Now that we’re addicted to cell phones and wireless technology it’s becoming OK to talk about the dangers of radiation???

7  2018-04-07 by Oof_too_Humid

I remember when cell phones first came out. Some people were definitely concerned about the possible effects that radiation might have on brains, but that was pooh-poohed as crazy talk. Some countries (like Switzerland, France, Finland, Israel, Sweden) issued advisories that children should not be exposed to the radiation emitted by mobile phones.
Now that we’ve become addicted to using cell-phones, now it’s becoming OK to talk about the dangers without being labeled a “crazy conspiracy theorist”.

Governments And Organizations That Ban Or Warn Against Wireless Technology

NIH study links cell phone radiation to cancer in male rats

How Big Wireless Made Us Think That Cell Phones Are Safe: A Special Investigation

"To reduce exposure to RF energy, use a hands-free option…

Mobile phone radiation & health

Weapon of Systematic Distributed Ignorantly Self-inflicted Mass Destruction


Cell phone radiation "revelations" will be analogous to cigarette smoking in the 1950s.

Yup. Welcome to homo sapiens y'all.

I was gonna comment on where to find this info in the iPhone but you linked one of my old comments! glad I can contribute something useful every now and then, good post btw and enjoy the upvote

I had saved your comment from a while back because it kind of blew my mind. I wanted to make sure I could access that info again. Thanks for putting it out there.

enjoy the upvote

Congratulations /u/Oof_too_Humid. Your post is the highest voted post on radiofrequency radiation ever on Reddit. I often search for radiation posts in other subs to comment and crosspost. Almost all are downvoted to zero. There are bots downvoting posts on radiofrequency even in my sub /r/electromagnetics.

Hmmm...maybe those downvote bots are looking for slightly more technical verbiage in the post title before they pounce. Maybe my post didn't have enough of the targeted words in it.

Thats why I reverse the affects by smoking pot. My higher self has my future back.

CBD especially!

Right. Hopefully forgetting shit and having to find it and overcoming the temptations of the couch will be good paractice for old age should we be so lucky

Just because that happens to you or someone you know that smokes doesn’t mean it happens to all.

It’s a joke man

Right goddamn millennials. It's hell should you forget the sarc mark and I've smoked some of the best weed and have some crazy stories but how dare I sarcastically point out the effects one might undergo by constant gb hits of strong indica. The forgetfulness experienced with herb imo, is a double edged sword that I believe may help fight memory loss long term by constantly putting ones brain through recall paces. But yeah. Whoosh and suck it hipsters.

First, it's a goddamn joke. Read it sarcastically. Furthermore build a gb with a socket a bucket and a two litter with bottom sliced off one inch from bottom. Get some indica. Smoke several hits a day from it on usually dank indica and tell me that shit won't force you to organize your life and build up your memory recall skills. How long for and how frequent do you smoke? As far as flower goes the gravity bong is another level from anything except vaping. Stronger imo albeit harsher

I've often wondered what such radiation does to our reproductive organs, especially since when mobiles are in our front pockets they're right by them!

Yup. Can't be good. My sister often used to pop her phone into her bra as a convenience. I told her to cut that out or she'll end up with breast cancer.

I had a physics teacher, an ex nuclear physicist no less, who was adamant about the fact that wireless technology uses micro and radio waves, which are a lower frequency than visible light. Since they carry lower energy, they are less harmful than visible light. X rays and gamma rays are so dangerous because they are much higher frequency than visible light, which is why they are so dangerous. So to my knowledge, fortunately cell phone radiation isn’t dangerous

Yeah, the energy in the radiation makes the difference between ionizing and non-ionizing radiation. Only ionizing radiation can damage our DNA. Lower-energy radiation can cook us, but it won't give us cancer.

Lower-energy radiation can cook us, but it won't give us cancer.

Increasing the temperature of the water in our cells increases the chances of mutation during cell replication. Cell phone radiation can't directly damage your DNA, but that's not the only concern.

