Woman accuses former Mormon leader of rape. The Church hires an attorney to write a 5 page dossier detailing the woman's criminal history. The woman gets her rapist to admit on an audio recording to sexual assault. Church attorney then gives dossier to the rapists family, who gives it to the media.

382  2018-03-31 by relevantlife

Exclusive: Documents reveal how the LDS Church responded to MTC sex scandal

Audio recording.

another article

Mormon leaders knew of two alleged victims of former Missionary Training Center president in 2010

Former Missionary Training Center president admits to asking a young missionary to expose her breasts in the ’80s, BYU police say

TL;DR The Mormon church engaged in a smear campaign against a woman who accused a church leader of rape. Not only did they engage in the smear campaign, they provided a church paid for dossier of info to discredit the accuser to the accused rapist's family.


Where have we seen this playbook before? :/

Mormons, the CIA's crowning achievement in North American cult creation, 1800-1999 category.

Too few understand the intelligence agencies and their use of cults..

What are they, just a good way to make radicals for sending on disposable missions?

In essence,yes

TIL the CIA was created in the early 1800's not the mid 1900's. Try pushing your agenda harder you shill fuck.

Expand on this please?

I'm kinda using short-hand/skipping dots in between but the gist is...

The dark occult people went underground way back when. In general, this is called the Black Nobility, and from them sprang several cults to venerate their... traditions and practices. These go by Cult of Apollo, Cult of Saturn, and mostly any Mars/Venus/Saturn/Jupiter name in the Greek or Latin pantheon.

They then create "false" cults, from their point of view. These serve to divide, distract, and attract the right kinda people for the right kinda jobs, from their point of view. There have been untold numbers of these, some flame out, some persist and are vast.

The CIA comes way after Mormonism, so what I meant was the forces behind the CIA, which is an extension of the dark occultists in the US, also created Mormonism, a false cult.

This link will go into the Black Nobility cults and their creation and use of false cults. I went so far as to get a .pdf of the original magazine and I refer to if often.


Watch Santos Bonacci completely savage the Black Nobility in this video. So much great info in here that goes way back to the creation of these evil forces. I can't believe he doesn't get more traction here.


Thank you for the lead, I def will

Wow that is quite the read.

Yea, mind blowing. I appreciate you taking the time to read it.

I have to keep in mind the publication (The Campaigner) was a pro-communist magazine and the authors are fairly pro-Plato/neo-Platonian and likely globalists/city-builder affiliated.

The .pdf has art and graphics and maps which the linked text-only version does not.

Wow I never heard they were connected. Have any reading material about it?

For one thing the Mormons have temple rituals exactly like the masons. Don't ask a regular member about that though.

Oh I see Thanks! ✌️

Please see my comment and link on the earlier reply.

Mormon church founded in 1830

CIA founded in 1947

I am definitely seeing the evidence piling up that the Mormon church

Please see my comment and link to the earlier reply, I think we posted around the same time.

OSS preceded the CIA.

Not in 1830.

Any follow up here??

When I was enlisted, we had a Tech Sgt who was Mormon. Hands down the weirdest dude I’ve ever met, and that was a mutual feeling throughout the shop/squadron.

I hated him, for unrelated reasons, but talking to the dude was just uncomfortable as hell. We used to joke that he was OSI or an Android. His eyes looked like cameras lol. He wasn’t threatening by any means. Just really really strange.

My work colleague grew up in SLC, not Mormon. Wow the stories. SLC punk is foreal

What does that make Mitt Romney?

A CIA puppet

I’d like to add that Joseph Smith was a Freemason.

Interesting, but wasn't CIA established around 1940s where as Mormons existed before the beginning of the century ?

The CIA is merely the latest name given to, and the US-based affiliate of, a much older group. See the link I posed to an earlier reply.

Don’t forget to make a Submission Statement - this belongs on this sub, and it’ll get deleted if you don’t make one.

The Mormon church engaged in a smear campaign against a woman who accused a church leader of rape. Not only did they engage in the smear campaign, they provided a church paid for dossier of info to discredit the accuser to the accused rapist's family.

Good to see all that money they have to 'donate' to the church is going for a good cause.

Mormons are just as fucked up as Scientologists, maybe even more so since they have much more power.

Nah. I grew up in a town that was about 50% Mormon, and by and large they're the nicest, most honest people I've ever known. Don't get me wrong, they're bat shit crazy, but at least they generally try to live their faith unlike vanilla christians.

Well yeah that’s how it is with all religions, it’s more the leadership and stuff like this that puts a bad taste in your mouth.

Power attracts sociopaths, and that is true of any and every institution.

I disagree

Who is gonna want her on their planet? She wont be able to be a sister wife with an attitude like that...such a shame. PLEASE NOTE THE /s

Cults always defend their leaders.

Im watching The Keepers as I’m reading this.


This timeline gives a better picture of the scandal. Of important note. A few weeks after the Church became aware of the audiotape. A bill was introduced in the state legislature to make it illegal to record someone without BOTH parties consent.

It just sucks she waited so long to do anything about it.

Can't blame her! She probably knew this was going to happen. She witnessed first hand how insane this cult is, she knew something like this would happen to her.

yeah because if she ' did something about it" in 1983 there was no mormonleaks and noone would ever had heard of it again, yes, even if she went to the police.

Yeah that's my point it sucks

I’d like to add that Joseph Smith was a Freemason, thus Mormonism shares many symbols, formalities, and rituals with Freemasonry.

Looks like Smear Dossiers are all the rage these days.

To anyone interested in a Mormon sex cult story, google: "Teal Swan Conspiracy"

Wtf mormons are evil ?

The CIA is merely the latest name given to, and the US-based affiliate of, a much older group. See the link I posed to an earlier reply.