Things you're not allowed to question...

39  2018-04-02 by SpendLessWorkLess

Here is a list of some things the PTB (CIA & friends) will not permit us to question (things the shills - and the mindless programmed parrots - are primed & ready to swarm us for). Please help expand the list.

  • The U.S. military invasions and whether or not U.S. military members are actually the good guys
  • The official 9/11 fairytale
  • Whether or not "vaccines" are safe or necessary
  • Whether or not humans are causing climate change
  • Our current Prussian-based public school system and whether or not it is intentionally more harmful than beneficial
  • Whether or not mass-shootings are being staged to push citizen disarmament and accelerate police state expansion
  • Whether or not universities are largely used to damage critical thinking and deliver false information about the structure and history of our societies
  • Whether or not veterans are actually heroes
  • Whether or not public school teachers are actually heroes
  • The legitimacy of mainstream holocaust history
  • Whether or not Israel powers (Mossad & friends) are actually the good guys, and whether or not they're involved in major international conspiracies
  • Whether or not the income tax is legal and should be paid
  • Whether or not the original moon landing was faked
  • Whether or not a person's sexual orientation can be set or changed post-birth by will, environmental factors or deliberate conditioning
  • Whether or not there might be cognitive capability differences between races or genders
  • The trustworthiness, capability and decency of western mainstream doctors and hospitals (including psychiatric)
  • Whether or not the election system is rigged using voting machine manipulation
  • Whether or not suicide is often a sane and reasonable choice
  • Whether or not the public is actually way behind in technological advancement because of technology hoarding, shelving and trickling
  • Whether or not the true cause of cancer is being hidden, and/or cures are being blocked for the sake of profits and control
  • Whether or not GMO's - especially those pushed by corporations like Monsanto - are safe (thankfully the tables are starting to turn on this one)

Attention r/conspiracy researchers
This sub is now consistently monitored and brigaded by a group of individuals whose goal is to gaslight us, politically polarize us, bury valuable posts & comments, and push specific MSM narratives. They frequently pose as r/conspiracy researchers and at least one of them is using a multi-account bot with access to many accounts for vote manipulation. Please use this signature to inform others.

You just questioned everything you claimed you are not permitted to question. There is error in your logic somewhere. You are either permitted to question them or you're not. If you are permitted to question (as you've just done) then your post moots itself. If you're not permitted, then aren't you scared of being kidnapped by the CIA for breaking their rules on such a public and high volume forum?


  1. Whether citizens of the USA are deliberately being targeted for stupefaction via environmental, medicinal, and food pollutants by foreign investors to maintain their control over the colony

Whether or not in ancient times there was an advanced global civilisation who were destroyed in a cataclysm that manifested as a deluge, of decidedly biblical (hint) proportions.

Can you expand on this more?

I’d love to, but Graham Hancock is infinitely better versed than I. Enjoy

Thanks. Starting it now.

Thank you so much for this. Can’t get enough now.

It's becoming more of an accepted fact in recent months.

Not sure what country you live in, but here in America you are free to question whatever you want

Not entirely true...I heard of someone researching something online who got threatened to not go only further. There are of course limits to our freedoms, increasing by the day.

What are they researching

I also would like to know, so that I can start researching it

They could never speak about it again, like seriously, not a word or search, so I'm still doing to know.

Never question that the FED is a privately owned money machine that does not benefit us.

The Federal Reserve Bank is soliciting proposals from developers for a "Social Listening Platform" that will monitor "Facebook, Twitter, Blogs, Forums and "Handle crisis situations, "continuously monitor conversations, identify and reach out to key bloggers and influencers." [2011]

The Federal Reserve Bank is soliciting proposals from developers for a "Social Listening Platform" that will monitor "Facebook, Twitter, Blogs, Forums and "Handle crisis situations, "continuously monitor conversations, identify and reach out to key bloggers and influencers." [2011]

The Federal Reserve Bank is soliciting proposals from developers for a "Social Listening Platform" that will monitor "Facebook, Twitter, Blogs, Forums and "Handle crisis situations, "continuously monitor conversations, identify and reach out to key bloggers and influencers." [2011]

you can question all of that. What you can't question is the shape of the earth.

Yup, this one wins the price.

