
2  2018-03-29 by strongbad99

Who are you people? I read this sub all the time and I'm like a pretty normal guy. I just happen to buy into conspiracies. I've never met another person honestly who can talk conspiracies like me. Are you guys all professional conspiracists or something because how come I never hear about this in real life. EDIT: I mean please give broad description of your career/life choices


You've just got bad luck my friend. My best friend and I have been on the conspiracy journey together for quite a while. You've gotta work on getting people to see the Truth, one small step at a time. Most people never will if someone doesn't give them a nudge here or there. But always remember- be a facilitator, not a savior.

Ok so what video should I force my friends to watch that will surely be an eye opener for them

Totally depends on the person. I think a good place to try top start is the 30 second collapse reel of Building 7.


Dear Mr. Vernon, we accept the fact that we had to sacrifice a whole saturday in detention for whatever it is we did wrong, but we think you're crazy for making us write an essay telling you who we think we are. You see us as you want to see us, in the simplest terms, in the most convenient definitions. But what we found out, is that each one of us is a brain, and an athlete, and a basketcase, a princess, and a criminal. Does that answer your question? Sincerely yours, The Breakfast Club.

Gotta fall back on one of my all time favorites to respond to ya here.

And the worms ate into his brain...

There must have been a door there in the wall...where I came in?

This is one of my favorite album sets. I grew up listening to these classics.

Rage against the machine woke me right up though.

Same here man...Pink Floyd found me at a very pivotal moment in my life, and it helped me through a lot. I got more into RATM as I got older but I absolutely adore both bands.

If we're talking about awesome music, hope you don't mind if I leave this here: cheers

Don't you forget about me

im the princess here!!


Smoke up, Johnny.

what do you mean "you" people?

We are the ones who control your thoughts and ideas. Everything you think of has been thought and discussed before. We control the past present and the future. We know what will happen before it happens. We are the United and the Fallen. We are everywhere and nowhere. We are All.


I just happen to buy into conspiracies.

The only people I know that actually use the phrase "buy into conspiracies" have no basic understanding of conspiracy theories whatsoever, and use the phrase "buy into" because they incorrectly assume that anyone understanding such things has fallen for a con.

I'm not buying into your story here.

Ok sherlock

Are you surprised that I could smell your bullshit a mile away?


Why don't you tell us who you are and what you know?

most people are naturally curious of world around them. this get stomped out of many in public education by design. in this system people then learn to be a part of groups.

this leads to group mentality. thinking and speaking outside of the groupthink will make you outcast and this hits on human nature and emotion.

no one wants to be outcast because that means death literally and figuratively. this is why people do not do it. it's a repression of natural curiousness of world in humans.

we are people who try to reverse and resist this programming and aim to seek true nature of world and truth.

we can be your neighbor or your store clerk or your boss or lover to be honest. this is internet after all and this platform is mostly anonymous.

if you want to find us in wild just talk to people. strike up a conversation and gauge people response. go on adventure! you'd be surprised.

I prefer to think of myself as an investigative journalist, a truth seeker.

I'm not offended when labeled a conspiracy theorist but it's a poor description.

I like that, I want to be an investigative journalist

Answer: I'm a female writer/artist, who is a left leaning libertarian.

I'm just a love machine. No really, that's all that I am. I walk through life empathically recycling people's problems and from that inspire others from within to feel positive and perhaps adopt new perspectives on what ails them.

The true conspiracy here is how hard it is for the power of love and empathy to do anything good for anyone anymore.