Unisex bathrooms in public elementary school.

0  2018-04-03 by RecoveringGrace

I've been hearing about this for a while now and it has finally hit home. My neighborhood school is going to unisex bathrooms in the fall. I'm not happy.

I have a child that is starting school then and I don't want him sharing a bathroom with girls. More importantly, hedoesn't want to share a bathroom with girls. He's right at the age where he blushes when you ask him if he is going to have a girlfriend someday.

I'm thinking about telling him to just go outside and pee on a tree if the bathroom situation makes him uncomfortable.


Sounds like a way to make it easier for kids to come out earlier or something tbh

I don't get why youre getting so many downvotes, isnt this a good thing. They likely arent stripping stalls of the doors or theyre single use, privacy is still a thing regardless of gender


What difference does it make?

When i go to the toilet in a small bar or pub with "Unisex" bathroom i have never felt i had to change my gender or become gay?

You go in, piss or shit. Wash your hands and go out!

It is about children wanting a place to use the restroom without being surrounded by the opposite sex.

Are you sure these bathrooms aren't going to be single person?

You mean the individual stalls, or the communal area? They are not individual bathrooms.

You mean the individual stalls, or the communal area? They are not individual bathrooms.

And yet below you say:

I don't know if they are planning on removing urinals, if they even have them. If I were someone onboard with unisex bathrooms, I would remove them before girls try to sit on them and get injured.

Also, what is the exact conspiracy? Like what are TPTB pushing?

Urinals are not in individual stalls, Gary.

You just got finished saying you didn't know what they were doing for sure.

Even in lefty California, unisex bathroom are just stalls and no urinals.

Plus again, what is the conspiracy exactly?

Did you just get a sexually ambiguous chicken, Gary?

I'm not sure what the joke is but again, what is the conspiracy you are worried about?

thanks RG!

What’s the point of dodging reasonable questions with random bullshit like this?

Like muslim countries

As long children have access to individual cabins, its fine. I just dont like using urinals even being an adult, I want to have my privacity while I pee. The erotic view its on adults, not children. So, Im fine with that, as long personal space is respected.

Check your local laws before you advise little RG to pee on a tree! In some areas this can be enforced as Public Indecent Exposure - slap a Lifetime Sexual Register charge on the little tyke before he's in 1st grade!

Where has anyone ever been labelled a sex offender for urinating outdoors?

New York

Maybe the judge was into golden showers and thought of sex while hearing about pee.

I have never heard of anyone getting labelled as a sex offenders for urinating. Perhaps pubic indecency.

I was peeing in an alley once and a cop came along and said it was a $75 fine.

New York has a three strike law for public urination. 3 tickets gets you on the sex offender list.

NYC laws are a little different, they changed them a few years ago.

If you are waving you parts around, if you take precautions to hide yourself a lawyer would get you off of a charge.

Intent is a huge part of law.

If your intent was to just keep it is one thing if it is to make other people see you pee is another.

Thing is there is a huge cultural difference to eliminating wastes in public.

A buddy of mine was touring Vietnam and he says a day doesn't go by where he doesn't see an old woman shitting on the side of the road.

We have a large South Asian population here and the F.O.B.'s will pee into the gutter facing the traffic.


From what I have heard from state to state. Some states make public urination and indecent exposure two separate crimes (my state is one). Others don’t. If you are urinating in public you get charged with indecent exposure, which could get you put on a registry.

I've just been searching to back up this comment with what was reported at the time. An out of State football or basketball player was arrested and booked for urinating in a Boise downtown alley...I want to say Louisiana player? All I can find is Southwick from the Hawaii bowl and that isn't the story. This is very strange.

Right? But what a conundrum.. What if he looks wrong at another (genderish) kid in the bathroom? What, then? What if he simply can't urinate with a bunch of girls around?

You aren't wrong, though. Folks will likely call him a tree murderer if he goes out and pees in the brush.

I'm being glib, obviously, but I truly am bugged by this.

You’re sure that they are communal bathrooms? Our school had plenty of unisex single room bathrooms.

Yes. The school has boy's, girls and unisex presently. They all become unisex this coming fall.

So your son can use a boys bathroom? What's your issue then? Seems like your throwing a fit over something that if you didn't tell you son was an issue he would never have to know about. Just tell him to only use the boys room. If a teacher makes him use the communal bathroom then address it. Has your wife ever had to take your son into the women's bathroom to deal with an accident in public? So traumatic, the horror.

