If Trump doesn't want a war...why is Nikki Haley still at the UN? Serious question folks...explain to me if you can, the logic behind having a rabid yapping little war dog representing us at the UN. Because I'm not seeing it.

15  2018-04-10 by AIsuicide


Rabble rabble Clinton rabble rabble buttery males rabble rabble ben ghazi rabble rabble deep state

The world is a stage and they (Americans) voted an actor into the White House. Sit back and enjoy the show as another war unfolds. :-/

I can't sit back and enjoy...just got an order to custom make an Israeli flag into a mumu for Nikki Haley. Has to be out by tomorrow night.

Lol, fuck. I hope you could feel my heavy sarcasm I am very upset honestly. My entire life America has non-stop been invading countries , mass murdering every one and the White-House is nothing but a revolving door of puppets that push the same agenda. Israel is one happy camper.

My sarcasm radar is working 5 by 5...don't worry.


WWE Hall of Fame.

CNN "clothesline" retweet was a clue.

You don't think Hillary would have moved the war with Syria and Russia forward? I agree that Trump is an actor playing his part as well of course.

Whatabout Hillary??

You're incredibly dense. It's not Whatabout Hillary, it's AND Hillary.

How is that even remotely relevant? She isn't president. Trump is.

"Hey look and this bullshit Trump is doing"

You: "Hillary would have done the same".

What is the fucking point? She's not president and not relevant.

The world is a stage and they (Americans) voted an actor into the White House. Sit back and enjoy the show as another war unfolds. :-/

This is what I was replying to, I inferred from it that he was suggesting had they voted the other way, things would have been different. But I understand you have a compulsion to spout your buzzwords.

I don't think anything different would have happened regardless of who was voted in. The "Television Show" of the political theater would look different on TV but the policies wouldn't really change.

Anyone who says this clearly doesn't understand foreign policy.

Hillary took a hands-off approach - see Libya: Don't directly intervene, but supply rebels with arms.

And she continued the drone war that Trump removed judicial checks on which is causing more civilian casualties.

It's funny how Trump is continuing the same stuff, but even worse - you realize we have American troops in Syria right now yes?

But let's discuss the person that's not president and not Trump who is hiring former-Bush administration war criminals - see John Bolton.

They're all fucking war criminals mate.

I disagree. Bernie is not a war criminal.

Imagine if Bernie was President, and Corbyn was Prime Minister of UK. I'm crying a little.

Why do you think Trump even cares about a war? That dude doesn't give two fucks about Syria, its people, or the soldiers he'd send. He care about what people on the news and polls say about him. If youre looking for logic in a moron you're going to be disappointed.

Exactly, he is own record as saying they should bomb the families of terrorists as well as the terrorists. Trump gives zero fucks about anything, he's been rolling Neo-Con from the beginning. They just had a better ad campaign this time around.

While I agree, it's unwise and kind of...just stupid to assume that he's dumb. After all, he is a globalist, Zionist puppet.

Just like every president since Kennedy (and I'm not too sure about him) Trump doesn't care if there's a war or not. If he's instructed that it's in his best interest to drop a few bombs on Syria, that's what he'll do.

Bolton? Haley? These are amongst the most horrible people in the world. Were these monsters Donnie's idea? Unlikely. I suspect these appointments are under instruction from those who can tap Donnie on the shoulder and with a waggle of their finger, get his complete attention.

The media is unable to understand Trump because they think he's a politician, lucky and an idiot. He's none of those things. He is a egocentric smart business man who spews crap, knowing precisely what he's doing. If he lies or says something idiotic and gets called on it, he doubles done by saying the same nonsense again (and likely again). It's a part of setting his negotiating position. Now, if he says something half way reasonable, people are relieved and go along with his "new" position. Genius? No. Savvy? Yes.

I don't know where any of this theatre will take us. It's sad and nasty. It would be beautiful if the corrupt meddlers running things took a century or two off. Peace.

Peace to you also.

i really like your explanation of this! a lot of people always say “He just appointed the CIA director!!! what an idiot!!!” “He just appointed John Bolton!!! wtf!!!” but you gotta think who actually made him appoint them. Great comment!

Your foolish if u think the media is a seperate entity and "cannot understand" trump.

He is a egocentric smart business man who spews crap, knowing precisely what he's doing.

