What is the reason that we are going to war?

8  2018-04-13 by godlameroso

This is a real conspiracy involving many nations, all vying for power and control. It's obvious that several natural gas and oil pipelines pass through Syria, not to mention that Israel has investment in the area, not to mention China is up to stuff, and is somehow connected in all this.

Would be nice to hear from someone more educated than me regarding all the different factions at play here. I think this is a good conspiracy topic, alas it'll just get buried like all the other non sponsored posts.

Did the death of Rockefeller set a chain of events into motion which influenced where we are today?




i thought they were our friends and allies tho

They are our ally in the same way that a tick is an ally of the dog.


are you being an Andy's Emide?

What does that mean?

Israel has sold the Golan Height's (Israel Occupied territory in Syria) to Genie energy (Rothschilds / Cheney).

Israel needs to expand = The greater Israel project.

It's also the last stop onto Iran.


Half right. The correct answer is 'Greater Israel'. Zionist supremacists are rebuilding their holy Jewish empire. Syria, Iran and Somalia are the current targets. For Christ's sake you can see the Greater Israel map on 0.10 Israeli New Shekel coin. https://i.imgur.com/okC6diG.jpg here's a picture of it.

Half right. The correct answer is 'fulfilling the torah prophecies'. Zionism is just one arm of rabbinical judaism

Omg don’t say that word you’ll be brigaded by TD until you get banned.

There are woke people on T_D also.

Israel needs to kills billions of goys.

Removed. Advocating violence.

Isreal is the united states. It was purchsed and is simply following the american (or whatever the entity with true power's) agenda.

So then why is Russia involved? Many Russian billionaires are Jews, doesn't make sense to just pin it on Israel. Is that where the money leads?

There is a sort of cabal involving Israel, western nations, and powerful figures like the Rothschilds. Most believe that this has to do with the Greater Israel, or Yinon Plan, which this cabal is behind. There is also the issue of the pipeline that they wanted to go from SA, through Syria, to Europe (but Assad refused). This would compete with the Russian pipeline to the north.

I think the same forces that were behind WW2 are in play here.







is real



Removed. Rule 1


Pipelines and just the stirring up of sectarian conflict so it will completely destabilize Syria, make way for a Greater Israel.

Just do a quick google search of the 1996 Clean Break Report and read through it on Wikipedia. It’s fascinating and explains a lot


"Iran isn’t in league with Al Qaeda or ISIS. On the contrary, Iran actively fights against (US backed Al Qaeda and ISIS which are) both in Syria. Flynn’s “analysis” amounts to taking every adversarial state and group around the world and pretending that they are all linked together when the connections between them are either tenuous or non-existent. It is an ideological fantasy substituting for analysis....

Flynn’s specific recommendations seem to involve endless warfare against what he calls the “the terror armies, above all in the Middle East and Libya,” which would commit the U.S. to an unknown number of conflicts for the foreseeable future that would only be concluded when we “win.” In other words, Flynn offers a recipe for perpetual war in predominantly Muslim countries, and if we take his rhetoric about the “enemy coalition” seriously he may be talking about waging wars in other parts of the world as well"


We are in the Great Awakening/Unveiling, and the whore of Babylon is self fulfilling prophecy. That's the real reason, imo. We are not in the ME for oil, it's to destroy historical monuments and to steal historical documents. TPTB need to get to them, before the masses fully wake.

If this thread is any indication then we have a decent start of it.

We can't stop now. Everyone has to be woken up from the brainwashing.

Everyone will eventually wake up, but all at their own speed/pace. This is what I think the true occult meaning behind what the Rapture, actually is. TPTB are trying to control the Great Awakening/Unveiling, but, they cannot. They are just arrogant enough to try. The trillion dollar question is: How far will they actually go, this time around?

The trillion dollar question is: How far will they actually go, this time around?


The trillion dollar question is: How far will they actually go, this time around?

Rogue nukes would be my guess.

