I wan't to go back to sleep...

169  2018-04-03 by [deleted]



Grab a cup of calming tea and make every intention to turn off the internet for a few days. Get outside and just observe people from a quiet spot...walk barefoot in some grass or sand if you can!

We've all been in this spot and some of us more than once! Just to say that on some level...your're not alone!

I'm thinking about a camping trip for next week, actually. I feel like I need to shake off the dust.

Tent or trailer?

Tent! We're busting out the fishing rods and hiking in!

The best!

U/TupacsFather - jump in here and shoot the breeze1

My youngest is all geared up! He even said he would give up his hotwheels to make room in his backpack to carry our hotcake pan.

Smart kid! You should whip up some rock bread, blow his mind!

Gosh it's been way too long since I went camping...last time was in the Blue Ridge range...went to Little Stony Man on day one, then hiked 6 miles round trip up and down a mountain the next day. On that day I grew up a bit...my young self learned the meaning of CHAFE...lol...

Go for it! Its going to help you im sure


This. And if you havent already, delete facebook from your phone. Best thing I've done in a while. I didnt realize how much it twisted my reality.

Did this a few days ago and completely agree. Next is twitter

Then reddit...

Tinder? Nahhh

I think I’m in in this spot now. I’ve been having, idk what you’d even call them, almost weird out of body experiences where I’m looking at myself through first person and disassociating from my body almost. The first couple times it happened I thought I was about to have a seizure or something. I wish I could explain it better.

There was a point in my life where my personal stress was pretty intense - I arrived at my job and didn't remember the journey. Nothing. Not a stoplight, dog, trash can...it was terrifying to not recall a twenty minute journey behind the wheel of my car!

I grabbed my first cup of coffee and jotted down the first things that were eating at me, with resolve to tackle them. If you can do so - it might be a good time to see an Internist get a Chem Panel done. Until then sunlight and getting your bare feet moving over some green grass or a sandy beach - I cannot recommend enough. It helps our brain stomach and our head bucket to communicate better, somehow.

If you're drinking soda pop and eating processed foods - start weaning yourself but do see a doctor if you can, especially if this persists. I do not know your age, sex or life conditions thru this one way screen - just know that you're thought of and listened to!

Life is a hard road, and nobody has it easy. Perspective is everything. You must ask yourself at some point, is it better to know, or not know?

It would be nice to not be so aware of how futile everything is. I need to know what my purpose is. There must be a purpose. I don't believe that reality is an accident. I think that defies logic. But if I can't know it, then living here is just too pointless. When it's all boiled down, it's just suffering. Out of nowhere you become conscious one day, and you're imprisoned in a physical body with all it's desires, aches and pains until you die. So, in a sense, I think I'd rather not know.

This malaise you're experiencing is real and you're in a stuck spot!

I agree that we live in a world that is horrendous and perhaps our overall situation is worsening (in some respects), but it can also be a beautiful and interesting world. Maybe you could try to appreciate the things in life that don't cause too much suffering and focus on those. By the way, the sheeple are not to be envied. They are afraid, pathetic, and weak and have almost no chance of overcoming their bondage. At least you are questioning your fate and fortune and unless you are 100 years old, I'd say you have a great deal more you can contribute to your fellow travellers - through your intellectual discussions, if nothing else.

This totally. Look at the things which are amazing and good. I have no problem letting go of the "we must be here for something" bullshit. Why is this important? If no one in the world is able to know, then we can't be held accountable at the end. Just do what makes you happy.

Have you looked into the JQ, my dude?

Nobody has a purpose. It's the biggest lie you'll ever be told. Find something you enjoy doing and do it. That is the only real purpose you'll ever have. And don't make any new people. If you REALLY want children, adopt some kids and try to help them navigate this labyrinth of horse shit.

I agree 100% that we don't have a special purpose. Just enjoy yourself.

I want your entire comment on a t-shirt, man. <3

Study everything you can about Enlightenment. If you take up this task and make the breakthrough, then existence becomes amazing, you realize the body is in you instead of the other way around, and that the body's death isn't the end of you, can have OBE's and explore realms, and there will be a transcendent contentment that is not apathy

Get into Buddhism and look some clips/interviews on Youtube, especially about "nirvana" (not the band lol) etc. It helps. It's the only thing that does. Trust me. Fucking trust me on this. This is what you need. The whole philosophy was made to make thoughts like that easier.

