How can this be true? 2025 Forecast for USA Population to be at 16% of its current level of 324 million.

36  2018-03-27 by oswald__mosley

Deagel forecast here-

Appears Deagel was used as a reference in a Stratfor report, which lends to its potential validity. What does this mean though.. how does it drop so much? 324 million to 51..


I was listening to my local radio station one night while waiting in the car and the host had on "something something grand general of the club of rome" - and he said (and I will never forget): "Yeah, in around 5 to 10 years a confluence of factors like war, disease, poverty and resource exhaustion will combine to reduce the american (speaking of the continent, not just the country) population to around 10%"

And the radio host was just like "oh, hm, yes, you're probably right" - like, what the fuck? What does this guy know?

I am surprised the "club of rome" made the airwaves. That is pretty crazy, who was the guy meant to be? There are other depopulations, the UK down to 13 mil from 64..

You can’t really argue with their math and examples from all of biology

Free propaganda right into the vehicle. How convenient!

The Club of Rome and Population Reduction

Kind of makes that guys( from the future) map of the US seem more realistic.


Whats really weird is that if you look at the UK it drops to 14 million... but China and Russia stay the same.

and India, and Morroco.. and so many places, even France doesn't drop but much but Germany dramatic. I wonder what metric is behind the analysis..

Whatever it was, it took consideration of the possibility of something extremely big happening.

Grand Solar Minimum?

It would explain the amount of death but not the pattern. The pattern in this stinks of some human event. One that seems to line up with current events far too eerily.

Biological attack, immune to modern (public) medications will start WW3. Will start on US soil to enact a quick and violent response to whom ever we choose to blame it on. (Originally Russia but I feel Russia is being watched to closely now) will probably be a 'terrorist attack' (CIA/Israeli funded) we will respond with a shit ton of new troops in the middle east. We will provoke Russia into attack US troops under the disguise of 'freedom fighters' so we can declare war with Russia. At that time Russia/China start to move in on US soil (west coast) we will use the EU to battle Russia while US is mainly fighting China. A nuke will be fired and blown up mid flight by a 'UFO'. Blue beam begins as ET steps in and countries at 'war' will work together to defeat ET. We will have a form of surrender from the ETs at that signing all 1st world countries will agree that there is now a bigger threat than each other and form a new global order much like the UN but as controlling as the EU or worse. /tinfoilhat

well shit, that isn't a fun looking scenario.. let's see how close you are to the mark come 2025. I will remember this comment.

Remeber that this will all be over with by 2025 my guess is it will start in 2020. They will try and get Trump out so they can continue as planned, Trump will win 2020 and they will go all out. Depopulation must happen by 2025 with stabilization of population done by 'agenda' 2030

Where do you get this stuff from?


Lol Trump is the swamp. They love him even though it's all a show ATM.

Actually, many are thinking the stabilization will happen around 2045-2050. It's their dawn of 'Neo-Humanity'

One properly placed nuke in the Yellowstone Caldera and Xmas is cancelled for everyone.

Behold a pale horse... And upon it shall ride illuminated death and UFOs.

replace "ET" with advanced AI and your lookin at a brave new world

Racial diversity is the answer you two are searching for.

Can you explain how you feel it would apply in this case?

Looking at the UK for example, how would it cause a drop from 65 million to 14 million?

Why are other racially diverse countries such as France, unaffected?

You think the migrant crisis is bad now? Shiyyyttt nigga... u aint seen nothin yet. UK will be unable to stop the flow, just like the rest of landlocked & temperate Europe, unless DRASTIC measures are taken (they wont be). It's going to get unimaginably bad. They'll see to it, surely. Keep in mind none of these people really know, these are just guesses. Could end up being much worse. I have a hard time seeing it being any better than the projections, unless we start building walls/close the borders/end all third world immigration immediately, but we all know that WILL ABSOLUTELY NOT happened in the current year any time soon in Western countries, except for poossiblyy America if Trump can pull off a miracle.... So sad what Europe has in store in the coming decades tho. I'm convinced they are fucked at this point tbh. Destined for Civil Wars... :'(

*Pew: 70 Million Nigerians Plan to Migrate Over Next 5 Years

>Why are other extremely racially diverse countries (such as France), unaffected?

i'm not exactly sure tbh, I thought that was kind of strange too, given what I believe. I just dont know enough about the geography/economic position/capabilities of France tbqh, but I can think of a few complete guesses that at least could possibly explain this, none of which are worth much given I'm just guessing (eg. France has their Minority/Muslim populations naturally segregated almost completely in to suburbs outside of cities and would be very easy/natural for them to round all them up and deport them if shit really hit the fan bad in Europe, leaving France open to economic immigration of Americans/Europeans to replace them) - Like i said, that is morer or less just a complete guess tho, just not smart enough to have a real answer tbh lol... but my overal 'diversity+proximity=war' thesis stands tho.