Can you please explain this?

We are entering a new Age (The Age of Aquarius). You know how people were freaking out in 2012, about the end of the Mayan Calendar?

Well, this is what it actually meant. Going from one Age, into another, which is the Age of Enlightenment and an Unveiling of truths. Armageddon actually means, an unveiling, hence the Great Awakening/Unveiling.

Here is a short overview, that goes into great detail (ignore the flat earth YT channel name - it's actually a very good rundown): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AjgWp6gk21g.

By calculations I've seen, we're leaving Kali Yuga May 1, 2025. That gives seven years of Tribulation starting........ May 1, 2018.

Mayday! Mayday!

That's a mistranslation, true there is going to be enlightenment, of the cosmic ray variety. The light is just highly ionizing radiation that's going to bombard us. Thus we truly will become enlightened.

That's a mistranslation

No it's not, and what you said is symbolic to what I said ;)

It is fact, the Sun being in a solar minimum while the solar system moves into some cosmic rays means we're less shielded from these rays than ever before.


That's a mistranslation

No it's not, and what you said is symbolic to what I said ;)


Why will the sun's rays enlighten us

Not the sun, cosmic rays. The sun typically produces a protective field around the solar system, but now while the sun is at a solar minimum that field is diminished allowing cosmic light to enter our system.

Armageddon actually means, an unveiling

It's "Apocalypse" that means unveiling (greek).

Just a friendly correction.

Yeah Arma (war) Geddon (name of a mountain) was basically writings detailing a plan for war.

Why do they want to destroy historical monuments and steal historical documents?

They don't want the truth coming out.

The truth about what?


What truth?

That there were prior advanced human civilizations who got wiped out. I'm not an expert off-hand with this sort of stuff, but I believe that's what is being referred to. Dig around on /r/culturallayer for evidence.

What about humanity?

Destroying true history and culture is key.

But why? Key to what?


I, too, have been playing Assassin’s Creed while listening to Dan Brown audiobooks.


“Also, if Syria is completely leveled, it will then need to be rebuilt.” - salivating energy, infrastructure and construction corporations

of course it's the Jews! This is /r/conspiracy, it's always the Jews

Not all jews agree with many of Israel's current foreign policy actions.

So there's that.

I don't believe they follow any of the religions at the top, they just pretend, the pope isn't a christian, bibi isn't jewish, etc, it's all demon worship at the top

The devil plays his trap card


Yeah but half of the comments here are about Jews specifically, not the actions and policy of the Israeli government.

The word "Jew" or "Jewish" doesn't show up anywhere in the top comments. Please back up your statement with fact.

Oh hey you didn't even say racist or sexist or anti-semite or what have you. I think that says a lot about how far we've come in our efforts at deretarding the world.

no just people who wish war and death upon the populace, whether it is Jews, Muslims, Christians, or atheists

Why have the Jews been persecuted and expelled from so many states?

Why has there been so much antisemitism throughout history?

Is all of this a coincidence, or could there be more behind it?

everyone says israel i'll counter that with

rome, rome has more power in the world than israel

check out u/ahuwahzeus he puts a lot of work into exposing these different factions

It all ties in with Jewish power

I don't believe they follow any religion at the top, but instead, i think they all worship demons and work together

I agree, I’m referring to the Jewish race. Not Judaism, the religion. However the sevret societies that exist have a large sabbatean/frankist influence

the jews you see in israel are not even the true jewish race...... and as for the secret societys, a lot of them date further back then the sabbatean/frankist's

I believe the black nobility of rome hold the most power, they are the ones who are still living in castles to this very day, and you can find them connected to almost every historical event in the past 3000 years

the sabbatean/frankists came about in the 1700's right? I don't see how they could take the power from the familys that created modern banking, the black noble house of massimo claim to descend from the fabii-maximi dynasty of ancient rome, so that family claims to be over 2000 years old

read the book "the curse of canaan: a demonology of history" by eustace mullins, he asserts that the black nobility are the true descendants of canaan

You can’t do that. You cite Eustace Mullins as your source even though he was the author of a book called “The Biological Jew” in which he breaks down how the Jewish race acts like a parasite to its host nations. That type of thinking is in line with my views of the world more than yours.