Look into Buddhism and check out some clips/interviews on Youtube of those monk dudes or whatever they are. They are really good at putting things into perspective and giving you inspiration to seek out your own answers. Also, listen to some Mantras. It's not supernatural, it's just calming and zen. Things like Nirvana are just old words for being "woke" or "redpilled".

Basically, you have just had your "Third Eye" open up. It means coming to the realization you just lamented - but now the next step is achieving Nirvana and coming to peace at what you learned. Learning how to stop worrying about being "Awake".

When it's all boiled down, it's just suffering.

That is one perspective. How's it working out for you?

Its boiling him...

How can you know being high when youre never low?

Hahaha yes this is awesome! Early stage of awareness is what you have. You are seeing the connections that life has. The connections that unites all living things and has been going on as long as life has been moving. It is all a struggle. That is a principle from some eastern religion (don't ask me which one). But now you can see how the feelings you have modulate from situation to situation and from there you may find your purpose or your reason to wake up and explore your world and day to see what happens. Nobody really "knows" what is going to happen day to day or even what is going on right now, may have an idea or a belief but you only know what is inside your realm of mental and physical existence. Don't rush to leave it cuz it is hard and difficult cuz it is not always this way. Keep a journal and free write your thoughts. Over time you will see you mental progress and if you talk about the world maybe more things will connect and make more sense. Enjoy this life, incase this is all their is. If not you got some good stories for the next phase! Much love!

You must ask yourself at some point, is it better to know, or not know?


Sometimes when we can't find the value in ourselves, we find the value in others first. Family is what helped me move through the despair some years back.

It may be generic. I know words don't mean a whole lot, when people are trying to talk you out of the dark, but I hope you can find a pursuit that's worthwhile enough to keep you going.

And who knows. Maybe, if you're persistent enough, you'll find a way to beat the loop, and carry these lessons into the next life, instead of starting the hopeless cycle all over again.

Are there any religions you're familiar with? And big "philosophies" that were/are a big part of your life?

There is no Cypher solution

Have you tried?

Ay my man we all feel this way we’re human. There’s nothing wrong with you, but you gotta grab yourself by the balls and ask yourself, can you live with it?

I’ll be honest, I’m not sure; I haven’t tried. I don’t do much for the movement but talk about it a lot to a lot of people and a little volunteer work but the thought of going back to partying every night and living hedonistically, while it has/had its charms, doesn’t even tempt me.

Stop researching conspiracies for a while and focus on bettering yourself. The conspiracies will still be here when you get back.

Volunteer work is incredible! I wish the weeds in my yard would stop though.

Sometimes just the little things make all the difference - and you never know!

You sound like me leading up to my reconnection with Christ. I always ask myself, what is good? What is evil? Suicide is a destructive act. Creation is a constructive act. Asking God, listening to Him, and having patience will lead you to the truth. I hope that you can be patient. If you live for others, your heart will not be empty. Your heart will not remain filled by finite things like money. Remember that Jesus bared a much greater burden.

The book of Micah has been hanging over me for a few weeks now! That guy had some serious inner push to speak so boldly in that place and time.


Thanks for sharing these verses! 🙏

I'm pretty new to reading the Bible...I did go thru any number of commentaries on Micah, pretty fascinating - because I understand context is very important, right?

The rabbi that was posted in here, being yucky! really brought Micah back to mind!

Context is very important; both textual and historical.

I plan on looking for the rabbi you mentioned.

Let me know! I would appreciate any input, if you're up for discussion.

Stop trying to change the world. Just work on your minuscule part of it. Whatever "good" you believe in, find a way to actively support it, no matter how small.

Imagine the Hoover Dam with one man trying to take the whole thing down with a pick axe. Kind of depressing. But what if he's not aware of the 1,000 other men/women who are also working relentlessly with their pick axes?

Work on your piece. Take pride in any dent you make in it. And keep hammering. You never know how far the ripple effect of your actions will go.

If that didn't help at all, read this. It's been gilded 86 times and counting. Not precisely 1:1 with what you're experiencing, but definitely in the same room.

