I think I know where all their plans went wrong.

5  2018-04-13 by grndzro4645

Cable TV got too expensive, They pushed their twisted agenda into Hollywood too far, and too many good shows were cut to save money.

If Cable TV was still 40$ a month for the vast majority of channels we all would still be puffing away in front of the boob tube completely ignorant of the evils we face.

Their own greed killed their master plan.


I think they didn't quite anticipate the success of Netflix and the like. Blockbuster had the opportunity to buy Netflix, and they refused. Old Media didn't see the Reality, and didn't accept that People would prefer, when given the choice, to binge their favorite shows and watch them at their own time- outside of the TV's rigid schedule. TiVo and DVR also helped to exacerbate this trend imo.

Well aside from all that. If they had kept key shows around it would have crippled Netflix. Especially if the price of cable had been reasonable.

They Cancelled Firefly, Enterprise, Dead Like me, TSSC, Dark Angel, V, Heroes, KyleXY, Roswell....etc..etc

Who knows why all these great shows were cancelled. But it sure hurt the platform. After the cancellation of Firefly,and Enterprise I was for sure looking for a way out of Cable.

You just named shitty sci fi chan shows .. your insane if those shows are behind your reasoning as to why they died

Because everyone has the same taste in shows. I'm wrong my bad.

Firefly wasn't just cancelled, it was sabotaged from the start. Episodes were intentionally aired out of order in a nonsensical way.

I'm still bitter about TSSC. That was one of my favorite tv shows and Josh Friedman had a lot he could have done with it.

Yea Summer Glau makes a great Terminator. She's one of my favorite actresses. She was great in Firefly also.

I'm going to alter my plans to watch some shit tv show? Get the fuck out of here. These people are so self absorbed, so conceited, and out of touch they honestly believed they could alter my plans.

You work yourself into my schedule. I don't work you into mine, you fuckin dinosaurs. I would pay triple to prevent being mentally raped by corporate ads and told when to "tune in".

The fuck?

No, they didn't anticipate the sun rising in the morning, much less Netflix. It's hard to see past your own ego for these tools.

Except now they seem to have moved on and taken over Netflix. The programming is mostly vile.

Netflix also just added Susan Rice, Obama's mi ion, on their board, so that means more propaganda movies and SJW bullshit inserted

I find less and less I want to watch on Netflix. But maybe that's me. But even Netflix is better than Amazon produced stuff.

No no no, you get the whole thing wrong, cause that is the "American dream idea", like the Netflix dude had a good idea and that's it.
No no no, there were multiple streaming platforms on the internet and Megaupload was the king of them.
Netflix is just the by product of stealing an idea and jailing his author to then centralize the business and spread your propaganda freely.
So first you have the business idea from real geezers (Megaupload with Kim, or Napster with that dude, Myspace with whomever) and then you get the monopoly business idea from "THEM" (Netflix with a jew, Spotify with whomever, Facebook with the Zucc)

Plot twist: Mark Zuckerberg is Jewish

Not that there's anything wrong with that single fact, but Jews have been shockingly successful and own a lot (src - see link above)

Was about to add a ftfy saying Netflix with a jew, spotify with a jew, Facebook with a jew But you beat me to it!

The more you know...

Internet killed the tv

I agree. Even though they absolutely own and control YouTube and Reddit, there’s no way they could moderate it like with TV because everyone is given a platform and there are so many videos that it’s near impossible to moderate, plus you can just make a backup account if they delete you.

I’m extremely surprised by the awakening that has occurred just within the last few days. I don’t know, maybe it’s just me but it seems like the awakening is happening at an exponential level. The news media’s coverage of Syria has been a colossal fuck up of the highest order. It’s the stupidest thing they’ve done in my lifetime.

Even with all of that the overwhelming majority of people are brainwashed sheep.

You can't blame them for that. It's in their programming. We are just anomalies.

Internet killed the cable tv star

people cant even create good art anymore.

creating good art at this point would be antithetical to their goals. create they live 2 and you basically have a full blown war on your hands -- maybe its not that extreme, but art gives people ideas, it makes them think.

the media was dumbed down and sanitized, in our lifetimes in the last 30 years, quite a lot. its not what it used to be.

that's a pretty interesting point. they just got too comfortable

Netflix already got alot of propaganda like shows. Soros bought in years ago aswell. In the end it doesnt it doesnt matter were you look cause if its big enough someone will intervene(see youtube, reddit etc)

True for recent history, but I am referring to right before Netflix when a ton of shows were dropped, too many competing standards for service/set top boxes, constant price hikes, and an unwillingness for cable TV to cater to people who want instant demand.

The Netflix shows and movies are still propaganda. People are even more indoctrinated than before.

Yes, but at least they make no attempt to disguise it. Somehow that makes it less offensive.