I think you misunderstood. There are presently a boy's, girl's and unisex bathrooms at the school. They all become unisex in the fall.

So does that mean there will be a urinal in all bathrooms or no urinals in any bathrooms?

I don't know if they are planning on removing urinals, if they even have them. If I were someone onboard with unisex bathrooms, I would remove them before girls try to sit on them and get injured.


Why would you waste this alt on a comment like this?

Rule 10.

Can you post some evidence of that? Not that I'm saying you are lying but it's just hard for me to grasp that concept would be passed.

I won't post anything that might doxx my family.

No one wants to dox you, but if you can't back up anything you're saying here (plus you're contradicting your own story), don't expect people to believe you.

Hmmm. Maybe if TMoR made their modlogs public you could appreciate how often a call to doxx happens. A couple accounts have been banned there for lacking nuance in their call to doxx.

the specific question is whether they are communal bathrooms, i.e., are they single-occupant-at-a-time, or could there be multiple people using each at any given time?

They are conventional public school restrooms with stalls that are now unisex.

an hour ago, regarding a user asking if they are

single-user toilet rooms. No two students can occupy the room at the same time.

you said

This is likely the case, and I will update after I tour the school, but what about girls doing their makeup and boys doing whatever it is they do?

So which is it?

Didn't I just describe the bathrooms? Scroll up, friend.

I think you've contradicted yourself. You have said both

conventional public school restrooms with stalls


[it is] likely the case [that they are single-user toilet rooms]

I'm just trying to get a straight story.

Is that a chicken? Maybe it is a penguin.

por que no los dos? But seriously, I think you just misspoke one of those times, so why not just make yourself clear rather than fucking around with these ridiculous, uh, "jokes"?

It isn't a chicken. It is a sad dove?

So I just talked to the neighbor who has kids in the school. She describes the bathrooms as large rooms with six toilets separated by stalls with doors that are about four feet high.

Wow, what is the reasoning for them? Will they still have Boy/girl bathrooms and just adding the uni ones in addition?

I would not be comfortable with my kids sharing bathrooms, for many, many reasons.

I just commented to another user- the elementary now has a boy's, girl's and unisex. Coming this fall, they are going to all unisex.

That sounds like a really bad idea. I would seriously be protesting that decision. Are they going to have monitors in the bathroom to make sure no funny business takes place?

Putting adult monitors in bathrooms to observe children use the toilets also seems like a bad idea

Agreed. I guess if they just go with single seaters, all unisex it would be fine. But the old school multi stalls being unisex would be a bad idea, IMO.

what the fuck? Why? I really want to know why you wouldt want your kids to share bathrooms? Are you muslim?

Yo enter the door, close the door, lock the door, take a shit and go out. What in the hell do your kids do in bathrooms?

Not Muslim. I’m talking about bathrooms with multiple stalls, meaning boys and girls in the same room while using the bathroom. Not one seaters.

Reason being, girls start their periods and freak out, they don’t want boys in there. Boys want to peep under/over stalls to see the girls, etc.

I’m talking multi stall bathrooms, not single.

I see your issue with what you just stated if the issue if it was multi stalls like we had in grade school.

They're single-user toilet rooms. No two students can occupy the room at the same time.

This is likely the case, and I will update after I tour the school, but what about girls doing their makeup and boys doing whatever it is they do?

We used to call it a "restroom". Maybe for good reason.

You don’t even bother to find if these are single occupancy before throwing a fit about the issue?

Do you mean the individual stalls?

Most unisex bathrooms are individual bathrooms, meaning there is one small room with one sink and one toilet. No one should be in the same room when one person is already in there.

Before you complain and whine more, why not find out if your school with be having single-occupancy unisex rooms as the vast majority of those kind of bathrooms are?

[Citation] ???

Why are you all so happy about unisex bathrooms in public schools??

I think it is fucking weird.

What’s weird about it if they are single occupancy?

Are they? .seriously. Defending unisex bathrooms is really off, in my opinion.

Are you weirded out by those blue portable toilets being unisex? Single occupancy bathrooms are basically just that.

Dude, are you weirded out by you're fucking bathroom at home, lol?

I'm weirded out about children being forced to share bathrooms at ages 5-11 in public school buildings.

You think that's good policy?

How do you know they're communal/sharing? Earlier when asked if they're single person restrooms you said you didn't know.

They are bathrooms with stall dividers- typical school bathrooms.

But earlier you said you didn't know? How did you confirm? Post some proof

I just talked to my neighbor. She has three kids in the school.