Lastly, if you're Christian (and even if you're not), check out The Gospel of Thomas. It's a lost Gospel of only direct quotes from Jesus, no editorializing. The interesting thing about it, though, is that it's taken from ancient scrolls discovered in Nag Hammadi, Egypt and many scholars think they date to within 100 years of Jesus's actual life. So they're damn close to the source time-wise. They read a little differently than what you usually hear from Jesus in the traditional bible, and to me at least, make a lot more sense sometimes. Here's a good place to read them, with a few options on translations, to help you decipher them.

Hang in there. Spring is nearly here. And change is in the air.

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Stop trying to change the world.

This guy gets it.

Hang in there. Spring is nearly here. And change is in the air.

Bummer if the OP lives in the southern hemisphere.


I would say find something that makes you happy and invest in it. Not financially. Make sure it’s not another person exclusively either because people may come and go out of your life. Medicine works for some people. It’s worth looking into as well. I know some in this community may think that’s insane to recommend big pharma but I’ve seen it work for people close to me. Being happy in life matters more than anything so don’t give up and keep fighting the good fight. You’re not alone.

Make sure it’s not another person exclusively either because people may come and go out of your life.

Excellent advice.

Medicine works for some people.

Terrible advice.

Unless he meant medicine from the earth, mj, shrooms etc

I was thinking OP should try some mushrooms-- what with the existential crisis and all.

As we near closer and closer to making ourselves immortal, I always say to people who want to live forever: Life is the greatest burden you will ever know. Those who want to live forever will understand this at some point.

As we near closer and closer to making ourselves immortal


There were some articles apparently that scientists have discovered how to make a heart beat forever. The harder part is keeping the brain alive to keep up with a heart.

The heart is, as far as I am concerned an order of magnitude simpler than the brain. Even just jump starting it is essentially shocking it with electricity. I dont believe our brain/consciousness is jump started by shocking the shit out of it.

There were some articles apparently that scientists


When computing power gets to the level of the human mind and our understanding of brain architecture lets us replicate it. Then either we'll be able to scan our brains to replicate consciousness or neurally enhance ourselves to the point where you consider the digital part of your body to be more "you" than the fleshy part, and just leave behind your biological body entirely

I think he is talking about transhumanism - "enhancing" the body via technology.

Little do people know we already are immortal....so much more than the body and mind....But I digress, I don't think people want to see that just yet....

People think we need to enhance our physical bodies with technology, but I would personally say this is an incredibly limiting perspective and doesn't do justice to the magnificent being each and every one of us already are.

I truly hope people can come to these inner realizations before it's too late and before the obsessive transhumanism that only takes into account a limited, purely materialistic viewpoint on life, is seen as the best way forward....

I tell you my friends - you are a spark of the Divine!

Whether you wish to look within and discover this for yourself is however of your own choosing.

But know that the clock is ticking. If you wish to discover this, now is the right time to begin your journey, before our collective insanity and ignorance dooms us all and this planet with it....

What I mean is at some point, human development will find a way to make certain people live forever unless they are killed. But even then, what is keeping someone from just being plopped into a new body? I love the show altered carbon. The main characters have made hundreds of clones to drop their consciousness into if their main body either died or was hurt too bad. The best thing? The older characters had to live forever and that in itself can be the biggest burden someone can hold. Nothing stops ever, you will always remember those deep dark moments and remember the good ones forever. I’m not sure the common person can be sane for 50-100,000 years. Neil DeGrasse Tyson asked someone if they would like to travel to our closest galaxy that could hold life and the trip would take ~50,000 years at today’s tech and he said yes. Could you imagine sitting on a plane or space shuttle for 50,000 years?? You only live, typically, for 75. That would be an incredible amount of time. Almost all of human existence as we know it you would be on a trip to another place.

at some point, human development will find a way to make certain people live forever unless they are killed.

Do you watch a lot of science fiction?

I have never seen Star Wars, or anything related.

Grant me the courage to change what I can, the serenity to accept what I cannot, and the wisdom to know the difference.

It's easy to overload on information on the internet. So many people convinced of their own correctness. But the world is grey, not black and white. Don't be afraid to take a time out on technology to refocus on your true priorities. I know there is something more than material existence through my own experience. I try to approach the world with empathy, love, and understanding because it's not easy being a human. Take care of yourself, friend.

I hear ya hombre. Got good advice today from a guy I met. He told me to just keep creating, doesn't matter what it is, find something that you can create and just keep doing it and don't stop till you're dead. Only real reason im here.

