Remember how R/Conspiracy Used To Look... how things change from 2014 - 2018

12  2018-04-08 by LaneDash

Archived copies of the /r/conspiracy front page, how things changed from 2014 - 2018







I don't see any major changes


I definitely got here too late. Joined a couple of months ago cause I got interest in the classics - jfk,9/11,mk ultra etc and it’s mostly trump Israel and Syria. Not interested in how we’re all gonna die. I just want to know who Sirhan Sirhans’ controller was.

I only recently made a comeback when I noticed how hard the leftist groups were brigading this place. Encouraged me to reenlist into the fight.

These guys are on full-blown narrative control, protecting the deep-state at all costs. That's how we know we're winning.

Yeah this sub is like the front line trenches of WWI. Have witnessed "control" of it switch back and forth for a few years now.

This shit is hilarious. The "leftists" are the ones trying to control the narrative? The archived front pages in question show a clear effort by the right to constantly associate anyone or anything considered liberal with murderers, pedophiles and even cannibalism. The passive aggressive pussies don't attack the liberal belief system itself because that would allow people to defend their ideas. The game plan is to spin everything so that no matter what it is, it's proof that a liberal politician, personality, or organization is responsible. This way, when a liberal finally gets sick enough of all the shit and decides to chime in, they can accuse the person of defending the entity and make the claim that the responder is anti-conspiracy.

This shit is hilarious. The "leftists" are the ones trying to control the narrative?

Yes. Paid shill groups have noticeably taken to brigading and other narrative control tactics in order to suppress information while simultaneously engaging in damage control. Users bring it up on this sub all of the time, especially those who've been here long enough to see it play out. In fact, the only reason I started posting again was because I saw the massive shill campaign of the left and it's beyond obvious. Political hackjob articles with no conspiratorial basis whatsoever are popping up on a regular basis lately, typically demonizing the president and/or victimizing the left.

The archived front pages in question show a clear effort by the right to constantly associate anyone or anything considered liberal with murderers, pedophiles and even cannibalism.

Hate to break this to you, but it just so happens that 95% of the time someone gets busted for one of the aforementioned crimes or perversions, they're Liberal. There's something sick going on with the elites of the left, and the WikiLeaks dumps served as an undeniable catalyst. Not to mention, it didn't take long for that pedo in the Trump campaign (or whomever it was) to get ousted and plastered all over r/conspiracy.

I'd be more than happy to reference the overwhelming amount of data and connections that have been made/used associating a large segment of the left with an extraordinarily large amount of corruption.

The passive aggressive pussies don't attack the liberal belief system itself because that would allow people to defend their ideas.

That's simply false, because attacking the ideology of the left itself is by far the easiest of any method when attacking the left, for the simple reason that it's an ideology of emotion and government teet-sucking, rather than facts, logic, or any semblance of reason. Also, it's inherently difficult for a Liberal by nature to accept many conspiracies in the first place, given that most of them are related to what your own government is hiding from you or doing to you, and yet Liberals tend to put an unhealthy amount of faith into these inherently corrupt systems -- now add this onto the fact that when a conspiracy also calls out their own party or member, it's pretty much impossible to get these people to accept anything other than the MSM narrative over what's likely the truth we've uncovered ourselves.

You appear to be making up your own realities here, and you're certainly allowed to do that, but I'm going to go ahead and let you know right now that if you decide to go ahead and dance with me, I'm going to call you out and check you on each and every instance in which you try to spin, deflect, dodge, or deny any any all points or facts presented within this discussion going forward: You'll be exposed.

The game plan is to spin everything so that no matter what it is, it's proof that a liberal politician, personality, or organization is responsible. This way, when a liberal finally gets sick enough of all the shit and decides to chime in, they can accuse the person of defending the entity and make the claim that the responder is anti-conspiracy.

Why don't you go ahead and provide some examples of what kind of "shit" Liberals are sick of and how an automatic response has been masterfully formulated over time through narrative-creation, like you're suggesting, that immediately slaps their concern down without merit. Let's go ahead and dig into what you're talking about. Without some examples, you're talking out of your ass.

By the way, there are plenty of people who call "round earthers" anti-conspiracy because they don't buy into flat-earth bullshit, so, let's make sure you're not being too sensitive when your internal alignments aren't always met in agreement.


r/ConspiracyZone no politics allowed

That sub blows.

Have an upvote! I'm still chuckling.... ha!

Well the conspiracies will obviously grow into something different the bigger the community.

At least bigfoot exists

Sirhan Sirhan didn't need a controller, because RFK's murder was a hoax. So was JFK's.

All conspiracy theories about JFK actually being killed are planted misdirection. JFK was never a black sheep, never had any intention of dissolving the CIA, challenging the FED or anything like that. It was all just a pose. At bottom, he was an actor playing a role in the demented script that TPTB wrote for the twisted lie we call the 20th century. He was very good at acting the part, but make no mistake: he was pretending.

(be sure to read the comment thread on this one:)

(here's a video debunking JFK's alleged anti-Fed stance via issuing silver certificates:)

Oh yeah, and JFK was gay:

Thanks for these. I’m still early into these things and like to find the more ‘specialised’ theories and info. Not just the most viewed stuff you can find on YouTube. has an interesting spin on these types of events. Some say it's solid disinfo. You're free to make up your own mind of course.

That's smart. Once you've punctured the membrane of consensus reality, it's very easy to fall into the illusion that you have now discovered the truth. But that's not the case. There are layers upon layers of misdirection in the conspiracy community. Typically the more popular or prominent a theory is, the more likely it is to be wrong or contain heavy amounts of disinfo or misdirection. Though being niche is also not a guarantee of truth. You've got to have your wits about you.