I guess that's fair, but the energy levels we're dealing with when it comes to phones are unlikely to cause any concern on that front. A warm breeze will do more to change the temperature of our body than a phone ever will.

That's certainly true, but there is a specific concern about 4G cell phone bands overlapping with the resonant frequency of water, which is 2.45 GHz. The principle behind resonant frequencies is that energy is pumped into the system and stored with very little damping between cycles. In my opinion, it would be a very bad idea to continuously operate any radio device near 2.45 GHz, however the 4G band goes up to 2.5 GHz.

Cell phone radiation can't directly damage your DNA

Papers on cell phone radiation altering DNA:

[WIKI] Brain Zapping: MicroRNA and DNA breaks. MicroRNA is a biomarker for blast traumatic brain injury (bTBI)

That's called cancer.

It can be, certainly.

Only ionizing radiation can damage our DNA.

Not true.

[WIKI] Brain Zapping: MicroRNA and DNA breaks. MicroRNA is a biomarker for blast traumatic brain injury (bTBI)

Lower-energy radiation can cook us, but it won't give us cancer.

Not true.

[WIKI] Cancer: Thermal Nonionizing Radiation

[WIKI] Cancer: Mobile phones cause tumors and cancer

[WIKI] Cancer: Power lines

[WIKI] Cancer: Radiofrequency: Cordless Phones

[WIKI] Cancer: Radiofrequency: Wi-fi, bluetooth and zigbee

These are nothing but reddit posts by you with absolutely no substance. I don't believe you. Prove it.

They are wikis comprised of posts linking to papers published in medical journals. Papers have substance.

I'm afraid by that logic, microwave ovens are safe to open while they operate! Unfortunately, ionizing radiation isn't the only harmful property....I think even lower frequencies can cause biological heating affects (damaging proteins and some shit). It's probably even deeper than that, but just what I currently know. My advice: reduce exposure whenever possible.

The frequency doesn't matter, the power matters only. And as they add more features to it, they will require more power.

A simple radio can be made of a few crystals and a battery, your mobile phone now does live video streaming, with extreme power consumption.

The frequency does matter. The energy carried by electromagnetic radiation is directly proportional to the frequency and therefore the power.

That is nonsense. The frequency is independent of the power.

Or are you telling me that Earth's magnetic field (0.033 Hz) is just as powerful as a Wireless Router (1-5Ghz).

Obviously not, there is a unit called magnetic strenght (Tesla) and one for electric strength (V/m).

The frequency is a totally independent unit.

It’s literally in the math and physics. Magnetic fields affect things in completely different ways than electric fields do, by the way. And neither of those things are electromagnetic radiation, which is what light is, and how wireless communication is done. Power is energy over time, and energy carried by a wave is proportional to frequency. You can read it in any physics textbook.

The frequencies you are talking about are of different types and concentration. Anyway, according to Wikipedia, the magnetic field of the earth resonates at 2kHz. And things like routers are oscillating circuits and not magnets. Point being, neither of those things are radiation. In the case of light, frequency does indicate energy level by definition

wait til 5g comes out. that frequency has been studied and at a minimum is known to increase likelihood of skin cancer. yes, the same frequency you subject yourself to every time you go through the airport security scanner. I've never gone thru one. I give myself an extra hour knowing they are going to make me wait to get a pat down. I've waited 30 minutes sometimes.

So walking thru one isn't mandatory?

You know I keep seeing people parroting this garbage and they clearly have no idea what any of it actually means.

"Yeah man 4g was totally fine but dood this 5g shit dood it causes cancer!!!!"

Please, educate your self.

The functionality enhancement doesn't matter.

It will require more bandwidth and more power, hence more radiation will be released towards people.

How much power do you think it will need to download a "1 hour HD movie in 6 seconds?"

The power consumption and EM radiation will skyrocket.

It will require more bandwidth and more power, hence more radiation will be released towards people.

Again, back to the frequency issue.

5g is at 15GHz. 4g at 2.6GHz.