So you can give me all of this new information, I’m not saying it’s wrong but it’s just new information you’re not debunking any of my beliefs.

Even if this mystical black nobility was the true rulers of humanity then they sure have a lot of interest in protecting Israel, whether it be from GMO’s or fluoride in the water to building a wall so invaders don’t come in to giving them the most high tech commodities and weapons and the list goes on. Why does Israel get these protections?

How exactly does the Holy Roman Empire benefit from Zionism if they are not Jews? Why is the easily debunked Holocaust forced on school children in public education when much greater genocides are not discussed? How does any of this make sense if there is not an elitist class of people fighting specifically for Jewish interests?

Look I don’t care who the true Jews are. I am so sick of those black Hebrew Israelites that I’m beginning to think that white anglo-saxons are the true Jews.

I'll definitely give that book a read, ty for bringing it to my attention

you know what i find funny about the holocaust? even jews call it the holocaust, which means burnt wholly offering, who were they offered to? :P

when talking about the top of the pyramid, it is very confusing and very hard to tell whos actually in power, can you please list some familys that you think are in control?

as for benifits to rome, its a shield, think red shield for example, just look at the top comments in this thread, they all simply say israel, they don't list any specific people, and that is my problem with this whole jews being in control thing, its so vauge

also, i'm unsure of your position, but most of these people claiming it's the jews, are claiming that red shields are in the ones power

in the end, like i said, i believe they are all working together, however the only people i can find that are living in castles to this very day, are the black nobility and other royals/nobles which are all roman catholic(not that that matters...)

I don’t know what families are in power, I can only speculate. Obviously the Rothschilds, Warburgs, Goldman Sachs, Schiffs, Morgans, Rockefellers. The list goes on and everyone knows about these families and there are hundreds more we can speculate about. Who knows.

Jews are in control though. Just take a quick glance at the board members of a big Wall Street firm or a big bank. You’ll see way more Jewish looking names than the supposed 2% of the population. Jews are the richest religious demographic by a good amount according to Pew Research Polls as well.

So the only reason you think Rome is in charge and not Israel is because more people in the comment section say Israel? Reasoning behind that would be maybe because the true powers push anti Israel propaganda but not anti Rome propaganda? The problem with that is there are over 20 nations on this planet where questioning the Holocaust is criminalized. Simply carrying a swastika will get you thrown in jail. A guy in Britain i believe it was got arrested because he recorded a funny video of his dog doing the Heil Hitler salute. 90 year old grandmas are being thrown in prison for Holocaust denial. Who the hell is being thrown in jail for speaking out against the Vatican? Against the pope? Hollywood makes jokes all the time about how Catholic Priests are gay pedophiles, but Jews also have a culture of pedophilia and mutilating their own babies. Why is this topic a no go zone in discourse with the mainstream media and entertainment? Who is being persecuted for merely questioning the Vatican’s power? Where’s the evidence that Vatican agents are disproportionately represented in Wall Street, banks, and military?

And you really didn’t answer my questions from the first comment very well, I don’t think you have a good argument to be honest. I have things to point to like overrepresentation in media, entertainment, banks, politics, wars for Israel, and the criminalization of free speech. The only evidence you have is these people live in castles


Or you can just agree with me instead of breaking your back trying to argue from the losing perspective

i argue that none of this really matters, it's all theatre, don't know why i forgot this

none of this information matters what so ever until we can come together with a solution

i'm sorry i engaged

Zionist Israel

Comedy gold.

I too have seen this Chowder meme

Some men want to watch the world burn

Don't leave out our Equal Opportunity Shakers Nikki and Heather! They are loving some Israel and White Helmets!

