1 2018-04-12 by Enginear2020
My friend believes he has Morgellon’s disease. Has anybody researched this? Is it real? Lmk your thoughts.
1 2018-04-12 by Enginear2020
My friend believes he has Morgellon’s disease. Has anybody researched this? Is it real? Lmk your thoughts.
1 bradok 2018-04-12
I always thought that Morgellon's was an early sign of psychosis, perhaps related to too much drug use. Does your friend do psychedelics a lot? If so, it might be good to step back for a bit.
All things in moderation.
1 Enginear2020 2018-04-12
Think I agree. He’s a heavy pot smoker, I been tellin him it’s the weed lmao
1 TheMadQuixotician 2018-04-12
Maybe suggest a doctor's visit instead of your opinion.
1 Enginear2020 2018-04-12
He’s good. Worry bout you. If I really thought he had a problem I would
1 TheMadQuixotician 2018-04-12
Just didn't see how the symptoms of Morgellons could possibly intersect with the overuse of marijuana.
1 Enginear2020 2018-04-12
Think about it. You sitting there high as fuck, look down and see some weird blue/red fibers (obviously lint to the un-stoned mind) that look like they’re coming out of your skin. Then you look it up and BAM! Next thing you know, you think you have Morgellon’s disease and that chem trails are distributing wire-like fibers that are slowly turning us digital.
1 toomuchpork 2018-04-12
Just happen to be the same colours as his pajamas.
1 TheMadQuixotician 2018-04-12
Well I often sit somewhere in a state that one would describe as "high as fuck" but I've never experienced any sensation remotely similar to hallucinating blue/red fibers, nor have I seen anything coming out of my skin, so I suppose I'll never understand.
That sounds more like genuine psychosis than anything. Even on hallucinogens, that sounds like a bit of a stretch. Also unsure of how any of it relates to chem trails, but I may be missing something.
1 rbslilpanda 2018-04-12
You know that marijuana is not a hallucinogenic, right? You don't trip and see shit that's not there like you do on shrooms or lsd, ok? It sounds like you and your friend need some education!
1 Enginear2020 2018-04-12
You faggots are all retarded nobody was hallucinating.
1 kit8642 2018-04-12
Rule 10
1 Enginear2020 2018-04-12
Ban me please
1 kit8642 2018-04-12
How about you take it easy, but if that's want, I'll put to vote. Let me know, have a good one.
1 bradok 2018-04-12
I've never heard anyone have those symptoms from just pot, but it is different for everyone. If this is seriously becoming an issue for him it might be good to take a T break and see if that helps relieve the symptoms, so at least he could rule something out. Might even be worth tracking down something organic- he might be having a reaction to pesticides.
1 toomuchpork 2018-04-12
Yes different for everyone but it don't give you the crawlies under your skin. That is cocaine psychosis.
1 bradok 2018-04-12
That's what I'm saying- I've never heard of anyone not on hard drugs or constant psychedelics having symptoms like that.
1 rbslilpanda 2018-04-12
Lol!!!! Funny stuff, you think weed can put you into a psychosis and give you Morgellon's?!? Spend some time getting to know weed and you would know it does no such thing. Don't know about other substances, but leave marijuana out of that ignorant conversation.
1 Enginear2020 2018-04-12
What are you talking about? “Weed putting you into a psychosis” lmaoooo weed makes you paranoid. He got paranoid when he found threads on his skin... idiot
1 rbslilpanda 2018-04-12
Your words, bro, not mine. You said his psychosis was possibly from heavy drug use. I'm s saying probably not.
1 Enginear2020 2018-04-12
Never said he had psychosis. The kids mentally stable, just paranoid off that loud. I didn’t post this so pussies like you could comment rude shit. I simply wanted to learn more about this “Morgellon’s Disease” bullshit
1 rbslilpanda 2018-04-12
You said to another poster that you think it's the weed, so putting one and one together, you made it sound like you thought that could be the problem. I'm simply saying that you can rule that shit out and look elsewhere. If you want to learn about something, you can go to a doctor or do actual research instead of just asking random people what they think. If you ask and our yourself out there, you are going to get answers, not all you will like, so deal with it since you're the one asking.
1 Fuckaduckfuckaduck 2018-04-12
Rule 10
1 Fuckaduckfuckaduck 2018-04-12
Rule 10
1 thegeneraldisarray 2018-04-12
Nope, weed would not even come close to whatever this is - and I truly believe it's something because I still carry the toxins/bacteria/nematode in me to this day
1 Fuckaduckfuckaduck 2018-04-12
Ya, I’m a heavy pot smoker and nothing like this has ever happened to me.
If anyone is tripping off their herb, they need to find a dealer who doesn’t lace their shit with PCP.
1 bombsaway1979 2018-04-12
Do some research...people think Morgellon's is caused by Lyme's disease. I saw some article a while back that one of the symptoms (seeing fibers or hairs coming out of your skin) may be caused by the Lyme's being localized in the epidermal layer (i.e. it may not be a neurological disorder as people have thought)
1 Enginear2020 2018-04-12
I have done research... I just want to know what people on here have to say about it. I didn’t realize everyone gets the same research results lmao... The studies I found said nothing about Lyme’s disease so I’m glad you shared.
1 thegeneraldisarray 2018-04-12
It's a nematode like organism that feeds on dead nerve endings. It creates glassy blood scabs when injured and string-like expulsions from the nerves especially around the head (gums etc.)
I battled it when I was burning off my nerve endings with IV cocaine back in the 90's - when they were using ether to process cocaine rather than solvents like kerosene or acetone or whatever the hell they use nowadays.
I have a witness that watched as a nematode just under the surface of my skin made it's way to a vein in my upper arm and latched on - you can still make out the M shape in that vein and see the scar that made it's path to this day. I know cocaine psychosis and parasite paranoia and this is NOT it.
1 throw_crow 2018-04-12
Are you familiar with Harald Kautz-Vella? He has been doing a lot of research on this topic. The rabbit hole goes deep...
Here you find publications (on the bottom in english)
And this is just one of many talks that he gives on this:
1 jmurphree 2018-04-12
Morgellons is a filamentous borrelial dermatitis: this is hypothetically how the bacteria produce the filaments specifically: and here is a history of the science that legitimized the condition:
1 MKULTRAserialkillers 2018-04-12
Ask him to show you his fibrous lesions or whatever... I’ve always wondered if Morgellons was real.
The last time I looked at it the wiki page it claimed it was just psychosis, but on the other hand doctors called Lyme disease patients crazy too.
I don’t know much about the subject but there are some doctors taking it seriously and studying it here: