Youtube HQ Shooting "had a shooting mask on, full body armor and was calmly walking and firing a HANDGUN."

60  2018-04-04 by aaaaaaaaaaanonymous

What's this?

Salahoden Abdul-Kafi, a YouTube product manager tells SF Gate that the shooting suspect at HQ in San Bruno "had a shooting mask on, full body armor and was calmly walking and firing a HANDGUN." twitter feed where this material originates conversation about a different shooter; put together and archived for easier reading


what is a shooting mask

what is a shooting mask

Great question.

A mask that shoots.... things that are duh^

From the whatsapp conversation "...a green sunglasses thing for shooting on"

Maybe something like this?

Maybe something like this But that's only really helpful for airsoft bullets, or obscuring your identity.

They're claiming now that it was a disgruntled woman who claimed YouTube was censoring her fucking convenient, I must say. I was talking with my buddy before this news came out, and said I wonder if they'll pin it on conspiracy theorists and those who have been pointing out the censorship. Look like that might be the direction they're going.

WTF Illuminati resurrected Amy Winehouse for this ANTI-IRAN ANTI-GUN dual false flag? Tsk tsk tsk..

I actually thought your comment was pretty funny.

Okay I'm just gonna break down some of my thoughts on this may be rough.

Man sees someone with full body armor/a mask/and a handgun shooting people at YouTube HQ, he think it's a man. I'm not surprised by that. Even though the shooter is skinny, with enough protective clothing you probably wouldn't know the gender of who was inside of it. Like a suit. A missing persons report went out before the shooting. Prior to the event, police noticed her sleeping in her car not too far from HQ. I find it odd that she had any interaction with the police on the day of the shooting, but before it. Obviously people run into the police all the time and if she was sleeping in her car it makes sense but still.. I'm not surprised by reports of a second shooter. It's very common with these types of shootings and if there was even a drill on the same day in the same area for a similar type of event I would not be surprised in the slightest.

not sure if it happened the day of the shooting

Yes, police found her at 2am on the day of the shooting:

The night before Nasim Aghdam opened fire in a courtyard at YouTube’s headquarters Tuesday afternoon, Mountain View police found the San Diego woman sleeping in her car.

And told the father they had it "under control" and would "keep an eye on her".

He said he called the Mountain View police, who found her and reported back that she was fine, and they would keep an eye on her.

Wednesday would have been Nasim’s 38th birthday. He said she never hurt anyone until today, and has no idea where she may have gotten a gun.

So we have a vegan pacifist woman who recently started getting censored on Youtube for dabbling in conspiracy theory. Reported missing, found by police, while they're "keeping an eye on her" she dresses up in full tactical gear and shoots up Youtube (with some witnesses thinking it was a man), and no one dies except herself.

Now the narrative for this is mentally ill conspiracy theorists are getting guns and attacking Youtube for trying to protect us from her crazy conspiracy theories.

I'm usually quick to push back on these shooter conspiracies, but this is the first in a while that smells patsy.

She didn't kill anyone besides herself? Interesting...

Authorities gave conflicting accounts of whether Aghdam knew any of her three victims, who are hospitalized in fair, serious and critical condition.

So what's your theory as to what happened between 2am and when she pulled the trigger?

This seems to be agreed upon: Parents/Relatives become concerned with recent post content, which it turns out is driven by YouTube turning off the revenue stream. In other words, her content up to now has been "normal" enough for them, it's only recently they have become concerned. She does a runner, who knows why, maybe to get away from life for a bit. Family calls police, police pick her up at 2am in her car near(-ish) YouTube HQ. Say they'll "Keep an eye on her".

Then what?

  1. They drug her up, outfit her with tactical gear, and send her in to fight her demons?

OR 2. They send in a pro to shoot up the place and only put her body in place at the end of it?

OR 3. Just she's a lone nut and snapped, as they tend to do?

Also, I already have seen some hand wringing by the MSM over how to treat this one because it doesn't fit the 'lone-white-male-snaps-and-shoots-up-the-place' narrative. Since she 'only' shot 3 people they are saying it might not count as a mass shooting.

Correct. 1 and 2 match the patsy theories that have floated around after numerous shootings, where witnesses see someone in full tactical gear (or two), always wearing a mask, and never ID the actual shooter, and the shooter is either found out of their mind as if drugged or they're shot dead. Aurora, Sandy Hook, San Bernadino and this all share those same hallmarks.

I've never gone in on the crisis actor, no deaths theories, but the mysterious man in tactical gear, second shooter theories I usually find interesting and they happen over and over in these shootings.

Was the whole PD in on it? Obviously not. But there's 12 hours in there from the time cops found her for someone deep state to perpetrate some fuckery.

I get that #3 is the Occam's Razor answer, but this forum is for discussing the other possibilities too.

Yeah the whole PD wouldn't have to be in on it, maybe just whoever picked her up at 2am and whoever responded to the shooting. I'm not convinced that it would really take much to find a handful of bad cops on any given PD for someone 'deep state' to work with. Particularly if the patsy is from that part of the world. That's just my cynicism showing though..

Another interesting thing to consider is that a really good investigator could dig up evidence that she purchased the gear, the gun, and the ammo. Even if she paid cash. But, because they have her body, nobody ever really does an investigation to that level. Or at least we don't get to see it.

Right. That's why I'm more open to this one.

But there is definitely evidence that could be released by police that would make it clear that she was just a crazy lady who bought tactical gear and tried to take revenge on Youtube.

I appreciate your openness to dialogue.

I called it months ago!

We're going to have to get rid of those deadly Assault Pistols!

I mean what kind of rational human being would think they need one of these hideously overpowered Assault Pistols?

We should not only ban Assault Pistols, but any OTHER pistols that could be converted INTO Assault variants.

While we're at it, I think we should pre-emptively ban elastic guns, nerf guns, and L-shaped sticks.

Just you watch! Real soon, we're going to have some absolute whacko, a FUCKING LUNATIC armed with a Deadly Assault Knife, shoot up a mini-putt or some shit.

L-shaped sticks

fuckin lul

No mention of FBI element involved in all of these shootings? It seems about as common in these shootings as SSRI drugs.

Logic: Wears mask and body armor to protect self and conceal identity. Then, suicides.

Makes perfect sense.

Then what do you make of the reports of a woman in a black top and head scarf?

I'll accept that she may have taken the body armor off but as of right now, there are no reports of armor being found.

There are, however, conflicting descriptions of the shooter.

She's just a patsy.