So, word of mouth/rumors then? Why don't you call the school? How many kids do you have there?

Oh, I plan on verifying for myself when we get my son registered, but it is a pretty small town and there is quite a bit of uproar over it.

Tbh seems like a non-issue to me. I don't understand the uproar.

I can't speak for all elementary schools, but most elementary school girls are not doing their makeup in bathrooms.

At that age they go in, do their business and get out. The biggest worry is if they clog the toilets with toilet paper.

At what age? I'm talking about an elementary school that goes from age 5 to age 13.

At what age? I'm talking about an elementary school that goes from age 5 to age 13.

Is that the same age range that will share restrooms? How the hell did they float that? Pedos come in wide age ranges... Remember that kid from the reality show that had turned out to abuse his sisters?

Whoa who would downvote this... Creepy.

You need to look up the definition of pedophile dude, lol. Are you serious right now?

I suppose it depends on the school, but elementary schools in my area only go through the 5th grade. My kid has an early birthday so she's one of the oldest in her elementary and she's 11.

Most schools these days try to separate the tweens/teens from the kiddos. If yours does not, I'd say bathrooms might be the least of your worries.

You are cool with your 11 year old daughter using a bathroom with boys?? Seriously?

Absolutely. As long as there is a stall for privacy, why wouldn't I be? I don't understand what exactly the concern/fear is.

The elementary goes to 11 and the Jr high on the same campus goes to 13- or I guess 14 for the late starters.

Is there an article or announcement from the school you could post?

No. I will not doxx myself or my kids.

Maybe just the text then? This feels like fake outrage to me.

There is nothing fake about me bringing this topic to the community.

I'm literally discussing this with family as we speak.

Ok then.

Are these bathrooms shared, or individual, 1 kid at a time units?

Oh no ! They need to share bathrooms ! What a evil conspiracy! :(


Wait so the unisex bathrooms aren’t optional? The fuck..

Coming to your town, soon! Keep an eye out.

dont be silly

My kids have "unisex" bathrooms in school and have always had, I don't see the problem.

Can I ask what the problem could be? People go to the bathroom, close the door and take a shit/piss. Would a unisex bathroom make people go to the toilet holding hands or what?

Men are from mars, and women from venus

No more pink barbie cars if u witness a penis

This consumerist lifestyle will be our undoing

Who'll buy all this crap if the children are pooing

Together? OP's manufacturing pleather.

Unisex toilets were always the rage

Until those at the top dropped a great gilded cage

And now dummies like OP have taken a page

From the book that decrees that our minimum wage

Ain't a goal, an achievement, but a temporary stage

On the road to class warfare we must surely wage

Or turn out like OP; with a brain painted beige

What's the conspiracy? Why does it even matter, and why not inquire with the school to see what rules would be imposed instead of panicking and assuming they're intentionally trying to cause distress in your child? When I was in elementary school only time we were allowed to use the bathroom without a teacher standing outside was when a student had to go in the middle of class, in which case they had permission to go by themselves to the nearest bathroom (there was one in every other hallway iirc) but had to be back within a few minutes or get in trouble. This was decades ago in a relatively small grades 0-5 school in a shitty county in Virginia, I can't imagine a larger school in a yuppie Colorado town not having rules.

Maybe the judge was into golden showers and thought of sex while hearing about pee.

I have never heard of anyone getting labelled as a sex offenders for urinating. Perhaps pubic indecency.

I was peeing in an alley once and a cop came along and said it was a $75 fine.

You mean the individual stalls, or the communal area? They are not individual bathrooms.

And yet below you say:

I don't know if they are planning on removing urinals, if they even have them. If I were someone onboard with unisex bathrooms, I would remove them before girls try to sit on them and get injured.

Also, what is the exact conspiracy? Like what are TPTB pushing?

Did you just get a sexually ambiguous chicken, Gary?

Not Muslim. I’m talking about bathrooms with multiple stalls, meaning boys and girls in the same room while using the bathroom. Not one seaters.

Reason being, girls start their periods and freak out, they don’t want boys in there. Boys want to peep under/over stalls to see the girls, etc.

I’m talking multi stall bathrooms, not single.

Is that a chicken? Maybe it is a penguin.

I'm weirded out about children being forced to share bathrooms at ages 5-11 in public school buildings.

You think that's good policy?

So I just talked to the neighbor who has kids in the school. She describes the bathrooms as large rooms with six toilets separated by stalls with doors that are about four feet high.