This means that 5g will cause more body heating than 4g (let's say 15/2.5 = 30x faster heating. I forget, it's at least proportional.) However, you can carry more data at 5g, so you aren't required to transmit as long (30x less!) for the same information, which will reduce total heating.

For the same information, it becomes nix. 5g, will, however, be absorbed by your surroundings more, and won't penetrate walls as much. If you want to penetrate walls more, you have to increase the power.

5g is a microwave in your pocket. The exact limitations and results are yet to be seen, but the limitations are strictly controlled by US and EU law.

I understand what you are trying to say, but the danger is not the frequency per se.

The danger is the additional power draw from the new feaures that bandwidth requires. Simply put the increased bandwidth is just to carry more data in less time.

But the power required to modulate and transmit the data is the radiation source.

You can literally have gamma rays with tiny power and it would be harmless, or have extremely powerful magnets on tiny frequency and be dangerous.

It's not the frequency that matters but the power radiation per square meter.

G isn't a frequency its a standard. its like USB 1 2.0 etc.

5G is in the microwave and millimeter range.

[WIKI] Millimeter frequency, terahertz radiation and detecting millimeter frequencies

Wise decision. Employees at airport security scanners have gotten cancer.

[WIKI] Millimeter and 5G: Cancer

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I think I may have flown once since they've implemented the cancer machines, but they may not have had them then, not sure. I had no idea they weren't mandatory.

when you get up security before you go in say, "I'd like to opt out and get a pat down."

That's simple and practical information. Thank you.

The very wiki link you posted as a source literally states this in the 2nd sentence of the page.

The World Health Organization states that "A large number of studies have been performed over the last two decades to assess whether mobile phones pose a potential health risk. To date, no adverse health effects have been established as being caused by mobile phone use

Well there goes your theory...

Tell that to the bees maaaaan

Why are you getting downvoted? I laughed heartily

People are too serious on here. Thanks!

So you blindly accept their word for it? Sounds similar to how tobacco was pushed as being safe all those years.

You know, I'm all for questioning things but at some point you're going to have to accept someones word for it.

Living in a constant state of "everyone is out to get us" is not healthy. Studies done over 2 decades is evidence enough for me.

Actually, here are the case studies.

Feel free to read them. (Hint, we know you won't).

Just how everyone listened to the doctors and advertising agencies back in the 40s and 50s, right?

You're right man. Just keep on living in that world of yours. Believe nothing. Everything is a lie. They are out to get you!

Wow. Incredible reply. You really got him there. Everything is a conspiracy man. Cigarettes remember. /s

There are contradictory studies.

You can find contradictory findings in literally every field of science.

Look, my point is that you have to come to an understanding you agree with. You can't just go through life believe everything is a lie.

if you feel the sources you've read support your claim that 5G internet will cause brain cancer then so be it.

I simply do not fear 4G, the same as I won't fear 5G. You know why?

Lets suppose 5G internet causes all these serious health problems. How do the world elite looking to put us down avoid it them selves? Are there special pills they take to not be affected by 5G?

if that was the case why wouldn't "they" just develop wireless signals that didn't cause cancer? Doesn't that seem like the more reasonable approach for people with unlimited wealth?

Not everything as to be a conspiracy. 5G can be harmful and simultaneously not the ultimate solution for culling the masses.

Lets suppose 5G internet causes all these serious health problems. How do the world elite looking to put us down avoid it them selves? Are there special pills they take to not be affected by 5G?

They clearly don't cause major health problems, which may sound like I contradict myself above. They can increase your rate of tumor development. The magic pill is simply placing them further away from your body more often -- even a foot makes a huge difference. Use headphones to talk if you are on the phone a lot, if you can, to create a larger separation between you and the phone. Otherwise you may find your ear to get warm. This was more true in older phones.

Studies done over 2 decades is evidence enough for me.

So, you don't believe in global warming?

I'm not even going to take the time to explain how stupid your comment is.

