Student loans are a way to trap people into military service.

9  2018-04-13 by showmeurboobsplznthx

SS: I believe the student loan bubble is a way for the wealthy to hold power and force the unwilling educated generation into war. This way the poor go fight while the wealthy stay home and gather more control for their children. The government knew this could be leverage since a modern draft would be ineffective so they took over the debts. They like expensive college for this. They could easily regulate and cap this industry like they do others but allow it to be chaotic.


They ended the draft, they needed a new way to get the job done. I can believe it.

I feel that capitalism has side stepped human rights such that obligation to repayment means the debt owner can call you to do as needed to fulfill a debt. Since the federal government owns this debt, they can enforce that you fight as repayment. The 13th amendment makes slavery a punishment for crime. If debt is enforceable then servitude can be demanded. As student debt effects mostly younger people, it can be used constitutionally to force enlistment. With trumps executive order to recal retired military, and expanding effective ages, he can send a very large portion of America to war. If they get rid of religious rejection, we are truly fucked.

What style of govt do you prefer

Capitalism is not a form of government. It is an economic system.

You knew what I meant but ok be petty

Words matter. It's ok if what you meant isn't what you said but don't pretend that it is ok to be inaccurate with language if you wish to be understood.

Yeah idk who was on my account but that guy who posted in this sub was lazy

But if the need for a draft came along it would be implemented overnight.

Even unpopular among the military itself though. Forced enlistment often has some side effects that are counter-productive.

Now those are troops I support!

Fragging has occured by regular enlisted soldiers.

Why don’t presidents fight the war? Why do they always send the poor?

Presidents fight wars through foreign policy.

Dude just go die lolz you'll be a hero and ill get a nobel prize for sending you to earn glory. Win win.

Hey good for you there little buddy

I think he's drunk

Nice catch

Still one of the best concerts I’ve been to

What band?

System of a Down

Back in the old days kings would lead the charge

They would if people stopped joing the fucking military. No military/puppets , no war. Its that easy. But hey , keep signing up and being their lacky so you can get those bennys and GI bill👍🏻 SOAD is the best

I haven't met many people who have joined up after college.

Almost everyone I know who have joined, have done so to get the GI Bill to pay for it to begin with.

If anything this strengthens the argument

Exactly, that’s the entire point of the post.

I've also heard that during the 2017 community reinvestment act, They added a portion that you could lose your home or property if you don't fight.

Lol like anyone can afford a home anymore.

That's funny

True, you can either go to war or go in debt.

There are way more options in life, but nobody tells the kids about them. Trade schools are way cheaper and offer great salaried jobs, the U.S oil field has many jobs that don't require official education yet pay $70-100+ k. Don't act like it's war or debt, your just gonna scare those who would rather sulk than research better options.

Not everyone can do a trade. And the skill set is less transferable to alternative careers. If the market becomes saturated with, say "windshield repair techs" or "plumbers" then a lot of tradesmen will be unable to find work and have a lot of debt. They'll probably be worse off than someone with a 4 year degree, who will also likely have difficulty finding work.

No...the solution is to move past the mentality that one must work in order to put food in their bellies, a roof over the head and have access to quality medical care. Because many jobs are going away and those that remain will be held by the few who managed to win the rat race. With this current system, a lot of people will suffer in the long run just because they don't have opportunity to contribute to society not because they lack the desire or ability. We must start enabling people to have an acceptable quality of life without necessarily needing gainful employment. It flys in the face of the Puritan work ethic but between automation, the Internet and AI driven data analysis, a lot of people (especially "professionals") will be out of of work.

Go move to a communist country if you feel that way. I'm not gonna work my ass off to provide for lazy fuckers who refuse to work. And yes, just about anyone can learn a trade if they're put in the situation. I've taught pizza delivery drivers how to operate and service oil well navigational tools. Those who accept being lazy yet demand the same outcome as hard workers can gtfo.

I'm not saying people aren't capable, I'm saying the market will be over saturated. In some trades it already is. I have a friend who quit work as a locksmith because there was too much competition in his city.

There will be too many people specialized in whatever and not enough jobs. Because as jobs like truck driving and burger flipping become automated those millions and millions of people will likely start learning trades in a desperate move to stay alive. It will be slightly cheaper and less risk than going "to school" and the market will become over saturated.

You wouldn't be paying for people to do nothing, you'd be helping people survive. You be giving future generations the ability to pursue ventures which might not immediately put food on the table but are important for longevity of our civilization, endeavors such as higher education.

Speaking of which truck drivers are in huge demand. I'm a contractor that often spends nights at truck stops. Many nights there are people hunting truck drivers trying to sway them to thier company.