Some (((men))) want to watch the world burn

Israel is implicated in this.


The goyim know :)


Money, power, control, keeping the masses - the 99% - sequestered in a constant state of fear and angst and conflict.

And why is that the case? Well, this pdf provides at least some answers.


A very pertinent question

We're not going to war

Oy vey! It's for ze russianz!

To learn who rules over you, simple find out who you are not allowed to criticize?

So, which group can't we criticize? Is it the Russians? Or is it the Jews?

Are there not rich Russian Jews? Do we get to criticize them for being Russian and rich, or is it bad because they're Jews?


It's aliens. Of the Israeli variety.

Gotta feed The Complex.


Please remind me when "we" weren't at war?


Greater Israel project. Period.

We've been at war with 8 different contries for awhile now


Continued destabilisation of the middle East. It will shift to Africa as they get their shit together over the next 20 years. If we make it that far.

Tldr: iz real

It's to destroy the Old World Order to pave the way for the NWO. The NWO isn't what most people think it is.

But I don't think "The War" starts now. If it comes at all, my guess would be a few years from now, at least.

Lol, this whole thread is woke AF


I guess someone was looking for a different answer?

Just looking for more than the same tired answers, because none of them show the interplay between all the warring factions. Just Israel being repeated 50 times ad nauseaum but Israel is a country, it's people that do things, just like it's people that pull triggers.

No one here follows the money, no one here does the obvious, they just chant. I can hardly say that's woke, or even a good use of common sense. I say it as a mere observer.

Let's look at the money. 50% of Democrat political contribution come from Jewish donors. 25% for Republicans.

All presidents must grovel before AIPAC and pledge support as strongly as possible to win nomination let alone the presidency.

Sheldon Adelson, Jewish billionaire, was Trump's largest campaign contributor, and still speaks with Donald. Adelson also is a big donor to Netanyahu. Adelson didn't like Tillerson either https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/gop-mega-donor-sheldon-adelson-furious-over-rex-tillerson-comments-report/article/2623082

There is some money for you.

You could also look at Genie energy, on whose board sits Cheney, former US governor Bill Richardson, and a member of the Rothschild family. Genie energy has oil interest in the Golan Heights. Pretty important as well. An that is following the money.

Small players, middle management at best, puppet billionaires if you will. Everything starts to unravel when you try to see an end goal. To a lot of us these people popped up out of nowhere, but to those paying attention we see where these people come from, how they're paraded around. I gotta hand it to them, they played it brilliantly. First by installing stooges with decent pedigree, then when no one notices, start filling in your agents. By that point any change will be seen as beneficial, as the previous stooges sell an image to mask what their replacements are really there to do.

Goddamn these fuckers are ill with it.

if you want a real conspiracy not some more political talk... TLD DR IN the bootm as a conclusion to the expanded talking points.

World government. We as a species have hit a physical barrier, its called climate change, global warming. Or in reality the co2 levels in our air are record highs, so we need to stop and think.

WE CANNOT FOLLOW US SYSTEM, that system assumes infinite resources. We ran out of one resource air purity. So if we want to live and not start dying, we need to evolve and move away from free market capitalism that is responsible for rapid growth and the reason why China boomed so hard, the reason why all nations that followed US became rich and healthy and successful. Like japan, taiwan, South korea etc. This unvetted fast paced greedy way to boom, hat is also so great is not sustainable. MEANING we cannot let entirety of south america, africa, middle east asian nations to get out of poverty through brute force of capitalism as it is currently presented.

Meaning, and here is the kicker. Either US changes, and changes fast and shows a new better model of growth we NEED change, or else those 3rd world nations either boom via industrialisation or with some other model of government economic market place. That model has always been communism, but Russia capitalised and so did china so we have hybrid where a more controlling government on the economic marketplace. This is actually proven to be better for environment as it controls through planning. Which is oppressive to the free market place we know as USA.