How. Do. You. People. Still. Believe. This. He's a complete moron and a stooge, he doesn't "know exactly what he's doing" he THINKS he does, which is the most dangerous type of person, and the most easy to manipulate and control. He THINKS he's the big shot in control, and he's so egocentric that he will do and parrot whatever anyone says to try and sound smart, since he does not in fact have any ideas of his own (those that he does have are insane, as per his twitter ramblings.)

Trump is an easily manipulated war monger (do I need to quote his rhetoric of him salivating over the military???) and the way people are trying to absolve Trump of any guilt whenever he does something he disagrees with is pathetic.

No one forced Trump's hand to hire these people either, he HIRED these people because they said things and do things he agrees with, are they manipulating him? Sure, but only bc he is too idiotic to do these things on his own, he still agrees wholeheartedly with these people.

Funny how so many people STILL think he's "smart".

There's a reason there's a clear division between those who supported Trump based on educational lines.

He's got the best words!

hes worse than Bush. nothing he says ever has anything of value and its almost always followed by him complimenting himself. hes led around by his ego, its like a leash.

Maybe he is showing that he doesn't care about what the UN says anyways. Let them have one of their own so they can argue with each other.

I don't think so...Nikki Haley does and says whatever the hell she wants...and the press give her a shit ton of positive coverage...Fox and CNN love Nikki Haley. What the fuck does that tell you?

She's there for a reason. And that reason is war.

John Bolton and Nikki Haley are both there for war.

I don't know, it has always seemed strange I just assumed it was like giving someone a job overseas and just get them out of the way type of thing. And at the same time showing the UN they have no influence because Haley has no influence over the administration.

I disagree...Haley is a sock puppet for the people who have had influence over countless administrations.

Seems to me...Trump is dancing to the tune Nikki Haley is playing....not the other way around.

I'm waiting on his actions until I judge him on the Syria thing. He has a way with words, but if he goes with the false flag with action he will forever mark himself.

That's a fair enough stance. I'm sure many see it the same way.

But that still brings us back around to my original question... why is Nikki Barley still at the UN. She has done nothing but attempt to incite war with Syria and Iran from throwing she got there...nonstop...

I'm not sure, it has been really strange compared to everything else he does/says. Maybe he didn't really get to pick her. Or it was part of a personnel negotiation. They did a lot of obstructing of his appointments. Maybe it was a give and take type thing.

This is why I asked the question. To point out the dynamics of the true power structure.

Who is they? Those who can obstruct. And yet, they pretend to have no power at the same time.

And none of them speak ill of Israel....ever. If they do...they get blackballed. Career over...

I think its more she wants time in for president in 2020 (I doubt trump is running again he just want to make money not be responsible for other people) she will run next time to counter all the women.

Thats why she got a juicy foreign policy position to beef up her cress after a stint as governor.

She probably got it for boning trump honestly. Haley is the republocans answer to democrats running women. Now they will be able to say look we are both women.

My dad told me hed vote for her next election "because shes hot" same reason he voted for McCain /palin :/

Has there been a president that didn't run for a second term just because they didn't want to?

No idea. I just have always felt trump was selected to run against Clinton to guarantee her spot. I think thats why he got more and more absurd as time went on. I think he wanted to lose so he can continue making bank but this was the debt he owed his owners that bailed him out in the 80s. I think he was pissed when he won...especially after all the scrutiny into his personal life with stormy and puss grabbing and his financials. Tptb do have to cave to publoc pressure to keep their stranglehold. Which is the russia investigation.

Trump wont be named in anything. Lower folks will. Kushner is going to get a pardon and trump is going to finish out his term and let pence / hailey take over and they will win while democrats will win the Congress (probably only senate). All of this has been in the works since obamas first term. Clinton was supposed time in and now they need plan b. Which is why the candidates are both put there by the same owners.

Trump literally admits this when he says things like I donate to both sides to make sure I have sway with whoever wins.

In the end if you dknt play by theor rules a lone gunman with a magic bullet blows your brains all over your wife

But remember as Stephen King pointed out if Kennedy lived nuclear war would have broken out.

(I always wondered how he arrived at that conclusion).

I just have always felt trump was selected to run against Clinton to guarantee her spot. I think thats why he got more and more absurd as time went on.

Just curious, why did you think this when it's been pretty obvious he has a huge ego and is dumb so he says absurd shit?

Like what interactions of Trump at all instilled in you confidence he's even remotely intelligent?

Never mind Haley, what are WE doing at the UN?

Protecting Israel....what the fuck do you think?

