"If it doesn't affect me, it doesn't concern me!" Mass Indifference

5  2018-04-05 by gematrix

Why do so many - even family members, coworkers, colleages, etc - have a 'Mr Smith' response to dire concerns such as Chemtrails. GlobalDimming, FakeShootings, MideastGenocide, MandelaEffects, and increased Flu/Viral outbreaks despite increased vaccinations/healthcare, and ironically spend their lives dwelling instead on petty, animalistic vices such as Eating (esp Meaty Food, Sweet Treats) Vidgames,, Spectatorsports, Wrestling, Porn, Weed, LatestiPhone/Samsung, Cars, Hollywood, and only Shock-and-Awe News/Fearporn??


Panem et Circenses.

r u a bot?

si, pero uno de Mexico!

r u a bot?

Your English is worse than mine.

What is "GlobalDimming"?

The geo-engineering theory that global warming can be curbed by increasing cloud cover.

Ah. Thank you for the explanation.

I tried to google this, but my region is not English speaking so my results were not very clear. But this makes sense base on the English sites I read.

This mental state is no accident. It was done on purpose. The intent was to make a more servile population that would not rebel against their slavery. To accomplish this, the population had to be dumbed down so fluoride was put in our water and our schools became indoctrination centers instead of learning centers. Our desire to fight had to be removed so weve been poisoned with estrogen mimicking chemicals and other chemicals that are disrupting normal hormone function. They want a country full of people smart enough to work at McDonalds and dumb enough to eat that shit. They want a country full of effete males that do what they are told to do.

And this is exactly what we have!

And the best part of it is you get to pay for your own subjugation too. True master stroke, right there.

Your tax dollars at work indeed!

You forget - the only places where masculinity is allowed is in police and military forces. Where it is heavily Regulated ....

Pretty much summed up what I was thinking. I also think people don't want their view of the world to change, so they just ignore it. It's easy to do. Plus, they keep us distracted with apps, emails, YouTube videos, TV, work, school, bills, the list goes on.

Is this one of those random gibberish posts, trying to make the sub look like it's full of crazy idiots? Kinda seems like it..

Or trying to avoid specific keywords (masking them by putting words together etc) whichs alerts the downvote-bots or brigade here.

the answer is pretty clear - because this is how you control people to prevent them from actually using their damn brains and desiring better things for themselves and of humanity.

Because we've been programmed to be dumb, fat, and apathetic. People are breaking out of it, but only one-by-one.

I've struggled with wondering where to go from here; I ask myself "what's the point?" And maybe there isn't a point, but I'm here so I might as well make the best of it. I think I've come to the conclusion that I can only control a small amount - I can influence people around me, and I can strive to at least better the community that I live in. Beyond that, I'm not sure what we are all going to do to make this better. But maybe if we all focus on our own communities, we can grow and help people get out of the addictions/brainwash.

Dr. Jordan Peterson helped me a lot by making me understand this. I can't fix anything big until I sort my own life out so start with "cleaning your room".

Just sucks more when it's the one's you love who are smart enough but still don't care...

Be patient, have a little faith. They may have just not been "reached" in the right ways yet.

I've learned that you can't be super aggressive with this stuff. Not saying you are, but speaking from my experience. "Normies" don't respond well to us "conspiracy" people when we get loud and frustrated with them (I can get riled up easily). We have to be smarter than them and feel out the best way to appeal to their particular emotions.

This is actually the true hallmark of a truly evolved mind. Maybe when everyone else realizes they should be managing and improving themselves/family/close Community - they'll stop begging the government to do it for them.

I completely agree with you and feel the exact same way as well. What really gets me is that I’ll try to educate my family and friends and try to get them to see the bigger picture but since the entire “conspiracy theorist” indoctrination has been spread you have to choose how you tell them or else you’ll be labeled as crazy. You’ll be surprised to know how many people actually still don’t see how corporations are scamming humans, which companies setup shop right after Iraq/Syria was torn apart. Not to mention pedogate or any of the sex trafficking cases where you know these fuckers are guilty but they have deep pockets.

You have to come to grips with the fact that it doesn't matter what others think, believe, or do. What matters is what you personally, think, believe and do.

The truth about anything always starts with just one person and gradually grows by the self-evident nature and example of that truth itself once it's been revealed.

You can good humouredly tell others about truths that have become obvious to you but they must come to accept them on their own terms, in their own way, and in their own time, not because you tried to talk or coerce them into accepting it. You plant the seed of those truths gently and have faith they will grow.

So you do what you can to live your own life as honestly and ethically as you can and understand that there is always a price to be paid to have and maintain your own personal integrity in a cynical and highly competitive system where winning is often all that matters and is used to excuse to justify virtually any all means, no matter how low or underhanded they are to achieve it.

Take heart in rising above that whenever you have to turn and walk away from becoming an accomplice to anything that is less than fair or above-board in any competitive situations that you can't avoid in the first place.

As the ancient Chinese sage Lao Tzu said over two thousand years ago... “There is no need to run outside for better seeing, nor to peer from a window. Rather abide at the center of your being, for the more you leave it, the less you learn. Search your heart and see, if he is wise who takes each turn... the way to do is to be.”

If people realized they were not mere separate rays of the Sun, but the whole Sun and the rays simultaneously , not merely separate drops of water, but the whole ocean and the drop at the same time....this would end.

It all comes down to this. Who are you? Are you merely an isolated individual that was born here by chance and needs to get his own and forget about the bigger picture. Or are you the big picture?

If you let go of who you think you are, if even just for a moment and just rest as peace. If you expand your compassion onto others. If you choose to be more than just your limited mental self, choose to be freedom, choose to be truly human, then you will know.

As long as we are divided and have the mentality of "every man and woman for themselves" it isn't going to work. As long as we don't care about our planet, about the animals and plants on it, about our destruction of this insanely beautiful biosphere, it isn't going to work.

The division is primarily in our hearts and minds. It is ok to care about yourself and you should take care of yourself. But when your compassion and empathy stops at yourself, if it stops at the few people that you interact with every day, if it stops at your family, your community, if it stops at your country, your race....then we remain divided.

United we stand, divided we will surely fall. Because those in power stand united. Do we?

Will we stand or fall?

It is every individual's choice now. I have chosen to help myself and the world as well. I will try my best to turn the tide, both locally and globally through words, actions, spreading awareness....whatever I can.

Will you?

The ray of the sun is one with the sun in quality. The ray is different in quantity. Simultaneous oneness and difference.

The Basic answer is they were programmed that way. Taught to mind their own business and then were fed distractions.

Other answers include people wishing to concentrate on the positives in life otherwise they will be dropped into a depressive state.

We no longer care about each other, or our neighbors. We have a Global community and some are closer or feel closer to You-tubers and online gaming team members instead of their neighbors or local grocer.

Reminds me a lot of the Facebook thing going around now. Lots of people are saying that they don't care that their information's being used/sold because it doesn't affect them.

dae hate sheeple the thread

Because the average person would rather enjoy the limited time they have than fight an impossible battle. Not condoning, but I think that's it.