We have just made yet another unprovoked attack on one of Israel's enemies solely for Israel's benefit. For the past year, Israel's backer's have conducted a propaganda campaign in the MSM to convince us that Russia is manipulating the US government. We are truly a nation of idiots.

29  2018-04-14 by FartfullyYours



I wonder why we don't "punish" Israel for attacking and opening live fire on 750 peaceful protesters at their border just the other day???

Because that's no chemical weapons.

Oh no!

Muh chemical weapons! Muh holocaust! MUH SIXMILLION!

Tear gas from a drone is some type of war crime though eh?

banned by the Hague convention circa 1900 . obviously ignored by the powers in WW1.

not chemical weapons.

they used Tear or CS on the protesters in Gaza, thats an attack on civilians across a border.

Why do so many Democrats have duel citizenship with America and Israel?

Aside from when the decide to use white phosphorus munitions....

Bombing hospitals is considered a war crime just like chemical weapons, and I remember watching a video once where they did use illegal chemical weapons on Palestinians. It wasn't in Jerusalem though. It was white phosphorus and it was horrific. It's really, really, hard to defend Israel honestly. The Justice minister has called publicly to kill Arab women so they will not birth snakes. They are actively committing genocide with the full support of western nations that just attacked Syria. All of it is incredibly hypocritical.

Because that's not chemical weapons. It's not right either, but it's not chemical weapons.

Are the people trapped in the Gaza Prison shot by Israel any less dead than the people killed by chemical weapons?

Cos trump is just pussy grabbing puppet. He can't even get one penny to build a wall when they give hundreds of billions to go to war for Israel. That's our strongman trump.

Go fight our war goy.

And the "goy" are saying "okay".

We should instead say "Fuck you. Go fuck yourself."

Don't worry. The goyim are waking up :)

Very slowly but true. Free flow of information that Jenkins has never experienced that TPTB are trying to stifle.

Cannot happen fast enough.

I don’t see us being idiots, Trump and friends didn’t need our permission to go to war, or at least attack Syria. In fact, it even appears that they don’t even give a shit anymore that so many people can see thru their lame ass false flag chemical attack. We’re not idiots, they’ve just gotten so bold that we don’t matter anymore.

Look around dude.

Your people keep the war and propaganda machine operating by paying taxes and tolerating a foreign policy that would make hitler jealous.

Yeah I know, you’d be going to Washington to kick ass and take names right, lol

Your people keep the war and propaganda machine operating

LMAO implying this isn't the standard world fucking wide.

Its actually Shocking how much common Sense it became that reasons for Wars are mostly fake. Still nothing is changing.

Babylonians hate Assyrians ;)

news alert: The only way our "government" can balance the books with our true masters, the bankers, is through invading sovereign nations.

First we start with "rebuilding loans", when they can't pay up, we start seizing assets. This making sense yet? They do the same thing in this country. It's a hell of a scam.

US owns most of its debt to china. So when china collects, whats going to happen?

This is false. The majority of our debt is owed to American citizens. China is the largest source of foreign ownership of our debt but even it doesn't make up a majority of foreign debt. So Chinese entities (not the state) own the largest minority of a minority of our debt. Also there is literally nothing China could do to "call our debt". The worst case scenario is our credit rating is downgraded.

Hasn't been true for decades.

Huh. I just figured it was some arm flexing aimed at Russia/China.

Go figure.

We are truly a nation of idiots.

Yes. Yes we are. We are truly a nation of fucking idiots.

Makes me very sad actually.

It reminds me of that old Ted Rall cartoon that has someone going about their day in several panes being exposed to all these news sources saying the same thing, 'YES', then experience maybe in one tiny corner a dissenting source reading 'not really'.

The lockstep movement of the Western mainstream media apparatus is incredibly powerful. When everyone you see or hear or read tells you 'THIS', you're going to believe THIS -- especially when they tell you that only crazies and enemies monsters believe THAT.

Don't forget to thank all the retarded americans who tolerate this shit.

What can the average citizen do? Absolutely nothing.

We can boycott Israel. Oh wait.

"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants." - T. Jefferson

That is bullshit. Constantly whine about 2A and all that and refreshing the tree of liberty bla bla bla. You'll do nothing as usual.