You can talk about any of these topics. If you don't want any criticism then I wouldn't post about them on the 4th most popular site on the internet, others tend to see them and poke holes in the ideas

I poke holes in the standard model all day. Whats your point.

The truly off limit topic

Who says you can't question the shape of the earth?

It is discussed all the time on YouTube and here on r/conspiracy

What you REALLY can't question is the backstory of Nikola Tesla.


This one kind of cracks me up. The Flat Earth thing comes up a lot here. There is more than one reason things get downvoted to oblivion here, and in this case there's nothing sinister about people thinking a dumb idea is dumb. I'm not trying to be rude to people who don't understand that planets are balls, because I understand the feeling of believing something which people consider impossible or unbelievable.

However, in this particular case, we have a strange confluence of issues. One issue is that average people can and do carry out experiments to examine the shape of the Earth. For example, you can drive around in your car for a day or two and measure the curvature of the Earth using only trigonometry and simple instruments. Basic geometry tells us that this curvature is consistent with a sphere. You can literally take an aerial tour of Antarctica for $1200 (+ the cost of getting to Australia). People have flown around the world and there's nothing in principle stopping any of you (other than expense and difficulty) from experiencing this for yourself. You don't have to be an astronaut to see the Earth is a ball, but they obviously have no doubts that the Earth is a ball. People send cameras up in high altitude balloons and on homemade rockets. It's something which couldn't be suppressed because there are so many simple ways to see that it's not flat nor a dome. 100% of the arguments for the theory are simple misunderstandings of basic scientific principles.

On the other hand, we also have the CIA psyop angle. Flat Earth is a theory which was intentionally propagated by the CIA as a disinformation experiment. They wanted something which shouldn't be believable because it contradicts such a massive body of evidence. They wanted to see if they could get people to believe it anyway. This serves two purposes. One is experimental. They have a test case to understand how well they can seed bad information into the public. The other is to discredit conspiracy communities and conspiracy theorists in general by associating them with a theory which is devoid of reason. This is the biggest reason why you see pushback here against Flat Earth theories.

This one kind of cracks me up.


The Flat Earth thing comes up a lot here. There is more than one reason things get downvoted to oblivion here, and in this case there's nothing sinister about people thinking a dumb idea is dumb. I'm not trying to be rude to people who don't understand that planets are balls, because I understand the feeling of believing something which people consider impossible or unbelievable.

You believe in impossibilities just fine. As long as they force fed you since before you could walk you're totally okay with it. It's called indoctrination

However, in this particular case, we have a strange confluence of issues. One issue is that average people can and do carry out experiments to examine the shape of the Earth.

correct. And you'll quickly find out it's not a ball.

For example, you can drive around in your car for a day or two and measure the curvature of the Earth using only trigonometry and simple instruments. Basic geometry tells us that this curvature is consistent with a sphere.

Oh yes! the good old Eratosthenes bs story. Say, how did he know when the exact moment was the next day? did he have a quartz watch? oh yes.. the super accurate pendulum.

You can literally take an aerial tour of Antarctica for $1200 (+ the cost of getting to Australia).

and they will show you the peninsula, you'll take some pictures of pinguins, and you'll exit through the gift shop. did you know all those different tour are owned by the same company. of course you did.

People have flown around the world and there's nothing in principle stopping any of you (other than expense and difficulty) from experiencing this for yourself.

Actually it's called the Antarctic treaty. You need to get permission from the a UN body to go exploring in the Antarctic. so, not sure what the fuck you're talking about.

You don't have to be an astronaut to see the Earth is a ball,

actually, you do! No one has seen the ball earth but for "ASStroNUTZ"

but they obviously have no doubts that the Earth is a ball. People send cameras up in high altitude balloons and on homemade rockets.

exactly! it's flat as fuck! you can tell even with the use of fish eye.

It's something which couldn't be suppressed because there are so many simple ways to see that it's not flat nor a dome.

exactly. just using the sensors in your phone you can see for yourself that the earth DOES NOT MOVE and thats why it's spreading like wild fire. You can buy simple zoom lens and watch the ships "disappear" behind the curve and then watch them pop up like magic using a zoom lens.