Why hasn't Israel ever had to be inspected for nuclear weapons or chemical weapons by the OPCW?

Take one guess.

UN is a cesspool into which we pour untold amounts. We have no business being in the middle east or anywhere else. Let the animals kill each other, as they have done since before the US existed. And stop hemorrhaging money to any country.

You have my vote.

My vote too.

The UN is a globalist slush fund.

Showing the rest of the world that it really doesn't give a fuck about them or what they think.

The US will do whatever it pleases, international law, morality and ethics be damned, and no one can do a thing about it... or so it believes until the final day of reckoning comes as it inevitably does for any who build empires that can only be held together in thrall by fear and force of arms. Given the choice of fighting for those who oppress and exploit them or taking back what was rightfully theirs that was taken from them under duress, how do you think they'll choose when that moment arrives?

You have a point, not that we don't care but that we need to stop endless war. Stop hemorrhaging billions. Let the middle east work it out without 'benefit' of our participation.

The UN is a dangerous fraud. We'll give away the building, freight collect.

KeEp thE peOPle cOnfuSEd sO No oNe reAlLy KnOwS whAts GoiNg ON

He campaigned on that.

NOTHING Trump has done, said, or insinuated has surprised me.

He literally said in a national presidential debate that his foreign policy would be to not say.

She's an absolute cunt.

I don't think she has any idea (or cares) how loathsome she appears to everyone. One weird thing about her is she's Indian but she's taken every measure possible to erase her ethnic heritage; dying her hair, whitening her skin, changing her name... Anyone not proud of their heritage is untrustworthy.

Bobby Jindal (former Gov. Of Louisiana) did the same thing. He used to be named Piyush, and ran a short-lived presidential run on a slogan "Tanned. Rested. Relaxed."

This is just one issue with putting an uneducated moron in the white house. Morons can't figure who the 'best people' are and now you have a warmonger like Bolton flanking him. We've basically come full circle.

You think the US ambassador to the UN decides if we go to war or not?

I'm doesn't really matter or do anything dn't. So yeah. Whatever. What has Haley done policy wise? Has she had any actual effect on anything at all?

Should we have a sweet little ivy league person who will apologize to everyone? I think we have to play poker because they will take advantage of you. I would rather put a war hungry person in front of the UN who has taken advantage of the US for many years than some apologetic or disconnected PhD.

And this is why you'll never be in charge of anything that matters.

This is why you will always fail.

Lol ok. From where I sit I think I did pretty good.

I'm sure you handle constructive criticism well. /s

One could argue who is best for the role all day. I believe you have to mix of personality, talent and strengths to match the strategy and plan as it relation to the UN. Through out the course of execution the US ambassador to the UN will adapt, adjust and change. If personality and ability prevents this person from doing so then you change it. You say Haley is bad but she might be exactly what they need.


If you could find the list of 90 or so UN General Assembly resolutions that the US alone has vetoed against the overwhelming majority of UN members you'd have a very different picture what the US does and doesn't stand for.

Resolutions against child labour, the oppression and unequal treatment of women, imperial conquest and colonial exploitation, and on and on.

All a completely shocking and shameful denial of the most basic and fundamental human rights of others and their outright repression in other nations that the US prefers and is actually guilty of exploiting and taking advantage of for it's own economic gain.

How is this Conspiracy? Jesus this sub is literally going to shit

Never ending war is a conspiracy. There...your all caught up.

Dude post this shit in politics.

Instead of going around to all the posts trying to be the fucking thought police on this sub (which....by looking at your comment history...is pretty much all you do) why don't you make a post yourself (which you never fucking do) about what it is you'd like to discuss?

You do realize this sub is going to shit because of idiots like you right? I'm not the police for this sub, it's just that man it fucking sucks trying to see some bad ass content in this sun when it's flooded by bullshit posts like yours.

Idiots like me....nice.

Let me notch up my empathy level for you. Give me a sec.

We have Nikki Haley at the UN going full tilt 2003 Iraq mode...possible war with Russia/Iran...and me pointing out the fact that it's happening constitutes a bullshit post on r/conspiracy.

One has to wonder about your real intentions at this point.

Rule 10.

I can't sit back and enjoy...just got an order to custom make an Israeli flag into a mumu for Nikki Haley. Has to be out by tomorrow night.


WWE Hall of Fame.

CNN "clothesline" retweet was a clue.

You don't think Hillary would have moved the war with Syria and Russia forward? I agree that Trump is an actor playing his part as well of course.