There are certain countries in Europe that could possibly fall into the scenario that you're talking about, or a version of it at least.

But you must keep in mind that Europe is made up of separate nation states with differing laws. And as much as the wannabe dictators in Brussels want to make it a single entity, we still have countries very much opposed to mass immigration. Poland being one example, my own country Ireland being another.

Here, we have always accepted a small amount of refugees from genuine situations and I hope we continue to do so. We also have what you might call economic refugees from Eastern Europe. The Polish in particular have managed to blend into our society extremely well. However we also remove those without legitimate claims or claims that are turned down.

Im guessing the reason people in the US dont hear the full story about Europe is because it may not suit certain agendas. Literally every US targeted article that I've personally read gives an extreme view, on way or another. There are a large number of countries where it's just business as usual, not everywhere is Sweden or Germany.

We also have what you might call economic refugees from Eastern Europe. The Polish in particular have managed to blend into our society extremely well.

>We also have what you might call economic refugees from Eastern Europe. The Polish in particular have managed to blend into our society extremely well.

Well yeah, they're white.. and have an average IQ of roughly 99, as opposed to say, Somalia, which has an average IQ of 68, and relatively similar cultures & norms, of course they integrate fine.

My point was that we get rid of those that aren't legit, those that are get to stay.

On the Somalis in Ireland -

My point had nothing to do with them being similar, I was actually focusing on the point that we have refugees already, both political and economic.

We dont have the problems we see in certain countries because we only accept what we can sustain and remove the non legit ones.

NEARLY 3,800 PEOPLE were deported from Ireland in 2015, figures from the Irish Naturalisation and Immigration Service (INIS) show. In total, 3,790 people were deported or removed from the state, the service’s 2015 report shows.

Damn... a pretty simple way to throw the entire Eurasian continent into absolute chaos huh? I am not anti immigration in a more normal sence... but forced immigration by making people into refugees through our endless wars is beyond fucked up and not going to work out well.

> I am not anti immigration in a more normal sense...

Why not? You should be. Especially when they are coming in by the millions, have an average IQ of 70 - 80 in most cases(70 is literally the cutoff for being considered medically retarded by European standards, btw; completely useless in a modern economy) and have far less of a compunction against rape, among other extremely antisocial behavior, compared to your native population. Not gonna get in to this argument for the thousandth time if your some kind of lefty, just know that if you are not working to end 3rd world immigration to your country right now and you live anywhere in Europe, you are making a big mistake. Look at Sweden right now ffs... how many women are raped a day their now by non-white immigrants??? If this is new information to you, just trust me, I'm right... lol

Because I am not racist or intimidated by people different than me coming to this country through legal means. Yeah... you are right... the "immigrants" have a monopoly on rape/violence/low IQ. That is the dumbest statement I have ever heard in my life. Thanks for the laugh!

you don’t follow along very well do you?

I follow the one sided information just fine. It completely ignores statistics for whitey/non immigrants.

He was only backing up his points. It’s not his responsibility to provide both sides of anything.

And you immediatly jump to the “muh racist” schtick. People like you have become insufferable conversation stoppers.

...and people like you have been slinging one sided BS and claiming it's "not your responsibility" to be anything other than one sided? The idea that different cultures cannot co exist and immigration is the end of the world is racist... plain and simple. There are plenty of us who can live peacefully regardless of the color of our our skin or where we were born. I truly feel sorry for you losers stuck on this one sided talking point.

You seem quite triggered by the simple facts in life. The lower iq for African migrants for example compared to the natives. The much much higher violent crime rates for blacks in the United States. (Circa 13% of the US population are black and are responsible for almost 50% of violent crimes). Just pointing this out seems to offend you for some odd reason. These are just simple statements based on facts. In your triggered stupor you have assigned all types of motives to myself and the other dude. In what world is it beneficial to move lower IQ people who often refuse to assimilate into the destination culture? I’m not privy to crime stats for African migrants to Europe so I won’t touch that one but this IS NOT an envious situation for these territories at all. It’s just not a good situation for all involved including the migrants. You are literally saying I said stuff I didn’t say. Take a couple deep breaths and relax.