You can always kill yourself. People seem to forget that. You actually can leave the game whenever you want.

Removed for violence.

It's not violence. I'm not encouraging anyone to kill themselves but it's a fact that people need to keep in mind. It puts things into perspective.

Message the mod team for a reversal. Thanks!

Let's try again. Why do you care? What is actually upsetting you so much that you don't want to just get on with your life? What is actually preventing you from working on the things that you enjoy?

You are your body. Listen to it

You are not your body. There is nothing to listen to but illusion.

i feel you man.... it gets better. eventually you will get to level 5 - sweet acceptance. then you be able to function better and get on with life.... yes the world is a harsh place but its also got the great bits. unfortunatly you can't see them from where you are now. for now just concentrate on getting yourself in training for the fight that is coming. forget about everyone else untill you are better.

peace be with you. :D

eventually you will get to level 5 - sweet acceptance.

Please give me a link or count of levels, i wanna know where I'm at.

i'm basing in on the 5 stages of grief... but i find its very similar to getting such a terrible shock of waking up.

The five stages, denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance are a part of the framework that makes up our learning to live with the one we lost.

when people find out there is no santa clause or tooth fairy its also upsetting....

when you find out the world is run by our enemies its very upsetting... but you have to man up and accept it ,or else you will not survive.... you are stronger than you think. ;P

Thanks for your comments.

I've been here in r/conspiracy going on eight years now. As a retired contractor I had not one person to discuss 9/11 with - this place and the good people walked me thru some bad nights.

Hope you feel just a bit lighter today. A few people in here were shredding some big onions - dang! Sincere thought, love and emotions to you, from this board and it filled my spirit. Do not hesitate to PM me if you need an ear.

Take a vacation go somewhere quiet like the woods and just debug your mind maybe go for some spirit walks

A real patriot sees the problems in the world, and acts on them to make things better. This alone can bring about: meaning, community, strength, experience and so on.

A real patriot

What in your view is a 'patriot'?

We don’t choose where we are born, or what troubling history our country has instigated or done in the past... Assuming you’re an American. International people from around the globe most likely stereotype us for being XYZ and so on. Yet, in my opinion, as a patriot who loves themselves, first and foremost, and the positive things about their country i.e. freedom of speech, liberty, etc. Can understand there is a large discrepancy in our amendments or bill of rights or “the Golden rule”.... So as a conscious and aware citizen of your country, who understands the rabbit whole etc, you can apply yourself to helping out the community, being kind, sparing change, talk to someone you think needs talking to, join a movement, start a non profit.

That’s what I mean when I say a ‘real patriot’ although.... the men and women that serve our military make the ultimate sacrifice. And we can’t be naive to that. Hope I made myself a bit more clearer.

the men and women that serve our military make the ultimate sacrifice.

Do you watch a lot of TV and sportsball?

No I don’t. I don’t even have basic cable. Sports ball? I’m guessing you don’t know much about sports or even have the athleticism to play them. You may not think much of it... but there are people that spend their entire lives working to uphold the values of “our democracy”.

I’m guessing

Yep. Poorly.

I agree with this.

Taking action on what you've seen behind the curtain, doing something dor the collective - whatever you feel is intuitively right for you, the way you can contribute, is very liberating. Simply knowing and not doing anything, is a plunge into insanity.

First I would always recommend for people to take care of themselves - exercise, eat well, drink enough fluids....take care of your mind as well: meditate, introspect, write a journal, spend time in nature.... consider a spiritual practice of your choosing as well if you are drawn to it.

Then - take action. Move forward and help the world, add massive value, do your part and contribute in any way you feel is right for you.

Be the change you want to see in the world.

Simple solution here that makes the world a better place and is so easy its pathetic its not followed: Do something nice for somebody every day. It doesn't matter who, just someone besides yourself. Even making a phone call to a friend or relative just to say "Hi" means the world to people. Open a door or hold an elevator, you don't need to wait for a chance to pull someone from a burning building. It will make you fell better in return. The "gift" is in the giving, not the receiving. My life resolution is to leave this Earth hetter because of my being here, not worse. One nice thing done daily achieves this and more. Good luck.