Everyone here is saying that Netlflix shows are the same as regular tv, but I disagree. One of their most popular shows, Stranger Things, talks about MKULTRA and government cover ups. It is telling people something

So is it kind of like a modern day X files? If so I'll have to check it out.

I guess so. And I do reccomend it. It is a great mix of entertainment but also IMO talks about things that usual tv doesn't. Enjoy it :)

Not at all like X-files. More like a homage to a lot of 80s adventures movies, while keeping the conspiracy angle in there.

(Holy shit, sorry for the novel; this is just way more interesting than spreadsheets and e-mails. TL;DR at bottom)

While I'm definitely pumped to see topics like this get brought up/discussed on a broader scale, I'm pretty wary of this kind of thing.

I worry that tossing out info on these operations/events/theories/people without proper consideration to context/their significance, it just kind of "subconsciously" registers in the audience's mind.

I don't think it's enough to have 2 line mention of MK Ultra in 2 or 3 different episodes of Stranger Things and a series on MK Ultra that acts as more of a character story.

It's kind of like how The Punisher references some CIA torture programs; if that's the only time you've heard of Operation Cerberus (or whatever it was), then how is that brief aside enough to really help counter the bullshit that's out there?

To me, it seems like a quiet, quick mention to "familiarize" people with "dubious" terms/info in advance of when MSM/Gov't. (if there's actually a difference) need to attack those ideas and can make BS soundbites/memes, out of it (like "Oh man, MK Ultra? Someone's been watching too much stranger things! *Hurr Durr." Or "The government doesn't torture like that; that's just sensationalized comic book stuff - move on."

Also, kinda reminds me of how overshadowing stuff with the same name might be a tactic. The example that comes to mind for me is how former FBI (translator?)/whistleblower Sibel Edmonds' memoires (for which I believe a documentary was made) is called "Kill the Messenger"; same title as the Jeremy Renner movie about Gary Webb, from a few years ago.

Now, don't get me wrong; Gary Webb was the man and I was pumped to see it get any attention, but from the perspective of TBTB, what's the bigger risk for the public to see? Both involve people exposing collusion between intelligence services, organized crime, global narcotics trade, and international terrorism, but one of these is basically an interview from an actual insider and one is an MSM-produced, intentionally open-ended suspense flick with a beloved action star.

Idk, typing that makes me feel kinda crazy, but after learning about Edward Bernaise and the development of the Public Relations/Human Resources industries, I no longer have doubts about such sneaky, base-level manipulation, going on. I mean, the US Military has psyops branches for a reason; they wouldn't dump the money in it, if it didn't work.

TL;DR - Popular references to historical/contemporary conspiracy shit is a mixed bag; do they inform people of these things or just give then the most basic information so that they can interpret and regurgitate targeted/pre-programmed views, later on? Probably both, but I'm wary that it's for our benefit.

Thanks for the read dude!

Np, mang haha

Trying to break out of just being a lurker :p

A damn good start here, damn

Not really ww3 and their plan is done they don’t need you or any other sheep anymore

Yea for $40/mo I would probably still have cable. I don't know if it was greed but I feel like channels like the Hallmark channel and other niche channels operate at a loss and are propped up by the networks.

Don't be so quick to declare victory.

Yes, they lost control. While they still have many tools and many tactics, they no longer hold an unassailable monopoly on what information people get.

Except now we live in the age of "post truth". Everyone's opinion is equal. Everyone has a platform. Everyone has an agenda. There is a demagogue or an 'agent provocateur' around every corner.

Just because a media outlet is "alternative" doesn't mean it is a trustworthy source. We have lost any kind of commonly agreed upon baseline reality, and people just believe whatever suits them. Most of these new narratives are put out by content creators who just want money from clicks and take zero responsibility for what they are presenting as "facts".

Critical thinking is dead. The truth has in many cases become unknowable, because the flood of unfiltered information makes it impossible to discern. But we think we know it and fight to defend it.

I bet this post made a few of you angry. Good.

They have lost for now, but we didn't win.

IT was the writers strike and the rise of reality TV. A lot of people tuned out, and the Costs rose to cover the difference. Many did not come back.

Netflix Adds Former Obama National Security Advisor and U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice to Board

“We are delighted to welcome Ambassador Rice to the Netflix board,” Netflix CEO Reed Hastings said in a statement. “For decades, she has tackled difficult, complex global issues with intelligence, integrity and insight and we look forward to benefiting from her experience and wisdom.”

Other members of Netflix’s board include Microsoft president and chief legal officer Brad Smith, executive chairman of Zillow Group Richard Barton, and former co-chair of Disney Media Anne Sweeney.

it's funny because both sides know this. they know greed will be their downfall but they cannot stop. that's what greed is. so we just gotta wait it out and they will destroy themselves

neat thread thanks

I know its an older posting but I had the same thoughts as well