Crime statistics in the USA are highly skewed because of said racism and targeting of African Americans. Your "numbers" mean nothing other than backing up your biased mindset. I am not triggered, I just don't agree with you. It has also been shown time and time again that there is no correlation between IQ and race/geographical location/etc... it all boils down to opportunities afforded. Even the idea of trying to judge African migrants based on our Western idea of IQ is hilarious and flawed because what we consider high IQ people would be worthless if you threw them into a third world country. The idea of not "assimilating into the destination culture" is another joke... it's not real life because the world has been a melting pot through migration since the dawn of humanity. What is exactly is that one master culture they refuse to assimilate to here in the USA?

Lmfao. Hahaha you may be one of these low IQ folks if you think the numbers are highly skewed cause “Muh racism” and targeting. Yes, criminality should be targeted you fucking dolt. Literally proving my point with your hilarious responses. Get a grip dude. Could you be anymore of bullshitter with your stupid ass theories? I’m coming at your with stats and...I don’t even know what you are trying to do but it sucks and you aren’t doing yourself any favors...b b b Muh racism! Right? I’m not gonna respond anymore to your bleeding heart race baiting crap.

Who's triggered? Poor whitey doesn't like to be called out on his BS. wawawawa. You haven't provided shit for stats except MUH racist hearsay.

“Poor whitey”. Christ you are a racist. Stay triggered.

Am I wrong? No, you guys are just that easy to read. Probably mid 20's and no GF. She wouldn't put up with that shit. Shit job, but you lie online about your social status. Mad at the world and loves to blame everyone but yourself... who obviously is the proud owner of personality that no one except the Aryan Brotherhood wants to be friends with. I thought you were going to keep your digital trap shut? You just couldn't. That's triggered for ya!

Here is a great 6 hour talk about how IQ and potential has no relation to race/gender/geographic location. It's all about opportunity. John Taylor Gatto knows a fuck of a lot more than your pea brain.

You are on freaking reddit conspiracy throwing mainstream racist bullshit and skewed facts at me. Even if your "stats" were true... where did they come from? Who trusts "the numbers" on anything? I know what I see with my own eyes... and that is the fact that every single major city and even now smaller ones are very multicultural and for the most part there is no problem. Most people have no problem with it... the exception being you scared white males. Don't come at me with South Chicago or any of that BS... that stuff is an outlier. Multiculturalism grows communities, economies, and even provides us with amazing food to eat. Forced migration through war and the hell that brings is a whole different topic... but I made it clear from the start that is not what I am talking about here. Glad I could shut you up!

lmao I’m not taking any recommendations from a low IQ moron like you. All I gotta do is look around at the real world to know who is successful and who isn’t. It’s not just IQ. It’s cultural. It’s economic. It’s fatherless house holds. In this country at least. But please, continue to make excuses with “Muh racist” “Muh oppression”. Excuses excuses excuses. It’s hilarious. Pathetic.

And just to clarify I’m not into IQ studies at all but what the OP (of this convo string) posted wasn’t racist for pointing out the fact that Africans have low IQs. I’ll add that most of them are of low skill for a European style economy too. I interjected cause you pathetically went right to the “racist” crap. As if pointing out that Africans have lower IQ is somehow racist. I never argued for the importance of the Intelligence Quotient. It’s just one of many tools we have to measure a man. My point was: merely stating this isn’t racist. It may be insulting to your delicate sensibilities but stop practicing your bullshit group think and learn to think like an individual man instead of identifying with people of the same skin tone who aren’t even from the same country as you. Nothing is worse than that shit.

I am leaving the city I live in because it is Democratically-run and I foresee Detroit 2.0 here. I am moving to the Twin Lakes area of Arkansas so I can get my head screwed back on straight around people who look like me, where rap isn't thumping from every other car, where people abide by the rules of the road and civilized society and where I can freely shop and go about my business without worrying about aggressive beggars and potential fights (look up Milwaukee brawls, you will see two that have happened just yesterday). No more. I have had ENOUGH.

what about canada

Racial diversity is the answer you are searching for.

Inb4 there using refugees to spread diseases

not 14 million total. they will have 14 million less.

no, they state that their population will me 14 million.

As long as they don't provide any reference for their claims, you are free to put them in the same bucket as all other prophets.