WHO's statement is undated. The only date is "Reviewed October 2014." That does not mean it was written in 2014. I suspect it was written well over a decade ago.

WHO did not identify the studies it reviewed. WHO refused to review Russia's studies. Russia was the first country to research health effects of radiofrequency.

The wiki index of /r/electromagnetics has hundreds of papers published in medical journals on adverse health effects. Papers have the subject tag [J] for journal:

A large number of studies have been performed over the last two decades to assess whether mobile phones pose a potential health risk.

They do pose a potential health risk, which is why they are strictly controlled and studied. Going outside presents a health risk from even broader radiative spectrum from the sun.

Cell phones haven't been around for more than twenty years in the large population. There is incomplete data.

There are strict limits on the amount of heating a cell phone can produce to prevent damage.

On the bright side, rich screen based interfaces have done a lot to get phones away from our heads. I rarely put my device to my ear these days.

On the downside, I will keep my phone in my lap sometimes if I'm driving :/

Well, one other thing you can do is power your phone completely off when you're sleeping. There's really not much value-added to keeping it on and near you during that big chunk of time.

Considering I ignore my alarm every morning, I'm inclined to agree with you, lol.

then turn on airplane mode

Uh yeah, there is. Emergencies happen all the time. I’m sure the vast majority of people would like to be reachable at all times.

Will the emergency not happen with the phone on? No? Then what does a few hours difference make?

If something happened to a friend or loved one, I’m sure everyone would rather know as soon as possible. Same goes for someone needing your help.

That’s some pretty terrible logic. Especially considering studies show that phones do not cause major health risks.

OK, my suggestion won't work for everyone. But for those of us who are OK with not being reachable while sleeping, it's a good way to remove that threat of additional exposure.
I suppose you could also keep the phone across the room at night because you'd still hear the ring if there was an emergency.

Yeah keeping the phone away from you is a perfect alternative. I agree with that.

I don't understand why handsfree option is better. The earplugs are very close to your brain, in fact closer than the phone would be.

I read a while ago they recommend any device about 1 cm far from your head.

So even headsets with thick covers provide that distance, however earplugs go directly into your ear, radiating your brains.

How is that safer than putting a phone 1-0.5 cm from your head?

Can somebody explain please?

The phone itself emits EM radiation, not the headset. By using a headset you don't have the actual source of the radiation right next to your head.

Of coure it does, what do you think an earplug is?

It's a giant magnet that is vibrating right next to your ear.

The radiation coming out of the cell phone is electric RF, the one coming out of your earpiece is magnetic.

Magnetic radiation has a mugh higher penetration rate, so it literally fries your brains.

Are you both talking about WIRELESS earbuds/headsets?

No I am just taking about any earpiece,earbut, whatever it's called.

It's a magnet, that vibrates, that is how sounds are made. All speakers are magnets.

The power in the audio jack is about 20mW according to this: *

According to this, the average phone call is about 800mW, the call itself [PDF]: *

So work out the numbers from there and keep in mind that the distance counts too.

Unfortunately I don't have a measuring device to check it, but I am sure there are papers on it somewhere.

I bet the headphone will emit more radiation since it's magnetic, despite it's lower power, since magnetic waves penetrate everything except special metals like mumetal:

The stuff you're saying makes little sense. Radiation is either electromagnetic or particle-based. Phones use electromagnetic radiation. Magnets do not emit radiation. Magnetic or electric fields are not radiation.

Electromagnetic radiation is not from electrical or magnetic fields got it

I am not talking about frequency as usually all spectrums are there but with different intensity. I am talking about the nature of the radiation.

I am not talking about frequency

Frequency matters. Higher frequency heats more. This is the difference between a microwave (GHz) and your stereo (kHz, MHz).


A 0.033 Hz Earth's Magnetic Sphere is extremely more powerful than your 4 GHz cell phone. The frequency doesn't matter, the power output matters only.