If my hard earned cash is going towards people with the mentality of "I shouldn't need to work to provide everything i need" than that type of person isn't on a venture to pursue opportunities, they're on a lazy ass gravy train who would see gaining employment to maintain income as a deterrent. And why would higher education help these people if they could make just as much money doing nothing at all and the effort and struggle to pursue further opportunities rewarded by said education would only have the profits milked by lazy commie turds who want to be a paid vegetable. if you take money from those who work for it, to pay those who demand that they do nothing but deserve it, why would those who put food and money on the table continue working so hard if they can make the same sitting on the floor jerking off. Commie scum get fucking real, you won't better everyone's lives, you will bring everyone who's worked their way to a better life down to your miserable level in an 'equal' misery. Wars are fought over this mindset

Seems like this can be used as an argument of too much immigration into our country.

I know someone that owns a construction company that has about 80 employees, about 90-95% of them are illegal lol. Same as the owner (my friend), he pays somebody else to sign off the jobs with their contractor license for him. He gets a ton of contracts like this because he can pay his workers much less than Americans that are building a life here, so he gets to underbid every other company around him.

Believe it or not, many immigrants that comes here works for as cheap as they can so they can always have a job, someone will always hire them to save money, whatever they are getting paid here is still worth much more in their own country. I am Brazilian and I know many people and even family members that has done this; came here through the border or overstayed their visa, share a cheap apartment with many others with the same goal, work any jobs that will hire them, save the most money they can and then go back to their country. Seen this happen countless time, one of my co-worker (I work in carpentry but am finishing up nursing school), never paid taxes cause he was trying to save the most he could, after about 7 years here, the IRS finally caught up to him, so he ran back to Brazil lol. He had already had sent most of money to his family over the years, and he brought the rest that he had saved with him when the IRS tried to go after him.

I know many legal immigrants like myself that are against illegal immigrants cause of reasons like this, because we live in the middle of them and know how the system works. The legal immigrants that are for the illegal immigrants are because they have illegal family members and friends here and don't want to see them get deported. I have many illegal family and friends here as well, but I would rather they get kicked out back to their country so we can try to save ours than all of us sinking down together.

Too much people in a country = unlimited workers, unlimited workers means that an employer can treat employees like crap and pay the least amount they can because there is always someone else that will work for a little cheaper so they can have a job.

Less people in a country = limited amount of workers, limited amount of workers means employers have to treat employees good and keep paying them better than their competitions to keep those good employees.

Why? Quid pro quo...

Not everyone comes from money and taxpayers can't afford to put EVERYONE through college.

Still, there is a clause when applying for FAFSA that makes you mandated for the draft if there ever is a war... I remember okaying on that and thinking "damn, i hope not"

To get any government job, and many other government related benefits, as a man, you have to have signed up for the selective service, which is what they use in the event of a draft.

Edit: by law every male aged 19-25 has to sign up for the selective service, and is this able to be drafted.

As a citizen you are required to sign up for the selective service act when you turn 18, FAFSA or any other organization doesn't require it separately.....

Are you a citizen or a permanent resident? Any citizen knows about the selective service act.

welp, guess I wasn't paying attention to that SSA anyway

There's plenty of people going to the academies, ROTC, or officer candidate school. In fact, it's extremely competitive.

I had considered joining for the gi bill. Glad things went another route.

I would enlist as an officer, but I'm medically not eligible for the military. A real bummer honestly - I would do Navy just so I could travel.

Man it's the other way around.

Military services traps students in loans. They get out with tuition assistance, just to get in debt since vets have no idea what they want to do and end up in massive debt that cannot be resolved with bankruptcy.

Wrong. We have tuition assistance while we are active. Once we get out, there is the GI Bill which not only pays for school and books but also a monthly housing allowance.

To an extent though right? GI bill is only good for 4 going exploratory in college can really fuck you over when it runs out.

Yes, a complete bachelor's degree is paid for. By the time you're 22 or 23, you're going to know what you want in life better than an 18 year old.

They have to do something to counter the lie that college is for everyone.


This actually seems plausible

The 13th amendment will be the base of this. Forced servitude is legal as punishment.

Unfortunately I have student loans but I would never consider enlisting to get any relief from them. They suck, but I'm not suicidal.

What if you had no choice? Your debt is a crime and your punishment is war.

Good luck getting me back to the US.

That's it dude, you got it. But I believe you'd have no choice anyway if the us got attacked in any way

Military doesn't pay student loans.

Ironically a majority of fighting age people don't meet the physical standards to enlist

I had to say no to way more people than I said yes to.

3.5 years as a recruiter.

What were the top few reasons for disqualification?

Medical, mostly medical. Adderall use in the last year was huge, too much Marijuana use or other drugs. Tattoos were big too.

I was in Mississippi so I had a lot of low ASVAB scores too.

Interesting - thanks for the response. 👍

I can see why. The people in the group matter and a lot of the players frankly weren't wanting to teach new people....

The server as well as the event was specifically to teach new people the game.

Can't you also join the Peace Corp? It's not like there is only one option, it's just the most known option.

Or ten years of public service (teahcer, police officer, etc.).

Yeah! I have a friend who is on track to do that. He wants to work for the Police Department and in my opinion I think this option to pay for college works best for those who are prepared to do so.

