Why are the same people angry about Isreal killing a Palestinian on the Isreal border...

0  2018-04-08 by fishdancing

...also fantasizing about US troops killing Mexicans at the border? Ann Coulter recently said they should start shooting them to send a message. And of course you have her supporters who have always been calling for that and want far more. There was a highly upvoted post calling for the US to bomb Mexico City.


such shite!!!! Please provide a source for your statement...Bet you would like the illegals to be rounded up and put into camp, huh?

No I wouldn’t

but liberals do, like all good democrats

Do you work at your local cinema? That's some great projecting.

Ohhhh burrrrnnn!

Are you trolling? Which Democrats are calling for interment camps?

They were on their own land. Its like me slotting my neighbor in his backyard. I'd be locked away. If Russia sniped finlanders over the border, ww3 would start.

yet a US border guard shot at and killed that Mexican teenager in Mexico five! years ago.

hey were on their own land.

agreed, Gaza is Palestinian territory, Hamas is their local/state govt and defense force.

Yeah? and most so called illegal Mexicans are Indigenous native Americans.

Israel border

international military border

It’s not a border. It’s a fence in Israel.

Israel controls airspace, money, taxation, water rights, natural resources in Gaza and the West Bank. In other words, it holds all the sovereign prerogatives.

Hence Gaza and the West Bank are in Israel.

Claiming otherwise would be like saying the San Pedro prison isn’t in Bolivia, because the Bolivian state has delegated some small aspects to the inmates.

The Arabs in Gaza and the West Bank are indigenous Israelis.

The “two-State solution” scam is meant to obfuscate this simple truth. Israel isn’t fighting a foreign people, and it isn’t “at war”, it is simply denying civil rights to (and oppressing) a portion of its own population (based on ethnicity).

How is that any different then the US? You’re avoiding the question.

The comparison with the US works if you compare the West Bank and Gaza with Indian reservations (and imagine Us marshalls shooting natives when they try breaking out of their reservations).

The reason the Gaza / Mexico comparison doesn't work is because Gaza isn't a separate country.

The border comparison does work as they’re both borders. You’re delusional

Also most of the Mexicans/Central America coming over are Indigenous native americans.

I think you have a hard time with comprehension.

That's because you lack any comprehension skills.

Now I'm starting to think you're a poorly written bot

Not an argument :pop:

If you still don't understand /u/murphy212 reply to you and his analogy then I can't help you. You simply don't fucking get it and it's okay. Not everyone can understand everything. You just have to get older and get better perspective or you just don't have the minerals.

I understand it. I just debunked it.

Try actually arguing your point.

Oh I fully understand it, I just debunked it. Try actually arguing your point.

The comparison is the barrier. It's irrelevant whether or not they are separate countries. And they are indigenous as well.

You didn't debunk anything. You just showed your complete lack of understanding of the issue and or your utter hypocritical standpoint. That's it.

I debunked everything. You can't even refute it so you respond in generalities. Respond to the specifics you disagree with or admit that you've got nothing. I factually destroyed his pathetic attempt at an argument by breaking it down and showcasing his hypocrisy. You've got literally nothing. Quite sad that you have to do this from your dupe account.

Take your meds

Not an argument

Sorry I'm not a puppet of Big Pharma like you.

Literally wuut? 😂

Still not an argument.

Just pathetic really. Can't even defend your point.

No point arguing with you. You don't have the capacity to understand.

You haven't even attempted to. Because you've got nothing. I debunked your other account.

Read my comment from above darling. But this time slowly.

If you still don't understand /u/murphy212 reply to you and his analogy then I can't help you. You simply don't fucking get it and it's okay. Not everyone can understand everything. You just have to get older and get better perspective or you just don't have the minerals

Say ‘darling’ just showcases you as an empty asshole who has nothing. I read your empty reply and my answer remains the same. Put forth an argument besides his debunked one or admit defeat.

OK sweetheart

Not an argument.

Of Mexico and South America you twit not North America. It’s a technicality to call them native Americans where their “region” didn’t cover North America. And I swear if you claim some Azland bs not backed up my any historical context you default to to losing the argument. Yes Mexico owned parts of California and Texas and Mexico lost the war and the United States paid for the land so your wrong.

Mexico is in North America, you dumbfuck. Central America doesn't start until after Mexico. South America doesn't begin until after Panama. You're dumb as fuck

And the US forced them to sell it. They also are indigenous. The Mexica migrated down from the American southwest and settled in Lake Texcoco.

Omg ahahahgah atzland myth. What are you mecha or la raza? Please post it so I can have reddit ban your for being aSupremacist!

Chicomoztoc: The Place of Seven Caves is confirmed by archeologists. You're dumb as fuck dude

Don't try to argue on a subject you don't know even the basics about.

Great analogy

Why they shooting them? Are Palestinians trying to cross the border into Israel?

If yes, then they have right to do so, if they are protesting inside Palestinian territory then just leave them alone

What gives americans the right?

Straw man argument.


Everyone knows Trump supporters are full of shit. That isn't a conspiracy.

The reality is both the US and Israel are state terrorists and murdering innocent people. Israel is just more blatant with the genocide and gets less press coverage.

Keep telling yourself that fishdancing I’m sure your mesoamerican history teacher would be proud of you but to the rest of us the story doesn’t fit. even the Apache stated they hated you guys and would never allow into their territory. Plus it doesn’t matter if you came from there 100,000 years ago you didn’t stay. Lol even looking into your ancestors native Americans are not “native to America” they came from Siberia and most likely a mix between Asian and Caucasian gatherers and hunter who went through the baring strait during the ice age to America.

They don't teach MesoAmerican history in schools dude. I'm just a well learned person. That's not even accurate. The Apache didn't form at that time. It wasn't 100,000 years ago.... what a laughable statement.

your ancestors native Americans are not “native to America”

so Europeans aren't Native to Europe.

they came from Siberia

Actually the double migration is the current view. One from the South and Notrth.

most likely a mix between Asian and Caucasian gatherers and hunter