How do you figure its more powerful? It's not that's why your compass needle will be swayed by objects being near it. Stop making shit up please

The Earth has a so powerful magnetic sphere that it can deflect most of the radiation from the Sun. Any piece of magnet on the planet interacts with it, hence your compass. It is very powerful but harmless to the human body because it's far from us.

The power multiplied by the distance is the effective radiation you are exposed to.

The frequency only shows how quickly the waves get to you, but the radiation measurement unit already contains that.

The power is a timeless measurement unit, and it already contains the frequency calculated in it.

Did you just have wiki diarrhea? Lol Your bullet points support my claim. In context of you original example of the cell phone vs the earth's magnetic field. The cell phone is alot stronger and has a much greater effect than the earth's natural field since it is in my hand and broadcasted by towers everywhere.

My father was an electrical engineer I know what I am talking about.

In the nearfield the magnetic and electric components are separated.

The magnetic component penetrates deeper into any non magnetic material, only materials with high permeability shield against it: *

You can put your phone in a faraday bag, and the signal is lost, hence that signal is electric.

The magnets in the earbugs are magnetic, and are vibrating as the AC power from the cord goes into it.

Hence they generate magnetic fields that radiate your brains.

Your father may have been an electrical engineer, but you haven't taken a single physics course. You've made that obvious.

He had a radio setup, I used to play with it when I was a kid, that's what got me into computers and gadgets in general. I am pretty sure I have picked up some good knowledge from him.

As with your answer on radiation, that is just blatantly false. EM waves are radiation, that is not even debatable.

You quite plainly lack the knowledge to tell anyone if they're wrong about this.

EM waves (photons) are self-propagating packets of energy that contain perpendicular electric and magnetic fields. They are the carrier particle for the electromagnetic force. You aren't talking about those. Speakers do not emit those.

You are incorrectly conflating magnetic fields with photons. They are related, but they are not the same thing. Photons are EM radiation. Nothing else is.

That's nonsense.

Visible light is just a tiny frequency slice of the entire EM spectrum.

Photons are released when electrons in a conductor are excited. Your physics knowledge is that of a kindergartener's.

When did I mention visible light?

Please don't tell me that you think photons = light.

Photons are light, sure, but photons are also all other EM radiation. They're kind of the definition of electromagnetic radiation. Radio waves are photons. Microwaves are photons. X-rays are photons, etc.

I'd say stop while you're ahead, but you're not. You have no clue just how clueless you are about this subject.

You can put your phone in a faraday bag, and the signal is lost, hence that signal is electric, as faraday shields only block electric radiation.

If the signal is lost, then both the electric and magnetic components are lost. For radiowaves, they are nearly the same thing.

The magnets in the earbugs are magnetic, and are vibrating as the AC power from the cord goes into it.

The AC power creates electric fields that then create magnetic fields.

Why the hell am I getting downvoted for explaining basic 5th grade physics to you?

If the signal is lost, then both the electric and magnetic components are lost. For radiowaves, they are nearly the same thing.

No. The faraday bag or pouch only blocks the electric component, the magnetic component goes through everything.

The catch is that the magnetic component has a rapidly decreasing power the farther you go away.

Like with a fridge magnet, the power of it is almost nonexistant after a few centimeters.

The electric field goes farther, but it can be shielded but the magnetic field only works nearby but it can't be shielded.

Magnetic or electric fields are not radiation.

They are not ionizing radiation.

Photons (electro-magnetic fields) are radiation.

Magnetic radiation has a mugh higher penetration rate

Higher penetration means less absorption, so less frying of your brain. Neutrinos from the sun are perfect examples of this.

It's the electric fields that cause heating. They usually accompany magnetic fields.

That's not how it works. If it were entirely non-conductive then it would be correct.

However the body is somewhat conductive especially the brain fluid. So what happens when a conductor is inefficient?

It heats up. It literally fries your brain, just like if you would put a spoon in a microwave oven (don't do it).

I don't understand why handsfree option is better.

They are not.

[WIKI] Mitigation: Mobile phones. Headphones and ear clips elevate SAR.