100% of the arguments for the theory are simple misunderstandings of basic scientific principles

every flat earther was at one point a ball person and thought flat earthers are idiots. They are not people from subsaharan Africa who just don't know what the ball earth is all about!

So much nonsense in one post.

I'm not surprised. I expect it. After all, I was on your camp for the overwhelming majority of my life.

Since this is not really a thread about Flat Earth, I'm not going to go too far into this with you here. My main point was to bring up the known CIA influence in propagating the Flat Earth theory. If you are actually interested in discussing the details below, feel free to continue in PM or anther thread.

However, nearly everything else you said was completely wrong.

Oh yes! the good old Eratosthenes bs story. Say, how did he know when the exact moment was the next day? did he have a quartz watch? oh yes.. the super accurate pendulum.

Keeping time down to the second or even minute is not necessary to perform similar experiments with sufficient accuracy.

and they will show you the peninsula, you'll take some pictures of pinguins, and you'll exit through the gift shop. did you know all those different tour are owned by the same company. of course you did.

You're thinking of the cruises, because you can't really see penguins from 10,000 feet. However, the flights go into the Antarctic continent following the Transantarctic Mountains. There are also non-stop commericial flights which circumnavigate the globe by going around the coast of Antarctica, taking advantage of the fast winds which encircle the continent.

Actually it's called the Antarctic treaty. You need to get permission from the a UN body to go exploring in the Antarctic. so, not sure what the fuck you're talking about.

Anyway, you misunderstood me here as well. When I said there's nothing stopping you (other than expense and difficulty) from flying around the world, I wasn't talking about Antarctica. People have flown around the Equator, for example, and it's a circle which requires no left-right turning to follow.

actually, you do! No one has seen the ball earth but for "ASStroNUTZ"

This is ignoring the simple fact that hundreds of robotic spacecraft from dozens of independent agencies and now private companies around the world have all taken pictures of the Earth (I'm sure you don't trust NASA, but they aren't the only game in town). Turns out it's a blob of matter just like every other blob of matter we see in space.

exactly! it's flat as fuck! you can tell even with the use of fish eye.

Sorry, wrong again. Yes, you can see the curvature from a high-altitude balloon. Fish-eye lenses actually produce false curvature. However, rectilinear correction and true rectilinear optical devices both consistently show the same curvature. The curvature is not very severe since you are only a few miles up on a gigantic ball, but it's visible to the naked eye.

exactly. just using the sensors in your phone you can see for yourself that the earth DOES NOT MOVE and thats why it's spreading like wild fire.

This is asinine and perhaps just trolling. The sensors detect acceleration and they are already calibrated for gravity. You are moving along with the surface of the Earth at a near constant velocity. Have you ever tried jumping on a train? Works fine. Is the train not moving? Really though, think about the way air currents work. Most of the atmosphere rotates roughly with the planet just like us, and the constant friction with the Earth and resultant mixing of boundary layers is partially responsible for generating weather variation. The upper atmosphere is more independent due to lower air pressure and friction and so it can appear to move at a high velocity relative to the lower atmosphere. The jet streams are the way they are because of the rotation of the Earth, via the Coriolis effect.

You can buy simple zoom lens and watch the ships "disappear" behind the curve and then watch them pop up like magic using a zoom lens.

This is just plain wrong again. Really, have you ever watched a sunset? Do you understand that you are literally watching the Sun go over the horizon? It's not moving way off and disappearing into the distance, you literally watch the horizon obscure the disk of the Sun. From our perspective, the Sun appears to be going behind the Earth. At night, you are in the Earth's shadow. Watch the next lunar eclipse and you can watch the moon enter the disk-shaped shadow of the Earth.

every flat earther was at one point a ball person and thought flat earthers are idiots. They are not people from subsaharan Africa who just don't know what the ball earth is all about!

Idiots? No, I don't believe that, at least not in most cases. Badly mislead in part by CIA propaganda? Yes, certainly. Anyway, this probably wasn't worth my time, but it's always an entertaining debate.

Keeping time down to the second or even minute is not necessary to perform similar experiments with sufficient accuracy.

That trick would also work if the earth was not 93 million miles away. sorry chap.