Peace corps don't pay off your loans, in fact you can't even join if you have any private loans. Or at least that way the case three years ago when I tried joining.

College is expensive because it's a great way to make a shit ton of money without having to substantially do anything. I don't think it has anything to do with purposely trying to trap people. The people that get trapped are those that don't finish or those that get like a art degree or plan on teaching high school. There's nothing wrong with those professions, but if you go to even the slightest prestigious school, you'll have trouble paying off your debts.

Don't you get college paid for when you join the military? GI bill or something?

Yes, and you get a housing stipend too. You can spend 3 short years never leaving the comfort of bumfuck, America and get out and get paid to go to school.

Oh it's a trap!


So you think one day they could force people to enlist if they have enough student loan debt? I wonder if this would make people more weary of enrolling in really expensive colleges

Absolutely makes no sense, most college students don't join the service to clear off their debts. If they're really that cash strapped they'll go through community college and try to minimize their debt for their last 2 years of higher education.

Student loan debt is one of the three most powerful types of debts. And even with that lofty status, it's still just debt, and debt has no teeth.

The worst possible thing that student loan debt can do to you is snag your tax refunds or snag a small chunk of your paycheck. And both of those things are avoidable if you anticipate a default.

You cannot be imprisoned, forced into labor, forced into the military, or anything like that over debt.

If the military offered dismissal of student loans in exchange for service, then I bet they'd see record enlistment numbers from recent college grads.

They already do...

The drawback is that your going to have a a rough three years. Doable for someone in serious debt.

The best offer I've ever see was various bonuses for coming in with a degree, especially through OCS. But they were nowhere near enough to cover my education debt.

I believe it’s called SLRP

I'll take a look.

SLRP is Army and last year only had 15 allocations available. It's for critical skill operators and for specific degrees.

I’m pretty sure you can enlist to pay off student loans. It’s a tool for recruiters and helps those drowning in college loans.

I’ll say this, yes enlisting in the military might go against you it...but to get out of debt and establish yourself for a bit, VA Home Loan and 9/11 GI Bill is well worth it.

I’ll have to talk to a recruiter buddy and find out the ACTUAL program and stipulations etc.

I was a Recruiter for 3.5 years. I know what I am talking about.

Good stuff and I’ll take your word for it. I enlisted but never to pay off loans. 7 years left!! ✊🏼😂

I had a good buddy in Drum who was getting his loans paid off and we wondered why he didn't come in on the commission side. He was 25 series and his degree was nothing special, so I would imagine the program was broader back in 07 08'ish.

13 years and counting here.

Back then more people got the 45k to pay student loans but they still only numbered under 100. Now it's 65k and far fewer people. This is public info...

To put it in perspective it comes from the bonus funds, not VA college money. A lot less money and a lot more red tape on the bonus side. 45k is about 3x the max bonus going right now (for new enlistees).

No they don't.

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lol I joined the military after realizing I couldn't pay off my student loans so.... upvote.

You are absolutely correct.
This is one of the biggest elephants in the room for this sub, imo.
They're trying to build an entire country that is either involved with the military or has been duped into worshiping the military.
One of the primary goals of masculinizing women in TV shows and movies is producing women who will join the military.
They're not even being subtle about this half the time. From Katy Perry videos to Gal Godot's frequently mentioned Israeli military service, to the new film Annihilation they are trying to completely normalize, and glamorize, the concept of women in the military.

or. to someone with a solid head on their shoulders it's an opportunity to work hard for 4 years and get a sweet free ride to very nice 4 year colleges.

I made money going to college on the new gi bill. graduated with 8k in debt in 2.5 years.

That sweet college degree was all I needed to land my first six figure job.

Sorry OP, another bullshit post.

Some people dont make it to the 4 year mark though. Therefor the person died just for an education. An education that could be easily taught through the internet but said poor person had to ship off to the military to pay for said education because “its so expensive “. Potentially Dying to get financial help with an education shouldn’t have to be a thing.

The deal is like owing 500 in city fees, they can make you sit in jail, or take your possessions to pay. If you owe them 130 K, the government can make you do shit to pay it back. They already take your tax return and dock your pay.

Idk I feel like people should just be less stupid when taking out federal loans. Like take out 10k for nursing school that's fine. Take out 70k for that same degree? You're a dumbass.

I know ZERO people who joined to pay off student loans. I was a recruiter for 3.5 years.

Educated people don't make very manageable grunts.

Debt is a control mechanism of the wealthy. Military enlistment is just one of the bonuses.

One of the reasons I joined the military was for the student loan repayment program. But I can't think of anyone I served with did the same

Good luck getting me back to the US.

That's it dude, you got it. But I believe you'd have no choice anyway if the us got attacked in any way

Yes, a complete bachelor's degree is paid for. By the time you're 22 or 23, you're going to know what you want in life better than an 18 year old.

Military doesn't pay student loans.