When the hell was there EVER 8300 active users on this sub?

16  2018-03-29 by thetydollars


About 5,000-6,000 users moved in last week or so.

The daytime average was usually between 2,000-3,000

Interesting - have you noticed that voting patterns have changed? As in, are the top posts in this sub reflecting that?

The front page tends to be co-opted trash, /new is where real discussion can still be had, and it's ground zero in the fight against the shills. In /new, you can set the tone of discussion, and actually help contribute to the sub. A lot of the best convos never make it to /hot.

That’s where I hang out too, I was more so asking because I would assume that a 5K increase in active users would mean that top posts have a similar increase in voting patterns.

The front page tends to be co-opted trash

Yep. The good news is the real /r/conspiracy users see through the pro-Trump shit that is pushed here on a daily basis.

Almost no real discussion in /new, sorry. 90% bullshit, politics up the ass. This place is fucked. :(

Definitely, there was that one on the front page that looked like it came straight from my Uncle's Facebook about gun control and it was complete with a link to some conservative garbage site and that one with multiple news agencies(except Fox which did have the same type of article) using a quote from an ambassador in the title.

If you could link it to me, that would be great. I'm trying to collect a few from this week, and then going back historically too, to see how proportions change.

Also - anyone know of any sites that do this automatically? Reddit analytics that are opensource?

Wouldn't know to be honest. I never see the top posts. I only browse new. That's where the magic happens. There's definitely odd vote counts though.

Back until last October the daytime average was closer to 800-1000. It's gotten progressively worse.

Been noticing too a lot more people on here , I wonder what’s going on. Someone hit the head on something?

Partisanship and populists divide us and the middle becomes a battle ground.

All hands on deck baby.

Why don't you make a post about announcement that Yuri Skripal is now "rapidly improving" no longer in critical condition from poisoning of a nerve agent that is supposed 10 to 12 more times deadly than VX gas...

See how that goes....hahahaha....

I don't know about reddit but back in the message board days, there would always be more users online than people due to bots.

The days and weeks following the Vegas shooting there were upwards to 10K almost every time I looked. Its actually what brought me over to this sub.

When all these fake mass shootings started happening the sub got filled with controlled opposition to sway the conversation away from the obvious, glaring holes in all these stories.

Then all the real users with something useful to talk about got banned from the shady mods we've had here

The sheep need a shepherd.

Which mass shootings are fake?

That one in Texas is a litmus test.

Where 20+ people died? What is it a litmus test for?

Litmus test to let me know if it's a waste of time to talk to that person about this subject or not. If you thoroughly examine the nature of that event and still don't think it's at least plausible that events can be fabricated then I will consider you intellectually dishonest and not worth my time.

That's amazing because I feel the exact same way about people like you.

People that do their own research?

The better question is which arent..

The only people telling you it's real are the ones bought and paid for.

I seriously don't trust any of reddit's numbers with the way they vote fuzz.

wise advice. For all we know there could just be you, me and almost 9,000 bots.

Never trust reddit. They lie.

Beep Boop Beep yourrr arre correct

It's over 9,000!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

10,000 just after the Vegas shooting

Might have something to do with all the recent sub reddit bans.

People want uncensored news.

Ask the mods to show the subreddit info here (can only see if a mod of the sub so page not found)


Info would look like this https://i.imgur.com/dJXX9uf.png

Otherwise it's just people saying stuff with no proof. People have been mentioning active users on this sub now for months and there are always comments saying something like "a few weeks ago it was always around 2,000" yet that's been said for months now so a few weeks ago when this same question was asked there wasn't 2,000 active users.

The other day at 1am on a weeknight, there were over 5000

Remember people from other countries read this. 1am in New York is 4pm in Sydney.


I've just never seen it personally at the time on a weeknight, except for right after the LV shooting.

bots and shills are hardly active valued users... and their numbers over inflate the stat

That's amazing because I feel the exact same way about people like you.