I was in your situation a little over two years ago. Trying to feel my way around after waking up to the realization that 9/11 was, as they say, 'an inside job.' It really through me off balance. At some point I stumbled upon the work of Miles Mathis via a post here. His research has helped me more than any others to regain my footing and find my way through the fog of misdirection. I always recommend this essay of his to people who are just getting started. Regardless of what you end up thinking of his work, that essay offers some very good advice for investigating conspiracies.

I don't know where you are in your explorations. I reached him after coming to the realization that Sandy Hook and the Boston Marathon Bombing were staged hoaxes. I feel like those were important conclusions to have reached before getting to his work. Not necessary, but it made it easier to digest some of his findings.

In general I recommend going to his updates page here and scrolling down to his 2013 paper on Theosophy and the Beat Generation. Start there (if not a little earlier) and read the papers more or less in chronological order. He makes discoveries as he goes along, and later papers often build on earlier ones. At some point you'll come to the papers I wrote that he posted on his site. You may want to skip over his art criticism papers.

sorry but this all smells like disinfo red herring put out there by those who actually carried out the coup in 1963

Yeah, I can see why it might look that way at first. But there is a lot of compelling evidence and logic here that demands to be seen and considered before being dismissed.

Corbett Report has amazing segments on all of those topics. Look him up. His Sirhan Sirhan episode will especially interest you.

The emergence of tech companies as conspiracy bad guys once they grow too big and find evil irresistible.

Dont worry, Im still here

I remember these days, but I forgot my fucking password. Been here 5+ years.

How can I search for post older than 1 year? Do they have to be archived?

So many familiar names. To bad the shills ran off some of the best minds we had.

Dont worry, Im still here

Who would you have on the "user pedestal" that has been run off? Out of interest? Hoping to find some well written threads

I will not give you names.

The people that were here before the election infiltration were real people, true researchers. If we disagreed on a subject we debated the subject using facts and logic. The biggest problem we had was communist propagandist, and even some of them were very bright people who could hold an intelligent discussion. When the Obama bots came around we all shunned them and they stuck out like a sore thumb because every one of the regulars knew the true conspiracy playing out. None of the regulars would EVER align themselves with the Republican or Democrat parties. We all knew the crimes of the past. We all knew the agenda for a one world government that was playing out.

They were the best minds because they dedicated the time and energy to put in the research to get to the truth. Every single post made was thoroughly researched/vetted for it's truth or lack of. None of this "well it fits my narrative so I support it" nonsense that has taken over this sub. The comment section were never a circlejerk. They were intelligent debates hashing out the truth in a subject. Sometimes we would disagree and things would get heated, but it never causes ridiculous this side that side division.

But moose was the man. now they have taken over his vast archive and made a fucking mockery of it. So sad. This is a very small portion backed up.

This sub used to be good. I barely even bother with it any more.

And nothing was lost

Nah man, plenty was lost. And I'm sad about it. There's a disease that spreads in people minds. It's like religion. No different. It just takes a different name. And it spreads, and causes all of us to want to stab each other in the face. Regular-ass people like you and me just end up hating faceless names, and for what.

Some battle that people at the top of the pyramid designed.

Fuck that shit. I may be a mouthy prick, and for all I know I've personally told you to fuck off a dozen times, but if I have, I apologize. That's my own human weakness manifesting. Ideally, IDEALLY, I'd want us all to work together. Cause at the end of the day, we all want the same shit. To live freely and be happy.

I remember it from 2008

This isn't a bad thing. After a while, there is only so much Bigfoot and Dulce underground base talk before the entire universe has been discussed. The conspiracy genre is dead. The new era has more of a political news bend to it. They should actually be considered two different genres. Classic conspiracy theory, and modern conspiracy theory

Genres? What is this, pop music? Conspiracies shouldn't be entertainment and have genres.

"Cop helps man in wheelchair cross the street" -- yeh propaganda, but less so than nowadays, you're right. Shit's been shit since 2012 after Obama made propaganda legal again.

Yup, All the people that say shit changed in the last year or 2 I laugh and ask how they pretend theyve been here long

Who would you have on the "user pedestal" that has been run off? Out of interest? Hoping to find some well written threads

Maaaan I miss /u/polkadotgirl


Its a problem with reddit in general. Everyone comes here to talk about this stuff, because everywhere else bots and shills and idiots will label you a russian troll bot, comrade or what ever nonsense as well as instant negative double digits, prompting arguments with other trolls.

If you want a discussion or read comments that dont seem to come out of a popaganda mill this sub is still better than most.

Amazing how Julian Assange went frim Reddit leftist poster child to Russian puppet overnight.

Yup, All the people that say shit changed in the last year or 2 I laugh and ask how they pretend theyve been here long

Who would you have on the "user pedestal" that has been run off? Out of interest? Hoping to find some well written threads

I will not give you names.

The people that were here before the election infiltration were real people, true researchers. If we disagreed on a subject we debated the subject using facts and logic. The biggest problem we had was communist propagandist, and even some of them were very bright people who could hold an intelligent discussion. When the Obama bots came around we all shunned them and they stuck out like a sore thumb because every one of the regulars knew the true conspiracy playing out. None of the regulars would EVER align themselves with the Republican or Democrat parties. We all knew the crimes of the past. We all knew the agenda for a one world government that was playing out.

They were the best minds because they dedicated the time and energy to put in the research to get to the truth. Every single post made was thoroughly researched/vetted for it's truth or lack of. None of this "well it fits my narrative so I support it" nonsense that has taken over this sub. The comment section were never a circlejerk. They were intelligent debates hashing out the truth in a subject. Sometimes we would disagree and things would get heated, but it never causes ridiculous this side that side division.

But moose was the man. now they have taken over his vast archive and made a fucking mockery of it. So sad. This is a very small portion backed up.