Conspiracies of mythic proportions.

4  2018-03-30 by RMFN

In a previous post I very briefly outlined the known known of false rabbit holes of the 9/11 mythos;

I believe the complexity of 9/11 is only ever fully realized until understood as a phenomena rather than an event. 9/11 is an event of mythic proportions. And should be understood as such. 9/11 and it's story are a modern "myth". These masterpiece level events evoke magical thinking to reconcile logical inconsistency. The "magic bullet" of JFK and the book "9/11 as an Occult Ritual" show exactly this line of thinking. These events seem to defy explaination by ordinary scientific means. Even the modern "scientific" explanations of these events falls into the realm of conspiracy theory.

For example "vaccines cause auriam" is introduced to muddy the waters. Vaccines themselves do not, it is the chemical additives and "preservatives" that research has shown to have adverse effects that mimic autism. False rabbit holes, mainly in the form of sound bites, "jet fuel can't melt AR 15s!" these little snippets are meant to drive discussion in a curtain direction.

The JFK assassination, the moon landing, 9/11 and others are among what I would label masterpiece level conspiracy theories because there are an infinite number of interpretations of the "theory". The level of complexity that emerges from these events defy simple explanations that the human mind desires. We want simple solutions. But an event that we can truly never know everything about cannot have a simple explanation. That is why these events are breeding grounds for conspiratorial hermeneutics that compress and stretch evidence into worldviews that resemble the story line logic of ancient myths. Modern man has not evolved passed mythical thinking.

Humans are driven by faith and emotions. Facts will never sway.

I would love to hear personal stories of nuances that you have found in a conspiracy theory.


OP there are a couple of distracting typos.

The sentence: For example, "vaccines cause auriam" ?auriam

The last sentence, nuonces?

Self posts allow edit corrections.

Oh and yes, the events are used to create the Myths that is suppose to be what we are and where we are going.

They are failing because, they don't bother with achieving a consensus any more, they just tell us we are going along even as we refuse.

Thank you der grammar fuer.

I make more typos than anyone on this sub. lol, so no I am not a grammar fuer and am often made fun of for my usage and called an ESL user.

When someone corrects me, I say thank you or ignore and make the correction or not.

All heil RMFN!

Habla español?

I wouldn't call myself literate in any language. I might have once been literate in English, but that was before I received all this negative reinforcement from internet comment threads.

Sorry do you mean "internet comment threads" or "internet conic threads"? Normally I wouldn't ask, except one spirals downward and the other up.


Lol! I don't speak German.

I'd argue that it's not that we've failed to evolve past mythical thinking and instead that we've failed to comprehend and embrace it for what it really is. Our failure to understand and appreciate myths for what they really are has created a glaring weakness in our understanding of the world and our place in it and what you're describing is the functioning of a fractured collective psyche striving to understand what it has lost the tools to properly comprehend.

And how do you understand myths as opposed to, say, the masses?

Honestly, I'm not even sure how to describe it anymore. They have something to do with how we interact with and explore internal and collective mind-spaces and are closely related to how people engage/deal with psychedelic and altered states of being and then decode and relay the information they receive both to their conscious mind and to society at large.

I'm mostly stream of consciousness posting right here, because I figured I'd try to answer your question rather than ignore it despite the fact that in some sense my answer would be 'I'm not entirely sure'.

I think it has to do with giving people a shared frame of reference, but not just here and now in material reality, in other realms of awareness as well. there's more to it than that, but as I said, I'm having a hard time expressing it.

There's some book title, haven't read the book, but the title is good 'our god's wear spandex' or something like that. The idea is simple enough, the stories we tell ourselves and the myths we align ourselves with have a fundamental impact on how our internal and, in some sense, external world is structured both personally and collectively and the more dissonant the competing 'internal models' are the weirder things get when people try to understand and express relationships around things that aren't properly and commonly understood.

The gods and figures of myth and legend aren't necessarily meant to be taken as literal recountings of actual physical real happenings, but neither are they 'just' collective imaginings and fanciful dreams created by 'less sophisticated' and 'civilized' minds in an attempt to give meaning to a chaotic and incomprehensible world. They help pattern and strengthen our ability to engage with our dreams and pull those dreams into reality and, for lack of a better way of expressing it, when functioning properly they help us make a better and deeper connection with our 'soul'.(other words and names can be chosen for whatever this thing is, but it's very very real and tricky to talk about because of the warped ideas surrounding such matters both from 'believers' and scoffers alike).

I'm basically running on nothing but two cups of coffee and some cake here though so my thoughts are running a mile a minute and not particularly well patterned on their own.

I thought that was an awesome breakdown. You're definitely firing on all cylinders lol.

New diet: coffee and cake.

Edit: but never coffee cake.

The level of complexity that emerges from these events defy simple explanations

Especially by the small coterie tasked with utterly obfuscating the sheet music. I can see all the conspiracies you cite as solvable. After all, you can't kill that many innocent people and not find someone to take the fall.

I can see all the conspiracies you cite as solvable.

But does society? The meta narrative of the masses is the mass perception. Many of us "conspiracy theorists" definitely have formulated solutions, but there is no unifying theory of 9/11 that does not involve swathes of speculation.

no unifying theory of 9/11 that does not involve swathes of speculation.

That's because the 9/11 Commission (and all that followed) was just massively deceptive rather than defensible or even plausible. It's almost like a test... uhhh a loyalty test.

Do what I have suggested: Convene a Truth and Reconciliation organization, appoint the people who can do it right, that the people trust. Both the country and the world would be benefited, unless my "nameless fear" theory is - unfortunately - true.

It's almost like a conspiracy theory..

How do you reconcile eight millimetre film passing through the Van Allen radiation belts undeveloped?

How do you reconcile the silence of many, many direct participants? I don't believe our Psy-Op capability was that strong. Really, we are reputed to have shot 30 of our best and smartest around the moon. And all a charade?

Yes there are lots of mysteries about NASA, but this one just seems less likely than many others. One I like is why did NASA take over the domestic manipulation of public opinion about so-called global warming?

Are you denying the power of compartmentalization?

The silence is easily explained by compartmentalization.

I am no expert, but will still insist that successful compartmentalization requires physical separation to work well. These people were successive "classes". How well can you deceive your high school buddies about your high school antics?

I never got caught.

Then you must have always played alone.

I was homeschooled.