You're thinking of the cruises, because you can't really see penguins from 10,000 feet. However, the flights go into the Antarctic continent following the Transantarctic Mountains. There are also non-stop commericial flights which circumnavigate the globe by going around the coast of Antarctica, taking advantage of the fast winds which encircle the continent.

Funny you mention that. Flight paths tell the truth. find a non stop flight from Santiago to Perth. From Sydney to Capetown. good luck.

Anyway, you misunderstood me here as well. When I said there's nothing stopping you (other than expense and difficulty) from flying around the world, I wasn't talking about Antarctica. People have flown around the Equator, for example, and it's a circle which requires no left-right turning to follow.

If your compass points north and thats the center of the map, then you can just head east, go in a circle and you'll end up where you started. tadaaa.

This is ignoring the simple fact that hundreds of robotic spacecraft from dozens of independent agencies and now private companies around the world have all taken pictures of the Earth (I'm sure you don't trust NASA, but they aren't the only game in town). Turns out it's a blob of matter just like every other blob of matter we see in space.

Thats cute. THERE IS NOT A SINGLE PHOTO OF EARTH FROM SPACE, that is not a composite!

Sorry, wrong again. Yes, you can see the curvature from a high-altitude balloon. Fish-eye lenses actually produce false curvature. However, rectilinear correction and true rectilinear optical devices both consistently show the same curvature. The curvature is not very severe since you are only a few miles up on a gigantic ball, but it's visible to the naked eye.

wrong! there is no curve! it's flat!! just fucking look at it! People tell me they see curve from a plane at 30K feet. This is 117K. no curve! this shows you how brain-washed people are.

This is asinine and perhaps just trolling. The sensors detect acceleration and they are already calibrated for gravity.

I'm not talking about acceleration. You have a gyroscope in your pocket. Gyro doesn't give a shit about gravity. Rigidity in space.

You are moving along with the surface of the Earth at a near constant velocity. Have you ever tried jumping on a train?Works fine. Is the train not moving? Really though, think about the way air currents work.

train is going a stright line at a fixed speed. Have you tried to jump on one of those teapot rides in Disneyland? the ones that spin around themselves while the fly around the center?

Most of the atmosphere rotates roughly with the planet just like us, and the constant friction with the Earth and resultant mixing of boundary layers is partially responsible for generating weather variation.

The only explanation!!!

The upper atmosphere is more independent due to lower air pressure and friction and so it can appear to move at a high velocity relative to the lower atmosphere. The jet streams are the way they are because of the rotation of the Earth, via the Coriolis effect.

Oh the good old coriolis effect.

This is just plain wrong again. Really, have you ever watched a sunset? Do you understand that you are literally watching the Sun go over the horizon? It's not moving way off and disappearing into the distance, you literally watch the horizon obscure the disk of the Sun. From our perspective, the Sun appears to be going behind the Earth. At night, you are in the Earth's shadow. Watch the next lunar eclipse and you can watch the moon enter the disk-shaped shadow of the Earth.

It's all perspective and something called the vanishing point. I'd send you videos explaining it using practical evidence, but you wouln't watch them so i'll save my time.

Idiots? No, I don't believe that, at least not in most cases. Badly mislead in part by CIA propaganda? Yes, certainly. Anyway, this probably wasn't worth my time, but it's always an entertaining debate.

yes, the Flat earth society is a BS and propaganda to explain flat earth in a retarded manner to keep people away.

Funny you mention that. Flight paths tell the truth. find a non stop flight from Santiago to Perth. From Sydney to Capetown. good luck.

How about Santiago to Sydney? Click the "show route" button in the bottom left corner. Notice how they skirt Antarctica just as I claimed? The Flat Earth model doesn't support flights like this, however you can go book one yourself for under $1,000. You could probably charter a flight directly from Santiago to Perth, if you really wanted to. Hell, you can charter flights right over the South Pole for the right price.

If your compass points north and thats the center of the map, then you can just head east, go in a circle and you'll end up where you started. tadaaa.

If so, you would constantly be turning along that circle. To circumnavigate the globe along the Equator, all you do is maintain your heading. No turning at all.

It's all perspective and something called the vanishing point. I'd send you videos explaining it using practical evidence, but you wouln't watch them so i'll save my time.