I always tell my kid, if you want to live in a nice neighborhood, you have to be a nice neighbor. Same idea on a larger scale. If everyone acted like a nice friendly neighbor the world would automatically become a much nicer place.

once you take the red pill there is no going back.

What is the most 'red pill' thing you know/understand?

the motherfucking mandela effect bar none.

And you believe in that one? Why?

I don't believe in it.

I am feeling much the same recently. As horrible as it sounds Im trying my best to be selfish and work on finding something I love in life. When I allow myself to look at the bigger picture of the world I go crazy... Every generation is expected to do better than the last, yet modern life gets more complex every year and the diversity continues to grow. I need to go off grid for a bit..

Failure isnt fatal, success isnt final, its the courage to continue that counts - Winston Churchill

Giving up is not an option if you really think about it, so stay vigilant and remember, big things have small beginnings and that the balance is the key to life! Do good, think good, feel good and be good... its that simple.

This might be harsh to hear but the odds are most have it worst then you, don't believe me? If you don't have the capacity of global perspective, travel the world for a few years if you can and you'll realize just how messed up things are!

There are over 7.6 billion people on this planet, you are not alone but most people are actually living like they need to stay above water for air just to survive while some are in a real hell. Now here is you are talking about how your "life is miserable"... like your body is in Oymyakon, your mind in Atacama Desert, and your soul in Dallol or something lol... chill out and gather yourself damn it! You are being indoctrinated by the negativity of your own mind and that is exactly what "they" hope for... >_>

There are over 7.6 billion people on this planet

How confident are you of this figure?

I think it's important to remember that while some of what you read on this sub is true, a lot of it is not.

Don't get attached to any specific idea, and concentrate on local problems that you can make a difference to.

Good luck!

Go outside at night and look up! There's much more than meets the eye.

Eh, dont stress about it. You dont have to be a certain way or push some point. It's all in your head anyways.

You wa not go back to sleep?

If you have nobody else to talk to besides an online conspiracy group, then I think that is problem number one, I recommend you reach out to some people who can help you, maybe start with your doctor? Good luck friend

Frodo: I can't do this, Sam.

Sam: I know. It's all wrong. By rights we shouldn't even be here. But we are. It's like in the great stories, Mr. Frodo. The ones that really mattered. Full of darkness and danger, they were. And sometimes you didn't want to know the end. Because how could the end be happy? How could the world go back to the way it was when so much bad had happened? But in the end, it's only a passing thing, this shadow. Even darkness must pass. A new day will come. And when the sun shines it will shine out the clearer. Those were the stories that stayed with you. That meant something, even if you were too small to understand why. But I think, Mr. Frodo, I do understand. I know now. Folk in those stories had lots of chances of turning back, only they didn't. They kept going. Because they were holding on to something.

Frodo: What are we holding onto, Sam?

Sam: That there's some good in this world, Mr. Frodo... and it's worth fighting for.

Thank you.

i'd suggest learning an instrument if you don't already play. i dealt with a bit of depression a couple years ago when i had a lot more time on my hands and decided i'd learn some guitar. that turned into a satisfying addiction to creating music and gave me a reason to push on, i stopped caring so much about the inevitable and focused on music and eventually you get to a point where you can get your worries out through song, kind of like writing a letter that you don't send. very therapeutic. a side note and one that also helped a lot is understanding that if something is troubling you and you can do something about it, don't worry about it. if you can't do anything about it, don't worry about it.

I'm sorry you feel like that.

I get like that too and it helps me if I disconnect from social media and cable media and go hang out with nature. I find it extremely grounding.

Also, a good clean diet and sunlight can aid you exponentially.

Anyway, hope you feel better. Much love to you.

Sun (!), good/healthy food, movement (e.g. Yoga, Sport), no/less social media, calm music (check out Gurdjieff for example), read a nice book and distance yourself a bit from this fear mongering conspiracies, not everything is bad in this world.

Other than that, you maybe want to research hermetics and other esoteric topics especially regarding your wish for a purpose. If you want, i can give you some good readings to begin with.

This place can become quite addictive, so if the information on /r/conspiracy is messing your head, take a break. Get in touch with nature, other people - re-ground yourself. Try not to think about conspiracy stuff when you're taking a break, and avoid discussing conspiracy theories with other people (unless you know they are open to them) as this is just likely to create stress for both you and them.

get away from the beam. no media,no books,no electrical entertainment that has the power to advertise

I am not envious of the sheeple.
They typically live a life of insanity.
But I am envious people who are financially well-off and can actually afford to live their life instead of selling it to someone else at rock-bottom prices; people who can afford the many things that can minimized pain & suffering in a person's life.