I am telling the other guys that this is the case but I keep getting downvoted, I wonder why?

Perhaps people stubbornly believe they could persist in using the phone they are addicted to if they use a gadget to render it safe. The gadget does not exist. True mitigation is retro. Replace cell phone with a computer and a landline phone.

Very true unfortunately.

Cables (if they are properly shielded) reduce the radiation levels to safe zones.

Now that the wireless is unleashed, it is becoming extremely unhealthy.

Expect a massive rise in skin and brain cancer in the next 20 years.

Where can I buy a tinfoil hat? Looks like we will be needing them after all...

Cellphone radiation is non-ionizing. Its not the same type of radiation that nuclear reactor utilizes to make electricity. At worst it could have a heating effect like a microwave but the amount of watts outputted wouldnt even be able to raise a liter of water 1 degree c.

sunshine is non-ionizing, but you can get skin cancer easily...

Sunlight includes UV radiation which is a higher frequency than visible light and much more damaging

True story:

In college I had a cell phone made by a company that no longer makes cell phones and I forget what it was called. But the actual cell phone itself had a rubber membrane around the bottoms and around the sides. At a certain point the rubber membrane came off of the phone and shortly after that I started to notice my head hurting whenever I talked on the phone. I noticed the pain even more whenever I completely removed the membrane during phone calls. To further my claims I passed my phone around to my college roommates to see if it had the same effects. And IT DID. I don’t know much about radiation from cell phones except that.

Papers on cell phones causes headache is in [WIKI] Headache

Warning: Incoming misdirection from chemical and pharma industry.

Weird thing is that back then they told u not stand close to the tv but now for most of the day we have a phone close our face.

That's because it would ruin your eyes

My local school district had to complete studies on the effects radiation of school wide wifi and student use of wireless devices. We had to change how we store/use our chromebooks but there are still tons of wifi hubs in the ceiling.

I bought a small end/ radiation detector ( benetech gm3120) as one of my kids has a magnetic shunt in her head. I wanted to check for unsafe levels of radiation and EMF, well boy was I surprised our IPhones emitted a burst of very higher radiation every 5-10 seconds this level made the meter flash red and beep along with the end & radiation numbers, end was over 900!! , this burst came from the upper side by the speaker, to be fair nothing was detected approx 18" from the phone.also our laptops, TV, and last but not least the cable box which emitted a constant dangerous reading, even when turned off. These electronic firms , manufacturers know this but who cares?? Their making their $$$ How many have suffered some illnesses or even death that were caused by, but not attributed to these everyday killers That meter was like $40. On A???n check it out for yourself

Saving your comment so I can get one of those meters (once I get an extra $40!)

Are you both talking about WIRELESS earbuds/headsets?

CBD especially!

You're right man. Just keep on living in that world of yours. Believe nothing. Everything is a lie. They are out to get you!

Wow. Incredible reply. You really got him there. Everything is a conspiracy man. Cigarettes remember. /s

The stuff you're saying makes little sense. Radiation is either electromagnetic or particle-based. Phones use electromagnetic radiation. Magnets do not emit radiation. Magnetic or electric fields are not radiation.

Right. Hopefully forgetting shit and having to find it and overcoming the temptations of the couch will be good paractice for old age should we be so lucky

I am not talking about frequency as usually all spectrums are there but with different intensity. I am talking about the nature of the radiation.

Magnetic radiation has a mugh higher penetration rate

Higher penetration means less absorption, so less frying of your brain. Neutrinos from the sun are perfect examples of this.

It's the electric fields that cause heating. They usually accompany magnetic fields.

Right goddamn millennials. It's hell should you forget the sarc mark and I've smoked some of the best weed and have some crazy stories but how dare I sarcastically point out the effects one might undergo by constant gb hits of strong indica. The forgetfulness experienced with herb imo, is a double edged sword that I believe may help fight memory loss long term by constantly putting ones brain through recall paces. But yeah. Whoosh and suck it hipsters.