I know plenty about perspective and "the vanishing point". It's extremely likely that I understand projective geometry better than you. What you are describing cannot explain the disk of the sun being cut in half from our perspective. When the Sun sets, eventually there is rock between you and the Sun and consequently it becomes dark. If you go up in a balloon or on a mountain, the Sun actually sets slightly later.

And like that...... It's gone

16 hour flight only a couple of hours ago...and now it's gone. Out of coverage. 😂.

Oh good God. Go take the trip for yourself if you really don't believe it. It's not terribly expensive. Here's some guy's travel blog about that very route:

The flight data will come in when they are back closer to civilization and near a reporting station.

Yes. Because in 2018 we can only track planes using ads-b local ground base radar. No GPS. That's why planes go fucking missing like they are sets of keys. Makes perfect sense to me. Why would we tack planes using satellites. That would make too much sense.

So you believe in satellites but don't believe in or understand how orbits work. I'm so confused by you. Anyway, the GPS network doesn't have total coverage at all times in polar regions. This is due to the high launch energy needed to place satellites in high inclination orbits. We can do it, but it's tougher because you can't take advantage of the initial velocity coming from the rotation of the Earth.

The ocean they are flying over is one of the most remote regions on Earth. There aren't even any islands worth noting. Satellites don't make frequent passes. Depending on specific sender-receiver geometry in the network at any given time, they are not guaranteed continuous GPS coverage, and even that data is transmitted the old fashioned way when they are in range of a reporting station.

So you believe in satellites but don't believe in or understand how orbits work. I'm so confused by you.

no i don't believe satellites exists. That was my whole point, and it flew right over your head.

Anyway, the GPS network doesn't have total coverage at all times in polar regions

lol.. toats! for sure! cuz.. reasons.

This is due to the high launch energy needed to place satellites in high inclination orbits. We can do it, but it's tougher because you can't take advantage of the initial velocity coming from the rotation of the Earth.

so, with that logic we should have been able to track MH370, after all it disappeared over the tropic.

The ocean they are flying over is one of the most remote regions on Earth. There aren't even any islands worth noting. Satellites don't make frequent passes. Depending on specific sender-receiver geometry in the network at any given time, they are not guaranteed continuous GPS coverage, and even that data is transmitted the old fashioned way when they are in range of a reporting station.

excuses, excuses, excuses. Where is the GPS data for MH370?

MH370 is it's own issue, which is rather interesting, and the explanation is probably political, but I don't know.

Regarding everything else you said, the problem with polar orbits is basic orbital mechanics. We have satellites in polar orbits, just not a huge swarm of them because it's expensive. Very simple. You can see satellites with your naked eye, you know. They definitely exist.

I'm starting to think you are just trolling us all here. Good show, it's been fun.

MH370 is it's own issue, which is rather interesting, and the explanation is probably political, but I don't know.

But of course! How convenient.

Regarding everything else you said, the problem with polar orbits is basic orbital mechanics.

You're not listening! No passenger plane is tracked via GPS. Not talking about poles!

We have satellites in polar orbits, just not a huge swarm of them

who is we? do you work for nasa?

because it's expensive.

Of course! lets spend billions on a "rover" on "mars" but we have no money to track passenger planes!

Very simple.

toats! so simple!

You can see satellites with your naked eye, you know.

you can? you can see something the size of a car from 12000 of miles away? in the dark? are you listening to yourself?

They definitely exist

here is your satellites

I'm starting to think you are just trolling us all here. Good show, it's been fun.

later. have fun with your ball.

Most satellites are in LEO, not 12,000 miles away. Yes, you can see them with your naked eye. On a good night with good viewing conditions you can spot over a hundred.

So you can see a car with its headlights off at night from hundreds of miles away? LEO Is approx 1200 miles away so lets be generous and say 600 miles away. At night!

And you know it's a satellite? For sure? Because?

Low Earth orbit is between 99 miles and 1200 miles. Typical orbits are around 300 miles. I just went outside and found one just now. Not all of them at visible, but many are.

Lol you saw a dot of light and you're sure it's a satellite. 😂

Correction: I saw a dot of light moving at a predictable rate relative to the stars and I'm sure it was a satellite. Some of them even blink.