But, this requires EVERYONE to be on the same page, or we will have conflict solvable with brute military force. USA goes into the country and bombs it, offering democracy. After all its been working until now, vietnam, japan, taiwan, etc etc. But then it got to iraq and didnt get anything done. Africa is being developed by the help of China and others very quietly, you hardly hear in the news how china, russia etc are going around africa helping people, in a way thats akin to how Soviet russia spread communism.

So why are we fighting? Because Ru and China are going to do the one belt one road. An economic powerhouse across eurasian continent. And this is goign to work because China is still going to continue to take bulk of the production, but they have set targets to go "green" and are meeting them. Proving that their model can solve the current issue. US model is to let the marketplace adapt, EU also does legislature to help with the problem, but its clear everyone has been cheating with their CO2 emissions proving their companies the car industries are also some how above reprobate. So the current economic way capitalism deals with these issues by letting the "people" make right decisions is clearly not working and CO2 problems are continue to affect us. Science is behind the change, but we the people are too slow to adapt.

So here we are the FREEDOM aka american way is fighting with russia a government that is a lot more controlling. And since russia capitalised it learned how deal with market freedoms that allow for independent growth so that the people can still be contributors and beneficiaries of their efforts and their business.

Think of it like experiments. So we ran out of clean AIR before we ran out of OIL. So this current war with russia, isnt about anything REAL its about a war to see who is good enough to deal with terrorism if there is going to be discend when we have a united world (because there is always opposition based on religious, idealistic reasons.) Years of american ha proven that one.

So this procy war in syria is a test to show that russian military can defend against american military, and at same time as a war game to show that russian way can still provide the military power and tech needed to protect the new world order. Its a Russian way, technology to build drones and robots is still there, so if russian way wins we go ahead and move towards a socialistic model of world government where control fo resources and their distribution are controlled and not willed into action like si dont now by Nestle extracting water out california. We get automation we get a universal income, we get everything EVENTUALLY/. Capitalism can only work in space when we have fully developed space tech. Unfortunately America didnt get to space fast enough liek we all predicted in since the 60s. and ran out of air to create huge space industry needed to do that. In space there is no debt, so once you have robots doing your bidding you can just get more resources out of space itself, millions of stars outthere.

And the world leaders know this. But because I think we ran out of oxygen faster than we expected, deforestation is a huge causality of this. We removed that THAT we need converts oxygen to air... So we have been seeing in the last 5 years effects of it. US destabilized Ukraine a small russia essentially as they are a lot more alike than you are lead to believe culturally. To prove to the russian people american way is THE way. Conflict between Nk and SK is at a point, EU and UK experimenting with sovereignty of nations under unified free trade agreements, leaving 'states' to essentially make their own laws for their cultural regions. US went into iraq and didnt have time to capitalise and make it better, and so it had to rush into syria and ukraine and obviously afghanistan.

THIS IS THE CONSPIRACY PART if you didnt read previous. TL:DR: The international CABAL of world leaders, has run out fo time. America has run out of time. We were all living in a huge experiment. America collected so much debt because in space there is no debt and as failed to prove free market capitalism is the bees knees. World government by default has to be russian way, because their gov is more controlling, they have an open market place, and out of the ashes of the 90s collapsed soviet union Putin's russia as Russian hating people like to refer to it, has been steadily growing despitre heavy reliance on oil. Its people have a better life now, they rely on chineese cheap imports liek the rest of us, they have agriculture and mining for their own benefit and more left over for export. proving that despite heavy sanctions. Steady slow growth is better than no growth, but of course american propaganda is in full swing. So russia is bad all around, you will never hear any good news out of MSM.