They talk of an average of 110 thousand americans dying PER DAY. Anything sort of a full scale nuclear war cannot explain that number.

We have tons of labs genetically modifying stuff using a trial and error method lol. It's actually pretty retarded. One of them is bound to do something that our immune system's can't handle and it'll get out.

The Russians have race specific bio-weapons.

The US was working on the same weapon when several micro-biologists attached to the project started dying in various ways.

Either the weapon is complete and it's pay off/silence time, or someone is interrupting the work.

Seriously though, fighting fire with fire, usually leads to more people being cremated.

How do race-specific bioweapons work? The genetic differences between different races aren't significant enough to really narrow it down. CRISPR might useful for targeting certain groups, but even that's not 100%, and it wasn't discovered until fairly recently. When did Russia develop their alleged race-specific weapons?

Here's a start.

"In 1997, U.S. Secretary of Defense William Cohen referred to the concept of an ethnic bioweapon as a possible risk.[1] In 1998 some biological weapon experts considered such a "genetic weapon" plausible, and believed the former Soviet Union had undertaken some research on the influence of various substances on human genes."

I'm tired, but I'd love to continue this discussion tomorrw, if you're game. If I can learn more or new information, all the better.

That second website mentions a 'Pizzagate wiki'. Clearly a reliable source... /s

Deagel themselves said "we are not a death or satanic cult," clearly a strange comment to make /s

"To make matters even stranger a statement on Deagel's forecast page can found be which was made by the authors on October 26, 2014 which apparently claims the population shifts are due to suicide and dislocation and assure us they are "not a death or satanic cult":

Historically a change in the economic paradigm has resulted in a death toll that is rarely highlighted by mainstream historians. When the transition from rural areas to large cities happened in Europe many people unable to accept the new paradigm killed themselves. They killed themselves by a psychological factor. This is not mainstream but it is true. A new crisis joins old, well known patterns with new ones.

We are not a death or satanic cult or arms dealers as some BS is floating around the internet on this topic. Take into account that the forecast is nothing more than a model whether flawed or correct. It is not God's word or a magic device that allows to foresee the future."

From the steemit post..

Going to be a lot of people offing them selfs when robots take the minimum wage jobs because they never learned any skills. Baby boomers are going to start dieing off. WW3 Will also claim a lot of life's. Also the first big outbreak of disease that is immune to modern meds because we have pumped our selfs with antibiotics any chance we get. We have been set up to die by people more powerful than most of us can comprehend, and it's been going on for centuries.


It is based on the idea of a catastrophic economic collapse. The vast majority of the population decrease is predicted to be from emigration out of the USA rather than death.

here is a link to that statement"

summary: economic collapse leads to usa population decrease

Yes, but what type of economic collapse makes 100k people die per day in one country?

The kind that causes Civil War 2.0; where the poor are fighting the almost as poor for basic survival.

With China's oil futures making their debut the other day, the rise of the Petro-Yuan over the next several years could very well destabilize the Petro-Dollar and replace it on as the world's trading currency.


Once the US looses that monetary leverage over other countries, our import prices will rise and export prices will fall. Ever increasing Government debt/deficit spending/out of control money creation will cause Hyper-Inflation to occur. Prices on goods will skyrocket. People already financially struggling will have to resort to crime/violence just to feed their families. The haves (or barely haves by that point) will try and defend what's their's;

TDLR; We will wipe ourselves out fighting for scraps.

Yes, but why does this, for example, happens in UK, Germany and Greece?

Why, on the same time, it doesn't happen in France, Russia, China, Burma, Congo or Afghanistan?

Racial diversity + Proximity. Quite simple when you think about it a bit and consider history, tbh.

And what is the reason for the change in Greece or Germany? If it's racial diversity and proximity, why is India not affected?

If it was 2050, we could say Robots and AI will take over our planet, but we are only 7 years away from this. It could be world war 3.

In all honesty, it might not have anything to do with war, but, more with male infertility.

There is an apparent conspiracy that male infertility is something "tptb" and other groups are focused on. I've even seen an ad for Male birth control the other day ... not to mention the chems in food and water.

So, if people cannot be born, and they die at the rate mentioned in a comment down, it wouldn't take long to get down to 10-15% of the population in 5-10 years.

AKA everything is fucked, you're fucked, I'm fucked, and they're certainly fucked.

“They” are not fucked at all, “they” will be fine. “They” planned it after all.

