she deleted those emails. Now why is no one in jail? How long are we going to suffer? When will it stop.

What the fuck are you on about?

(question is rhetorical, I don't care.)

Everyone is in cahoots.

Just about. They couldn't keep so many poor and dumb without lots of help.

A delusional post like this makes it apparent you do need sleep. Although, sleep being a cure for TDS is in need of funding and research. Find the cure!

when Obama helped the Libyan citizens not be victims of genocide at the hands of Gaddafi.

That's a whopper of a lie. Obama and Crooked Clinton need to be in prison for invading and destabilizing Libya which resulted misery as well as slave markets. She also knew Moammar Gadhafi had a history kicking the shit out of al-Qaida


Barack Obama says Libya was 'worst mistake' of his presidency

How Hillary Clinton Lied Her Way to War in Libya.

Declassified emails released in January and February reveal that Hillary Clinton was one of the main instruments in spreading chaos and extremism in Libya when the U.S. secretary of state personally pushed for the ousting of late Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi. Hillary Clinton played an integral role in the overthrow of Moammar Gadhafi and the destruction of the Libyan nation.

Clinton’s emails reveal that she and her staff were aware that civilians they claimed to be protecting were not actually in danger from government forces.

Less than a month ahead of the passage of U.N. Security Council Resolution 1973, a resolution which authorized a no-fly zone to protect civilians on March 17, 2011, Hillary's assistant, Huma Abedin, in an email dated Feb. 21, 2011, stated: “Based on numerous eyewitness reports, it is the Embassy's assessment that the government no longer controls Benghazi. This is likely the case for Ajdabiyah as well."

Abedin went on to write that sources in Benghazi reported that Libyan Interior Minister Abdul Fattah Younes had "changed sides" and was "now with the protesters in Benghazi." The mood in Benghazi and Ajdabiyah, according to the email, was "celebratory" and all posters of Gadhafi had been “knocked down."

Crucially, this email was written at a time when Clinton was aware that no government crackdown was taking place in either Benghazi or Ajdabiyah.

**This was despite anti-government protests kicking off in Benghazi and Ajdabiyah a few days before, at a time when the U.S. and France and other Western governments were claiming government forces were involved in the mass-killing of protesters and civilians.

However, on March 2, 2011, a few days before the passage of the U.N. resolution, U.S. State Department official Harriet Spanos sent an email informing Clinton that "Security Reports . . . confirm that Benghazi has been calm over the past couple of days."

“Economic activity is going on in Benghazi," she added in the email, with shops and banks open and "[m]obile and landline phones… working… and Internet has returned."

The moment of truth came 11 days into the NATO bombing, which continued for several months, when Clinton’s top adviser, Sidney Blumenthal, who was not employed by the state department but by the private Clinton Foundation, laid out the reasons for the Washington-led intervention and the eventual ousting of Gadhafi. Without once mentioning “humanitarian" purposes, in a March 27, 2011 email Blumenthal stressed to Clinton the importance of pressing for a “final win" by ousting Gadhafi in order to boost U.S. President Barack Obama’s then low approval ratings.

Ousting the Libyan strongman, argued Blumenthal, would further establish “security in North Africa, securing democracy in Egypt and Tunisia, economic development, effect throughout Arab world and Africa, extending U.S. influence, counter-balancing Iran, etc." Further highlighting his complete and utter disregard for the human cost of the intervention, in the same email Blumenthal informed Clinton about the horrors committed by U.S.-backed forces in Libya, which included members of al-Qaida.

"Speaking in strict confidence, one rebel commander stated that his troops continue to summarily execute all foreign mercenaries in the fighting." Such actions are considered war crimes and in violation of international resolutions and conventions.

The emails also reveal that the Obama administration and Clinton were aware of the threat of al-Qaida in the eastern part of the country, which had for years been suppressed by the Libyan leader.

The emails also show that claims made by NATO at the time, including alleged atrocities committed by Gadhafi’s forces such as rape and mass killings, were rumors used by Clinton and the Obama administration to help sell the intervention to the world.

It is clear the NATO intervention was not intended for humanitarian purposes. So what were the intentions of Clinton and the Obama administration? The same as most U.S. interventions: financial interest.

The emails reveal that most of the intelligence Clinton received on Libya was from Blumenthal, who was preparing to make substantial financial gains from the fall of the Libyan leader.

According to Vice News, the intel briefs on Libya were “prepared by Blumenthal's business partner and former CIA operative Tyler Drumheller, a consultant with plans to take advantage of economic opportunities in a post-war Libya."

Both men worked with the U.S.-based security company Osprey, a start-up that hoped to profit from medical and military contracts with Libyan rebels amid the chaos of the conflict, according to Vice News.