Blink eh? Fancy. Satellites have lights on them? And you can see that light from hundreds of miles away at night. Listen to yourself. It's like a kid saying

Of course Santa exists. He ate the cookies. They tracked his path on our local news and I had presents on the morning! Check and mate.

Yes, you can see them. It's a popular hobby to track them and spot them. Try it yourself, it's fun. There are websites that help, but in very dark areas, you can just watch the sky and you'll probably find one.

Oh look a dot. Must be sat

It's the motion that gives them away.

So, about the ones that blink. Do satellites have a blinking light? If so why? Planes have light because they are going to land and take off. They need to be visible. Why would a communication satellite have a blinking light? I'm sure a light that is visible from earth must use a lot of energy! They get that from the solar panels? Think Mcfly. think.

I never said they have lights on them. As they rotate or tumble in orbit, reflective surfaces catch light at regular intervals and so they appear to blink. If they are in the right part of their orbit, they may even be catching intense sunlight since the Sun hasn't yet set at their altitude even though it has set from your perspective.

they could be anything. believe what you want.

They are satellites. It's okay to be wrong.

They are tiny lights. Could be planes. Drones. Balloons etc. A tiny light at night doesn't prove satellites

The ISS is large enough to resolve features. You're wrong. It's okay.

I was actually going to catch it over the moon on the 30th of last month, but it was cloudy. Later this month im planning on going to do exactly that. We'll see.

Good for you. Don't trust me and don't trust videos on the internet, but keep an open mind regarding what you see.

By the way, here is Perth to Johannesburg.

Also impossible according to the Flat Earth model.

Oh, and since I forgot to mention it earlier, yes there is absolutely a visible curve in that video. Hold a pencil up to your screen. It's not dramatic, as I said, but it's there. At 117,000 feet, you are only about half a percent of the radius of Earth off the ground, still well within the atmosphere. By analogy, that's like being 1/250th of an inch away from the surface of a basketball.

It looks flat to me. And again, you have morons telling me to get in the plane to see the curve at 35k feet

You can see it starting about 35,000 feet, but it's very slight. Even in that video it's not flat. Hold a straight object up to it for comparison.

Can I add 'the existence of organised shilling in this sub'? Or will I get shouted down and told to believe it like a proper conspiracy theorist?

You cannot question pedophilia in the highest levels of government.

Try to talk about the lack of evidence for the spinning ball earth and the brigaders will come out of the woodwork. It is over the top obvious if you pay attention because the same characters will always be in the FE or Space threads trying to control the narrative from the start.

The fact you're posting this on the internet without the fear of the Gestapo breaking down your door for dissent means it's perfectly fine to question these things.

And of course income tax is legal. The government defines what is legal.

The fact you're posting this on the internet without the fear of the Gestapo breaking down your door for dissent means it's perfectly fine to question these things.

Of course, but there are certain topics of discussion which appear to be targeted for suppression and manipulation. He's speaking metaphorically. Why this targeting occurs is a separate question, but it's clearly happening.

And of course income tax is legal. The government defines what is legal.

But is it constitutional?

the very fact that it was passed as an amendment to the constitution makes it, by definition, constitutional.

Nuclear 9/11 used to be a big no-no, but it's had a breakthrough in the past few months. It's just too obvious to ignore, once you see it.

I don’t know enough about vax/anti-vax to render an opinion. (I’m kind of old, and I don’t have kids—not on my radar.) But I saw a post a while back that indicated when I was a kid you ended up with like 6 vaccinations by the time you’re 15. Now it’s like 72? That gives me serious pause.

Just piggy backing on this, I'm very young and I'm worried about when I do bring children into the world. Will they take them away from me if I refuse certain shots?

No, but they may not be able to go to school

So far we are still OK, we all need to write to our politicians to educate them on the dangers of vaccines, to make sure Big Pharma never get their forced vaccine laws in place.

Given the ease of obtaining student loans and the resultant exponential increase in college tuition, I'll say that the primary objective of universities in the US seem to be to get you into a state of financial slavery

The prison industrial complex and the random murders of unarmed black men by law enforcement.

Better yet, why does America hate niggas in general?

Asking for a friend.