I'm struggling to reconcile staying in this reality with all the suffering. I just can't function.

That's a sane response to an insane world. Your state of mind isn't the problem, the world is the problem, and there's nothing insane about giving consideration to leaving this hell hole early rather than waiting around for the worst of it.

I don't blame you. I've been there. It's what sent me back to church, though I know finding a good church ain't easy either.

All I can say is: Your awareness is a blessing. It hurts now, but as you write, there is more to our lives than just this material experience.

Hopefully you have times in your life you can look back on that were more innocent and carefree. Those days may be done for a while. You have to step up and grab the rope of hope for others.

Nothing is totally written and done. Everything is constantly in flux. You can cling to your consciousness and I suggest prayer as well.

Good luck. You are ahead of the game simply by having the courage to confront these doubts and concerns publicly. You are brave and a seeker, and hope you are blessed for your efforts.

Thank you for this post!

From the I Ching

Ko / Revolution

Fire ignites within the Lake, defying conditions that would deny it birth or survival: The Superior Person reads the Signs of the Times and makes the Season apparent to all.

The support you need will come only after the deed is done. Renewed forces, however, will provide fresh energy for exceptional progress. Persevere. All differences vanish.

SITUATION ANALYSIS: A revolutionary Change must be made forcibly. There is no negotiating with the Established Order. Perfect timing is essential. Let the abuse of power become apparent and oppressive to those around you before making your move. Lay the groundwork, sow the seeds for Revolution without tipping your hand prematurely. You will need a strong foundation, because you will have to bring about this necessary change alone. You cannot count on popular support, so you must wait until there is massive dissent. Then the avenue for your assault will be cleared.

Hexagram Forty-Nine/Line Three:

Premature action would prove disastrous. Let the talk of revolution ferment among the people.

When the rumors have reached your ear three times, that is your signal to strike.

Ts'ui / Gathering

The Lake rises by welcoming and receiving Earth's waters: The King approaches his temple. It is wise to seek audience with him there.

Success follows this course. Making an offering will seal your good fortune. A goal will be realized now.

SITUATION ANALYSIS: This is an important Convergence, and you must be part of it. Look for the Center of this convergence. Like waters running to the sea, like an astronomical convergence of planets revolving around the sun, you should let the gravity of this Center draw you near. Others are also drawn to this Center, and among them you will find shared bonds and kindred spirits. This tribal convergence will give you a clarity of purpose. You will no longer be alone.

OP, there's some really good advice in this thread, and not very much bad advice. I hope you feel better; life can definitely be rough. Hang in there, take it one day at a time, don't stress about the future so much. Here's another idea to consider (out of all the many wonderful ones everyone else has already suggested):


You have a choice, friend. You can quit. You can fight. You can just sit passively and watch life happen. What you choose to do ultimately makes no difference at all, but those are your choices.

There are no answers to the questions you have. And if there are answers, they are way beyond our ability to understand them.

We are meaningless and insignificant and when the human race is gone, the universe will have never of known we were here.

The world, nature and humans are truly beautiful. Even if you can't always see it, I promise you they are. Take a break off the social media (reddit included) don't pay attention to the news and get outside for some very valuable "you time". Things will only get better if you want them to.

Highly recommending reading (I listened to it) Jordan Peterson's 12 Rules for Life. This world and this life matter and it's never to late to change it, it picked me up out of a dark period. It articulates everything your soul already knows and helps you put it into practice. Very very good book. Hope you feel better soon, stay strong

I've found post-awakening that the words of Alan Watts are immensely insightful and help me understand the world better.

Yoga helps and you'll become more flexible as well. Also exercise, try running a mile a day. Point is that you've got to get your mind off this stuff.

dude, ive been there. i honestly just stayed away from conspiracies for a goooood long time. sometimes the best thing to do is walk away and just forget about all the bad. focusing on negativity will fill you with it. try to find some positive outlets to help balance you out.

life gets better

You're just a slave for God, that's the purpose of life.. don't stress your self and keep worrying about all this garbage.. yeah life has a lot of bad and good.. if it were all good it would be heaven, have a good day and take care

Its also about what state of mimd you are in. It's so easy to fall into states like this. Just keep actively thinking positive thoughts and over time those will become natural.