Five years later, the opportunism of Clinton and the Obama administration which resulted in one of the most disastrous interventions in recent decades, aiding the rise of extremist groups in the oil-rich African country and contributing to Europe’s ongoing refugee situation can be seen for what it was: a devastating assault on the people of Libya rooted in lies, deceit and narrow, imperial self-interest.

Doors all over New York have been slammed in the colonel's face, but Trump says he has rented part of a large property in Westchester county to Middle Eastern tenants who may be associated with Gadaffi.

Trump made money off Gadhafi! LOL

Drumpf is finished!

Obama never said Libya was his worst mistake he said he wished he handled it better after the fact so you are a proven liar right off the start not even gonna read the rest

misquote! the rest is invalid. you are a child. glad i scrolled down to see you are just a ignorant troll. i'll stop wasting time. no one believes your bull, and im not going to be supporting you getting paid per post.

Can't prove me wrong. Poor argument.

Up vote and gold for you. TRUTH

The NWO? I don't believe Gaddafi was killed by the mid-level perpetrators of the NWO because he was friendly or cooperating with them and their agenda; I think he was not conforming to the ways of the global sadistic elite and possibly entirely against the plot: the NWO.

Nope. Read his sons statements. Listen to his secretly recorded audio during the conflict. He was definitely NWO and was telling people to lie and couldn't believe certain people in Obama administration were turning against him. His voice, his words. Can't do better than that

gaddafi was killed for trying to create a gold backed african currency that would have put an end to americas cheap extraction of resources from the continent. shitlery admitted as much.

now they are in the early stages of forming a continent wide free trade zone, so i guess he didnt die in vain.

gaddafi was no saint but he was overall a positive force for his people and his goal was to basically turn africa in to wakanda, this is why they tried so hard to demonize him.

Damn I may have to abandon this sub as well. This is clearly the same old trump hate from r/pol with a conspiracy spin.

Pure bs as always.

Just wow.

so you just write a couple of emails and boom, you got yourself a little country. Boy oh boy. So um, in the event that a country does go belly up, and American interests would be jeoperdized I do believe it would be prudent to have money on hand to keep the lights on. The taxpayers are not going to foot the bill, we can barely keep our lights on. So private sector investors would need to be in place and why would they commit dollars unless they see a hefty return on a very high risk investment. You sure as fuck would not want me and my $5.00 keeping the lights on in some remote oil rich country. And I guess after Bush destabilized the entire region, politically it would be a win win for the democrats if they could go back in time and shut the barn door. So what. What is your point.? I do now realize that civics classes are highly underrated. The complete disregard for the Constitution by this administration and the need for each of two other branches to react to a power grab at any given moment is unprecendented. His followers just think they can make up the rules as they go along becaue they voted him in. No some things can never be voted out, Bill of Rights, and amendments to the Constitution, require 3/4 approval of each state, which also must be approved by 3/4 of the voters. It can be just as swift as the Civil Rights Act or, just ask the ERA, decades can pass and Equal Rights for Women are still not the law of the land. Clinton, Obama are no longer in power. Stop the blame game. The war started by Bush Sr and escalated to an all out land grab by Jr. destabalized that region. There is no going back in time. Move forward, shit or get off the pot. Fucking E-mails. What about Chenneys millions and miliions of destroyed emails. How about all those hand written notes from years gone by. Do you really think we have eyes around the globe. Intel is only reliable as long as it doesn't change. Alternate moves, like in chess, must be considered and talked about and notes kept and blah blah blah. It's when your secretary accidently erases tape recordings, Nixon's version of emails, just during certain meetings with certain people and only after an investigation is launched can one wonder "conincidence". You one tooth wonders can analyze declassified information in a wink of an eye. Yet keeping a full set of teeth in your damned mouths is not so straight forward or easy to understand.

"best info fast. Judge whether good enough hit S.H." - Rumsfeld

No sir I was referring to your suggestion that all nations should adopt this practice as this was the jewel in the crown of social services. Can you imagine taxpayers giving welfare to couples to have children yet have no say in how children are raised and no minimum amount of training and education and costs for responsibilities of these people who can but should not be paid because they can’t embrace their roles.

Procreation is the purpose to sustain your species. It’s hard wired for all living things on earth. But only the alpha males are chosen because they have the superior genes to guarantee the future of the species. Expect human. So just because you are equipped with the abilities doesn’t meant you should use them. It’s not ok to breed with 2nd cousins since share common genes and when paired keeps the species weak is counter productive to make the next generation better than the last.

Encouraging trains to come to the same spot headed in different directions on the same track at full speed is a train wreck