John Bolton - 5 days on the job. Israel must be so proud of him right now. I know John McCain is having the largest orgasm of his life right now. Someone should check to see if his LifeAlert is going off.

14  2018-04-14 by AIsuicide


Israel is the problem.

It really is But if we speak up against them. We get labeled as anti semites

The only problem.

There is a solution..

Why is there always Nazis?

I read it as well-placed satire, though morbid. And also fuck you.

Israel the country is the problem though. The people defend their military's execution of unarmed palestinians. If the people defend and justify war crimes they are just as big a part of the problem.

I am not a Socialist. And hating the Zionist government does not equate to 'kill tha joos'.

Jews are the problem.

Get ready for Holocaust memorial madness week on all channels.

Commercial free viewing of Schindler’s List coming up!

Free copies of The Diray of Anne Frank for the Goyim!

Ballpoint pen edition!

Oh look, you've blamed everyone but the POTUS who ordered the strikes.

Trump is every bit responsible for this. So are the members of are the members of Trump's are the people at the CIA the NSA and every other government official that had anything to with this decision.

Why should I have to point out Trump? He's the one behind the microphone.

Because you attacked two men that more than likely had nothing to do with this. McCain didn't authorize this and Bolton just got there. These kinda things are planned in advance.

Just saying, Americans have to keep their eye on the ball which is specifically unchecked war powers that Congress has ceded to the Executive branch since WWII.

You John McCain a fucking Senator? What Committee does he chair Gary?

And John Bolton had every fuckin thing to do with this.

Blame trump blame trump. you can do it!

It's been planned for years, though.

They've been doing it for years...They haven't been "planning".

A 7 year war is "planning"?

This is their last ditch pathetic bald faced warmongering move to make sure Assad doesn't win the war.

That's what it is.

That's not what this is at all. Our support of this war had been haphazard at best until the US led coalition started giving direct air support to the Kurdish led forces. This is showboating. It will have no effect whatsoever on Assad's progress. If they even did hit any chemical weapons facilities, chemical weapons have not been a part of any decisive events in the war. They even said "Mission Accomplished." It's a show.

We shall see.

If you're still waiting to see, then you haven't been paying attention. The only way the US alters the outcome of this war is with major intervention involving large numbers of air-supported troops on the ground to secure territory, not this pinprick nonsense. Assad's forces are in the best shape they've been since the war started, and their increasingly isolated foes are at their weakest. Like I said, there is no way this event changes the outcome of the war. Only major escalation can do that.

Haven't been paying attention...I disagree..I've been paying very close attention. Attention to the language being used at the UN meetings...and by Trump himself..

All of which say that Russia has Iran cannot be trusted to make sure Assad follows the rules...and that "something" needs to be done to assure that stability in Syria is achieved.

A few at the UN are calling for UN intervention at this time. I'm sure next week we will be hearing all about that.

I mean that you haven't been paying attention to what's been happening in the Syrian Civil War. You can pay attention and read into to whatever nuances in language used by whoever and wherever regarding this, but what's happened by parties on the ground over the long term has had very overt results. Trump hasn't even been President for most of it, let alone influential. Either way, barely anything has happened, just effectively the same shit that happened last time as a result of the incident in Khan Sheikhoun this month last year. Like I said, Trump's nonsense is a show until escalation says otherwise.

How do you reach the conclusion that I haven't been paying attention to the war?

And in the end...we are basically down to this regarding the entire thing.

Western interests will either accept the fact that Russia and Iran are extending and solidifying their presence in the Middle East or they won't.

Which do you think will be the case?

I partially reached the conclusion because you asserted the idea that the airstrikes were a last-ditch effort to keep Assad from winning, which is insane. When I claimed you weren't paying attention, you diverted to the idea that you were paying attention to peoples' language at the UN and Trump's language regarding dealing with Syria, which is also ridiculous consider the UN won't do anything because of Russia, and Trump only says what he thinks will immediately benefit himself. Also, if you have paid attention to the situation in Syria for any length of time, even for the last year, you'd know how little we're actually involved in these areas and that our current actions are token and bullshit, and have zero possibility of changing the outcome. Zero chance of changing anything = distraction and posturing = it's a show.

I'm not sure what argument you're trying to make or if you're trying to support mine. A bunch of people generally critical of how Trump handles things have wanted and still want more to be done with Syria? Now they're just using the same terminology? What does this have to do with our slap on the wrist besides the usual people wanting more? Like I said, only escalation will change anything.

I MEANT that it wasn't a sudden decision just because warpig Bolton is now in the Inner Cloaca. It has been planned for...a while.

They have been planned for years. As far as I know Gary it's been planned since 2010 when first tank battalion deployed to Europe to start dropping off a shit ton on U.S. military vehicles through out Europe and has been going on since then. Germany's about to get a whole new arsenal of toys and Ukraine is being outfitted with or tanks. Thus just didn't start with this administration.

Amen, Started post WWII nd has gotten worse as Congress ceded it's ability to check the POTUS and their constant overreach with the military.

Well yes that too. But how many people in your life have actually been able to witness and participate with out them realizing it. And you Gary can actually help starting an anti war movement

I agree with your sentiment but don't like this:

And you Gary can actually help

Why assume stuff about me that you have no idea about? I've probably protested war more than anyone on this forum. This kinda stuff and the constant reiterating of my name over and over is unfriendly and childish and the same kind of bullying this forums whines about.

and McCain literally encouraged Trump to bomb them again days ago. So he authorized it ad strongly as he could Gary.

McCain and Bolton have been Zionist sockpuppets for decades.

so are the fucking zio media.

This is literally the least trump could do. Warn them, then blow up a few empty buildings a couple days later.

wrong...the least he could do was wait for the OPCW to inspect the site. As is agreed to in international law.

That's the Jewish gameplan. Blame it on the idiot. Just like W.

He is as irrelevant as any other president. This was going to happen no matter which great divider was installed in the White House.


Yet "Israel has no influence on America's democracy conoared to Russia."

Because Satanist always do their deathmarch in mid April. Never fails.

The NeoCons must be executed for treason. If it requires it be done by vigilantes then so be it.

Removed. Rule 4


Removed. Rule 1

Rule 1 and 6.

The one thing I've noticed in all of these posts about missile strikes that Donald Trump ordered (and bragged about on twitter) is that none of them are blaming Trump.

It's either Israel or the deep state/MIC/nebulous other.

Y'all said Hillary was itching to blow shit up but when Trump does it, pingers pointed at everyone but him.

Because Trump is a puppet.

Sigh. The buck always stops elsewhere when it comes to this man.

Give it some time before reports come out showing that he was advised to proceed with caution but he insisted on going ahead on his own initiative.

I literally came here to post your first sentence. I just read a linked shitpost from t_d yesterday about how "liberals are freaking out and we're not going to just start bombing people because John Bolton is joining the Trump administration to further the..."

I'm sure by now they've retconned it so that bombing Syria was the plan all along.

Because Trump is a puppet.

Yeah...people need to wake up. But like you said, that's one place that isn't going to.

If Trump doesn't get the the time his term is over they are going to need some serious psychotherapy.

maybe a performance bonus is in the works, could buy a proper toupee that doesn't look like a mangy roadkill.

Where's the submission statement? Interesting since there's lots of mod "activity" in this thread. Better yet, where's the conspiracy?

acedivision shows up with 7/2 off-suit. Thanks for the laugh. Read the rule.

Conspiracy? John Bolton, John McCain, Israel and the middle east.