Too bad memes don't win wars, even if it is a quote.

It all starts with the fake holocaust. So long as you believe that BS story, you won't be able to understand how Jews aren't the perennial victims and are instead a large organised crime family attempting to enslave the world.

Holocaust was fake? I guess all those people that saw it first hand were involved in the conspiracy. I believe it to be true, but our actions today shouldn’t be based off of Israel’s priorities.

Many posters here believe the numbers are embellished as well as the resources expended in the closing days of the war.

Who saw it first hand? You mean Jews said they did (and got lots of money as a result).

Red Cross inspected Auschwitz and saw no problems.

Not exactly true, the primary camp they inspected (Theresienstadt) was made to look like a model camp with no issues. The only other accounts of visiting camps all come up showing the Germans deliberately would only show the cleanest parts while refusing to show the gas chambers or crematoriums.


Bullshit! If you burn 10,000 bodies you will have a massive funeral pyre no one can miss. You do know they have to evacuate towns for miles whenever they burn that many cattle?

Thousands of American soldiers saw the camps first hand. Some were there when they freed the Jews. You can find tons of personal stories. I am not sure if there were really 6 million, but that doesn’t mean people can say it never happened.

Yes they saw camps. Not death camps.

They saw the bodies and what was left of the prisoners.

They saw 6 million bodies?

The fact you say there were prisoners shows that it wasn't a death camp but a work camp.

Allied bombing cut of food supplies many Germans also starved.

Would 100,000 bodies make any difference?

Yeah they worked them to death.

You should care for your prisoners. Especially since they were racially persecuted.

ok so you agree there were no death camps or gas chambers?

Lol I do not agree. And I think you are dead set on not believing in the holocaust or trying to justify their actions. Not worth my time anymore

Well you said they worked them to death, rather than gassed them to death. Sounds like you're the holocaust denier.

You are an idiot. It doesn’t matter how they died. Some gassed, some starved. Still the holocaust

Okay so what's your evidence that some were gassed?

What about the Nuremberg trials? Why would they admit to these things? Its makes me cringe when people say it “never” happened. It was 80 years ago. I believe the numbers/resources could have been embellished, but if you think it “never” happened, then you distract from the issues we currently face.

Why would they admit to these things?

50% of nazi prisoners had their balls crushed by torture.

It was 80 years ago.

and 99% percent of claims have no physical evidence, according to experts.

would you accept 1% evidence in a murder trial? "Your honour we can prove the defendant is a man, therefore he must be a serial killer!"

You've gone too deep down the rabbit hole my friend.

The numbers can certainly be contested somewhat, but that doesn't change the fact that millions of Jews, blacks, gays, crippled, mentally handicapped, and other minorities were systematically murdered.

The death books released by Russia for Auschwitz show the number of Jews died at rates consistent with catholics etc. ie. workers dying from disease/accidents.

We are truly a nation of idiots.

"We" didn't vote to attack anyone. The elites did.

One of the main reasons Trump won (besides "the Wall") - was that he seemed genuinely uninterested in foreign wars and interventions.

Unless you ignored all his talked about having the strongest military in the world

We may be making every move on behalf of Israel, but "Russia hacked our election"

You know it looks like a planned war game right? US fires on domascus russian anti air defends. They are fucking messing with everyone. If russia can defend the invasion of syria is futile? Idk, but if you do an actual attack you dont advertise to the world what when where how much. Have you seen the videos? First one was televised like it was xmas morning. This one is like one rocket. I have seen one rocket so far. It wasnt the iraq fire and hailstorm.

I know right. Israek tries an attack and gets shot down so they are like huh i wonder if we can find a power with techbology better than ours that we can manipulate into doing our attack for us ooo wait.

Maybe stop supporting Trump?

It sounds like this strike was like last years, which gives me hope. He finishes ISIS quietly but he yells about these attacks, he gave the Russians time to know what's up again.

That's what I hope.

Maybe stop putting faith in one person?

Why doesn’t israel send their Jews to fight their own goddamn wars? Oh, that’s right: because they can get their goyim (cattle) to do it for them.