Finally the current UN. UN is that world gov but the question is who UN should be like out of all the nations on earth, to make sure the UN the world is heading to the right direction. And if US actually declare war with russia founded largely on MSM propaganda and deception as they have done with iraq as the most recent and known to everyone alive who has the vote that matters. UN will bring these truths to light and side with russia. If US concedes just as Russian conceded in the 90s they get a foolish president who sides with the "other" side and the system is changed to fit in with the modernised global LEADER in this case it will be russia. and then after some time American voters can experience this system and evolve it more. But the free market capitalist experiment that is US is over. And thats the plan, thats what is going to happen people. EU is already a lot more like russia than you realise, they have a controlling gov, but a free market place that can push back. Russia has a more controlling marketplace. the war in syria is a show, a show with human lifes on the line. But in the grand scheme of survival of the species they did not get out of their oppressed regimes and didnt get ahead fast enough. So its accepted under US vision of globalisation that human collateral damage is accepted. No more wars, no more war culture, no more battling for ideas with physical force. An evolution. Its not going to be easy to both accept that change for americans, or the world, but that is the price we pay to stay alive on this planet.

Read the whole thing. Thanks for sharing.

I took the time to read this. Well presented and I can see your points.
My fear is that the World is going to finally recognize the United States Government as the problem and move on us and Americans have to pay the cost of the Swine in Washington who can't see a future because they only see their immediate gratification and rewards as important.

To quote a key neocon: Well, if you care about Israel...

Easy: Donald J. Trump is a psychopath.

The escalation that might now happen under Trump was a campaign Promise by Hillary Clinton. The coming war in Syria has overwhelming bipartisan support. This is not random Trump craziness.

Goes to show that no matter who we vote for the people behind the scenes make all the decisions. Does it annoy you to know that we end up voting for the person that best sells us a shit sandwich?

I'm not American, so I can't vote in your elections. But I wish more Americans would vote third party.

I mean lets say hypothetically we believe that there was a chemical weapons attack, and it was perpetrated by the Syrian regime hypothetically.

Bear with me...

We stand for this or we stand for nothing.

Non-hypothetically, NATO stands for literally nothing other than its own economic self-interest. Full stop.

Everybody in NATO wants to trade with Russia, but it unable to do so. Hypothetically as I said.

Oil is the reason why



Israel, specifically their need for a Qatari-built pipeline through Syria


This is a proxy war that is actually an effort to end the buffer Russia has in the region by Western Powers. Like China supporting North Korea to keep Western influence away from their borders.

The world is getting smaller, and it's only a matter of time before the dam bursts.

Two fold

1) Israel (Zionist dominate America, most of them are Jews)

2) Petro dollar scheme (this is to appease the non-religious militarists)

Everyone will eventually wake up, but all at their own speed/pace. This is what I think the true occult meaning behind what the Rapture, actually is. TPTB are trying to control the Great Awakening/Unveiling, but, they cannot. They are just arrogant enough to try. The trillion dollar question is: How far will they actually go, this time around?

the jews you see in israel are not even the true jewish race...... and as for the secret societys, a lot of them date further back then the sabbatean/frankist's

I believe the black nobility of rome hold the most power, they are the ones who are still living in castles to this very day, and you can find them connected to almost every historical event in the past 3000 years

the sabbatean/frankists came about in the 1700's right? I don't see how they could take the power from the familys that created modern banking, the black noble house of massimo claim to descend from the fabii-maximi dynasty of ancient rome, so that family claims to be over 2000 years old

read the book "the curse of canaan: a demonology of history" by eustace mullins, he asserts that the black nobility are the true descendants of canaan

Non-hypothetically, NATO stands for literally nothing other than its own economic self-interest. Full stop.

Yeah but half of the comments here are about Jews specifically, not the actions and policy of the Israeli government.

They are our ally in the same way that a tick is an ally of the dog.

Just looking for more than the same tired answers, because none of them show the interplay between all the warring factions. Just Israel being repeated 50 times ad nauseaum but Israel is a country, it's people that do things, just like it's people that pull triggers.

No one here follows the money, no one here does the obvious, they just chant. I can hardly say that's woke, or even a good use of common sense. I say it as a mere observer.