Yeah, because positive thoughts are going to eradicate all of the wrongs and injustices in this world. Positive thoughts are what put the blinders on and allow you to remain ignorant to the way the world really works.

How is that being ignorant? Not everything in the world is shit and as long as the world spins there are going to be wrongs.

"This reality"


Just "reality".

You're harboring a hope for an afterlife... the language you choose shows it.

You're not ready for nonexistence but you're starting to grasp the terrible truth of how things really are and how much is just desperate noise produced by sentient meat desperately trying to forget that the only conclusion for it's brief existence is death.

Read Ligotti's Conspiracy Against the Human Race and then think aboit things again and make your decision.

I'm sure the folks over at r/C_S_T would love to chime in on this.

This might be hard to hear, but unplug from the internet as hard as possible. Definitely conspiracy communities, at least until your mental health improves. I've had to do this for long periods of time, it's incredibly helpful

Read some books and don't look at Reddit. It's a rather hostile environment lately.

My favorite series is Dune by Frank Herbert. I've been on a sci-fi binge ever since. Reading books has been a huge help to me when I'm stressed or anxious.

It sucks that you feel overwhelmed but that's exactly their aim.

Gaslighting is a form of manipulation that seeks to sow seeds of doubt in a targeted individual or in members of a targeted group, hoping to make them question their own memory, perception, and sanity. Using persistent denial, misdirection, contradiction, and lying, it attempts to destabilize the target and delegitimize the target's belief.


Yes, you're right. It helps to be reminded of this.

My advice: step away from the conspiracy stuff for a while. I had to do this recently. Realizing the evil that exists causes anxiety. Do some social networking. Join a rec sports league, gym, band, Church, art class, etc. Get a hobby and devote yourself to it. Don’t spend so much time worrying about things that you probably can’t change anyway. Take a break.

Read two things: Viktor Frankl - Man's search for meaning Ayn Rand - Atlas Shrugged

Those two books will change your outlook on life and what purpose/meaning you can find

After that, you'll have to come to terms with the fact that you might never find people that you can relate to. This is ok. I've had to learn that my wife will never think about things as deeply as I do. She will never relate to what we go through when we are the types of people who learn constantly, who never stop learning, who always search for more, who are never ever satisfied we have "the answer"... but through that process we end up knowing much much more than the average person

Those books I mentioned will help with this process, but eventually you will get to a place where you don't need people to relate to you. You become comfortable knowing that you are right, and that you don't need validation.

Good luck fellow traveler

Discovering almost everything you thought you knew to be false is a shock to the system. The essence of being a human is hard to find amid the noise. The culture industry does not broadcast happiness, only death and discomfort which is counter to wellbeing.

If there was no suffering, there'd be no joy. If there was no struggle, there'd be no success.

You can choose to sleep walk through life. You can also recognize that you are empowered by the fact you have the ability to choose. We live in a cause and effect universe, the now being comprised of all the choices youve ever made in your life bringing you to this moment.

While it feels that all of us are worthless in the grand scheme, the fact is free will allows us to choose the course and direction of our life. History is filled with the will of single men trying to change the world be it in science, business, the military or politics. It's easy to feel the weight of the world on your shoulders and do nothing but try to tread water, the hard part is deciding to act and effect change. God gave you free will for a reason: use it.

You can't. It's spiritual suicide. You're in good company though.

Watch some funny shit or go play some video games. Come back clear headed. We all hit mental walls.

The mission is to find a way to in which you can exist in this world. Once you are woke, you might realize that you are part of the problem and not part of a solution. It is very hard if not impossible to consciously be a part of a problem. You either do enough mental gymnastics to make yourself comfortable enough to go back to sleep, or you try to cut out a new way of life that you can bare to be a part of.

You can't change THE world, but you can change YOUR world, and maybe that will inapire others to change theirs.

Wan ING to separate from the evil you perceive is completely normal. It's a cancer and you are an immune system cell without enough tools.

What the hell is sportsball than??

Make sure it’s not another person exclusively either because people may come and go out of your life.

Excellent advice.

Medicine works for some people.

Terrible advice.