The reality of ET UFOs

What if Q Anon is legit? What if the cabal take-down is really happening as we speak? Why is this particular conspiracy theory downovted so aggressively on /r/conspiracy? Is the world experiencing a "great awakening"? Would this be necessary to provide political capital for the arrest of well-known political figures?

The ultimate taboo topic is the Flat earth, i can post about any and everything expect for that...

Just piggy backing on this, I'm very young and I'm worried about when I do bring children into the world. Will they take them away from me if I refuse certain shots?

Keeping time down to the second or even minute is not necessary to perform similar experiments with sufficient accuracy.

That trick would also work if the earth was not 93 million miles away. sorry chap.

You're thinking of the cruises, because you can't really see penguins from 10,000 feet. However, the flights go into the Antarctic continent following the Transantarctic Mountains. There are also non-stop commericial flights which circumnavigate the globe by going around the coast of Antarctica, taking advantage of the fast winds which encircle the continent.

Funny you mention that. Flight paths tell the truth. find a non stop flight from Santiago to Perth. From Sydney to Capetown. good luck.

Anyway, you misunderstood me here as well. When I said there's nothing stopping you (other than expense and difficulty) from flying around the world, I wasn't talking about Antarctica. People have flown around the Equator, for example, and it's a circle which requires no left-right turning to follow.

If your compass points north and thats the center of the map, then you can just head east, go in a circle and you'll end up where you started. tadaaa.

This is ignoring the simple fact that hundreds of robotic spacecraft from dozens of independent agencies and now private companies around the world have all taken pictures of the Earth (I'm sure you don't trust NASA, but they aren't the only game in town). Turns out it's a blob of matter just like every other blob of matter we see in space.

Thats cute. THERE IS NOT A SINGLE PHOTO OF EARTH FROM SPACE, that is not a composite!

Sorry, wrong again. Yes, you can see the curvature from a high-altitude balloon. Fish-eye lenses actually produce false curvature. However, rectilinear correction and true rectilinear optical devices both consistently show the same curvature. The curvature is not very severe since you are only a few miles up on a gigantic ball, but it's visible to the naked eye.

wrong! there is no curve! it's flat!! just fucking look at it! People tell me they see curve from a plane at 30K feet. This is 117K. no curve! this shows you how brain-washed people are.

This is asinine and perhaps just trolling. The sensors detect acceleration and they are already calibrated for gravity.

I'm not talking about acceleration. You have a gyroscope in your pocket. Gyro doesn't give a shit about gravity. Rigidity in space.

You are moving along with the surface of the Earth at a near constant velocity. Have you ever tried jumping on a train?Works fine. Is the train not moving? Really though, think about the way air currents work.

train is going a stright line at a fixed speed. Have you tried to jump on one of those teapot rides in Disneyland? the ones that spin around themselves while the fly around the center?

Most of the atmosphere rotates roughly with the planet just like us, and the constant friction with the Earth and resultant mixing of boundary layers is partially responsible for generating weather variation.

The only explanation!!!

The upper atmosphere is more independent due to lower air pressure and friction and so it can appear to move at a high velocity relative to the lower atmosphere. The jet streams are the way they are because of the rotation of the Earth, via the Coriolis effect.

Oh the good old coriolis effect.

This is just plain wrong again. Really, have you ever watched a sunset? Do you understand that you are literally watching the Sun go over the horizon? It's not moving way off and disappearing into the distance, you literally watch the horizon obscure the disk of the Sun. From our perspective, the Sun appears to be going behind the Earth. At night, you are in the Earth's shadow. Watch the next lunar eclipse and you can watch the moon enter the disk-shaped shadow of the Earth.

It's all perspective and something called the vanishing point. I'd send you videos explaining it using practical evidence, but you wouln't watch them so i'll save my time.

Idiots? No, I don't believe that, at least not in most cases. Badly mislead in part by CIA propaganda? Yes, certainly. Anyway, this probably wasn't worth my time, but it's always an entertaining debate.

yes, the Flat earth society is a BS and propaganda to explain flat earth in a retarded manner to keep people away.

Blink eh? Fancy. Satellites have lights on them? And you can see that light from hundreds of miles away at night. Listen to yourself. It's like a kid saying

Of course Santa exists. He ate the cookies. They tracked his path on our local news and I had presents on the morning! Check and mate.

Oh look a dot. Must be sat