Fun fact: the original meaning of goy means “of Abraham.” That’s because the “goy” are the seed of Abraham. Google “Jewish Encyclopedia Edom,” and you will see that in the Jewish Encyclopedia between the years of 1900 and 1927, it explicitly states that Jews are not the true descendants of Israel and have no such claim, it states that Jews are the descendants of the Pharisees, and it states that Jews are Edom—Yids/Yidom/Edom.

The Bible is very clear that Yahweh literally hates Edom and that they are his enemy and the enemy of his people Israel. So what we have is antichrist imposters pretending to be the people that they hate. And it’s not hard to find any of this if only you know where to start looking.

Another couple leads you could start with is “Talmud quotes” and something like “Jewish quotes goyim” or something like that. A lot of the quotes you’ll find are some of the most disgustingly hateful things you’ll ever lay your eyes on. People think that people like me are the haters, but when you see what these people say by their own admission maybe you’ll start to see why people like me speak out about them. They are the most deceitful, venomous creatures in existence.

Hey OP. You getting shills digging through your account history yet and trying to intimidate you? They do that when you mention the "I" word.

The hasbara know I'd publicly post their threats. I change accounts every few months.

As an Indian, I hate India's supposedly 'neutral' stance on this issue. Why don't we do something.

Why don't we do something?

Such as...? Which would accomplish...?

When has India ever done something?

Rothschild Zionism

Israel wants us to intervene in Iran, Syria is just the start. Sadly bringing Bolton and his angry birds on staff confirmed what I have suspected for since 45 took office.

Iraq was the start. Then Libya. Then Syria. Then Iran. Then Russia.

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I think it's a double edged sword also meant to make the divide between the US Ģ Russia deeper so that we stop questioning Trumps ties to Putin.

It's not propaganda if people go to jail and willfully corporate.

It's not propaganda if people go to jail and willfully corporate.

It is propaganda because it is false.

Why are people still acting like the Russian collusion is not real? Yes the oligarchy has always supported Isreal. Isreal and the US are the biggest threats to Russian expansion. Russia hacked the election and propped up a puppet leader in an attempt to destabilize the oligarchy and reduce popular support for the war. And it worked. In response to this the oligarchy had the syrian rebels they armed gas a bunch of people and then blamed it on Assad. They took advantage of trumps fragile ego by using MSM to pressure him into retaliation despite the fact that there is no proof the gas attack was launched by the Syrian government.

Russia hacked the election and propped up a puppet leader in an attempt to destabilize the oligarchy and reduce popular support for the war.

That was the fairy tale a year ago. Now it has been toned down to: Russia sent surveys in Facebook and broke their rules. The truth is that the Russian Boogeyman fantasy was constructed to rationalize Hillary's loss.

Okay but it wasn't just Russia it was Cambridge analytica, who had Bannon and Conway on their payroll during the trumps whole campaign. At this point if you don't think Trump is a Russian shill you're in denial.

There is absolutely no reason that should have overcome the huge advantages Hillary had against the TV star.

Not under normal circumstances, but Hilary exposed herself as a fake with the whole rigging the primary thing.

And she had the truth found out about herself. Not anyone's fault but hers that she lost.

You're saying this like it disproves what I said somehow. Yes she exposed herself and yes she probably would have won if not for that critical error. That doesn't change the fact that Trump is a Russian shill, or at the very least had a large number of Russian shills working for him and was too stupid to notice.

[Citation Needed]

If multiple Trump campaign/administration officials have admitted to working with Russia and you're still not convinced there's nothing I can show you. You're just being ignorant at this point.

Yeah there's so much subversion and collusion that we attacked one of their most important allies.

By the way, the Hillary campaign had tons of trolls and Russian connections so this absurd story is a wash at best.

Typical Trump bandwagoner always trying to change the subject to what Hillary did. Abattoir the fact that they're both scumbags and move on with your life.

Trump bandwagoner

Check my post history, bruh. I'm anything but a Trump supporter.

Bullshit! If you burn 10,000 bodies you will have a massive funeral pyre no one can miss. You do know they have to evacuate towns for miles whenever they burn that many cattle?

Would 100,000 bodies make any difference?

Yeah they worked them to death.

You should care for your prisoners. Especially since they were racially persecuted.