I meant in the head

Gun control and ban happens in America, China and Russia take that has their moment to advance. OR, gun control and ban happens, the government turns to tyranny and initiates population reduction and control.

but russher is our friends!

Unfortunately in this day and age we really don't have any friends on the global stage. I guess maybe an argument could be made for England but in reality there are no other superpowers in the world that the u.s. can really count on if something were to happen. It really pains me to think that way but for a long time it seems like the world is against us and even worse we are against ourselves.

As a Canadian the world does hate you and is against you. I love Americans but I as a neighbour hate America. Your government and your policies and your bloodthirsty penchant for war and violence on a global scale is scary as shit.

I've long since stopped referring to myself as American is most cases, while I love that I was born here this country has taken a huge turn in the wrong direction. Luckily, I live in Texas and am far removed in most ways from the psychopaths in Washington and liberal cities around the country.

Also Canadian and can second this. America is not loved, not even even liked and it makes me pretty nervous.

whaaaaaaaaaa the fuck

Without researching more it could be a Trump hating organization. IIRC the doomsday clock advanced a lot under W Bush and retracted under Obama. Lots of the groups are biased.

Because George w started two full scale invasions, and Obama simply upped the drones and covert actions. It recently went up because trump casually threw around the threat of nuclear annihilation.

IIRC the doomsday clock advanced a lot under W Bush and retracted under Obama.

Nope, got worse under Bush, and then even worse than that under Obama. It retracted under Nixon, Bush I, and Clinton. use private browser instance if it hits the soft subscription wall.

tldr deagel is full of shit

I'm guessing one of our zombie genetically modified bacteria will get out and wipe us all out. There's like thousands of labs modifying the genetics of things, one of them is bound to royally fuck up and release something none of our immune systems have ever seen. Probably the same shit that ended Atlantis.

This shit is interesting

This is from there website:

The key element to understand the process that the USA will enter in the upcoming decade is migration. In the past, specially in the 20th century, the key factor that allowed the USA to rise to its colossus status was immigration with the benefits of a demographic expansion supporting the credit expansion and the brain drain from the rest of the world benefiting the States. The collapse of the Western financial system will wipe out the standard of living of its population while ending ponzi schemes such as the stock exchange and the pension funds. The population will be hit so badly by a full array of bubbles and ponzi schemes that the migration engine will start to work in reverse accelerating itself due to ripple effects thus leading to the demise of the States. This unseen situation for the States will develop itself in a cascade pattern with unprecedented and devastating effects for the economy. Jobs offshoring will surely end with many American Corporations relocating overseas thus becoming foreign Corporations!!!! We see a significant part of the American population migrating to Latin America and Asia while migration to Europe - suffering a similar illness - won't be relevant. Nevertheless the death toll will be horrible. Take into account that the Soviet Union's population was poorer than the Americans nowadays or even then. The ex-Soviets suffered during the following struggle in the 1990s with a significant death toll and the loss of national pride. Might we say "Twice the pride, double the fall"? Nope. The American standard of living is one of the highest, far more than double of the Soviets while having added a services economy that will be gone along with the financial system. When pensioners see their retirement disappear in front of their eyes and there are no servicing jobs you can imagine what is going to happen next. At least younger people can migrate. Never in human history were so many elders among the population. In past centuries people were lucky to get to their 30s or 40s. The American downfall is set to be far worse than the Soviet Union's one. A confluence of crisis with a devastating result.

TLDR: Economic collapse is bad.

The fall of Rome 2.0 or...

Ok jokes aside this points to Yellowstone event which is beyond scary, not only for north america but for the whole planet... i don't want to even imaging what life would be in the next 10-20 years after such an eruption!

I'm not so sure about that World population... if no E.L.E. happens ofc i bet its gonna be close to 8 billion by 2025.

To answer you OP, it can't be. As in, it can't be true. And sure, it's fun to play with the scenarios, but you are simply wasting your time.

It's mostly from emmigration out of the USA after an economic collapse.......

The only people taking this as "potentially valid" are those with ignorant apocalypse fantasies grounded in nothing but their imaginations.

I think people underestimate how quickly people could be depopulated with one of these designer plagues cooked up over the years.

It’s been almost 3 decades since I took Geography 101 in college. But I remember learning that there have always been 3 natural controls on population: War, Disease, and Natural Disasters. (Famine fits somewhere within the causes and after effects of all three of the above.)

The Black Death in the 1300s wiped out 1/3 of the population in Europe and Asia. We are due for a major disease pandemic.